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THE JIARKE DAILY TIMES, APRIL 25, 1001. TALK OF TEE TOWN, A. P. ABBOTT & CO. A. P. ABBOTT & CO. A. P. ABBOTT & CO. W v2 II il 4W W We are prepared to show you the largest line of Wash Cools that we eve had. We ask your inspection of these goods. We will gladly send samples and piices. Grecian Voiles in champagne, nile green, grey, brown arid dark green, at 18c. Variegated Voiles in brown, grey and green at 12 l-2c per yard. Bourette Suitings at 1 5c and 18c per yard. ( Crepe de Chene (half wool) in cream, champagne, brown and grey, at 16c. Gun Metal Silks at 25c per yard. Ask to see the Lace and Satin Stripe Goods at 20c per yard. Dimities at 8c, 10c, 12 l-2c, 15c, 18c and 20c per yard. Standard Patterns For May. PERRY & CAMP, 71 and 75 Main Street, - Barre, Vermont. Prettier Than Ever! More Improvements! More Durable and Less' in Price! f .... i i J i A ) 1: if mil "The F. A. Whitney" and "The Heywood" Gc Carts are the standard of excellence. Come to the Emer gency Store to see the best lines made. Those $25.00 Eleven-piece Oak Chamber Suits are still selling well. Try one. B. W. HOOKER & CO., Opposite Miles' Granite Block. Emergency Furniture Store. Ambulance Calls and Undertaking Work Promptly Attended to. 9 JjiJ L FAMOUS Ice Cream! College Ices! Ice Cream Soda! The Newest and Most Delicious Crushed Fruits in the city. As our business is strictly Ice Cream and Confectionery, our en tire time and attention is given to the manufacture of these articles. We can GUARANTEE THEIR PURITY and feel safe in saying our goods can not be equaled in the City. BARRE CANDY KITCHEN. avc you me 4 Our Home-made Apple Jelly? Guaranteed pure apple juice and granulated sugar. The price per tumbler is only - - - - - 10c Auto Club Boned Herring, per can, - - 10c Oar New Season's Seeds have fast arrived. Merchant's Economic Grocery ecaaa soap ban Our Soap sale last week attracted a good deal of atten tion and secured a good many new customers for us. We shall devote an entire table to it this week. Our Balm of Roses, Dcnticura, and Cold Cream and Glycerine are strictly first-class Soaps and the price is only 5c per cake. Colgate's High-grade Soaps, 10c a cake or 25c per box. Also three cakes of Imported Soap and a Metal Soap Box for 25c. Bafgain Stoef 185487 North Main Street, Barre. C. N. Kenyoa tic Co. IS .Special In curtains at Fitts. Public waiting room at Abbott's, lied Men's meeting Tuesday night. See the new cape collars at Yaughan's. A go-cart for $4 .'0 at Barry & Williams, i II. .1. Eogers el Boston Is visiting P. H. j Kogers. Kdwin LeCluire spent Sunday in Bnrl- j ington. May dance at Washington nesday, May 4th. Howard Mclver went to Llngwick.P.Q , today on a visit. Dr. C. II. Kent and wife returned this morning from a visit In Nortbiield. A daughter was born, April 20, to Mr. nnd Mrs. J. M. l'anton, Glen wood avenue. Webster Laird went to his home in Woodbury Saturday for a few days' stay. The (Jleaners will meet with Miss j Bowles, Averill street, at 7.4" this evening- The Woodmen's team will drill Wednes day evening at 0 o'clock in Hale's pavil ion. . White waists ! We sell the kind that gives satisfaction every time. Veale & Knight. Mrs. Robert Briggs went to Granville today, called there by the Illness of her father. Paul Ferro of New York began work this morning in A.W. Badger & Co.'s fur niture store. The rank of knight will be worked on one candidate by the Knights of Pythias Tuesday evening. On Wednesday afternoon the Altruri ans will meet with Mrs. Shaekley at 174 Washington street. Miss Gertrude Hatehelder is to take Mrs. Robert Briggs' place as clerk Jn the Boston Bargain store. Harry Cults who has been visiting his sister, Mrs. William Noonan, returned to his home in Groton today. Mrs. V. J. Harris went to Wardshoro today to remain during the summer with her sister, Mrs. Lnderwood. All clerks interested in formlnc a base ball team are requested to meet Tuesday evening at Goddard campus. The dry-air process of cleaning carpets is considered the best. Carpets got, cleaned and laid by B. W. Hooker & Co. There will be a practice for the Congre gational Baraca ball team at the Gospel villajre grounds tomorrow afternoon after 4 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Anderson attended the funeral of Adam Wood, Jr., at Xorth- field, yesterday. Mr. Wood was a brother to Mrs. Anderson. Aviso. Paul Ferro e impiegato coraeccm- messo italiano nel noftro negozio di forni- tura sitnato al 2'10 Main St., Morse block. A. W. Badger & Co. Mrs. Win. Miers and Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Bailev leave on the 5.H0 train this af ternoon for Oregon where they go for a visit of several months. A special convocation of Granite lloyal Arch Chapter will be held at Masonic hall on Tuesday evening, April 28, at seven o'clock. Installation of officers. Mr. and Mrs. Frank F. Gonyean, who have been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Wells, returned to their home at Fort