Newspaper Page Text
TILE JJAKRE DAILY TIMES. SEPT. 21, 11)04. ( 4 i Savings bank BARRED, VERMONT. Organized in 1885, the " GRANITE " is the oldest Savings Bank and Trust Company in Barre. It has the largest CAPITAL and SURPLUS of any local Bank under State Inspection. It is managed by a Board of Directors representing the substantial and conservative interests of Barre, a majority of whom have had nearly twenty years" ex perience in the management of this Bank. Our Ainu Liberal But Safe Banking. 3, 3 1 -2 and 4 Per Cent Interest Allowed on Savings De posits According to Terms of Deposit. Assets. - - - Over One Million Dollars JOHN TROW, President. H. 0. W0RTHEN, Vice-President. H. 6. WOODRUFF, Treasurer. F. B. Gate Real Estate Agency Farms Recently Placed With Us for Immediate Sale. A RIVER FARM, containing 350 acres , located half way between I'laio field and MaDsfleld, known as the Webster Ilaaklns' farm. This is one of the best farms In Washington oountv and must be gold to nettle the estate. There are three large barns and a good two-story house. The barns need some re pairs. The stables will tie up sixty bead of cattle. The farm will keep seventy five cows and teams to carry on the place summer and winter. Plenty of wood. Sucar orchard of about 121)0 trees. About 100,000 feet of saw timber. Apble orchard of grafted fruit. Never failing water at house and barns. Roth house and barns are lighted by electricity on the New England and People's telephone line. Rural delivery about to be established. Only 3 1-2 miles from three fiood creameries. School is U'O rods and town house fifty rods from the house. We were surprised when the administrator gave ns the price and no doubt you will be ouly $4,000.00. II you are looking for a good farm, why look further? HERE IS A SMALLER FARM at a less price, located in the town of Corinth. Contains 1071 acres, with 100,000 feet of saw timber, only one hal .mile from a sawmill. Sixty rods to school and church. Buildings in good repair. House contains nine room and barn is 80 by 30 feet. Will keep about W head of cattle and team. The price Is only $1,300.00. THIS ONE HUNDRED ACRE FARM is only five miles from the city. 'Buildings in fair condition. Land is level and free from stone. Price, $1,250.00. Small payment dowa and balance easy. THIS ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY ACRE FARM is seven miles out. Will cut 73 tons of hay with machine, besides producing other crops. Sugar orchard of 700 trees Evaporator and tubs. One hundred rods to church, post-office, school and store. Two good apple orchards, grafted fruit. Buildings good. Three barns and hen house. Running water to house and barns. We will trade this place for property in the city. Call for particulars. Bolster Block, Rooms H F. B. Cate. (Telephone COMMISSIONERS NOTICE. ESTATE OF OVIDE BKSSCItEAC. The urtdersicrted, having been appointed lv the Hon. Probate rt for the ui.-tiict of Washington, eonumsMoiwrs, to receive, ex amine anil aoiust ho nanus nu ,m-ihi', , hi. neisons i:Hiit the entitle 01 uviue nessureau, j.t of the t itv of Pane, in tail! lustnct, deceased, arid ill claims exhibited in otlcet ti.-rer... herebv eive notice that we will meet S the purposes aforesaid at the office of Henry i Fremer, in the t'irv of Barre, in said Hii i! trict, on the 30th liiv of scpteuilssr anil loth 1 Uav of -March next, from one o'clock 1. M. until four o'clock J. M., ech of said days, ami that ix month from the 7th day S of septcniW, A. l. li4,l the time limited hy I paid four for said creditors to prewut their tiaimn to us for examination and allowance, lmted at the t'itv of lisrrc this 7th day of Septerulier, A, 1. l'.id. VS?1'1?8' ! Ciumlwioneni. $ ,ltS:E C.A HI r, ( J Wed- Sept. i--a I Great World's Fair Line 1 Th Wah.ih Kaih-oed is the onlv line havlntt I