Newspaper Page Text
J 8 THE JIAURE DAILY TIMES, AUGUST 8. 1904. Seizing the 0 True to our determination to close out all Summer merchan dise, we offer you in this "ad." some bargains that are bound to arrest your attention and appeal to your sense of economy. Ready-to-VVear Department. CHILDREN'S WASH DRESSES 6 to 14 years. At these prices $ .50 Dresses at - .75 Dresses at .93 to $1.39 Dresses at 1.75 Dresses it -2.25 to $2.93 Dresses at Three lots of White Shirt Waists that are slightly mussed from handling. These must be sold and are priced accordingly. Waists worth from $1.00 to $1.50 59c, 79c and 98c. ' Several Good Numbers at About Your Good Things for Lunch Basket Peaches, large and juicy, by the dozen or basket; California Barr ktt Pears; California Plums, red, yellow or blue; nice, large, yel low Bananas; Delaware Grapes; fresh roasted Jumbo Peanuts; Canned Salmon, Shrimp and Lobster; Libby's Peerless Cottage Loaf; Deviled Ham, Minced Ham, Corned Beef and Sardines.- Open Tuesday Evening. CITY FISH Telephone Call, 10-2. Mow Mnrlofn Hnnco Ft Qnfo! . Located on Franklin Street. Sj . I have a new six-room cottage, just completed, which I ft will sell at a bargain. This cottage is all finished in hard jjij wood, hs cemented cellar bottom, furnace heat and everything up to date, , Large lot, affording room for barn and large garden. Within three minutes' walk of the City Hall. Terms will be easy. Small payment down. Bal- ance nr. Apply to C. N. WALES, 36 Park Street. The Safety The best safeguard against loss or theft of your watch. We have them in ladies' and gents' styles at $2.00 to $J0.50 each. F. E. BURR & CO., (Telephone 10-21) No. 85 North Main St. Jewelers and Opticians. I Midsummer Clearance Sale 2 Will continue for the next two or three weeks, or as long as H it will take to clean out the Spring and Summer goods now rr In nil In 1 fern h A CrrrfA PldiMno Qi1 f k In vtns! chandise of every description or this month, no matter what the sacrifice may be to us, as ,lf we need the room and money four Fall stock, soon to arrive. ft & Note These Clearance Safe Prices. MerTnini Youths' Suits at $2.95, $3.95, $4.95, $5.95, $6.95 half price k ijjjj CKlWs Wool Suits at 95c, $1.29, $1.75, $1 95, $2.25, $2.45, $2.95 P K-v-'t wsii tm:s, bailor and Russian, & ' - SEGEL & I Bolster Block, North Main St., 'S Tie lirvest and Hand.snmMt ffntfiine' xni Shnr Itnrc in the Uif 'dean m m k A clcphons 31-3. s iDortunitie: These are made of fine quality gingham and percale and daintily trimmed in ham bur? and tucking, ranging in sizes from these will change hands quickly: $ .39 .5' .87 J.93 WHITE SHIRT WAISTS priced in three lots, as follows in Suits and Jackets Own Ptice. MARKET, ' 63 North Main St., Bane, Vt. Watch Fob ! r7i in our line must be disposed tor a song 3$e, 49c, 59c and 69c BRADY, - - Barrf, Vermont, mm itii mam UIrkL' fAIIMn nfftii g) 1 Ml 11 If ylrlU Hufi aw jj w f L. M. AVERILL, THE BARRE DA1LYTIMES BAKRE. VI., AIGIST 8, 1904 Wtitntr Prediction. Uoftoti, Aug. !. Fair tonight anil Tuesday, cooler iu southern portion touight. TALK OF TEE TOWN. Locl Happening. TerMly Told Wot Bii KaIer. Cook with gaa. Public waiting room at Abbott's. G. T. Swasey Las gone to Boston on business. . O. M. Wiltshire has gone to Burlington on his vacation. "William P. Brown of Woodbury Is vis iting in the city. Xational Bank examiner F. U Fish is in the city today. F. T. Cutler has none to Fitchburg, Mass., on business. Special values in ribbons at 5c, lOo and 19o per yard at Fitts'. A money-saving sale of foitwear at Badger, McLean & Co's. Dr. George Xewton of Cambridge, Is in the city today on business. Charles Robins has cone to Tenant's Harbor, Me., for a two weeks' visit. Lawn shirt waists, embroidered yoke and front, only $1.25, at Vaunhan's. Mr. aud Mrs. Andrew Baird returned this morning from a visit in Northiield. , Miss M. Bos worth began a two weeks' vacation from Fitts' store this morning. Mrs. William Messer and children have gone to Randolph for a visit with relatives. The F. B. Cats Agency has a new six room cottage on the French estate, for 8i!e. Miss Emma Gteeu left this noon to spend a two week's vacation at her home in JJew Jersey. Koyal Kinney of Boston, who is spend ing a few weeks' vacation in riaiufield, is visitinu