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THE BARRE DAILY TIMES, AUGUST 1, 1901. '1 $ tilt i nil orMrn V 1 u 0 We have just a few left and in order to move them quickly we have placed prices on them that you never have seen in past seasons. But they must go regardless of the enormous loss to us. For instance: $ J 0.00 to $ J 2.00 Suits at - - - i 5.00 to 22.50 Salts at - -25.00 to 30.00 Suits at - - Covert Coats. One lot of Ladies' Covert Coats, regular values $7.50 to $12.50, for only - - $4.96 New Arrivals Daily in Tourist Coats and Suits. THE BARRE DAILY TIMES BAR (IE, TT i ATGIST 1, 190 W!tiir Pradlnttona. Boston, Aug. J . heattered j showers iu north portion to-, nieht. Tuesday fair. Cooler tonight in New Hampshire, Vermont and Massachusetts. DAVIS' AMUSING ACTION. TALK OF THE TOWN. $5.00 7.50 9 98 HOMER Lockl Happening Terse! Told For Bntj Reader. Public waiting-room at Abbott's. A money-saving sale of footwear at Badger, McLean Ss Go's. Fall samples for suits, overcoats and trousers at Moore & Owens'. Have you ever tried that 5 pound eau of all cotl'ee, 1 at Merchant's:' The clerks excursion will be the best of the season. Three hours ride on the lake to the historic Fort Ticonderoga August 10, : Mr. R. "I have certain brands of gro ceries, brands of clothes and other things, and always look for the familiar label ow if the same thing were only true re eardiiiu Insurance." Mr. B. "Of course von consider those certain brands best ? " M r. K. " 1 es, alter aue trial, wr. a. "Well, R., there are both of those in Insurance." . Ballard & Co., reliable in surance. ORANGE. Bargains For Every Day. Pure Strained Hoaey, per can ................. 25c Codfish. " Eiicr Down Brand," absolutely boneless, one-pound cake H Fore Fibered Codfish, per package ,0c Pore Cod Middle, per pound ,5c Fresh Berwick Bay Shrimp, two cans for 25c Fresh Packed Maine Lobsters, per can 25c Eau quality Fresh Mackerel, per can 18c Fresh Roasted Jumbo Peanuts Every Day in the Week. THE CITY FISH MARKET, Telephone Call. 10-2. 68 North Main St.. Barre, Vt. Our White Shirts! Some men want full laundered White Shirts. They prefer them to the Negligee. We have them. All sizes, made well and cut to fit. Just a Word About Our Dress Shirts. We dote on our good-fitting Full Dress Shirts. If you want a per fect fitting Full Dress Shirt you can get it here. Styles correct. Prices, 75c to 3 I -50 each. George Jackson of Corinth was lu town Saturday. Miss Fern 1'eake was home from Barre over Sunday. Miss Oiive Caiefjof Washington visited at A. L. oyes' last week. Kate Slicer and little brother of Crats bury are visiting friends in town. Miss Bertha Avery of Corinth is stop' ping a few days at iiarley V hitcoiub's. Mrs. W. II. Crockett is visiting h daughter, Mrs. W. E Xoyes at West Top3 ham. Mrs. A. R. Nelson and Miss Iva Rich ardson and Mrs. C. O. 1'eake are on the sick list. Mrs. G. A. Tillotson went to Manchest er, Conn., last Saturday to remain for few weeks. Georce Moody of Boston is Btoppina few weeks with his family at Harry Crockett s. Miss Beulah Tillotson of Kist Montpel ier, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs James Lord, returned to her home las week. Dr. II. L. Tillotson and wife of - Man Chester, Conn , who have spending a fe weeks with his parents, returned home on Saturday. WEST TOPSHAH. MOORE & OWENS, 122 North Main St., Barre, Vermont. '4m!$- Photographs Our August Clearance Sale . i tuc mc a T Clearance Sale OF ALL OUR Our August Clearance Sale SUMMER GOODS Now in progress is " a thing of beauty " and " a joy for $ ever" to all Clothing and Shoe buyers. We offer the greatest possible inducements to the buying public tor this week's selling and to neglect looking over -our August bar p gains is like missing a good show. Here Are a Few Prices: Men's and Boys' Underwear, 50c garments at 3Sc, 39c garments at 25c and zjc garments at 18c; 25c Straw Hat at 10c and 15c, 50c Straw Hats at 23c and 35c, $i.oo Straw Hats in fine braids at 50c and fz.oo "4 Panama Hats at $1.00; light weight and light colored Felt and Golf Hats M for traveling and outing purposes, the $1.00, $1.25 and 1.5 grades at 50c; $ Negligee Outing Shirts in madras and percales and handsome colors, the 50c 'Tjde at 38c and the $1.00 grade at 75c Plenty ot" sizes. We can fit you jp a'A. We must dispose of the goods NOW, as we want the room and money lor Fall floods. Come in and see us. All goods shown with pleasure, Customers with money get the bargains of the day. I SEGEL & BRADY, i. BoIs Block. North Main. St., - - Barre, Vermont. ; : : " v ' ' - Tfco Tsrswt nA Hindsoraest Clothinz and Shoe Store in the State. DemiHTAlic iuiiifr Kor ,Yle I'rew ld.