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THREE SPECIAL BARGAINS For Saturday, June 27th. Seven Handkerchiefs for 25c. Now is the time to buy Handkerchiefs. This lot comprises Embroidered, Hemstitched, Lace Edge and Plain Linen an exceptionally good Handker chief at 5 cents each. They are only slightly wrinkled in deco rating. We offer seven Handkerchiefs for 25c on Saturday. Neck Ribbons at iOc Per Yard. Fancy Neck Rib bons, three inches wide, in white, blue, pink, red, green and yel low. These are all silk and washable and are worth 15c per yard. We offer them on Saturday at 10c per yard. Ladies' Undervests at 5c Each. Ladies' Unbleached Undervests, with square neck, on Saturday at 5c each. TALK OF THE TOWN. PERRY & CAMP, 71 and 75 Main Street, - ... Barre, Vermont DO YOU? MOST EVERYONE DOES LIKE TO SIT IN A COMFORTABLE CHAIR when they are resting themselves after a day's work in hot weather, and the porch is the place we all like best in a hot Sum mer day. Call and try our Old Comfort Chairs. We know thev are easy on the pocket-book as well as to sit in. B W -Hooker & Co., Park Block, Next to City Hafl, - - Barre, Vermont. TALK OF THE TOWN. School is Over! Nothing ahead bat fun for the boys! Fun roughs it at times and their Suits have to bear the brunt of many a hard knock. We have some VACATION SUITS that are exactly what every romping boy should have. Not high in price, but strong in their staying qualities. Strength is a strong point in our VACATION SUITS. They fit and look well, too perhaps best. We have them in plain and fancy fabrics at $2.00 to $7.50 ; washable at 50 cents to $3.00. FRANK McWHORTER, The One Price Clothier. Hatter and Men's Outfitter. THE SOUTH END MARKET Only the best quality of goods sold here, and we use you right. Scullions and Radishes, pet baoch 5c New Bests, per bunch 10 Wax Beans, per quvt 1 Oc Ripe Watermelons, per pound 3c 25c New Potatoes, per pound 5c 5c Chickens, per pound 20c Plenty of large, ripe Bananas, per dozen, 25c Sweet, juicy Oranfes, a doi.. 20, 25,30, 40c Large, fancy Lemons, per dozen. 25c New Arrkots. rer dozen 1 Oc Fed (Jerries, per pound, Fresh Native Lettuce, per bunch Cucumbers, New Cabbaje and ail seasonable Fruits and Vegetables. Choice Beef, Fork, Mutton and Veal, Sausage, Bacon, Tripe and reliable Groceries. PARSONS & SKINNER, (Telephone 213-4) 115 South Main Street, - - - - Barre, Vermont. Royal Blue Flame Cook Stove! I :ui!!' mk Y Martin Riley went to St. Johnsbnry to day. Il irry Cioud left this noou for a visit in V. II. Ilardacre loft last ni'ht for Jatk son, Michigan, Matt Ilfaley returned this wonting from Chester, Mass. (.eorufl Iiihop of Washington was in the city today. S. Halzarinl arrived In the city yester day from Italy. Rev. T. II. Mitchell returned yesterday from Sherbrooke, 1 Q. Charles Converse went to Montreal yes terday for a several days visit. Mr. and Mrs. David Varney went to Springfield, Mass,, today to visit friem's. Miss Mildred I.afountain, trimmer for Miss Miles, went to her home In Georgia yesterday. John G. Morrison of Cambridge, Mass., is in the city visiting at his farm for a day or two. Mrs. II. J. Quimby of Boston is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Dine at South Barre. J. II. Gallagher of New York Is visiting his brother, II. B. Gallagher, of this city for a few weeks. I'ivion Calderara caught 28 pounds of trout yesterday in the brooks in East Barre and Orange. . , The biggest and best loaves of thoroughly goodbread made from Wise King Flour. Ask your grocer for it. Harry Dunham left last night for the Isle of Shoals where he will be bell boy in one of the hotels there. Daniel Holland of Northlield was in the city