Newspaper Page Text
THE ll.YKRF, DAILY TJMLS, NOV. C, 1fH3. Special For Saturday, Nov. 7th. Two Pairs Ladies' Fleece Line Hose for 25c. This is an Absolute Bargain. Ladies' Ribbed Top Hose, extra heavy fleece lined, with double heel and toe. This is the best Hose for the, price named we have ever sold. It will pay you to secure a share of this bar gain. They go Saturday, Nov. 7th, at two piars for 25c PERRY '& CAMP, 71 and 75 Main Street, Barre, Vermont, IK I I I HI ll 1 1 '! M!l"l o III' 'Til & ,r . ill' rm ,4 ,M'' j 'MN:;'" M A Hit VA I ftof 1 1 ) hid 1 1 I- It t i ( Jet -a i'L-'n'1 , ' 1 li i it U u lUll'llIlM uUl t li 'l II HAVE A WEDDING At Your Home? Do you want to make your daughter or daughter-in-law happy? If so, just 'drop into our store today and let us show you what a little money spent here will do towards furnishing the parlor, sitting-room, dining-room, chamber or kitchen complete for a wedding gift or, if not for a wedding gift, to furnish that spare room. Our great offer of a Nine-Piece Chamber Suit, With Spring and Mattress Complete, for $25 is now here for your inspection. We do not believe in offering half-way bargains. After thorough investigation you will appreciate this offer. Don't blame other dealers, after you have.seen the great value of this Suit, and say how bad you got stuck. We have been trying long and hard to bring this opportunity to the public and it is only by taking advantage of carload quantitiy discounts, etc., that we are able to do it. & T Seeing is believing. Remember the price, - - - B. W. Hooker & Co., (Telephone Connection) Park Block, Barre, YU City Undertakers. k.lil MM No. 1 Apples, Barreled in Orchard. Well colored, choice, late-keeping stock. It will pay you to wait and see these Apples. We are, as ever, lead ers in low prices. Apples will arrive in a few days. H. L. AVERILL & CO., North Main St., Barre, Vt. Look at These Bargains! Granite Siate B,ikln? Fowder, ptr pound can..... 15c Davis Baking Powder, per pound..... 20c Napoleon Bakinj Powder, p pound 15c Little Valley Canned Com, per can 8c Ivory Starch, per pound package 8c Wyandotte Washing Powder, per package ' 7c Snap Soap, twelve tars for. 25c Fresh Oysters Received Every Thursday. M. J. McGOWAN, Telephone Connection. South. Main Street, Barre, Vt Peanut Butter in Bulk. Come in and sample our Peanut Butter, per lb., 20c Some more nice Shoulders, per pound, - - 10c Yellow Haddock, per pound, - - - 10c Yellow Hake, or Whiting, per pound, - - 9c More Seeded Raisins, per pound, - - 10c Merchant's Economic Grocery TALK OF TEE TOWN. TALK OF TEE TOWN. The Royal Arcanum will meet this evening. Ernest Houston went to Wells liiver this morning on business. suits and jackets at Abbott' j Mrs. M. J. Grwn went to Burlington to- day on a visit w itb Iriemia. Arthur Camp returned this afternoon ' from a few days vUSt in Burlington. Mrs. Morris McKtiight Is visiting her sister, Mrs. l.raiiiteville for a few Sale of Saturday. Frank Brown went morning on business. If you are wise you will use Wise King flour, the best for bread. to NorthiWld this! C. G. Maseott a several weeks' returned last night from visit In New York. Frank B. Hutching people are moving from No. 9 Kichardson street to 61 Sum mer street. Guis Chantore and A. Giaj left last night for New York from where they will tail for Italy. There will be a private dance in Miles hall thiseveulug. Wilder's orchestra will furnish music. Mrs. rtiilo Camp Is quite sick at her home on Washington street, threatened with pneumonia. For Sale A good mare at the city auc tion rooms. Saturday afternoon. Good driver or worker. MR Bui jhs! Bulbs I OUR FALL STOCK OF BULBS HAS ARRIVED. Chinese Lilies, each, 10c or three for 25c Easter Lilies, ach, 10c or three for 25c Hyacinths', each 5c Narcissus, each i 3c Jonquils, two for '. 