Newspaper Page Text
Make Cooking Easy. REYNOLDS & SON, BARRE, VT. Carthiialnna Hay lnim Ilnnl. London, .Iiinc 4. It Is understood that the I Hike of Argyll has sold Iona Island, Hebrides, to the Carthusians, who -were recently expelled from the monastery of the Grande Chartreuse. The terms of the sale provide for the preservation of the sacred and histor ical associations of the Island. Foreat VI re at Wbile Lake, X. Y. Utlca, N. Y.,.Jun 4. A forest lire has broken out at White Lake. The fire wardens ordered out a large force of men, and for the present cottages on the east side of the lake are safe. The Cipher TSelegrctm Original. Lisa was a young Russian girl, the daughter of a general. At the time the Crimean war broke out she waa en gaged to DImitrl Olizoff, a lieutenant in the Russian ermy. There are cases .where lovers become bo wrapped in each other that separation is agony. So it was with these two young people when Dimltrl Olizoff departed for the ward. Lisa held to him till the last minute and fell in a stupor when he left her. It had been arranged between them that Olizoff should not only send word by everyday mail, but telegraph her in case of his being wounded or taken sick. This might Involve sending news of a battle. The Uusnlan government gives out all the news, not permitting even the newspaper correspondents to send any except what has passed a censor. Therefore Olizoff would not only be obliged to send his message surreptitiously, but in cipher. The lover arniuged a code, giving Lisa the try. He did not tell her that there was little hope of his being able to use it. Still, since the cipher was simply a few ordinary sentences, each with a special meaning, the sending of a message was not impossible. Olizoff was wealthy, and Russian offi cials ore very corrupt He made the acquaintance of a telegrapher at head quarters and arranged with him for 1,000 rubles to send a message if re quired. One evening Lisa was at on enter tainment ' at the house of Vladimir Sohnski, a prominent government of ficial at St Petersburg. The Malakoff had been stormed and the government was especially desirous of keeping news which forebode the defeat of the Russian causa from the people. The host knew of it and was instructed to proceed with his entertainment, since a postponement would excite suspicion. In the midst of the festivities a tele gram was banded to Lisa.' She tore off the envelope, scanned the words In the message and fell in a faint. Sohnski, who had been feigning to be in a merry mood, but really was depressed by what lie was concealing, happened to be near Lisa when she swooned. He seized the telegram, noticed the point from whence it came and knew at once that it must be a cipher message containing some news about the disaster. He bad Lisa carried upstairs to a private room, notified the police to come and take charge of her, and disappearing from among his guests went directly to the imperial palace with the tele gram; The telegram was composed of two sentences, ""I am on picket duty to day" and "I love you as ever," the first meaning "There has been a disas ter." the second "I am badlv wounded." : ""HY Cnun 7.. i aVTUCl The Times Daily Short Story. , "V - A rin Mannivi m at lie eiine. Cheyenne, Wyo., June 4. Adjutant General F. A. Switzer has received pos itive assurance that the war depart ment has decided upon Cheyenne as the point for the army maneuvers this fall, and August was named as the month. All the states adjacent to Wy oming will participate. lee TrB' Plant Dentroyed. Gardiner. Me., June 4. The John Hancock lee houses, owned by the American Ice company, and eight dwellings were burned today. The Ice houses wer empty. It had" teen understood between, the lovers that in the latter event Lisa should go to her lover if possible. Lisa before recovering from her swoon raved about his condition, then as soon as she came to herself raised herself from the couch on which she had been laid, saying that she must go at once to him. Then for the first time she saw among those about her a police oCicer. She knew at once that she had betray ed herself. Lisa was sent to her father's house, where she was kept under the surveil lance of the police. Every effort was made without success to induce her to tell from whom the telegram, which was unsigned, came. But it was quite plain that it must have come from her lover. An account of the matter was sent to the headquarters of the army Wlta orders to watch Olizoff without informing hini of the result of his mes sage, in tne nope or caicmng nun bcuu j ing another and discovering through j what operator he sent it. Olizoff, how ever, sent no more messages, for he I was lying in a hospital severely ' wounded. I Severn 1 months passed, daring which Lisa was kept in tflose confinement ! without any