trarku n depot at main entrance to Woild lair Cironiulh, St. Louis. I Ail thronp-h trains westbound and rurthonnd j Mop at Fati'iroiiii(l9 to take on or let off pa I - (iPtii-crs, thus avoiding necessity of jroinir to Union ix-pot, St. Louit,, unless so desired. Rap- 1 ppe also checked to Wabash World' it .Stiition if rei-ted. f Tii kcts, New York to St. Louis and return, 4 $18. Hiwton to St. Louis and return, J-'t. l'hlla- I dejphiu and return, 17. Correspondingly low i rate from other Eastern points. I on 15-rtv, Wi-dav ami season ticket? privilege i of stopping off at Niagara Kails, iMjiroitand Ihica-o. . i A pplv to nearest ticket agent for tickets via the " Vv'ahash." I Folders. Eiving halftone views of the orul s 1 Fair huihl'ing and ground will be sent FKKE f on application to H. U. M.rCLEI.LAN, 1. E A ., I W7 Broodwav, N Y., or J. 1. Mi HEATH, Ji. fc. 1 1". A., lTti Washington Htreet, Boston. REAL ESTATE ADS. PAY IN The Daily Times Kl'CAl'SE IT IS THE BEST HEAL ESTATE , MFDIVM AM HAS THE BEST REAL ES , TATE NEWS. ADYEKTISE IX THE TIMES. TRAVELERS' RAILWAY GUIDE. CF.KTSAL VERMONT RA1I.KOAI1. Trains leavinf Barre for White Kiver Junc tion, Boston, New York and all intervenine points at S I a. m., 12 iu. and 12.01 a. in. Local - tram for White Kiver Junction and Windsor and intermediate stations leaves at 6.45 p. ru. ' Trains leave Barre for BnrlinBton, St. Albans. Houses Point and OifdenshuiK at LK a. m. aid MO, (!.; p. in. and la.ul a. in. Trains connect at hsex for points on Rutland road and the 8.30 ' connects with New York train for Montreal and points west leaving Barre at 8.10, 6.:t0 and 12 m. . For Williamstown leave Barre at 1.20 and 4.3e p. in. Leave Williamstown at 7.2 a. m.and3.d0 MONTPEWKR WK1.1.S KIVKR KAtt.BOAD, i (.JOMMKNCINO JUSS 27, 1W4. i Trains leave Barre for Wells River, eonneet- inir at that point with train going both mirth and aoutli, at 7.30 . m., 12.30 and S.15 p. m. The V.!..10 train connects with train for Boston, and north for Lisbon, Littleton, Eabyana and Lan- f aster also with Montreal express, and the 7.30 and a.iB trains with tit. Johnshury trams. : Trains leave Barre for Montpelier at 7.30, 10.20 . iu.; 12.30, 8.15, 4.1Uand B.3U p. m. '0 ELECTKIO STRKFT BAILWAV. ''ars leave square in Barre for Montpelier at 4 minutes of and 15 minutes past the hour. ve Montpelier for Baire on the hoar and it hour until 10 p. m. GRANITE i and trust co. and 12, Barre, Vt. 135-2) H. J. Slavtom. Nat'! Bank of Barre ITflTED STATES GOVERNMENT DEPOSITORY. THE BEST PROTECTOR No matter what your present condi tion may be, you should always give some thought to the future. The surest safeguard about the future is MONEY IN THE BANK You spend less if the money h away from your pot It:. It is safer, too, and mm there is no making change when you pay by check. Ask any depositor or call and talk it over. 3 1-2 Per Cent Interest paid on Sav ings Deposits F. G. ROWLAND, Cashier. MERRY-GO-ROUND Angelo Scampini announces that his Merry-Go-Round will be in operation for'the Summer beginning Saturday, July 2d, on the Berlin street grounds opposite his house. Come and enjoy a ride, hear the music and have a good time. ANGELO SCAMPINI, Prop'r. RAFAEL BARSHIE, SHOE REPAIRING. 42 Prospect Street. All day. Heel and tap, soc. Children boys. 4&c; girls, 30c; sole tap, Sl.oo. good a new shoe; rubber heel, 40e, best of goods; cheap tap, 60c. ;Vou ouce tee my work you will like it.J . FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIA s Closing Quotations of the New Yor Stock Exchange. Now York. Sept :0. Money on full nominally at lu'i per cent; prime mercantile puper. )ai per 'fill : exchanges, $;.'4.170 t:i!; balance $11,- Closinc prices: Amnl. Copper... 5T4' N. Y. Central.. IS1 Atchison VP, Norf. 4i West.. 3 B. & O WH, Venn. K. R 124 Brooklyn It. T. . M K'-Hdlntr ti C. .C..O. 8. 