5c Tulips, each.... 2c Crocus, each le All who have had our Bulbs in the past know that the quality is unsurpassed. If you haven't tried them we advise you to do so this Fall. Boston Bargain Store, 185-187 North Main Street, C. N, Kenyoa &. Co. N. II. JIazen of North Hero who has been gelling apples In the city returned home this morning. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Emery Laundry bunday, P.ov. 1. Mrs. S. J. Nichols is earing for her. John Gleason who has been visiting friends In this city left this morning for his home In Clareiuont, X. H. Mrs. II. B. Chamberlain and Miss Kar lene Iltttchlnaon of Bradford were guests of Mrs. Frank Ilanis yesterday. Elliot Stoughton returned last niht from the Albany Business college to re cuperate from a recent sickness. Why eat those dry, unpalatable Boston baddies when you can get the nice home cured at the City Fish Market ? Mrs. John Wheeler and Miss Mary Cor- tineywhohava ben visiting at A. II. Burke's went to Burlington this morning. - The Modern Woodmen have engaged the Howard opera bouse orchestra of Bur lington for their ball Id Miles' hall Nov. 13. A petitian iu bankruptcy was filed yes terday by Alexander Marconx, quarryman of Barre, who has liabilities of f4.Sd.35 and no assets. The farm ef the late Augustus Batchel der of l'lainfield, has been purchased of the estate by the widow -and dted was given yesterday. Misses Annie Whlrk, Margaret Gibson, Emily Lee and Mrs. Lydia J. Lee left this morning for Boston on their way to St. Petersburg, Florida. There will be a children's missionary meeting at the home of Mrs. Page, High land avenue, Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Frieda Hooker, secretary. A Montpelier Whist club, known as the Stag Whist club, has been formed, and its members have voted to play drive whist and cut out the refreshment and prize in cidentals. The body of Mrs. Katherine Good was taken on the 7.80 train this morning to Wolftown, P Q , for interment. The fu nearal was held tit St. Monica's church at 6.15 o'clock this morning. C. A. Heath received today at invoice of 14,000 rolls of. wall paper direct from the factory of the Standard Wail Papier at NewS"ork,the largest invoice ever shipped over the Central Vermut. For fancy work and other articles visit the New York booth, where you will be greeted by Iudian maidens uch as we read of in she Leatherstocking Tales, at the Universalis fair next week. The Main street pavement, from the city ball to the Miles granite, block, was wahed yesterday afternoon with a stream of water from the hydrant at the park. The beneficial result is easily apparent. Railroad Commissioners Fuller C. Smith of St. Albans, II. S. Bingham, Benning ton, George T. Howard, Craftsbury, met yesterday in the Stale House at Montpe "tier. No business of special importance was transacted. Specials for Saturday, Nov. "th. But ter Scotch, per pound, 15o; Cream Dates, per pound, lac; uoooamit Kisses, per pound, ISe: Fruit Candy, per pound, 15c. Fresh made and pure at the Barre Candy kitchen. W m. Gordon ol Prospect street was operated on yesterday for appendicitis. Dr. U. C-JTinkbam of Burling on per formed the operation, which was success ful and Mr. Gordon is doing as well as could be expected. Iu accordance with the findings of the Washington county grand iurv, the cases against Kizzl, Cassi, Seratti aud Fruizetti, held on charges resulting from the social ist anarchistic riot on October 8, were nol pressed in the local city court. The Japanese fair by the Ladies' Aid society of the Congregational church in Miles' hall, closed last eveulng with a good attendance. The fair has been a great success and the ladies will net