Newspaper Page Text
TIM L A UJ IL, VOL. VII NO. 113. BABRE, VT., MONDAY, JULY 27, 1903. PRICE, ONE CENT. I if Uj JE DAIJLY 1L UUADa FATAL WRECK IN SCOTLAND Thirteen Killed and 20 Injured. WERE ON AN EXCURSION Train Going at High Speed ann Scene of Wreck Was Inde scribable. Glasgow, July 27. A fatal wreck oc curred at Stenoch station this morning, Id which 13 people were killed and 20 were seriously injured. The excursion train which was filled with visitors to the Isle of Man, ran into the buffers at Stenoch, while going at a high rate of speed. The eugine and two carriages were completely wrecked, those killed and injured being pinned down under the twisted iron and splintered wood. The scene was Inde scribable. Many of the killed were horri bly mutilated. One whole family was among the killed. FOUR WERE KILLED. Head-on ColIUlon In Mimieitnta Yester day. iSt. Paul, Minn., July 0. In a head-on collision between a passenger train and a freight on the Chicago Great Western railroad today four nieu were killed and alwmt 25 passengers injured. The dead Include Engineers Merkert and llelman. Firemen Coger and Fred Horton, a passenger. Horton, it is said, was standing in the vestibule of the front sleeper talking to a friend when the crash came. 118 was in stantly killed, while his friend escaped injury. The trains in collision were the Twin City limited and a fast freight. The lim ited was running as a first section. ANOTHER FAILURE. K. S. Ilooley Co. Ei orted A Failed On Stork Market. New York, July 27. The failure of E. S. Ilooley and company was reported on the stock exchange this morning: The general belief tn Wall street is that the Ilooley failure was largely due to the heavy drop in DesMoines, Fort Dodge and Kvansvilie and Terre Haute stocks on Sat urday. Ilooley is president of the Terre Haute and the firm is believed to be large ly interested in the Block. The announcement of the failure caused stocks to drop sharply for twenty minutes after the market had opened, with only fractional changes, but as no other failures were announced a more confident tone was given to the speculation and stocks rallied. FAVORABLE FOR VANNUTELLI. One Correspondent Hi Inks He Wilt He Elected Pope. London, July 27. According to the i;ome corresponuent ot the Exchange Tel Cardinal Vannutelll now has an excellent chance for election as Pope. The correspondent wires this morning that the Franco-American group oi carumaia has decided to support him. EXPLOSION CAUSED DEATH. Two Killed and Other Injured In New York. New York, July 27. Two men were killed and a number of others were in jured by the blowing out of the cylinder head of an ammonia machine In the big jacoh Kuppert rice plant this morning. SUCCEEDS LORD TENNYSON. Duke of Connaught Said to be Governor- General of Australia. Liverpool, July 27. The Tost hears that the Duke of Connaught. the king's uncle, has succeeded Lord Tennyson as governor-general or Australia. Accident on Wot Shore Railroad Kingston, N. Y., July 27. South bound train No. 13 on the West Shore struck and killed Clarence Sherwood, nged twenty -one, son of the Rev. Henry W Sherwood, nnd seriously injured Wil liam J. Tuivk, Jr., who were riding in an automobile, at a point known as Sangertles' Ro:td Crossing, about two miles north of this city. Ancient Fire Engine. The old order docs not change at Ilalosworth. In Suffolk, England. There Is a tire engine still in use which was made in 1703. Itnple Honey. In Naples the flat roofs of houses are .turned into apiaries, and the poorest families are able to eat all the honey they desire, the cost being practically nothing. The Italian bee does not sting. The Paper Tree. A cloth of very flue texture is made from the bark of the paper tree, a mul berry growing In the south sea islands. YOUNG BOY TORTURED BY THREE COMPANIONS Brownington Lads Arrested Charged With Injuries on Eight Year Old Boy. Barton Landing, July 2."). A hearing is being held at the V alley house this week in regard to a Brownington affair which took place last June, in which three older boys tortured'a young son of Mr. Canning by running him through a fire barefooted and throwing him down and jumping on him June 23, from the effects of wh'ch he died July 4. The case is prosecuted by State's Attor ney Albert W. Farman of Newport. Tlie boys under arrest are Alba Day, Kaymond Adams, and a Waterman boy. ""The boy who died was liolfe Earle Canning, aged eight years, and was the youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. Canning