Newspaper Page Text
TJLE BAR RE DAILY TIMES. SEPT. 1, 11)01. GRANITE SAVINGS BANK AND TRUST COMPANY, BARRE, - - - - - VERMONT. OFFICERS; !0HN TROW, PresUtnt. ' H. 0. WORTHEN. Vice-President. H. G. WOODRUFF. Treasurer . DIRECTORS: JOHN TROW, H. 0. WORTHEN, A. D. HORSE, C. I. CURRIER, W. A. WKITCOMB, RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts..,. $695,733.91 Stocks and Bonds...,,,, r 228,700. (X) Banking House 5,000.00 Cash on hand and in banks 120,398.16 Total .......$1,049,832.07 Invites the Accounts of Merchants, Manufacturers, Individuals and Firms. Drafts on London and the principal European Points issued at favorable rates. Safety Deposit Boxes for rent at moderate terms. Receives accounts subject to check. Pays 3 per cent interest on time deposits. & & LIBERAL BUT SAFE BANKING. & IGil Estate GOOD SEVEN - KOOM COTTAGE ON SUMMER STREET, three mlnuteo1 walk from the depot. All modern1 improvements. This property will be sold at & bargain it taken soon, as owner Is going away. . Small payment do n it desired. WE HAVE A MODERN AND UP-TO-DATE SEVEN-ROOM COT TAGE on Dewey Street, finished la the wood and newly painted. If looking for a residence and up-to-date home investigate, as this is a bargain. WE WILL SELL YOU A FOUR-TENEMENT MOUSE, two minutes' walk from Main Strent, that rents for $29.00 per month and is always rented. Fries, $2,700.00. la good repair, sewer connections aud all O. K. GOOD TVO -TENEMENT HOUSE ON MAPLE AVENUE This property is in good repair and well located for a residence or for renting prop erty. Rents for V22.00 per month. TIMS LIST IS A SMALL PROPORTION OF OUR BARGAINS, as we have them from $600 00 upwards. Remember we have a large list of Farms for sale or exchange. Also Timber Lots. Bolster Block,. Rooms II FiiB. Cate. (Telephone CUNARD LINE Great Reduction Cabin Rates BOSTON & NEW YORK - TO QUEENSTOWN & LIVERPOOL 1st CriIi .0 00. il Cblu :W 00. .ton Sfrvli'f 1VEKXI A. Aiip. 30, 12.30 V, M. SAXO.N1A, Sept. IS. V4.i noon. Nrw .lt ri-- KTHt'RIA, Aug. 50. AY HAM A, Anif. ti, tfCAMA, Aug. i siW.tKt ami -HUiu. . ' . , Vnitu-rranrnn Wtrvl from New nrk-l .1. TOMA, Aug. Su. Sl.AVOMA, Sent. Is. I AN NUM A, St-pt. '27. EOSTON-UEOSTOWN-LIVERPOOL fast Twin Screw Mail snrt Fasn)ffr Stwain. ers. 14.20 tons; fioo fwt long. Remarkable for tnlmf. Kooms upper decks 8iulitaii ; lri ntilittion. 8AXON1A, Si'ptcmtipr 13, OctbM 11, Novem ber 1'- ami December 13. ITKRN'l A. A U rut 30, KoptPiDber !. Oitolwr !V, ih ct inlK r 3 and January 7. Pltu. sailings, tie., 1J6 State St., Boston. Man"-, I'lias. I Sunnier, A font, or 8. S. Hal ' lard ' Steamship Ae-em-v, MiIi-h' Block-, Barre, or fct'W Lai)B(lon Blin k. Montpelier. Great World's -Fair Line Ttic Walash Railroad is the only line liming track and depot a main entrance to World a Fair Grounds, St. Louis. AU tlironph tTains westbound and eastbonmi stop at Fair Grounds to-take on or lot oft pan Ktnirer, thus avoiding necessity of poing to Union Depot, St. I,oms, unless so desired, luip irap" also cheeked to Wsliasb World's lair Station if requested. Ticket, New York to St. Louis and return, Him ton to St. Louis and return, $-'4. Phila delphia and return, $17. Correspondingly low rate from other Kastern point. () 15-ilav. tjo-day and season tickets privilege of tapping off at Niagara Falls, Detroit and CliiaP. Appiv to nearest ticket agent for tickets via the " fralmsh." holder, (riving halftone views of the orld'R Fair