Newspaper Page Text
'1 i THE JJAKRE DAILY TIMES, APRIL 5, 1001. The F. Two-Tenement House near Currier Park. or for KsidcntUl purposes. CanUinj six rooms cellars, is well painted and fitted with blinds. Re Cottage on Newton Street containing home. The price is only $1,600.00. We hate one Eight-Room House with s tall barn en Merchant Street. Good large lot, affording den. Price, 11.400. Would exchange for a small farm. Lock this over. Farm of sixty acres one mile from Plainfield. Nine-room hous, In firsU!ar-s condition. A new tarn, SO by 30 feet. Cow stable, 61 by 18 feet. Basement tinder whole. Keeps 17 head of cattle and team. Good sugar orchard, equipptd with modern utensils. Land free from stone and lays nice. Tools and everthing in good shape, without stock, to carry on a first class farm. A bargain at the price, $2,800.00. We were never better prepared to show -yon Farms of all sUes and prices from S 300.00 tip. Also good Residential Property la nearly all parts of the city. We have some very desiiable properties for investment. Give us a call. (TELEPHONE 135-2) EOLSTER BLOCK, ROOMS U AND 12, F. B. CATE. Barre, Vt. H. J. SLAYTON. AKTHXK C. A YE1MI.J.. Averill & Law, Real Estate and OFFICE IN KILES' GRANITE BLOCK, CO H UE UC1 A L AND OTHER COLLECTIONS MADE. Farm of 120 acres la Marshfield. I 1-2 miles from Plainf eld village. Sugar orchard, with modern utensils. Plenty of wood and spruce timber. Good apple orchard and small fruits. 6ood buildings. One barn, 22x70, with basement and silo; horse-barn and shed, 28x60; hog-house and corn bam. Farm keeps 25 head of cattle and team. Spring and well water. Price of farm, $1500. A 7-roora cottage oa Park St., with modern Improvements. Cheap at price, $2700. We are also offering several single houses and some good building lots at prices that ought to effect an early sale. TO LET. Tenements on Park and Mount streets and Highland Ave. If interested, call and talk these matters over. Telephone 149-4. FLOYD, CRAWFORD Co No. 25 Broad Street, New York City, MEMBERS NEW YORK CONSOLIDATED STOCK EXCHANGE, CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE, MILWAYKEE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. BARRE, VT., BRANCH OFFICE, C H. GILFILLAN, Correspondent, Rooms 3 and 4, Carrier EUg. Telephone No. 30. Connected with ail exchanges by private tc.cgraph wires. Orders executed promptly and reported from the floor of the exchanges for Banks, Estates, Syndicates and Individuals. Highest commercial rating and bank We cordially invite those who are avail themselves of the facilities and conveniences our branch cmce affords. BUSINESS CARDS. DR. C. . H. KENT, Dentist. MILES' BLOCK, Telephone at Office nd t Eesidenco. DR. F. M. LYNDE, Dentist. Telephone 133-21. Room 7, Currier Block, Barre, Vermont. DR. LEWIS D. MARTIN, OSTEOPATHIC I'HYSICIAN. Vftice in Room RS, Mile' Bnildintr. 'm'' hour. . tu. to 13 in. nd t-W to - . ''" y, TueeUay, Thumday ami Friday. Telephone Connection. MRS. H. A. BEACH, EXPERIENCED NURSE No. 102 South Main 8t ., Barre, Vermont. Tulei. bono tall, 12-3. MRS. M. F. BURGESS, EXPEB1ENCEIJ NUKSE, No. 108 Summer St., Barre, Vermont. CHURCHILL & WELCH. ALL KINDS OP ELECTRICAL WOKK DONE, WIBINO, ETU WoareriealerfiSnKleetriral Suri'' Kvcmhiuit Moih-rn ami I'p-toDatn. N..n but expert bl employed anil work guaranteed. Tel. SWT- ,r - Office in the Basement ol VVortben Block. FRED L. PAGE, Contractor AND BUILDER. Office and Hesldence.34 Highland A vonue. Telephone call, 1-3. HENRY FRENIER&SON UNDERTAKEB3, Funeral director and furnishers ol Ifu- , . N-i.,hf nulla nmmntly ai- nurai hiipput!