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TJIK IIAKIU: DAILY TIMES, JUXE 10, 190-1. BARRE DAILY TIMES Seh-cr-ftsuus ; One year. S3 : cot month, 25 cts. ; urg'.t cory, 1 cent, i Mmrr if th fuV.Hiiln-rs' ti. Tli latrwt 1 leUy-rat-hic nc from all r.rt of the world n-r:-ivri iy the l-aiiy Iiwii-n up to ttie hour f gtiiug to pri'M-. Frank L Largky, Publisher. PutSiitcJ Every Wettday'AfternooQ. Ectreil at the jwtoftk-t t Barre a second t,!n8 matter. f KIDAT, 10. 100 The sveratre dally circulation of the Erre Daily Times for the wwk ending gtarday wax 3,175 tople, the largest paid circulation of any daily paper In this section. IIEPAYING TUE COM I'M M EXT. Next month the granite manufacturers of Barre will repay the compliment paid them by the Quincy manufacturers last summer by giving them a similar enter tainment. An Invitation has already been extended In the name of the local associa tion, and has been accepted by Quiisey, go that nothing remains but the fixing of the eiact time and the details of the enter tainment. Xo efforts will be spared to make the visit of the Massachusetts gran ite men erjojab'e, a8 the local men are mindful of the line hospitality extended them last summer. Althfgh the ("f tails of the visit are not completed, not the least important feature will be, of mane. the inspection of the external aspeois of the granite industry here, visits to some of the large cutting plants and a trip to the quarries. The social features will be made 63 attractive as possible so that the. Quia cy men may no back feeling satisfied with their trip. The Quiney manufacturer., for the royal treatment accorded their Barre brethren In the business last sum wer, deserve a thoroughly good time, and will undoubtedly get it. "Remember the caucus tonight," were the final words of The Man ton Barre Times to the Republicans of that city yer- terday. And they did, Incidentally not fonjettiniz Delloer either. Already In only to caucuses, 17 of Washington county's (. delegates are Instructed for tba Waslx intjton county uiau who isn't making any canvass M. Albans Messenger. The Messenger must apologize. The distinction of being the supporter of fctanton-iu Barre belongs to the Telegram, Tha Times believes in Mr. DeHoer, be lieves he I the best (juaiilied to fill the of fice of governor, and hopes and expects to see him in the office next year. The negro, octoroon, Hannah Elias, ot Xew York, who admits having spiewd a fabulous sum of money from Jonn Piatt of that city, is jeered derisively by a New York mob, while the old simpleton, Piatt, Is shielded at his home under pretence of sickness. l'latf. is, however, Betting his deserts through the columns of the Xew Y'ork press. The old man's confession that be masqueraded before the woman under the name of A, II. Green clears the mystery regarding the murder of that hon ored citizen but does not remove the stain from himself. The bvvanton Courier hear from one of the "foremost politicians' thnt the De Boer nioveaieut i.s on the wane. This foremost politician must have been look ing eastward through a piece of glass stained green With only nine Democrats In the city of llutlnud, a split in the paily must mean disaster. Y'et we are told that the party hag-split, and the Republicans are going about try lug to find the remnants. i-o far as reported Ml delegates to the Republican state convention have been elected. Of this number i are for Bel!, 1 for Stanton, 17 for DeBoer and are un pledged. Another class of young men aud young women has gone out from Spaulding hih school, to do credit to themselves and to the school which has trained them. The reign of disorder in the Colorado mining district continues' hi spito of all efforts of the authorities. A heavy hand is needed at this point. POPULAR MUSIC FREE. ISutton Sunday Herald' Song SuppltMiiei ts a Niw Feature, A mune the popular features lately add ed by The Boston Sunday Herald to those sterling characteristics which long ago assured its uudisputed pre-eminence throughout New England as a weekly-news magazine none seemed such Instant and widespread approval as has its umsie sup plement. 