WHAT IS CATARRH? Hyomci Cures This Common and Dis agreeable Disease. ITyomei cures catarrh by the simple method ol breathing it into the air pass aces and lungs. It kilis the emus of catarrhal poison, heals and soothes the irritated mucous membrane, enters the blood with the oxygen and kills the germs present there, c-ilectuallv driving this disease from the system. If you have any of the following symp toms, catarrhal genua are at work some where in the muouous membrane of the nose, throat, bronchial tulws or tissues ol the lungs. flf'iiiivc t'ri'ath, lryiu'M, of tin tnt!e, . am ar.rosH Hit eye. I'ain iu hai k.ot I lie ht-ail, I'ain ill front of the head. Tendency to take cold. Hunting iain iu the thriiar, Hawking; to clear the tlnoai, Vain in tlie t-hci-t, A f mif;h, r-t itch in siili', I.oj-in of llet-li, ariahle ajijii't iti'. Low njiinili'il at times, lUi.-ing of frothy mii- I'lillH, H't torating yellow Iliatter. liithciiltv in breathing, Fr-iineiit Htieey.infr, llUhkiiteKH ui voiee, ItiM'liuriro from the n-e. Stijiiatfi' of ilif unseat IlliiUl.. Acliini? of tlie IhuIv, Drop ii i n g In thp thruiit, M o 11 1 h open while Hlcciiinir, Tickling "f the jWlliitc. lurinaiiiin of crusts in the in !, lrvm- of the throat in t)u liiiirion, Li-? of M ri'lijil h, n.kihiii of 1'iiiiliinir. t niili short ami hark- C'oulIi worse nights ami mitrnintrs, l,o?. lit vital furce. A li-clinr of litflitnc-s ai ros (lie iipiii rjiai't lit tli; client. Hyotnei will enre the disease, destroy activity of all germ life la the respiratory organs, enrich and purify the blood with additional ozone, and after a few days' use of this treatment the majority of these symptoms will have disappeared. In a few weeks the cure will be complete. Catarrh or catarrhal colds cannot exist when ilyomei is axed. Thin is a strong statement, but the Red Cross Pharmacy emphasizes It by agreeing to refund your money if Ilyomei does not cure. THE KISHENEFF EASSAORE. Horror Hepi.rtiMt U lll Henrcely Hear Repetition. St Petersburg, May 1 4. -Ad.ili tiona details of the Kisheneff massacre of Jews tire printed ho re dally. The cor respondents give the- number of vic tims thus fur buried In the Jewish cemetery at forty-four and' say that eighty-four persons seriously wounded are still in the Jewish hospital. The horrors reported scarcely bear repetition. In one Instance spikes were "ll riven through a woman's head into the floor, and cases of bodily mutila tion have been authenticated. About t00 to 1,000 persons were arrested, an energetic olllcial having been sent from Odessa to deal with the sit nation. The apathy of tlie local authorities during tlie two days of rapine and murder appears to have been fully es tablished. Second ftlnncre IlUcrciIKed. St. Petersburg, May 14. The report published in the United States that a massacre of Jews similar to the one which took place recently at Kisheneff, capital of Bessarabia, hnd occurred at Tiraspol, seven miles from Kisheneff, Is ollielally denied and is universally discredited. FORTY KILLED IN RIOTS. Desperate State of Affair In Val paraiso, Chile. Buenos Ay res, May 14. Advices re ceived here from Valparaiso say mar tial law has been proclaimed there as ft result of the rioting at that place. Forty are said to have been killed, and mnny have been Injured. When the offices of the Mercurlo were at tacked by the rioting dock laborers the Itaff of that paper defended themselves with firearms. Tlie rioters have set fire to a nuinltor of warehouses, in addition to burning the premises of the IJonth America u Steamship company. Troops are patrolling the streets of Valparaiso. Shipwrecked Immigrant In Tort. Washington. May 14. The treasury department has received a dispatch from Newborn, X. C, announcing the arrival there of the Immigrants taken from the wrecked barkentine Vera Cruz III. The immigration officials who were sent to make the inspection have not yet reached Newbern. Blank manifests have been sent, as the de partment assumes that the ship's pa per's were lost with the vessel. A tele gram from Boston announces that the firm at New Bedford to which the ship was said to be consigned denies that it is the consignee and declines all re sponsibility for the vessel. 