-. Rrr. Vt. tended to. No. 13 Kesfd iiiee up stairs. Tel- 13-5. J. A. McLEOD, UEGISTERED SHOEING SMITH. positively cured. Disease,! feet tretl with soccwB. Trotters, pacers 2if,m on men'B roadsters a npeclaity. Hiop on Seminary St. Telphone counectlon. J. A. FIELD, Contractor AND BUILDER. Office and Kesldenco,32 Patterson Street, Telephone 157 i. ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY UiVEN, C. H. ROWELL F. G. COMPLETE AKCMITECT3 ANU UUILDEkb. Barre, Vermont. Gate A o :encv This is in very deiirable location for renting' each, has all mode n Improvements. cemeatd Rents for $26.00 per month. six rooms, .Would make a very pleasant Scott KI.WIN L. SCOTT. Collection Agency ROOM 19, EARRE, VT. references cheertuliy furniihed. interested in any of the markets to freely THE, CORRECT STYLES Newest Effects in Woolens. 0. W. EOYEA, - Merchant Tailor, Reed Block. Barre, Vt. H. E. JEFFORDS, PAINTINO ANP PAPER HANGING AND CALSOMINING. A sham of your patronage is solicited 5 Thurston Placs, furre, Vt. H. W. SCOTT, Attorney rffice io Wood Block, Over LatUI's Mor JaoMce. notary tod utenotiranheT In cttiee Andrew Ejorn. Painting and Paper Hanging A full liue of Wail Fatter sample for 1904 Cill or address 21 Currier Street. Telephone. 205-12. V lf' Taying Mining, Oil, Stuclter iiml Industrial Stocks mating possible Large Interest and Profits. Book lets on application. DOUGLAS, LACEY & CO. Bankers, Brokers, Fiscal Agents, Members Kew York Consolidated Stock Exchange, 66 Broadway and 17 New Street, New Yorki E. BALDWIN HAMMITT, Manager, Western New England Branch) H-"d(iur. ter : Suite 33-35 CutUo Bldg., Hartford. Conn- M. IT. IIUGHKS, Itepresentative, 55 Miles' Ik Barre, Vt. TRAVELERS' RAILWAY GUIDE. tion Koston, Sew York and all intervening poin'ts at S.;r. a. m.. Vi m. and 12.01 a. m. LmnU tr iin for White Kiver Junction and Windsor arid iiitemiedinti stations leaves at o-M p. in. Trains leave Harre for llurliiictoii, M. Alhans Houses Point and Oplcnslmrir at :.& a. m.and 3te,:i p. m. and li.ol a. in. Trains connect at Kex for points on Kutland road and the 5.M connects with New York train for Montreal and nomts west leaving nana c a.iu, o.. ami y. .... P !',,r wnibmstovrii leave Harre at l.aoand 4.:p. a,. Leave Williautttowu at 5.2U a. iu. and 2.0 p. m. JJOSTPKI.IKB WF.l.tB litVKR B VII.KOAI), COMJ1KNC1NO Jt'SiB l'AU. Trains leave Barre for Well River, cnnne.'t ini at that point with trains roiuk hoth north a"S southTat a. in., 12.4S and 3.15 p. in. The. U , tr in connects with watt, for li.ton and "'i.'.. V'J i iui.a Littleton. Fahvans and Ln- caHter, also with Montreal express, and the i JO and 3.1i trains with St. Johnsl.nry trains. Trains leave, liarre for Montpelier at 1S 10.20 a. in., l-'ft, 3.1.-.. 4.10 and 6.30 p. ro. II.ECTKIO STItEKT BA1I.WAT. Carg leave sriuare in Harre for Montpelier at IS minute of and If. minutes past the hour Leave- Montpelier for Bairo onth? hourtand balf hour until 10 p. ui . 