Newspaper Page Text
THU liAKBE DAILY TIMES, JOT.Y i!3, VJOi. BARRE DAILY TIMES Skscripticr.j : Oct T"f. H c month, 25 cU. ; ''( '''XT. I ext. Members of the Publiyliprt' ftfs. Tf.e latest llerra):hic dkws fr.itii All j.aitg of the world are t waived !r tuts bmly timv up to the hour of g ring t pres. Frank E. Ltegkj, Publisher. TMishti Every Wkda?ternooa. Kateret) M the jwtffici at Barre a tocond claws omiter. BATl'KDAY, JllY 23. 1904. The average dally circulation ol the Brre Dally Tiroes for the week ending Saturday wai 3,225 oplca, the largest paid clroulation of any dally paper in this section. The twenty-nine property owners of Jiutlund who have been notified by the city fire marshal to equip their buildings with fir, apparatus ought to have done so without the warning. There are property owners in every city who ought to do so now without another such warning as the IritjiioiH theatre horror in Chicago. . The rest of the state marvels that Barre , and Montpelier can enjoy anything in common, most of all a base ball team. In the latter eonneetlon the sufferance re mains in the fact that Barre people call their representatives in the Northern - league the Barre team, and Montpelier people call them the Montpelier team, al though the t tlioial name of the team is "Uurre-Montpelier." Just a little sugar r coating and perhaps both cities might bide each other most tolerably. The White River Junction Landmark speaks truthfully when it says: "Constant repltltion of the claim, that Mr. Bell is the farmers' candidate may prove a source of weakness to him at the fall election. While he Is a representative farmer one of the best in Vermont he should not be considered as the representative of any claw, but of the Republicans of Vermont whether dwelling In cities, towus or the comitry." But is to the farmers of the state, nevertheless, that the Republican manntrers must look for a big vote this fall, if there is to be a big vote. The city or town dwellers are easier to get to the polls than those who live at a distance The Summer Shoe is waiting for your foot and probably your foot is aching for the Summer Shoe. Tan is again popular. The patent leather is hard for some feet in hot weather but it pays on a pinch it gives a polished look. The vici ii solid comfort. Ali other good leathers are here. $3.50 Oxfords nov $3.00 WE CLEAN, PRESS AND REPAIR CLOTHING. Successors to Rogers & Grady Co., Quinlen Block, - BanVermont. from the voting places. Const queatly much of the efforts of this campaign by the Republican party must be directed toward the latter class. wlpf A GAS RANGE Makes housekeeping Easy. ECONOMICAL Will do the same amount ot work as a coal stove at about OXK-HALF the expense. EFFICIENT 1 ts maximum service can be had at any hour, day or night. CLEANLY It is free from dust, dirt, smoke and ashes. COMFORTABLE- R educes to a minimum the kitchen heat, as consumption of iue! can be immediately stopped when the meal is cooked. Service will only be extended to the streets where enough orders for gas have been received to warrant laying of the n,a;r;f, so ii yon want gas fiil out and mail the following order: To the Gas Company, P. 0. Box 385, Barre, Vt. i he uiu!ers;;ned agrees to use the gas manufactured by the Peoples' Lighting, Heating and Power Co. for household purposes as soon as said company is pre pared to supply its gas upon the follow ing conditions: First. That the said company will pipe into the cellar and attach a meter at its own expense. Second. That the said company will furnish gas to the undersigned for $1.50 per j, coo cubic feet, less a dis count of 25 cents per l,ooo cubic feet it paid by the I oth of the month following service. Name, . Street, BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT IN BARRE. It may eofidently be stated that the bus iness interests of the city of Barre which were given a set-back last spring through various causes, have now resumed their normal status. The granite Industry was notably quiet during the late winter months and spring, there being more than the usual scarcity of orders at that period ot the year. Sinoe then, however, there has been a gradual change for the better until now the granite pkuts of the city and vicinity are running about the usual number of men. Manufacturers report that orders are coming in well for this sea son, and some of the firms are taking on more men, so that at the present time there are few men in this city who are un employed, leastwise few of those men who are witling to work. The satisfactory con ditions in the leading inaustry of the city are an indication of the situation In other lines of business. There is a