Newspaper Page Text
THE UAERE DAILY TIMES, JULY' IS, 1901. rft: Git ANITE SAVINGS BANK AND TRUST COMPANY, DARRE. VERMONT. OFFICERS: H. 0. WORTHEN, Vice-President. H. G. WOODFITF, Treasurer. JOHN TROW, President. DIRECTORS: JOHN TROW. H. 0. WORTHEN, A. D. HORSE. C. L. CURRIES. W. A. WSITCOKB. FRANK F. CAVE. RESOURCES. t Loans and Discounts.,.. $695,733.91 Stocks and Bonds 228,700.00 Banking House 5,000.00 Cash on hand and in banks 120,398.16 .Total .. $1,049,832.07 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock $50,000.00 Surplus and Profits 30,036.35 Dividend payable July i , 1,500.00 Dividends unpaid 6.00 Deposits 968,289.72 Total ....... . ... ...... . . $1,049,832.07 THINGS THEATRICAL. TO RENT. TO I.ICT f'ttrniftieil room at ID Summer street. Apply to Mrs. Holle Ratcheldci. loltf TO KENT Furnished ro mis, with board if desired. Apply at -1 Jttlerjn street. Mltf TO BENT At 14 Wellington street, three to five room tenement. Moilern improvements. Iinjuiie of George Mann on premises. loutf ROOM TO RENT One of the pleasanteat in the city. For particulars inquire at poMorm-e inu 8 r. .m. la-tween 7 and . at carrier' window. ttf Ft RNISHED KuoM TO RENT Front room with nil iiimtern Improvement. Apply fit o4 Keith avenue. OOtti TO RENT Tenement to rent at once. Inquire of Segel . Brady, Bolster Block, Main St. TO KENT One small tenement. Hot ami cold water, electric lights. $lu per month. Ap ply to Smith Bros., 30? No. Main street. tOtl Invites the .Accounts of Merchants, Manufacturers, Individuals and Firms. Drafts on London and the principal European Points issued at favorable rates. Safety Deposit Boxes for rent at moderate terms. Louise liealon will open her season iu "Rachel Goldstein' in riiilul!itila. During the engagement of Mr. jiml Mrs. Forbes Itobt-rtsuD in this country next season their new r'a.V, "The IWge of the Storm," will have a hearing. J. E. Dodson has bought the dra matic rights to "The King of Beasts," which he intends to produce when his engagement with "The Two Orphans" ends next season. Wright Lorimer is considering the advisability of sending out two com panies in "The Shepherd King" the coming season. Mr. Lorimer will play a season of thirty weeks.' James Forbes, author of "The Chorus Lady," has disposed of the English nnJ continental rights to the play through Miss Elizabeth Marbury. It will be prepared for London presentation. Denman Thompson will open the reg ular season ut the New York theater Monday, Sept. 5 with the most elabo rate production of "The Old Home stead" that has ever been presented. nt-.o-i ,uuNt uu.i iv KKXT-Twn remnenfs .S3 and St Granite 01 tne JSewiorK Pinyixiuse turn u ! street. Annlv to Charles Zanleoni. Kit formerly been known as Weber A: Telds. It Is to be opened the latter part of September with a stock company. FLOWER AND TREE. CARRE SAVINGS BANK & TRUST CO. OFFICE IN BOLSTER BLOCK, BARRE, VT. First Class Real Estate Mortgages, Five Per Cent. TO RENT Six-room, up-tairs tenement, at Kirk St, otl Ayers St. Apply down stairs. S-itf TO RENT .Seven-room tenement on Soiiyi Warren street, otf Suaulding street. Apply to George K. Sauboru. itd HOARDING HONSE TO KENT Can be usnl for two families, ( all at 5Ci No. .Main .St. !lf Receives accounts subject to check. . Pays 3 per cent interest on time deposits. 