Newspaper Page Text
THE JiAIiliE DAILY TIMES, SEPT. 21, 1904. 'eceived, The correct styles in Ladies Suits, Jackets, Capes and Skirts. These garments are well worth seeing. We will be glad to show them, whether you're ready to buy or not. FURS! FURS! Do not delay buying this important part of your ward robe, but purchase while our stock is fresh. We can and will save you money on Ladies' Garments and Furs. PERRY . CAMP, '71 and 75 Main Street, .... Barre, Vermont. "The Emergency Store HHiHiieIiKI.VH Contains Many Articles of Interest to Every Housekeeper. The line of Chamber 1 Suits, Dining Tables, Side 1 Boards, Buffets and China ! Closets, Couches, Fancy Rockers, Karpen Leather Furniture, etc.. is all new and up to date with prices to suit both the fat and lean pocket-book. The Carpet and Rug line is interesting many. Come in and you will surely be interested in the Park Mill Ex Super, Nonperal and Rajah Carpets. Also in the Burma Rug. B. W. HOOKER & CO., Undertaken Public Ambulance. Opp. Miles Granite Block. TALK OF THE TOWN. A. P "7T ft roiissrs; s rousers: Almost every man needs a pair of extra Trousers to step from summer into fall. A glance at our Trousers will tell the story of their newness, handsome fabrics and the latest cut. They were made by the best Trouser makers in the land, and they fit and hang perfectly. " Nufangl " Trousers at $3.00, $3.50, $4 00, $4.50, $5.00, $5.50 and $6.00. Every pair guaranteed to do w hat is expected of them. FRANK McYVHORTER, One Price Clothier. Hatter and Men's Outfitter, I City Market Cash Prices! Nice Sweet Potatoes, per peck, Nice Sweet Apples, per peck, -Nice Onions, per peck, Nice Spanish Onions, per pound, Nice Ripe Tomatoes, per peck, 30c 15c 45c 5c 35c Smith Bros' Cash Market, Ccr. Korth Main St. and Maple Ave., - - Barre, Vermont, I ft 1 ft Here's a Pointer for Early Buyers. (Xi UIT? Our new Suits are arriving daily. You may Chink it a little early to lay ft aside your summer Suit, still it's none too early to make your selection of a ft smart" and snappy Suit for fa!! and winter wear. The single and double j breasted styles are both very attractive. There's something about every Suit U that will make a man glad he's inside of it. Large range in prices. We start T? -. CI efl mn nn im tn .fl fV cvrrv nrire a fVir nf with ' the HI UK V i . r ni lull .iviig vilj .v rvv') - - - j ... guarantee of money back if you want it attached to every Suit. MOORE & OWENS, i22 North Main St., - - Barre, Vermont. 2 I , !W jfOl'l'Bl. S 1 IP "A !i Columbia Family Sca'c , at Rl. ) ' Weighs accurately from one ounce to twenty-four pounds. Indespensable during canning time and useful every day in the year. Price, $1.25. Boston Bargain Store, JSO-187 No. Main Street. , Telephone 123-12. C. H. KENYON & CO. Cook with gag. bee Abbott's new fleeced oodn. See the new linens at Yaughan's. t'resbytt-r'.au supper this evening. Read the Vaughau store advertismeut. i Series dance at tbo Pavilion Friday night. J. B. Noble went to Randolph today on a visit. N. C. Gushing went to Boston today on business. New (all goods in all departments at Terry's, Large assortment of top coats at Moore & Owens'. New $1.50 shirt waists for $1.00 each at Vanghan's. Dr. II. S. Carver of MarshGeld was In the city today. George Campbell of Swanton Is visiting relatives In the city. J. E. Ward went to Wells River this morning on business. New fall neckwear at McWhorter's, all the latest colors and shapes. M. J. Green has none to Morrlsville to attend the fair at that place. Mrs. William Trenoweth went to Con cord, N. II., today on a visit. Auction sale of 13 room house on Cot tage street October 1. bee adv. Mrs. Rogers of Walderj, who has been visiting her son, F. II. fcogers, returned home today. Editor Davenport of the Telegram will preach at the Waterbury Methodist church next hunday. Dr. and Mrs E. II. Bailey of Graniie ville left last night for St. Ixniia to attend the exposition. lir unlar meeting of Court Granite City Foresters of America, Thursday evening, Sept. 22nd at 7.80 sharp. A special convocation of Ruth Chapter No. 33 this evening at half past seven. Re freshments wiil be served. