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M 1 .J-T'j . . . X. . !TH E- E1-YEGLAS5 j ! ELEGANCE-tUNG-COM r-C?J j ! UNSURPASSED. 1 K Holton's Eve Stent Specialist for Free Examination, & J. W. HQLTON, Jeweler and Optician, jjj Mileage Books to Kent on All Roads. E.MORIAL- DAY. FLOWERS AND BODING PLANTS. We are leaders in our line in this section of the state. Our larje establishment of 12.000 (twelve thousand) square feet Is M.cato overflown with FLOWERING AND VEGETABLE PLANTS, Including Pansies, Geraniums, Helio tropes, Petunias, Asters, Verbenas, etc., etc. Vegetable Plants of all kinds, including Celery, Cab bage and Cauliflower, and our Tomato Plants are the best in the state, kin? all pot -grown. CUT FLOWERS -We shall have a full line of Cut Flowers of all kinds. Orders booked now for Memorial Day. Funeral Work and Designs is our specialty. Prompt service and honest prices. VISITORS WELCOME. EMSLIE'S GREENHOUSE, Telephone Connection. On Montpelier Road. r Stone Cutters' Nickel Silver, the best make. Price to cutters in Barre, 35c. Sent to any part of the United States for 40c. Cheaper quality for 20c. FRED Depot Square, Barre, Yt. If g - , 170 w eat For Ice fai Iks! Fine Ice Cream and Strawberry for OPEN EVENINGS L, B. DODGE, Worthen Block, Keith Ave, To AStop That Measley Cough Take Drown's Cocgh Care. Every bottle guar anteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. X. A. DROWN. 48 No. Main St. WALTHAM fnif)X ' WATCHES, j 1 . , - Standard of the world, fitted in any reliable case and fully warranted. The largest variety in Northern Vermont at a lower price than you can find anywhere, Fine Watch Repairing. F. E. BURR & CO., Telephone 10-21. No. M THE CHILD that complains of jjj not being able to see well $j at school, or has trouble with its & studying, should be &2 eyes while ... . 4 1. (1 . - tn attended to without delay. U TAKE IT TO M . Hale's Block, North Main St. g Specks! KING, . JEWELER AND OPTICIAN. Tbiniis Don't Look Quite Ridt IT MAT BE ON ACCOUNT OF TUB " LOOKERS." In otter words, your precious eyes. Don't lose any time In consulting a competent oculist, or, failing in that, have us examine your eyes free of cost. We fill oculists' prescriptions; we also furnish Eye Glasses and Spectacles to meet your neels and we don't charge you too much at that. Stonecutter's Glasses always on hand. O. J. DODGE, Jeweler and Stationer, North Mtn St., Barre, Vermont. Vanilla, Chocolate Friday and Saturday. AFTER MAY 1st. - - Barre, Vermont. J Opp. Nat'l Banlt. 85 North Main St., Barre, Vt. THE BARRE DAILYTIMES TlKMhlV. MAI ia. 1903. 1IIOSF, IhSli:iN, TO 1N( KF.ASE their income can Invest one-half of their principal in annuity purchase, and then receive as mimh or more (sometimes much more) on that half than their present in come from the whole. Much, and how much, depends on a-e. When writing for infor mation, state date of birth. Also Endow ments and Life Policies. "'4th year, doing businos iu Z Mates. The National Life Insurance Company of Vermont (Mutual.) ORGANIZED in If 50. S. S. Ballard, General Agent, N. B. Ballard, Local Agent, liooius 2 and 3, Miles Block, Barre, Vt. TALK OF THE TOWN. Use Wise King flour for bread. The Knights of Pythias w ill work the third rauk this evening. Regular meeting of Teamsters' union this evening at 7 o'clock. Furnished room to rent in Miles Gran; ite block. Bath. Apply at room SI. The annual meeting ef the Baraca class of the First Baptist church will be held this evening. Asparagi coltivati nel Vermont della dilta Byron Jackson sono i niighori net mercato, City Fish Market. The Ladies of the Maccabees will hold their regular meeting Tuesday evening, May IS), at 7.30 sharp. Installation. A regular meeting of Granite Royal Arch Chapter will be held at Masonic hall on Tuesday evening, May 19, at 8 o'clock. Hot Air Furnace, good as new,with reg