Newspaper Page Text
GREAT INVESTMENTS IN REAL ESTATE. DAMES AND DAUGHTERS. The Estate of the Late Geo. Mackie has been placed with the F. B. Cate Agency for sale, consisting of fi ve Two-tenement Houses on Mount Street (one facing Currier Park) and the Home Place on Washington Street. The houses are all in good repair and connected with the sewer. The five on Mount Street rent for $109.00 per month. The Home Place, with barn, is one of the most desirable residences in the city. House has ten large rooms finished in hard wood (mostly oak. bath-room, nantrv and rlosefc. v j , r j - Furnace heat in all the rooms. Considering location (only f duom mree minutes waiic rrom pestorhee and one minute s walk from Spaulding school), the property can be bought so that it will net the purchaser a large per cent on the invest ment. It will be sold all together or separate, as desired. For more definite description please call at the F. B. Cate Real Estate Agency, rooms 11 and 12 Bolster Block. NO. 26 SPAULDING STREET Is another very desirable place for a home.' None better for the money in the city. Contains nine large rooms besides bath-room, closets, pantry and storeroom. Spring water, hot water connections, hot air furnace, large lot everything first-class,' and only two minutes' walk from the postoffice and Spaulding school. Can rent rooms enough to pay for the place in a short time if one desires to do so. F. B. Cate Real Estate Agency Rooms II and 12, Bolster Block, F. B. CATE. H. J. SLAYTON. OTEL MILANO, JOSEPH D. OSSOLA, Proprietario, 1 North Main Street, - - - - Barre, Vermont. L' Hotel e' da ocxl in poi aperto al publico e tutti rotranno trovare J le piu' arapie eommodita'. I La Cucina e affldata ad un chief appositaniente venuto da New york. ' Tranzl ad ogni ora del glorno e della Bera a prezd niodiclssimi. n Salone per pranzi. Camera amraobigliate Specialita' Iuiportate e do- ) inestiche In bibite. f L' Hotel connesso coll HOTEL CAMPIDOGLIO dl New York, 147 Lleecker Str. angola Thompson Str condotto da B. Bertini e tutti gli Italian I protranno rivolgerai all' HOTEL MILANO dl Barre se hanno parent! o aroici In arrlvo al Castle Garden e per mezzo del Sig. Bertini si compieranno tutte le pratlche per lo sbaroo e verranno accouipagnatl al treni in partenza. UNA CARROZZA DELL' HOTEL ATTENDE I VIAGGIATORI AD OGNI TFENO IN ARRIYO A BAREE. BUSINESS CARDS. OR. C. H. KENT, i m DENTIST. Miles Block. Telephone ;( t office and reMdence. DR. LEWIS D. MARTIN, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. Of fice in Koora 85, Miles' JBulldinir. Ottice hours, 9 a. m. to 12 tn and 1.30 to 4 p m., Monday, Tuesday, Thurs day and Friday. Telephone con nection. ARTHUR II. LEWIS. D. V. S., VETERINARY SURGEON. Surgery a specialty. Graduate of West ern Veterinary College, Kansas City, Mo. Office at residence, - - 3(5 Pearl Street. Telephone, 212-13. MRS. H. A. BBP.H, EXPERIENCED KUK8E. No. 103 Bouth Main Btreet, Earre, Vermont. Telephone call, 12-2. H. W. SCOTT, ATTOKNEV-AT-LAW. Office in Wood Block, over Ledd'a store. Jnstiee, notary and stenographer in office. FRED L. PAGE, CONTliACTOE AND BUILDER Office and Kesldcnoa, 34 Highland Avenue. Telephone call, 4-3. NOTICE. rUvinjr (cased the Union Blacksmith Shop known as the C, N, Benedict shop, No. 22 Sum mer Street, I will do all kinds of Blacksmithing. Horse Shoeing a specialty. All work done in a first-class manner. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call and see me. W. T. BURGESS. J. A. M'LEOD, REGISTERED SHOEING SMITH. Knee-cutting, Interfering, clicking , etc., positively cured. Diseased feet treated with succoss. Trotters, pa cers and gentlemen's roadsters a specialty. Shop on Seminary St. Telephone connection. G. A. WILKINSON, CARKIAOB AND8IGN PAINTING. Calfomininft and decorating. Houhc painting and paper hanging a upec ialty. i he best work at moderate price. "Shop above the covered bridge, Bo. Main street, Barre. J. A. CROWLEY, HOUSE PAINTING, Paper hanging etc. Shop on Beminary St. Tele phone connection. HENRY FRENIER & SON, UNDEBTAKEK8, funeral directors and furniBhers of funeral supplies. Night calls promptly attended to. No. 16 Granite Btreet, Barre, Vt. Reafderco npstRirs. Telephone, 13 -6. F. G. & G H. ROWELL, Complete Architects and Builders. 