Newspaper Page Text
TILE HARRE DAILY TIMES, APRIL 25, 100-1. The F. B. Cate Real Estate Agency ' f here is no investment so uie as real estate when good judgment is used, jet us show you some of our good bargains. Below are a few out of many: ,A new six-room cottage with bath. Never has a family lived in it. Located near many stone-sheds. Price $1,250.00. Small payment do vn, balance monthly. Cottage of eight rooms and new tarn. Large garden. For quick sale, $1,300.00. Small payment down, balance monthly. At East Bane a three tenement house and barn. Hall an acre of land. Sprin? water. House has been built about four or five years and rents for $22.00 per month. Price $ 1 ,5 00.00. Two-tenement house and barn on Third Street. Rents for $25.00 per month. Price $3,000.00. Two-tenement house containing six rooms each, located on Short street. Rents for $25.00 per month. Price only $2,600.00. Here is Just the pkee for a business nun with teams. Located on the corner of two streets. House has seven rooms and barn has four stalls, with room for more. Plenty of carriage room. An extra Jot that would readily sell for $1,000.00. We will sell this prop erty cheap for cash or trade for a good farm. "We also have some very desirable farms to offer you at ery reasonable prices. Will in clude, if desired, stock and tools. Our farms are all well located. All sizes, and prices from $600.00 up. Our team is always ready to show you any property you wish to look at. Come in and chat with us. We will do you no harm. If more convenient to call in the evening, you will find us here. Tcfephone call, 135-2. BOLSTER BLOCK, ROOMS 11 AND 12, F.B. CATE. 'Barre, Vt. H. J. SLAYTON. ARTHUR C. AVEKILL. Avcrill & Scott EI.WIN L. SCOTT. Law, Real Estate and Collection Agency OFFICE IN KILES' GRANITE BLOCK, ROOM - BARRE, VT. COMMERCIAL AND OTHER COLLECTIONS MADE. Farm of 120 acres In Marshficld, I 1-2 miles from Flainficld Tillage. Sugar orchard, wilh modern utensils. Plenty of wood and spruce timber. Good apple orchard and small fruits. Good buildings. One barn, 2Sx70, with basement and silo; horse-barn and shed, 28x60: hog-house and corn bam. Farm keeps 25 head of cattle and team. Spring and well water. Price of farm, $ 1 500. A 7-room cottage on Park St., with modern improvements. Cheap at price, $2700. We are also offering several jingle houses and some good building tots at prices that ought to effect an early sale. TO LET. Tenements on Park and Mount streets and Highland Ave. If interested, call and talk these matters over. Telephone 149-4. Chicago Senator Held Up. Chicago. April ..'!.- t;i to Senator Miclifu-l J. r.niler, with his Imrtrndcr and two friends, Ims fallen a vietim to a lone holdup rutin, who left the senator's s;dwn with $-jk in i-uMi and jewelry vidne.1 jtt f MO. The roh hor. upimrently tt pnt.v i-itfht yesirs ckl and iiiiiimlit(t. walked in while the Imriemler, Albert M;niley, wsis count int.' tile ii-.iy'x receipts, most of tliP money liein- on the l.