1... Kork Island... . VtifH. sr Ohio..,. C', St. Paul CM. & North w..14' Southern P.'io..i, O. & 11 lS"i Southern Ry... S2 Eric an. South. Ry. pf... !6 ien. Kleetrio. . . ITU Sugar YM 111. Central 1t Texas Pacific... 1-ackR wanna.... 2TKU, I'nlon Pacific..'; Louis. & Nan.. Ul f. 8. Steel 10 Manhattan IRS r. 8. Steel pf... ; Metropolitan..., LM -Went. Union Su Missouri hie... 96 General Markets. New York, Sept. W. FLOl'R Quiet and unsettled; Minneso ta patent. Stiiii.iiO; winter straights, 10a 6.40; winter extras, $3 i'.al.lO; winter pat ents. t5.a5.iin. - WHEAT Opened strong and higher on cold weather reports, foreign buying and rush of KhortH to cover; later market eased off under realizing and was unset tled all forenoon: December, Jl.lal 13'i; May, tl.12al.12 13-16. CORN Opened up on cold weather, hut declined with wheat; December, 67'a677c. TAUX3VV Steady; city. 4MiC.; country, 4Ha4He. HAY Dull; whipping, 67'ic; good to choice, Sk POTATOKS Kany; Long Island. $1.50a 1.75; Jersey and southern, n 30al.SO; Jer key sweets, t''a2.25. BTRAYV Weukr long rye. SoriSOc. BEANS Steady; marrow, 12.80: me dium, n.90al.: pea, tl.75al.77H; red kid ney, t3. AVOOI-FIrm; domestic fleece, 3:n30e. HOI'S Firm; mate, common to choice, I9f4. 2!m3tc. ; 1903, 27a35a; olds, 10il5c. ; Pa "iMc coast, 1904, 27a32c; lu3, 2Ga31c; olds. loaliio raui i.aitiioi Dunbar III. Dnyron, ()., Sept. 21. raul I.iiw- rence Iiiiulmr. llio Afro-Anioricaii poet, is ri'iticHlly ill of coiisuniplioii at tlie lionie of liis lnothor in this city. The doctors miy lie probably will not live longer than a mouth. On May fi lit contracted pnt'Uiiioniu wbile in New York, nd it developed Into tuberculin trouble. FOUR LINES FOR 25 CENTS The Times will publish Wants, Lost and Found, For Sale, To Let, etc. short advertise ments at the rate of four line for twenty-five cents for the first insertion and Bve cent for each subsequent insertion. FOR SALE FOR SALE Twenty -six lota on Barclay and Allen streets, off Prospect street, either entire or in lots; most sightly place in city. To see plan apply to Asa a airing ton, 9 Eastern ave nue, lolitf FOR SALE Brandis-l'ierce easoline or cas engine, five-horse power, almost new. Apply FOR BALE Sweet cider. Order taken at the Vermont Fruit Store. Six cents a pallet! by George C. McCarthy. It3 FOR SALE Irge Magee heater, coa' burner. Nearly new and in perfect condition. Will sell cheap. Inquire 9 Dewey street. 15ntf AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE-Rambler tonneau, model H, cost over t'MO. New June 15. Price '.'73. Lock box 56, Montpelier, Vt. lSJStti FOR SALE Full blood Boston bull terrier. six month old, nice color and shape. For fur ther particulars address Box 411, Barre,Vt. 15710 VtO V .4I V ,,rl l,n,l .r.H.x WOI lie sold cheap. Inquire at R. L. Clark's store, ITrospect street. 150t6 FOR SALE Itadv hard wood, fitted for the stove, $2 50 per cord in two-cord hts. Address or telephone John W. Averill, Bane. Tele phone number 307-3. 154tl FAliM FOR KALE loo acres. If sold within lav will make price an object to buyer. Ap ply to 11. J. Timing, Barre, Vt. lmtW FOR SALE A farm known as the E. V. Olds farm, situated half way from Barre city to Wil liamstown. The owner dfsires to sell owing to ill health. For further information applv to F. H. Hopkins, South Barre, Vt. ltf WINE BARRELS FOR SALE Anyone want ing barrel for cider can buy them or me. J. D. Ossola. I42tf COWS FOR SALE Sixteen extra good, young cows for sale. Thirteen of them soon to lie new milch. Edward Perrin. Lffltf FOR SALE Young Phr. four weeks old. Apply to Geo. Robertson, Thomas street. LC'tf FOR SALE OR TO RENT A cottage house and tiarn at South Barre. Cottage contains six rooms, newly papered and painted. Address Br.x 20, South Bane, or telephouh fK5-12. .1. E. vt ara. inn HILLED CORN AND HOMINY. I will carry Hominy in my Hulled Corn team until further notice. Parties wanting Hulled Corn or Hominy will please hail team when it l passing tneir resilience, t an ror earn, lflitf O. B. F1FIELD. 