1 e. t iUADt NAMfc v'V'M-r.iFfi&Mijt'.' -J t medication i ; 1 dittetcnt and I 1 immeasurably superior to talcum powderi and lotions for all SKIN SORENESS, I .1. .. . ft. r- . . . - . 1 f e i . j iicitittij, V.IIUUIHJ, scaiuirig, ounuurn, ; I icme Kdsn, if urns, Pimples, Hounds, After SlidMixj, lender Feet, Offensive I I Body Odors, and Bed Sores. I A Perfectly Ideof Baby Powder. I Al Drug Siortt, 25c Lai v trial ply. free. J Comfort Powder CO., Hartford, Ct, I'OH SALE BY Riari;& Wells, W. H. Cladding, E. A. Eiown. 1 1 s f -' i i I 1 J ' '. f SENDER OF BOX KNOWN Police Expect f-'oon to Catch Irnbria l'vuainiter. tho HIRED BOOM AS G. F.C3S0. Hoarding ll.Mine Keeper fell lieteo flve Almut lllin mi. I rioiii Her Story Driver of l.iire U11140U I l'ronipllj Located. New York, May 11. The un'cst ot the man who sent the box of dynamite to the Cuaard pier last week Is now iupposed to be but a question of hours. Inspector McClusky and nearly the whole headquarters staff are hot on his trail. They have a good description of hlui'and have a large part of his be longings, including his trunk and some of his clothing, in their possession. The inspector, lias known, as a matter of fact, since Monday morning last that the man who Kent the dynamite sent it from Mrs. Currie's boarding house, Slid West Thirty-first street, where he en gaged a room on Thursday last under the name of G. Rosso, or G. Rosseo, or G. Rosseau.- ratriek Rooney of 423 West Thirty- first street, who was once an election worker for Devery, was the express man with whom the stfanger made the bargain to take the box to the pier. Two of Rooney's men Peter Barthe of C32 West Thirtieth street and Jo feph McC'ormkk of 425 Ninth avenue called for the box at the Currie house and delivered it in the green wagon at the pier. With them went a young man of the name of Frank Carlton, who was out of work and who went along to take a free ride. Burtho drove the horse and MeCormiek and Carlton sat unconcernedly on the box all the way down to the pier. From Mrs, Currie's story it was learned that the stranger went to her boarding house oil Thursday morning and paid a week's rent In advance for a room on the second floor. He had with him a largo trunk, in which It is helieved the Infernal machine was con cealed. Soon after arriving he re moved the hox from the trunk and went out to arrange for Its transfer. About 3 o'clock that afternoon the stranger approached Rooney, who, with Bartlie aud MeCormiek, wns standing at the southeast corner of Ninth avenue and Thirtieth street. Hire ExpreMKiunn to Transfer llox. I have a box that I want taken from 81G West Thirty-first street, around the corner from here," he said, "to the Cunard steamship pier, No. 51 North river." Rooney told him to give the order to Barthe and he would attend to it. The stranger explained that the box was not addressed, but that they were to leave it at the pier and say that it would bo called for by a passenger sail ing on the TJmbrta. lie told where his room was in the house and said that the housekeeper would show where the box was. Bartlie took the twenty-five cent piece which was offered for the re moval of the box and drove around to the house with tlie old green express wagon. Barthe and MeCormiek car ried down ttte box. They drove around the corner before starting for the pier Dial gay. that the man who hired them was standing there and waved his hand to them as if to say that everything was all right. Tliey did not see him again. It was then that Carlton jump ed in the wagon and went along. Tlie men say that while they were carrying the box from the wagon to the baggage pile on the pier it fell, and a piece was knocked off the bottom. They picked It up and carried it along. Saw Story In P pern. The iirst knowledge that the police had of this end of the dynamite story came from Mrs. Currie, who read of the scare In the newspapers and called up Inspector McCluskey on the tele phone on Monday night. She said that she felt sure that the box came from her house and told of the actions of the mysterious stranger who had hired a room from her on Thursday and