2f Natl Bank of Barrc UNITED STATES GOVERN: tEPOSITORY. SENT THE BESTJ '' PROTECTOR No matter what vour present con.u inay he, you tloli should always give some thought to the future. The surest safeguard about the future is MONEY IN THE BANK You spend less if the money from your away It is safer, too, and there is no making change when you pay by check. Ask any depositor or call and talk it over, 3 1-2 Per Cent Interest Paid on SavingsDeposits F. G. ROWLAND, Cashier. ap-vm., ypyiy w-wrwTMjffn Sit il rniihiillf Nir in r ' - A ' s" iT. PAUL in the future w, ill lie the barometer or the stock market. If von are interested in it, either for investment or tpeculutmn, write or call tor a copy of latest market letter, which also men- tliinK l men racitic, Oreetie t onsouuateu, copies' O.ik, Daly West, heat anil orn. Special attention given to spocuhulve ac counts. REDERICK R.TIBBITTS Investment Securities Second Floor, Ames Building, Boston. Colonist Ticket from Chicago to all points in iorili and South Dakota OS UXKiS OF r M.&St. P.Ry. Tickets on sale Tuesdays in Mar. and April, 1904. Booklet and full informa tion on application to W. W. HALL, N. E. F. & F. A., C. M. 4 St. F. Ry , 369 Washington Street, Boston, Mass. WABASH RAILROAD. TRACKS PASS MAIM ENTRANCE ol WORLD'S FAIH ftroumi!, Mt. Lnut., a!Tortliii paammirGrc m.a ozoolleat new nt th ffreniois and bn-ttilnfr. VEM IIii;i,Kt TRAINS. ttlMNO CARS. FKHE KKCHMNO CHAIKt AIW. PrivilPiro of toprim 10 day at Nmsrirft Falls. r AMOUa " ( U.NTI.NEN f AL MM1TKU." hv. Biwl'm vi B. A M. It. Ii,(dilyl . I.OO P. M. A. Cll IC'AiiO viaWABAiiIS.H.( nut dM.S0 " St.. I iui " " " T. 15 roi RIST CAWS kii this FAST TRAIN TUESDAY, THIERS- ii.V lad SAfl RiAV. Brrib SZ.75 B.wion tot-lilcajo. WTER.i fcXPKKSH." Lt. Boston Via li. 4 M. iv. It- tdaily exeord 8tin- dar .19 V. m. Ar. THICAGO, WABASH R. R. fnmt. duy.i9. P.M. On tSumUy thi tram luavva lioston 4.:K'P. M. OonneclmK with ttm")Ugb trains in Union lerKts at Chtcatro. tst. Louis. Kansas City and Omaha fur Wis ci'iiifttl. M omenta, Iowa. Nettranka, KiinnaH, Tias, Oklahoma. Old aud New Mesicn. t;oiora'ii, L'tAh, Nuratta, Dakotii, W'yurmDg, Montana aud Paciuo Cot- Points J.ll.M. -HK AT H.N'.R Paasr. A(L, ll"fW.allmttonSt. J. E- HAiliiV. '('.mriat Agt, j Hu,t!ll, Maaa. n i- BOSTON - Ql'RNSTOWN'-UVERI'CCL Fast Twin screw Man mid r.isscnijer Pteam- ei.. h.-mi tons ; leet lonja;, nemurKaiue ior stendiness. F.oouis upper decks amidships; perfect ventilation. SAXOM A. March "29, April '.'i, Mny SI, June 21 and July Li. 1VKRMA, April 12, Mny 10, June 7, July 5 and AllRUft Plans. MtilittGf, tc, 1-8 state St., Biwton, lliiji., ( li.o. I'. .Sumner, Aterit or 8. lial iard'8 steamship Apeney. Miles' Block, Barre, or New LanK'too Block. Montpelier. Farm For Sale! This farm contains 175 acres, about id acres of which is soft and hari wood timber. A large sugar-place and sugar house. Orchrrd of 50 ap ple trees. Fences are ia the best of repair stone wall and baard fence. The builJInj are as good as new, ihe house being of bricic. Hard wood floors, bath, closet and set bawl, hot and cold water. Water from on; spring-, three-fourths inch galvanized pipe laid to the buildings. From the other two, one-half Inch lead c'toe. Sewer laid from the buildings to the brook. Cellars under all the buildings. The house cellar is cemented, On theru'al free delivery roule. Rait deliv ered every morning. The