7 LIBERAL BUT SAFE BANKING. REAL ESTATE MARKET I The F. B. Cate Agency was never so well prepared to offer such bargains in Farms as at the present time. Below is a list of a few of onr best ones. This one has about ir) acres and is only 1 J miles from this city. The farm will cut between b'J and 90 tons of hay this season, can be put into the barns with little expense. There is a nice sugar place equipped with "00 tin tubs and every thing of the best for making nice sugar. The buildings are of the latest city Itr.proveroents, such as bard wood finish, fire place, bath room, hot water connections, telephone, eta The main part of the house is brick. The barns are large and convenient The buildings conld not be etected at the present time for nearly the price asked for the farm which is t,500. You have to take this (juick if yon want this year's hay crop. This farm has recently been placed with us for sale. 800 acres right In the heart of a thriving village on the shore of a large body of water where there are a large number of summer cottages. Depot is just across the road from the buildings. The farm will gunmier and winter about 100 cows and teams to carry on the place. There is one large barn built about 3 years ago at a cost of $-3,200; there are other barns in good repair, also a nice new house. There has been $IUW paid out on buildings and Improving the farm. The owner Is in very poor health and unable to care for so large a place and must sell. Trice lor a quick sate is only $ 7,500, part cash. Two farms la Bradford, Vt., 2 miles from the vlllaeei One contains 130 acres and cuts CO tons of hay, with good buildings, barn 100 feet in length. The other farm contains $5 acres and will cut 40 tons of hay, large barn and fair house. Will sell separate or will trade for good renting property in city. , We have cheaper farms well located, some we will trade for other property. Tlease call at our office for a more definite description of the above farms and others. ' W'e have a Granite riant for a gang of men that we wonld like to tell yon about. Our office is open evenings. Telephone connection. Bolster Block, Rooms II and 12, Barre, Vt. F. B. Cate. (Tel. Connection.) H. J. Slayton. REAL ESTATE ADS. AY IN The Daily Times BECAUSE IT IS THE BEST REAL ESTATE MEDIUM AND HAS THE BEST REAL ES TATE EWS. ADVERTISE IN THE TIMES. Nat'l Bank of Barre UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT DEPOSITORY. Great World's Fair Line The Wabash Railroad is the only line having tracks and depot it main entrance World's Fair Geounds, St Louis. Tickets, New York to St. Lou in and return, $lt. fioston to St. Louis ami return, $.4. Lliila delpliii and return, $17. Correspondingly low rates from ether Eastern point. On 15-dav, ttt -dav and season tickets privilege of stopping off at Niagara Fall, Detroit and Chicago. Applvto nearest ticket agent for tickets via the Waki-h." , ,.. Folileis, giving halftone views of the W orld's Fair KiuMing! and ground will be sent FREE ou application to H. B. McCLEI.LAN, G. K A., Sx7 Broadway, N Y., or J. I. M. HEATH, N. E. I'. A., 17tl Washington Street, Boston. TRAVELERS' RAILWAY GUIDE. CBXTRAL VERMONT KAILKOAD. Trains leaving Barre for White Ksver .func tion, Boston, Sew Yk and H intervening points at g.3 a. iu., 13 m. and 12.01 a. m. Local train for White River Junction and Windsor ami intermediate stations leaves at 0.46 j. m. Train leave Barre for Burlingtou, St. Albans, . &..;,., nn.i strnlftnelm rtr at. ? rt a. m 8.10. 5.30 p. iu. and 12M a. id. Trains connect at t;ex for points on Kutland road and tne B..H) connects with New York train for Montreal and points west leaving Karra at 3.10, 5.M and 12 m. i,... wnijn.naf.ttn leave Rarreat 1. '20 and 4.31 1. m. Leave williatustuwn at 7.a a. tu. and p.m. MONTVL'LIKR WELt.S RIVt'K RAILROAD, COMMK.NCISO JUNE 27, 11104. Aral"P It'itvo nvo ...... , .