Kthan Allen this morning. With one exception the teachers of the Montpelier public schools are retained for another year, some of them at increased salaries. There are 26 teachers in all. The Central Vermont freight office, which was damaged by fire several mouths 8go, has been repaired and will be ready for occupancy as soon as new desks and chairs arrive. Louis Joseph, the young son of Mr. and Mrs. U. L. Demers, was christened at the Catholic church yesterday. Dr. J. S. De ziel was godfather and Miss Clara Loran ger godmother. Gentlemen from Vermont visiting Bos ton will be welcome at the rooms of the Vermont Association, at The Westminster, Copley Square, Boston. Open daily from nine a. m. until ten p. in. There will be a meeting of the Congre gational Ladies' Aid society at the home of Mrs. S. N. Chandler, S! South Main street, Wednesday afternoon at 2 30 o'clock. A full attendance is desired. S. B. Whitney, the organist, who gives a recital at the Methodist chnrch Tuesday eveuing. will give a recital at Christ church, Montpelier, the following evening, having been secured by Col. 1". L. Snath At the speciai meeting of Company E held Saturday night Sergeant William Brown was elected second lieutenant to fill the vacancy caused by the promotion of former teoond Lientenant James Dean to first lieutenant. "Under Southern Skies" is the only play of Southern life ever written that does not bring in either a "Northerner, "a "Moonshiner" or a "Soldier.". It Is purely Southern in character and atmosphere. At the Barre opera house, April 2s. An unusually large company are era ployed in the presentation "of Lottie Blair Parker's "Under Southern Skies." There are twenty-three characters in the cast and seven in the executive department. At the Barre opera house Thursday evening, Peter Fountain, who has been confined to the comity jail several week since his bail delivered him up, secured new nan Satnrdav and was released. Louis Wood, Sr., went surety for his appearance in the mm ciisa eharced against him. which comes before the September term of ccmn ty court. Fred Braveaof Trow Hill was tendered a surprise Satnrdav evening by 30 Mends, It being a celebration of his thirty-fifth birthday. There was dancing and singing and refreshments were served. Mr. Brayea was presented a handsome meerchaum pipe. Mr.and Mrs. josepn louureauuau charge of the affair. The "Men's Sunday Evening Club of the Congregational Church" was organ ized at the close of the evening service yesterday with ft charter membership of about 30 men. The object and purpose of the club is to Increase the attendance and effectiveness of the Sunday eveuing ser vices. These oflioers were elected: Presi dent, Frank MeWhorter; vice president, II. a. Phelps; secretary and treasurer, I). F. Davis. H T! THERE'S LESS WORK . hotel wed-! I" reading an advertisement than in looking over stores to find certain goods. If advertising is reliable it helps you. The following are not bargains; they are values from the largest assortment or well -bought Lry Uoods. Waist Department. Ladies Black Mercerized Waists with new tucking. If you were asked $1.25 for this Waist it would not be beyond its value. We are selling them at $1.00 each. Ladies' Black.-Lawn Waists are very good. Here is a plaited Waist of fine lawn for $1.23 each. Ladies' Mercerized Lawn Waists in an assortment of patterns, trimmed with large fish-eye pearl buttons, tucked with double stitched tucks in the form of a plait. You would expect to have this Waist priced li.yS. This lot at $1.19 each. One lot of Sample Waists in a variety of cloths (mostly white). These are Waists from our sale of Thursday in sizes 34 and 36. They w ere bought at one fourth off from the regular price and are put into this sale at that same proportion. No two alike. Some are beauties ; others well. Hosiery Department.' We are coming to the time of changing heavy for lighter weight Hosiery. Our Hosiery efforts in the past have been to please you. We are in better position with double the stock of former seasons. Very few things in Hosiery not repre sented here. One case of Fast Black Ladies Hose (with ribbed top), spliced heels and toes. Compare with sale Hose at two pairs for 25c. We are quietly selling these at 10c per pair. One case of Childien's Fast Black Hose with spliced heels and toes and double knees. Compare with two pairs for 25c. We are quietly selling these over our counter for 10c per pair. Children's Medium Weight Fine Hose. Sold as a Sunday or dress Hose. Being good weight, yet not coarse, boys like to get this kind. Ladies' Hose at 25c is where we do our best buying. We realize that all 25c Hose have a family resemblance. That some w ill outwear others is a fact. We test the many qualities of our Hosiery, expect ing that the better we look after you the oftener you will look after us. Underwear Department. Our assortment of Underwear, like our Hosiery, is very strong. We call your attention to a few kinds. Ladies' Bleached Swiss Y'es's, with wing