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You Shirt Waist Buyers! There is something of interest at this store for you in the way of Shirt Waists, and especially the White Waist, which is the Waist of the season, for you can get style, fit and finish here at little expense. We have Waists to fit all purses, but are particularly strong on the kind that dress you well at $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.69, $1.75 and $1.95. THOSE SPECIAL SUITS. Now, Miss or Mrs. Customer, since we put those Special Suits on the rack at $ J 5.00 we have sold" a good many, but have got a good many yet, and if you want to save from $3.00 to 1 10.00 fall into the line that leads to this store. VVe can show you just what we advertise. THE BARRE DAILY TIMES KAUKE, VT, M IV 1(1. 14KI3 Weather Prediction. IWon, May 19. Fair tonight find warmer in pastprn Maine. ' "Wednesday fair, except probably litcal showers in New Hampshire. Vermont aii'l western Massachusetts. Light to fresh south to southwest winds. TALK OF THE TOWN. HOMER FITTS, 164-166 North Main St., Barre, Vermont. I FOR TENDER FEET I o COMFORT 4Ml 1 SHOES (" TRADt MARK OU IACH SHOE ) EEEI. Ladies who want a soft Shoe with hand-turn sole will find them here in the best grades high-cut and low-cut. We also have one of the BEST of Unlincd Shoes with Rubber Heels attached. SHOES, - - - $3.00 OXFORDS. - - 2.50 Don't pay agents $3.50 when you can get just as good of us for only $3.00 per pair. People's Shoe Store, H 157 North Main Street C. S. ANDREWS, Proprietor. Every Day an Opening Day. Every day is an opening day here opening new goods daily and opening the eyes of Furniture and Carpet buyers as to values. We have said it before we say it again : Visit all the other, house furnish ing establishments in town, but as you value money, don't buy until you see our stock and get our prices. Remember this is the "Rug House" of Barre. Rugs and Art Squrres of more than ordinary merit. Batty & Williams, f New Tomasi Block, Cor. Main and Merchant Sts. I'NDfcRTAKERS AND FUNERAL JHREGTOI1. T. n. BARRY, - 5 AveriU St. I L. M. WILLIAMS, - 28 Jefferson St. Telephone 209-12. Telephone 212-12. Local Happening! Ternely Told For Bui; Headers. llallard & Co., reliable Insurance. Wise King is the Bert Bread flour. - If troubled with headache see Ilolton's eyesight specialist. WASHINGTON. D. M. Flint Is improving. ' A new flag 8x12 has been swung to the breeze at the village school house. C. C. Cheney returned home yesterday from a week's stav at the homa rf hi ou ter, Mrs. iSpeareat Yersbire. Everet Smith, the third party that was wanted bv the police court at. h ast. ihrr. was called in and paid the usual fine for a piain arvnn wim t . Urown and Carl Carpenter. We are sorry to publish these names and hone that we tll.iv navor a ------ - J "VI Vi ILV called upon to do so again. Novelties in belts, wrist bags, shirt waist sets, cloves, etc.. " The VaugHan Store." We regret not Being aoie to wait on all who visited our store Saturday afternoon .nd We have eneaired extra heln for t and tomorrow evening and will do our best 10 piease you. i uesday evening, the 1'Jth, this store will be open until S o'clock. If tired of navincr rent, road flio n,l -.f the D.A.Perry lieal Estate Agency on page 7. Hammocks. Ice cream frpivrs nnfl nrn- quet sets at the Boston Bargain Store. EAST ER00KFIELD. The memorial sermon will be delivered hre next Sabbath by Kev. E. V. Currier of Wiiliamstown. Sirs. Matilda llovey left last week for Lynn, Mass., where she will perforin the duties of nurse for a while. Judge C. IJ. Bigelow and Deputy Mier iif W. II. Sprague were in West Brook- neia on oiiicial business last Friday. Mrs. Gertrude Jackson was called to Albany, ,. V , last week by the serious illness of her sister, Mrs. Schilling. C. J. Furgerson of