Newspaper Page Text
Caters Real 'Estate Agency F. B. CATE. H. J. SLAYTON. If looking for bargains in Real Estate for a home or investment read the following: NEW COTTAGE HOUSE on Park street. Seven rooms besides laundry with set tubs. Finished in birch and sycamore. Furnace, bath, hot water connections, electric lijhts, all ready to go to housekeeping;. Will be sold cheap on easy payments. ANOTHER NEW HOUSE on Kaple Grove. Seven rooms, finished in hard wood with every modern improvement. This house is also ready for occupancy, even to the shades ti) the windows. Price reasonable. EIGHT-ROOM COTTAGE on South Main street. Finished la hard pine and has hard wood floors. Bath and sewer connections. In first-class repair. Five minutes' walk from Batchclders Meadow. Large lot, plenty of fruit and shrubbery. Will be sold cheap, as owner wishes to leave the state. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE AND BARHon Quarry street. Lot is four rods by eight rods. Built only a few years ago. A bargain at $850. Easy terms. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE on Webster Avenue. Price, $700. FARM OF TWELVE ACRES between Barre and Montpelkr. . New Building, with luge henhouse 12 by 40 feet. Just the place for gardeainj, having two markets Montpelier and Barre. Only five minutes' walk from electric cars. Bolster Block, Cult! vat 01S We have them and a full line of Garden and Heavy Wheelbarrows and Express Wagons, Grass and Bush Scythes, also Ash and Cherry Snaths. Prices the lowest. PRIiNDLE & 81 North Main. Street, F HOTEL MI LANO, JOSEPH D. 0SS0LA, North Main Street, - - L' Hotel e' da oggi in pol eperto al publico e tutti vi petranno trovare la pia ample eommodUa'. J,a Cucina e' affidata ad un chief appositamente vemito da New York. FranEi ad ogni ora del giorno e della sera a prewl iodie!irai. . Salone per pranzi. (,'aoiere antmoblgliate Speeialita' importate e do mesUehe in bibste. V Hotel e' eonnesso coll HOTEL CAMFIDOGLIO dl New Vort, 147 Bleeeker Str. angolo Tliompson Str., condotto da B. Berlin! e tutti gll Italianl protraano rivolgerai all" HOTEL MILANQ dl Barre so lianno parentl o amici la arrivo al Castle Garden e per mezzo del Sig. Bertinl si compieranno tut te le praticlie per lo sbareo e rerranno accompagnati al treni in partenza. UNA CARROZZA DELL' HOTEL ATTLVDE I VIAGGIAT0RI AD10GNI TREN0 IN ARRIVO A BARRE. BUSINESS CARDS. OR. C. H. KENT, DENTIST. Mi leu Block. Telephone at office and rwirience. DR. LEWIS D. MARTIN, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. Of (tca In Eoom 85. Miles' Eui'.dine. Oillee hourB, 9 a. ro. to 12 in and 1 30 to 4 p. tn., jNEonday, Tuesday, Thurs day and Friday. Telephone con nection. ARIfil'R H. LEWIS, 0, V. S., VETERlfllHY SURGEON. Surgery a sr-eclalty. Graduate of West ern' Veterinary College, Kansas City, Mo. Office at residence, - Pearl Street. Telephone, 212-13. MRS. fi A, BUVM, EXPERIENCED NURSE. No, 103 South Mala street, Burro, Vermont. Telephone cell, 13-3. VV. SCOTT, AlTOfiNEY-AT-LAW. Office In Wood Klot-fe, over Land's store. Justice, Dotiu-y and fitenographer in otHce. FRED 'L. PAGE, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER OtSes tnd Re.itdence, 31 Highland ftvenua. Telephone call, 4-3. NOTICE. Havtfl leased the Union Blacksmith Shop known as the C. N, Benedict shop. No. 22 Sum mer Street, I will do all kinds of Eiacksmithin?. Morse Shoeing a specialty. All work done in a first-class manner. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call and see mc - W- T. BURGESS. J. A. M'LEOD, REQISTEEED BIIOEING. SMITH. Knee-cottlns-, interfering, cllcktriir, etc., positively cored. Diseased teet treated with success. Trotters, pa cers and gentlemen's roadsters miccialty. Shop on Seminary 8t. Telephone connection. f Lot is about 200 feet ty ICOlcct. Rooms 1 1 and 12 AVERILL, Barre, Vermont, ProprieUrio, - - Barre, Vermont. G. A. WILKINSON, CARRIAGE ANDRIGN PA1NTINO CalHoinimng and decorating. House panning ana paper nangitiK a spec laity, iba best work at moderate prices, 8hop Bbova the covered mago, So. Main effect, Barre. J. A. CROWLEY, HOUSE PA1VTING, Taper hanging etc. Shop on Seminary St. Tele' phone connect ion. HENRY FRENIER 5 SON, UNDERTAKERS, funeral direotorg nd farnishera ol faccral supplies. NIgbt cpISs promptly attended to. No. 18 Granite street, Barre, Vt. Residence up aiftlrs. Telephone, 13 -5. F. G. & C. H. ROWELL, Complete Architects and Builders. 58 Summer St., Barre, Vermont. H. E. JEFFORDS, Painting and Paper Hanging And CalsominSng. A share of your patronage la solicited. 5 Tharston Place, - Barre, Vermont. Spring 2 Summer Woolens Wanamaker & Brown's Made-to-Measure Clothing. 0. W. E0YEA, Merchant Tailor J. A. FIELD, Contractor and Builder , Office and residence, 82 Patterson , St. Telephone 157-4. ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN Wood & Gregoire, Stone Masons and Contractors Raising and niovint; buildings. Satisfaction guaranteed. Telephone Culls i C. E.Wooel, 213-21 ; G. L, Gregoire, S07-1 THINGS THEATRICAL. Ir.'iio rrizollo vt " From Paris'' hns !i'iii asked to p-; for one of Bos ton's artists. Gcorjre II. Bror.Jlmrst is one of thoso Iihiywriit w Lo tire aW to "stage' their on a I'I.-it-j. William r.unoill !i;is iliio.-fHl of bn now j-Iny, "A Croat Gauio." to Frcl Yokes of the firm of Ward & Voices. It Is said tliat Siirdou's "Pun'o" will lie Sir Henry Irvine's e-olj offering vtiieu be Kiiikes III- next Aui'-rkan tour. Mis Ni-lla Web!', the Itopoep of "l'fllx's Iu ToyJand," is o niceo of Gen eral Wallace, ninhor of "lieu Ilur." Mrs. Carter HarrNon of C! ! :i-'0 U dramatizing an extravaganza from liet book of fairy tales. Triuee Silver win k:s." . , Ethel Wynee Matthews-cm and the other iiiemlx-rs of the "Everyman" eoinpnny, with one exception, are now hi I.v Urn. Ilotiort Edeson la "Soldiers of For tune" will be an interesting attraction to reopen the IIolUs Street theater, Bos ton, in the early autumn. William A. Brady lias chosen 'Glrl Will I Girls' as the title of the imi sionl comedy In which Al Leach and the Three Honehnds will appear at the Frlncess theater. New York, Aug. 15. WARNING. Tlie linrnl votrts of the City of Harre, in the County it V;istiiii&rron an4 late of ni!oiit, are li'-iitiy rwntieil anil warned to mwt In City Mt'ftlng in City Hull, North Main sstwt, oh 'jjicxil.iy Kvomittr, jutyVlst. l'KW, at 7.M o'clock to act on the t'lllitwiui; ttniuW, viz: i'it"t 'I'd eject a mudcrator to preside at said nwtii!;. SwoihI To soe If tlie City will vote to receive ami hold in trnt nniiu'v. ti.e income of which t to he iid fur the care and improvement of it- cetoctt ics, or of I'tivate lots whithm stid ccioeicru- or ei-ewlici", st tirovidcil lor in Sec tion Wi of tlie Whim .lit Knuiiti-s, Third To do any other 'proper Husiri-.s. t