first farm in Plainfield, on the main road, two and one balf miles from Barre and four miles foom Plainfield. A row of 300 maple trees on the east sfde of the road. Look this -property over before some one else hnvi it. Then von will be sorry tnat you did not come earlier. If not sold by the 1st of Hay it will not be sold until September. Inquire of A. E. BATCHELDER, Bane, Vt A few gallons of extra beavy choice maple syrup for sale at the Granite City creamery. I . I KSTATE OK I.KWM V. DC ST IN. STATE OK VKltMovr, I In Private Cmirt lu-lrirt of Vt"aliiii::ti, ii. j belli in Mnst iicr, in Mini lor stud tn.-trn i, on thtt Ain iliiv it M:iri h, A. I). 'I Ih'iiimk H avf, .Ir , Administrator of tiif fa tal f of !., l.iut 111. 1 I'' of tin City of nam, 111 siiid jMctrii:t, di i i a-ril. pri'wntu 111 tun iiiuiouiit for i';wiu!iatioii and ni!ow.nn-tt and makrs pSi t ion for a di-rri-t of Uiki rilm tion iul vastition of th eciarn of naiit do-ri-asi'd. "Wlo rfujioti it is ordorid I'y taid I'ourt that uriroimt, arid said application he r. fi ind to a Kt'hMou tlifri'of, to t? held lit tin I'v,,atn Oitic.e in Saul Alimtpclifr on ttm l.'.lli uav of April, A. O. I!4, for harinsr and i!i .' iioii tlioicoii : Anil, it i. furttii'r ordori d that notice hereof !' (jivii to all pel nous inter ited 1 y pidiiteation of tin y.une. tsiree weeks nifiTSkiii iv in tlie Harre li!y Timen, a Jiewx paprr piil.Iislird iit the City of Kane, in linn Mate, previous to said t one appointed for b';ar iiir, lliat tliev may appear at !aid time ami piaie, and show i-aune, if any they may liai' wliv said aea-oimt should not Ihj allowed ami mo ji deeree made Hv the Court. Atter.. JI!l;M CAHI.KTO.N, JiiiIk". Tin f. Mar. CO, Apt . 51- FOUR LINES FOR 25 CENTS The Timk will pnh!iH Waists, Lost and Found, r or Sale. To It. fte. hot t adveitiHe-meiitji- at th rate of lour line for twenty. five cents for tli fust insertion and live cent lor etu'h sulifieijuoni insertion. FOR SALE. . ' v a o I I., will. ti., ,'t ? Miiitnt-iiii and' Nrvirli canaries, (rood sinters. .William .. . . II'... .... ........ ,f l'lai K, .o. 11 1 il asant roierL. FOIt 8A1K A stone euttev'S kit. Inpulrfl tif O. K. Bait li, (J .Majilt Omve. 1T tlli SALE My honii) place In Graniteville. It is all in (rood repair. Also a lot of horsen workers ami drivers. W. W. Utlvillc, (iranitii- ville, Vt. Cassie street. latlio FI'UMTCRK Foil SA1K As tbd house, in wliii h I live has lieen sold and I must move out hv April 15, I desire to sell at private sale, eiuiit heilKHim suits, one piano, lour stoves, carpets, cookiuK utensils, bedilins;, dinin'r-riKini table and (hairs, etc. Apply to Mr. Tlionipson, w Sontli .Mum Mreet. 14t3 Foil SAI.K Second-hand hiiKCT, clieaji. Ap ply to A J. Vourie;. 1..H (lit SALK Seed iiotatoes, Delewaro and (ireen Mountain varieties, Dice and largo. Ap ply to W tlliaiu Lovie, IJ Lung Ktreet. mo Ft Ht SALE I'm kboard with springs. Desir able for a mud wajjon. F. E. Burr. lttj FHH SALK lliirh-clasn Barred I'lymouth liiK-k etrirs, priw w innln); strain, il.t.iu ver et tlii)r. Mrs. Wallstruui, tssex street, off Pros pect Street City. into FOR SALE A Ciittaufl oriran in pood condi- tion, very cheap, (iood for a beginner. Apply at lot; Slimmer street. XiOLf FOH SALK But mare, eicht years old, eood driver, sound, ale and kind. Call at f!. 7 Cliarles street. on FOH HALE Anvone wanting first-class Harred I'lvinonth Kmk eC(n for setting at a per setting applv to i . II. Hopkinsun the K. r. uius I arm, oultl earre, v t. vai FOK SALK A house at upper Oraniteville, contaitus eight room, also lirn and one build ing lot. Conveniently arranged, gisid basement room below. Impure of Ji. A. McDonald at titniiitcvtlle. 