whom she has not seen since. Inspector Mc Clusky sent Detective Sergeant Arthur Carey around to investigate. From Mrs. Currie the detective learned of the express wagon find got the stories of the men who took tlie box to the pier. Sirs. Currie said that she saw the man writing something with a lend pencil In his room on Saturday morn ing. This is evidently tlie letter nt warning which was received at police headquarters at 12:15 o'clock of that day. From the time that Mrs. Currie told her story to Detective Carey de tectives were stationed at or near the house to catch the stranger in case he should return. There was little rea son to believe that he would, however, for he had evidently hired the room that ho might send the box from it. Prominent S J riiciman Demi. Syracuse, N. Y., May M.-John Mc Carthy, in early days the loading mer chant of Syracuse, has died here, aged eighty-one 'years. He was the. oldest resident of this city, born within Its present limits. He- was a Democrat In politics and held many positions of honor In the municipality. In 1888 he retired from business. l ire DeHtroy 111 Gla Plant. Washington. Ta., May 14.-Fire has almost totally consumed the large plant of the Atla3' Glass and Metal company, entailing a loss of $125,000. The fire started In the wareroom and was of mysterious origin, ance is about JC5,000. The insuv- TETUAIT HOLDS OUT Trace to 41"iw Oppnuinec I'oree to Ilnrr Three Hundred Dead, Madrid. M;r 11.-A dispatch from Ceuta. Mormon. ftiutouiKcs that the triiit iiii-n who attacked Tetu.m Mon day were repulsed. They stubbornly fought their way through the suburbs to the foot of the walls, but the Impe rial troops, eventually regained their lust positions and drove off the rebels with heavy losses on both sides. A' later dispatch from Ceuta says a courier who has arrived there' by sea from Tetuan states that the battle was suspended in order to allow tlie oppos ing forces to bury their dead, number ing "00. Many heads are displayed on the walls of Tetuan. which still has three days' supply of ammunition. Advices from Tangier announce that the imperial forces have routed the rebel mountaineer near Fez, inflict ing great losses on the enemy. 1 iMklonarle Denert Mein!nec. London, May 11. Advices from Mo rocco say the American missionaries have practically abandoned "Metiuinez owing to the critical situation, but there is no anxiety regarding the mis sionaries elsewhere. Letters received here from Fez this week state that the surrounding country Is quiet and that the outlook Is more hopeful in conse quence of the rains having Improved the agricultural prospects. Murder Mj-tery In l'ltlxhiirft. Pittsburg, May 14. The finding of the body of an unknown man floating in the Monongahela river at the foot of Short street will probably develop a murder mystery. A handkerchief had been forced into the man's mouth, and there were several wounds on the back of the head, which seem to have been inflicted by a blunt instrument. The body is that of a man about sixty years old, well dressed aud has the ap pearance of being above the class of people that usually frequent the water front. There was nothing on the per son that would in any way lead to Identification. To Kliiiiinn e Stnsre Irlxhman. St. Louis. May 14. The Officers As sociation of the Knights of Father Mathew, in session here has. under taken to elimiuate the stage Irishman of the vulgar type of caricature. It is claimed that repeated Insults have been offered to the Irish race by cer tain theatrical companies, which por tray a character alleged to be an Irish type, but which Is not Irish and which is an insult to that race. Ilaek Driver Strike at Fnnernl. Toledo, O., May 14 During the fu neral services over the remains of Mrs. Mary Kamm here the drivers of hacks struck and refused to work be cause the hearse was driven by a non union man. The officiating undertak ers filled the strikers' places Just In time to prevent a scene, as the casket containing the remains was being tak en to the hearse just as the affair was straightened out. 11 l imilou Convention. Schenectady, N. W, May 14. The seventieth annual convention of the I'si TJpsilon