Newspaper Page Text
r 6 THE 1IAIUIE DAILY TIMES, OCT. 3, HHM. 1 THE BARRE DAILY TIMES BARRE, VT., OCTOBER 3, 1901. 1304 OCTOBER ,304 Su. Mo. Tu. We. TO. Fr. Sa.' 2 3 6 7 10 12 13 14 15 0? 17 18 19 20 2! 27 28 22 23 30 24 25 26 28 31 MOON'S PHHSES. Third 2 852 Ftist 16 tm 24 t a. m. if Quarter 01 p. 1U. if! New 9 0:25 a., in. Third i. Quarter THE WORRY COW SUICIDED. "Tlie worry cow might have lived till linv if she hadn't lost hor (death; but slur thought the hay wouldn't last all Iuy, ko hft worried herself to death." Annuities! make people live lunger on ac count of safety, nud wider on account of increased income. A3 year, doing busi ness in :W state. The National Life Insurance Company of Vermont (Mutual). ORGANIZED in 1S")0. 8. S. Rallurd, General Agent, N.R. BtilUrd, Local Agent, Rooms a and 3, Miles' Block, Bane, Vt. TALK 0FJTHE TOWN. See the novelties in fine linens or ta ble decoration nt Ynughan's. TheClover club will meet with Mrs. S. I). Allen on Tuesday at 2:30 o'clock. C.ranit City Lodge, I. O. O. h. M. U., villi bold a fair in Miles' hall November 9-10. Old gold and silver wanted at refiners' prices in. exchange for goods at F. E. burr's. . ".- Mrs. dames Dean, 38 Merchant street, wishes to sell her household furniture t once. The. Gleaners will meet with Miss Bailey, 7 .Summer street Monday evening at 7:45 o'clock. f.O acre farm for $100.00 to $200.00 down. 3 building lols on Howard street, wish to exchange for renting property. Call at V. H. fates' Real Estate Agency for particulars. Having sold my house and as I am go ing youth will sell at auction all of my liousehold goods on Saturday, Oct. 8th, at 38 Summer street. Sale to commence t 1 p. rn. G. I. Jackson. Sabato 8 Ottobre la Cumpagnia Filo drammnttiea Independente rappresentera HVr fa Vita, dramma di Deinetrio Alati Csino di Carapagna. 11 profitto a fa vore della Vedova March iello. Moses Charbonneau is better now and is in his shop under Phelps Broa.' store Gordon block, every day. He has a good workman with hini, so work can be done quickly and veil and with good stock; also he will sell his house at private sale. Anyone wishing for a good home, here is fthfl cliance. '"David Ifurum," the play taken from YVescott's book, is now in its third year. Its success has been one of the most talked about, things in the the atrical world and it promises to he mother "Rip Van Winkle." David llanim will be seen at the Bane opera Iioitso Oct. 4. k Xkcr? be many unique features in "connection with the Plantation Supper October 5, given by the ladies of the - Church of the Good Shepherd. Charming - colored waitresses will serve you and you will surely think you are "Under Southern Skies'." Mr. A. V. Allen and Air. V. IT. Pitkin as colored head-wait- will tender you matchless service. Itcpwis of the very big success of ' '"David Ilanim" continue to come and at nhr-t time it does seem as if the comedy taken fiom VVcstrott'4 book was going to prove to bo another "Rip Van Winkle' r..1in iU histintf qualities. The play ss "shortly to be presented lu this city and the announcement will undoubtedly Ik! received with feelings of pleasure by iany who, having read the book, will like "to see the scenes it so cleverly de scribes, acted in life. ;raniteville. 'The degree team of the M. vif Burie city will hold a Jail pavilion, beginning Oct. 17. Vnr ft.ilc: - ten building lots W. of A, in Dale's in Gran- itcvillc, "best location, on easy terms. Enquire of A. A. Smith, Barre, t. For Sale- Piece of property that will nay 10 per mit interest, having been llaccd in my hands by party who is go 3i!" West. A. A. Smith. Waited. F.verv man in t.nuntcviiie meet Tuesday", October 4th, at Pat terson's pool riun ami see the great vliM.lav of woolens shown by A. A. Smith .i 1 5m An expert cutter from New ovk vuil be present to show the latest styles ,n.l to take ineasuies for suits, trousers ii-.d ovevcoats. Remember the dale, Te-l,tf. October 4th. See their adver--Mmettt: in another column of this pa ier. Dr Wood's Norway Pine Syrup seen. v.