Newspaper Page Text
6 THE JJAIiKE DAILY TIMES, JULY 23, 1904. 0 If you want rich MILK and CREAM 214-13 or send notice (or one of our teams Our Ice Cream Parlor Is light, airy and a very comfortable place these hot, sultry cliys. We serve the most delicious ICE CREAM to be found in the citv. L. B. DODGE, Red and White Light at the Door. Worthen Block, Keith Avenue. NICE BOSTON Cut Flowers and Floral Designs a Specialty. Store will be closed at iz noon from July 15th to Sept. 15th, except on funeral occasions. Orders will be received at the Greenhouse when the Store is closed. , EMSLIE, THE Telephone Store, 152-12; Greenhouse, 201-11. w c Please Our Customers With good, honest goods and low prices. Come in and see how we do it. M. J. McGOWAN, Telephone 113-2. South Main Street, Barre, Vt. Cow - Oil - Protects your horses and cattle from fly pest. Keeps cows making milk instead of fighting flies. Gives instant relief. PRINDLE & AVERILL, &l North Main Street, - - Barre, Vermont. Our Great Wall Paper Sale Is still in progress, but we wish more especially at this time to call your attention to our elegant line of Japanese and Chinese Mattings, which have just arrived and which we will sell at the lowest prices. C. A. HEATH WALL PAPER CO., (Telephone Call, 315-3) 1 69 Washington St., Barre. Vt. Office and Salesroom, 1 0 Elm Street. Fot Sale! Two Cottage Houses, One Lot of Land. I offer for sale twd cottage houses on Cottage street belong ing to the estate of C. W. Laing. Also a lot of land, 50 by 100 feet,, adjoining said houses. Will ht sold separately, or to one party, as desired. This prop erty must be sold at once to close an estate. Apply to J. K. P1R1E, AdmV. The New England Employment Bureau. If you are in need of help, or employment, don't fail to call on us. We will do the rest. Rooms 2 and 3, Gordon Block, - - Barre, Vt. delivered direct from the farm, telephone to call. MORRISON FARM. FERNS. FLORIST, " OTIS BLOCK, PEARL STREFT. Etic For the season ot letter-writing we hive a supply of Stationery in various styles and designs, and Books, Marines and Periodicals for the amusement and improvement of the passing hours. If you want the best and th lowest prices call at BARRE BOOK STORE, CARROLL W. MARTIN, Proprietor. Gordon Block. 140 North Main St. STANDISH'S FRANKFURTERS Ask your butcher for them. Are superior to others and are made of nice Vermont beef. Fresh Made 3 Times a Week. 3 T4S3i THE BARRE DAILYTIMES SSTIKD.1V. JI LT 2;t, 10O4. 1904 JULY 1304 Su. Mo. Til. We, Th. Fr. Sa" JLAJLJLJLJLJL 10 H.J2 J3J4 j5J6 7 J8 j9 20 21 22 23 It 25 26 27 28 29130 MOON'S PH3SES. C Third r B:B4 Quarter O p.m. CNew ) q O.n Moon X.O a. m. Fiit 3:41 S Quarter J.3 p. in, Full -j7 4:41 WMooa CI . ta MANY OLD MEN are today living on the value df their life Insurance, taken years ago, when they tbougbt only oi the wellare of others, .j.jtn year, doing business in 88 states. The National Life Insurance Company of Vermont (Mutual.) ORGANIZED in 1850. S. S. Ballard, General Agent, N. B. Ballard, Local Agent, Rooms and 3, Miles UIook. aarre, Vt TALK OF THE TOWN. A nice tenement for rent iu the Miles Granite building. Ask to see the Grecian Voiles at 15c per yard, at retry on Saturday. Ladies' and gentlemen's solid watches at F. E. Burt & Co.'s. , gold City Treasurer Mackay will be at his office every evening until 8 from now un til August 10, to receive taxes. " Suspected of giving comfort to enemy. Russians have destroyed shipment of Wil liams' Koot lieer.'