fraternity is about to be gin in this city. A number of dele gates already have arrived and are be ing entertained at the local chapter house. The fraternity was organized lit Union college, Schenectady, seventy yeare ago. Deerter Charged "With M tinier, Glasgow. May .14. Paul Martin, deserter from the French armv, has been arrested here charged with the murder in Paris of Mine. De Biienne, a well known person, who went to that city from America nnd who wns re cently found strangled in her room. Bi Yaeltta Storm Bound. Gourock. Scotland, May 14. A storm of wind nnd rain rendered it Impossi ble to start the proposed fifty-five mile race between the Shamrocks from here around the channel fleet off Lamlash, Isle of A mm.' for a prize of $500 of fered by the Hon. Charles Russell. Mrs. Choute Coming Home. Southampton, May 14. The North German Lloyd line steamer Kaiser Wilhelm II... which has sailed from here for New York, had among her passengers Mrs. Choate. wife of the United States ambassador, and. Miss Choate. Victorian Parliament Meet. Melbourne, Victoria. May 11. Parlia ment met in the forenoon. The gov ernor's speech was tlip shortest on rec ord. He merely announced that par liament had been summoned to pass a measure dealing with the railroad strike, A NOTED DOCTOR MAKES A STATEMENT Dr. F. D. Fontaine of Worcester, Mass., Has Made Many. Successful Tests of the Value of QUIN ONA Upon a Nervous, Run-Down System. Dr. F. IX Fontaine, Portland street, Wor cester, Mass., having prescribed QUIXO X A many times during the last five years In cases where the patient's system" was completely run down from 'overwork, worry or past sickness and closely noted its effects, makes the following statement: "I have prescribed QUI NGN A for about five years and have proved conclusively that it is an excellent tonio to build np the health. It soon changes a delicate, nervous person to one with a stromr. hurriv constitution." Nervousness, sleeplessness and constant aif 4 Sweet, crisp Cakes of wheat and malt. 63 Ailmlral Krani' Hacshter Weil. Tokyo, April 110, via Victoria, B. C, May 14. The wedding of Miss Virginia S. Evans, daughter of Rear Admiral Evans, and Mr. II. T, Sewall took place in the Trinity cathedral, Tiukljl, Tokyo, last Wednesday. The cere mony was rendered additionally im pressive by the large attendance of distinguished personages. Baron Ko innr, Sir Claude MacDonald, Mr. N. Wilson, United States charge d'af faires; Baron Sanuomiya, Lieutenant Commander Marsh, United States na val attache, and wife were among those present. Hail Fire In Uufinln. Buffalo, May 14. The Diamond mills and storehouse, formerly the Lake Shore transfer house, and an ele vator, all owned by Churchill & Co.; twenty freight cars nnd several small dwellings have been burned; loss, ?2X),000, partly covered by insurance. Lieutenant William Clark of Engine No. 21 was struck on the head by the heavy iron butt of a piece of hose and knocked senseless. His skull was fractured, and he died later at the hos pital. Sln Child I.al.or 11111. Ilarrisburg, Pa., May 14. Governor Pennypacker has signed the. child la bor bill and vetoed the other three miners' hills. The child labor bill makes it unlawful to employ children under sixteen years of age in and about the mines. The three bills ve toed were the eight hour day bill, the bill providing for the payment for coal mined by the ton of 2.240 pounds and the mine inspection bill. New Oberlln Irelilen IuHtnlletl. Oberlin. O., May 14. The Inaugura tion of Henry C. King, D. D., as pres ident of Oberlln college has taken place. The inaugural procession was tlie most marked feature of the cere monies. The procession consisted of I?1?" S,00 p(?ons' of whom win half were students. The presidency was formally transferred to Mr. King by Hon. J. (. W. Cowles of Cleveland. .1 , :. . . . T on, m, m"" 11 , n J , , -H'f Oxfoitl-Cam- budge athletic authorities have re- ceived a cable message from the ath letic . authorities of Yale "announcing that the proposed ititeruniversity ath letic conlest in Ixmdon during the month of July Is declined owing to Harvard's refusal to participate in it. Odell Slien a Labor Law. Albany. N. Y., May ll.