consequent improvement in the retail line and durln thepresent month trading has been com paratively brisk in the stores of the city A considerable amount of large building operations is in progress, and the prospects in the conntruction line which were con sidered rather poor in the spring are now good. Taken all in all, Barre has no reason for complaint over the situation. ABOUT THE STATE. Item of lutei-ntt 01iiii1 ! ....... .. An out-of-town vonnu lmlv in a Randolph store last wef-lr and tuitininira macnine unea lor butting cigars investi kmcu us worKinas. Kha insnrtpi hr tin lint in the place intended for th uIIb weri and found it worked verv well & eC. denced by a clipping from her ringer. The juung iuuy swooneu ana ten backward. A doctor was summoned who quickly re sponded and dressed the remainder of her auger. .; The dedication nf thn , - v- " uigiw it' DJarv ttutldintr aft Hnrlimifmi uUl hrrtK. ably uouur on the evening of Friday, Au svi... lit . Ul. . . 1. .1 . . i-i uuuuugu mat aaie may be uuauiifu, JI Ilia m miner in In r Inm.g the liltt). however, the 1flirtHnn mill cur ai mat time. -No definite plans have b jei uttuu maue. jine matter of the ded icatorv address ha hppn left n,th rrai dent M. II. Buckham. who will (ieOtL'e. thft 14-VPftr-nM arm nf TT.iri-ic, a uwciB )i iialnliuDn. mat with a Korl dldentJuly 13. He lell on a scythe, striking at the knee joint. The tendons were completely cut aud had he been of uenrtm weigm ii, is prooaDie uiat the IPS would have bep.n Hiitiruic nurai t, ... . UV oones. were w red towpthpr he n, li. M. and (). V. f '.rpiMia and H lo uti.. mat tne tendons win nmtiahiv k the joint will always be stitr. The residence and barn, with all tents, of Mrs. Mary Marshall on the Hk-h. gate Center road near the hemp jard were destroyed by fire at three o'clock Thurs day morning. The cause of the fire is nn- Known, nut it is thought some one was smoking in the barn. Mrs. Marshall una in uigngate, so no one was about the premises and a neighbor discovered the lire, out too late to he of anv assistm Nothing was saved but a wami. . Tho uuune was insureu. Xelson E. Martin of Raniinh.h wo. a rested on a body writ Wednesday for ap nroDriatipu to his own visa a. nihil.'. check for 0O, which he' found In a letter that he too from the post office about the first Of Juh. thn JpLtf.r hnlntr o,1,lrcoo,.i not to K. !1 Martr,"T5o whose hands It fell, buttd W.K. Martin, to whom the check beloncrp.d. X. K. Martin nioim. have thought the initials were his own In- sieuu or wuiiara Aiartin s, ana to have SlinnilSPfi tllllt, th cllBi'lr una aant M... v.. John Bean to pay him for painting Mr. Bean's house, lie had the check cashed at one of the stores and as soon as the dif ference In Initials was discovered, legal prooeedintts were Instituted to recover t.h funds. Mr. Martin's mother went bail for him In the mini nf tlOO nml milmi nra,,t ously settled, the ease will be tried the A. A. SMITH 0. DI1A FALLHATS We have just re ceived. a large in voice of advance styles in Soft and Stiff Hats for early Fall wear, in all the new colors, such as black, slate and the pop ular tan. For up-to-date Hats see our 'window. Hat Cleaners given away free. Come in and get one. CAPS See bur new Auto Caps. They are latest. CUSTOM SUIT DEPARTMENT We take pleasure in announcing to our patrons that we are now ready with a well-selected line of Wool ens direct from New York, to take orders 'for Suits, Trousers and Overcoats, for early Fall wear. NECKWEAR See our narrow four-in-hand in the new tans and fancy colors. . SHIRTS A large lot $1.00; $1.25 and $1.50 Shirts are being closed by us at 79c. Call and get a supply. Sizes from 14 to 17. A. A. SMITH Q MEN'S OUTFITTERS Miles Granite Block, JLNf tES ATiD JESTS. ton vealeiii. Mrs. l.'iltun-ilnw you must enjoy living in the country! I Mippose you can uvt "II the fresh fruit iund vej-etrt-bieisi you want, Mrs. Annex Oh, yes. .Stub a nice peddler comes out from the city three times a wwk. Brooklyn Ufo. Wore Delicately Pu, The horse, when his had race was dcn, Exclaimed: "t wish J were a man. They don't call me 'a favirlte sun,' I3ut only just an hIf ran.' " Washington Star. Xol So Dull Afler All. v 1 f 1. v.-.