-tr. The intruder ordered ;i ilrinU, and when Manley plnced tin. "las on the Imr the tuau suddenly 1rew two revolvers and cried "Hands upl" 't he' hands vent up. New Hampshira Socialists. Concord, N. 11., April '-3. -The So eiultxt party held tt state convention here and nominated a state ticket, governor Samuel I'. Claflin of Man chester was named for governor. The plalfoni; I'n lared for international so cialism, state control of the liquor traf-ri- and rliic owiwrship of private trns; s ; i!ii tniMiopolies. Hungarian Railway Strike. '.uiiapci. llmiirary, April 2.'5.-The railroad strikers are now little disposition to return to work tinlesg their demands for ineroased pay fire eonc'ded. Premier Tlszii !ini)oune'd in the diet that as 11 result of the confer ences there appeared to Ie little pros wet of a settlement. Of Interest to Investors I At the close of each day's business we issue a "Special Market Letter of Advice" which gives a resume of market movements for the day and pertinent suggestions for the guidance of investors and traders. This letter is replete with valuable in formation and we should like to place it in the hands of everyone interested in the Stock Grain, Provision and Cotton matkets. We also incorporate into this letter the high, low and close for the day of the principal active stocks, grain, cotton, etc. The letter is sent out over our private wires to the various branch offices of the Company, where it is copied and mailed each afternoon at 4 P. M., thus ensuring prompt delivery to readers. If you are interested in the market and will let us have your name, either by mail, 'phone or personally, w e shall be pleased to add it to our mailing list and forward same to you each day. IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEND FOR THIS LETTER. Floyd, Crawford Sc Co., Bankers and Brokers, N. Y. City, McmbeJs Branch Office: New York Consolidated Stock Exchange. Chicago Board of Trade, Milwaukee Chamber ot lommcrce. Rooms 3 and 4, Currier Building, Barre, Vt. BUSINESS CARDS. DR. C. H. KENT, Dentist. MILES' BLOCK, Telephone t Office and at Residence. DR. F. M. LYNDE, Dentist. Telephone 13-21. Boom 7, Currier Block, Barre, Vermont. DR. LEWIS D. MARTIN, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. Offic in Kooro M, Ml Ira RiuMiup. ' bour. ' ft. m. t l'i ! Vf P' U''' day, Tuesday. Ttiurnlay nd r nuay. Telephone Cunnectinu, MRS. H. A. BEACH, EXPERIENCED NURSE. No. 102 South Main St., Barre, Vermont. Telephone Call, 12-2. THE CORRECT STYLES Newest Effects in Woolens. 0. W. BOYEA, - - Merchant Tailor, Reed Block, Barre, Vt. Solicitor For Labor Department. WaluiiKton, April The president has sent to tin? senate the noiniriiitiot) or William Miller Collier of New York tc be solicitor for the department of com mem and labor; several promo tious iu tlie mi tt. FOR SALE. KOIt SAI.K One jriwxt Iiviit lii.r-.?. wv.n jViim old; also four tup Imcitirs, four o- wasjimpi, ne lake -arn;H'' ehr Mirray, u n mh- h.uncss, four pairs of r..iilii tlrivitiR lr-ih-, one Mw-wl fart ui'd tnt'iitv ruiM-s nnl l.unki'tM. Apply to i. 11. Kajuxnul at ity llotfl. lt HELP WANTED. W AXTKI) At ,. a li-ttpn r. Steady ... It Mini K'l'd p,iV. Applv l'i K. K. t'ravrn .v )., Munip(-ln r." " .tr. WANTrfi At (nice, tcai l-r fur m tiiMil, iiiti-niii'iliati- riiii, Aply t A. CuiuiuiiiK. WltvrvHta, Vt. J0W Hilt SI.K Farm of 1Mii ri s tint will kc. p 2d rnw) anil tiuia. li.ty ut u!i ni:n liim-. ; ,) hnsrar I'lui'c. Hiu!'1:i: :"!. V ill m