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Smith and Mr. and Mrs. J. G. l'irie were the guests of Mrs. Arthur Letournean yesterday. j Underwear, the kind you can depend upon for wear, 25c, 50c, 75o, and f 1.00 per j garment at Veale A Knight's. ; Motorman Charles II. Reagan of the eleutrio railroad has resumed his duties after a vacation spent in Burlington. j There will be a regular meeting of Di vision No. 1 A. O. Ii. at 7.30 o'clock this evening. Exemplification of degrees. The next Btate oooveution of the A. O. II. w ill be held in Montpelier. A county convention Is likely to be held In this city soon. Fred L. White went to Lyndonville this morning where he has accepted a position as clerfc in K. V. Silby'a gents furnishing store. A. P. Abbott returned last evening from a hunting trip, in Randolph, bring ing home a tine string of partridge and woodcock. A. S. Cleveland was arrested last night by Officer Faulkner, lie pleaded guilty to being found intoxicated and weut to jail for ten days. Prof. Thompson will hold a public se ance Thursday evening at the home of John T'aterson. 19 Eastern ave., at 7.i!0 sharp. Admission 25c Mrs. George L. Bates entertained the members of her Sunday school class at her home on Orange street Monday eveuing. A corn roast was the reature. Ernest Nichols, Charles Bergeron, F. E. Kobinsou and A. li. Collins went to Burlington this morning to attend the Knights of Pythias convention. The Y, W. C. T, U. will meet next Thursday evening, Sept. .12, at 8 o'clock with Miss 11a Batehelder on Summer street. A program will be furnished. All who are charitably disposed should attend the Ladles' Aid whist party and dance in Miles' ball this eveuing, and as sist the ladles in continuing their worthy work. If the person who took three sofa pil lows from the piazza of the house at lid Washington street a short time ago will kindly return them nothing more will be said about it,. The members of St. Elizabeth's chapter will meet with Mrs. J. V. V aughan Thursday at 2 p. m. for the purpose of sewing for the sale which they intend to hold in December. Whist party and dance this evening In Miles' hall. Whist from 8 o'clock sharp until 0.30 o'clock, followed by dancing. Admission 2.c Including whist and danc ing. Everybody welcome. Tickets on sale ai ball. Angelo Cardinl was in city court Satur day aud pleaded guilty to shooting eight song birds. Ho was lined five dollars for each bird and costs of $7.3!) which he paid. He was arrested by Game arden An drew Laviotette who caught bim with the birds in his pocket. The heavy rain fail yesterday afternoon transformed Washington and Main streets into respectable-sized rivers so that In places the streets were impassible for pe destrians. A fuse on electric car 10 was burned out and the ear was stalled near the park until this forenoon. A special meeting of Granite City Lodge, Odd Ladies, will be held tonight at 0 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. John F. Mur ray, 4 Orange street. His very earnest ly requested that all ofllcers and as many of the members as can make it conven ient will be present. Per order Mrs. Margaret Dover, Prov. Grand Lady. V. G. Ilowland of Barre was elected state vice-president for Vermont of the American Bankers Association at us meeting in New York last week. This is the kind of recocnition we like to see. Mr. Ilowland Is a sell niaue man ana nas worked his way up the ladder, where to day he Is recognized as one of Vermont's leading bankers. Waterbury Record. That sparkling farce comedy,"A Bunch of Keys." Friday eveuing at the Barre op era house and it is safe to predict that standing room will be at a premium before the curtain goes up on this humorous play , as it is the best of the late Chas. lloyt's plays. One of the secrets of the suocess of "A Bunch of Keys" Is that Manager Bothner has jealously guarded against weakening by an Indifferent cast or taw dry scenery and in these details an excel lent discipline has been maintained. ABBOTT & CO. A. P. ABBOTT 8c CO. A. P. ABBOTT & CO. 1 fine oayiigm CsTC Look to Your N Never has there been a season characterized by such an immense variety of styles as the . , , i i i . . r l -l present one. let never has there been a season when tne styles contained more or uic cicincms of success. This is not alone because of their great diversity, but also because of their novelty, their beauty, and, perhaps more than all, their appropriateness to the social usages of this country. Ladies' Tailored Suits If you are looking for anything in the line of Tailored Suits it will be to "your interest to look over our line as it com prises the most popular styles of the sea son. We are receiving new models each day and will be pleased to show you through the line. At $10.00. We can give you a very good Suit both as to style and make. At $12.50. We are showing a fine line of all wool Suits in colors and black, made of a good weight cheviot in styles which will compare with the $25.00 line. We are showing other lines at $15.00, $18.00, $20.00 and $25 00, in colors and