4tt FOIt SALf-Two granite quarries for sale or to rent, lnpuire of W. H. Farker. nt FOIt SALK One tiird dog, one slelglt, one mud wagon, one wheelbarrow, one double bar reled hamineiless Parker shot-gun, saws, step bolder and farm tools. Above articles must bis sold to clone an estate. Vi. F. Shepard, Admin istrator. FOIt SALE 0m i1 hav In bulk. delivered on short notion. Aptoy to F. E. l'errin.'i'l East Street Extension. lt.F. D. 2. 3K'i l FOH SALL Thorotiflihrcd Rhode Island Ked KtrKd. l'ark it tdiore stains. Fifty cent nnd $UW per setting. Dean T. llassett, 1'npect treet. ''.'if FOK SALE One pair ol two-horse traverse sleds, one coal stove and a quantity of farming tools. Apply to M. V. II. t rwuian, IW Siiiuiiier street. " iWStf 8TOVK FOK fAI.K for particulars. -Apply at 21 Howe I'lnce ZHlf FOR HA LK Thoroughbred bull pups at No. 12 Foster street. 2titf FOH HALE OK TO KF.NT A new cottage on NelsonSircet. Contains seven rooms, co:iven ientlv arraneed. Until, liot water, furnace, elec tric livrht", set wanti-tubK. woodshed and a cood tmsemetit room lielow. Nice garden. "ie location is one of the most pleasant in the city nnd only two minutes from electric cars. Handv to Barclay stone-f lieda. inquire ol C. S. Baldwin, 2S NeJeon iSt.. Barre, t. FOK SALE AT CASSIK FAEM. Milk- Our wapon delivers twice a day. llav Helivered promptly in built. Shetland Ponies From imported stock. Fie;fl and Bhoateu By tlio regiatered sire Barre Jim, O. I. V. . Collie l'ujia SabK and whi'e, frnm repMoreu stock. Apply to Ueorge Cuuiie, hast htreet. O. B. F IF I ELD, HKM IN HUTTKK. KliGS AM) FARM PRODUCK. Delivered at your lioic-e at lowest mar bet prices. Terms, Address me at P. O. Box 2i4, Barre and I will call. I have bought Jed Marsh's Hulled Corn Route and will start team April 9. KtHiS FOK HATCIUSV. Barred Plymouth Kocksaml White Wyamh ."i'c, pu r setting of thirteen eggs. I'ure Bred Vi kin luieks, T.V per scttmsrof thirteen eicgx. A. Vi' Telephone 114-11. ALI.F.N, Fur.nyside Farm. 2.10 tf F I SA LK Mveiiriierlt; for haullne; granite, oonsihtiiif; of heavy horse, harness, wagons and sleds. I'aul Tcnico, Jlontpciier, Vt. 1'2'itf Hi irt.H t'KBiM) Wildhur & Son, Fast Barre, will furnish rotih curb stone to any part of liarre City for at per foot. fttKitf TO RENT. TO HKNT t p stairs tenement, five rooms, readv for oecupuncv, a lit' street. Apply to .). 8. Collins. ' -f'tf 'IO KKN I' Tenement of six rooms and hath oom at, U7 ilrooklvn street, with or without .aril.' Applv to Alex. (j. opdon. 14t TO KENT t)o n-st!iirs tenement of five rooms. Ami v to n. r. w mev, lii onuin muni , street. " Utf TO KKNT Tenement, on North Seminary eueet. Apply to Dr. A. 11. Kent. n TO KKNT One nix-room tenenient, re- moilelcil. piipereil anil piiinteil, really for April 1st, on (Iranitc etreet. Apply to ticott 1i Town send, watt TO KENT-'-Tenement of live rooms at o. ;to7 North .Main tret. No one need nppiy with children. Inquire of A. K. llatchehler. Lilt! TO LET An tnwttiir.s tenement to Kmnll fiimilv without chililr. n. Mrs. Mary Lawrence., 153 Wa-iliinirtou Mreet. I"t6 TO KKNT A. Toniasi h tenements to rent In hi l.lock at the coiner ol North Mum iiml Merchant streets. 