58 Summer St., Barre, Vermont. II. E. JEFFORDS, Painting and Paper Hanging And Calsomining. A share of your patronage ia solicited. 5 Thurston Place, - Barre, Vermont. Spring Summer Woolens Wanamaker & Brown's Made-to-Measure Clothing. 0. W. BOYEA, Merchant Tailor. J. A. FIELD, Contractor and Builder. Ofliee and residence, 32 Patterson St. Telephone 157-4. ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN. Wood & Gregoire, Stone Masons and Contractors. Raising and moving buildings. Satisfaction guaranteed. Telephone Calls : C. E. Wood, 215-21; G. L. Gregoire, 1-11. The fust woman to bo admitted to tiie practice of law hy the Dutch bar is Adolphine Kok, who recently Ap peared lufore the law tribunal aud passed the necessary examinations. Miss Hannah Clark, dean of women at Knox college, Illinois, has tendered her resignation, to take effect ot the ciose of the college year, and will spend next year in Europeau travel and study. Mrs. Helen Ames of Boston, Mass., who owna one of the finest private col lections of antiques in that city, has just added two old violins, one an Auiati of Kill and the other a Stradi varius of 17oO. Miss Mary A. Frettyman, a type writer engaged In copying records in the patent otllce at Washington, wrote 17,riDrt words in six and a half hours the otiier day. It is believed she is the world's champion. Miss Irene Mealy of St. Louis is be lieved to be the youngest notary pub lic in the United States. She has just passed her eighteenth birthday. Gov ernor Dockery sent her a letter of con gratulation with her appointment. ' Mrs. John A. Logan and the resi dents of Iowa circle, Washington, where the statue of General Logan is located, are at odds because Mrs. Lo gan wishes more trees cut down in the circle, so that the view of the status will not he obstructed. Mrs. AInm A. Williston, M. D., was appointed town physician at the re cent reorganization of the Phillips burg (X. J.) council by a vote of 12 to 3 over Dr. F. S. Drakes. . Mrs. Willis ton was recommended by nearly ail the physicians and by many citizens. Mrs. Ella Itenshaw, eighty-two, wid ow of Captain F. T. Renshaw of the old navy, was burled the other day, by special permit from the govern ment, by her husband's side in the naval cemetery at Portsmouth, Va. She was the first woman in fifty years to be buried there with a naval parade and salute. The Baroness Eurdett-Coutts has just celebrated her eighty-ninth birthday. Lady Burdett-Coutts Is one of the most interesting figures of modern times. Her schemes of philanthropy, In which she has been ably seconded by her American born husband, have been many and various, and she has given Immense sums to charity. TO RENT. TO Rr'.NT FurnihlieU rom t "'I HKOTItf," 14 cVrl Ht , iy ihe ti.iy or v ef k 'ilio hui-e anil furulfhiiis'S a iiw. Steam hent, eiect.-io liWitq. brulm. itrfud piaras front aiul hack on each tlr. Sisi-r.Hi in Wwir?-, ard (he h-t cf ' servicM gnamntt-td, O. 11 IJ;il, Pm. SOttl TO RENT A suit of rix'ttic, incliKlirij; hot amt fold water, at 7 Miiuuiir street. Apply at ti.e i Iioum;. St.if ! t , , t ) J l'ASTl HE TO 1U. I'i.Ni) l.arl it wire. A!o ' 1 will t;i k" licr or c;)ttl to pHMturi'. InUire ; nf -Mrs. AilKTt ruinc, K.iht lkurc, t. U4tf j I i l ItMSHKD laioM TO RKNT-Sultal.le for ! tw nieu. Bath, etc. Apply at 2St. a Miiitb I FOR SALE BY THE - TO KENT iown-Ktair! terif-nicfit tf tarce rwnii. cli'.. t Mt. Vcriiim I'lacc, int otT a!