-' Try it once. There is no better place to buy nice iresb fruit than at the City Fish Market. Old gold and silver wanted at refiners' pt Ices in exchange for goods at F. E. Burt's F. II. Edwards has a cottage to rent at J4o Washington street, inquire of W. t. Kicaardson. Saws filed. rrompt work and satisfac tion guaranteed. L. E. Griswold, 94 .North. Main street. Wagons, pungs, etc , of the defunot Co operative store for sale by F. B. Gate, re ceiver. Call and see him about them. Don't forget the clerks' excursion Auz, 10th. A first class band in attendance and a beautiful boa, ride on Lake Cham plain. iienry Alexander has the local agency tor me rennsyivania casualty company and the Ilorne Life Insurance company of New York, Rev. W. S. Spencer, formerly at the head of a Methodist mission school In Mex ico, will preach at the Methodist church next Sunday morning. Gllbertson's orchestra at the Pavilion this Saturday evening, 1'rize given away at 10.00. Ladies free, gentlemen 50 cents. Get your number at the (loot when you enter the Pavilion. The next regular meeting of the Nation al Association of Stationary Engineers, Vt. No. 1, will be held in Miles' Hall, at Granlteville, Vt., July 23, for the pur pose of installing officers for the ensuing year. G. II. Hall, Sec. A house and barn on a lot containing nearly three acres of land, located only about 15 minutes walk from the postofflce, for sale or will exchange for farm or rent ing property. Terms easy. D. A. Perry Real Estate Agency, Gordon's block. For immediate tfale call at Cate's Real Estate Agency for a new seven-room cot tage, finished in birch. Hot water con nections. Everything modern. Two acres of land and will sell more land If desired. Ffty tods from city limits. Small pay ment down and balance easy. For sale! Farm 90 acres, one mile from city limit, two good batns, cellar undet undet both, cow batn tie up 15 cows, btick house 11 room, 000 sugar trees, 450 tin tubs, evaporator, some timber, all kinds of fruit, will exohange for nice cot tage. Call at Cate's Real Estate agency for a better description, 11 and 12 Bolster block. Arrangements have been made with James F. Hooker of Brattleboro, president of the Vermont Republican League, for a rally to be held In Montpeiler next Thurs day evening, at which time a Republican club will be formed. C. J, Bell of Walden, and Charles H. Stearns of Johnson, can dldates respectively fot governot and lt. govemor, have been Invited to be present and other speakers are expected. Segel Brady, Bolster block, offer to day as their Saturday special bargain, 80 boys' linen wash suits which they pur chased this week from a manufacturer's sample stock. They are worth $1.75 to to $2.00, and will be sold, Saturday only, at 3to, 49c, OUc and 98c. It Is a hand sewed lot of little wash suits in this sea son's sailor and Russian styles. Parents should not fail to see them. Look In our window for same. There will be an association football match on Saturday, the 23rd, kick off 2.30, between the old Rangers and the new, on the Barre Rangers grounds at Berlin street, tome and see the new blood against the old. As It Is the opening of the new grounds we hope to have a large crowd. Admission 15 cents, boys 5, la dies f ree.The veterans will be picked from the following: Kenny, Milne, J. Chesser, J. Lamont, W. Jopp, R. Paterson, .1. Booth. J. Stephen, S. Campbell, L. Scott, J. MoWilliam, W. Rust, W. Biruie.' NOTICE, Keeeiver F. B. Cate Is sending out a large number of statements of accounts due the Barre Co-operative store, and to enable an early closing up of the affairs of the company, he desires all to call and set tle at once. F. 13. Cate, receiver. Notice to All Union Meu. That the Congregational Church and the Baker house at Will'.aiustown are non union jobs. RECENT INVENTIONS. A new putty knife invented by a PLiliuloliiliiiin 1ms n reservoir and force food by menus of which the putty U supplied as it is needod for use. An Improved luneuinc for selling en velopes has Iteen Invented. The mil fhlne, it is churned, will neal from 8,000 to lo,0(u envelopes per hour of any ordinary bulk. An electrical device by which music can bo "felt' instead of heard Is the result of u recti it invention. The mu siesil vibrations are trati.