Newspaper Page Text
THE 1 JARRE DAILY TIMES, SEPT. 1, 1901. 5 Bhre& Good gains FOR SATURDAY, SEPT. 3, 904. Cotton Towels, Two for 25c Twenty dozen extra large size (18x40) Cotton Towels, fancy honeycomb weave, pure white bleach, fancy woven border with fringe ends. A genuine bargain at two for 25c. Ladies' Walking Skirts for $3.50. We have taken twenty five Walking Skirts from our stock that were $5.00, $5.50 and 6.00, all made and trimmed in the best style. To give you a bargain and at the same time to make room for fall skirts, we shall give you your choice for $3.50. Children's Long or Short Cloaks for $1.98. Now is your opportunity to buy Children's Long or Short Jackets, as we shall offer Jackets that were 2.50 and $3.00 on Saturday for only $ 1.98. PERRY & CAMP, 71 aad 75 Main Street, Barre, Vermont. mi TAKES MORE Than An Ordinary Wmj gigs Offering V I C SsS to awaken interest in home furnishing at this time of ' tFI season, and this is why we make an extraordinary IZ..3 offering of handsome Fur- niture tor the last of August selling. If there's any virtue in money-saving values you will be alive to the fact, after reading these figures, that The Time to Buy Furniture is Today. Eleven-Piece Chamber Suits, - - - $25.00 Kitchen Tables, each, - - - 2.00 Kitchen Chairs, each, - - , - - - 50 Porch Rockers, each, - - - J. 85 Sideboards, each, - - . - - - i 3.00 And many other extraordinary values in Furniture. The Emergency Store, Opp. Miles' Granite Block. B. W. Hooker & Co. Ambulance Calls and Undertaking Work Promptly Attended to. Perfectly Delicious! THOUSANDS EAT IT! Do You! iilfljfilM I J u IP t wr '-Jh i FAMOUS ICE CREAM Leave your orders for picnic parties, etc. We fill orders on short notice. BARRE CANDY KITCHEN. ! Photographs Currier BraUm. Barre. Vt. Home-Made Apple Jelly. We guarantee this Jelly to be pure and of the finest quality. Price per tumbler, only - - 10c Bakery Goods! Bear in mind we sell Green's Bakery goods. Three loaves of Bread for - - 25c MERCHANT & FRASER, 303 North Main Street and 6 Elm Street, Barre. 03 THE IRISH MAIL -TV 1 f Tne Ideal Sport For Boy or Girl. Fascinating to run, excit ing to ride in. Absolutely safe. It cannot upset and s.-. furnishes at the same time exactly the exercise "needed for strong, even physical culture. PRICE, 06.00 Boston Bargain Store, (Telephone 113-11) 185-187 North Main Street, Barre. C. N. Kenyoa & Co. TALK OF TEE TOWN. Cook with gas. Sale of (all waists at Abbott's. Lfomer Pitts' store will be closed all day Monday. Band convert at Montpelier this even ing. Dr. J. W. Jackson has returned from a ten day's visit In Maine. Dr. George II. filler, optioian, will be at the City Hotel Sept. 2 and 8. Mrs. A. E. Lebourveau has gone to Sar atogo for a six weeks' vacation. Mrs. Sarah I). Hill has gone to l'latts burg for a short visit with friends. William Tike of Hock Island, P, Q , Is le the city today to attend the ball game. Oyster season Is here and we shall have have a supply this week. City Fish Mar ket. A. Beupre of Burlington, a first class barber, has entered the employ of Win. Miers. Ray Curtis returned last night from the Isle of Shoals where he has been working this summer. . Paul Leavitt left this morning for Brad ford and West Fairlee.where he will spend a three weeks' vacation. James Cruickshank is at work again af ter being laid off three weeks with an In jury to one of his arms. Donald McPhee is passing a ten days' vacation in Sherbrooke, P. Q., visiting friends and seeing the fair. Midshipman G, Truman Swasey is ex-, pected home tonight from Annapolis. He will have a month's vacation. There will be a regular meeting of the Socialists in the Wheelock block this even ing at 7 o'clock. Alex. Ironsides, Sec. Prof, and Mrs. O. K. Holllster have re turned to Barre from North Montpelier, where they have been spending the sum mer. Mrs. T. G. Whitehall has moved to Bur lington where her son, Martin Sargent, expects to enter the University of Ver mont. Miss Maud lioben and Miss Bern ice Darling returned last night from the Isle of Shoals, where they have been working this summer. Granite City Lodge Odd Ladies will meet Friday evening, September 2, at 7.30 p. m. The amusement committee wili please meet at 6.30 p. ni. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Peverly who have been visiting In the city for two weeks went to Rutland today. Mr. Peverly is salesman for Young Bros. It is announced that Mrs. Emily T. Roberts and Captain Weston A. Pattee, both of Montpelier, are to be married on Wednesday, September 7, at the home of the bride on Downing street In that city. Mr. and Mrs. J. Orville Adams leave tomorrow morning for a trip to the White Mountains and to Portland, Me. During Mr. Adams' absence Frank McEnany will be acting agent at the Central Vermont station. Sixty-nine additions were made to the voting lists at the meeting of the board of civil authority last evening. Tonight is your last opportunity to register for the coming election and if your name isn't on the list you should be sure and attend to it. ion will be surprised to una that yon can save from to fl.GO by taking ad vantage of the shoe clearance sale at A. A. Smith & Brother's, nevertheless you will find by Investigating that It Is true. See their advertisement In another column of this paper. The private engine, St. Lawrence, with the following Central Vermont officials, R. II. Fitzhugh, W. E. Mullens and J. E. Dalryniple, on board, arrived this fore noon. After an interview with the local agent, Mr. Adams, they left for the south, Mary Elizabeth, daughter of G. L. and Sarah Averill Morris, died this morning of meningitis, aged eight months. I he funeral will be held from the house, 100 Tremont street tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock.' The Rev. Mr. Poole will cruciate and the Interment will be In Hope ceme tery. H. M. Richardson and danchter, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Justus Ketchum and Mr. and Mrs. Huntington a few days, started yesterday morning for Bradford. They will visit at several places between here and Boston and then will return to their home in Rochester, Minn. The ever popular Wm. II. West's Big Minstrel Jubilee will hold forth at the Barre Opera House on Sept. 3 and it promised by the management that this season they have gathered together most of best known minstrel stars on the stage. The attraction Is receiving the endorse ment of the press everywhere. J. E. Ward and Dan Perry made a raid on the finny tribe in Brooklieki streams yesterday the last chance. The result was two baskets of trout which passed In spection of two fish commissioners. Mr. Ward's creel, which contained 12 pounds and three ounces, was on exhibition at Drown's drng store last evening. The largest trout weighed one pound. About 40 young friends of Miss Dora Robertson gave her a surprise party at ber home on Washington street last evening, the occasion being In honor of her elev enth birthday. Miss Dolly Blann In be half of the company presented her with a beautiful ring. I he evening was spent in playing games and ice cream and cake were served. A most delightful time was enjoyed by all. In the Issue of Monday, August 29, The Times had an Item which said "one Swede" had been arrested for a disturb ance on North Main street and the police were looking for another. As a matter of fact, no Swede was arrested and none was concerned in the fracas referred to. It was an error which crept Into the paper and The Times gladly makes this correc tion, regretting that the misunderstanding should haye arisen and an Injustice done to the Swedish people of the city. William McIIardy, who lives on Pleas ant street, was greatly f rightened night