of Brownington, and the affair happened near the school house where the parties coaoerned were attending school. Colby Stoddard of this place is assisting State's Attorney Farman. F. C. Williams of Newport appears for the defendants. SUICIDE RUMOR UNTRUE. The Alleged Victim Found Working In Her Mother's Garden. White River Junction. July 2:1 Mrs. Mary Beach, of this locality, was recently reported in a Boston daily as having; left her boarding house at Franklin, N. II., at which place she was working in a mill, with the avowed Intention of ending her life. It was alleged that she left a note addressed to her mother, Mrs. Estella Sweet, of West Lebanon, N. H., declaring she would drown herself in consequence of a difficulty with her husband. Mr3. Beach was seen Friday by a re porter at her mother's and denied having written any such note. Instead of lying at the bottom of a stream, she was at work In her mother's garden and her hus band was getting up wood on the prem ises. Thus a sensational little story was laid to rest. KEARSARGE ARRIVES. Took Kine Pays For HattlesUIp Fjom Portxmouth, Eur. Bar Harbor, Me . July 20. The Unite! States battleship Kearsarge arrived at Bar Harbor at 5:42 thjs afternoon and dropped anchor in the upper harbor at 6:13. All day the shore path had been thronged with people anxiously watching for the first glimpse of the ship, but it was not until 5 o'clock that her immense hull ap peared. Coming at full speed, the ship entered the harbor and passed the other ships of the squadron at anchor, then pro ceeding to the upper harbor, where the battleship Illinois, with Admiral Barker on board, was anchored. The Kearsarge covered the distance of 2,900 miles in nine days, four and one quarter hours, an averace speed of 13.1(5 miles an hour. The highest speed at tained was a little over fifteen knots an hour and the slowest was ten. Three times during the trip the ship was slowed down: once on account of being in the vicinity of an iceberg, and twice on ac count if a very thick fog. FIRST OF TRIAL RACES To Chooe Cup Defender Held Thin After noon. Newport, It. I., July 27. The first race of the trial trip to choose the cup defend er came today. The Reliance, Constitu tion and Columbia being the candidates. The announcement was made this morn ing that the committee would only ask that three races be sailed and a selection would then be made. The wind held true from the northwest during the morning and blew twelve knots, the start over the course fifteen miles to leeward and return was made as follows: Reliance 11.30.10; Constitution 11.30.31; Columbia 11.32.00. Constitution took the lead early in the run out but the Reliance shifted sails and soon began to cut down the lead and event ually passed the Constitution. Outer mark was rounded as follows: Reliance, 1.10,12; Constitution, 1.10.30: Columbia, 1.15.40. LEAGUE BASE BALL. Chicago and Detroit American Honor. Divide Yesterday's National League scores: At Chicage, Chicago 0, St. Louis 1. At Cincinnati, Pittsburg 5,C'Incinnati 2. Saturday' National League Result. Boston 4, Brooklyn 8. Boston 13, Brooklyn 10. Chicago 6, Cincinnati 3. Cincinnati 8, Chicago 3. Philadelphia 5, New Vork 4. St. Louis 14, Pittsburg ri. National League Standing. Won. Lost. Tct. Won. Loot. Pet rittsluirg M 27 .till ' IlrooklvD art .5H) .5.S i lliwton" 33 4A .421! iiioago ffi 'M New Y ork 47 S'2 Cincinnati 41 .,W.i St. LolliS 88 82 .381 .512 I Thila. a GO .317 Yesterday's American League scores: At Chlcugo (1st game) Detrotl 1, Chi cago 0; (2nd game) Chicago 4, Detroit 2. At St. Louis, St. Louis-5, Cleveland 3. Saturday's Amerlcau League Remits. Boston 7, New Vork 5. Washington 2, Philadelphia 1. Cleveland 7. St. Louis 4. Chicago 5, Detroit 4. American League Standing. Won. Lost. Pet. Boston 6-2 21.) Pliila. 4S 34 .,W:J leveland 43 7 .KtS Detroit 3!) 