- i iimtnn street. Innuiieof 1'. U. n'hralnii, t'ie pliniiv Z-i-i. -tiltf D. A. Perry Real Estate Agency LOOK THIS LIST OVER AND INVESTIGATE. TO ltENT. . j Two tenement In Stafford hoiive on Cottage ; strict. , -tf I'hetjis Krotlicrs. J T 1-" X V1 V 'P TH IM-'.T li.rr!,.. I.L- ! j Win. C. Markit', ciiiih t Washington Mount ! jtitnu-tM. 4utf ! TO ltK.N'T Two mnh!1 ti'iiriiH'iitw of four or live rooms, one up ami thf other down Mairs, on IVarl street. A i . I y to A. 11. liuzzvll, JVaii ftrt-et. 4.'tf j TO KENT (oiiul )ar(re store ul corner of Main anil Seminary sUit t-i. Ajij'Iy at li. 1. Tomasi's grocery nt'ore. 47tf TO ltENT J)own-stairi tenement, flonsintlnff of fonr lar.Lre anil one Mnal! roimi, panti v ami cloet. Near i.t-otl!i'e, Kent . 10 in. Apply to Mis. II. E. Vaite,2 Eautern avenuo. Kt " PEN, CHISEL AND BRUSH. Justin Huntly McCarthy is frequent ly confused with his father. Justin McCarthy. This is not surprising, eince, besides being of the same name, they are both historians, both novel ists and both have been members of parliament. Sculptor Trentanoves' bronze bust of the late Senator Cushman K. Davis has arrived in Washington from Italy. The sculptor is on his way to this coun try to be present at the unveiling of the work over the grave of Senator Davis In Arlington. John La Farge, the artist, is a tall man, slightly bald, with a narrow chest and bent shoulders. His face is one that grows pleasantly upon one. It is a very quiet face, yet one feels an intensity of life under the still sur face. His eyes are small, black, pierc ing. The honorary degree of LL. D. re cently conferred on James McNeill Whistler, the painter, by the University of Glasgow is the second honor which this distinguished and resolute artist has received from Scotland, as the Royal Scottish academy elected him an honorary member a few months ago. These are his only official British honors. KOK RENT. N'iee tlown-Ktairs tenement on I'atterson St. Will rent rihf, to small family. Six room tenement on (iaitiehl Ave. for ?10.O0 Six-room tenement, with hath, just off Wsu- iiurtn St. on Sit. Veruou l'laee for $13.W per Ulolltll. Eive-room tenement on Brook ln "St., with barn, for .0o. Cottajie on Cambria St. for $10.00 per month. Cntta(r on l-SateheluVr Meadow for Sl'J.oy per month. 1). A. TEitBY Real Estate Agkscy Desirable Cottage and Barn. Has recently been papered and painted inside and is in first class condition. House contains six rooms and barn has two stalls. There is a large lot, 76 by 130 feet, and quite a quantity of fruit trees. Buildings are insured for $800 00. The price for immediate sale is $1500 00. Terms easy. Place is located on Railroad street, north of Berlin street. FOR SALE. KOK SALE io-eart, this reason's style. Ab-o a lenwooii F conkine Ktove. lloth in good con dition. Apply at '.: l'leai-ant street. 70U FOK SALE An open ime- atiit in gooa running oraer Lang. Xewtv nainted Inquire of Ci. W. llSttt FOR SALE House ami lot at 200 South Slain street, v. ith ten aj'ple trees and a quantity of currant hutheft. Apply to L. Kllis, acw south Slain street. t7t - Cottage of Six Rooms, With Small Barn. About five minutes' wa'k from postcrTice, near Tremont street. On account of poor health owner will sell for $1200.00. This property is especially well adapted for a good home. A Fifty -Acre Farm Only about three miles from the city and one mile from East Barre on good road Land is all tillage and produces about 25 tons of hay. House is in good repair and contains nine good-sized rooms. " There are two barns one ao by 30 and one 30 by 4Q feet with basement. This is a snap at $1200.00 and can be bought on easy terms, or owner would exchange for good renting property in Barre City. Hill SALE Several seconil-huml harness. Alo me extra nice pig and shoats for sale. Apply to Nelson Downing. (L'tii FOR SALE Hay and straw, also furrnin tools too numerous to mention, at No. Inn Sum mer street. Telephone connection at F. E. Kinney's house. M. V. B. Freeman. 