rtuililings and grounds will be sent FKEE on application to H. B. MKXKI.T.AN, . BA, S7 Broadway, N V., or J. D. MeBKAT H, K. K. 1', A,K Washington Street. Boston. TRAVELERS' RAILWAY GUIDE. CKNTHAL VEKMOST MAILBOAD. Trains leaving Hsrre fur White Kiver Jnnc tiwi, Biwton, New York and all intervenine twinta at a. in.. W m. and 12.01 a. in. Local tram for White River Junction and Windsor and intermediate stations leaves at 0.45 p. m. Trains leave Harre for Bnrlintrton, St. Alhans, Kniises Point and Opdensburit at 7.1 a. m, and 3.10, 8.30 p. in. and 12.01 a. m. Trains connect at Vff-ex for points on Rutland rond and the 8.30 connects with New York train lor jnonireai ana points west leaving Barre at 3.10, 6.30 and 12 tu. For Williamstown leave Barre at 1.2and 4.30 p. m. Leave Williauwtown at 1M m. and 2.30 WELIS H1VKR KMLHOAI), OOMMKNOINO JDNB 27, 1004. Trains leave Barre for Wells Kiver, connect lrK at that point with trains pome both north !iS south, at 7.30 a. m., 12.30 and 3.15 p. m. The liJO train oonnects with train for Boston, and north (or Lisbon, Littleton, Fahyans and Lan caster, also with Montreal express, and the 7.30 nd 3.15 trains with St. Johnshury trains. Trains leave Harre for Montpeher at 7.30, 10.20 t. m., 12 ao, 3.15, 4.10 and 6.30 p. no. FLKCTBJO BTRKKT BAILWAT. Cars leave sqnare in Barre for Montpelier at 6 niinntes of and 16 minutes pat the hour. Leave Montpelier for Baire on the hour and bill' hour until 10 p. in. FRANK F. CAVE. LIABILITIES. Capital Stock $50,000.00 Surplus and Profits 30,036.35 j Dividend payable July i, 1,500.00 Dividends unpaid 6.00 Deposits 968,289.72 Total $1,049,832.07 and 12, Barre, Vt. 135-2) H. J. Slayton. Natl Bank of Barrc UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT DEPOSITORY. THE BEST PROTECTOR No matter what your present condi tion may ' be, you should akvayj give ome thought to the future. The surest safeguard about the future is MONEY IN THE BANK 2- You spend less if the money h away from your pocke:. It i safer, too, and there is no making change when you ( A pay by check. Ask any depositor or c;ll 5- and talk it over. 3 1-2 Per Cent Interest paid on Savings Deposits -J F. G. ROWLAND, Cashier. COHTIS iSEOERPST BANKERS AND BROKERS, Members New York Consolidated Stock Exchange. Letter No. 22 of our "Studies in In vestment Values," devoted to Metro politan, mailed free upon application. 19 CONGRESS ST.. BOSTON. 52 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. RAFAEL BARS HIE, SHOE REPAIRING. 42 Propect Street. All day. Heel and tap, 80c. Children boys, 4fc; (firis, 30c; sole tap, 1.00. pood as new shoe; rubber heel, 40c, best of goods; cheap tap, M)c. You once see my work yon will like it. Prospects! ! . ; 4 ' " i j I FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL Closing Quotation of th New York Stock Exchange. New York. A'.ir. St. Money on call easy at 1 per tent: prime mercantile puper. S..1 per cent- ex chttnKes. V'rf .l"MM; balances. JIl'iMITIT 1 losing prices: anal, copper... i;. Atchison so', X. Y. Central. Norf. At West. .. ,;, ..IS4S4 & O : IVnn. II, R Hrool;lyn H. T. . M'i KmdiiiK C..C'.,C.& .t.l 7V 17 HT . l::,'. Kork Island i'.r, yt. Paul ir,4 .Southern far... f.tji.J Southern It ('lies. & Ohio... Chi. tit. Northw. Krle (Jen. Eiectric... III. Central Ijickfiwii una. . . Louis. & Nash. South, ily. pf. S'iear Trxas I'.u-'tic I'tih.'ii 1'aclfic. C. S. St.-I..., 1'. 8. Steel pf. West, t'nio.'i., i::n, 1 Manhattan ir.." . 