38 .600 Won. Lost. Pet. New York ST ;W .4:13 Chicago Wi 4:1 AM St. Louis 33 41! . Wanu'g"n 27 13 .3 Yesterday's Northern League scores: At Burlington, Burlington 12, Rutland 9. At St. Albans, St. Albans 4, Plattsburg President of Norfolk and Western Railway. Philadelphia, July 27. Frederick J. Kimball, president of the Norfolk and Western Railway, died this morning. SUICIDE IN A WATER-TUB Albert Bliss of Calais Killed Himself. MELANCHOLY OVER CROPS Body Found by Hired Han Deceased Said to Have Beed Worth $25,000. Marsbfield, July 27. Albert Bliss of Calais, one of the best known and most prosperous farmer of the town of Calais, committed suicide this morning by drown ing himself in a water tub. The cause of his act Is supposed to have been despond ency over the poor condition of the crops. The suicide- took place this forenoon, and the body was found by his hired man. The latter had gone out to mow In the hay field, and wanting to consnlt Mr. Bliss went to the house. Not finding hitn he began searching, finally locating the body in the water tub.. Mr. Bliss had been in melancholy state for several days. He leaves a wife and five children, of whom the youngest Is only five days old. Mr. Bliss was said to be worth $25,000. The funerhl arrangements are not yet com pleted. HARRIED VERMONT GIRLS. Two New York Actor Driven Out of Town of West Burke. West Burke, July 26. This peaceful village is stirred up over the sudden mar riage of two of its well known ladies to Ned Woodley and Lew Strong, both for merly of Harry Meyers' Dramatic company of New Vork. The youugmen have been here about four weeks directing an enter tainment glveu by the band July 18. Re hearsals were held nightly and Annie Col by and Annie Silsby had leading parts. These young ladies fell in love with the city actors and the affair culminated Thursday afternoon when Miss Colby called for Miss Silsby and the two went off together, leaving word for Mrs. Silsby that they had gone to make a call. I hey then hid In the "bu.die until they were joined by the young men, who came along in a double team, and the eloping pairs drove to I.yndonville about eight miles. Meauwhile, Mrs. Silsby bad gone to her daughter's room, where she" found a letter saying that Annie had gone away to get married. Mr. Silsby and Mr. Colby started after them toward Lyndonville, telephoning a deputy sheriff in Lyndonville to stop the marriage. But 13 minutes before the deputy sheriff arrived at the parsonage the knot was tied by the Rev. J. C. Bod well, the Congregational pastor at Lyn donville. The young men bad obtained marriage licenses the night before of the town clerk of Burke, from which it ap pears that Woodley was 22 years old and Strong 27. Both girls were about 19 years old, Miss Colby being a recent academy graduate and Miss Silsby a school teacher. The married couples returned to West Burke, where they were met by enraged parents and a crowd of Indignant towns people. Mr. Silsby knocked Mr. Strong down ana took his daughter, now Mrs Strong, home with him. Mrs. Woodley was at first unwilling to leave her bus band, but later decided to return to her old home. Later a large crowd gathered around the place where the young men were staying and threatened to lynch them if they did not leave town. The actors decided to leave, and came as far as Lyndonville, but returned the next day to est Burke to await developments, though they are not living with their newly made brides. Later both men left West Burke for parts unknown to avoid public indigna tion. STORM IN WATERBURY. Wind Damaged Wires and Trees Blown Down Heavy Rain. Waterbury, July 20. aterbury . wasJ visited by one of the most severe rain storms of years Saturday night. At about 6.45 a slight rain began to fallwhich was followed in a few minutes by a heavy wind and Increasing rain. Without warn ing territie winds carriei sheets of rain at a speed equal to a cyclone. It was short and in less than 15 minutes from the start all was calm. Much damage was done. Preliminary Yacht Racea Over. Newport, U. L, July 27. The racing season for the three Americnn cup yachts preliminary to the official trial races for the selection of a ninety foot er to meet Shamrock III. was brought to nn end by a race in which Reliance. Columbia and Constitution competed for a cup offered by former Commodore Bigelow of the Eastern Yacht club. Re liance won easily from Constitution, Columbia being disabled early in the contest. Automobile Record Broken. New York. July 27.