before last by what he thought to be bur glars attempting to enter his boarding house. He yelled for help and awoke the whole neighborhood, only to discover that the cause of the noise was two dogs who were entangled In a olothes prop. Am munition running short to scare the dogs, the apple barrel was In commission until reinforcements arrived on the scene, In- cram and Gordon being the heroes of the moment. A. P. ABBOTT & CO. A. P. ABBOTT 6c CO. A. P. ABBOTT c CO. The. Dayltgphii Store This Weather Suggests Warmer Waists, Where we have had in past seasons one Fall Waist now we have three. The most of our Waists are the celebrated W. B. Waists. There is more to this Waist than the name. Every Waist is of the latest, both in material and style. It's the only Waist on the market that you can buy in Cotton, Wool, Velvet or Silk and have warranted to wear your money's worth. Special Waist Values. Velvet Waists made of guaranteed vel vets, with box fronts closed witn quarter straps. Have new sleeves and are better lues than we used to sell at $3.75. They come in green, brown, tan, blue, red and black. If you want them, the price on these Waists is $2.98 each. French Flannel Waists made the same our Silk Waists, with wide tucks. They come in navy, black and red. Would be good values at $1. $0. These Waists are priced at $1.98 each. Special Waist Values. Batiste Waists are used by many in place of Silk Waists. These have lined sleeves and are suitable to wear right through the winter. These Waists have the wide tucks and new sleeves and sell now for $2.98 each. Batiste Waists in all colors. This is a very swell Waist. Has tucked vest closed in at top with yoke edged with three rows of hemstitching. Would sell at 3.75. This lot at $2.98 each. Special Waist Values. We have just received a Black Taffeta Waist that has style. Recognized at once as good as any 5. 00 Waist. We are to make this Waist this sale $3.98. Black Peau de Soie Waists in the new fall style. This quality Waist has beer sold by us for the last seven years, styles changing every three months. We have warranted every one and arc yet to have the first Waist returned. Isn't it a pretty good Waist to buy ? Price, only $5.75. Mrs. Shepard is Receiving New Millinery by Every Express. TALK OF THE TOWN. opera Bake with gas. New kimonas at Vaughan's. Special fur values at Abbott's. Series dance at Pavilion Friday night. Look for the harvest supper September 7. S. Sinclair has gone to Montreal on bus iness. Irvin Page Is spending the day in Wat- erbury- Tickets for West's minstrels now on sale at the Red Cross. Remember the matinee at the bouse Saturday afternoon. Mark Berry and Jack Fraser of Rich mond are in the city today. Mrs. James Deane has gone to Boston for a short visit with friends. A chance to save money on walking skirts at Perry's on Saturday. Albert Freeman has gone to Cambridge and vicinity for an extended visit. Plums are at their best now and market is low for nloe grades. Sowden & Lyon. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Eastman of West Fairlee are the guests of Ji. A. Eastman. Will Hutchins of Somerville was the guest of his cousin, Frank Hutchins, yes terday. The Rev. Mr, Bradley leaves tonight for Guilford, Me , where he will ofliclate at a funeral. Miss Carrie Burke has a fine exhibition of hand-painted china In Tikleh & Willey's show window, . ' Mrs. L. W. Pape returned from a visit with friends in and Hyde Park. There will be a supper at the Universal Ist church vestry tomorrow eveuing from 5.30 to 7 o'clock. Miss Emma E. Graham of East Agiers, P. (,,., will return today or Friday to lSo Washington street. Tke interest on notes of the Barre Sav ings Bank and Trust Company will be due September 3. Please call and pay same. Miss Jennie Matsou district nurse, will be found at Xo. 1 South Main street, oppo site city