-Governor Odell has signed Senator Brackett's bill amending the labor law so as to prohibit the employment of any male under eighteen years or - r :,:,ale at ail In polishing or bu!" . metals or iridium. A penal . ju is pro vided for each violation. Dead at 110 Year. Upper Sandusky, )., May 14. Peter Stansiey has died here, aged 110 years, after an illness of seven weeks' dura tion. He is survived by a widow of 100 years, to whom he had been mar ried eighty-five years. He was the oldest man in Ohio. colds, night sweats, bad stomach, no appe tite, severe headaches and that all-dragged-otit feeling are nature's way of showing that the system is run down. Some out side aid must be given before your system will again grow strong. QUI NONA is the one preparation that will give that strength necessary to become well and strong again. During the last eight years doctors have proven the wonderful value of QUIXOXA In all sueh cases. You can now obtain QUIXOXA by going direct to your druggist for it. The QUIXOXA CO., 1 Hartford St., Boston, Mass. MM 1 v a r , Jim Dumps' half-sister, pals and Had very little appetite. She said i "Such dainty-looking food Will please the most capricious mood. So crisp, so light it takes my whim 1" " It takes with all," quoth " Sunny Jim." Tbi Kedilj-to-Serve Cerel a different food for indifferent appetites. Strenf thena e.rtd Produces Force. 'Not having enjoyed the best of health for the pant three years, I have tried several kiuds of diet. The past six month have given 'Force' a very thorouirh trial, with Rood results, it is not only very palatable, but produces beneflciul results. It is very strengthening, aud produce just what it claims to do 'Force.' 'GEOKtiE A. RlLET." .WILLIAM EROOKFIELD DEAD. On of New York State' Beat Known 1'olitlclana. New York, May 14. William Brook field, former chairman of tho Repub lican state committee, former presi dent of the New York county commit tee and one of the best known Repub licans Lti the state, has died of heart disease at his home, GlS Madison ave nue. He was born in Green Bank, N. J., May 24. 1S44. Mr. Brookfield lived in this city mist of his life and for many years was one of the most prominent figures in the political world of New York. He was four times chosen chairman of the Republican state committee nnd was three times made president of the Republican county committee. When this committee was organized under the plan of the committee of thirty Mr. Brookfield had. a prominent part in the committee's work. He 'was the anti-PIatt candidate for the presidency of the Republican coun ty organization in 1SP5, but was de feated after a hard contest by Edward Lauterbacb. CAVENDISH WINS. Gets Back Property Ghot Told Him to Give Away. London, May 14. The chancery court has ordered the cancellation of the deed by which II. S. II. Cavendish, the explorer, provided that his property should go to Mrs. Strutt, wife of Maiot C. II. Strutt, and her children, to the' exclusion of the plaintiff's own wife tn nee races. The recent rains protn who was Isabel Jay, formerly leading J('a heavy roads. lady of the Savoy theater. Mr. Cavendish,, in his appeal to the chancery court, charged Major Strutt and Mrs. Strutt with influencing him through table turning and claimed that Mrs. Strutt obtained the deed by pre tending to be the ghost of the plain tiff's mother and by representing the latter as speaking from heaven and advising him to so dispose of his prop erty. Poue Mnki I'll iladelli inn nMarqula. l.'nmn Mne 1 i f 'n r,H , . .1 1 J v. ........... cmuui .