12'i til ri Metropolitan... lu Missouri far.... S; Cneral Markets. w York. Aug. 31. FLOCR-i:ariy,iy, with fair In quiry; MlntKsota iMt"nts, Sri.!l1a(;.:'S; win ter straights, JK Iiuhb IM: winter evtras, $:j4."a1: winter patents. $,Yi-i.-i.",.5o. WHEAT After opening steady, eased off under lovvr cablou nd forolRn selllrnt: later the market recovered In sympathy with the west and ort too much rain; Sep. tetnher, l.lokuI.ll?; Deoeitiber. U.loa 1 11. TALLOW Quiet ; city, 4"ic; cotmtrv, 4alH". HAY Quiet; snipping, CT'io.; good to choice. 3&e. -irrATOES-Kwy ; Look inland. i.:.m 1.61'; Jetie.v anil Jtouthern. l.Sal.0; Jer sey weetf. 2tt2.J". STRA W Kasv ; lonif rye, Nia't'.c. LEANS Steady ; marrow, $2.ft5; metlium, $1,110; pea, SI. SO: red kidney. $3 10. WOOI,- Steady ; dumestie fleoce. 3L'a:ii"c. HOPS -Steady ; state, common to hoi, 1!S, 2Ta35c; old.-. ' 7al3e. i'arlhc, 2C-i.".lo.; r.ULs. 7a 13c. Bl'TTICR Firm and unchanged. CJIKKSK Kasy and unchanged. F.UUS Firm ami unchanged. Live Stock Markets. CATTLK Uwelpta, 22. head; Blow; prime steers. t-".40nr.!i: FhippliiK, 4.waS.3; butchers'. $4n5; heifers. K.Ial.iS; cows. $2.7ria4 bulls, fcj.otia; stockura and feed ers, $i.7r..ul.h-. VK.U.S-Receipts, 'J head; active; 'Sc. his her: Ji "rS.'5. HOOS--FtecelptH, 2!W head; active; lia Pic. hishor; heavy. 5 s.!'.5.!'; mixed, 5.t;t 6; yoriscrs. SU.ffonMa; $i'.7.rKU; roughs, S4.75o T ; (:)., $:!.7.'a.4.i''; (V.ilrie nnd frrass urn. K,.Uu;. Sllfc-Kr AN!' I.AM BS-Receipt s ' 2 1 head; a.-tire; Hheep steady; lambs -Vni-M'.. Idjrher: latnlm. SM ."i-.k'i.O.'; ye1!nt;s. $t.i'ia 4.75; wether. jl.i,'a4.,i"t; ewes, fj.75; h-fc Mixed, tzi. Arilcan I'euinitM. The larp" t pe.uitit lit;Ii!.4 in the v.r'J aro Ktipp.jsol to le in juiiin:i,i:i tl.e north const of Africa. Tliwe tl?y nre irou ii by liuinlrt'ili of tim. T1m duali ty is infer) r, however, swl the bti'.U is shipped t MiirHoiliert, I'rance. Public Auction! Saturday, Sept. 3d. Will be sold at Public Auction, on the premises, SATURDAY, SEPT. 3,1904., at 3 P. M., the following real estate: Two Dwelling Houses. One of eleven rooms, large pantry an j closets. Bams and large garden and large lot of land about 172 by 70 feet. House has slate roof. The rooms have just been painted and papered and is in first class condition. This property is large enough and nicely arranged for a boarding house. Also one of eight rooms, pantry and closets, with barn and garden. Lot is about 172 by 47 feet. Slate roof and a nice little cottage house. These properties are situated on Water street, Northfield, Vermont. Terms made known at time of sale. MRS. K. LAMBERT, Owner. J. H. TALECT, Agent. W. L DUNSMOOR. Auctioneer. FOUR LINES FOR 25 CENTS This Times will puhtish Wanta, Lost nd Found. For Malo. To Let. etc short advertine- ruentf! at the rate of four hues for tweuty-ftv cent for the first insertion and five eenta for each uteiuent itieeiiion. FOR SALE. WINK HAKKF.LB FOK PALE Anyone want ing barrels for cider can tiny them 01 me. .1. D, O-sola. U'M IIOC8KHOLD KCItM I CiiK At private sale anv flay this week at 2S Orange street. K. C. Brings." . 1-Hitf COWS FOK SALE Six teen extra trood, young: cows for sale. Thirteen or them soon to oe new milch. Edward Ferriu. 139tf FOU SALK Young pips, four weeks old. Apply to Jco. Robertson, Thomas street. 