-. , Iiifc s.t that point witb trains going both north anil south, at 7.30 ... li.30 and 8.15 p. m. The lj.: train connects with train for Boston, and north tor Lisbon, Littleton, Fatiyaus and Lan caster, aim) with Montreal express, and the 7.30 11-aiiis leave liarre tor Montpener at 1M, w.f . in., 11.31), 3.15, 4.10 and 5.30 p. m. . BLECIRIO STREET RAILWAT. Cars leave sijnare in Barre for Montpelier at 15 niinntes of aud 15 minutes past the hour. Ieave Montpelier for Baire on the hour and , Dan mutr until iu p. ui. PAROID ROOFING. Compare it with any other similar roofing laid in Barre last spring and you'll buy Paroid Roofing. I'M , : y, i TO KENT Tenement at corner Maple avenue and Warren street. Inquire on premises, aits FI KNISHEU BOOM TO RENT block. Inquire of Ira Steuuu. -In Morse 94 tf TO KENT After July 1st. tenement at a month. Apply to Dr. C. H. Kent. Butt ASSETS. Real Estate Loans, all in Vermont, . Other loans, . Bonds and Investments, . S. 2 per cent. Bonds at par, . . Other U. S. Bonds, . unds on hand, , TO KENT Desirahle front office room, for nierly occupied l,y E. M. Tayntor. Lastinan Bros. tf There is no really pure white rose, the whitest known when placed along side snow sliowinar a tinse of some color. There is a grapevine on the Erasttis rock farm in New Haven, Vt, said to bo fifty yesirs old. that is 150 feet long and twenty-two inches in circumfer ence at the base. The "tallow tree" of Malabar yields from the seeds of its fruit by boiling an excellent tallow, which serves as valuable illuminant, lith as oil and by candles which are made from it. J. D. Fraser of Merrimack, X. II.. has something of a monstrosity in the geranium line. The plant consists of n single stock which measures in height fully ciirht find a half feet under the rule. SCIENCE SIFT1NGS. TO BENT Tenement at corner Washington and Snauldine streets. Apply to V . O. far- ker. , All our Mortexfte Loans are made on improved property m the state of Vermont. Interest is credited to depositor April 1st and Octolier 1st In eacn year, ttma giving cejM torn compound interest. we pay an taxea on oepons noi exeeouiK We should be pleased to do busmeiss with you. TO BENT After Sent. Ut, the club rooms now occupied by the Knights of Columbus. r-asimau ros. TO KENT An excellent tenement In Maple firove tor a small family. Enquire at 5i East Street. Wit TO KENT An up-stairs tenement at '20 Maple avenue. Inquire ot A. t . Dodge, corner nr.JB and haver ktreeta. TENEMENT TO BENT Corner ol Seminary and Laurel streets, 7 rooms and bath. All newiv painted, papered and whitened. Appiy to t,. W. Bisbee. TO KENT Eive-room tenement, down stairs, at L'l Hill street. Newlv repaired. Laruelawu and cood ganten. Sprinc water. l'lcantly located. HKiuire on premises. ocu TO KENT At once, the Blue Store on Depot Souare. formerly occupied 1v Hegel A Brady. luquire of begel A Brady, Bolster Block. Wtf TO KENT Tenement of five rooms. Spring and cistern water. Mrs. C. A. Bos worth, b Merchant street. The normal heart beats about seventy times a minute and throws two ounces of blood at each contraction. Wiihehu Itubet, a German chemist, bas hardened aluminium by a chemical nrneoKS and called the product "tne- teorit." The air breathed daily by a person weighs thirty-four pounds, about sis times as much as the food and drink lousumed in the same amount of time. TO KENT Laree furnished room, all modern conveniences, UesirabM tor two nieu. xo. Averui street. TO KENT Desirable tenement on Elm St. over liarre Librai v: also rooms formerly occu. ided by Barre Evening Telegram. . v. n. rerry, Agent, 7a Main street. t'-ti TO KENT A room on ground floor of Buzzell bhfk, suitable for an office or living room. In- ouire of Henry Alexander. Buzzell blocs.. 