ciinlo fur nuU'k a!l, itli f.inu, two-liorsf m iijfii, (ine-hor- wnuii, tmv If i: try, two-wntt'a, olio pitir wiiK liarnc, sIhIh liar lii'v, lopirixe "h'M, Mlrlph, li"w lliowiniT-UKi' hln", iii'W hursB-r:ik, wlu-fll.iu rw, pl'w and all nitatl UHil. Prir- The t H- (''. Heal I-Vtatf AffUi y. ItiMMim 11 ami 12. liiilj-ttr IthH-k, Itiirre, Vt. WW FOIt hAl.K TlHinmuliliri'd Hai-tfin oows, hi'itciR. mie yearling lull Hmloin-lnill i-alf . Si mm n.'w wili'b Km. Apply at the himtti t.H-ls Minn, VV ASTFI flfMid, Miiart ail-rmmil im k. Aie mimrt k it i lifii buv. Apply ti 11. B. '"llm". The t'Ustali', Ban!.' Wi WAN'IH) I'lTsnn tn interview h il tiaiie fnr enuiiui ieial hnu-e; salary ST ami rxpi iw weekly; previoti-i expi ririux ulna'' ary. Colonial, Caxtun, Clii:a;u. J"ti V ANTKD A crm'erv clerk to eall anil ai.'eml to the trade for a erneeiT in Nurlhlleld. Write iir rail at A. l-roe-i er.n i'i j store, Ih-pot f-ipiare, Nortliheld, Vt. Mi KOll HAI.K A new milch cow. (imxl milker. Inquire oi A. Jinifa, 1, llnuard street. 3'-IW Kill SAI.K T'ip Ihicl'V. new la"t summer and in erixiil repair. Jntintic of F. VV. Hun liim-on at l.astinan llrothers'. iiti VVATK1 Active man lali-nian; lliriiu! liheral couilniM-ieli aui wci-k ly, or trial Uinnth on eaiajy with im'iii y adv iiic'cd for expense ; outtittrec; write atii'iii e fi-r term and Mcenri Irt-rtt tcrrit-orv. The K. U. ha-e 1 o., Niir-w-ry- meii, Maiden, Maxs. iTt'.'ti Tailor lioii help. Apply tn.T. VV. Grady, t(iiinU-u hlock, up Btaus. i5!f KtK .SAI.K On South Main ntrei't, eotlaep of two tenemciUK, with lare l"t of alwut ei'lny feet front and lsirirs ir.irdcn. For ale cheap, iih unall paymem down and monthly pay ments if dei-ired. Inquire of Asa iiarrmjrton, No. l liaftom avenue. Wit FOK SAI.K A CottaL'e orpan in frood condi tion, very cheap, (iwid for a beginner. Apply at lull Summer utreet. !iS5iC VV ANTKD To do family waxuiJijtK. at "o. 17 tamp htreet. FOK SAI.K Anvone wanting tlmt-elasn Haired l'lvnioiith iiock tpiz for cettlnK at a S-l.KI per sittting applv to F. 11. Hopkuia on the K. V. t)liU farm, noutb Barre, Vt. ttf WANTKO Oltice position, shorthand and typewriting pri lerred. Address Stenographer, Care of Harre JJaiJy Times. ,f.'tli foil SAIK A house at upper tiraniwville, eoiitains eiht r.uns. al.i ham ami one build iiif! lot. t iimenientlyai'raiifcd.pood bani-iuent room below. Inquire of N. A. McDonald at (iraniteville. 4tf FOR SAI.K Two pranite quarries for ale or to rent. Inpuire of AV. O. Parker. 2tf FOK SALE One bird dotf, one leii;h, one mud wagon, one wheelbarrow , one double bar reli il Uammerlcss Fai ker nhot-Kun, saws, mep ladder and farm tool". A Imve articles must be sold to close an estate. V. F. Shepard, Admin istiator. Witt Natl Bank of Barre UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT DEPOSITORY. i-. : f vi mm THE BEST PROTECTOR No natter what your present condi tion may be, you should always give some thought ro the future. The surest safeguard about the future is MONEY IN THE BANK You spend less if the money is away from your pocket. It is safer, too, and there is no making change when you pay by check. Ask any depositor or call and talk it over. 3 1-2 Per Cent Interest Paid on SavingsDeposits F'Ott 8A1.K Thoroiifrhbred Kh'nle Inland Red Fp. I'ark A- Shore staina. Fifty cents and per netting. Jeau T. I!a,sett, l'rospect street. IMrtf STOVE FOR SAUK for particulars. -Apply at 21 Howe Place '.IHlf FOR SAI.K Thoroughbred bull pups at No, 12 Foster utreet. S88tf FOR SAI.K AT CASSIE FARM. MilkOur wajron loliver twice a day. Hay Delivered promptly In bulk, uh.onm.l I'otiiea From Imnorted Htoi'k. 1'ipn and Shoates Ky the registered aire Harre Jim, 0. 