nted at tlie I'ity of liarrc. this tftli day of Julv. A. I. I'M. J. HENRY .IACKSOS, Mayor. Pot lie Hearing. Tlie 0innrc Comity Telephone Company bav ins made a I'onmd j?li'ationtot!ie City V'omi cil t tlii City for )Tiiiiivdon to mtttlilinh a central ortti: in this l ity. and to set polesand p'rinir wires on vrioUH treetft within the City li iiiit ; and lieti-ss a molntioti has hven in tr'i(!itcU iu the City Council to give them this 1 ii K'fufi;. all ttcrht who are interested m tin iiitittr V ill lo jtiven a ehanee to lie heard on the tnie-t ion of erantini; the said Ora mm minty Telephone Company the ritrhts nMicd thi tneir nomusitUHi, heroro mini action is t:ilo-n in tiie loitttcr. Th'm i:it ter iviil come tin at a nicotine of the Board of Aldermen to he held Tuesday evening, Julv i'-tli, I'.nu, at ".CO o'clock, in the Citv Coun- I elutmher. lhited t i'irre. Vt., July I'.tli, A. 1. 1. JAMES MACK AV, City Clerk. Bids Wanted. The School Coiiimisioner of the City of aire. ., desire Semd miU for tlie construc tion of a twelve-room luick school htiildintr. he Idds will he opened at a meeting of the loud commissioners in their oim Monday, til 27. VMKi. at 3i'.M. The mlHt bid, plan and Sjtecihcat ions most he in the hands of the iot Kii. i , itooher, or tue ArcuiLeoi, un ur tore tne tunc uiemioneu aoovc. I ne reins nnd sjiecilications ni'iy he mn in Barre at the thee or Miotu X iia.Rer, ."trcnifccts, over rry ot ( siuo 8 store, f rom 4 to S.30 C M., or 4.1 ptute St., Montpelier, from 1 to 8 P. M. The ii'hool Cotfooissioucrs reserve the right to jeet any or all bids. SCfiUOl. COM'RS OF BAERK. Special Notice. On April jrth we notified all parties, thronth the Itaire 1'miy Times and Evciuni; TcieirrHui, that tor any poods lett for storage at the storate i-lion-e ot rorsvttitV lnnrara sioracecnarees would have to foe Jiaiii on xnme. Since t hen we iivc sent letters to the following liartics und they hint' not replied. As the letters have wen returned we take it that said parlies are not itt lturre. We now pnhiish the names of iriies havinsr srooils stored at otir warehouse. V w ill pnbiiVti these liame one day each week in this paper an4 keep said notice in for three nmnl Us. If anvoiie fails to reply by Aitstist 1st 'Mi. their (roods will tie sold to cover the cost ot Harp liioi expense oi saie ana lmonsniot; sum Lite. F(KSY1' ,V lN'tiltAM. rev It. liiiriips, sturml .Inly 0. lfOl. .leiuiie 1". Itaytord, ctoreil ,fpt. lwi. leruard O. ( oiinor. stored Marcb 1, Imi. 1 ). ?.K Lewi. Ktored l'X-e. 3, 1;U, ;..rc C. I nrv. stureit .lime 1. 15". Mrs. 1 rod Kirl.y, stoml .luiy Jr, V.m. I l;u:i .Mik-s, storcil April -'!, it'i. . K. l.m klin, Ktored S4pt.2f. ami ttet. 12, 189?. try I'aiikfft, etored March 8. 1M8. Ali'SHiiiicr ( liHiiilH-rs, stmvd .Inly I. ISfW. Flunk Clerk'i, stored May '-", lawl. 'OUR LINES FOR 25 CENTS Tue T vn will publish Wants. Iwt ami Fmind, Fur Sale, To I.'t. etc. short alverti.e HientM tit the rat of four lines for twenty-live iM tit for the first Insertion and five cents for eneli subsequent insertion. FOR SALE FtHl SALE One bay horse, aired 12, weifrht l:'Ji, price t''): one brown mare, (, years old, weight price 840; one bay horse, weittlit Wt), live years old, uriee S7S; two driving-har ness and two bumries, -Apply to E. C. ton- ard, 2H8 South Mam St. loatH FOR SAI.E-.l'O h.n. water po mile from the town of llardwick. Has