last night to attend the commence ment dance at Goddard. Mr. and Mrs. L. It. Rickert returned this morning from Stowe where they have been on a few days' visit. C. Sironi arrived in the city yesterday from South America instead of C. Muloli as was reported yesterday. C. L. Rotzel, teacher In the business de dartment at he Seminary went to Spring field, Mass , today to spend the summer vacation. V. R. Shipman of Tufts college, who has been attending the commencement ex ercises at Goddard this week left last night for Boston. N" early all the students of the seminary left today for their homes for the summer vacation. The teachers will remain until the lust of iho week. Vlnnltia fivt.ra t" (if P Will ftftPTll! Pvthian memorial services at the Congre gational church Sunday evening next. Kev. r. A. l'ooie win eonuuet me services. Frank Bailey, the lunck dealer, wants it understood it was not him who was in i court Wednesday on the charge of being drunk. The man's name was Daly not Bailey. Rev. Etlie K. M. Jones went to Middle sex this afternoon where she oiticiates at a funeral and from there she will go to St. Johnsbnry to attend a Universalis! con vention. An adjourned meeting of Green Moun tain Lodge, I. O. O. F., M. U will be held in Forresters hall on Friday evening at 7.30 o'clock for the purpose of working degrees. There will be a regular meeting of the Ladies of the G. A. R. tomorrow evening at 7.30. A full attendance is desired, as matters relating to sufferers from the floods in the west are to come up. A lawn party will be given on Saturday evening oh the lawn in front of Bert Bart lett's house at the comer of Kim and Sum mer streets. It will be given under the auspices of the Ladies of the Maccabees. About 20 of the friends of C. W. Hunt ington surprised him last evening at his homo on Charles st,. it having been his birthday. A pleasant evening was enjoy w ith games, and refreshni' nts were served. At the regular meeting og the X. E. O. P., held last evening, three applications were received and the initiatory degree was worked on three candidates in a very exemplary manner by the Ladies' Degree Team. The children attending Sunday school, in Nichols block will hold their annual picnio at Caledonia park on Saturday, the 27th hist. Train leaves at 0 a. in. Pa rents and friends are cordially invited. Rain or shine. G. A. Drew has sold his new house on Allen street to Byron Xunn, consideration fi'.OW. Mr. Minn has also pu'enaseu a strip of land adjoining hislotrrom the Methodist society, paying IOO thereior. Both sales were made through the D. A. Perry real estate agency. The case of Mrs. Frank Nichols, of Becklev Hill in Barre town, who burned her husband's farm buildings a few weeks ago, and was then sent to Waterbury, was before the probate court at Montpelier yes terday afternoon on the question of whether the state should bear the expense of her confinement. She was adjudged a state pauper as was also Daniel Wright of the same town. A. K. Hale of Bradford visited his uucle, O. If. Hale tuiay. Mark Davis w ent to his home in Marsh field today for a few days visit. Are you planning to take a day oil and go to Missia'pioi Park tomorrow? Trot. O. K. ITollister went to M. Johns bury today to attend the Uiitversalist con vention. Gray's Glass show and Specialty Co.. nnder the auspices of Company E, V. N. G., one week commencing Monday, June 2;t, at Armory hall. Free dancing. Free band concert every night. WILLIAMSTOWN. Rebekah meeting this evening. Mem bers please take notice. Mrs. George Savery returned Thurday from a three weeks visit in Sharon. The Birthday social Club of Fast Hill has its annual picnic at Berlin Pond, Sat urday, June. 