'Ella," the supplement of May -St, was a pretty wait?, song, happily blend ing humor with love interest; "ilouora," issued last Sunday, is a beautiful Irish ballad, full of tender sentiment; while "Yo .San" announced for next Sunday, is full of the dramatic tire of Belasco's fa tuous Japanese drama, "The Darling of the Gods." Who Will Claim Them? The following letters appear on the ad vertised list for June 10, 11104: Men Thos. ,!. Burke, Adams Ex. Co , John Bettie, li. T. Chase, T. F. Collins, Richard Churchill, Emile Groteau, Chas. Herbert, Christian Henderson, A. May, Bert Pelky, Pasenahino Russo, 11. H. Rogers, Prank Smith, Frank Stacy, John Williams, II. P. Woodward, Lynch 10c btore. Women 0. Belie Durgan, Mrs. Louis GuiCault, Odeal J.ankon, Jessie McReod, Mabel Preston, Ada Stevens. Mrs. Han nah Smith, Mrs. Jielasre Thebedeau, Mrs. J. G. Young. 44 1 he -pirif oi w i .VI it -ii"t On; wont its the Mil." I'luiil ni.tii't ii-oii. The New Spring Trousers wii! hit you right where you live. N'o man (except a Sage or a Gage) can afford to buy cheap Trousers it's too expensive. "Pints" can he bought for $ but they insult your legs and your purse. Here 53.00 to $ wii! give your legs the right standing in the world. The new crash and flannel Trous ers, $1.00 to 54.00 per pair. WE CLEAN, FFESS AND REPAIR CLOTHING. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE? Strutting tf CmKlOlHt- lu Tiinrft Worl.1' Civl-t. Claws 1. Mrs. Laura Weseott, Barre, 411'.) Miss Flora Vincent, Barre, 10"4 !( 3. .lames Wark, Grariitevil'e, SOI 3 Mrs.M. L. Town, Barre town, i (i. If. Adams, so. Barre, $i."il Geo. A Wales. So. Barre, rM4 Mrs.J.II.McArthur, E. Barre, -M Class 3. Earnest Seaver, Washington, 2-105 A. J. Biloiittau. Fo.xville 23o4 Jas. Lord, Orance. Rill K. H. Ludlow, Boltotiville, G. Id. Hight, W, Topsham, 2f0 Class 4. Mrs. J, Burton Pike,-Marsh-field, - 23-J5 Henry Weseott, Montpelier, 2t00 B C. Alexander, Berlin, ti.;S Charles Dudley, East Mtpr., 115 TT p-ri 1 1 1 1 f"" GIFT OF $40,000 FOR MANCHESTER. itnjm-t fur Mark Skinner Library in Will I of Mrs. H. J. Willini-. 1 Chicago, June 8. The will of the late : Frances skinner Willing, widow of Hen ! ry .1. Willing, has been tiled In probate court. I lie Mark Skinner library at Man chester, Yt., is given s-Pi,0O0. The bal ance of the estate goes to the two chil dteu. Successors fo Powers & Grady Co., Quin'cn Block, - Barre, Vermont. ABOUT THE STATE. Iteiim of Interent Ult-amul Prum Our Exchii:. Miss Katherine Hutchinson is expected in Montpelier soon from New York where she has been playing the important part in ''The Girl From Kays." After a visit with relatives there she is to go to Bar Harbor, Me., for the summer. W. 15. and John Bohonan were given a heating before Justice of the Peace, R. W. Gile in West Bolton June 3 on the charge of killing a deer out of season, and w ere bound over for $l."o each to the next term of 0, unity court. State's Attorney M. E. Leary prosecuted and V. A. Billiard ap peared for the respondents, E.