Newspaper Page Text
Big Reduction on Ladies' Suits ! In order to close out the balance of Suits now on hand (we have just twelve left), we have made a deep cut in prices. Take advantage of this cut at once. Tomorrow may be too late. Four Saits made of Etamine, in black and navy blue, made and trimmed in the latest style. The regular price of these Suits was $17.00. Reduced to $11.75. Six Suits in black, navy, grey and castor that sold for $1 1.50 and $12.50. Reduced to $8.50. Two Suits in mixed Homespun that were $13. 50 each. Reduced to only $9.00. Five Silk Jackets, worth 5.50 each, reduced to $3.75. PERRY & CAMP, 71 and 75 Main Street, Barre, Vermont, o You Want Anything That is Contained in An. Up-to-Date Furniture and Carpet House? , ,-. i - ... 1 .a I-.. 1 If you do, 'we have a complete NEW line we would be pleased to show you. If you are building a new house don't forget that we have the largest line of WALL PAPER we have ever shown. Look our stock over. B. W. Hooker & Co., Park Block. (Telephone Connection) Undertakers and Funeral Directors. s Turn the Mosc on Yourself or, in other words, treat yourself to some of our Summer Hosiery. There's only one thing wrong with the men's fancy sock business too many men get married. When they're single they buy fi.oo socks; when they're married their wives buy them 25c socks, or less. Still we have elegant lines of Fancy Hosiery for this season. All men are not married and all wives don't want their husbands to wear cheap socks, so we have them at 10c, 15c, 25c or 50c. New styles and well, they're handsome. FRANK McWHORTER, One Price Clotfiier. Hatter and Men's Outfitter. TALK OF THE TOWN. TALK Of THE TOWN. For Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus and all ills of a like nature take tall Blackberry Cordial A medicine pleasant to the taste and effi cient in operation. Price, 25 cents. Red Ctoss Pharmacy, 160 North Main St., Barre, Vt. RICKEKT k WELLS, Props. Canning.'. Time!'.. The season has already commenced, and we are prepared to supply your wants at reasonable prices. Mason Pint, Quart and Two-quart Jars, Lightning Pint, Quart and Two-quart Jars, Jelly Tumblers, also Stone Jars for Pickling. Lightning and Mason Can Rubbers, 10c a dozen. Boston Bargain Store, Pearl Street, Barre, Vt, t. N. Kenyon 8c Co. E. M. 7'ayntor returned last ni-lit from Boston. John F. Murray returned today from a visit in Boston. Regular meeting of IroquoU tribe, J. O. 11. M., this evening. Leave vour order for nice red rhubarb at the City Fish Market. Mrs. Sarah Lake returned to Boston to day after a visit In this city. A. A. Sargent returned yesterday from a visit at his home in Ludlow. Wise King Flour makes liread that is delicious, appetizing and wholesome. B. W. Hooker returned last niyht from Greensboro pond for a few days' stay. Mrs. Xorman York, who has beeniek for the past week, is slowly Improving. Louis Huntington is t nendincr a two weeks' vacation at his uncle's In Elmore. Miss Lydia Watson went to Waterbury this morning after a visit at V. II. Rogers'. Cantata rehearsal at Presbyterian church Wednesday evening. All be pres ent. Frederick A. Fuller of Bellows Falls, is spending a few days with friends in the city. B. P. White and wife went to their old home in East Calais today for a few days' visit. Mr. and Mrs. Rosooe Beede of Elmira, NT. V., have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Perry. John Tasie has sold his house on Foster street to T. J. Holland and wife, conside ration 1,200. Mrs. Joseph Rossi Is expected to reach this city tonight from Italy, where 'she has been for the past year. Miss Nellie Blanchard, who has been visiting relatives In the city, returned to her home in Williamatown last night. There will be a eouncil meeting of the Ladies' Aid of St. Monica's chnrch at the convent Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. Mrs. II. IT. Ilockenberry and daughter, Mrs. Ferry of Springfield, Mass., former residents of Barre, are visiting at W. W. Carey's. Rev. J. P. O'Xeil of Xorthiield arrived in the city last night to attend the Memo rial service at St. Monica's church this morning. Mrs. C. H. Kent and Miss Grace Wor then played off a tie In the ladies handicap golf tournament yesterday aCSrnoon, the latter winning. Miss Lizzie Lappin and Miss Devia York returned to their homes In Williams town last night after visiting friends in the city for several days. Ball teams from Jones Bros, and Bar clay Bros, stone sheds battled