Newspaper Page Text
Tin: juEitt: daily times, xov. c, unm. 3 if w . ... . : Te Times' Daily Short Story. TWO LIARS Orlptnal.J "Remain hen;, captain." said the geu rral, "until IVs corps arrives. As fwn its you see the head of tho columu turn ing the bend in the road below bring me wrd as fast us jour horse will car ry you." V hud drawn rein at the gateway of a largo limitation, two pillars of stone, each Kumiouuted by a lion, from which n long line of hedge extended iu either direction almost u far as the eye could : (.. Within, a winding road lined with tropical plants and rowa of high shade trees extended to the house. 1 rode into the place and. up to a broad, ve randa. A white headed aid lygro came out of the front door and eyed me crit ically. 'I would like a lodging in thin house lor a time," I said to hiui. "l or how long I don't know; not less than a few days and not more than a few weeks." The old man' led uie into a spat-ion room on the ground Boor and said: "Would you like a julep, sahV When he returned with it, I question ed him, and he told me that on our ap proach the family hud departed and there was not a human beluj? about the place except himself and me, for they had taken with them the few negroes who had remained loyal to them. I'.v ry day the man set before me the meaner food the ample space for pro- visions contained and every tuht at tended me to a chamber on the floor above, where I passed the night in a bed whose four high posts seemed to stand like seitinels to watch over my hhiiiiii. i s. One night, not beinjz able to sleep, I went into the corridor and, sitting ou a window seat inclosed by curtains, spent au hour looking out on the moon lit Ki'oumls. 1 foil asleep. Waking suddenly, 1 heard a light footstep and the rustle of a dress on the staircase. What prompted me, whether at) in stinct for safely or of modesty. I know not, but I drew the curtains and peep ed. The moonlight revealed the figure of a young girl descending from the floor alnive. .Her face was oval, her Lair raven, her eyes a lustrous black, in which even in the uncertain light I could detect anxiety, w hile the lines of her bust and limbs were exquisite curves. The figure as it passed my door paused arid listened, then passed on softly to the floor below. I remained where I was for a few minutes and it returned, moving with the same cau tion, to the upper floor. "Kthan." I Raid to the old negro the Best morning, "are you sure there is no one in the house but yourself and me?" - "Sure . nuff, sah. What mak yo arsk?" lie looked at me suspiciously. "Have you ever heard that the house is haunted?" "Now I come to think of it, sah, I Lave hocrd o' bants walkin 'bout In de niht Have yo' seen any on em, sah?" Sitirrlnn 11 rid en. A Siberian bride on going to her hus band's house is required to forthwith prepare a dinner as a proof of her skill iu housewifery. I.:' &PaDV iur. k-V:' bPARtfliwr. Vf 1? Walt . mops m 7-' ;P . j Anheuser Si fmm mil net you "Itlakes Cooking Easy." Reynolds & Sen, Barrc, Vermont "I think 1 saw one last night. Have you ever heard of a lovely young girl haunting the Louse?" 'Tears to me, sail, 1 have heerd 'bout dat." "I saw her last night. 1 was tempt ed to see if she was a ghost by sending a bullet through her." The old man looked troubled. ' "Dat ghost didn't never hurt nobody." he said. "Hain't , no 'casion to shoot nor notten." "I won't, Ethan, If 1 see. her again. I'm not afraid of ghosts. Give me an other cup of that substitute for coffee." " 'Tain't berry fine, sah. De bloek aders don't let us bab any real coffee in dese days. Don't shoot none o' de hatits, sah. Dey won't hurt yo'." That night I did not go to lod till past midnight. There was another walking of the ghost. This time she ran down the stairs, a terrible anxiety on every feature. I made up uiy mind that some one upstairs was very ill and she was going down for some need ed article. When she came back' I opened the curtains and met her fae to face. "All's lost!" she moaned. "All's gained." I replied. "You peo ple of the south have dreaded our coin ing so long that when we come you are in terror