3iti TO BENT. A One tenement, Patterson street 513 00 Two teneuients. Branch street .... Li.OO One tenement. I'leasant street.. lil vW liiOtf Appiy at rueips iinnut-ia PROGRESS. to f .KT A verv desirable nn-stairs tenement at ID Jiotiui street. ifiyiuiuwn. France has a new process for reduc ing milk to a dry powder. Soft 'wood is now artificially hard- eiipd and touzhened by a process of vulcanizing. There is a machine that sews 5,300 buttons on garments in nine hours, or more than eight expert sewers could possibly do in the same time. This machine requires no expert operator. A boy or girl runs it. TO BENT Stall for one horse, in Blanchard ham ou Merchant street. Apply to n. A Duffy. Wtf TO BENT A eottatre house on Central street also a tenement on Academy street. Apply to K. M. Lyon. Address store or it mgomn Avenue. 241 tf O. B. FIFIELD. DEALER IS BETTER, EGGS AND FARM PRODUCE ALSO HULLED CORN. When voti hear the bells you will know there is corn fn the cart. When the bells are ott, tne corn Is all sold. O. B. fllield. 1". O. Box 1"j4 Barre, Vt. FOUR LINES FOR 25 CENTS Tub Times will publish Wants, Lost and Found, For Sale. To Let, etc. short advertise mentsat the rate of four lines for twenty-five cents for the first insertion aud Bve cents for each subsequent insertion. WANTED. vAVTPlEam 88 tier UK) addressing envc opes; send dime and three two cent stamps fur instructions and WO envelopes. Empire Novelty Co., 51 13, sixtn avenue, mw loata THE BEST PROTECTOR No matter what your present condi tion may be, . you should always give tome thought to the future. The surest safeguard about the future is MONEY IN THE BANK You spend less if the money 's away fropi your pocket, t is safer, too, and there is no making change when you pay by check. Ask any depositor or call and talk it over. 3 1-2 Per Cent Interest paid on SavingsDcposits FOR SALE waxtkii To bnv 50 hens. State what. y have and price wanted. Address f. L. Morri IK) Tremont street, city. FOR SALE Quick Meal gasoline stove, in i !:... )...,i,i.. nl I Vt I-.,.,,, lA.-.rf FOR SALE Wagons and pun?. One two- horsM single wagon, one milk wagon, three pungs. Apply to F. B. Cate, receiver of Bane Co-operative society. iwii FOR SALE Second-hand bievcle. Will be sold chean. In c-ootl orotr. inonire of Will. Donald. S Foss street. K)3tf FOR SALE Household goods at private sale Friday anu .".aturuay nignis, juiy im suu min. Cat at 13 aiapie avenue. iwu ... . -r,-t-T . farm nrtar K(.ri-e t'itV Ol Wil- . . ... I......... ..... ... v,r..,...r, v A l iiutnsiown io eAcioiiim. " r.. (-.... . . . .i.uili.rj 11. .v On.; liiirre. t-lt f uiess, .10... uv. ---- HRP WANTED. FOR SALE One set of forward wheels, three wo-horse dump carts, three one-horse carts, seven wheel scrapers, three drag scrapers, three pairs double work harness, one single WorK Harness, mree carl. uaioei,s, mm viwuiu ii.ri-v. one hand oerrick. three wheemarrow and two good cook, stoves. W. C. Jones, 116 Washington street. luotf t-..l CATV U.".,.ehiOO forni,nvrt for flJllO. including one Story A Clark organ. Apply to Jas. S. King, 96 Maple avenue. 9t4 F. G. ROWLAND, Cashier. PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS. Public Examinations of Teachers for Washington County will De neia as iouows; ' Cabot July 2? and 30 Northfield August I and 2 Waitsfield August 3 and 4 Montpelier August 5 and t Bane September 1 and 2 Examinations will be held so far as possible in the school buildings. All candidates for examln- .ts. ...tmiilv .intnnwn to the County Exam will ronil irri In (urnkh a testimonial of 11JCI Wlii v I " good moral character ana satisiactory eviaencc oi Examinations may be takes for admission to any Vermont State Normal Scnooi. 0. D. MATHEWS0N. County Examiner. Barre. Vermont, July 5. 