Burlington spoke to the people here last Sunday afternoon in the interests of the Anti Saloon league. I'Hlut Your liuggy for 7.3c. to $1.00 with Devoe's Gloss Carriage t'amt. it weighs 3 to ozs. . more to the pint than others, wears longer, and gives a gioss euai io new woru. sola Dy Ke uolds & Son. Consult the eye sight specialist for glasses at J . w . iioiton s. Children's school umbrellas, only 50c eacu. v eaie cc Knigm. . in ... . Buy a two piece suit for warm weather at a, x . iuuoii ik uo. Ladies' umbrellas at $1.00 each, good tor rain or suu. v eaie & ivnigut. Glasses fitted by an eye sight specialist at j. w. iioitou s. FIGURE IT UP Whether you use much or little Sta tionery, we can give you the best for your money. We have at all times a large variety of Fountain Pens, Steel Pens, Writing Sets, Desk and Office Supplies. Remember the place, BARRE BOOK STORE, CHAS. A. SMITH, Proprietor, Gordon Block. 140 North Main St. iricaoFi(IelitjCfl. II BONTPEUER.VT.,'- SURETY BONDS I ACCIDENT INSURANCE. IV J. W. DILLOS, ij " Barre, Vt., f C. II. BIGELOW If tSk East Brooklield, 3 Agents. yQf A NEW CIGAR, X J. JT iB' JL Ul Union Made, at the Corner Cigar Store. The best j-cent Cigar in the city. We also carry a full line of HECKER'S CIGARS at the old stand. Will be glad to see you at either store. E. 0. MARRI0N, Union Ggar Store. Corner Cigar Store. The Style of a "Dorothy Dodd" The woman whose capacity for style exceeds her ca pacity in dollars will find that the style of a "Dorothy Dodd" Shoe gives her foot all the distinction of a custom measured shoe. "The style of a ' Dorothy Dodd ' " has become proverbial. It is a Shoe that preserves the natural outlines of the foot, yet actually makes it Kok a full size smaller. No other shoe is designed like it. When your foot is tired don't put on a slipper, but put on a " Dorothy Dodd." , It hugs the foot around the instep and rests every other part of it. It saves fifty per cent in foot fatigue. Shoes, - - $3-00 Oxfords, - - 2.50 FOR SALE BY Badger, McLean & Co., I3i North Main St. . SHOE DEALERS. T tine i sFl ONLY J2 DAYS MORE TO STAY IN THE BLUE STORE Saturday, May 30th, will be the last day for us in the Blue Store. Our time is up on that day. From now until then we will give you the greatest values in the state in the Clothing, Shoe and Furnishing Goods line. How are these ? Suits and Odd Coats. One hundred Suits at 45c on th dollar. Men's Suits in Cutaway Frocks and Sacks and Odd Coats and Vests in fancy worsteds and all-wool material at 45c on the dollar of former prices. This is a great chance for small men or big boys, as these Suits and Odd Coats and Vests are all in small sizes running in 34, 35, 26 and 37. Therefore the price on them is cut so low that it is really surprising. Here they are: $5.00 All-wool Suit for men, - - - $2.25 6.00 All-wool Suit for men, ... 2.95 7.00 All-wool Suit for men, - - - 3.45 8.00 All-wool Suit for men, - - - 3.?5 J 0.00 All-wool Suit for men, - - - 4.95 12.00 All-wool Suit for men, - - - 6.95 15.00 All-wool Suit for men, -. - - 7.95 Shoes and Leather Goods. About $800 worth of Hen's. Women's, Boys' and Children's Shoes and Slippers, Rub ber Boots, Valises and Leather Dress Suit Cases, all go together at 50c to 75c on the dollar, and everything else in our store at similar discounts to close the stock by May 30. One hundred fifty pairs of Men's White Linen Cuffs, Nary Brand, in link and plain style, formerly 25c. To close at two pairs for 25c. Is this worth saving to you ? Nine hundred Men's Linen Collars, Navy Brand, in newest styles. The stand-up kind, 5c each; the turn-down kind, 3c; the high band turn-down kind, 10c or three for 25c. Is this not a bargain ? One hundred pairs Men's Shawknit 25c Hosiery in fancy colors, to close at two pairs for 25c. Think of it! New Umbrellas! A good assortment