knowledge of her lover's condition. She did nt know whether '. be had died of bis wound or would live i to Buffer a worse fate for sending sur ! rrptitiously a telegraph message that ; only the government might send, hue ' sank rapidly under the strain. Those ; who attended her dared not speak of ' anything that had happened lu connec tion with the matter, and Lisa did not even know how her own father, who I was with the army in the Crimea, stood toward her. I One afternoon there was a sound of horses' hoofs and the clatter of sabers i In the court. Thinking that her father had returned from the war, a sudden thrill of hope passed through Lisa that he would bring her news of Dimltrl. Then she heard her father's voice and looked for him to rush upstairs as he was used to doing when he came home, but when he did not she supposed that he had not forgiven her for her part in the deceit. Presently she heard several people coming up the stairway very slowly. Then her door opened and her father entered, followed by the order lies supporting the wasted figure of her lover. "You are forgiven, my daughter," said the father. "The emperor has listened to my prayer in your behalf. Vladimir won his own forgiveness by gallantry in the action of which he sent you the news." The father embraced his daughter; then her pale soldier lover limped to ber and they were locked in one an other's arms. , The telegraph operator waa not so fortunate. The message was traced to him, and he was sent to Siberia.' This was the only cloud upon the lovers' happiness, and Lisa, a few years later, while at court, persuaded the emperor to grant the man a pardon. HELEN W. STOCKARD. The Three Ages of Man. In childhood, middle life and old age there is frequent need of the tonic properties that are contained in .uMFUSER-Rffe... TRADE MARK. It is nature's greatest assistant not a dark beer but a real malt extract positively helpful, non-intoxicating. Sold by druggists. Prepared only by the Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass'n St. Louis, U. S. A. FACTS ABOUT SUICIDES Odd Statistics Gathered by Pro fessor Bailey of Yale. EEOOTIHS TEE LEADING METHOD. Monday the Favorite Day From 0 P. 31. Till Midulsbt the Popular Jloori-Men Far More Frone to Sell Destruction Than Women Married Men Are In Larsreat Proportion. Suicide in the United States has beet studied by I'rofessor William B. Bailey of Yale for a period covering 1S07 to 1001, says a New Haven special to the New York Times. He has taken 29,344 cases. In order to take a more con venient unit 10,000 cases were taken by Professor Bailey for computation in his statistics. Of these 7,781 were found to be males and 2,21'J females, indicating that in general the ratio of suicides of males to that of females is three and a half to one. Ills tables show that the most popu lar suicide period is between thirty and forty years, followed closely by the period between twenty and. thirty years. Nearly two-thirds of the sui cides are found between the periods of twenty to fifty years. It is found that the number of married suicides ex ceeds that of those who are single. This table shows the relative propor tions: ' ; Total. Singles 4,004 Married 4,M)7 Widowed 6T9 Divorced Jj8 Unknown 202 Males. Females. 3.12S 3.S17 416 . 137 202 Total 10,000 7,781 2.219 More single, widowed and divorced women commit suicide than men In like conjugal conditions, but married men are more prone than married wo men to take their lives. Shooting Is found to be the favorite method of suicide, followed closely by poison. The table summarizing the causes follows: Total. Males. Females. Drowning O0 4W Sli) Bhootlne 3,217 2.9SO 2fi Poison 2,w 1,831 913 Cutting 810 61)5 , 115 Gas 6''5 4' 2u0 Jumping 473 ST0 13 Hanclntr t'.',2 750 2u2 Miscellaneous .. 3u2 219 S3 Total 10.0M 7.7S1 2.219 Despondency is the leading motive, claiming about 20 per cent of the vic tims. Business loss, ill health and In sanltv follow in order, with about 13 per cent each, disappointment iu love coming nest. Suicide on account or al coholism is seventeen times as common among the males us the females, while from business loss the number is thlr teen to one. Between the ages of twen ty and thirty is reached the maximum of suckles from grief, chagrin and be incr crossed in love. Mondav is the favorite day for com mitting suicide, followed closely by Sunday. From Monday down to Friday there is an inexplicable increase and then a drop on Saturday, the lowest of the week. I'rofessor Bailey says of this: "For those who have endured throughout the week there is pay day at hand, followed by a day or rest. Among the males Monday is pre-eml nently a day for suicide. Females pre fer Sunday to Monday. Religious ex citemeut may have 'something to do with this, but nearly a third of the do mestic troubles leading