black. Made in plain cheviot, and eliment cheviot, broadcloth and mixtures, in latest styles. We invite your inspection, j if Ladies' Fall and Winter Jackets Owing' to the lateness of the season and unsettled condition as to the style of the Winter Jackets, we have been a little late in showing our line but this week will see our stock of Coats in good selling shape. We have just received" a large shipment both of Ladies' and Misses Coats and by Thursday will be able to show the full assortment. In'Misses' Coats we will start them at $3.98 and can give you a good assort ment up to $18.00. Ladies' Coats in styles to suit the trade from $5.00 to $40.00. The line is open? for your inspection. Watch for Mrs. Shepard's and Abbott's special Millinery and Garment Opening Friday and Saturday of this week. Attractions which will interest all. 4 O A TH Tr yis. GC3 TALK OF THE TOWN. Bake with gas. , See the new neckwear at Vaughan's. You want one of those golf jackets at MeWhortei'8. Watch for A. 1 Abbott's special gar ment opening. Mrs. Norman Mclver went to Montreal , today on a visit. Miss Kate Mclver of Worcester, Mass. , Is visiting friends in Barre. Get the prize at the TaviHon Friday night. Dancing from 8 to 12. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brady are the guests of friends in Burlington. See our fall suits before buying. The largest line In Barre to select from. Moore & Owens. Blankets and comforters, just what you need for winter. Our prices are right when quality is considered. Veale & Knight. Charles Ken yon, Irving Whitehead and Dan Barber went to Burllneton today to take the first degree in the Knights of Pythias order. Clayton F.dwin Sanborn.thirteen months' old child of W. E. Sanborn of Washing ton street died last night. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon, the Kev. Mr. Poole being the officiating clergyman. Officer Ilamel arrested a man who gave his name as John Anderson last night for intoxication. Anderson pleaded guilty In city court this morning and will spend ten days in jail on default of payment of his fine. - . Charles A. Page, manager for the Barre end of the Yiles' electric system, has pur chased C. A Churchill's interest in the firm of Churchill & Welch and will enter business for himself beginning Oct. 1st. Mr. Page's many friends will wish him success. I New vStore! New Goods! A full line of the i8j.7 Roircrs Bros.' Fully Guaranteed Knives, Forks and -Spoons. Also Meat Forks, Ladles, Berry i Spoons, Pie Servers, Fruit Knives, etc. C Watch and Jeweliy Repairing. Mileage Books to Feet On All Eoads. 2 M. L. WALKER, (SUCCESSOR TO J. W. BOLTON) Hale's Block, J59, op stairs, North Main St, - Barre, Vermont. Pull Value for Your Money Onions, per peck 35c Potatoes, per peck 15c Tn pounds of Sweet Potatoes for 25 c Peaches, per dozen . . . , 25e Peirs, per dozen 25c Grapes, per basket 20c and 25c Choke Line of Fresh Meats and Vegetables. MERCHANT & FRASER, 303 North Main Street and 6 Elm Street, Barre. TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION. TO KENT Teijompiit, up-Btairs, best tn the block, at low rent. Apily as mlU Bros.' market. lMJif NOTICE! 1 wish to announce to the ladies of Barre and vicinity that I will open DRESSMAKING ROOMS, At 6 Averill Street, September 24th, and solicit a share of your patronage. 1 have put my prices down very low in order to establish a good business, but can guarantee my fitting and work to be first class. ; jZ? Daily at the t Barre Candy Kitchen I Coffee that Is Coffee f MRS. ELWIN A. WILLIAMS, ; 6 Averill Street. - - Barre, Vt. Rubber Stamps TO ORDER. Anything you O- wain, iroin a frx sin pie letter to ht ' till dU.Ugldli for a signature. Also Seal Tresses, Sten cils, Check Perforaters, Numbering Ma chines, etc. Our prices are reasonable. AVERILL MUSIC CO., 21 North Sain St., - - Barre, Vermont. Nothing adds more to the breakfast than a good cup of Coffee. There probably is no article in the grocery trade that there is more deception on than Coffee. You find some strange mixtures on the market under the name of Coffee. We have been to quite an expense in the selec tion of our Coffee and know that we have the best. Our large Coffee trade says so. - Dutchess, a fancy selected Mocha and Java, per pound, 38c Gilt Edge high grade Mocha and Javaj per pound, - 35c Souvenir, equal to most 35c Coffee, per pound, (Ask for ont-fourth pouod sample free). 25c Special Deal on Raisins. Fancy Three Crown Raisins, five pounds for Fancy Four Crown Raisins, four pounds for Preserving Fears, per peck, - 25c 25c 35c F. D. LADD, Leading Cash Grocer, Meats and Provisions.