-& T. Fairbanks & Co , the St. Johns bury scale manufacturers, have offered twenty-two prizes, amounting to 118."), for the most valuable suggestion submitted by any of their 1,000 employees in regard to doing the work better, easier, or cheaper. The prizes will be awarded in December, and the men are already taking much in terest in the contest. GRANITEVILLF. Mrs. Belle Batchelder of Barre will display trimmed millinery at Hooker's furniture store, Graniteville, June L'J'.h ai;d 14th. Ladies cordially invited. Notlre to All Vuioii Men. That the Congregational Church at Wii liamstown i.s a nonunion job aud all union men should keep away. r.esolntion of Sympathy. The following resolutions were drawn up by the fellow workmen over the death of the late Alexander ilkiu, who lost his life through Injuries received while in ex ecution o( bis duties a 8 stationary ergln eer at the plant of Marr tV Gordon, June 6, HH!4. ' Whenas, it has pleased Almighty God in Ilia inlinite wisdom to remove from amongst us our late fellow workman, Al exander H. Wilkin, who was a man of sterling character, a dutiful husband and a kind father, always anxious and willing to lend a helping hand or to extend sym pathy to any one in time of need or in trouble; his gentle manner aud many kiud acts will be long and affectionately remembered by his many friends in this community and elsewhere. Therefore be it, Resolved, That while we bow in humble submission to the Supreme Will, we deep ly deplore our loss, but trust it will be his eternal gain and that he is in the enjoy ment of everlasting happiuess such as we could not have realized to him on earth, and be it further Resolved, That -we extend our heartfelt sympathy to those most near and dear to him, and recommend them to Him, who alone, can comfort in the hour of afflic tion, 44'nt (trail hut sli'cpinjv'1 We the. words the Masti'r's voioo from afiir. railing thvoiitrli gloom xml the nih-t of tears Ili'Ckoiiiiifr to yen 1'i'ight star. "Not iti'ad 11! t slecpitiH" It iti the voice of t.od mat conies from above tic will iiohl (.lie liituil, he will icau the way Vi to the one w? love Who ill waiting, just beyond. "Not (lead hat sleepinp" Airain the wuriin of ihc savior caini our soul, Hio-haml anil fattier have left our siiie But tlo.t will now iilihie; And with hearts lifted up to heaven We may, '-Fal her, Thy ill he done." A sale of dlmitUs at Perry's, regular loo and 12'jC goods, on Saturday at only To perj ard. Card of Thauks. We desiie to express our thanks aud ap preciation of the many kindnesses shown us la onr .bereavement. Mis. Alex Wilkin and immediate family. No ilo Carriage Paint Made will wear as long as Devoe's. Xo others are as heavy bodied, because Devoe's wejmh 3 to S ounces more to the pint. Sold by Reynolds A Sou, 10 THE STERLING ACTOR rne.fclivyn Including Miss Gladys Grey. and Company At. the Castle.. Park, Barre All the Week of June 13th. ' Our Unrivalled Repertoire of New and Great Plays, Never Before Presented at Popular Prices : CROSSROADS OF CRIME, THE FATAL LIKENESS, THE GAMBLER, THE CAVALIER OF FRANCE, THE RESURRECTION, JESSE JAMES, CINDERELLA. GREAT FEATURE SPECIALTIES : Mr. JACK REGAN, - - The Inimitable Comedian Mr. FRED C. WHITE, - - The Man With the Music MAE FULLER, - - - Phenominal Female Baritone Artistically Illustrated Songs, GEORGE A. MICKEY'S - - MOVING PICTURES YONDER and BELLMARE, - Grotesque Comedy Acrobats New York's Headline Vaudeville Sensation, "The DAGO and the MO NORTON and RUSSELL. EVENING PRICES, SATURDAY MATINEE, 10, 20 AND 30 CENTS - 10 AND 20 CENTS Lg Get vour Complimentary 15c tickets at once. Are now on sale at E. A. Drown's drug store. JINGLES AND JESTS. Ileep lii-Miecf, Ite isn't any no'iuir,'!). Nor a il-jk,--. n.-t lui we know, lie is nt.iy J.i-i to- leinmn. lint we re a-i-'-w in- l.-w. -Vi.hinBt.-in Star. Tlif l omit li' Pnrt. It was a loan who wrote thnt nli men are created free and eijiial. "It: was n -woman who l;ole( in that declaration. 