for your lives. Some one is ill. There is a regiment stationed at J., five miles from here, j can ride over and bring a surgeon." She stood irresolute for a moment, then said: "Yes. it is better that he should be taken than that he should die. My brother, an officer of the Confederate army, is lying upstairs wounded, and we fear te is dying." There was a satisfaction in the ride I took that moonlight night, bringing a surgeon back with me to treat an ene my. l'y the time 1 returned the family were not only reconciled to trust me, but eagerly awaiting the man 1 brought. When we entered the sick room, there stood a mother and sister by the bed side of the invalid. The surgeon could not have been more tender with the most beloved of his comrades than he was with the Confederate, renminbi'' with him till morning and coming ev ery day for r. week, when he pronounc ed him out of danger. "Ethan." I said one day after the SAt cret was out. "are there any mere ghosts In the house?" "Fo' de T.awd. mars'r. l'ze berry much ma'tyried 'bout dat what J tole yo'. Missis and Missy Florence reckon ed yo' Yankees 'd kill Mars'r Howard 's soon as yo' sot eyes on him." "Ethan." I replied, "yon told me big 4 about the bants'." When General H.'s troops arrived, I rode out to the general and told him that there was a caae of yellow fever in the house and he had better put a guard about it till the men had pawd in order to be sure no one became in fected. Then 1 rode on to report his ar rival to my general, muttering: "You're a bicger liar than the dar ky." AMBROSE SPENCER. Iloltand'a Flrt Newspaper. ' The first newspaper published In Holland appeared on the morning of Jan. 8, ICoO. It was called De Weecke tycke Courante Van Europa. Growing Old Gracefully and Healthfully The infirmities of old age are successfully combated by the use of TMAOC MARK. The Food-Drink, Its tonic properties are invalua ble to those who are weak nursing mothers, little children and the aged. All druggists sell it. Prepared by ths - Busch Brewing Ass'n o a new BOMBARDING PANAMA. Colombian War Ship Attacks Scat ot Isthmian Iievolt. UNITED STATES PEOTESTS. U Firlnff In Aot Stopped American Heft Will rrobably Seise Govern ment' Vessel I'reparlnir l-'or ltltg IVaval Demoustratiun. Washington, Nov. 5. -Vice United States Consul Ehrman, at ranama, ca bles the state department that the Co lombian government war ship 1'ogota is Bhelling that city, where the inde pendence of the isthmus has been pro claimed. Eleven Chinamen have been lulled. Vice Consul Ehrman Las been instructed to protest against the bom bardment. If the consul's protest is not suffi cient, then the commander of the Unit ed States steamer Boston, which is by this time on her way to ranama from San Juan del Stir, GOO miles distant, will promptly seize the Colombian gun boat, if necessary to stop the bom bardment. This bombardment is In violation of all the rules of war, beginning, as it oid, without the required notice. More over, the United States government takes the ground that it certainly in terferes with the freedom of transit across the isthmus, which this govern ment is by treaty bound to maintain. The greatest 'activity Is exhibited in the state and navy departments, and there were frequent consultations be tween the oflicials, the naval officers particularly being intent on working out the details for the plan of the pro tection of the isthmian traflic outlined by the state department. Pre purl nr For IJI 4emonstra Ion. It is quite evident that the navy is making preparations for a larger dem onstration in isthmian waters than it Las made for many years, and the fact Is not disguised that all of the infor mation that has come from the secret agents of the government point to the ultimate success of the revolution. But meanwhile extremely delicate Ques tions are to be answered, for the occu pation of one end of the ranama rail road by the government force and of the other end by the revolutionists makes the situation extremely compli cated. That is one reason the confer ences are being held and why it is de sirable that the most exact instructions possible