isters, pipes, etc., for sals at great bar gain. Address for particulars F. WM care Times otliee. Baracas, attention: the annual meeting, election of otlicers and banquet will be held at the Baptist church this even ing. Be present. A full attendance is requested at the meeting of R. B. Crandall l'ost, G. A. R.. ednesday evening, to conclude arrange nients for Memorial day. The Ladies Union of the Universalist church will give a strawberry social at. the church parlors Thursday evening. Ad mission l." cents. This is sure. The ladies of Ruth Chapter, O. E. S., will hold a strawberry social in Masonic banquet hall vv eduesday evening, May 20th, at 8 o'clock. All members of the order and Master Masons with ladies are cordiailv invited to attend. A very tine musical entertainment will oe given Strawberries and cream served for 15cts. Each lady of the order please bring cake. WASHINGTON. There will be a dance at theWashingtou hotel for all, both old and young, Friday evening, May Ti. Come and have a good time. Admission 50 cents, supper 25 cents each, Gauthier's orchestra. GRANITEVILLE. The Salvation Army will hold a meeting here Wednesday, May 20 at 7.30 p. ni in the church. All are invited to attend Ensign and Mrs. Grego in charge. SOUTH BARRE. Mrs, ITolt of Montpelier will deliver lecture at Unity hall, So. Barre, Sunday May 24, at 10.30 a. in. Animal Teeth. A horse has 40 teeth, a mare only SO, wanting the tusks or so called wolf teeth. The ox and sheep tribes Lava only 32, wanting the 8 incisors In the upper Jaw. The pig- has 41 teeth, the dog has 42 teeth and mankind only 32. Socialists Attention! A regular meeting of the (Local Barre) will be held in the Wheelock building on Main street, Tuesday evening. May 1$), at 7.30. All comrades are requested to be present as business of Importance will come up. Alex Ironside, Cor. Sec. Concrete Sidewalk, This village desires to contract at once for the putting in of some concrete walks Address, Village Trustees, North Troy Vermont. Are you about to build? If so see that your builder's contract has a clause pro viding that the structure shall be erected ly union labor which will insure you of good work and a job completed without delay. Per order Union 41, Carpenters and Joiners of America. A. B. Lane, secretary. Carpets and rugs cleaned, repaired and laid by B. W. Hooker & Co. Leave or ders at store. Old gold and silver wanted at refiners' prices in exchange for goods at F. E. Burr's Misses' silk coats, a new lot just in at Perry's. CARVERS WANTED. E'ght first-class building carv ers on fine work are wanted at once. Apply to Buhler & Lau ter, care of Woodbury Granite Co., Hardwick, Vt. ABRAHAM & R0MANIS, DRY GOODS NOTIONS 307 North Main St., Barre. Working Skirts 40c to 50c Men's Hose, per pair c to 10c Suspenders ISc to 50c Ladies' Wrappers 50c to $1.25 Ladies' Skirts. 50c to $2.00 Table Linens of all kinds and colors, Towels, etc. Call and Inspect stock. KNOWS MI-O-NA WILL CUKE. he Red Cross Pharmacy Has Such Faith in This Great Dyspepsia &rn edy That They Guarantee It. It is an unusual thing for a druggist to sell a medicine, under a guarantee to re und the money if it due not cure. et this s the way Kickett A- Weils, the popular druggists, are selling Mi-o-na, the standard dyspepsia remedy. ever Delore nave uiey naa so large a number of customers tell them that a medicine has cured as with Mi-o-na. Peo ple who a few months ago hmked like walking skeletons have put on flesh and odav are ruddy and vigorous witn per fect digestion and good health, solely due to the use of this remedy. There is no longer any need of anyone suffer im or making their friends suffer on account of dyspepsia, for Mi-o-na can e relied noon to cure, ine percentage of cures is so nearly one hundred per cent that there is little risk to the Red Cross Fharmacy in guaranteeing to return the money if the