2S0 RUNS BODY WOOD. MOSTLY MAPLE. 1B0 runs good limb wood. Special prices for quantity. A. W. ALLEN, Sunnyside Farm. Telephone 114-3. 2witf FOR SALE AT CASSIK FARM. Milk Onr wagon delivers twice a day. Hay Delivered promptly in bulk. Pii's 7. f roin one to nine weeks' old. A clieaD mare for drive or work. Good loader, gentle and safe. Apply to George Cassie, East street. TO RENT. TO RENT Furnished room. K. B. Perry, 21 Franklin Street. lOiii TO RENT Two furnished roomR. Furnace heat, electric lights, bath, etc. DO South Mam street. TO KENT A six-room cottage on Academy street. Also rooms to rent. Inquire of Mrs. Robert Wilson, 7 Church street, Barre. 153L6 TO RENT On Branch street, one six-room tenement with bath and hot water connections. Also one small te.nem :nt. Inquire of K. D. Iteckley, So. 6 Park street. !Ktl2 T'O RENT I'p-s'-aiis front office. Suitable for grange man or doctor. Apply to K. A. Drown, Barre. . lo,Stf TO RENT ifood. warm up-stalr tenement of tour i-oon s, on Hall street, oil street ex tension. City water. Five minutes from post office. F.:nt$7.0u. Apply to Alexander Mathie son, W ndall Place, close to Hall street. 152tf TO RENT A tenement suitale for a small amily. Inquire of M. Harvey, 46 1'earl St. 162tf TO KENT- Furnished room with all modern Improvements. Apply at 31 Franklin St. l llltf TO RENT Suite of two offices in the Currier block. Apply to R. S. Currier. 147tf TO RENT Furnished or unfurnished rooms. Modern Improvements. Apply to Mrs. W. II. Eastman, corner Wellington street and Walnut street. tHitf TO RENT -Three or four large rooms on first floor, Main street, suitable for millinery par lors, ofiioes. etc., to rent. Also a live-room ten ement up stairs, on Granite street. Apply to Scott & Towusend, J44tf TO RENT The old Bolster store on I epot square, 20x00 feet. Good location. Call at C alder & Richardson's, Depot square, 13Vtf TO RENT. t I'UMSllKI) BOOM TO KENT In Milts' granite hiock. Apply at Room 71. 14UG TO liK.VT After Rcptcinber let, the rooms now occupied by the knights of Columbus, j r.atuian uros. lwu TO REST At once, a tenement. Inipiire of H. A. bcnel, Bolster block. Main street lTtf TO KENT A six-room tenement on Granite Mrwt, fitted tip with modern lniprnveiuonis. Inquire at Zanleoni's place, Cirauita St. l.irtf Tl KENT Two front offices, formerly oecn pieiil by K. E. Terry. Alo two rooms suitable Kr light housekeeping. Eaetman Bros, "Ctf J iKSlKABI.F. TENEMENT TO RENT Atthe comer of North Main and Third streets. For particulars inquire at the Barre Steam laun dry. 120tt TO RENT OR BELL Cottace. seven rooms. at 64 Merchant street. Bath, spring water. Octtdierlst. F. M. Bralef. 144tf TO RENT Furnished rosins, with board if desired. Apply at 21Jefterson street, lultf TO RENT Two tetmients, 52 and 64 Granite street. Apply to Charles Zanleoni. FURNISHED ROOM TO KENT Front room with all modern improvements. Apply at 34 Keith avenue. SK)t6 TO RENT A verv pleasant tenement of five rooms. Electric llu-iit and bath. Apply 24 Merchant street, corner Summer street. King upper bell. 117tf TO KENT Two front rooms, inrnlshed, with latest improvements. Apply to O. N. Canton, 10S corner of Maple and Seminary Btreets. loatf TO RENT After July 1st, tenement at fl a month. Apply to Dr. C. H. Kent, 86tf TO RENT Desirable front office room, for naerly occupied by E. M. Tayntor. Eastman Bros. tsetf TO RENT Tenement at corner Washington ana Spaulding streets. Apply to W. U. Par ker. 77tf TENEMENT TO RENT Corner of Seminary and Laurel streets, 7 rooms and bath. All newly painted, papered and whitened. Apply to E. V. Bisbee. Mitf TO RENT Five-room tenement, down stairs, at 121 Hill street. Sewiy repaired. I-argelawn and good garden. Spring water. Pleasantly located. Inquire on premises. fittf TO RENT Tenement of five rooms. Spring ani cistern water. Mrs. c. A Moswortn. t7 Merchant street. Uhtt TO KENT Large furnished room, all modern conveniences, desirable for two men. No. 6 Avert!) street. S5tf TO RENT. Three Tenements on Patterson Street. One Tenement on Branch Street. t me Tenement on Granite Htreet. One Tenement on Hill Street. 