-' .. ' . T 1 He It would be a mighty dull world for you girls if all the men should sud denly leave it She Oh, we should still' hare you college boys left. VaS Ladies' Neckwear for Monday. Another important group of Neckwear in sets of Collars and Curl's. We put on sale Monday 100 sets of Collars and Cuffs made "of white Swiss, organdie and Persian lawn, some i colors, some white and black and some in ail white lace with, fagoting. Sale Monday, price 5c per set. Percale Wrappers for Tuesday. Ten dozen Percale Wrappers in fall colors of navy, red and black-a good Wrapper for i.oo. Tuesday the price will be"85c. Don't miss our Second Great Semi-annual Safe of Mus- lin Underwear now in progress. Continues all next week. On second floor. THE VAUGHAN STORE, (Telephone 12-J2) 44 North Main Street, - Barre, Vermont, Camp Mei-lln' FerMii'i. Fpplin' Ilka camp rneetln' time; Kirds a-ohirpln' round; Sorter sets me Ihlnkln' Cif the old camp meetln' groun' The Brcen a-eomiu' to the trees, The wild woods smellln' swct, Tho hummin' of the honeybec-s ' An' violets nt yovir feet! Oh, I'm rel!n' like camp mertin' time! I'm wantiit' for to rule In the ric kety old biigrery. With Jenny by my eitk'! The summer winds crost meadows grfen j-havin' if u mpA An' blow In them bright curls of hers jl.ik3 sunsnme, in my lace! Oh, I'm fpl!n' like camp meotia' time. An mat s the time tvr me. The country, like salvation. Is most Hmflzirl' frp' I bet we'll gins the oiU time tunes mat ctem the storm an' tide. An- I II reach the land of promise, who jenny by my side! Atlanta Constitution. Xtntun'i Miiuiift. A magnet -which the great Sir Isna Newton wore as a set in his finger ring is aaitl to have heen capable of raising "40 grains, or about 250 times ita own weight of 3 grains, and to have been much admired in con.secjuence of Its phenomenal power. Turitenlluf., Turpentine has been found to be no antidote for carbolic acid. I'orent Fires In ltnanla. Knssia suffera terribly from forest fires. It is not unusual for (ire to elwm out 250,000. acres of forest per year. A Few Items of Interest FOR SATURDAY'S SHOPPING. Generally we have enough of one ankle for our Saturday Special. , Not so this time. The quantities are small, so we've got to have more of them. We can assure you that the smallest price are ittached to them o any like goods of the season prices calculated to make the morning hours as busv as the afternoon and evening. As you read the list remember we have exactly what we advertise. If you have been here before; you know what to ex pect. If you haven't, try us. f First Twenty-two 51.50 Muslin Underskirts with three rows of clunv or torchon laces for only 98c. It's just l tip on what you can expect of ojr Muslin Underwear Sale. SC0fld Fifteen doen 50e 'Black I-ace Hose at 29c. Ten dozen 3k Lisle Gloves, lace back, in tan and grey, sizes 6 to 6 i-j, at only 19c per pair. Fifteen dozen 25c Fincy Lace Hose at 16c per pair or three pairs for 45c. If you see them you are sure to buy. In fact you can afford to plan ahead a bit. The Ferley E. Pope Co., f TALLIN'S OLD STCPE) Cor, Main and State Sts., BcntpcSer. FERLEY E. POPE, Manager. k ioeer Auiiunl. The most curious annua! in the world is the Oniithoi-yiielius paradoxus, of Australia. It is shaped like an otter. lias fur Uke a beaver, is weiii'outed like ii swan, has a bill like a duck, a tail like a fox,-Is amphibious and lays tsrg'si. , ISrt-nil In France. ike average L reuehitiau eats -428 pounds of bread a vear; J. W. GRADY. Merchant Tailoring. ALSO CLEANING AND REPAIRING J. W. GRADY, UP STAIRS, Qainkn Block, Bane, Vermont. When in Montpelier Call at - THE DAlbrAClORY SHOES Fcr July, Aogust asd September are OxforJs-and Ox fords only beaose tfcey are so cool and comfortable, esrccially oar sfylisb Have yw seen oar large line of Ladies', Men's and Children's Oxfords in tans and Hacks? If cot. we can give you a pleasant surprise whea we show you' the quality, style and finish of the Oxford hkh we can give you at a most reasonable price. Beginning Friday July 1 5 th, we intend to close out this heavy stock of Oxfords during the next two weeks at prices that will please you-FOR CASH. 9 BADGER, MEAN k CO. PEOPLES CLOTHING STORE For Anything Ytm or the Boys May Need in Clothing and Furnishings BICYCLE, 1904 HODEL Given away free to the customer guessing the nearest to the exact num ber of beans in the jar in our window. One guess with every 25-cent pur chase. Contest closes September 1 st, at the Peaples Clothing and Shoe Store Bicycle on exhibition in our window. E. L. SEGEL, --v Miat nam hfiiccu MONTPELIER. VT. Aik Conductor to Lt You Off t LLSegel's onsets heres the man who hasn't use for an extra pair or Trousers, when the price is right and he sees "hat he wants? We have the latest cut and the smartest patterns we have ever seen offered to the traue. Pnces from $J.OO to $6.00. Take a look at them. MOORE & OWENS, J22 North Main St., Barre, Vermont. The Safety Watch fob! cents' tvL . VJ thcm ln ladies' and 8 StyleS " $2.00 to $J0.5O each. F. E. BURR & CO., No. 85 North Main St.""" ""' , , in nisi. Barre, - - Vermont jcwcicrs ana vjputmi