1. VV. C. Collie l'upn Sable and white, from reuistered stock. Apply to oeorge caie. ijuti oireei H. E. JEFFORDS, PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING AND CALSOM1NINQ. A share of your patronage Is solicited, 5 Thurston Place, Barre, Vt. H. W. SCOTT, Attorney. Office in Wood Block, Over Ladd's store. Justice, uotary and BteooijrRptier in office. Andrew Bjorn. Painting and Paper Hanging A full Hue of Wall Taper sample for 1?M. Call ot address 27 Carrier Street Telephone, 20S-I2. MRS. M. F. BURGESS, EXPERIENCED NCK9E, No. 108 Summer St., Barre, Vermont. 4 CHURCHILL & WELCH. MX KINDS OF ELECTRICAL WOKK DONE, WIRING, lrt. Wfi are dealers in Kleetrieal fsnpnlien. Fvervthinc Modern and l'p-to-late. None but expert help employed and work guaranteed. Tel. or 16-J. Office In the Basement ot Wortbon Block, FRED L. PAGE, Contractor AND BUILDER. Offlee and Rcmtdence,34 Highland Avenue. Telephone call, 4-3. HENRY FRENIER & SON UNDERTAKERS, Funeral directors and turnlahers ol fu neral Bupplie. Night caU promptly at tended to. No. 10 Oramte St , Brre, V t. KoBidonee up stalra. Tel. U-J- F. G. HOWLAID, Cashier. Paying Mininp, Oil, Smelter and Industrial Stocks maVing possible Large Interest end Profits. Book lets on application. DOUGLAS, LACEY & CO. Bankers, Brokers, Fiscal Agents, Members New York Consolidated Stock Exchange, 66 Broadway and 17 New Street, New York. E. BALDWIN IIAMMITT, Manager, Western New England Branch : Headquar. ers: Suite 33-35 Catllii Bhig., Hartiord.Cuuo. M. II. ntTQHES, Reprfcsentative, 55 Miles' lHk., Barrft, Vt. Colonist Ticket from Chicago to all points in North and South Dakota ON LINES OF C.M.&St.P.Ry. . Tickets on sale Tuesdays in Mar. and April, 1904. Booklet and full informa tion on application to O. B. VIFIF.LD, tKM H IN BUTTER, EG 0 8 A. Ml FA KM PRODUCE. Delivered at vour house at lowest mar ket prfi es. TerniH, cah. Address me at Y. O. Vox TM, Barre and I i!l eall. I have iKiupht Jed Jlarsh'a Hulled Corn Route and will start team April a. REF.I) CORN. Twenty traces of home-grown Field Corn. AIo a few tons of good hay. A. W. AI.I.KX, Suiinyside Farm. Telephone 1H-3. 2t TO RENT. Tt K KNTLaree f irnihed room, all mmlei eoiiveiiieiues, ile.irable lor two men. No. A-verill street. Kilt TO F;F.NT Tenement in new Hiimi'H blm k on JV.-ii l street, an one tlii'ht. All iimitim cunven ienees. Apply to A H. Buzxell, third door, new liuzzell Dhx K. Mlt TO KKNT Himae of eiirht rwnus, turn and earden oi halt an ai re. Spring water. Apply to f. J. Marshall, I.awreiine Blotk, Jlompti lir. v-.w To RKNT Furnished or unfnrniched rooms, eWtrie liuht. furnaee heat, t.'orner or Web limrton and Walnut street.' luquire of Mrs, Will p.astiuan. ssu TO KKNT Iiesirable tenement on Kim St. over I'.aire Library : ali roimi formerly oeen pled by Harre Kveiung lelegraiu. C. t Ageiiti 75 Main street. 