under the circumstances shall be sent to our naval commanders and to the consular officers on the Isthmus to prevent them from making any false move that would place the United States government in a position of violating treaty stipulations or display ing power in derogation of Colombia's Just rights. "You will protect American interests at all points and do everything possi ble to avoid bloodshed," is the sub stance of ' the instructions cabled by the navy department at the instance of the state department to the naval commanders now at the isthmus or on their way. The last part of the in structions Is particularly significant, for it forecasts a mote active interposi tion by the United States government In the troubles on the isthmus than has perhaps ever before been displayed. Will l'rolmlily Land Marine. These orders were the result of the conferences at the White House be tween the president. Secretary Hay and Assistant Secretary Loomis, Act ing Secretary of the Navy Darling and Rear Admiral Taylor, chief of the bu reau of navigation. So it is not doubt ed that under the authority thus con veyed the United States naval com manders will land marines and sailors at the railroad termini. Indeed, it Is not doubted Commander John Hub bard of the Nasbville has nlready placed a marine guard ashore at Colon to protect the railroad property, and the commander of the Boston probably will take the same action when he ar rives at ranama. The United States government has received a cablegram from Panama requesting that It recognize the new government. The officials here are as yet In Ignorance as to what the new government consists of and have taken no action on the request. briefly summed u; as being the rouit of the action c.f congress of Colombia at Bogota in rejecting the Hay Herran canal treaty. The l'auaiuaiaus are al most to a man in favor of the con struction of the canal by the United States, and- it bad repeatedly been prophesied before and after the meet ing of congress that Panama would secede if tho treaty was rejected and would probably come to terms with the United States for the building of the great isthmian waterway. ro Ordered fo Panama. San Diego, Cal., Nov. 5. Captain Shurtleff of the United States collier Nero, which arrived here from Phila delphia a week ago and which was waiting for the arrival of tho racific fleet to discharge her 3,400 tons ot coal, has received orders to go to ranama. It is supposed that the Pa cific fleet, now at Acapulco, Las also been ordered there, and the Nero will coal these vessels there. SIXTEEN KILLED. Government Powder Depot at lona Inland, Sew York., Hlows I'p. Peekskill, N. Y., Nov. o. Sixteen me-.i are reported dead and a number wo-.m ' ed as a result of a seri"s of explosion ori lona island, in the Hudson, use. by the government as a storehouse for dynamite and powder. The first ex plosion was followed by others for more than an hour, the detonations be ing beard in this city. A telephone call was K"nt here fe every physician available, and ail wb could be found responded to the cn'l Beyond the fact that sixteen men ws .- dead and many wounded no deta Is o' the disaster were obtainable. Steel Workers Laid Off. Philadelphia, Nov. 5. Four hundred workmen in the Bloom mill and the iron and steel finishing departments of the Peneoyd Iron works have been laid off, making a total of nearly 2,000 men rendered idle by the gradual clos ing of the big plants. The eight inch steel mill will be closed on Saturday, which will complete the shutdown of the establishment. Condition of W. L. I lklim. Philadelphia, Nov.