been im proved and will be sold cheap. Apply to V. O. iiox llardwick, t. iviw I't 'It SALE A chamher suit and other house hold aflccls. Apply at IU Seminary ht,. wta ROIT.II (T'RWNci Wildhuf & Son, East Barre, will furnish rouirh curb stone to any part of liarrc City for 2ae per foot. St' l'pli SALE Chamber suit, almost new. Ap ply 104 Washington street. t2 FOR SALE A kit of stonecutter's tools, he- loupinjr to the late tieorjre .loiinston. Apidy to Anderson or Sine lair at Marr A Gordon's. KH2 1'OR SALE The rirotiertv at the corner of Merchant and Summer streets, belociniiK to the esiale of the late .lului Morse. New house, I rooms and liatli. steam heat, mod. tii pliiiiihinir ami modern in every other particular. Finished monk. For price anu terms, appiy ro o. h. Erah y, Administrator. tfvx Ft IK SALE One pair of draft nurses, dapple crav and browo. Weight, r.110. rer fectlv Sound. Also sleds, harness, wayon. dump cart and chains, rnees rigiit. . .vi..oiy Waliirhury, Vt. ;tlt FOR SALE AT IASSIE FARM. Milk Our w.iKon delivers t Ice a day, llav Delivered promptly in bulk. Shetland Follies From impotted stork. I'u;i ninl Shoatc ity tlie registered tire ttnrre .Tim. O. 1. W. C. Collie Pups Sable and white, from registered stock. Apply to (.Ifore 1W, East Mreet. FR SALE Cheap tor cash, l.'i-ton stone wagon in excellent condition. Standard firati tie Co.'s quarries, llardwick, Vt. CtHC FOR SALE (lit TO RENT House and barn and alMHil 20 acres of land, within ten minutes' walk of Willlamstowu station and j Apply to J. H. Eroeksay, Williamstovv ist-ofiice, j:tf PI ATE GLASS FOR SALE Alotot random simm a verv low price if taken at once. What size do vow want I V WON M A DK SIGNS and AWNINUS. H. A. Ktigg, 14 French St. '.Wtf TO RENT. Tn ItKN'T-Toiieiiienf, of five- roonm. -Newly rej,ijri i, Convenietit to Katelielder's )'w. Apply at house, 1SJ V.ishini;ton str et. SilPi Tti 'itKNT Five-room tenement, tirt floor, on (Iranite street. Jnjuir ot Seott .V 'J'own sernl, Cranite street. Sotf TO KENT Hons of 9 fxmvt wirii oil latest improvement. Also larii. All on l'eri y street. Apply Vi Thus. Brady nt the Bluu More. i',lt T' JtKXT IJifL'P tenement to rent, .seven rooms. Apply at 11. W. Hooker ,S; Cu.' suite. V:tf TO KENT. Two tenement!! in Stafford house, on Cottage ; Street. 2tf llielp JSrotlieiH. j TO JtKNT flood lurf.' etoro nt corner of; Main ami Seminary stivetH. Ajiply at It. I. ' Xoiiiasi's uroi-'ery nture. 47tt ! TO IS FA T I ow n Maim tenement In good re- ; pair on I're.spett ttreet. Inquire of 1,. 11. : Hooker. , . tltt j TO I! KN T Tenement for ligltt luiusekeepini?, I in our block. F.itiuan l!n. Wtf I TO BENT Cotlaee of six room onlltunch street. Inquire nt Mark MeluJa', silver street. SltVJ TO HKNT l ive room tenement on Main street, In main part of llurnhain house. Apply to Kcolt & Tow utemi. Wltti TO KKT FurnibhfU roems at "1I1K fiTIS." U Perl fit., ly the day ir weeh 'lhe house ' and l'uriiihiiiiT9 are new. Stesm heat, aifctrto ! liuhts. batlm. broad tiaz front &t.d hack on I Ku-h tloor. Matron in chanr, ai'd the hust of service guaranteed. U. It. utile, fmp. Stmf TF.NEMli.ST TO F: F. NT - Apply to Wot. C. Maekie, corner Washington and Mount m.reutu. 40tf 10 RENT A very pretty up-stair tenement for man and wife, to 1 vacant August 1. Ap ply to 115 Sunuuer street. 