- -Barney Okltleld, driving his racer, has lowered all rec ords for one uille by an automobile on a circular course at the Empire City Trotting club's meet on the Empire track. At bis first attempt he made the circuit, with a flying start, in 55 4-5 seconds. This lowered by three-fifths of a second bis previous track record, cored at Columbus, O., on July 4 last. BARRE MEN HOME AGAIN From Excursion to Quin cy, Mass, A MOST ENJOYABLE TIME Clam Bake Was Given Them Satur day by Their Hosts, Who Spared No Efforts. The visit of the Barre Granite Manufac turers' Association with the Qulncy, Mass., Association closed Saturday even ing, and nearly all the members of the lo cal association returned home yesterday morning, although a few decided to make a little longer stop, returning this morn ing. The party reports an excellent trip throughout, being superbly entertained by their Quincy friends who spared no efforts to make the trip enjoyable. The closing feature of the two clays' en tertainment was a clam bake given by the Quincy manufacturers at Crescent Park, K. I., Saturday. Over 300 were present, and the occasion was very mueh enjoyed. One of the most Interesting features of the day was a ball game between the Yermont ers and the Qulncy men. The latter won by a sore of 8 to 2, although the game was quite exciting. I he umpire was Rep resentative Peter T. Fallan of Qulncy, and it was said he showed some partiality to the Vermonters in close decisions. But, notwithstanding that aid, the visitors were unable to tally enough times to win. Several elaborate plays aie reported. A fine dinner was served in a large pa vilion after which the remainder of the day was spent In various ways, and for once shop talk was not allowed. The Quincy committee of arrangements consisted of the following.Harry S. Niooll, president; Wiliarn T. Spargo, Alfred G. Draek and James Joss. WAS TAKEN INSANE. John Seauiplni Smashed Door at The Windsor House John Soampini became insane last Sat urday night and was placed in the police station for safe keeping. Vesterday his condition became more serious and it was decided to take him to Waterbury to the state asylum until he recovers. About two o'clock yesterday morning a call was sent to the police station from the Windsor House at the South End that a man was raising a disturbance at their place. Officer Uaniel responded and found Seampinl crouching on the piazza with a big knife in his hand. lie declared that he was being pursued and that he would kill anyone who came near him. He finally agreed to go with the ofticer, al though he would not give up the knife un til he reached the station. In his attempt to get in the front door of 'the hotel he bad pushed bis arm through the glass in the door and had cut his arm quite severely, lie had also kicked In a panel of the door. On reaching the sta tion the officer at once telephoned Dr. J. W. Jackson who attended to his injuries. ScamninI had been acting queerly for several days. VETERAN CONDUCTOR DEAD. llciiy Chamberlain of Iturllnirtou Who Succeeded Sweeney. Burlingngton, July 27. Henry Cham berlain, a veteran conductor on the Cen tral Vermont K. li., died this morning of uric acid poisoning. Mr, cnanioerlaln had started Saturday to take the run of Conductor Sweeney who received Injuries I riday which resulted in his death Satur day morning. The deceased had been a Central con ductor for 50 years, and had retired only a short time ago. He was known all over the state and was very much beloved by all who knew mm. It was said by him a short time ago that only once in his career was a person ever killed on his tram, the instance being while be was running on the Lamoille division four years ago. It was also re lated of him that when Hiram Huse, late of Montpelier, was on lis way from Wis consin to Randolph, that he became stranded In Burlington and that Mr. Chamberlain furnished him the necessary cash to complete his trip home. It illus trates the generous nature of the man. SPECIAL VERMONT TRAIN. So Many Veteran Going to California That It Wm Neeetmary. Montpelier, July 2d. Department Com mander Keufield and Capt. B. F. Brown, who were in St. Albans yesterday in con sultation with Central Vermout railroad olhcials regarding the transportation of Vernionter8 to San Francisco next month,, today notified Col. A. C. Brown by tele chone that because of the large number who have engaged accommodations a spec ial train consisting of five tourist sleepers, a smoker and a baggage car will be pro vided for tbe Vermont party, leaving Sat urday afternoon, August 8, and running as a special to Chicago. The time of leaving White River Junction and other points to St. Albans will be announced later. Lunch baskets and boxes, paper plates, nnpkins, etc., for picnics at the Boston Bargain Store. TAKEN TO LINGWICK, P. Q. Kody of John Nicholson VI' 111 he Interred There Tomorrow. The body of John Nicholson, who died Saturday as the result of a falL from a bridge Into a brook, as reported in Satur day's paper, was taken today toLingwick, P. Q. Dan Nicholson, a brother, and I). W. McDonald, a brother-in-law, and J. R. Buchanan and Kenneth Buchanan accom