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THE BftBBE DAILY TIMES Subscriptions: One year, 13; one month, 25 eta; single oopy, 1 cent. Hembnn of tbe Publisher' Pres.. The Ut- tt te.fv phic dfi from all rrt "t tb. world sr. iecive(i by the Dtliy Time up to tb. Quar of going to prwis. Frank K. IjuiRley, Publisher. Published Eerr WsdT Afternoon. Entered t lbs pnstofflce at llsrrs m leoood cl8 rustier. TCE8DAT, MAY 10. 1903, The average daily circulation of. the Barre Daily Times for the week ending baturaay wag 2,609 copies, the largest paid circulation of any daily paper in this section. The Rutland News cannot, or will not, believe that kitchen bar rooms flourished to a great degree under prohibition. We bad hoped the News was not one of those newspapers that used to shnt their eyes enl cry out piously ''There is no lienor, sold," The Vermont "clergyman and one of the locators of Goddard seminary, who died last week, may be said tahave done a con siderable share towards the 'uplifting of ' mankind. He preached 4,0i0 sermons, and if sermons count at all, this man's record ou;.'bt to have been productive of results. The news that a general snow storm prevails throughout Montana does not have a congealiug effect on sweltering Vermont, nor the report that In California President Roosevelt has been travelling through a heavy snow fall. However, at this season of the year we are satisfied without the snow storm. . (ifJ: V 1 Till V r ... I . With few executions there will be no celebrations of Old Home Week in Ver mont this year. If any former Vermont- ers return to their native state they will have to take ns as thev find us, in our working clothes and hustling. And by the way, .there will be one thing to sur prise any old Vermonters who come back and that is to find residents of the Green Mountain stute bustling. The people are getting into the habit of shaping events Instead of allowing events to shapen them selves. More and more the state is be coming imbued with the Idea, which 1 characteristically American of the latter day, that of business hustle. Signs of this are to be seen in the pushing of busines activities, the growth of manufactures and the uncovering of the mineral wealth of the state. And the bIcts will not be unwelcome to the visitors. Since the seventh day of April scarcely a dron of water has fallen in this section of the country, and as a result there ap nears to be a fear for water supplies. The cities and towns of this section that de pend upon brook and spring sources have i'ood reason to fear for their supplies. Six HIS SUMMER SUIT. " Love is selfishness in two ptrsons." Bafflers. In busy moments you don't want your mind distracted by un comfortable, ill fitting clothes. You can forget all about ours after you've got them on, but the good impression they make is not forgotten by others. Summer Suits, $5.00 to $22.00. JINGLES AND JESTS. Dlngronf lei. - "Does yo"ur baseball c:ub play on Enndayr . "Xo, nor on any other day." Wash lnston Star. The Difference, The race borss has uncommon luck. Of oats h gets his fill. JVhlla man, who bets upon him, scrimps To meet the grocery hill. Brooklyn JEagls. , i The Destructive Critic. "Does she appreciate good art?" "I guess eo; she punctnred Dauber's latest -with her umbrella." Detroit Free Press. Rogers & Grady Co., TOP TO TOE OUTFITTERS, Quinlen Building, Barre, Vermont. lie Mny llitve Been, tvi Ed At the Busy Store, Montpelier! HEPE YOU'LL FIND, just now, new Dress Linens, Linen Batiste and suitable Lace Trimmings; Belfast Rep, one of the best cotton materials for skirts and dresses; Novelty White Goods for waists; new Belts, Stocks and Neck Ruffs; "Hathaway " Cor set Covers, Petticoats and Night Robes; Summer Gloves, Hosiery and Corsets; Shirt Waists and Mohair Suits. The best of everything at reasonable prices. L.P. (Si H. C. GLEASON, Montpelier, Vt. I & w w w m , Gussie 1 tell you, I feel sure that man is descended from monkeys. ' Maudle r'r'aps you're right, only troman Isn't. It Comes High. IWe'rs bound to gt from pleasure's cup Oris taste that's dark and brown; Appearances ws can't keen up And keep expanses down. Philadelphia Tress. The Original Mother-in-law. Eve Mother Is coming to visit us to morrow. Adam Oh, fudge! Baltimore News. Impatience, ' We pray fr Bun or ra,n Bn 're i And disapprove the weathar's state, Although we know full well we'll got The kind we want If we'll but wait. . Washington Star. The Vaughan Store! LADIES' UNDERMUSLIN. . We are. showing a new and dainty line of Ladies' Under- weeks have passed and there has not been any appreciable rainfall. Had the drouth happened later in the season the water supplies would have h,een seriously men aced. Thus far the supply of this city has not caused any particular apprehen sion, although the reservoirs have been lowered to a considerable extent. It is well for the users of city water to bear In mind that there is a big drain on the sup ply at times like this and that it is iuite imperative that there should be no unnec essary drain. Each user of the water should make It a personal matter. Ice Cream and Soda Water ! PEANUTS, 5 CENTS PER QUART. M. F. HARRINGTON, 3iU North Main Street. ABOUT THE STATE. TI1E PITTSBURG VISIBLE SI -V 'Y 1U THE IDEAL TYPEWRITER See it in A. A. Smith k Brother's window. KOK