9"U TO KENT A Sre-room tenement with hath In gnoii location. Inquire of Jl. (iarvey, 48 i'fiii 1 street. fell TO KENT Tenement of four rooms, with spring water. Apply at 67 Merchant .St. 8?ui TENEMENTS TO RENT Three tonement. Inquire of Jlonry i'reuier, Granite street, iwtti TO KENT Two desirable rooms at 34 Jeffer son street. 'Mt TO KENT Furnished renin. Apply to I'fuil Hill, 7 Summer street. SDtf FCKM.SHE0 EOO.MS TO I1ENT 46 Maple Avenue. lomf TO 1IENT Four olliee rooms nil connected, recent ly occupied for miilinery parlors. East man Bros. S4tf LIVERY STABLE TO RENT-Sirteen stalls. Apply to Erown Murphv, 59 .South .Main street. fcttf FOR EENT. N'iee dovvn-stuirs tenement on Eatterson St. Will rent riplit to small family. Six room tenement on Garlield A ve. for ? 10.00 Six -room tenement, with hmli, just off WhsIi imrton St. on lit. Vernon l'iace for 4-13.UO per month. , live-room teneuient on Brooklyn St., with bam, for ..00. I). A. Vehky Re. i r. Estate Aoency GKEEN DUCKS. I'ekin lmeks. ten weeks old and wetchinir from three to four pounds, iielleious in flavor anil so tender they may lie carved with two forks. Only 20c per pound. A. W. ALLEN, Stinnyside Farm. Telephone 114-3. fioOf HELP WANTED. WANTED An apprentice hlaeksmith, with some experience iu sharpening: tools. Also a first-i'h'.ss pnlisher. Apply to Oiearson & Beck ett, WilluiuifclowD, Vt. loita WAX TED At once, an apprentice to cut stone, one v.ho has served a year preferred. Also two first-eiass stone cutters. Apply to W. 1. Kidder. l'Mtf M'ANTEO Ambitious ruiin for office position in Barre. ?.!t) weekly. Experience unue.ces sarv. Must have fair education, furnish trixd references and H.'ift. Silverware Co., 95 11 imne vrcll liuikiiuK, Eostoti, loltl WANTFO A woman for peneral hoimework, familv of tliree, washings put out. V. O. Box 30, Barre, Vt. l'tf WANTEO Capable pirl for eeneral house work. Apply to VV. A. Bradford, Ht3 .-south Main Street. IWf WASTED Fifty men to work in our saw mill and lumber van! at 1'eaclmm pond, lJtnes horo, t. Motme Elver Lumber Co. S)4t6 WAN1 FJiA rntin to work on farm. A man who is eood with horses can have a job the yettr round. D. A. Eraser, Wehaterville. ystlt) WANTED C.irl who can do general house work, t.ood wattes to rigiit party. Apply at 9 Kirk street, up stairs, just oil Avers St. iwtii AGENTS Ladies or jreuts, to sell member ship In tlie famous (".lobe Association of Chi etijriv Watri &a.m a month up. Apply to T. Faubert, tiraimevilie. Vt. S)H6 WANTED At one hmt-clas shoe repairer. Apnlv with kit readv to woi k. Fred g. Kenison, Hi North Main street, under Barre !svi!i8 Eauk. " SU W A XTEI) Experienced help m tailor shop. Girl pant maker and to do repairing new work. Moore A.' Owens, 122 Stain street. -tot' WORK WANTED. WANTElr Hy experienced dressmaker, work lit home, or will en out by the day. ills Laura Leclair, Farwell street. , Kieto EOARDERS WANTED. BOARD AND EOOr At the Stafford house. Electric lurhis and steam heat. 4.1X1 per un it No. 12 Cottaue street. TtA LOST AND FOUND. FOI'ND A ladv's ruif at Caledonia Tark. after the Vtitversalist tiicmc. Owner call at. Robert Reasi'ie s, 111 i irk street, prove property and pay tor tins advertisement. twu LOST A ladv's belt with silver purse a tached. Finder leave at this oihce ami lie re warded. . I'" BAKERY GOODS. kow oii-' t ent ltt siM-sS Oooil Home nifuie lb-end nod f loiit-hinits at the lakeauu 1'us.try i'arlor, No. ft South Main St. SWtf DOMINION LINE