-formcd into electrical ones in something the same wny that they are in a telephone wire. !!ot KomfMitalloiiN. When bat fomentations nre reipiired the newspaper comes into piny. Tlace the papers on a stove, lay flannel cloths wniiij out of water ns hot as can be borne on them and when well heated through and through lift tip nnd wring out in dry towels to save the hands from beiii'j burned. Ttilm.'oo and Sim IV. " We KinoUe and chew about HOXh tons of tobacco a year, and about 7,rt pounds of snuff is disposed of. To Clrnn Stone. It is quite easy to remove the ugly green marks caused by damp on stone, tile and brick floors and steps, nil that is necessary lieinjj a good scrubbing with water in which a small quantity of chloride of has been dissolved. ALL ON FIRE, ? A Barre Citizen Tells How Re ef Came. Ever have Eczema? Have any itching skin disease? Itching- almost drives you crazy; You feel "all on fire." Doan- Ointment brings quick relief; Cures Ecezma, Itching Piles, And all itchiness of the skin. Thomas Brady of the firm of Segel & Brady, residence 91 Summer Street, savs: "I had an occasion to use Doan's Oint ment in the winter of 1S97 and I went to E. A. Drown's drug store for a box. It stopped ecezma on my hands, which was very painful. Its usefulness did not stay tnere. Mrs. uraay had a sore on her arm and a few applications soon soothed the irritated parts so that they ceased to an noy her. Since then I have recommend ed Doan's Ointment to many, thorough ly believing that it acts as represented, for during the five years which have elapsed since I first used It, it has not been necessary to resort to even a single application." For sale by all dealers. Price SO cents. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo. N. T., sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no substitute. BIDS WANTED. Sealed Mils are askpil for hy the Street Com missioners of the City of Barre for the con struction of about 150 cubic yards of abutments for a bridge over tvunner'g brook, on brook Street, said work to be constructed in accord ance with plans and specifications ou Hie in the office of the City Engineer. Bids must be in tlie hands of the Street Com ntixsinners on or before 7 o'clock. 1 M.. July 2titli, l'MH. the street commissioners reserve the right vo irje,:!, any or ait 011.1s. J. ,T. MACKENZIE,) Street Com'rs F.H. BURKE. I of the E. J . SO WUKN, ) City of Barre, Vt. PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS. Public Examinations of Teachers for Washington County will be held as toilows : Cabot July 29 and 30 Northfield.... August 1 and 2 Waitsfleld August 3 and 4 Montpelier August 5 and i Barre..... September I and 2 Examinations will be held so far 11 tuvuiM In the school buildings. All aniiixtn fnr crimin ation personally unknown to the County Exam iner will be reauired to furnish a tutlmnnfil nf good moral character and satisfactory evidence of aomt? to govern. Examinations may be taken for admission to any Vermont State Normal Ichool. U. . MATHtWSON, County Examiner. Barre, Vermont, July 5, 1904. BY-GO-ROUND Angelo Scampini announces that his Merry-Go-Round will be in operation for the Summer beginning Saturday, July 2d, on the Berlin street grounds opposite his house. Come and enjoy a ride, hear the music and have a good time. ANGELO SCAMPINI, Prop'r. Russell & Baird, Plumbing and Heating. All kinds ot modern Plumbing Fix utres in tock. All work guzrantced. Telephone 15-3. IN BASEMENT OF WORTHEN BLOCK. WAGONS and HARNESS The .balance of our summer line of Carriages and Harness will be closed out at a bargain. A few second-hand Carriages U. F. CUTLER, Rear of City Hate!, - - - Barre, Vermont . CO ALG D. M. Miles, Dealer in Anthracite and Bituminous Coal. Stove, Egg and Chestnut, $7.90; Grate, $7.70; Lehigh, $8.15 per ton. This price for July only. Terms Cash. We Sell and Deliver 2000 Pounds for a Ton. WOOD Th8 place to buy Wood of all kinds. A large stock of Chair Wood, No. 1 best Block Wood, Mixed Soft and Hard Wood Slabs and Kindling Wood. MOVING AND JOBBING. I am prepared to do all kinds of moving and jobbing at reasonable rates. L. J. BOLSTER, (Tel. Call 152-3.) 