-nt l'ut on ltrnke In Semite. Henry J. Davit., the Lcmo.-ratic noni'i'V for vice president, topia ac tive working lift' on the railroad of . . - .1 .... . w!:if'U lie W uow i.iv jireHiMii auu t .-"- stockhoiJer, the Yt'.-t Virginia Cen tral, says the Tucmhi (Ariz. Citlzeu. He worked as a brake-man for live ears and has never forgotten the trleks of the trade When In' wns a senator of the United tates an iiu'dfiit oeeurml revealing the ruling pas-.tou .strung 111 Wtv it was during a trot racKtl night he.s:oa. Thunnan, Coiiltiing, I.aiuar uud Kiaitif were engaged In a mighty debate Only those interested in tb imniediuie dis cussion were awake; the other, fagged out l)V the tirotraetod Session, were asleep. Henry G. lavls was asleep. His el bows rested on h'w little square, and Ids face in bit bands. Tlmnuan was speaUi'tig and it was characteristic of the great Oltloan tlu.t lie freouetitly applied UIh eelebrated bandanna to im uose and blew strong and loud b.asU. )n hU particular occasion Tliuruiaa blew two loui blasts on his nose and Davis, quietly sleeping a Couple of desks away. Jumped to bis feet, caught the top of his desk and began to twist it with great energy. The two blasis fnv.n the "OKI Ito- innn S lioso-ine signal iur uowu brakes" awoke the old bfakeman with n start and lie proceeded to put on the brakes before the wondering and amused senate. .... aist-buiis ? Twenty Shirt Waist Suits, all good colors, sizes 32 to 40. The regular price is $1.75 each. Your choice of the lot now for only $1.25. War Done nt a C'hriiiteuinK. A distinguished christening took place at the summer home of Mr. and Mrs Ernest Thompson Setoii of New iork, called "Wyndy .Ghoul," at Cosoob, Conn., the other afternoon, when their only child, a daughter of six months. was christened Ann Hetou Thompson Seton, says a GreVnwJcli (Ovtni.) dl natch. Homer Wise, mu-le of the child held her and was the godfather. Sirs Gotthoid of New York was godmother. A large number of distinguished guests was present, and while they partook of a sumptuous repast after the christen' Ing a large number of Mr. Scion's boy Indians, called the "Setkvvoy tr:ie, whom ho !ns!iute,l iu wood raft, did war dances on the lawn. VEALE & KNIGHT, (Telephone Can 123-2) Carrier Building, ... - North Main Street. UNIOJf CLOTHING CO. UNION CLOTH (Mr COMPANY. reat Clearance Sale! CNIOS CLOTHING CO. c r o H 5 Men's and Boys' Clothing, furnishings and Shoes at Union Clothing Co's Store! FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS, beginning July J 5th. we will sell all our Spring and Summer Gothing, Furnishings ani Shoes at a discount of from 20 to 35 per cent in order to close them out to make room for our Fall and Winter stock. As it is our policy cot to carry over any stock from one season to another, we offer you first-class merchan dise at take-them-quicl prices. All goods shown with pleasure. Union Clothing Co., Opposite Depot Square. . - Main Street, Barre, Vt. V. . i o 03 O.VIHXO'13 XOlSa IKV.iWOO OXIHXOX) KOIK3 0.) XtHMTO N01NT3 II. (). liagley of Bradford was in town Sunday, , . Mr. and Mrs. Reed of , Groton visited F. H. Church over bunday. - Several from this place went to Groton pond blueberrying last week. John and Heury 1'rescott of Manchester, , II were in town visiting their sister, Mrs. a. . Cilley. Mr. and Mrs. l'arker of Hyde Park, Mass., are visiting Mrs. Parker' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Horace White. Quarterly meeting was held at the Un ion church Sunday. Presiding Elder Sherburn was present anso Uev. Wright of Last lopsnatu. Two barns and a quantity of hay owned by Clarence Hutchinson, near J--ast Vt ange were burned last week beluB Jstruek by lightning, small Insurance. EAST BAFRE. The East Barre lodge, I. 0. (i. T., de aire the attendance ot all the members at the regular meeting on the evening of Au gust 2, as there is the election of officers and installation of same in addition to the regular businoss. HuMxla'n "Father John." Father John of (Vonstadt, who has prophesied that the war against Japan will continue for twenty-five yearn, is really Kev. John Sergieff,' oue of the priests of St. Andrew's cathedral in the famous fortress city, says Leslie's Weekly. . Alter the czar, he is and has