132tf FOR SALE OR TO RENT A ttnne house r(Hm, newly papered and painttHl. Adre Ward. Wtf FOR SALE Thoroughbred bull pups at No. 12 Foster street. !8tf HAY FOR SALK A few loads of good honso hay for delivery before August 16th. A. W. ALLEN, Sunnyside Farm. Telephone 114-3. tr FOR SALE AT CASSIE FARM. Milk Otir wajron delivers twice a day. Hav lHdlvered promptly in bulk. Viva.Twi.ntv iv weekw oil! fifteen VOIinirer, A cheap mare for drive or work. Good roaticr, pentlo anil safe. Apply to George t'assie, East street. O. B. F1FIELU, IiKAI.JBtt IS HULLED CORN. When yoti hear the bells you will know there is corn in the cart. W hen the bells are off, the corn is all sold. Ask for card to hang in yonr window. O. H. Fifleld, I. O. Box KM, liarre, V i. TO RENT. TO TENT Tenement, one-half cottac house All modern iinprovements. To a small family Apply at Kmslie's greenhouse. H'tf FURNISHED ROOM TO RENT In Miles Eranite block. Apply at Room 71. 141t TO KENT Six-room cottage on Branch St Inijuire at Sowden & Lion's, 1W0 TO UFNTThn old Bolster store on Depot soimre. 2dtKI feet. Good location. Tall at t'alder & Richardson's, Depot square. l-'ifltf TO REST At No. 10 Mount street, np-stalrs ....w..r of foor Iftree roon.s. PlentV of closet and shed room. "All newly paiuted and painted. TO KENT Eieht-room tenement at 6 Kpauld Imr street. Price S12.M1 per month, .spring water. Apply to Dr. C. M. Scrilmer or tele, phone 306-2. 1:i6tt TO RENT After September 1st, the rooms now occupied VJ me nniyuui oi luiiuni Eastman Bros. , 134tt TO RENT. TO KENT Two small tenements with modern improvements. Inijuiie of F. D. licoklev, 6 I'ark street. lo?t6 T RENT Tenement of six rooms, tip-stairs, on Kiik street ctr Avers street. Apply down stairs. list! TENEMENT TO RENT From three to five rooms. One of the best tenements and liest located in city. Inijutre of Geo. v . Mann. H elllnton street. i.Hir TO KENT fine Mn.ill tenement. Hot and cold water, electric lights. $10 per month. Ap ply to plinth Bros., 'MX No, Mail street. T't RENT Five room upstairs tenement at S:! Elm street. l'riceJ12. Arthur Martin. l-Mtf TO REST At once, a tenement. Inonire of 11. A. Segel, bolster block, Main street. LiJlf )U ARUY TO LET Licht and (lark stiwk. Sitmited on the Waslnnirton highway from Wi bstervitle to WaKhiricton in Harre Town and between the quarry of i.ittlejohn A Milne and the I'aton homesteail. Apply to 1'. O't'onnell, Tunes olicc, harre, t. lJ3t-0 TO KENT A six-room tenement on Granite street, litteil up with modern improvem.mts. inpino at .anlenni s place, Granite ht. itf-'tr DESIRABLE TENEMENT TO RENT At the corner of North Main and Third streets. For particulars inquire at the Barre Steam laun dry, lajtf TO RENT A very pleasant tenement of live rooms. Electric litciits and tiatn. Apply 24 Merchant street, corner (Summer street. Ring upper bell. 117tf BOARDIMf HOUSE TO RENT Eighteen rooms, good liK'ation and always full. For par ticulars call at R. B. Kerr's, So Maple avenue, or address H. i. Ellis, R. F. D. 2, Barre. llitf TO RENT Tenement on Central street, to small family. Inquire at 3.'9 No. Main St. llltf TO RENT Two front rooms, lurnlshed. with latest improvements. Apply to O. Ji. Canton, luo corner of Maple and Seminary streets. lOUtf TO RENT Six-room cottape on Elinwood avenue. Apply to li. s. turner, auuunistra- luiltf T(i RENT Two front offices, formerly occu pied by E. E. Perry. Also two rooms suitable for liK'nt housekeeping. Eastman Bros. 7fitf TO RENT Furnished rooms, with board if desired. Apply at 21 Jefferson street. lultf TO RENT-Two tenments, 52 and 54 Granite street. Apply to Charles Zanleoni. D-'tf FURNISHED ROOM TO RENT Front room with all modem improvements. Apply at 'M KcttD avenue. win TO RENT After July 1st. tenement at 9 a month. Apply to Dr. (.'