'errv 32tf TO E F.N T Down-stair tenement and barn, also larjre garden, on Berlin street. Inijniie ot I r. . li ranger. TO KKNT A room un ground of Hii?.zell bloek. (oiiiable lor an oftii-e or livinir room. In onirn of Henrv Alexander. Biuxell blmk. 31 tf 1'AsTl ItAtiK Anyoiiewimtinirto hire horses or rattle pastured, inquire of Mis M. M. Paine, F'ist Bane, Vt. Also have a pasture to rent. TO KKNT F'irMt-lloor tenement occupied by .1. ,F. (.oodwin. Jo. 7 Freneh utreet. will I vai ant about May lt. F. 1.. Page, 34 Highland Avenue. "u WORK WANTED. lnijnire ;wt WAXTF.U Position for peneral housework y capable irirl. (. all at New F.nland Kmtilov- menl Bureau, Kotim 'J and 3, Gordon Block. Vlf RE, SMOKE, W ATER, Have No Effect on Oar Safety Deposit Boxes ! With fires happening so frequently, it may have ocrured to you that a ?a,e p-re for your valuable papers is a neee.ity just now. Our Safety Deposit Boxes we've in stalled to meet this need and many busi ness men, !odges and societies now have the abvantage of their protection. If you are interested come in and talk the matter over'. Price low for service rendered. Can you afford to carry your own risk j when absolute protection may be had a? so smail a price ? DRESSMAKING. MISS S1IXA BAUKFR ha dresnmakine rooms in the rear of the Hale Block on Pearl street. Telephone lfU-4. 'JOOtf GRANITE SAVINGS BANK & TRUST CO., BARRE. - - - VERMONT, BARRE SAVINGS BANK & TRUST GO. OFFICE IN BOLSTER BLOCK, BARKE, VT. 31! percent Paid on Deposits. Began business Feb. 27, '93 I. HENFY JACKSON, President. GEORGE HOWLAND, Vict President. F. G. HOWLAND, Treasurer. C. J. LEASE. Assistant Treasurer. Directors: J. HENRY JACKSON. GEORGE HOWLAND, BURT H. WELLS. HOMER FITTS. E. A EASTMAN, E. W. E1SBEE, W. G. REYNOLDS, GEORGE MILNE. F. G. HOWLAND. First Class Real Estate Mortgages, Five Per Cent STATEMENT MARCH 1, 1004. AoSETS. 1 LIABILITIES. Real Estate Loans, all in Vermont, .. Other loans, . Bonds and Investments, U. S. 2 per cent. Bonds at par. Other U. S. Bonds, . Funds on hand, . $534,868.19 248,466.78 303,266.59 23,800.00 72,579.43 58,135.10 $1,241,116.09 $50,000.00 J.COO.OO Capital Stock, Surplus Fund, . Undivided Profits, . . 7,743.43 Dividends unpaid, . . 972.00 Dividend No. 1 1, 7 per cent, 3,500.00 Deposits, . . . 1,171,043.57 Premium, U. S. Bonds sold, 2,852.09. $1,241,116.09 All our Murtairo Loans ara maile on improved property in the otate of Vermont. Interest is credited to depositors April 1st aud Octoberlst in eacn year, thus giving lepol tors compound intereet. We pay all taxes on deposits net exceeding $2,000. Ws should tie pleased to do business with you. I A Moms Investment I TO 11KNT Small society hall. Will scat 0 to 7.1 person. Front room lip two flight A1m) single room. Well lighted. Apply to I.. .M. Avcrill. l'"'f Id KKNT Tenement of six rooms and bath room at '7 Iirooklvn street, with or without liarn. Apply to Alex. G. Or-ton. Htf TO P. KMT One six-room tenement, re modeled, papered and painted, ready for April 1st. on tiiamtc street. Apply to tcott & Town send. l'-'Jt J. A. McLEOD, REGISTERED SHOEING SMITH. Knee-cuttin?, IntcrferlnfeT, c"JnB. etc positlvoly cured. Uiacased tot to'tta with Buocess. Trotters, pacers and gentle men's roadsters a specialty, bnop on Heminary St. Telephone connection. WOOD & GREGOIRE, Stone Masons and Contractors Ualstnsf and Movlnjt Buildings. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Telcphoon Ch11: C. E. Wood, 215-21; G. L. Cregolre, 301-It. F. G. &"c. H. ROWELL, COMPLETE! AKCHITECTS AND BU1LDKUS. 58 Summer Street, Bsrre, Vermont. Barre Gas Bonds We offer for sale at par and accrued interest, tablet to previous sale, any part of $25,000 of the First Mortgage Registered 6 per cent Coupon Bonds of THE PEOPLE'S LIGHTING, HEATING AND POWER CO., of the Ciiy of Barre. Vt., fa tcrest payable January 1 and July 1, denomina tion $500; The Barre Savings Bank and Trust Co.. Trustee. The proceeds of these Bonds are to be used in completing the construction of a gas plant at Barre. E. K. DUNBAR & CO., W. W. HALL, N. L F. & P. A.. C. H. & St. P. Br-. 369 Washington Street. Boston, Mass. FOUR LINES FOR 25 CENTS Tin Tint's will pnrilteh Wants, I.ont and Found, Fir Sale, To Let. etc. short advertise ments at the rate of four lines for twenty-five cents for the iirst insertion ud live cent for eaeb subsequent insertion. FOR SALE. KIH SAI.K Olilsinoliile, with top snil extras. New lust yenr. Keiison for srliitiR, want a toiir ine car. Address Luther H. Lord, It. F. I. No. 1, Harre, Vt. STOKK TO KKNT With riiuw'inent. Central lo.ation. Two liirce nlate 0tu- ilisjilay win i!o. Will he vacant Muy 1st, 1. A. Ferry Keal Kstate Aeenov. 'Mt TO KKNT. One tenement, rtterson street $1.1.o0 Two tenements. Brarnh street l'.n(i One tenement, I'leasant street Ii'-.u0 lSMtf Apply t l'help Ilrothem'. TO HI NT -Tenement of five rooms and hath at W5 MortU Main st reet. Apply to A. E. 'amp bell. tf TO RKNT Iiesirnlile six-nom ti nenient on rrosjiert. street, where Mr. Starr lives, short ilistam-e from depot, close to ritv hall, this side of river. Apply to C. X. Kenouiet, Kastern avenue. ' - 3W TO liKNT N'ioe eonifortahly furnished room, with all modern eonveniences, in private, fam ily, at 41 Jellerson street. None but men need apply. FOlt SAI.K Four sets ilonhlo work harness and one sintrle work harness. Apply to W. C. Junes. 34 Kiistern Avenue. Tel. M-Vl. aitf BIICBARB BOOTS For Sale. Good healthv roots, prow fine stalks. Fariy ami tender all thnmjrh sunnner. I'riee M.wa ilozen. Apply to F. B. Wallace, Kim Tt eo VeitctxUle tiarden, Simth Barre. We plionc 2ltf FOR SALE Single, team, horse wciirhinj; about 'X4I. topbnpvainl harness, in Eood shape; also sleiirh and robe. Apply to . L. Wood worth, 7o North Slain street. 3HI FOK SALE Oood bay horse, Morgan built, a pi'ifei-t worker, rimmI ape, sound anil clever. Weighs 1375 pounds. Iriquire of (ieorsre Kobiu son at the Kmliiey Bradford farm or S.i. Allen, Dejiot Square. s' 15? Devonihire St., Boston, Mass. 31 STONK SHK1) FOK SAI.K To be Bold at once, including tbreo Cotton pneumatic tools pipes, blocks, chains, jacks roils, eight kits of tools and accommodations for eight to ten men. Shad sell for cash aud almost give it away. W. 1. Kidder. Wtl FOK SAI.K My home place In Oranltevllle. It is all in jroml repair. Also a lot of horses workers and drivers. W. W. lie) villi, Oranite ville, Vt. Ca.