27. Rev. Stanley G. Spear of Maiden has been the guest of the Rev. Frances A. Kimball this week. Mr. and Mrs. George Savery went to Montpelier yesterday to attend the reun ion at Dewey Park. Mrs. Bagley Abbott and Mrs. Page of Topsham are in town. Mrs. Atbott visit ed her sister in Montpelier yesterday. There will be a special meeting of the Eastern Star Chapter Friday night, and it is desin-d that there be a large attend ance as this is a practice meeting. The Woman's Home Missionary society of the Free Baptist church will present the following program at their thank-offering Sunday afternoon at their church, singing, reading of Scripture by Mrs. Nor ris; prayer, Mrs. Smith; singing; reading, 'Forget me Not," Mrs. Etta Covell; read ing, "Not in Vain," Emma Clark; read ing, "A Sacriilce or Thanksgiving," Ida Jackson; "A Brahmo Weddintr," Hattie Waldo; "Thank Offering," Ina Dutton; "Iler Tithes," Lilla Briggs; . singing; "The Cruse that Faileth Not," Hattie Bannister; "Mrs. Twicker's Confession," Mrs. Ophir Martin; "A Mission Ro mance," Mrs. Clark; recitation, "My Shepherd," by nine children; recitation, "lama Little Pilgrim," Elsie Martin; singing; Some Annoyances in India, Mrs. Goodrich; "LittT&May's Thank-offering," Lena Tucker; Notable Meeting in Nida pore, Mrs. Josie Waldo; "Over and Over," Mrs. Belle Covell; "Only a Penny," Al mon Poore; collection; recitation by chil dren; prayer, Mrs. Sargent. Letter to K. A. Hoar. Barre, Vt. Dear Sir: The way to reckon the cost of paint Is to put both costs together: the I cost of the paint and the cost of putting it on. - It would save this country hundreds of millions of dollars a year; it would save you alone (if you happen to be a victim) several dollars a year. See how it works. It costs as much to put-on one paint as another, don't it? Yes, if you use the same number of gal lons. Well, don't I? No, you'll use twice as many gallons of adulterated paint as of.De.voe; and you've got to pav twice as much for putting it on. Mr. N." Avery, Delhi, N. Y., has two houses alike and in same condition. Paint ed one house with Devoe: t! gallons. Painted the other house with a paint that was half adulteration : 12 gallons. Same painter. Geo, Gilbert, did both jobs. One cost $27 ; the other $4. Better go by the name. Yours truly, F. W. Devoe & Co., P. S. Reynolds & Son sll our paints. Mt mm mtmoLmimm' miLj mr mom m..m ft u SATURDAY BARGAINS, JUNE 27. LADIES' WRAPPERS. Eight dozen Ladies' Wrappers. These are a manufacturer's sample line and are the latest styles. They come in Prints, Per cales and Lawns and will be sold in this sale as follows: i oo Wrappers for 69c, 1.25 Wrappers for 87c, $1 50 Wrappers for 96c, f 1.75 Wrappers for $i.i9 and fi.oo Wrappers for $J.49. This is the first time that we ever had a lot of this kind. Better look them over. SHIRT WAIST SUITS. No more Ladies' Shirt Waist Suits this season The fol lowing prices will take the lots Saturday: $1.2$ Suits for 87c and $2.00 Suits for $f,49. ln aH sizes ard a new this season. BLACK PETTICOATS. Five dozen Ladies' Black Pett'coats. These are as good as sold in any store at 1.25. (That has been our price.) Satur day's price does not cover cost of materials. Saturday, 87c each. A UAT P. T Get the Best. Over King's Jewelry Store, Depot Sqaare, 25 Barre. - - - - - Vermont. Fine Photographs ! TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION. VT ANTEO Tnmpcr in polishing mill. Ajily to (uiro Slrattoii. t2 tt The most practical, economical and up-to-date Stoye on the market today. Also One, Two and Three-Burner Union Wick Stoves at 50c, $1.00 and $1.50, and One, Two and Three Burner Florence Stoves at 75c, $1.50 and $2.75. Trie FIRE