at all prices from 50c each up to $3.75. They are FAST COLORS. New Fans! They are pretty and dainty. Our assortment will be sure to please you. Just see them and be convinced. VEALE & KNIGHT, Worthen Block, 127 North Main St. We have the goods and wish to close them out rather than move them at the end of this month, for it is much easier to move cash than Clothing. You will find bargains here every day. Come and see for yourselves. THE BLUE STORE, Thomas Brady, Harry A. Segel, Myer S. Levin, Arotmd the Corner, - - - On Depot Square. THE KIND TO BUY. OUR COFFEES. The kind of Coffee to buy is the kina that suits you in price, aroma and peculiarity of flavor. This is the kind we sell Our Coffees are bought of the largest concerns and are roasted py ex perts, of the -widest experience. The prices vary from 20 to 35c per pound. OUR TEAS have quality. We can save you mon ey and also from a kind of Tea which does not quite suit you. Prices from 25 a per pound up. Telephone, 217-3. Sowden & Lyon North Main Street. jz? SMOKE j& "OUR HOBBY" Up-to-Date 5-Cent Cigar. O. C. Taylor Sc Co., Props., Burlington, Vt. hiiiibhiimi in iiimir-1 -y-rn m i 1 H , mm , HOTEL MILANO, JOSEPH D. 0SS0LA, Proprietary, North Main Street, - - - - Barre, Vermont, L' Hotel e'. da oggi in pol aperto al publico e tutti vl polrauno trovare le piu' atupie comiuodlta'. La Cueina e' allidata ad uu chief appositaineute veuuto da Xew York. I'ranzi ad ogni ora del glorno e della sera a prezzi modicissiml. fcalone per pranzL f'amere anmiobigiiate Specialita' iuiportate e do mestiche in bibite. L' Hotel e' connesso coll HOTEL CAMPIDOGLIO di Xew York, 147 Bleecker Str. angoio Thompson Mr., condotto da C. r.ertinl e tutti gli JtaHaiil protranno rivolgersi ail' HOTEL MILANO dl Barre se hanno parent! 0 amiei in arrive al Castle Garden e per mezzo del Sig. Berlin! si eompieranno tutte le praticheper lo sbareo e verrannoaoeompagnati al treni in partenza. UNA CARR0ZZA DELL HOTEL ATTENDE r VLAGGL4T0RI AD OGNI TREN0 IN ARRIV0 A BARRE. Union lade Clothing. These Suits are made under the most healthful conditions. No . sweat-shop goods in our store. Working Shirts from 45c to 75c. Fancy Negligee Shirts, 50c to $1.50. Suspenders, Belts, Neckwear, Underwear, Hosiery in both fancy and plain and Hats and Caps that defy competi tion. Why, we have everything you want in wearing apparel. Just give us a all and we will convince you of the fact. Colbtmi Clothing Co., 74 Main Street, - - - Barre, Vermont. NEW DEPARTURE IN ILL PAPER TRADE For Barre anf Vicinity. NEW GOODS direct from the factories to our store. The largest and most elegant line ever shown in central Vermont. Larger invoices received each week than are usually carried by most dealers. We give every customer FROM THIRTY TO FIFTY PER CENT DISCOUNT from regular prices. Investigate and see for yourselves. A full line of the BEST MIXED PAINTS, VARNISHES, etc. Lowest prices on all goods. C. A. HEATH, (Telepoone Call, l.V-3) Library Building, 1 0 Elm St. The Up-to-DateWall Paper Dealer. BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE On some of the best streets in the city at ruling prices for the locality. Tremont street, Ayer, Long, Camp,.-Hill, Kirkland, Quarry and Parker streets, Grand View, etc. Telephone 31-3. SEED CORN, GARDEN AND FIELD SEEDS. d We have the popular D. M. Ferry Seeds in packets at 3c. Also bulk Peas, Beanvand Corn, all true to name. "Sanford" and "Longfellow" Corn, limotny, all kinds of Clovers (free from weed seeds), Kentucky Blue Grass, Red Top, etc. Prices right. Seed Potatoes and Suvrmhb. I X" L. M. AVERILL, Opposite City Park, TENEMENTS TO RENT, On Ayer street, five large rooms, spring water andbarn. Tene ment of four rooms and a single front roomin Averill block. Also a large hall, 30 by 55 feet, certain'evenings each week. Barre, Vermont.