'l;k ; Tribune. Tomorrow. "Tomorrow." said h child to we, "A wonder wi't occur." I fifked him wlint Ihe wonder was. lie -said, "Tomorrow, sir!" I.ippiin-olt's Magazine. Perfect SurrotimUnKN. Thespis-So his arctic lecture was realistic? Foyer Yes; the most beautiful frost you ever wHw.Judj.-o. The I'h I n ir of the (.Inil llnnit. The handshake la a dang'rous thlngr. And in the, friendly clasp A million niiVrolx-n wait with sting Wore deadly than an asp. The new met etraryer's honest grip, WWeh ripens friemlship's lock, May lnc!3ir.t(iily let ?l!p Jfaeilll In a flock. And so this year of politic lie cautious, tempt not ffite. And when you get into the mix Bewar the rnndl-tate! Indianapolis (Ind.) Xewa. Saturday Bargains, June 1 1 Corset Covers, 23c. Saturday we put on one of our bargain tables, on the first floor, thirty dozen Ladies Corset Covers at prices never offered you before for fine made-up goods. Number lSix different styles, all made of good muslin and elaborately trimmed with lace and insertion. Made to sell at 39c. Your choice Saturday, only 23c. Number 2 One lot of samples, too many styles to mention, embroidery and lace trimmed, with ribbon, values ranging from 5cto-;cc. Your-choice Saturday, only 23c. They will go like hot cakes. Remember the best go first, so plan to attend this sale as early as possible Saturday. SEE GOODS IN WINDOW. jm VAUGHA N Si ORE LTLnLLV L. Successors io H. B. Taplin Corner Store. 1 111 id m u im $ L J" T J I SALE 3 as.m Tat $5,000 Worth of New Merchandise at the s Smallest Prices Ever Put on New Goods Here at This Time of Year. pit Dm WE DO IT AS AN ADVERTISEMENT t-5 To get our name before the public and the people to using our goods. We think it will pay us, for once a customer here you are likely to always be one if quality and price count. We Can Sell the Goods Much Cheaper Than We Expected And this is how we do it: We were in New York just in time to take advantage or the great bwcetzer-t'cmbrooke Liquidation Sale and the manufacturers cut prices as a result of a backward season. Consequently we own the goods much cheaper than we ordinarily would. Then, too, we are going to cut our own regular profit as an inducement to have the people come here and to introduce ourselves. EXAMINE THE FLYER CAREFULLY. It will, pay you, even if you don't want more than one article, for it represents something better, than you generally get for the money. I 5 Cor. State and Main Sts.. 'is. Pope Co., Montpelier, Vermont. 5, HE ml Si as n-f . ...aa..bBal-atltllll-tl-ltttfta...a. A Bnrre Woman Ask ! 'Have you a floor paint that will last two weeks V" e, we nave lsevoe s; it nas a beautiful gloss and will wear two years if properly applied. ' Reynolds & Son. Laundry Equipment FOR SALE. Ail furnishings and equipments of the White Star Laundry, wuich was recently partially destroyed by fire, are offered Tor sale. This is a rare chance for the right party to start up a business which was al ready on a good paying basis. For further : particulars apply to Geo. W. BurgeSS. COME WHERE THE Assortment is the Largest Come Where Prices Are Low. I J. V. GRADY. Merchant Tailoring. ALSO CLEANING AND REPAIRING J. W. GRADY, UF STAIRS, OuickniB'ock, - Earre, Vermont. Fifty Vehicles on oar floor to select from and almost as many Harness iritis rii We will not be undersold by anybody, north or south, east or west. Our Fine Hand-Made Harness, - - $14.50 Don't buy a Wagon or Harness until you see us, or get our Catalogue. We have a comptete equipment lor Kubber Tiring old and new wagons. COLLINS & COLTON, WHOLESALE 84 State Street, ' RETAIL Montpelier, Vermont. An advertisement in the Times will bring sure results.