between S.'GO and $275 for their efforts. The next meeting of the Ministers' Monday club will be in the Methodist church of Bane, No?. S), at 10 o'clock. Paper, Bev. 15. C. Roberts, The Eucharist; paper, Ker. T. II. Mitchell, The Ultimate Tribunal of Appeal. Discussion. W. A. Kinzie' Seo'y. The bazaar held at Trinity vestry, Mont pelier, was a complete success iu every way, the attendance being very large throughout, and the sales excellent. Ev erybody appeared pleased with the novelty of the Hffair, and socially it was unusually enjoyable. The ladies cleared over $200. Martino Rizzi, who was held by he Barre city court under $4,000 bonds for assault with intent to kill, was not indict-' ed by the grand jury and is probably con gratulating himself on the fact. Three different Indictments were found against Alexander Caretto, one for murder and two for assaults with intent to kill Moct peller Journal. While Charles Townsend was driving down Washington street this morn ing in company with John Robins he was run into by another team which was try ing to pass him on the same side of the street. Mr. Townsend'a wagon was badly ! smashed. The forward axle was broken ! oil aud one hind wheel was smashed. Mr. ; 1 ,.1 .1 l - T..n.niai.(l wAfu ftirnmn : out but succeeded in stopping the horse. . t The other team escaped without any In- H , da vs. Mrs. Roswell Beckley and Mrs. John Bartlett went to South Rnyalton yesterday on a visit. The body of the Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Willey was taken ti Xorlhfield this afternoon for burial. Will the committee on booths for the Universalist fair meet in the vestry Satur day evening at 7 o'clock to plan for the same. ' The Ppaulding high school foot ball team went to Randolph this afternoon to play the return game with the high school there. The Union Veterans Union and their ladies met with Capt C. A. Bond last eve ning for a social time and were royally en tertained by the captain. O. II. Hale is changing his auction pa vilion into a public hall, and it is neces sary that the furniture, etc., be disposed of. In order to clear it up he Is holding special auction sales daily. See adv. See the Sonnette and Augustine corsets at Yeale & Knight's. Sale of ladies' fleece lined hose, two pair for S;5c, at Perry & Camp's, Saturday, November 7ih. Corsets fitted by an expert at Veale & Knight's this week only. See their advertisement. TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION. LOST Wednesday evening on the way to the Masquerade Su iaMe in K. of 1'. ball, an opera shawl. Finder piease return to tlio Yatighun store aud lw suitably rewarded. sunt2 ELEVEN YEARS '? 'I The Genuine bears the trade-mark "Ruberoid" stamped upon it every three feet. uruay Bargain, Nov. Tailored Suits and Jackets! Manufacturers have at this season of th have to be sold at a big discount. e year their We hjv propositions together, tins sale wiil be the largest an you of any garment sale th.u we have ever held. lots our?cIvt's. ie line of garments that Taking the two d should be the most profitable for LADIES' COATS. Twelve Ladies' Chinchilla Coats, half" fitted, 26 inches long, with velvet collar, a great wearer, usually sold at from to $6.50. This odd lot, $2.98 each. Twenty Ladies Coats in medium sizes, made of kersey from'Amcricanwoolen mills, in castors, reds and blacks. This was our leader at St. Co. This sale, $4.98 each. LADIES' TAILORED SUITS. Ladies' Sample Suits that were $10.00 for $7.98, $12.50 for $9.98, $15.00 and 1 1 8.00 for $13.98, $20.00 and S22.CO for $15.98: Every jlolhirofT the regular price is your saving. , In connection with this sale we are going to give you your choice of any of our Suits left over from Summer that were S12.00. k.qo. i8.eo