medicine does not eure. And they staud ready to do so without anv questions. Headaches, all forms of Indigestion, specks before the eyes, dizzy feelings, poor sleep, rinsing in the ears and all forms of lver trouble are cured by Mi-o-na. a lew days' treatment shows considerable gala in health and a eure speedily follows. These days are the best m the whole year for the enjuyment of good health. And Mi-o-na win put you m sucn peneet condition that you can enjoy every minute of them. CASH MARKET CASH PRICES ONLY. Nice fresh Native Chickens, a pound, 20c Native Rhubarb, per pound 5c Pineapples, each 15c Rump and Loin Steak, Western, a lb., 23c A good Steak, V estern, per pound ... l oc Pork Roasts, per pouud, from 1 2-Jo to 1 4c Pork Chops, loin, per pound 14c Hind Legs of Lamb, per pound 18c lore Legs of Lamb, per pound 14c Western Beef Roasts, per lb., 12-io to 16c Liver, Sausages, Ham, Bacon, Eggs, Salt Pork and Lard at lowest cash prices. CHESSER & BIRD, 323 North Main St., - Barre, Vermont SPECIAL. I ilcsirc to Inform ynu that, the Manneer of our AutMicv for Hurre and vicinity, Mr. II. 11. Unfiles, is absent in the Went with a touring party, inspect-intr- our property in. terests in Arizona, California ami Oht Mex ico. The party is compoHcil of the W extern New Kiifffuiid" AfreiiM of our firm, with tt number of their clients, who have chartered from the Pullman Palace Car Company the private car " Hasleinere," which, will be . their home during this tour. Their itinerary includes visits to almost all of the enterprises which have been by us. Iu Arizona they w ill inspect the plant of the ' Standard Smelter," " Kx press," 4iKlCapitnn," "prosiverity," "Empire State" mines, and a number of other proper ties in the Territory; in California, the rnion Consolidated oil wells and '"Hennery, ' the roKwi-drlcans," and"tiold Tunnel" mines: and in Old Mexico, the ' Aurora," and " Viznaga" pold mines. They will make stops at the following cities: Chicago, Kansas City, l'rescott. Ariz., Los Angele, San Diego and San Francisco, Cal., Salt Lake City, I'tah, Colorado springs and Denver, Col. . Mr. Huches is expected to return to his ollicc, ,"w Miles Kloi k, on or about the 10th of June. In the interim, any business will be carefully looked after bv addressing PJ Hills Hlock, Hartford, Conn". R. BALDWIN HAM MITT, Manager Western New England Agencies. DOUGLAS, LACEY & CO., Hankers, Broker and Financial Ajjent. We have just received a fresh supply of Lawn and Garden Hose. PHELPS BROTHERS, J36 North Main Street, Barre, - - Vermont. wdio Fine Photographs at reasonable prices. Call and see our work. OVER KING'S JEWELRY STORE, Depot Square, - - Barre, Vermont. NOTICE. Having: leased the Union Blacksmith Shop known as the C, N, Benedict shop. No. 22 Sum mer Street, I will do all kinds of Blacksmithing. Horse Shoeing a specialty. AH work done in a first-class manner. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call and see me. W. T. BURGESS. HE KEEP MOVING. Our stock by underselling all competitors iu Diamond Kings, Tins, Brooches and other articles of Jewelry. Our reputation for tine goods, low prices and honorable dealing does the business for us, and we endeavor to live np to our name. Alwas carry a larxe, complete and elegant stock. Every article warranted as represented. Fine Id-pulling ami Kngravlug. E. O. HOLMES, Jeweler and Optloian, Cordon Block, Barre, Vermont. Is Your Watch-or Clock In Trouble? Have you an article of Jewelry In need of repairs? If so take them to 211 North Main Street, where they will receive prompt attention and be put in the best possible condition at a reasonable price. L. P. AUSTIN, Watchmaker and Engraver, 241 North Main bt., - Barre, Vermont. FREDERICK R.TIBBITTS 21, 22 arid 23 Ames Building, Boston. Investment Securities Commission orders In New York, Chicago and Boston markets. Weekly market