for honors on the field oft' Blackwell street last even ing. The former won 10 to 4. Edward Mitchell has been engaged to sing in the choir of the Church of the Messiah at Montpelier, in the absence of Mark Davis, the regular tenor. The Laborers' Protective Union will meet in Carpenters' hall at 7.:!0 tonight. Let all members be present as there is bus iness of importance to transact. A regular meeting of Queen of the For est Circle, 'o. 857, this evening at l.'dO. All members are requested to be present as there Is business to come up. George Cassie has purchased a Shetland pony for his boy, Ray Cassie. The ani mal reached Barre this morning, aud Is a beauty, weighing 500 pounds with saddle. E. II. Jackson of Burlington is running as conductor on the White Mountain ex press in the place of Conductor Henry Chamberlain, who died suddenly yester day. Miss Kate McKnight of Pleasant street, is quite seriously ill with blood poison re ceived from a slight scratch of a pin on the end of her finger. It is feared that she will lose the finger if not her whole band. The Journeymen Horseshoers' Union, Local Xo.450, will hold their regular meet ing Wednesday evening at 7.30 o'clock, in the Wheelock block. Wishing all mem bers to be present. W. T. Burgess, Cor. Sec'y. L. K. Averill has sold a lot at the cor ner of Dewey and Hill streets to Carl Lane, consideration $S00. Mr. Lane ex pects to build a house for himself there. The sale was made through the Perry Real Estate Agency. There may be a difference of opinion as to whether Quiney or Barre has the best granite, but Barre manufacturers were forced to admit that Quiney has an up-to-date shipyard. They were much In terested in the building of battleships. Quiney Ledger. Miss Xellie Whelan has tendered her resignation as organist of ist. Monica's church, to take effect this week. Miss helan has been organist of that church for nearly live years and will be greatly missed by the friends she has made while acting in this capacity. A pocket book containing nearly $00, which was lost by George Fitzgerald last week, has been found and returned to Its owner. The finder was Elder Hutching and he discovered the pocket book on Trow Hill, and noticing the advertisement in the Times was able to return it to the owner. The license commissioners will hold a meeting at the city court room at 4 o'clock Wednesday afternoon, for the purpose of examination of policemen, sheriffs, con stables and special policemen, in accord ance with the provisions of trie license law. All officials coming under the above head are requested to be present without further notice, Charles Celley of Montpelier reports seeing an elk in Berlin, and Mr. Davis, who lives on the Colby place, has seen what he termed a deer with big horns. Some big animal with horns has evidently been met with in Berlin, as several others have reported seeing it. Tracks of another bear have also been discovered on the Ayer mountain in Moretown. The 12:15 electric car out of Barre met with a slight accident yesterday afternoon when about half way between this city and Montpelier. The trolly pole got off the wire and swung around suddenly, snap ping In two the main trolly wire, one piece striking the rear end of the car and the other part of the broken wire striking on the ground. There were less than a dozen people on the car, most of whom waited until the wire was repaired. L. D. Tillotsoa of Wahhington was in the city today. Mrs. John Turner went to Xorthfield today to visit friends. Mrs. Robert Br'ggs 'bag finished work at the Boston Bargain store. Rev. and Mrs. Grant Van Blarcoui of Washington, were in the city today. Mrs. Clarence Cole returned last night from a month's visit In Clarcmont, X. II. C. C. Baldwin of the Boston Bargain store, returned today from a few weeks' visit in Barton. William Hunter returned yesterday from Manchester, X. H., for a visit at his home in this city. W. II. Hoisington and wife went to Ilighgate Springs yesterday afternoon for a two week's vacation. Ernest Hapgood, who has been visiting at the Seminary for a short time, left this morning for Hanover, X. 11. J. E. Dalrympleof St. Albans, general freight agent of the Central Vermont, was iu the city today on business. Thomas Marron left last night for his home In Rochester, X. Y., after a several days business visit In this city. F. G. Rowell, archithct, has received the contract to draw the plans for a .K3, 000 suburban residence in Florida. Mrs. Harry