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Two Bargains Saturday, June 6th These are bargains in every sense. They are worth more money, but we shall be satisfied with a small profit for the sake of giving our customers better values. WRAPPERS, 69c EACH. Wrappers are always in demand", and especially so when you can buy one at the price named above. These Wrappers are made of good quality print in navy and dark red, with a wide flounce, neatly trimmed with braid. Saturday, only 69c each. MUSLIN CURTAINS, 50c A PAIR. Good quality muslin, with plain solid stripes running length wise and four-inch plain frill a Curtain that will look well and wear well. The size is iy yards long by 36 inches wide. Our price Saturday, only 50c per pair. TALK OF THE TOWN. PERRY & CAMP, 71 and 75 Main Street, Barre, Vermont ARE YOU LOOKING 4 '" " ' r r ' " For anything in HOUSE FURNISHINGS ? - If you are don't forget that we are the same old reliable House Furnishers, with all the new and up-to-date goods. Everything to make the home comfortable and attractive. B W. Hooker &, Co., Park Block, Next to City Hall, - . - Barre, Vermont. The Style of a 'Dorothy Dodd" - whole size smaller. That's curious, it. Just tor once try the Style of a OXFORDS 5...... $2.50 BOOTS 3.00 SFECIALS 50c MORE. Fast Color Eyckts Vsei Exclusively. Let us assume that your Shoes fit you. Now what next ? What is most important? 'Unqucstion-' ably style. Demand that a Shoe shall possess style. If it has style and little else, you want it. If it has not style, but everything else, you don't want it. The Style of a " Dorothy Dodd " is unique. It can not be duplicated by any other ma ker, because the "Dorothy Dodd" is a totally different construction from any other ladies Shoe made. It holds the foot firmly at the waist that's the instep and prevents the toes from slipping forward, thus giving a correct poise in walking. Yet it makes the foot look nearly a and you won't believe it till you see " Dorothy Dodd." Sincerely yours, Badge,. McLean & Co., J3J North Main St., Barre, Vermont. creen OFS Window Screens! We carry the "Queen Anne" hard wood Screens and fancy hard pine doors, all sizes. Bring in your measurements. Boston Bargain Store, Pearl Street, Barre, Vt. C. N. Kenyon & Co. I Tonilit being the ,V.b, the stores will be Harry Taibox went to Darlington this morning. Ice ereara this evening at the Presbyte rian church. E. I,. Scott returned last night from a v'sit at his home In Granville. Charles Rogers leaves tonight for Sa lem, Mass., on a business trip. Mrs. Mason Pace went to Plain field this morning on a visit with friends. Mrs. John Dixijje of Waits Kiver is vis iting friends and relatives in the city. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Gove of 22 Eastern avenue yesterday. David Arthur left this noon for Chicago to w ork for the lilake Granite Co. of that city. -Miss Maud Avers hag returned from Boston where she has been spending a week. Mrs. E. S. Church of Vershire Is visit ing Rt the home of C. S. Wallace for a week. , Mrs. J. P. Corskie and Mrs. J. M.Cors kie have returned from a visit in St. Jolinsbury. James F. Ilk'sins went to Burlington to visit an nnole w hp is sick at the hospital there today. Mr. and Mrs. James Weeks of St. .Tohnsbury were visitors at J. M. Cwskie's Thursday. Will A. Dickinson of Chelsea has been engaged by II. F. Cutler to work in his li very stable. The biggest and best loaves of thoroughly good bread made from Wise King Flour. Ask your grocer for it. George Seaver was in the city today on his way to Montpelier after a visit with relatives in Washington. There will be a dance at the Washing ton hotel June 19, instead of June ft as stated In yesterday's paper. The Universalist Sunday school will re hearse at the vestry this evening at 6 o'clock, and a full attendance is desired. The Infant twins of Mr. and Mrs. A. Valli died yesterday noon and were bur ied this afternoon In the Catnolic ceme tery. Walter Frenier, employed by Reynolds & Son, cut his knee quite badly while at work at Berlin Pond Saturday, and will be laid up some time. E. S. Iiissel, billing clerk at the C. V. freight oflice, has been promoted to cash ier to fill the vacancy caused by the resig nation of ltoy Howard. You are cordially invited to the ice cream social that is to be given this evening, be ginning at 1 o'clock, in the basement of the Presbyterian church. Beginning with tomorrow the employees of the stone sheds will have their Saturday afternoons off. according to the recent agreement entered into. Miss Lillian Dodge of Worcester, Mass., who has been visiting relatives in the city for the past three weeks, returned home today. Mrs. J. C. Dodge and daughter Vivian accompanied her for a visit. The united societies of Christian En deavor of this city w ill hold a picnic at M ississiUQi park, June 23, the proceeds of the picnic to go toward the entertain ment of the State Christian Endeaver con vention next October. The marriage of Inez Millioent Stuart, formerly of Montpelier, to Frank M.Bryan of that city, will take place at Lancaster, X. II., Wednesday evening, June 17. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan will be at home in Mont pe'ier after September 1. Wilbur Xichols has resigned his posi tion as foreman of the ware house at the Central Vermont freight depot and will take Ernest Gates' place on the Barre Steam Laundry team. Mr. Gates has left to work for the now laundry. The Missionary society of the Congrega tional church held their monthly literary meeting Wednesday afternoon at Mrs. J. P. Corskie's. Llht refreshments were served. The July meeting w ill be at Miss Kutherine Mathteson's home. All members of Green Mountain Lodge, I. O. O. F., M. IT., are requested to meet In the lodge room on Sunday evening, June at (i o'clock, for the purpose of attending church. It is hoped that every member will make an effort to be present. The New England Granite Tend shop, better known as the "Hard Up"tool shop, has received a handsome new express wagon w hich is said to bo the finest in the city. It is the work of Al Curtis and 'Prof." Alex Daniels now presides on its seat. The play. "The Blue or the Gray," un der the auspices of the King's Daughters at the Seminary last evening was, very well attended and very successfully carried out. The parts were all well taken and showed that much careful preparat on had been made. The Tool sharpeners hall will undoubt edly be tilled on Sunday morning next, at which time the trade unionists and social ists combine in holding services in memo ry of the late F. O. McCartney, who pass ed from this lite, regretted by all who fa vor the rights of woikingmen. State Auditor Graham has made a rul ing that under the new law intoxication cases are city eases and not state so that the bills of costs must be presented to the respective cities for auditing and not to the state auditor. This will make a heavy bill for the city to pay,though on the other hand the lines will go to the city. Hiawatha Lodge of Odd Fellows will have memorial services at the Baptist church Sunday evening at 1 o'clock, the sermon to b preached by liev. W. A. Kin zie, pastor of the church, and himself a member of the order. All members are requested to be at the hall at 6.80 o'clock with white gloves and badges. Per order committee. The scholars of the sixth grade of the public schools gave their teacher, Miss l-Mlth Young, a surprise party last even ing at the home of Miss Esther Mudgett. Kefreshments consisting of cake, fruit, candy and fruit punch . were served. The presents Included a pair of kid gloves. It was a complete surprise. Games were played outside and a musical programme was rendered. The annual June inspection of Company E will be held at the Armory tomorrow morning at S o'clock. The inspecting of ficers are Capt. Hovey of the 2 tth U. S. Infantry, and Capt Buruham of the V. X. G. The otlicers of Company E will wear their new regulation uniforms and sabres for the first time. The ammunition for the new rifles arrived today and will prob ably be used tomorrow. A. A. SMITH &BR0 It May Be HAT, a SHIRT, a TIE, a pair of , HOSE, a NEW SUIT, or a pair of SHOES you were thinking of getting next. In any event we are ready with an extensive assortment of each kind to meet your wants. Try us and see. A.A. SMITH &BR0 Hen's Complete Outfitters, Miles' Granite Building, Barre. A 1313 f l - r 8 a s w m -5i k ss m SATURDAY BARGAINS, JUNE 6TH. At This Season there is always an opportunity for the store with a large output of merchandise to buy at a large dis count in closing out sample lines and odd lots. LADIES' BLACK AND COLORED PETTICOATS. This is a manufacturer's sample line at the lowest price ever in our store. There are such as All Linen, Mohair, Mercerized and Silk Petticoats at half price for this one day's sale as follows: $1.00 Valuator $ .50 US Value for....... 63 1.50 Values for.... 75 2.00 Values for 1.00 2.50 Values for 1.25 $3.00 Values for . $1.50 3.50 Values for 1.75 4.00 Values for ..... 2.00 5.00 Values for 2.50 BLACK MERCERIZED PETTICOATS go in this sale as follows: $1.00 Values for $ .69 1.25 Values for .87 t.50 Values for 1.19 $2.00 Values. for.. $1.49 2.50 Values for 1.79 3.00 Values for 1.98 LADIES' SWISS UNDERVESTS, made short sleeves and sleeveless. These are the Vests that sell in every store for laJgC or two for 25c Our price on this pur chase (half price), fotff for 25c. The above values ought not to be in our stock for more than two hours after our doors are open Saturday morning. This Store Will Be Open Friday Evening. 0TT & CO. Short and Fat, Long and Slim OR EXTRA LARGE MEN Can be fitted and suited here. We have Suits made for the " hard to fits " and we fit them. Many stout and slim men, who have given up trying to buy clothes ready made, come here and find exactly what they want. Now, Sir, if you are an extra tall, short or fat man come and see what we can do for YOU. We'll surprise you with the clothes possibly more with the prices for, being abnormal in shape, you've had to pay a penalty to your tailor. We do away with that and charge you no more than we do the oidinary built man. The styles of stuffs are al ways neat in stouts and slims. - FRANK McWHORTER, The One Price Clotller. Hatter and Hen's Outfitter. OUR OFFERINGS In Summer Chairs, Fancy Chairs, Patent Rockers and new Chamber Suits are worthy of your inspee tion. We buy Chairs by the carload, making it possible to give low prices. . Carpets, Rugs, Mattings, etc., in Great Variety. Barry & Williams, New Tomasi Block, Cor. Main and Merchant Sts. CNDERTiKEKS AND I'lXtUAI. VIKKCTOK. T. H. BARRY, - - 5 Averill St. I L. M. WILLIAMS, -23 Jefferson St. Telephone 209-12. Telfphoue 212-12. Good Values at Ladcfs! 20c 25c 18c 10c Grocery Department. Another lot of nice, juicy Oranges, per dozen, Power, the new Breakfast Food, 10c, three for Hier's Root Beer, per bottle, -Mammoth Root Beer, makes 5 gallons, per bottle, We expect a large shipment of Strawberries for Satur day. The price will be lower. Bakery Department. Try our Jelly Rolls. They are all right. Our Cookies will please you. Perdoz-en, - -Baked Beans and Brown Bread on Saturday. -Buy our Cream Bread when you want real value. Meat Department. Lettuce, fresh Saturday morning, per bunch, New Potatoes, ripe Tomatoes, new Squash, new Peas, White Wax String Beans, new Cabbage and Beets. The best of everything in the Meat line. 10c 10c 8c F. D. LADD, Leading Cash Grocer. Meats and Provisions.