- eoutly applied to the pope to confer a tltle of nobHity on Murtln Malony of ni,ti.i..i..t,(.. . i, i' .... church offerings and his efforts to fur ther Catholicism, especially In con structing a parochial church at Tren ton, N. J., and the pontiff after re- ceiving satisfactory information from the archbishop of Philadelphia and the bishop of Trenton has issued a brief creating Mr. Malony a marquis. Striking TeaniKter Victorious. Grand Rapids, Mich., May 14. The striking teamsters won the first union victory In this city when the Colum bian Transfer company, the largest employer, gave in and signed the un ion agreement calling for increased pay and recognition of the union. The Gelock Transfer company and the Mill ing companies followed, and about 200 drivers returned to work. One hun dred teamsters are still out. PlunnluK Labor Hay lllot. Rostoff-on-the'-Don, Russia. May 14. The Social Democrats are doing their utmost to induce the public to co-operate in starting disturbances on Labor flay. The agitators are alleged to pos loss arms and boxes of dynamite. The authorities have posted placards an nouncing that stringent measures will oe adopted for the preservation of or ler. " Mil her Hides a. Winner. London, May 11. At tlie Newmarket second spring meeting Flotsam, ridden by Maher,' the American jockey, won the Newmarket stakes (of 30 sover eigns, with 2,000 sovereigns added, for three-year-olds, one mile and two fur tongs). Rabelais was second and Gay Gordon third. Eight horses started. Miles Attain Tenni Champion. London, May 14. It. II. Miles has re captured the amateur tennis cham pionship by defeating Vane Penned 30 at the Queen's club. Ithode Inlnnil Hotel Burned. Oakland Beach, R. I., May 14. The Oakland Beach hotel and two adjoin ing cottages have been burned. The loss is $2:!,000, on which there is $21,. 000 insurance. slight, AVoman Suicide In llatel. New York, May 14. A woman, wbos appearance indicated prosperity and whose name is given by the police at Mrs. Claude Guernsey of Philadelphia, committed suicide in a room of the Hotel Navarre, Seventh avenue and Thirty-eighth street, by drinking car bolic acid. Her companion, who gave his name as John B. Walker, occupa tion reporter, age forty years, residence 9 East Twenty-second street, was lock ed up in the West Thirty-seventh street station charged with being a suspicious person. Alleged lief milter Dlaappeara. Toledo, O., May 14. Ex-Doputj County Treasurer James IC. Wales, whose arrest 011 an embezzlement charge was asvi.red by the officers, has not only failed to give himself up, as had been expected, but has eluded the whole police and detective force ot Toledo. How one so well known could so suddenly disappear is a puzzle to the public and police. He was seen on the (streets several times after the warrant for his arrest was issued. Part-Mmlrld Automobile Itaee. Paris, May H.-The Paris-Madrid automobile races have been inaugu rated, fifty-eight contestants in tin tourists' claw starting from the Auto mobile Club of France, on the Place de la Concorde, between 7 a. m. and noon. Although the main speed tests are to be made later, great interest was tak en in the tests of the heavier vehicles nml tlie opening 0f this year's long dis- MinlKter'a cn Alleged Former. New York. May U.PhiI!p L. Ger niond, a law student, the sou of the Rev. Philip Gerniond.. pastor of the I'helsea Methodist Episcopal church on Thirtieth street, between Eighth and Klnth avenues, was arrested in Wilkes biirre and brought to this city and will be arraigned in the Jefferson market court on charge of forgery and passing worthless checks. UrouRht In Northern New York. Schenectady, N. Y., May ll.-Advlces from the interior of the county indi cate that the, drought Which' now Is being experienced is so severe that many of the farmers are unable to proceed with their plowing. Many gardens hare been abandoned altogeth "", and it is feared that the conse 0",nw wl l)e severe, i - -' 'J n.; . ...an tvull"4 me -- 1 ij TZ&2ZICSS e have started over three thousand boys m various parts of the country ' in a profitable business on their own account. We want a boy to represent e Saturday Evening' Post In every town. The work can be done after school hours and on Saturdays It is pleasant, as well as profitable. The' mngi zmes are sold among neighbors and friends in ofiiccs, stores, as well as imhomcs. No Money Required to Begin The first week's supply is sent free. These are sold at five cents a copy and provide the money to order the following week at wholesale prices. $225 00 EXTRA CASH FRIZES who tell five or more copies, win oe uistrinntpri ininn k.,- Our Frpr booklet gives portraits of ai7tniK tun! Oiuiki .i .. ' Miiruiuti!. The Curtis Publishing Co. ' rcn street rmiadeiphia ft