3O0tf FOR SALE C heap for ca?h. l.Vton stone wajjon in excellent condition, standard Oran- ite co. s quarries, iiarclwiek, t. ootf FOR SALE Horse, nine Years old, weiirht alHiut Hot, good worker and an extra driver. Apply to r . jc. remit. Kit! FOR SALE Tomato, fahhape, ( elerv and Cu cumlu r Flants at the 1'errv Vecetaiile Farm. Only one mile from city, on road to Williams- town, 'iiie old isovcm place, 'leiepnone call Sii-irJ. C. H. Ferry, Jlirr. 6711 NEW HOl'SE FOR SALE Just finished. Seven rooms with hath, hot and cold water, furnace, electric licht tixtures, window shades hutiff. House finished in best of manner imd very desirable location. Apply to II. J. Col Imrn, '1 Currier street. tett FOR SALE OR TO RENT House and barn and about 'JO acres of land, within ten minutes' walk of Williamstown station and post-orhce. Apply to J. B. Hrockway, W illiamtwn. 13tf PLTK GLASS FOR SALE A lotof random sizes a very low price if taken at once. What tze do you want? L'N'iON" MADE SIGNS and AWNINGS. H. A, Kupir, 14 French St. 2SW41 HAY FOR 8ALE- Delivered in bulk or pressed. Am prepared to fill orders cf shoit notice. Address George Cassie, East St. 19tf02 ROASTERS. VOt NG FOWL Age and size just right for roasting. A. W. ALLEN, Sunnyside Farm. Telephone 114-3. aitf HELP VAMTED. WANTED Girl for general housework at Qi North Main street. tWti Hatr Snpemtltlon. There is a superstition nmong south ern children to the effect that hair combings should never be thrown out of doors for tbe reason tbat the birds will use them in building their nests and thus produce constant headache to the person to whom they belong. WANTED Good (jranlte polisher at once. Maehihe. polisher. GimmI washes to the ri'tit party and a tirsf-elass. steady job. rtiidrcss Charles .Montgomery, Cairo, Hi". :W WANTED Girl for general housework at 21 Franklin street. tJ."tf Special Notice. On April l:!th we notified all parties, through the liarri" Daily Times and Evening Telegram, that; for any goods left for storage at the storage warehouse of Forsyth X Ingt am storage charges would have to be p'aid on same. - Since then we have sent, letters to the following parties aud they have not replied. As the letters have been rernrned we take it that said parties are not in barre. We now publish the names of parties having goods stored at our warehouse. We will publish these names one dav each week in this paper and keep said notice In for three months. If anyone fails to reply by August, 1st, l'.HKi, their good's w ill lie sold tit cover the cost of storage and expense of sale and publishing aid notice. FoUSYTU INGRAM. Percy D. Karnes, stored .Jnlv 9, 1W1. Jennie K. Hayford, stored Sept. 2, l!Hr. licrnard (). ('minor, stored March 8, ls'jll, D. McLe.i.l, stored Dec. II, lmd. George ('. 1 aiv, stored June 1, lfWi. Mrs. Fred Kirby, stored July 13, Wl. Mrs. CI lira .Mile's, stored April ."l. Uml. Kiw in Wheeler, stored June 1, IMf). W. If. l.i.cklin, stored Sept. 2." stud Oct. II, lSIC. Jerry l'aeketr, stored March a. 1s;iS. Alexander Chambers, stored July 1, iXM. I", ,1. tiermain, stored Sept. li, lsis. J. Lviliniil, stored Oct. '.'H, lws. Archie J. W hittier. stored March IT, VMtl. Martha Ijulcau, stored July '-".I, lsw.'. FOUR LINES FOR 25 CENTS Tme Timf will publish Wants, Lost and Found, For Sale, To Ij't, etc. short advertise mentsat the rate of lour lines for twenty-rive cents for the first insertion and live cents for each subsequent Insertion. TO RENT. TO KENT--Cottage at. 4i Long street. Seven rooms, hot and cold water, bath, etc. Fine garden. Apply to (.'. 