. H. Kent. gijtf TO RENT Desirable front oflice room, for merly occupied by E. M. Tavntor. Eastnum llros. " Witf TO RENT Tenement at corner Washington and Spauhliuj? streets. Apply to W. G. bar ker, nil TO RENT An up-stairs tenement at 20 Maple avenue. Inquire ot A, F . Doilge, corner Hronk and Silver streets. Mtf TENEMENT TO KENT Corner or Seminary and Laurel streets, 7 rooms and bath. All newly painted, papered and whitened. Apply to L. W.lll-Hbec. Wtf at Pil Hiil street. Newly repaired.' iJtrgeiawn and good garden. Spring water. Pleasantly located. Inquire on premises. K-u TO RENT Tenement of five rooms. Spring and cistern water. Mrs. C. A Bosworth. tii Merchant street. lMtt TO KF:NT Large furnished room, all modern conveniences, desirable for two men. Io. & Averill street. XHf TO RENT Desirable tenement on Elm St., over Barre Library; also rooms formerly occu pied ny Harre Evening jeiegiam. t. m. l erry, Agent, 13 main street. tun TO RENT. Three Tenements on Patterson Street. One Tenement on Bianch Street. One Tenement on Granite Street. One Tenement on Hill Street. I17tf04 Apply a Fhelps Brothers'. TO LET A verv desirable np-stairs tenement at lu Mount street. Appiy at nrmtnoor. i TO RENT Stall for one horse, in Blanchard barn ou Merchant street. Apply to H. A. Duffy. giiOtf TO RENT A cottage house on Central street, also a tenement on Academy street. Apply to E. M. Lyon. Address store or 27 Highland Avenue. 41tf WANTED. WANTED Would like to hire a house with five or six rooms and bath, and will pay rent in advance. Address 01 Summer street. B. A. Byluw. lOtitf WANTED To buy so hens. State what you have and price wanted. Address G. L. Mortis, 1U0 Treniont street, city. 10Jt2 WANTED A farm near Farre City or Wil liamstown to exchange for city property. Ad dress, stating particulars. Box v!00, Bane. 64tf HRP WANTED. WANTED A nian to run steam drill. Ad dress ' C. B. 1'.. this office. H3tf ....... ... v .1... . Ely to Smith Bros. Granite Company, Burn a'm's Meadow, Harre, Vt. 142ta WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap ply to Mrs. Smith Ballard. 20 Bailey avenue, Montpelier, or telephone 244-3. 14'itf WANTED Good all-round polisher can find work for two months at tiianehi Son's, East Barre. ilit4 WANTED Girl tor general housework, also woman to take care of sick lady. Appiv to A. B. Collin, South Barre, or telephone 'ill -il. 140ta WANTED An Institution with over $300,000, 000 of asset desires to engage a few men for agency work. Capable men able to devote all or part of their time may apply. Address " O. R., this omce, for particulars. 141t6 -WANTED First-class turning lathe man for permanent work. Write terms and particulars to Lyon's Granite Co., (juincy, Mass. 14tit WANTED Capable girl for general house- ...... -I. A ....I.. to Mrs. R. L. Burgess, No. 39 Eastern avenue, Barre. LIMB WANTED Girl' for kitchen work at once. Call on Mrs. Avery, H Jefferson street. lXitf EIGHT RUBBING BED MEN and two saw yers wanted by Charles River Stone Co., Brook line street, Cambridgport, Mass. 132t2 WANTED One kitchen girl, one (iinlng-ronm girl and a man to work in stable. Apply at the South End Hotel. Lt4 WANTED Twenty stone-cutters at once. Wells. Lamson & Co. lll'tf WORK WANTED. WANTED A position in a granite office. Two years' experience. Can sketch and ligurc work and use typewriter. Address " Work," Times ofliee. ' im-Z WANTED Dressmaking and family sewing. Mrs. J. R. Spence, 25 Warren street. SHitf BOARDERS WANTED. BOARDERS WANTED At 13 West street, corner of Summer street. UM BOARDERS WANTED At the Central Hoard trig House, 14 Central Street. fWtf LOST AND FOUND. STRAYED Into the enclosure of the under signed, ft small bay mare. Owner can have same by proving property and paying charges. Drnry Ros., Williamstown, Vt. Wtf BARRE SAVINGS BANK & TRUST GO. OFFICE LN EOLSTEK BLOCK, BARSE, VT. Zli percent Paid on Deposits. I. EEKRY JACKSON, Fres-dent. CE0R6E UOWLAKD, Vice President. F. G. 30W1AND. Treasurer. C J. LEASE. Assistant Treasurer. Directors: J. HENRY JACKSON. GEORGE HOWLAND, BURT H. WtLLS. HOREK FITTS. B. A EASTMAN. E. W. B1SBEE. W. G. PIYNOLDS. GEORGE MILNE. F. G. HOWLAND. , First Class Real Estate STATEMKNT ASSETS. Real Estate Loans, all ia Vermont, . Other loans, . Bonds and Investments, U. S. 2 per cent. Bonds at par, . . . Other U. S. Bonds, . Funds on hand, . $555,404.76 319,906.39 275,173.37 26,400.00 72,794.43 25,425.49 $1,275,104.44 All our Mortgage Loans re made on improved property in the state of Vermont. Interest is creditexl to depositors April 1st und October 1st In eaen year, thus giving depoBl tors compound interest. We pay all taxes on deposits not exceeding t2,0OO. We should be pleased to do business with you. Combination Bookcases! We are showing the largest and most complete line to be found in the city. Prices from $15.00 to $45.00 each. Bookcases, Ladies' Desks, etc. It is a little early to adver tise them, but you can buy them now lower than later on. BARRY & New Toraasi Block, l'NDERTAKKE.8 AND T. H. BARRY, - - 5 Averill St. Telephone 209-12. YOU MAY DRIVE' - - - WILLIAM Miles' Granite Block. (Tel. - s w i I, i i t '.! From Chicago, August 15 to September 10. Fina! return limit October 23. Two through trains daily via the St. Paul and the Union Pacific Line The Overland Limited runs via this route, and makes the trip, Chicago to San Fran cisco, in less than three days. The California Express is another good train via this route, and carries tourist sleep ing cars in which the rate for a double berth all the way is only $j. Tickets via the Twin Cities and Portland, in one direction, $6i. C VV. W. HALL, i New England PassV Agent, Some agents say 'The Best Companies," others "The Strongest," and still others "The Largest Companies," I simply say J. W. DILLON, Agent. Representing $465f490,1 17.39 assetts as per annual statement of companies represented in this agency on Jan. 1, 1903. That tells the whole story. Call and investigate. No risk too large, none too small. Began business Feb. 27, '93 Mortgages, Five Per Cent. JULY 1, 1904. LIABILITIES. Capital Stock, . . $50,000.00 Surplus Fund, . . 5,000.00 Undivided Profits,. . 8,705.65 Dividends unpaid, . . 21.00 Deposits, . . . 1,208,525.70 Premium, U. S. Bonds sold, 2,852.09 $1,275,104.44 WILLIAMS, Cor. Main and Merchant Streets. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. I L. M. WILLIAMS, - 26 Jefferson St. Telephone 212-12. t , 'tiLTrt f ':7 1 . RUDEROIDr 1 1 0 " 4 1 ROOFING W , . 51ANt,ARD ICR 13 VIAI ElANbARD ICR 13 VCAR3 BUT YOU CAN'T - - - H. PITKIN, 23 1-2) Barre, Vermont. To California and Back 369 Washington St., BOSTON. : 2 : I 1 1 1 1 5 & I I