- 5. The condition of W. 13. Klkins Is reported no worse, lie is said to be in no Immediate dan ger of death. A Pennsylvania. Pootmaater. Washington, Nov. 5. Edward II. Williams has been appointed fourth class postmaster at Flue Flats, Fa. Always Rcmnnbcr t!ie Full Name 3 .axatkva fta&troB Cures eCc-Iiy'' - :'-cy, Crip ui2 Says on every YnI box. 25c As I am about CITY ' making it into a large hall, I am obliged to close out the stock within ten days from this date. . Sals Begins And Continues Every Afternoon and Evening at 2 and 7 o'clock. All the goods positively must go without delay and without postpone ment. In this large and varied stock are four Chamber Suites, fifty Bedsteads, ten Commodes, fifty Spring Beds, forty Mattresses, thirty Pillows, four Folding Beds (one costing $70), six Dining Tables, nine srriall Tables, four Sofas, six Couches, one organ, six Sewing-machines, Ten Carpets, Fifteen Easy Chairs, Five Ranges, twenty-five Rockers, thirty Coal Heaters, ten Oil and Gasoline Stoves, one Cooley Creamer, one Milk Heater, one Counter, pair Blacksmith's Bellows, several Gun?, one Washing-machine, Wringers, lot of Silver ware, Crockery and Ironware, 100 pairs Men's and Women's Shoes, Clothing, etc., and many smaller articles, too numerous to mention. Parties Going to Housekeeping Should Not Miss This Sale! We shall arrange for plenty of room for ladies and, with extra help, will be prepared to transact business rapidl). Sale begins Friday at 2 P. M.,'and will continue every afternoon and evening at 2 and 7 o'clock. Remember that this is business. In ten days after this sale opens the building must be vacated. , Don't miss this opportunity. ft HALE, !! I AflTA r--' ' t L 36 H ' you, i ke a isn't If you will only take Iiomoc you will be su.rpriM.-d how quick'y your rheumatic pains will leave you. Romoc gets ri-ht to work an-! norifiei tho Mood. It strengthens everyone ef the vital r- jganj of the body so that the poisonous secretions that cause Rheumatism are quickly dispelled. It tones i p the stomach and i creates a healthy appetite so that new blood, free from the deadly J uric acid that causes Rheumatism, is the result. One of the great 4 est reasons of Romoc's popularity and the good it accomplishes is i due to the fact that it contains no harm- r, fid drugs or J tissue de- . strovwza- Ask for RCMOC UMTIVE TASLETS SURE CU?.Z FC1 CCfiSTiPATIOH. Wa havr inmtlaated Homer. We knout that all that i mitt lift the Jtomnn nelH pertaininif to this wonderful remedi in true, nnrl will refund to an norm th tri(9 ofth remedy not gatitfled tinh tho mull obtained. AiemembeT, Jiotnoe it guaranteed, and sold by RICKERT & WELLS, 160 Power Indorse Macedonian Plan. Constantinople, Nov. 5. The British, German, French and Italian ambassa dors visited the porte and notified the Turkish officials that they were In re ceipt of instructions from their respec tive governments to support the Aus-tro-Russian reform scheme. The porte strongly objects to the control feature of the reforms. Orders have been is sued for the disbandment of ninety six battalions of reserves. Many Ilort lo. Trolley Wreek. Danville, 111., Nov. 5. Conductor Lewis Lashley was killed and a dozen passengers were injured in a wreck on the Danville-Urbana-Champagne Inter urban line at Vermillion Heights. The car jumped the track while rounding a sharp curve, and Lashley was caught in the wreckage and crushed to death. None of the injured will die. 122 AT THE to remodel my AUCTION f delay Afternoon, Nov. 6th Pearl St i thousand hot r.cculs he-por driven it?'' said the Roinoc nnn i, ,---. that is the way Rheumatism fceis and yet here vrin will pt on and sutler without rhvme r,r f,n ! cohol, hence done by Ro- North Main St., Barre, Vt. Venexnelnn Arbitration liennnied. The Hague, Nov. 5. After the In terval of a month the Venezuelan ar bitration has been resumed here. The president of the tribunal, M. Mnra vieff, the Russian minister of justice, asked counsel to confine themselves to the material points of the controversy and announced that the tribunal would sit from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. dally. I'.y general consent the counter case of Venezuela, which Lnited States Minis ter Bowen through au oversight failed to deposit in time, was admitted and the arguments commenced. Cody Sails Ilia Kite lloat. Calais, France, Nov. 5. S. F. Cody, who on Oct. 10 made an unsuccessful attempt to cross the channel from I lo ver to Calais in a collapsible boat drawn by a kite, has started on another attempt to perform the f at. ? O Auction building", ROOMS. reet, Bar re, Vt Si. juums( u. o. tx. The cause of. the revolution may be