to suicide conn; on Sunday. "More than one-fourth of the suicides from financial trouble and ill health among females occur on Monday. They apparently lack the courage in their weak or impoverished condition to take up the struggle of a new week. "Of 10,000 cases 3,087 occurred In the twelve hours lefore noon and 5.SJS during the remaining twelve hours. Beginning with midnight, there is a continuous increase until 0 p. m. The three hours from 0 to 0 p. m. show a falling off, while from 0 o'clock till midnight is the period of greatest fre quency." ' BEN-HUR" RACES PLANNED General Lew Wallace Will Act a Judge at Indiana Fair. Thomas Ensley recently contracted with the Indiana state board of agri culture for a revival of the Roman chariot races at the coming state fair, says a special dispatch from Indianap olis to the Philadelphia Press. The rules will require chariots built on the old Roman lines, Roman style of harness and Roman costuming of drivers. The rules that governed tho Circus Maxlmus races and the races at Antioch M ill obtain. The Idea was suggested when "Ben llur" wns presented on the stage at Indianapolis, and General Lew Wal lace will be one of the judges. He has consulted with Ensley and will assist in the details. MaktnK UnKaiatft. Tho practice of exchanging children by parents living in French and Ger man Switzerland in order to cnablo their boys and girls to learn another language, is spreading greatly in Italy, says the New York Commercial Ad vertiser. Recently an exchange agency to further this object was founded at Zurich. A Swiss child has the oppor tunity of picking up three languages--French, German ana Italian at prac tically no cost to the pnreuts. In about bIx months a child Is able to converse freely ami Is then sent to school to learn the grammar and literature of the newly acquired language. Carl j to W a Great Pedestrian. Carlyle invariably covered several miles before beginning work and en Joyed riding insldo an ouiuibus, while Victor Hugo preferred the outside. RAILWAY MOTOR COACHES. J Latent I-volpnM'nt off Locomisti ve KnRlncerlujs Iu lit Traflln. The announcement that steam motor coaches are to 1- introduced, on the Great Western railway of England in July points to an interesting develop ment in locomotive engineering, says the- Loudon Daily Mail. The London and Southwestern Steam company al ready built and tried a steam motor coach, and a vehicle of a somewhat similar character will apparently be adopted by the Great Western com pany. The Londoji and - Southwestern steam motor coach Is destined for use on suburban or main lines at those periods of the day when there is no great rush of tr'aihe. Heavy morning and evening traliie will be disposed of by the usual trains, but when passengers are few in num ber the motor coach will bo used. . The Great Western motor coaches will car ry fifty-two persons of one class only, but the L. and S. W. vehicle will he di vided into two compartments, first and third, carrying ten passengers in the former and thirty-two in the latter. Access may be had to the coach at both ends from wide platforms, which have openings on either side, these be ing closed when running by collapsi ble gates. There is a luggage van capa ble of holding one ton of luggage, and Immediately in front of this is the en gine. This is of exceedingly compact design. The boiler is placed on the center line and is of the Tertical type, with vertical and cross tubes. The cylinders are Inclined, and the connect ing rods drive direct on to pins on the front wheels. A separate drag link serves to work the valve gear. There are no flexible steam couplings, tho boiler and the cylinders being on tho same frame. The wheel base is eight feet, and the wheels are solid. The cylinders, of which there are two; are seven inches in diameter, with a ten Inch stroke. It is calculated that In service the rate of acceleration will give tho coach a velocity of thirty miles an hour in thirty seconds. TRIUMPH OF OUR HENS. Have a III Lead la International V.lfK Lay Ins Tournament. Word comes from Australia that the eighteen hens sent from the United States to compete with the hens of that land in an egg laying contest have distanced their rivals and are still lay ing, says a Chicago special to the New York Times. Three coops of six hens each were sent from Chicago in February and ar rived in Sydney on March 18 after a particularly trying voyage. They were immediately set to laying in competi tion with some sixty-live others. Miller Purvis, editor of Commercial Poultry, recently received a report of the progress of the contest from A. A Dunnicliffe, Jr.. of the Sydney Tele graph. The report states that the three pens of American hens stand first, second and fourth respectively on the tally sheet, the leaders having such a start of