Hockenbury of Chickopee Falls, Mass., and daughter, Mrs. Jose Ferry, former residents of this city, are visiting here for a few days. Philip Lapier was arrested on a war rant last night by Officer Xicholson. This morning he pleaded guilty to intoxi cation and was fiued $5 and costs of ss.l4 which he paid. Two Bad Fire. In 1S'J5 a forest fire overran more ti.nn 1,000.000 acres in central Maine. About the same time a fire near Que bec resulted in the death of 5,000 persons. THREE SCULPTORS. M. Jean de Chanuoy, the sculptor who hns mad monuments to Baude laire, Siiinte-Beuve and Alfred de Vig ny, Is nt work, upon a statue of Byron Which Is to be erected In Paris. Mosos Ezekiel, the Cincinnati sculp tor, now a resident of .Rome, has pre sented to the Virginia Military insti tute a monument in commemoration of h!3 schoolmates who fell at the battle of Newmarket, Va., in 1804. He was formerly a student of the institution. Mrs. C'adwalladcr Guild, to whom congress has given a ?3,000 commission for a bust of the late President McKin ley, has had considerable recognition in Europe. Two of her groups, "Speed- and "Electricity." have been placed on the facade of the new post ofiice in Berlin. EVERYBODY WHO READS - & -f v?- , i -r' 5fF ill! Will find at the Barre Book Store something: of interest. The latest Novels, the Magazines of the day, the popular Fiction in cheap editions and the right Books at the right prices are here. BARRE BOOK. STORE, CHAS. A. SMITH, Proprietor, Gordon Block. 140 North Main St. LOTS FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES On North Main St. 1 have two lots on No. Main St., each with 47 feet frontage and a depth of 75 feet, which I will lease for a short or long term of years for busin ss pur poses, A good location. For terms and particulars apply to JOSEPH D. 0SS0LA, North Main St., Barr, Vermont. OSTEOPATHY Announcement. I will be at my Office in the Morse Block, Main St., Barre, on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Satur days, and in Waterbury on Tuesdays and Fridays. I shall be pleased to meet all who may be interested in this new method of therapeutics. Litera ture furnished on application. 1 DR. R. P. EVANS, Osteopathic Thyskan. Hours : 9 to 12 a. m, and 1.30 to 5 p. ro, Room 4, Morse Bldg., Main St., Bane. THINGS. YOuloiT ALL KNOW. That That That That That That YOU DO NOT ALL KNOW we are having a sale of marked down Undcrmuslins. we arc selling 35 and 45 cent Mercerized White Waist ings for 25c per yard. we are selling Muslin Wrappers at less than cost to close. They are all fresh, new style?, and the price is 79c each. we are selling our Silk Coats at les3 than cost to close. Prices as follows : Five Silk Coats at $2.93 ; seven that were $10x0 and $12.00 at $4.96; two that were 18. co at $7.98. (The si'k in these Coats is worth more to 'make over into silk waists ) we are selling Misses' $4.50 Drsss Skirts (the same as mamma pays fS.oo for), a choice of styles, at $2.98 each. we are making the lowest prices on Ladies' Tailored Suits that we have ever made. These Suits must be sold be fore' four weeks have passed. A. P. ABBOTT &.C "Tlie People's National Bank of Barre." Capital Stock, - $ 00,000. Subscriptions for above Stock, Par Valae - - - $ J 00.00 Per Share, Will be received by Miss Keith at Prindle & Averill's for a limited time. Infoimation and application blanks may be obtained of any of the following named gentlemen. INCORPORATORS. C. W. Melcher, S. D. Allen, Chas. W. Averill, F. D. Ladd, W. D. Smith, A. J. Young, L. J. Bolster, F. N. Braley, Ira C. Calef . A Record Breaiier! We have frozen 1400 quarts of our Famous from July 1st to July 1 4th. AD flavors, fcy the pint, quart or gallon, at The Barre Candy Kitchen. An advertisement in the Times will bring sure results. For the Picnic Basket ! 37c 10c 5c 15c 20c Boned Chicken, the 45c size, a few cases for Deviled Ham, the 15c size, per can, Deviled Ham, the 10c size, per can, One-pound can of Roast Beef, Large Queen Olives in bulk, per pit, Bottled Olives, - - 10c, 15c, 23c, 25c and 45c Stuffed Olives, per bottle, - - - - - 10c We have forty-seven of the fifty seven varieties of Heinz goods in bulk and bottles We are having a big sale on our Home-made Pressed Corned Beef. It is fresh and nice. Per pound, 15c. Use our Cream Bread for sandwiches. It is made from Morrison farm Jersey milk and Marvel flour. It will keep moist and fresh for several days. F. D. LADD, Leading Cash Grocer. Meats and Provisions.