S ALE liV. William H. Pitkin, Room 3, Miles Building, Barre, Vt. Item of lnterext Cleaned From Our Kxchangen. Forest fires have swept entirely over ' Wantastiquet mountain and Wine moun tain, directly across the river from Brat tleboro in New Hampshire, devastating four square miles. A Boston man recently bought , a lar;e farm in Wardsboro, where he and his brother intend to start a large skunk In dustry for the skins and oil, the latter be ing in good demand at the present time. S. S. Holt was admitted to the Vermont soldiers' home from Urattleboro Saturday. He enlisted in Company H, 8th Vt. Vols, from Readsboro. He served three years, lie Is 73 years old and is in good health. E. C. Bingham, instructor in the sciences and higher mathematics in St. Johusbury academy, will close his en- l Rasiement at the end of this term and will take a post graduate course in one of the American universities. At the next meeting of the Scotia club at St. Johusbury Arthur F. Stone, editor of the St. Johnsbury Republican, will speak on "Characteristics of Scott's Po etry," and John T. Borland will give "Reminiscences of Drumtoehty." The Rutland Street Railway Co. has placed with the Laconia Car Co. of Laco ula, X. IT., an order for eight big 42 foot open trolley cars for the new lines to Fair Haven and Lake Bomoseen. The contract Involves over 50,MR). The cars must be delivered July 1, when the lines are to be opened. Senator Redfield Proctor came to Brat tleboro yesterday on official business the nature of which business by request is withheld from publication. Senator Proc tor was met at the Brooks House by a large number of citizens yesterday afternoon. He left at 4.35 for New York en route to Washington. The contractor's trial of the new Ver mont will take place Thursday afternoon. It will be informal and no programme has been prepared. The company's lirst trip will be Memorial day which will be a special excursion. The first regular trip will be made June 1. There' is a rumor there may be a little brush with the Chat eaugay Thursday. 3 ( 5s i I a rS " ie Mew Clothing Store! A WORD OF GRATITUDE. g We were more than pleased to be favored with your call last week, our Opening Days, and will be Jj happy to meet you here again at any time. 2 We assure you that your patronage will be duly Sji appreciated, and we will endeavor to merit a share of S the same and make your visits here both pleasant and profitable to you. Our line of merchandise cannot be excelled outside iS the large cities. Every day this week will be our Are JKa You Carriage Hunting? Then come to us. Our show room is the largest, our stock is the largest and, best of all, our prices are the lowest. We want every huycr to come in and test our statements; they'll wash. YOU OUGHT TO SEE OUR HARNESS, TOO. We have a fine display. COLLINS &C0LT0N, Vehicles, Harness, Blankets. Wholesale andiRetail. 84 State Ktroet, - - MontjclUr, Vt. 0R.1C0LL1NS. W. C C0LT0N. muslin (Peerless make) in our new department on second floor. LADIES' CORSET COVERS, from - - '. JOc to $2.00 T Atwv MUSLIN DRAWERS, from - -. - 25c to J. 50 LADIES' WHITE MUSLIN SKIRTS, from - - 50c to LADIES' CHEMISE, from - - - , - - 35c to T A TOTS' MUST IN NIGHT ROBES, from - - 50c to Also, for children, Short Dresses, Slips, Skirts, Night Gowns, etc., all for the little folks at low prices, qualitv con sidered. We never sacrifice qualitv for prices. This accounts for the enormous business we are doing. 4.50 1. 00 2.25 T Iff trr A T T1 TT A -SST H. Z. Mills' Old Stand, 44 North Main St., - - - - Barre, Vermont. ;S "Opening Days." Come in and see us! 5 Union Clothing Co., Old Skating Rink, Opposite Depot Square, Barre, Vt. Ikmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm THE SOUTH END MARKET Is Too" Busy to Write Ads This Week But will just stop td say that we are selling the best of everything in our line at extremely low prices and our goods are going like hot cakes. That's why we are so husy, but we will find time to serve your wants. PARSONS & SKINNER, , ' 1 (Telephone 215-1) , 115 South Main Street, - - - - Barre, Vermont. For your After Dinner Smoke try WALT WHITMAN 5c Cigar. If you are pleased so are we. E- D- CLARK & CO. Distributers, ST. ALBANS, VT. PERFUMED From the "Land of Flowers!" The Fragrant! Delicate I Lasting I icoens California Perfume Afadc where the "oxens 50c Per Ounce. Stanford Violet, California Lilac, Santa Barbara Heliotrope, Ramona, Mariposa Lily, Rosemere, Coronado, Manzaneta, La Francisco, Palo Alto Pink, The Finest Carnation Odor in the World. Try these Perfumes. They will please you. D. F. Davis, "The Druggist, 1 262 North Main St., - - Barre, Vermont. Spring Haberdashery, It's the details of a man's apparel that gives tone and character to his make-up. Poor or poor fitting Haberdash ery, antiquated or obsolete styles of Collar, Shirt, Necktie, etc, does away with the otherwise happy effect' of a fine Suit. A stroll through our Men's Furnishing Goods De partment shows at a glance the newes', best and brightest in the thousand-and-one things that come under this headings all at prices that fear no competition in this city. This is a man's store, and the man who comes here to trade goes away contented and happy. Moore & Owens, Successors to' D. M. MileS) 22 North Main St., Barre, Vermont.