their rivals that it is doubt ful if the latter can catch up. The con test will last one year, and the owners of winners will receive appropriate prices. To Try Jett at Jaekucin. Jackson, Ky., June 4. The order changing the trial of the Jett and While murder cases to Morgan county has been withdrawn and the cases will be tried here as soon as a jury can be summoned from an adjoining county. The jail guard was called out during the night by a number of shots in the immediate vicinity. The shots were fired in the air and evidently done merely to annoy the soldiers.' Other wise the night passed quietly. Ilnrk I'onlc-d n 5llsIn. London. .Tuni' -bTh. Norwegian bark Drortnlnjren. Captain Martinson, has been postisl at Lloyd's as missing. The DronnliifjcMi loft Dariou, Ga., Doc. 30 for Liverpool and has not since been reported. Book-keepers, stenographers, and type writers, whose occupation requires physical endur ance, besides quick intelli gence and mental effort, will find bread made of Pillsbury's Best Flou the best for them. It feeds both body and brain. If yon havnn't iri!Ulr, healthy movement of th bowels evory dav, you're 111 or will be. Ke"p your bowels open. iol be well. I'orce, In the hpe of violent jihyate or pill poison, 1 dangeron. Tha ruootbeat, easiest, moat perfect way of kaeplug tUe bowela cioar aud clean is to tako CANDY CAT 'EM LIKE CANDY Pleasant. Palatable, Potent, Taotfl Clood, ho Good, Never Sicken. Weaken orOripe; ID. is ana 60 eents per box. Write for Iree tamplo, ud book let on health. Addrea Sterling Remedy Company, Chlcatjo of New York. KEEP YGUil BLOOD CLEW BEST fOR THE BOWELS R fi f fi Chmtz tni s?:;H:ns of evtry nature va&y. Nil! s-3 VJ permanently ultiUl uts Iriu uy A new-ifcla prtenptien all pas-crJu! h tr::.sir.l c? prad'.Ij hulks h ckls si sr---y cr, ca s clean l'qr;!J, siud cr atomized ovtr t!a affacted part:,'-r.rtiy relieves all himrz pains cr t?resw. 1 . ' . 7'-, .'' v , Cleared Away and Entirely Cured hi 21 Payj. TESTilOHY FROM a LEASING DRUSGIST The following testimony speaks for itself. It Is a matter of humanity to ted everybody with a skin disease about tr.Is medicc meat. Astonisbin l'.' "-mvV anl complete cures of all varieties of skin diseases by D.D. D. have been fully verified fa Bin cx-es out of every ten that have come cr.iler my observation, 'in evry case it did its work in 3 to 0 watkj time. It is to ir.y knowle lire the most wonderful curative wnt in all Materia Meaira fr-r of the s'-;in. Its results am marvelous; vme cases of years' standing were cleared awav in a few davs nlmost before mv eyes. I pive this pn'olio aknowledcjement in response to a request from tho D. D. IX Company as to my honest opinion of this medicament. I have no hesiir.ncy in expressing myself positively concerning it, as its efficacy has baen proven to me beyond the possibility of doubt. RICKERT & WELLS, Barf e, Vt. D. D. D. is now used by every family physician who has investigated it. It is used by the greatest skin specialists inthe country. It is used in the Cook County Hospital, Chicago. It will clear away any parasitic break in the skin in from 3 to 00 days time. It is a medical triumph. In Eczema, Salt Iiheum, Bar ber's Itch, Itching Tiles and all &kin affections, in the invariable success this local treatment proves it is a skin parasitic that caui3 the trouble and that it is not the blood that is to blame. D. D. IX clears it all away absolutely and quickly, too. The above drugtrist will fill mail orders on receipt of price $1.00 a bottle. Compounded for druggists everywhs-ro by the D. D. D. Company TO Dearborn Street, Chicago, Illinois. , Red Gross Pharmacy, 160 North Main St., Barre, Vt. Famous Ice Cream! Srawberry with Fresh Fruit 1 Pineapple with Fresh Fruit I Vanilla and Chocolate I The Barre Candy Kitchen. NEW DEPARTURE IN WALL PAPER TRADE For Barre and Vicinity. NEW GOODS direct from the factories to our store. The largest and most elegant line ever shown in central Vermont. Larger invoices received each week than are usually carried by most dealers. We give every customer FROM THIRTY TO FIFTY PER CENT DISCOUNT from regular prices. Investigate and see for yourselves. A full line of the BEST MIXED PAINTS. VARNISHES, etc. Lowest prices on all goods. C. A. HEATH, (Telepoone Call, 153-3) Library Building. 10 Elm St. The Up-to-Date Wall Paper Dealer. j& SMOKED "OUR Up-to-Date O. C. Taylor & Co., So-Boss-So Kill-Fly Spray your cattle with " So-Boss-So Kill-Fly." It increases the flow of milk, it protects your cattle and kills the flies. Try Our Oil and Gasolene Stoves and be convinced that they are the best in the market. Every thing in the Hardware line. First-class goods and right prices, PRINDLE & AVERILL, 81 North Main Street, V 1 v.. :j . ..If Rtckert & Wells. 5-Cent Ciar. Props., Burlington, Vt. Barre, Vermont. HOBBY"