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( 8 THE BABRE DAILY TIMES, JULY 23. 1904. Our Great 8 learance Sa e! SIX DAYS MORE To benefit by our Rousing Clearance Sale. Un doubtedly you have already heard of the great values we are giving during this sale. As you notice, in many instances prices are half or less. Already the sale is a great success. Have you got your share of the benefits ? JUST RECEIVED A good assortment of Skirts in the new styles and materials. Also an assortment of the new Tourist Coat the Coat for now and the coming season. FITTS JUST for a CHANGE There are many varieties of FISH now in season. Their condition is perfect, flavor delicious, and a nice meal of FISH would certainly be both beneficial and agreeable. Prices Right. Prompt Service. CITY FISH MARKET, Telephone Call, 10-2. 68 North Main St., Barre, Vt. New Consignment Art Squares, $4.25 up. Other Art Squares, in Moquettes, Brussels, Tapestries and Smyrnias, in sizes 7x9 to 12x12 feet. Prices right. We also have two hundred pieces of-All-wool Remnants just in. BARRY & WILLIAMS, New Tomasi Block, Cor. Main and Merchant Streets. UNDERTAKERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS. T. II. BARRY, - - 5 AveriU Stl I L. M. WILLIAMS, - 28 Jefferson St. Telephone 209-12. Telephone 212-12. An advertisement in . the Times will bring sure results. mm HH 9 ft OO A WW $ Clearance Sale Values for Saturday that Mean a Real Saving to Your Pocket-book ' . u And to us a clearance sale of the stock on hand in the .2 Big Store. To what extent this great business shall con- 3 tinue to grow depends upon the quality of the values given. just look in our Clothing window and see the values we of- jjj fer in men's fine Suits and extra fine Suits for young men. Perhaps you have not heretofore been aware of the n GREAT SALE OF $12.00, $13.00 AND $15.00 MEN S SUITS That Go at $9.95 while they last. These garments are all strictly tailor-made and union-made, in the most fashionable patterns, the latest cuts, and guaranteed to fit better than most tailor makes i that cost much more money. You will find sizes in this lot $j from 34 to 50, chest measure, which means that we can fit the fat and slim, the short and tall. If we cannot fit you we will pay for the ice cream. Come in, any way. If .we can't fit you out, we'll pay the soda. First come, first served. Cool Underwear, Outing Shirts, Hosiery and Trousers at Zero Prices. SEGEL & BRADY, 3 Bolster Block. North . Main St., Barre, Vermont. I The Largest and Handsomest Clothing and Shoe Store in the State. 2 THE BARRE DAILY TIMES BARRE, VT., JI LT 83, 1904 Weather Prediction.. Boston, July 23. (."lowly with occasional rain tonight. Sunday generally cloudy, continued oool. Brisk northeast winds. TALK OF THE TOWN. Local Happening Tertely Told For Bn.j Reader. Public waiting room at Abbott's. Don't inlsa the big sale of muslin under wear at Vaaghan's. Saturday candy for 29c per box at the Red Cross Pharmacy. Have you ever tried that 5 pound can of all coffee, $1, at Merchant's? . Get one of those sets of collars and cuffs on Monday for only uc at Vaughan's. Oil stoves, hammocks and ice cream freezers at the Boston Bargain Store. Xeekwear In sets of collars and cuffs, Monday, only 5c per set, at Vaaghan's. Pavilion danoe this evening. Prize number at the door. (Hlbertsou's orches tra. Men's comfort oxfords at $1.07 and men's stylish oxfords at f.1.07 at Badger, McLean & Co. Closing out sale of summer millinery. All my trimmed and untrlmmed millinery to close out In the next ten davs at one-half cost. Miss L. J. Hall. 12 Elm street, Barre, Vt. Special train from Barre 7.15 a. m., Montpelier 7.S5 a. tn. on July 30, connect ing with steamer Vermont for Ft. Fred erick. Modern Woodmen of America excursion. $1.25 round trip adults, (55e children. Mr. P. "Well, Ballard, I've given up my unselfish Idea of dividing my insurance and decided to have the best In the mar ket. I know It's the Investment Bond, Go ahead with my application." Mr. B. "The best Is good enough, Isn't it ? " Mr. P. "Yes, and I'm glad you spoke to me." Ballard & Co., reliable Insurance. EAST BARRE. Sunday services, July 21, 1004. Rev. It. L. Sheatlof Plainfidld will preach morn ing and evening In exchange with the pas