friends in the city today. Frank Beckley was in Stowe Sunday to attend the funeral of K. K. Warren, a col lege friend, who was drowned at Lake Placid, N. Y. Judge Fay will hold naturalization court at any time between now and Sept. 1, on the application of any person who wishes to take out first or second papers. Taxes have been coming in fully as well this year as last. Wednesday of this week Is the last day on which you can pay your taxes without extra expense to your self. Dr. E. G. Sprague, the occnlist, has engaged rooms over King's jewelry store for a temporary oftiee until the Blanchard block is completed, when he will have an oftiee there. His office hours are 9 to 12 A. M., 1 to 5 P. M. and 6 to 7 P. M. Brooks Post, G. A. R., of Montpelier will go In a body to Boston in a special car provided by the Central Vermont rail way, leaving Montpelier next Saturday morning at nine o'clock. The Montpeiier Military band will accompany the post ana lead it in the grand parade. At St, Johnsbury Saturday a golf team ironi the Montpelier Country club was de feated by the Greensboro team 20 to 6 and by the St. Johnsbury team 21 to 2. The Montpelier team was composed of E. D. Field, G. K. Putnam.F.A. Howlaud, C. E. Moulton, II. M. Culler and. C. F. Lowe. Mr. R. "I've now found my 'brand' of insurance. As the cost Is the same I certainly want the 'best.' You may write o,wn) lor me now. I'll be So in Septem ber." Mr. B. "$254.50 yearly deposits. The doctor can 'see you this evening." Mr. R. "Oh, Ballard, don't say anything aDout tnts yet I want to surprise Mrs R." Ballard & Co., reliable insurance. (Omitted by mistake Saturday). SOUTH BARRE. The Universalist Sunday school will have a social at George Allen's, Brookside tarm, August 9. lee cream and cake will be served. Admission 10 cents. An Alabama Lynching. Selma, Alu., Aug. 8. Edmund Bell, a negro, was taken from three consta bles by a ruaaked mob of about 300 of his race eight miles from Helmu and hanged to a tree. His body whs then riddled with bullets. Last TuexdMy nilit Bell killed Houston Scruggs, an other negro. H wax while on route to jail that the lynching took pb.of. No Hope For Congressman. Malone. N. Y Aug. M.Villmm 11. Flack, cougrcssimui from the Twenty sixth district, who lias been wrionslj ill with henrt and lung trouble for sev eral weeks, is reported to be failing rapidly. Hi physicinus have aban doned hope. TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION. FOR SALE A first-olaj Pat knrd orsan at once. Applyat Mrs.J. Forbes', A. Touiasi block, North Main street. 1221U TO KKNT A six -room tenement on Granite street, fitted up with modem liiiprovemotits. Iicjuirc at Zanleoni's place, Granite St. l.'Jtl FOR SALE Seven-room cottage ou Beacon street. Hot and cold water, set tut, hot air furnace. Wired for electric lights. Good lwr sain fr anyone wanting a liuine. Appiv at 81 North Main street. "itivi A Camara for Your VACATION. A Camera adds the fashing touch to a pleasurable vacation. With a good Camera you store up mementoes of your summer trip which you can obtain in no other way. We have the finest Folding Pocket Camera, The ANSCO. Will you look at it I The AVERILL MUSIC CO. n il and Dollars on the late potatoes. The potato crop late years has been a SIR HIS to Iate 0 aPPty preventatives after the rust strikes your potatoes. We fcui 0 m M W U W fresh, at 10c - - INE. i'lacr Wberr 1 hey Still Take a Dii ii ful tlx a Done. A man went into ;i New York dm? Store and asked !!e clerk for a remedy for IttdiSi-stion. The clerk sifted a pink powder into the scales. 'Take a lienplng dimeful of thin," he said. "It will bririK you around all right.