117tf04 Apply at Phelp Brothers'. TO LET A very desirable np-stairs tenement at JO Mount street. Apply at first Boor. 4tf TO KENT A cottage house on Central street, also a tenement on Academy street. Apply to K. M. Lyon. Address store or 27 Highland Avenue. 241tf WANTED. WASTED To buy a set of one-horse traverse sleds, new or second-hand. J. A. Cuinniinir, Wetwterville, Vt. i;t6 WASTED Washings. Will get them and deliver them, 36 Hill street. IWttl WANTED Nice fat hogs. Inquire at A. Fon tana's. Granite street, Socialist block, loitti WANTED To exchange city oropertv Tor farms of any size. Inquire of A. L. Batchelder, Barre. u-itt WANTED Driving horse, weight 1.000 llg. Safe driver.. Apply to A. J. Young. 14titf W A NTt-'tl Monev on trmui real clar in the City f Barre. Will pay fi per cent. Keplv to Box 135. HTtO WASTED Would like to hire a house with five or six rooms and bath, and will pay rent in advance. Address 1 Summer street. B. A. bylow. lOdtf WASTED To buv 60 hens. State what vou have and price wanted. Address G. I.. Morris, mo l reimmt street, city. Bt2 WANTED A farm near Barre City or Wil harmtown to exchange for citv nrooertv. Ad d-es, stating particulars, Box'iOtj, Bane. 64tf HELP WANTED. WANTED Girl for general housework. Mrs. Kenarick, lo Wellington street. 150tf WANTED Man to work on a farm by the day or mouth. Aim, girl for general housework. ApoJy on premise at South Bane. F. D, Martin. I57t6 Aior.if y.Tiiv roiiMier. cuiuiiiuiaii (..rinii.e Co., Slouttielier, Vt. losta WANTED A young girl to assist in general housework. So cooking or washing. Apply 10 iir. a. n. Alien. hbli WANTED Capable girl for general bouse work. G-v m1 wages. Apply at once to Mrs. A. N. ISlanchard, 23 Terrace street, 3Iont.pelier, WANTED One gang of stone-cntters. Mon umental and building work. Flint Granite Co., Albany, s. Y. lreto WANTED Four granite cutters. Apply at rare 10 jvenam v nnaner, scneiicciaoy N. V. J;,ii3 WANTED Two lathers. Apply to W FelcU, Graniteville, Vt. 150t6 WANTED Girl for general housework and to assist in the care of children. Apply to Mrs J. E. Flanagan, 140 State St., Montpelier. 4hU WORK WANTED, WANTED Another polisher for short time work. Bianchi & Sons, East Barre, lj4tf WANTED Young man wishes position as draughtsman or assistant in office or shed, for merly with the Bernard Electric Co., Troy, N. V. Can furnish snmples of work, references, etc; Address "M.," Times office. , 147UO WANTED A position in a granite office. Two years" experience. Can sketch and figure work anil use typewriter. Address "Woik," Times ollhe. 14312 WANTED Dressmaking and family sewing. Mrs. J. R. Speuce, 26 Wari'en street. Wit BOARDERS WANTED. WANTED Boarders anil tal.lo boarders. Mr. Garden, 1.1 Brook street, Barre, Vt. 1HJU1 BOARDERS WANTED At 13 West street, corner of Summer street. Hit.) BOARDERS WANTED At the Central Board ing House, 14 Central Street. ftjtf LOST AND FOUND. LOST A spotted black and white rabbit hound with long brown ears. Is four months old and wcivrs a collar. Finder please return or inform F, Ross, B street. l.iotf LOST A hand-painted brooch, between the Universalis parsonage and the Boston Bargain Store. Finder leave at latter place and lw re warded. ft ,f LOST The forward part of a work harness. Finder please return to N. M. Nelson, Mer chant street. tbM LOST At Groton Pond, Iibor dav, two hound (one male and the other female) both black and white and licensed in Groton. Any one returning them will be suitably rewarded. Lewi Carey, V. C'ompomoiia. 