tor. Sunday school after the morning service. Christian Endeavor meeting at 6.15 p. m. RANDOLPH. As George Lane was leaving this village Thursday night for his home in Bethel Gilead, his horse bolted and ran Into the rear of a train at the Pleasant street cross ing. Mr. and Mrs. Lane were thrown out and the carriage badly damaged. Mr. Lane was thrown against a broken shaft and received an ugly flesh wound on his right leg above the knee. He was taken to Dr, Gilford's office, where his wound was dressed. Mrs. Lane received a severe shakiDg op but fortunately escaped more serious injury. The Co operative creamery made 42,550 pounds of butter during the month of June and paid patrons $7,125. The price paid net per pound for butter fat was 19 cents. The Brighani creamery paid 204 eents per pound for butter fat the same month. , W. It. Messer has sold his block on Main street to the Rev. X. M. Fowler, who takes posession of his purchase at once. Miss Xettye Robbins left Thursday for a three weeks' vacation trip to New Vork city, Baponne, X. J., Greenfield, Mass., and Hartford, Conn. Dean Wedgwood, who has just com pleted a six months' course in a business college in Boston, arrived yesterday for a few weeks' stay with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Wedgwood. John R Spring and family of Nashua, N. H., arrived Wednesday and will spend a month with Mrg. Spring's father, the Hon. J. D. Denison. Charles Duliols of Chicago arrived yes terday and will spend a few days with his family at the DuBols-Abbott cottage. Mr. and Mrs. H. X. Story and daugh ter, Miss Mary, of Philadelphia, who have been guests of Mrs. A. D. Lamson, at Idleton cottage for the past two week, left Wednesday for Bethlehem, X. II., where they will spend a month before re turning to their home. EAST MONTPELIER. Mrs. Warren Howland was In Barre shopping Monday and nearly melted. P. Clifford and wife visited relatives in Barre Wednesday. Many farmers have finished haying and many more are nearly done, as the weath er has been so favorable this week. Miss Olive Cameron of Xorth Calais was with her sister, Mrs. Lewis Sibley, last week. Thilip Lal'olnt is repairing his build ings. R. Doying doing the work. The depot is being raised and repaired nearly all over. John Bond and wife were called away last Saturday by the death of Mr. Bond's sister. They returned home Monday eve ning. ,. A new prospective granger was born July 7th to Mr. and Mrs.. Orlando Clark. A daughter was born last Monday to Agent and Mrs. Choimere at the station. Mrs. Choimere's mother and sister aje with her from Cadada. Mrs. C. C. Willard was In Montpelier on business connected with the estate of her late tusband Thursday. Ethan Jack man has a very sick horse, caused by eating too much meal. WILLIAMST0WN. Judge Xichols of Randolph was In town yesterday on bUMness. Ralph Spencer and Lyman Fifleld took a drive to Pittstield yesterday, where they will spend a few days with Mr. Fiiisld's brother living there. Fishing is said to be good there and they hope to get a good catch. They expect to return the first of the week. , Miss Gerry of Boston is spending a few few days iu town, the guest of the Misses Kimball. BERLIN. Fred A. Blanchard and Vina, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Gray were married yesterday (Thursday) at the home of the bride's parents by Rev. Mr. Currier of Williamstown. A reception held In the evening was largely attended by friends of the couple and many valuable presents were left as tokens of the friendship for the young people. Mr. and Mrs. Blanch ard will for the present live with Mr.Gray on the farm. Mrs. Paul Knapp is quite poorly. Jnpnneae Ships. In Japanese the word "niiknsu" In dicates a warship and "innru" a ship of commerce. Druse Storr In Sweden. Patent medicines are never sold In the apotliecnry shops of Sweden. The government limits the number of these shops, ami there are only 350 In the whole country, Stockholm, wiih a pop ulation of .itiO.OOO. having only twenty two. SwalloTvn Ia Palestine. In Palestine the swallows are allow ed not only the freedom of the houses and living rooms, but of the mosques and tombs, where they build their nests and rear their young. Steamed t limn. The method of placing clams in hot