TO FastTtvlo-Semw Isei-vico V J BOSTON , v " QUEENSTOWN - and LIVERPOOL. New England.. nnal Mayflower. ... J'J Comnionweiiltli ? New Enxland - Mavlh.wer J, V Cominonwealb... ..July av 1st class $ upwards; 2d class ?42 M; 3d class at low rates. m From iiNie t !E MediterhaneaM 1HKKCIT Azores, Gibraltar, Naples, f ieium. Camhroman June 20, Aug 8, Sept 19 Vancouver ....July lrt, Aug 29, Oct, 10 1st class, $T0, npwads; 2d class, $5oV. Company's Otlice, TlState St., Boston, orH. S. Hallard, Miles' Oranlta Huiiding, Itarra, new Laimdon ilkick, Jlontpelier. ll lasm lie iiea Every Home Has Its Some Homes Require We help you to have a home with little cash. We pro tect your investment so that you can get the house paid for. If it's real happiness you want, try owning your own home to secure it. It does not require much cash to buy these: NEARLY NEW HOUSE, which contains six rooms and has been painted within a year, located on Elm St. There is a nice porch across front and on ell. Nearly one-half acre of land, with quantities cf currant, blackberry and raspberry bushes, besides pear, plum and apple trees all in bearing. Good henery, large enough for 50 or 75 hens. Also a nice spring of water deeded with the place. As owner wishes to leave the city, we are al lowed to sell for $2300.00. " . HOUSE OF SEVEN ROOMS on Maple Ave." Was built in 1901 by H. M. Houston. Is finished in the natural wood and there are hard wood floors in three rooms. House has good granite cellar, is connected with sewer and supplied with city water. The lot 5s large, having a good frontage and a depth of 15a feet. Price,? 2300.00. HOUSE AND SHALL BARN, with about two acres of land, on Quarry St. Contains seven rooms'and is in very good repair. Owing to sickness, the owner is very anxious to sell and will make the price right., SIX-ROOM COTTAGE on Perrin St. Has been built about three years. Is con nected with sewer and has bath-room. All rooms on first floor are finished in natural wood. If sold before it is rented the price will be only $1500.00. Terms, $ 100.00 down and balanc; monthly. LARGE LOT ON EAST ST., the size being 132 by 140 feet, with a right to strpm of water. Owner is anxious to sell and will make price right. DON'T BE LATE in investigating these properties, but make it your way to see us at once. We are always glad to explain our method of selling to those wishing to buy on the easy payment plan. "' THE D. A. PERRY REAL ESTATE AGENCY, Rooms 8 and 9, Gordon Block, - - Barre, Vermont. lYhy Not Insure Your Property In Reliable Stock Companies? THE a. HERBERT AGENCY represents the largest and safest fire insurance com panies tn the world. - Write or call at omee tor rates, etc. Office Over Granite Savings Bank. SU RANGE. Some agents say "The "The Strongest," and Companies." I simply J. W. DILLON, Agent. Representing $465,490,1 17.39 assetts as per annual statement of companies represented in this agency on Jan.. 1, 1903. That tells the whole story. Call and investigate. No risk too large, none too small. EF.STDKNC'B OF J. W. GORDON, r.lcriAKDSON 6TULKT. C. L. BUGBEE, Contractor and BmU.j FLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FURNISHED ON SHORT XOTICK. Office at 202 North Main Street, NEAR DEPOT SQUAEE. (Thone 123-3.) BATJRE, VERMONT. Backing of Cash. Much Cash, Others Little. PAPE FIRE INSURANCE IJest Companies," others still others "The Largest say