14M12 STK AYED Into the enclosure of the under signed, a small Ray mare. Owner cau have same hy proving property and paying charges. Drnry iiros., WlllUuistown, Vt. ' l-iOtt BARRE. SAVINGS BANK & TRUST GO. .CFHCE LN E0LSTER BLOCK. BAFM. H. 34 percent Paid on Deposits. I. EENRY JACXSGN, President. GEORGE HOWLAND. VUe Frtsidtnt. F. G. E0WLAND, Ircainrer. C. J. LEASE, Assistant Treasurer. Directors: J. HENRY JACKSON, GEORGE BOWLAKD, BURT H. WELLS. HOMER FITTS. B. A EASTMAN, E. W. UlSBEE, W. G. REYNOLDS. GEORGE MINE, F. G. HOWLAKB. First Class Real Estate STATEMENT ASSETS. Real Estate Loans, all in Vermont, . $555,404.76 Other loans, . 319,906.39 Bonds and Investments, 275,173.37 U. S. 2 per cent. Bonds at par, . 26,400.00 Other U. S. Bonds, . 72,794.43 25,425.49 Funds on hand, . $1,275,104.44 All onr Mortgage Loans are made on Improved property iu the state of Vermont. Interest is credited to depositors April 1st and October 1st In eacn year, thus giving deport tors compound Interest. We pay all taxes on deposits not exceeding 2,0UO. We should be pleased to do business with you. SOFT WOOD FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. Located on'y four miles from railroad station on main line of the Central Vermont. There are about loo acres wooded, mostly old growth jpruce. Good estimates claim 1,000,000 feet. This lumber lot will be sold, includ ing home farm, pleasantly situated on a good road. School just across the yard. Rural free delivery. The whole property consists of about 280 acres. This is one of the few valuable old growth spruce wood-lots left and will not remain on the market long. Anyone interested will do well to inquire at once at the D; A Perry Real Estate Agency, Gordon Block, North Main St., Barre, Vermont. C. H. GLLFTLLAN & CO., INVESTMENT BROKERS Rooms 3 and 4, Currier Bldg, Barre, Vt. Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Provisions end Cotton Bought and Sold for Cash or Carried on Account. We make a specialty of handling " outright " business, that is, buying and selling Certificates of Stocks and Bonds for Delivery, for Bank, Estates, Syndicates and Individuals. Tarred We have the one, two and three-ply Tarred Paper. Cover your barns and keep out the cold by using this paper. PRINDLE 8 r North Main Street, Oar Great Wall Is still in progress, but we your attention to our elegant which have just arrived and C. A. HEATH WALL PAPER CO., (Telephone Call, 315-3) 169 Washington St., Barre, Vt. Office and Salesroom, 10 Elm Street. NICE BOSTON FERNS. Cut Flowers and Floral Designs a Specialty. Store will be dosed at 1 2 noon from July 1 5th to Sept. 1 5th, except on funeral occasions. Orders will be received at the Greenhouse when the Store is closed. EMSLIE, THE FLORIST, Telephone Store, 152-12: Greenhouse, 201 INSURANCE. Some agents say 'The Best Companies," other "The Strongest," and still others "The Largest Companies." I simply say J. W. DILLON, Agent Representing $465,490,117.39 assetts as per annual statement of companies represented in this agency on' Jan. 1, 1903. That tells the whole story. Call and investigate. No risk too large, none too small. Began business feb. 27, '93 Mortgages, Fire Per Ceat. JULY 1, 1904. LIABILITIES, Capital Stock. . , . $50,000.00 Surplus Fund, . . 5,000.00 Undivided Profits,. . 8,705.65 Dividends unpaid, , . 21.00 Deposits, . . . 1,208,525.7ft Premium, U. S. Bends sold, 2,852.09 $1,275,104.44 LUMBER LOT & AVERILL, Barre, Vermont. Paper Sale wish more especially at this- time to call line of Japanese and Chinese Mattings, which we wil! sell at the lowest prices. - 11. OTIS BLOCK, PEARL STREFT. Paper! I