hall. Telephone ring No. 22d-3. The young son of Mr. and Mrs.Marcello Bianchi died last night at 2 Second street of meningitis. The funeral will be held tomorrow and the burial in Hope Ceme tery. The F. B. Cate agency has for sale a 830 acre river farm located between Plain field and Marsblield. Will keep 75 cows and team. Price $4,000. Call for further particulars. . Harvey (loss has traded his 00 acre farm, stock and tools in Cabot, with Mrs. Ella Perkins of this city for her house on Currier street. The amount involved in 1 the trade is $3,500. The trade was made through the F. B. Cate real etate agency. yesterday MorrisviHe i ft .."THE i V v AMERICAN BOY" VFree for Six Months! w- "The American Boy" is the biggest, brightest and best ft Boys' Magazine in the world and is read by nearly a quar- 5' ter of a million boys. You ought to read this Magazine. la Addition to Getting the Magazine Free, Yoo Get the Best Clothing S$ for the Money to Be Had in Barre. $ 5j The purchase of one Jj.oo Suit, or a $4.00 Suit and a couple of extra Pants at 50c each, or any other purchase of Boys Clothing amounting to $5.00, jjfj will put this splendid Magazine within the hands of your boy and you get full if 2 " value received " in Clothing, too. Our Plan Is Simple. j$ Purchase Jj.oo worth of Boys' Clothing and receive a subscription card, properly filled out, which is to be presented each month in our Boys' Depart- ti ment. The card will be punched each month when the Maga?.ine is delivered. Q E Our fall line of School Suits are now ready for your inspection, . - g FRANK McWHORTER, One Price Clothier. Hatter and Men's Outfitter. ON THE WEST HILL. Prices For Any Day in the Week. Native Spring Chickens, jxr lb 23c Native Fowls, per lb 19c Shoulder Roast Pork, per lb 1 Oc Best Loin Roast Fork 1 2c Sausage, per lb. 10c, three lbs. for . . . 25c Lard. XO Ifa. Fails, per lb.... 9c Leg of Spring' Lamb, per lb 1 8c Home Cared Hams, per lb, 15c Home Cured Bacon, strip, per lb 1 2c Salt Fork, per lb. 10c. twelve lbs. . .$1.00 Twenty-poimd keg of Tripe. 75c tkef Steak, per lb locte 23c. Green Corn, per dozen ears 1 5c Shell Beans, per quart 5c Ripe Tomatoes, per lb. 5c Celery, per bunch...; 13c Sweet Fotaioes, seven lbs for 25c Cantaioopes, two for 5c Cucumbers, three for 5c Squash, per lb. 4c Lemons, per dozen ................. 20c Full Hot of Groceries. SMITH BROTHERS' CASH MARKET, Comer of North Sain Street and Maple Avenue, Barre, Vermont. F. H. (Jlav and Sam Jennette are tilling Fred Mears'"ilo ou East II 111. Mr. and Mrs. Frank LaBounty of Wil lianistown were In Barre Sunday calling on friends. Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Kinney of Web gtervllle are rejoicing over the birth of a daughter, born Aug. 24. Misses Mary and Emma Foster of Mont pelier and a friend from Lynn visited at M. I.. Towne's yesterday. Sneak thieves are getting quite bold on West 11 til, robbing gardens and ben roosts, The parties are known. Luther Wood was in the city yesterday calling on friends. He is 8rt years old and walked the distance of four miles without the use of a cane. TEACHING PIECES Standard Favorites in Piano Music as Well as the Popular Songs Are included in the Century Edition of 10c Music. The only high-class Litho graphed Music sold at the price. Ask for a catalogue. AVERILL MUSIC CO., 23 North Main St., Barre, Vermont. Piece Tee let Free! Buy Monarch Tea or Coffee Save the red cards in each package. When ycu have sixty saved you get a fifty-six piece Tea Set free. Twenty-five coupons are good for one dozen imported Cups and Saucers. Twelve coupons are good for one imported Decorated Rockingham Teapot. We have the Monarch Coffee in 25c and 35c grades. Also English Breakfast, Japan and Uncolored Teas. Large ripe Pears, per peck, -Fresh Native Tomatoes, per pound, 40c 5c F. D. LADD, Leading Cash Grocer. Meats znd Provisions.