been for years the greatest man In Kussia by virtue of his piety ami re puted power of healing. People of the highest rank ns well as the poorest rteasants so to him for help. "He was summoned to the deathbed of the Em peror Alexander, and when the present czar was stricken with typhoid la LIvadia public opinion necessitated that the imperial doctors should be re enforced by Father John's healing touch. Despite all barriers a strong personality will make itself felt. ConsniiipllvrH In Grrntnny, In Germany when a person breaks down with consumption he Is scut to a government sanitarium, where he is kept until be recovers or dies. In the meantime his family receives a weekly pension from a fund to which the pa tient himself contributed when he was in good health. Py this meaus the risk. of spreading the disease is avoided. Wlreleufi Mias on Lake Baikal A French scientific Journal states that a wireless telegraph is now workin across Lake Baikal. There are station on the east and west banks and another on the ferryship which carries the trains and breaks the lco in winter, thua enabling her to keep in communi cation with both banks during her pas sage. -. .' Wmm A GAS RANGE Makes Housekeeping Easy. ECONOMICAL Will do the same amount of work as a coal stove at about ONE-HALF the expense. EFFICIENT It3 maximum . service can be had at any hour, day or night. CLEANLY-1 is tree from dust, dirt, smoke and ashes. COMFORTABLE Reduces to a minimum the kitchen heat, as consumption of fuel can be immediately stopped when the meal is cooked. Service will on'v be extended to the streets where enough orders for gas have been received to warrant laying of the mains, so if you want gas fill but and mail the following order: To the Gas Company, P. 0. Box 385, Barre, Vt. The undersigned agrees to use the gas manufactured by the Peoples' Lighting, Heating and Power Co. for household purposes as soon as saia company is pre pared to supply its gas upon the follow ing conditions: first.- That the said company will pipe into the cellar and attach a meter at its own expense. Second.- That the said company will furnish gas to the undersigned for $1.50 per l,ooo cubic feet, less a dis count of 25 cents per cubic feet it paid by the 10th of the month following service. , Name, Street, BUY YOUR GROCERIES Where you get the best qualities, fair dealing, courteous treatment, good service, correct prices. We invite inspection. Tbree packages of Pie Preparation for. 25: Three packages of Je!!o for. . 25c Three packages of Kince Heat for... . 25c Best Geilatine, two packajw for. 25e Prunells, per poun i 1 7c Puddine, three packages for.. 25c Lusdous Pears, pet dozea ............................... 25c Peaches, per dozen 30c SOVYDEN & LYON, , Telephone Connection. North Main St., Barre, Vt, A Record-Breaker! . This has been a banner month with us so far, and to make the balance of it a record-breaker we will nuke you special prices on anything in the store for the next five days. BARRY & WILLIAMS, New Tomasi Block, Cor. Main and Merchant Streets. UNDERTAKERS AND FUNERAL DIBECTORS, T. H. BARKY, - - 5 Avertll St I L. M. WILLIAMS, - 28 Jelerson St. Telephone 209-12. Telephone 212-12. An advertisement in the Times will bring sure results. A Few Bargains For Spot Cash! Fresh Satire Lep of Lamb, per pouad ..... 1 8c Fresa Native Fore Lees of Lamb, per lb ... . 1 2c Fresh Killed Spring1 Chickens, per pound. ... 25c Fresh Killed Natve Fowls, pet lb. . .20 and 22c Tit Pork Choos. per round... He Pig Pork Steak, per pound He Fresh Killed Veal Steak, pet pound 20c Western Rump Steak, per pound ......... 28c Western Round Steak, per pound 1 8c Hams, Bacon, Tripe, Pure Home Rendered Larj FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES. Cucumbers, Cabbage, Green Peas, String Beans, Bunch Carrots, Bunch Beets, Sweet Corn, Squash, New Potatoes, Turn ips, Watermelons, Apples, Pears Plums, Bananas, Oranges and Lemons. Also a full line of choice Groceries. CHESSER & BIRD, (TELEPHONE CONNECTION) 323 North Main Street. Meats and Groceries. 1 A. ; -; I "fl'l ill mm ami uii las Stoves ! We have a few left of the wickless "Gardiner" make that you would not delay in Buying were you aware how well they would please you and how liberal a " cut " we will make on them to close, as the season of sale is a little advanced. Come and see what we can do for you. Special prices also on Mason Jars. L. EL AVERILL, Opposite City Park, Barre, Vermont. TekfAoae 31-3.