-' The man's astonishment was almost powerful enough to drive away the in digestion without the aid of tiie pow der. "A dimeful?" lie ejaculated. "What kind of a newfangled system of tneais urement U that you have here?" "It Isn't new," replied the dork. "And it is very wimple. Just take a dime and pile a much of this powder ou it ns wlil stick. That will lie the proper do.;e. You couldn't get It any more exaet if you measured for half an hour with scales and spoons." "Well." said the customer, "this is a new one on me." Then he proceeded to measure out a dose of the pink powder. As he did no a man standing close be side him sighed reminiscent ly. "It makes me feel young to see you do that." he said. "They used to meas ure medicine that way when I was a' kid. I supposed modern appliances had driven nil those old methods of meas urement out of the market." "Not at nil," said the clerk. "There are lots of places where they still take medicine by the dimeful." v to .V Jc - A GAS RANGE Makes Housekeeping Easy. ECONOMICAL Will do the same amount of work as a coal stove at about ONE-HALF the expense. EFFICIENT Jt maximum service can be had at any hour, day or night. J CLEANLY It ' fr from dust, dirt, j smoke and ashes. COMFORTABLE Reduces to a minimum the kitchen heat, as consumption J of fuel can be immediately stopped 1 when the meal is cooked. Service will only be extended to the streets where enough orders for gas have been received to warrant laying of the mains, so if you want gas fill out and mail the following order: To the Gas Company, P. O. Box 385, Barre, Vt. The undersigned agrees to use the gas manufactured by the Peoples' Lighting, Heating and Power Co. tor household purposes as soon as said company is pre pared to supply its gas upon the follow ing conditions: First. That the said company will pipe into the cellar and attach a meter at its own expense. Second. That the said company will furnish gas to the undersigned for $1.50 per cubic fee:, less a dis count of 25 cents per 1,000 cubic feet it paid by the loth of the month following service. Name, Street, . Auction Sale! Two Cottage Houses, One Lot of Land. Will be sold on the premises at public auction on Tuesday, Aug. 9f at 4.30 p. m., two cottage houses on Cottage street belong ing to the estate of C. W. Laing. Also a lot of land, 50 by 100 feet, adjoining said houses. Will be sold separately, or to one party, as desired. J. K. PIRIE, Adm'r. C. N. Barber, Auctioneer. MEASURING f.i ! Iter' fV. - 3 per lb. Special prices on a quantity. Also Lime to use with - - Opposite City Park, Siiiii Waist Sals ! One lot of Lawn Shirt Waists, color tan with small black - polka dots, sizes 32 to 44. A genuine bar gain at only 75 cents each. See them in our window. VEALE & KNIGHT, (Telephone Call 123-2) Carrier Building, .... North Matn Street. UNION CLOTHINU CO. UNION CLOTHING COMPANY. real Clearance Sale! Men's and Boys Clothing, furnishings and Shoes at Union Clothing Co's Store! FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS, beginning July 15th, we will sell all oar Spring and Summer Clothing, Furnishings ani Shoes at a discount of from 20 to 35 per cent in order to dose them out to make room for our Fall and Winter stock. As it is our policy not to carry over any stock from one season to another, we offer you first-class merchan dise at take-them-quick prices. -All goods shown with pleasure. Union Clothing Co., Opposite Depot Square. - - - Main Street, Barre, Vt. 03 OKIHXO'L) KOIX;i Axvdmx) Fresh Fruit. Plums, per dozen, - -, Peaches, per dozen, Pears, per dozen, - - -Cantaloupes, each, 5c to -Watermelon, per pound, - - Vegetables. Small Yellow Turnips, per pound, New Beets, per pound, -Cabbage, per pound, -Carrots, per pound, - SOWDEN Telephone Connection. il A Record-Breaker! This has been a banner month with us so far, and to make the balance of it a record-breaker we will make you special prices on anything in the store for the next five days. BARRY & WILLIAMS, New Tonusi Block, Cor. Main and Merchant Streets. UNDERTAKERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS. T. H. BARRY, . C AveriU St. Telephone 209-12. An advertisement in the Times will bring sure results. "' Choice Line of Force, 10c per package or three for 25c Grape Nuts, 1 5c per package or two for. . . 25c Premier Oat Flakes, per package I Oc Premier Flaktd Whtat, per package 1 Oc CHESSER Telephone 323 North Main Street. UNION CLOTHING CO. o.vihxoxj soixa 15c - 30c 25c - 10c 2 I 2c 3c 4c 5c 4c & LYON, North Main St., Barre, Vt. I L. M. WILLIAMS, - 28 Jefferson St. Telephone 212-12. Photoeraohs Currier RmWtnar Rtrv VI Breakfast Foods! It, 15c per package or two for 25c Cream Oats, per package 25 c Ready Bits, per package 1 $c Banner Oats, per package 25 c & BIRD, 232-12 Meats and Groceries. very profitable one. It will be have BLUE VITRIOL, best and it. Black Death nearly closed. Barre, Vermont.