1904. A. W. LANE & SONS. Telephone 30M2and;3l5-J2. WAGONS and HARNESS The balance of our summer line, of Carriages and Harness will be closed out at a bargain. A few second-hand Carriages IT. F. CUTLER, Rear of Cit? Hotel. - - - Barre, Vermont GRANITE CUTTERS WANTED. Two hundred flrst-clas cutters. Ten statue cutters. Eight experienced men on granite surfacing machines ot once. llallowcll Granite Woiks, j0j2t Hallowell, M WANTED A enpable'girl for general house :. 1 at :u Eastern avenue. wo vol! sAI.K on TO RENT New cottaee. nice ly finished. Hard wood Moors, spring water and large garden. Easy terms. Call on C. H. Ken- erson. Vemu Hill. city. Kitu WANTED Three table girls at once at the .. . ... titr V.ivt hum hnTPI. Y per cent Paid on Deposits. Began business Feb. 27, '93 I. BESSY JACKSON, President. GEORGE ROWLAND. Vice Fresideni. f. G. HQWIAND, Treasurer. C. J. LEASE. Assistant Treasurer. Directors: J. HENRY JAC1S0S, GEORGE HOWLAND, BURT H. WELLS. BOKER FIT! 5. B. A EASTMAN, E. W. BiSBEE. W. G. REYNOLDS. GEORGE MILNE. F. G. E'OWLAND. STATEMENT $555,404.76 319,906.39 275,173.37 26,400.00 72,794.43 25,425.49 JULY 1, 1904. LIABILITIES. Capital Stock, . , . Surplus Fund, . Undivided Profits,. Dividends unpaid, $1,275,104.44 $50,000.00 5,000.OD 8,705.65 21.00 Deposits, . V. . 1,203,525.701 Premium, U. S. Bonds sold, 2,852.0? $1,275,104.44 A MODEL HOME. Modern in Every Particular and at a Moderate Price. Located on Franklin Street, not over three minutes from Main Street. Boose contains seven nice rooms besides bath, pantry and closets. Most of first floor is finished In selected curly birch. Hard wood floors in kitchen, dining-room and halls. House is lighted by elec tricity, heated by furnace, with hot and cold water connections to sink, set bowls and bath. Extra good granite cellar with cemented bottom. Six-foot porch across front and entire sides. This property should be seen to be appreciated. We are sure it will please you. Price right SPECIAL Forty-acre farm, one mile from East Barre, with rew barn and good koine. For full particulars inquire at the D. A. PERRY REAL ESTATE AGENCY, Rooms 8 and 9, Gordon Block, - - Barre, Vermont. I Sawmill Ptopetty For Sale 1 1 THE H. J. THWING RESIDENCE. SS s This property, known as the " Phelps Mill." Is located near Washington street, Barre, and consists of a Sawmill In good running order and 1 3-4 acres of land with mill. Also house of seven rooms and baro, new last year, and one acre of land with house. This Is the best water power in this section. If this interests you it will pay you to look it over. "We havt had placed with us recently the residence of H. J. Thwing, located oa the corner of Summer and West streets. This is one of the finest pieces of property in the cfty and an ideal home. Very large lot. House Is finished throughout in the best manner. Mr. Thwing built it for his own use and has spared neliher pains or money to have it right, but now wishes to dispose of it. Call and get our prices on above property, BARRE CITY REAL ESTATE AGENCY, ROOMS 2 AND 3. GORDON BLOCK. E. C. FRENCH. (Telephone 135.3) GEO. L. MORRIS, g $50 WANTED A young man who understands draughting monumental work and can use a typewriter. Address Grearson-Beckett Co., V1lliu111stown, Vt. FOR SALE OH TO RENT A cottage house and barn at South Barre. Cottage contains six rooms, newly papered and painted.- Address Box 2d, South Barre, or teicpliouh 305-12. .J. E. ward. . 1-, ,,, ui t v ........ ...v..) ftir.i. uF.irn anil hav body for sale. Apply At Cliaa, W. l'apin's Liv ery stable. 