and $20.00. Your choice of the lot for $5.98. What would a Skirt from one of these Suits be worth? V'ou may question whether we are in a position to deliver these goods as adver tised. We ahvavs Jiave. A. "P. ABBOTT 1 li 1 i . -"JMJjCLI Augusta. Maine, April 2, 1903. Th Standard Paint Co., New York: Dear Sirs We have a tmiUinf covered with your Two-ply Rubcroid Roof in; in 1892. Since that time it has never been coated over and today Is in comparatively as good condition as ever. In making alterations we have removed part of this roofing, a small section of which we are sending you for inspection, as it shows hardly any' de terioration. Yours truly, AUGUSTA LUMBER CO., Smith S. Randall, President. Ask for Samples and Prices. WM. H. PITKIN, Telephone 231-2. Room 3, Miles Building, Barre. ieavy Winter Underwear! Here's Winter comfort galore! Our many lines of Men's Winter Underwear present an attractive assortment. We have all worthy sorts to be found in the market. We think our Un derwear just a little better than vou can pet elsewhere for the money. Prices, 25c to $2.00 per garment. Union Suits! The Dcimels Linen, faros, Munsing and None better. Prices, $1.50 to $5.00 per suit. Sterling FRANK McWHORTER, One Price Clothier. Hatter and Men's Outfitter. NOW AT TJIE NEW CURRIER BLOCK-. XOltTII MATX ST., JIARRE, VT. & FINE PHOTOGRAPHS. Cherry Juice Cough Syrup, a new scientific cough cure, totally unlike to old-fashioned remedies. It is ex ceedingly pleasant to the taste and remarkably quick in its curative ac tion. Price, ... - 25c. "Just Thirty-Six More" Cold Tablets, for Colds, La Grippe and Headache. A safe and speedy WILLOW ROCKERS than we have room for, and we will close them out, at twenty per cent discount. ALL NEW, BRIGHT GOODS. Price, 19c Candy Laxative relieves Constipa tion, has a very soothing tonic effect and regulates the action of the bow els. Prices, - - 1(X and 19c. Pile Ointment, an Ointment which 4 cures all varieties of Piles. It gives $ prompt and positive relief and acts j as an anodvne and local sedative, J Price, - - - - . - 25c. S Compound Syrup Hypophosphitcs. j This is an invaluable medicine and J tonic for all wasting diseases. It J supplies physical strengthy stimulates i the appetite and tones up the entire j1 Sec Us for Values in Furniture! A. W. BADGER & CO., Bar" Morse Block, Vermont. Hoslitence Culls. i) Katro Ave., 30 i'ark St. Undertakers! ; House, 150-21. TELEPHONE Ambulance Ready for Any Calls at Funeral Directors J -Store, 1.17-11. a Moment's Notice. Good Values at Ladd's! nervous svstcm. Price, - 85c Healing Salve, for Cuts, Burns, y Sores and all Skin Diseases. This jf j Salve contains wonderful healing and i( ! antiseptic properties. Relieves pain j, ! .immediately and allays the itching Jj and burning sensations that accom- J pan v skin diseases. Price, - 19c, j I 1 &! 2 1 These Remedies are sold only and ' positively guaranteed by Rickert & Wells, Red Cross Pharmacy, 160 North Main Street, Barre, Vt. Grocery Department. More Malaga Grapes, fresh and nice, per pound, One lot full pound packages Seeded Raisins, Mixed Nuts, two pounds for - - - -Popcorn, 2 years old, dry and nice, fine popper, per lb., Bakery Department. Mutton Pies, made from fresh native lamb, each, Cream Pies, pure cream, each, - - - -Mot Baked Beans and Brown Bread on Saturday. Meat Department. Beef Sausage, made from fresh western beef, per lb., -More Cranberries, three quarts for Twelve pounds of Sweet Potatoes for - - BestWestern Round Steak, per pound, Corn-fed Pig Roasts, per pound, Tripe, per pound, - - - Best Western Beef Roasts, per pound, -Bargains in cut Meats Saturday night. 11 to 11 to 10c 10c 25c 5c 5c 15c 10c 25c 25c 15c 13c 5c 15c f 1 ' F. D. LADD, Leading Cash Grocer. jury.