panied the remains. The funeral will be held tomorrow. The deceased leaves three brothers, Dan of this city, George of Lingwick and Ken neth of Boston, also seven sisters, Mrs. I). W. McDonald of this city, Mrs. Wil liam Bay of Boston, another sister In Butte, Montana, and four residing in Lingwick. The young man came to Bar re from Boston six we ks ago, and started to learn tbe carpenter's trade, being em ployed by M. C. Mclver. MISS SANDERS APPOINTED. Barre Young Lady to Teach In Montpe lier Seminary. Miss Gladys F. Sanders of this city has been appointed teacher of shorthand and typewriting in Montpelier Seminary to succeed Miss Lllla M. is nam, resigned. Miss Sanders Is a graduate of the Modern course and also the short hand and type writiug course of Montpelier Seminary. During the past year s e has held the po sition of cashier and stenographer for M. Nichols, superintendent for several large insurance companies. The Montpelier Journal says of Miss Sanders, "She is doubtless the most rapid and expert stenographer the Institution has ever graduated, she being able. to take any speaker in an addiess or sermon ver batim, and having done a good deal of court reporting." . A PUBLIC BATH NEEDED. ' Citizen Think There Should he Place Provided. Editor Barre Times: A city as large as Barre is ought to have a public bath house. 1 asked a barber here why there is no place a man could get a bath. He said it did not pay to keep a place. I told him that that was strange as I knew of many smaller cities than Barre with bathrooms. He replied that people in Barre had their own bath rooms. This may be so in many cases, nevertheless I am perfectly con vinced that there are also hundreds of houses here who have no such places. The river here is too dirty and the water is too cold to take a bath in. I hope yon will nse your Influence to get such a place In the city. John Morgan. JUNIORS WON EASILY. Defeated Graniteville Saturday by Score of 24 to 5. In an interest ing and loosely played game of base ball at the Trotting park Saturday afternoon the Barre Juniors defeated the Granitevllles by a score of 24 to 5. The players In the two teams were, Ju niors, Bennette If, Gilbertson c, Blay ss, Gabeloni rf, Jackson lb, Carson Jib, Cook b; Kenllick rf, Kobertson cf ; Granlte ville, Armstrong 3b, Thtirber lb, Jacobs p, Craige c; McDonald cf, Brady 3b, Pine rf, Goodheart If, Vivian ss. ; The score by innings ; - Juniors 4 0 3 4 0 1 0 1224 Graniteville 2 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 5 McAULAY-LEWIS Spanieling Graduate Marries Plumber Who Formerly Lived In Barre, Miss Pearl E. Lewis of this oltv. daneh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Lewis of Kirk street, and a graduate ot Spaulding, class of 1808, was married at Glens Falls, N. Y., last Thursday evening to Herbert J. McAulay, a plumber.who formerly worked for Reynolds & Son In this city. The mar riage took place at the Presbyterian par sonage in that city, the Rev. Mr. McKay performing the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. McAulay will reside in Glens Falls. ANOTHER FURNISHING CASE. Arthur Darveaux of Montpelier is Con victed. Montpelier, July 23. Arthur Dar- veaux, otherwise known as Arthur White, was in city court this morning charged with furnishing. He was found guilty by a Jury made up ot the following: A. o Cu minings, Charles Taft, II. A. Bowman, W. C. Lamphere, L. II. Atherton and William Tleney. Frank Bailey prose cuted and William Theriault appeared for the defendant. He received a sentence of three months and six days In the house of correction at Rutland. FUNERAL OF LOUISE WATSON. Held In thin City at O'clock Saturday Afternoon. The fnneral of the late Mrs. Louise Watson, who died at Reading, Penn., was held at 4 o'clock Saturday afternoon from the home of her cousins, the Misses West of North Main street In this city, Rev. J. Edward Wright officiating. The pall nearers were Albert F. Dodge, Charles C. Varney, Albert Johonnott and George Beckley. The interaient was in Elmwood cemetery. THREE ARRESTS MADE. Two of Parties Will Stiend Ten Day in Jail. Three arrests were made by the police department Saturday night, Michael Riley, Giosuve Coiiimati and Robert Raney, the last two being taken by Officer Hamel and the first by Officer Wood. In court this morning each pleaded guilty to a charge of intoxication. Riley and Raney were fined $5 with costs of $10.04, but instead of paying they decided to take ten days In jail. Comuiati paid $13.14. SoclallU. Attention I A regular meeting will be held Tuesday next at 7:30 P. m. A. Ironside, cor. sec'y. GREAT DAY FOR PICNICS Red Men and Bugbee k ' Alexander's Hen HAVE ANNUAL OUTINGS. Former at Caledonia Park, Latter Went to Fairmcunt Park, for : Good Time. Iriquois Tribe, No. Id, of Improved Order of Red Men held their annual pic nic and games at Caledonia park Saturday. The day was a perfect one for the occa sion and a large number of Red men and their wives and children gladly took the opportunity to enjoy themselves, and to make this annual outing the most pleasant and successful of any yet held by the order. The races and ball games were all en tered into with much zeal and were well contested. The dancers had a grand op portunity to dance in the pavilion, to excellent music furnished by William Burns, violinist, and J. P. Lawler, cor netist. George Duncan delighted the company with an Irish jig, and Tom Graham and Mr. Allen sang several popu lar songs which were very much enjoyed. The baseball game was most exciting and abouuded in grand stand plays. The teams were made up of married men and single men, and although the married men put up a great exhibition they were doomed to defeat and the single men car ried off the honors by a score of 11 to P. The married men were again In hard luck when they lined np in foot ball against their single opponents, for they were not able to score this time and their goal keeper let the ball get by him for thrte scores. The winners in the races were as fol lows: Young girls race. Loralne Loranger, Margaret Mills, Aiiie Redpath, Young women's race. Floreuce Mer chant, Minnie Paul, Miss Mills, Miss Red path. Married ladies' race. Mrs. Bradbury, Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Redpath, Mrs. Blake. Cracker race. J. P. Lawler, W. Forbes, W. Russell. Ladies' place kick. Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Robertson, Mrs. Bradbury. The committee, who so successfully managed the picnic was: Alfred Robert son, W. W. Russell, William Burns, D. Blake. A, Ross, A. Orr, Tom Graham, EMPLOYEES PICNIC. Five Days' Fnjojmeut For Buglife A Alexander')! Men, . The animal picnic of the employees of Bugbee & Alexander and their families was held Saturday at Fairmount Park, and was participated in by about 100, all of whom enjoyed the occasion very much. An excellent programme of light athletic sports was arranged and the contests were keenly fought, while for those who delight to trip the light fantastic toe every en couragement was given, the musical end being provided by the able musicians. Messrs. Paterson and Ogston. In the afternoon a grand golf driving competition was held and it was the source of much amusement to all, even to the competitors, agreeing that the golf compe tition knocks dear old "Aunt Sally" high er than a kite. No end of fun was afford ed also by the foot ball match between teams captained by Messrs. Barclay and Ironside. The former knocked the spots off the latter by a score of four to noth ing. The members of the firm gave a hand some donation to the funds for the picnic, and by their presence at the picnic did much to make it a success. The commit tee wishes to thank them for their liberal ity which was fully appreciated. Owing to the fierce gale raging in the neighbor hood of Barre on Saturday evening one and all, after having passed a most enjoy able day, had to beat a hasty retreat, but wishing for a speedy return for such fra ternal feeling as is present at those homely gatherings. Tbe winners In the spoils and games were as follows: Golf driving, George Phillips, 102 yards. Married ladies' race, Mrs. Ironside, Mrs. Mulry, Mrs. Barclay. Boys' race, W. Alexander, J. Collins, G. Phillips. Girls' race, Mary Alexander. Lily Phil lips, Cora Cooper. Girls' race, Lizzie Smart, Minnie Iron side. Mary Carminetta. Boys' race, John Phillips, J. Frank. The committee in charge of the picnic. and to whom the grand snccess was doe, was as follows: William Smart, Arthur Muiry, James Barclay, John Carminetta and Alex. Ironside. Card of Thanks We wish to thank all those who kindly assisted us, also for the flowers sent for the burial service of our mother. Mrs. C. U. lAthrop, James Hopkins, Mrs. F. N. Whiteomb, and families. Important Notice, All members of Local 4SI, C. and J. of A., are requested to be present at the next regular, Monday, July 27, at 7.30 p. m. Per order Imco.1 481, C. and J. of A. S. It. Doty, Sec. Good trades In lawn mowers at the Boston Bargain Store.