1!. Ferry, Circle St. 70tf TENEMENTS TO KENT Three tenements. Inquire of Henry Frenier, Granite street, (i'ltti TO RENT Six-room tenement, with barn rmmi for six horses if wanted, at H'J l'rospect street. Also three-room tenement on Foster street fur st.OO a month. Apply to Abram -Mann. oitf TO RENT Two desirable rooms at at Jeller Sou street. KtttC TO RENT New eight room tenement on Deacon Street, French Estate. Hot ami cold water, hard wood floors, bath, pantry and w ired for lights. Imniire of Geo. E. Smith, 45 Sum mer ttirect. c. 1 1 f OFFICE ROOMS TO RENT In Eastman's block. Apply at Eastman Bros store. UOtf WANTED A first-class lumper. Apply to the Kane Granite Co., Montpelii-r, Vt. 5t6 AVANTED A capable girl to do general house work. Apply at 2 Academy street. 4'Jtf WANTED Experienced help In tailor shop. Girl pant maker and to do repairing new work. Moore & Owens, 1J2 .Main street. 40tf WORK WANTED. WANTED Lady would like work by the hour or day. 'Address J., Times office. 70tf WANTED Place to work by steady, reliable man. Address " Work," this office. (Mij DRESSMAKING Miss Mina Barker, exper ienced dressmaker. Will go out by the day 3!) summer street. i'ltf mom TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN To parties wishing to purchase a home. 1 will loan on the monthly' payment plan. For particulars call on Mrs. il.'E. Waite, 2 Eastern Ave. 0-ltf A. W. LANE & SONS, ARCHITECTS and BUILDERS, Tel. 305-12. SOUTH BARRE, VT. New House and About 3 1-2 Acres of Land About ten minutes' walk from the postoffice. House con tains seven good-sized rooms and is finished in hard wood down-stairs and there are two or three hard wood floors. There is a good cellar and spring water runs to, the house. About 50 fruit trees have recently been set out and will be bearing soon, and there are also plenty of currant and rasp berry bushes. This is a desirable place for poultry and market gardening. Price is $2600.00. Terms, about 500.00 down. DouBIe House Containing 13 Rooms About one minute's walk from Main street. Is connected with sewer, has good granite cellar and is supplied with city water. Rents for $21.00 per month and is never vacant. House is insured for $1600.00 and assessed for the same. Price for immediate sale, $2000.00. Let as stow you these properties at once. They are sure to be worth more within a short time. Yous inter ests will be ours in buying or selling Real Estate. We guarantee good titles. You know the place, Rooms 8 and 9, Gordon Block, Barre. Why Not Insure Your Property In Reliable Stock Companies? THE G. HERBERT PAPE FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY represents the largest and safest fire insurance com panies in the world. " Write or call at office for rates, etc. Office Over Granite Savings Bank. N S U Some agents say "The Best Companies," others "The Strongest," and still others "The Largest Companies." I simply say J. W. DILLON, Agent. Representing $465,490,1 17-39 assetts as per annual statement of companies represented in this agency on Jan. I, 1903. That tells the whole story. Call and investigate. No risk too large, none too small. ooLiirjiora line ' A Fast Twin-Screw W -J, - j Service r f: boston to ;v;C QUEENSTOWN and LIVERPOOL. Commonwealh June 4 'w Kniftaud Iun 11 Mayflower . June 18 CoiiiiiioiiaUU .Inly '2 New Kn).H(l. Inly 9 Mavtlowttr July 10 1st clans npwairta; 2d class $12 60; 3d class at low rates. mm From HOSTOV MEOITERHANEAfl tlll Azores, Gibraltar, Nuph-n, Gnon. Vancouver June , July 18, Aug 29 Cauibroiuan.. June 20, Aug 8, Sept 19 1st class, V0, upwadaj 2d claes, M. Company's Office, 77Sft St., Boston, or 8. rt. Hallard, Miles' Granite Huiirtlog, barre, new Langilon Block, Montpellor. 'Mi?' EESIDENCK OF J. W. GOKDON, RICHARDSON BTREET. " C. L. BUGBEE, Contfactor and BuMct TLAXS AXD SrEClFICATIOKS FURNISHED OX SIIOBT NOTICE. Office at 202 North Main Street, NEAR DEPOT SQUARE. (Phone 123-3.) BARRE, VERMONT.