water for a short time has been found to be Insufflcient to kill the bacteria, but bacteriological Investigation bus demonstrated that after steaming cliims for ten or fifteen minutes no liv ing bacteria introduced Into them be fore were found, Cranberries. Cranberrk-s are more tempting If Btniined before sweetened, made into n jelly ami rut Into cubes when cold than iu the' ordinarily used form of sauce. - t The Hirer Tfuto. - Extraordinary qualities are possessed by the River Tinto. in Spain. It hard ens and petrifies the sand of its bed. and if a stoue falls In the stream nnd alights upon another In a few mouths they unite and become one stone. Fish cannot live la its waters. It a In Iu Ireland. Rain falls ou the eastern coast of Ireland about 208 days in the year. WANTE Seven hundred people wanted to go on the Clerks' Ex cursion to Fort Ticonderoga Wednesday, Aug'. lOth. A first-class Band will be in attendance. Wait for the Clerks' Excursion and have a good time. The trip on the lake will be on the eleeant new steamer " Vermont." Photeaohs Currier Building, Barre, Vt. Reliable Merchandise I AT LOW PRICES. See our Mercerized Petticoats for 93c, $1.25 and $1.69 each. See oar Night Fobes for 50c, 59c, 75c, 87c, $1.00 and $1.25 each. See our Percale Wrappers for $1.00 and $1.25 each. Another new lot of those wide Neck Ribbons at 22 cents per yard. VEALE & KNIGHT, (Telephone Call 123-2) Carrier Building, - - - - North Main Street. CSION CLOTHING CO. CMOS CLOTHING COMPANY. UNION CLOTHING CO. 3 real Clearance Sale! Men's and Boys' Clothing, Furnishings and Shoes at Union Clothing Co's Store! FOR. THE NEXT 30 DAYS, beginning July 15th, we will sell all our Spring and Summer Clothing, Furnishings and Shoes at a discount of from 20 to 35 per cent ia order to close them out to make room for our Fall and Winter stock. As it is our policy not to carry over any stock from one season to another, we offer you first-class merchan dise at take-them-quick prices. All goods shown with pleasure. Union Clothing Co., Opposite Depot Square. Main Street, Barre, Vt. oo oximou xoixn A.iV.IK'O0 f)XIHIOX KOIX.1 OD OXtHXO'O KOIX3 This is the Right Time for ROOF PAINTING. Just now is a splendid time to paint your house or piazza, a roof or anv exposed tin or iron surface where a water-and-weather-proof Paint is wanted. When applied during hot weather the Paint spread much more easily and readily and dries firmer and quicker than at other times, We handle the best Roof Paint in existence, the Carbon Clastic, a has been proven by years of service. A coat or two may save you a new roof. Price by the quantity, $1.00 per gallon. S0WDEN & LYON, Telephone Connection. North Main St., Barre, Vt. Buy for Cash and Save Money We are selling Beef at the old prices. Cut prices in Beef Saturday night. SMITH BROS., Cor. North Main St,' and Maple Ave., - - Barre, Vermont. Cash Bargains for Saturday Only Pi; Fork Chops, per pound He Fig Pork Roasts, per pound 12c to 14c Hind legs of mutton, per pound 18c Fore legs of mutton, per pound 1 2c Mutton Chops, per pound 1 8c Pork Sausage, link or bag. per pound 1 Oc Beef Sausage, fresh made, per pound 1 0c Fines? Bacon made in the city, per pound.. 12 New Beets, per pound 4: Carrots, per bunch gc Nice New Potatoes, per peck 35c Green Apples, per peck 30c Watermelons, cut, 2 l-2c; whole 2c Oranges and Lemons. Nice lot of native Fowls and Spring Chickens. Do not foaget that Beef is lower. Special prices on all Cut Meats Saturday night. CHESSER & BIRD, (TELEPHONE CONNECTION) 323 North Main Street. Meats and Groceries. C H. GELFILLAN & CO., INVESTMENT BROKERS Rooms 3 and 4, Currier Bldg, Barre, Vt. ' ; Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Provisions and Cotton Bought and SoJd for Cash or Carried on Account. , e ke 8Peciax!ty handling "outright" business, that is, buving and selling Certificates of Stocks and Bonds for Delivery, for Bank Estates Syndicates and Individuals. ' ' r.nsnnlnfn 1 inp nf Ricpiiit 1 Fresh goods, in bulk or packages. Potato Chips, 25c a pound. Peanut Butter in bulk, best fresh stock, 1 8c a pound. Choicest g fall-made and the best new grass-made Cheese at right prices. Eiiiover G raclcere 3c o loz J Telephone 31-3. L. M. AVERILL, Opposite City Part, Bartc, Vermont.