93t6 FOR SALE All household furniture and a good Held of potatoes to be sold at auction Sat urday aiiernoon at rour o ciock, on premise Joseph l'crault, tiraniteville. ulti BAKERY FOR SALE! Doing good business. Will sell right and give time to puy for it if de sired, as 1 cannot stay and attend to it. The Earl Baking Co., Randolph, Vt. witio FOR SALE A first-class English curl tail bull dog. First-class fighter. Call on v auace Cover, West street, or address Box 2U3, Barre, vt. , FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE One "A" grade piano box buggv, as good as new, or would ex change for mud wagou. Eastman Bros. yotf FOR SALE Two cars of granite for building work. On ground on Seminary street. Apply to A. E. Batchelder. c , , c n..:i.iin 1.., c l.n a r!a in .l7e. r , 'i nj.kF4 -niuimiij; n't, u -j v 1 . . . . . ... , located 011 Academy street. For further par ticulars apply to Clark Thorn. 52tf PHAETON FOR SALE Apply Jf. M. Nelson, 18 West utreet. 41 tr FOR SALE Thoroughbred bull pups at No, 12 F'oster Btreet. -sstf Green Ducki, New Feas, New Cabbages. Telephone 114-3. A. W. ALLEN, Bunnyside Farm iStitf FOR BALE AT CASS1E FARM. Milk -Onr wagon delivers twice a day. . ,Lnit. ...1 ....,n,w In tmllr. nay, j.ti.juii.f.j ........ Tea Figs, weaned; 25 ready soon; 25 sows, Sold out 011 shoates. Fine vomig driving mare, sound and feailess Apply to George Cassie. East Street. WANTED Help in baying, by George C1e, Eat Street. ;t ... . x-T-t-,, ,iiri t,,r ,:-iliiA work anil freneral housework. Good wages. Apply to t.ranite City Restaurant, second floor Qiiinlen block. b4tf WANTED At once, a second cook, at the Northern hotel. ; .. ii-ivTi'ti-i oiMid e.Hik. Maiden, 172 No. Main St. Apply to ,lohn ltf WANTED Man, with two Horses and single dump carts. Three to lour niontiis sieauy worn, niaie now umco ...-.... ply to Milne, Clarihew & Gray C4t 2 To California and Back From Chicago, August 15 to September 10. Final return limit October 23. Two through trains daily via the St. Paul and the Union Pacific Line The Overland Limited runs via this route, and makes the trip, Chicago to San Fran cisco, in less than three days. The California Express is another good train via this route, and carries tourist sleep ing cars in which the rate for a double berth all the way is only 7. Tickets via the Twin Cities and Portland, in one direction, $61. , vti'ii 1 crikperv clerk to call and attend to the trade for a grocery in Northtield. rite or call at A. Brogi s grocery store, Depot Square, Northileld, Vt. "t,,t WORK WANTED. w 1 vtkiiHv vonno- ladv of experience, po sit ion "as book-keeper aud typewriter. Address B., Times otnee. WANTED Dressmaking and family sewing, rs. J. R. Spence, '.'5 Warren street. 'Mlt Mrs . v.T-i-,, 11.. ... ill, ...innrfti housework. by Swedish girl. Apply atiii Patterson St. 8'.d6 WANTED Experienced ladv would like posi tion as nurse. Will go out by the day. Address "11.," Times office. BOARDERS WANTED. BOARDERS WANTED At the Central Board ing House, 14 Central Street. 6tf LOST AND FOUND. t.ost A bievcle from Hale's pavilion. Pa cific make, coasting brake Finder please ap ply at tiiis office. (WW r (wti allot, contniininir a sum of money utwn Month Barre and fiianttevllle Monday evening. Finder leave at this office or the t- titiiee at Grnitcville ana ue rewarueu, wu ! W. W. HALL, New England PassV Agent, 369 Washington St 5j 71 BOSTON. V WV!rV WwVVVSli1 VVf WV W tftfVtf WV"f w IN SURA N C Some agents say 'The Best Companies," others "The Strongest," and still others "The Largess Companies." I simply say J. W. DILLON, Agent Representing $465,490,1 17.39 asserts, as per annua) statement of companies represented in this agency on Jan. i, 1903. That tells the whole story. Call and Investigate. No risk too large, none too small. I &. " : & & &. : : s 1 ( i J K1 A