letter mailed upon application. Special attention given to speculative accounts. Telephone 1342 Main. Hctcaftcr . We wiH sell Milk at the fol lowing prices : New Milk, 4c per quart; Skimmed Milk, sweet or sour, 1c per quart; Buttermilk, 2 cts. per quart. Cold Milk by the glass at the Eureka Cash Creamery. LEWIS' Veterinary Hospital Opposite Depot Square. At that H. H. Lewis, v, s.t d. v. s. Located in the Dr. G. . B. Nichols barn. Open night and day. Patients receive scientific treat ment. Every operation known to the veterinary profession performed. BARRE CITY Commercial and Collecting Agency. All bills will receive special attention and remittances made as soon as collected. E. C. FRENCH, Manager, Booms 2 and 3, Gordon Block An Opportunity of a Life-Time! To close out quick I will sell Toole's Sarsparilla for 50c a bottle or three bottles for $1.25. Poole's Little Vegetable Tills for 15o a bottle or t vo bottles for 20c. Toole's Kidney Tills for 25c per bottle or three bottles for 00c. Tooles Blood Tills for 25c pet bottle or three bottles for 00c. These good are perfectly reliable and are worth double the money. This is a chance to get a good medicine at half price. These goods are guaranteed or the money refunded. The East Barre Drug Store, J. II. McARTHUR, Prop. HORSE BREEDERS ATTENTION. TWO WELL BRED STALLIONS. Belmont Alcander Will make the season of 1903 to a limited nttra ber of mares for a service fee of $20.00. Orwell Will make the season of 1 903 to a limited num ber of mares for a service fee of $15.00. TERMSCash when the colt is 9 days old. Breeders who desire to improve their stock should not fail to see these two noted Stallions at DOWMNG'S LIVERY STABLES, t North Main Street, - - - Barre, Vermont H. E. JEFFORDS, Painting and Paper Hanging And Calsomining. A share of your patronage Is solicited. 5 Thurston Place, - Barre, Vermont. GOAL May prices for Coal are as follows: STOVE, EGG and NUT $7.70 GRATE 7.50 LEIII iJO These prices are for cash. Coal wiil advance ten cents per ton each month for five months. Orders left now to be filled later in the season, subject to market price at time of delivery. D. M. MILES. For Cash! May Prices on Coal: Nut, Stove and Egg, - - $7.70 Lehi Coal, - 8.20 All orderjs taken will have to be filled this month, or an ad vance of 10c per ton a month if held longer. We have to pay this advance, therefore we must get it. We pay cash and must get cash. MORSE k JACKSON, COAL AND WOOD, ' Tel., 137-21. 266 North Main St. FOR CASH, WOOD OF ALL KINDS. II. F. JOHNSON, Office, - - - 202 North Main Street, Over L. A. Averill's Store. Telephone Call, 123-3 Residence, - , - - 1 Highland Avenue. Orders may be left at F. I). Ladd's, Frank Merchant's, J. IL Gritiin's, Parson & Skinner's or Smith Bro.-' Market. Goal, Wood, Coke ! Hard Coal, all sizes. A No. i Smithing Coal. Hard and Soft Wood. Calder & Richardson, Successors to G, I. Jackson & Co., Depot Square, - - Barre, Vt. WOOD, WOOD The place to buy Waod of all kinds. A large stock of Chair Wood, No. J best Block Wood, Mixed Soft and Hard Wood and Kindling Wood. MOVING AND JOBBING. I am prepared to do all kinds of moving and jobbing at fifty cents per hour for two horses and a man. L. J. BOLSTER, (Tel. Call 152-5.) 283 No. Main St., Barre, Vermont. Block Wood, Limb Wood and Chair Waste For sale for cash. Orders may be left at Thwing Bros' boxes. Arthur S. Martin, Phone 204-3. 4.3 Park St. Merry-Go-Round FOR SALE. As I have other business that needs my attention, I wish to sell my Merry-Go-ltound. It is in good condition and will be sold at a low price. Also Guns and Ammunition to be sold at wholesale prices. ANGEL0 SCAMPINI, 1 Berlin Street, Barre, Vermont. , ' ELECTRIC WIRING j j Electric Heaters, I Electric Fixtures, j ! Electric Supplies. ! STANDARDELECTRIC CO., I f H. O. BENNETT, I X V. W. NICHOLS, j j 109 North Main St., Barre. j