-sie street, UVM TO 1IKNT Suite of uiifnrrushed rooms. Suitable for sleeping roinu and parlor. W. 11. (iulo, 50 Welliugtiui street. ISltf 'to 1; I :NT Tenement at the corner of Averill and l'ark streets. Apply to CM . Avcrill. A"f TO KKNT A cot face of six rooms. Kij par- den adioinlnif. Sitmited on Currier street. In- iiuire of Andrew Bjurn, LJ Currier st. 23tf TO KKNT A. Tomasi has teiieinents to rent In his bloek t the corner of North Main and Merchant streets. !i,;tu S'roliK TO KKNT At corner of North Main and Seminary streets. Apply at h. 1. Tomasi's store, -nii TO I.KT A very desirable up-stairs teneuient at 10 .Mount street. Apply at nrstnoor. tn TO KKNT Two tenements, at once. Inquire if Scyel Brady, Lino Store. Ktr TO KKNT Stall tor one horse, hi Ulancbard barn on Merchant street. Apply to H. A Imlfy, viX'tf TO KKNT Office rooms in the Hale block. North Main street. Apnlv to O. H. Hale, -"nut TO KNT Fnfurnisheii room m ar Currier Park. Inquire at Cate's Keal EatateApmry, 13tf FOR KKNT-Five-room tenement, on first IlOOr. JlOl- HI1U COIII WSLfT. Ill I ("ill A pply to E. N. Fresciitt, SI Currier St. 'iTtitf TO KKNT A cut WOT bonne on Central street also a tenement on Acaileniv street. Apply t -v rsie-niann K. M. Lyon. Address store A venuo. MHf TO BE SOLD AT ONCE. COTTAGE HOUSE, located on Third Street, built about two years ago, containing six nice rooms besides bath. Is an especially well con structed house, being back plastered and having slate roof. Readily rents for $13.00 per month to good tenants. Is in extra good repair. Price so low that, if looking for a place of this kind, you will buy it. DOUBLE HOUSE, located on Main Street. Has been built only a few years and is also thoroughly well built. Is connected with sewer and has good granite cellar. All rooms on first floor are finished in natural wood. For an investment this is bound to be satisfactory, for we will sell so low that it will pay a large rate of interest. There are good reasons why this property is to be sold. No fault of the property. FOR FULL PARTICULARS INQUIRE OF THE D. A. PERRY REAL ESTATE AGENCY, Rooms 8 and 9, Gordon Block, - - Barre, Vermont. oarre Uty iceai estate Agency We can sell you a farm containing 100 acres, well wooded and watered. Will kce-p 15 fflwt rknA fam Fvlri aftrA h.n,icj fwn Ttirfr,. Kirti. in fil. rnn Kthm F ftt .f ml! 'v ty fruits on place and good sugar orchard. Farm is locaied about two and a half miles from City Hall, Barre. Will trade for city property. j Farm of about 100 acres. Flrnty of wood for the place and 125 fruit trees. Farm will H keep 12 cows and team. This place will be sold at a bargain. We have auite a number of sinelc and double houses that we can sell or trade. Tene- ments to rent in all parts of the city. Come in and let us talk the matter over. ROOMS 2 AND 3, GORDON BLOCK. E. C FRENCH. (Telephone 135-3) GEO. L. MORRIS. 2 INSURANCE Some agents say 'The Best Companies," others "The Strongest," and stiil others "The Largest Companies." I simply say J. W. DILLON, Agent Representing $465,490,117.39 assetts as per annual statement of companies represented in this agency on Jan. I, 1903. That tells the whole story. Call and ' investigate. No risk too Irrge, none too small.