sleeve and without, for 10c each. Ladies' Swiss Vests, wiih or without wing sleeve, silk trimmed, for 12 l-2 Ladies' Shaped Jersey Vests in all sizes, trimmed with silk ribbons, short sleeves and long sleeves. The long sleeves are the best sellers. These are up to last season's goods for quality something that you will not find in-every department. Goods bought today cannot be sold as these are. " 25c eich. Ladies' Lace Trimmed Jersey Pants, same quality as above Vests, for 25c. Outsizes in Indies' Vests and Pants, same as above, will be sold as long as this lot lasts at 25c each. Ladies' jersey Union Suits, lace trimmed neck and legs. These Suits today could be sold by the box at more than we ask you for a single piece. We are keeping them for our trade. A. Mrs. W. F. Shepard's Millinery Parlors in Our Store. i i ba wutmr 3n&' am mm TALK OF THE TOWU. Hosiery values at Abbott's. W. J. McNeil went to Xorthfield today. W. It. Norris went to St. Johnsbury to day. Choice line of garden and flower seeds at Kinslie's. George Emerson spent Sunday ' at his home in N'orthtield. ! J. F. McDonald has gone to New York on a business trip. Miss Antoinette Peledeau visited in Winooskl yesterday. Perley Pope returned this noon from a visit in St. Johnsbury. Chauncey Willey has recovered from his illness so as to be at his store today. The $1.50 kid gloves we fit for you can be depended upon. Veale & Knight. Mrs. James Evans of Nortbfield Is vis iting her daughter, Mrs. J. W. Grady. John Connick's lunch cart will be closed for a few weeks for repairs and painting. Miss Carrie Draper returned this morn ing from spendtng Snnday at her home in Randolph. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Morse returned this morning from Nortbfield where they visit ed over Sunday. Prof. Leonard will meet all those who are to take part In the ladies' minstrels at the opera house tonight at 7.30 0 clock. Y ou can buy three loaves of bread at Eastman Bros.' for 20. We have a com plete line of baker's goods fresh every day Leave vour orders at B. W. Hooker Co's for carpet-cleaning. Hugs of all sizes and makes are thoroughly cleaned by the new process. Mrs. Sarah Mower of South Main street celebrated her S.'lrd birthday today by receiving all friends who wished to call on her at her home from 2 to 0 0 clock, A class in the study of the Italian lan guage has been started in this city under the instruction of Father Comi of Montpe lier. There are already about eight well known people of the city in the class ana any one wishing to join the -class can do so at the nest meeting on inursuay even ing, in the t,uarrynien's association rooms, A MAR OFANY SIZE CAN BE FITTED, AND WELL FITTED, HERE WITH CLOTHES. The Tall and Slender Man, the Stout Man and the Extra Size "Big Fellows' need not hunt around from store to store and say, in a discouraged way, " I cant find anything to fit me." We Want the "Hard Fitters" to Come Here and leant-what we can do for them. Our Clothes are elegantly made, cut cor -rectly and the materials are of the very best. Suits are $ 10.00, 12.00, $ 15.00, $ 18.00 and 1 20.00. We take pride and pleasure in fitting the "hard to fits." FRANK McWHORTER, One Price Clothier. Hatter and Men's Outfitter. I Will Be Pleased to See You I AT THE OLD STAND. 0. J. DODGE, Jeweler and Stationer, ! Quialcn' Block, North Main St., -. - - Bane, Vermont. ; I'alnt Your Ruggy for 75c. to $1.00 with Devoe's Gloss Carriage I'aint. It weighs :'j to 8 ounces more to the pint than others, wears longer, and gives a gloss j eqnal to new work. Sold by Reynolds & Son. TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION. WANTKll Kitchen girl, at iicf,jit l.yni'h'ti Ki-Ntauraut.' WANTK1 Ten tnstcr lor xix-horse team. Must, lie 1 steady, ei!riem-eit num. Apply tu iiurclay liros. Do You Want the Buy Marvel Flour! Best? WNTKI Oirl would like a place to do housework or wait on table. , Apply to 1 fiir 1 ier street or iiox 20S. -'W - l-"OU SAI.K-New Ulenwowl range, ued only turee weeks. Will ell iiiite re;isoiilile. In quire at 9 Central street. 3,"to TO UKT seven-room hoiw, with law Kirn, on Kirk street. M'V'i' " A- ?.lr-v Ileal F.tate Aireney. Another Opportunity To secure an excellent collection ot Phonograph Records. 250 Columbia Records Received to Sell at 25 Cents Each. Better than those sold at ;o cents. Come in and hear them played. The AVERILL MUSIC CO. We know from actual tests in our Bakery that it will make more and Better tread, and that the bread will keep moist longer than bread made from other flours. All our cream bread is made from Marvel. Marvel Flour, per barrel, - - - - 6.00 Every barrel guaranteed. For pastry buy White Lily. We know that it is good, for we make all our pastry from this flour. White Lily Flour, per barrel, - - - $5.75 ' For all-around Flour, for both bread and pastry, buy Snowflake. It is the best that can be bought. Snowflake Flour, per barrel, Twenty pounds of best Fine Sugar for $6,00 1.00 F. D. LADD, ' Leading Cash Grocer. Meats and Provisions.