SALE is DRAWING CROWDS DAILY. HAVE YOU BEEN IN? Boston Bargain Stos?e, Pearl Street, Barre, Vt. C. N. Kenyon & Co. V A.N I1D Km M wi.i k in livpry tnlle. Ap ply to A. J, Ci'iiiiliud. W-Jtrvill. Kni Court Granite City, No. 3, Foresters of America. All members are hereby notified to be present at the next regular meet ing to be held THURSDAY, JUNE 25, at 7.30 P. H. Business Election of officers. Per order WH. L. TAYLOR, C. R. UNION BLACKSMITH SHOP. The Blacksmith Shop back of Slaytou's stable, which Is to be 'run as a I'nion shop, is now open and ready lor business, Horseshoeing aud jobbing of all kinds. W. E. WILLIS. To Rent Tntil Pil For. We have about a hundred second-hand organs, including the Taber, Estey, Mason fc Hamlin, Stnitu American, hhonm.ner, Queen City, Bridgeport, Wilcox it White, l'iilaceimdette.rackard and oilier makes which have been thoroughly overhauled and refinished and are as good as new and warranted for five years, at prices ranging from f 10 to $"(). Terms, 5 down and $2 per month. Our store Is overcrowded aud we must have room for new goods, and we have decided to dispose of them at ex tremely low prices. There Is no exense for your not having an organ now. Write for prices and styles today, gent free on application. McKannon liros. fc Co., 43 Church St., Burlington, Vt. Fntnt Your Ruggy for 75c. to $1.00 with Devoe's Gloss Carriage Faint. It weighs 3 to 8 ozs. more to the pint than others, wears longer, ana gives a gloss equal to new work. Sold by Rey nolds & Son. Old gold and silver wanted at refiners prices in exchange for goods at F. E. Burr'i Glasses fitted by an eye sight specialist at J. W. Ilolton s. A GOOD DINNER or LUNCH SERVED AT ALL HOURS. Try my Home IBakei Btar.s. Everything cooked at home. Try the tlectric snaie toitee. JESSE CAY HUE, Depot Square, - . - - Barre, Vermont. WOOL, WOOL, WOOL. We are in the market for Wool. Can pay for Good Coarse, . . . 21c. Long Staple Fine, . 2!c. Short Staple Fine, 18 to 20c. Will be at Montpelier, near the Wells River depot, to receive Wool Thursday, Jane 25th H. A. PERKINS & CO., White River Junction, Vt FAMOUS ICE CREAM HAS NO EQUAL. JUST TRY IT. The Barre Candy Kitchen. Auction Sale of Furniture! June 27th, at 2 P. H at No. 2j AveriII4St., Barre, Vt. As I am about to leave town I will sell all my household goods at my residence as above stated. See small bills, as I, have a long list. Sale posi tive June 27th at 2. P. M. All are invited. JAMES RICHARDS. 0. H. HALE, Auctioneer. . rellas Did the top blow off yours, the other day, or didn't you have one when you wanted it? The rainy season is here and here are timely Umbrella offerings, rain or shine. Prices from 50 cents to $6.00. The safe way is to buy an Umbrella when you don't need it. Moote & Owens, t22 North Main St., Barre, Vermont. Good Values at Ladds! Three cans of Corn for - - - - - 25c Fresh Eggs, per dozen, - - - - 19c Three pound cans Peaches, good value, two cans for 25c Jelly in tumblers, assorted flavors, each, - - 10c Three-pound cans Pears, two cans for - - - 25c Three-pound cans Boston Baked Beans, three cans for 25c Nice ripe Pineapples, good size, each, - - - 12.'c Nice ripe Pineapples, smaller but good, each, - 10c New Sage Cheese, per pound, - - - - 16c The best Condensed Milk, per can, - - - 15c' Try our Home made Pressed Corn Beef. It is all right for cold meat It will please you. Per pound, 15c Oatmeals are higher bu't we have a large stock bought before the advance and shall give our customers the benefit of the low price. Per pound, 3Jc ; ten pounds, - 30c We expect a large lot of Strawberries Wednesday and the rest of the week. Put up canning berries now. F. D. LADD, Leading Cash Gtoccn