'I'M 8Tol!K TO KKNT At corner of North Main and Seminary streets. Apply at H. I). TomnM store. i.'H l"( I.KT-A vi ry ilenirahle tip-sitaits tenement at, 10 Mount street, a pply at nrst tloor. 4tt TO KENT-Tenement of six room, hath room, hot and cold water. Alw tenement to rem on ".ranch street. Inquire of F. I', lieckii y, (I l'ark micet. Hf TKNEMFNTS TO KKNT On Oramre street. Apply to W. H. Menncr, 1H ilif;hlaud Ave. ii'itf TO KKNT Two tenements, at once, of Sejjel & Hrady, Blue Store. lnouire uititr TO KKNT JleRtrahle tenement with modern improvements, vacant April 1st. Call on II. M, Houston, 53 Staple avenue. aoit f TO KENT Stall for one horse, in Blanchard ham in Merchant street. Apply to H. A. Huffy. . Wf TO RENT. I'd riKNT-l;nfiiniI-hed room near Cnmei I'arh. Juipiireal ate s Keal Kstate Atsetiey. I.itf TO kKNT Odie.-s, lariM or small. Two or three, gfp'inne, or eonoeeteil. 'xiety Hail, ninaii, at ni;:it piifi. App'ytoL. M A ven il.' ). !f Ti ) t; F VT. I On tenement, Vrifternon atroht $i;iiO T wo ti'iieinenm. Ilraneti street ,. ., p.'.ito tine t-neiitevit, fit-o-aiit .itreet . ...... .... K.uu l'.i'.'tf Apply at I'helps lirtit tiers'. TO HKM Ofliee rooms tti the North Mam idn et. Apply to o. Jl. ha!e lia'e fdorli. FOR !!KNT Ftvr-room tirrit'inent, on first floor. Hot and cold water. In pood repmr. Apply to K. N. I'resi-ott, bl i'nrrier St. SVt'.tf tit Kf'.NT-A cottairn house on strerf, alrto a tenement on Ae.ademy street. Apply to K. M. Lyon. Address gto'rti or 27 liijriiland Avenu Jiitf Ti liKNT Heated tlve-ro..iti tenement in (IranUe liloek. Apply at UiaUite Savings ll:u;k .i Trust Co. '-'l.'.t t HEP WANTED, W AM KD- One, two or three i?riitiite eutters htivintr praetieal knouledire of monuniental work and quarrj in-r iind tjI.iKrf) or more to oper ate a quarry and plant in the V est . AddYess unil sample at liarre 'J unes olliee. V A NTKK Twelve rnld.inghed men for l tnld inirwork. Apply to Charles Kiver Stone 'o., Hrookline street, Caiiilirid'eport, Mass. HitJ LA III ICS AND O K X T LF. M h N W pay $1.'. li stamp per 1iM!j eah for copvtnir at home. Seru for partienlars. Manila id Supply Co., Box jji Worcester, i!.iss. WANTED First-elass maehine polisher. Apply to Kane Cramt-e Co., Mont pi lier. 1-tt WANTED f iood polisher, good wages. Apply to K. K. Montpelier, Vt. Steady . work, Craven & Co., SMI WANTED Two first-class,, all around ma chinists. Apply to W hitcomb H109. Hf WORK WANTED. WANTED l'osit ion an stationery engineer. Acquainted with steam pumps and can run traveling derricks. Can furnish best of refer enced and M-roml class license. Write to "En gineer," Barre Times. lt'.ui V ANTED I'laee to ply at 21 hrook sueel. lo li zht liotisewot k. Ap- WANTED I 'osltton for general honeworK by !apalie girl. Call ai Vew Enyland F.niploy- luenl mil can, jsikhiis v anu a, uoruou jhock. in TADLE BOARD. KTKST-CLASS TABLE the day or week. No. 1 street. BO A II D Meats by liuizell lllock, IVaii l-ltti BARRE SAVINGS BANK & TRUST GO. OFFICE LN BOLSTER BL0CX, BARRE, VT. 3i percent Paid on Deposits. J. HENRY JACKSON, President. GEORGE