233 No. Main St., Barre, Vermont. COAL . COAL Now is the time to brder your Coal. Prices advance t o cents ev ery month from now on. Prices for this month are as follows: STOVE. EGG and NUT..' $7.90 LEHIGH 8.15 MORSE & JACKSON, 26i North Main St., - -' - Barre, Vermont. Coal and Coke! Purchase your Coal now, before prices advance. Prices are I o cents higher each succeeding month. The prices for this month are: STOVE, EGG and 'NUT COAL $7.90 OTTO COKE 6.60 Caldcr & Richardson, Depot Square, - - - - Barre. Vermont. Is You Hait Falling Oat? Do You Fear Baldness ? If so, use" a good tonic and preserve what you have. The best you will find is put p by Dr. McArthur. at his EAST BARRE DRUG STORE I am showing the largest and most carefully selected stock of PIANOS in central Vermont and my values have never been equaled. Call and look them over. H. A. GOULD, TUNER and DEALER, 56 Spauldiag Street, - Barre, Vt. For a Few Days Only 25c Pipe for 15c! See Oar Window at the Corner Cigar Store. E. O. MARRION, Pipes and Tobacco, Union Cagar Store. Corner Cigar Store, Ml IMII'OIHNO-HI - ELECTRIC WIRING j Electric Heaters, j Electric Fixtures, i J Electric Supplies. ! STANDARD ELECTRIC CO., i I H. O. BENNETT, I t F. W. NIOHOLfl, . I 2 I 109 North Main St., O&rre. ) Street Curbing. First-class Curbing delivered promptly. Address orders to A. J. LANGFELDL3-- - Barre, Vt. BUSINESS CARDS. DR. C. H. KENT, Dentist. MILES' BLOC K, Telephone at Office and at Residence. DR. F. M. LYNDE, Dentist. Telephone 133-21. Boom 7, Carrier Block, Barre, Vermont. ELWIN L. SCOTT, Attorney and Counselor-at-Law Collections, Bankruptcy and Granite Claims. Telephone 149-4. Office with R. A. HOAR. DR. LEWIS D. MARTIN, OSTEOPATHIC FHYSICUN. Offlce in Room 83, Milmi' Building. Office hours, 9 ft. m. to 12 m. and ! 30 to 4 p. iu., Mon day, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Telephone Conneetivu. MRS. H. A. BEACH, EXPERIENCED NCESE. No. 102 South Main St., Barre, Vermont. Telephone Call, 12-2. FRED L. PAGE, Contractor AND BUILDER. Office and Residence, 34 Highland Avenue. Telephone call, 4-3. CHURCHILL & WELCH. All kindsi of ElectrlealAVork Done, WiriDg, Gas Piping, Etc. We are dealer In Electrical AnppliM. ia fixture & Combination tlxiur. . Krerythinfr. Modern and I'p-to-lMu. None but expert help emploved and work guaranteed. Tel. ao. -4or 15-3. Office in the Baeement of Worthen Block. THE CORRECT STYLES Newest Effects in Woolens. 0. W. BO YEA, - - Merchant Tailor, Reed Block, Barre, VL HENRY FRENIER & SON UNDERTAKERS, Funeral directors and furnishers of fa neral supplies. Night calls promptly at tended to. No. 18 Granite St., Barre, Vt. Residence op stairs. Tel. 13-5. J. A. McLEOD, REGISTERED SHOEING SMITH. Knee-cnttlnu , Interfering, clicking, eta. positively cured. Diseased ieet treated with success. Trotters, pacers and gentle men's roadsters specialty. Shop on Seminary St. Telephone connection. H. E. JEFFORDS, PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING AND CALSOM1N1NG. A share oi your patronage is solicited. 5 Thurston Place, Barre, Vt. H. W. SCOTT, Attorney. ' Office la Wood Block, Over Ladd's store. Justice, notary and stenographer in office. JOHN C. DODGE, Painter and Paper Hanger. None But Expert Workmen Employed. 10O South Main Street Telephone, 225-12. Livery, Boarding and Safes StaMes. 59 So. Main St., Rear South End Hotel. A. M. MORRISON. GRANITE CITY RESTAURANT, QUINLEN BLOCK, BARRE. BOARD BY THE DAY OR WEEK John Maiden, Proprietor. Cp Stairs, Quinlen Block, Barre, Vt. Andrew Bjorn. Painting and Paper Hanging A full Hue of Wall Paper sample for 1904. Call or address 27 Currier Street. Telephone. 208-12. W. C. JONES, CONTRACTOR Having returned from East Andover, I am prepared to do all kinds of work, such as building cellars, bank walls, grading lawns and building streets, etc., by the via lay or on contract. W. C. JONES, (Tel. Connection) 1 16 Washington St., . Barre, Vt. HAIR GOODS. will be ?7.fJ ,i,etTOT'" at. my airent. P ec IttJ lUr"Lsh"ir ,.'d. 'g, Front BOtira frnni ,.'m V" "OT m . Short in Tt j ft . 15 continuance of the same yourg.wito all respect, 8, M; y0aK.