BOWLAND, Via President. F. G. H0WLAND, Trcasorer. C. J. LEASE, Assistant Treasurer. Directors: J. HENRY JACKSON. GEORGE ROWLAND, BURT H. WELLS, E0MER F1TTS. B. A EASTMAN, E. W. BISBEE, W. G. REYNOLDS. GEORGE MILNE. F. G. EOWLAND. First Class Real Estate STATEMENT AShETS. Real Estate Loans, all la Vermont, . Other loans, . . Bonds and Investments, U. S. 2 per cent. Bonds at par, . . . Other U. S. Bonds, . Funds on hand, . $534,86S.19 243,466.73 303,266.59 23,800.00 72,579.43 5,135.10 $1,241,116.09 All our Mott.-aj:e Loans are nmde on improved property in the stia of Vermont. Interest is credited to depositors April lnt and October 1st in earn year, thus giving ileponi tors couiponnd interest. We pay all taxes on deposits not exceeding 12,000. We should be pleased to do luisiiiesu with you. On Easy Terms! A New Cottage Hac tains seven rooms, four being on the first floor. Is fin ished in natural wood, and there are hardwood floors in everv room down stairs except s!eepirg-room. (iood gran ite cellar and good sized corner lor. The price is only $1,525.00. Located near Batchelder's Meadow sto e sheds. Our method of selling on the monthly payment plan will be cheerfully explained to you. 1 i n A PMRY RMI.ISTJTP. Af!ENP.Y Rooms 8 and 9, Gordon A Few Bargains for This Week Lotus Prunes put op in t'atec-pounJ pack- ages, each package contaiBinj1 chira fruit sancer, per package ooly Nabob Pancake Flour, per package Marshall's or Stuart's Kippered Hcrriae. pr caa Ceres Eaked Beans, wiih or without tomato saace, per can, 10c or three cans for.. 18-ounce bottle Colombia Catsup, per bottle. , 25c 10c 9c 25c 23c CHESSER & BIRD, (TELEPHONE CONNECTION) North Main Street. Meats cr.J Groceries. 323 DRESSMAKING. Mhs.s MiVA HALKI H WAPiTlD. WA M Kli-To Ini lit ty head of eat tie to tin ti out 111 our Merlin pj-'te're. Inquire of Stuitii Hio , fin. :? Noitii l;nn trit. -W lost Arn FOUND. I t N f J .i (4 fi r. Primiln pup, white stripe ! face, female. 'Apply t II. J. Mat"ii l-le-t Thursday niirlif, piot property aid pay t this advertisement. 't; SMOKE, Have No Effect on Out Safety Deposit Boxes ! With fires happening so frequently, it may have occttred to you that a safe place for your valuable papers is a necessity iust now. Our Safety Deposit Boxes we've in stalled to meet this need and many busi ness men, lodges and societies now have the abvantage of their protection. f you are interested come in and talk the matter over. Price low for service rendered. Can you afford to carry your own risk when absolute protection may be had at so smail a price ? GRANITE SAVINGS BANK & TRUST CO., BARRE, --- VERMONT. Began business Feb. 27, '93 Mortgages, Five Per Cent. MARCH 1, 190-1. LIABILITIES Capital Stock, $50,000.00 5,000.00 7,748.43 . 972.00 Surplus Fund, . . Undivided Profits, . Dividends unpaid, . Dividend No. 1 1, 7 per cent. 3,500.00 Deposits, . . . 1,171,043.57 Premium! U. S. Bonds sold, 2,852.09 $1,24J,116.C9 Monthly Payments ! ha never been occupied. Con Block, - - Barre, Vermont. Kclkr's Dundee Marmalade, per jar One -pound caa of Webster's Fed Rspberrks, per can ..... Mince Meat ia bulk, per pound ItIOivIl Three pound can of Parag-on Plums per can. 1 Sc Pink Alaska Salmon, per caa , 1 (k Htii'Miifldmaa's Toast Brand of Mocha and Java Coffee, per can only 35c 2Sc 10c 68 Bummer Street,