-iciallv adapted to the needs of the vbihlren." Pleasant to take; soothing m its influence. It is the remedy of all remedies for every form of throat and Jung disease. Ten thousand d-nions gnawing away ni -one s -.hiin the Vitals couinn i iik iuuui tortures of itching piles, ici Doiin's Ointment never i licit: S A ci fails. iWdock Wood Bitters gives a man a -vlear bead, an active bruin a strong vi-jorous body-makes him fit for the ita'ttle of life. Croup instantly relieved." ss' Kelectrie Oil. PerieeUy -r fi.ils. At cay drug store. Dr. Thorn safe. Nev- EXCURSION TO BOSTON. Central Vermont's Annual $3.00 Round Trip. The Central Vermont Railway 'will run in annual fall excursion to Boston from Williamstowii, Banc, Mont Mlier, North eld, Randolph, Bethel and other station on Monday OctoW 10. The Central will sell round trip tickets at the following reduced rates: YVillinmstmvn $6.33, So. Harre $0.13, Barre $0.00, 'Montpelier $6.00, West Berlin $0.00, Norlhfield Falls $3.90, Nort Wield $3.S3, Roxbnry $3.60, Kast Granville $3.40, Bra in tree $3.25, Randolph ?3.05, Bethel $,73, Royalton $1.53. Train-? will be run as follows: Leave B.ine at 3.35 a. m., 12 noon and 12 mid night t-pie-s. There will be through, keeping cars from Harre and Montpel- icr, attached to a. in. train inuu Bane, and 12.30 a. m. train from Mont- ielier, Sundav niffht, the 0th. Reserva- '. .. -. , -ii i. na tion ot f-paee itiereui ui w: iiiiwo u ap plication to .1. 0. Adams, Agent, liarre, Vt., or J. 1'. Gaucher, Agent, .mohiiu'iiui, Vt. Ticket will le good going on No. 0 Sight Express, Sunday, arriving in Bos ton on morning of October 10, and Nos. 8 and 2 trains, arriving in Boston on evening of October 10. Good returning to arrive at starting point until uct. a, inclusive, 1904, Tickets are good for continuous pas-age. No stop-over priv ileges allowed. M. & W. R. BOSTON EXCURSION. Annual ?6.00 Trip Will Be Run on Oct ober 10. The Montpelier & Wells River Rail road will run its annual excursion to Boston and return, going Oct. 10, and good returning until Oct. 22. Round trip tickets will be sold from all stations on the Montpelier & Wells l!iver Railroad to Boston and return at the following reduced rates: Montpelier $0.00, Rarre$0.00, East Montpelier $.3.75, I'hiinfield $3.50. Marshfield $3.25, Groton $4.75. South Rvegate $4.50, Boltouville $4.23. Tickets good going October 10 onlv on all reaular and special trains. Good to return until and including Octo ber 22, 1904. Special train will leave Bane 8:10 a. in., JMontpeiicr a. m., r.usr iiioinpei ier 8:30 a. in., riainfield 8:5S a. tn., Marshfield 9:12 a. m., Lnnesboro 9:19 a. in., iucKers a:di a. in., vooiou . in., South Ryegate 9: IS a. in., Boltou- ille 9:55 a. in., Wells River 10:03 a. m., arriving in Boston at 3:45 p. m. In consideration of the reduced rates at which these tickets are sold no stop over privileges will be nllowed in either direction, and no half fare tickets will be sold to children. PRISON STRIP! S ABOLISHED. New York's First Term Convicts Will Hereaftar Wear Plain Clothes. riatlsbnrg, X. Y.. Oct. 3. Three hun dred and Ufty-sexeu Inmates of Clinton prison, many of whom have worn the prison stripes for ten years nu l more and all known us ''tirst tenner.'.," now appear in plain lotnes for the first time since bccomini; prisoners. Heretofore all those in confinement have worn the prison stripes. The change is made in accordance with an order issued by Superintendent Collins several months ago, and the person: serving their first sentences will here after wear plain gray uniforms, which will distinguish them from the men who are behind the bars for the second or third time, Many of the men who put on the plain clothes are serving life sentences, while others are In for a few years only. The prisoners are de lighted with the change. SACRIFICE SALE OF PIANOS. Our fifteenth annual sale of rented tnanos is now m prosrress. x ine upngnts nt prices from $100 to $250, including the Wcgman, Emerson, .Brewster, Jjaus, Cramer, Gordon, Haine3 and several oth er makes. Some of these pianos have been rented for only three months, and are fully warranted for ten years. Terms, $15 down and $7 per month. Stool and scarf with every piano. Tho most of these pianos being nearly new, we can send you a picture of them. Write to day if you want a fine piano cheap. Mo Kaunon Bros., 45 Chiuca street, Burling ton, Vt.., the largest music house in the state. Notice, Granite Cutters. As I am not able to be around with handles, you will find them at James Ahern's and Prindle & Averill's. M. Cook. Notice to All Union Men. That the Congregational Church and the Baker house at WUliamstown are non-union jobs. Saws filed." Prompt work and satis faction guaranteed. L. E. Griswold, 94 North Main stret. A Special Sale of Olive Oil This Oil is highly recommended for medicinal purposes and is absolutely pure. Francescani, pet gallon $2.25 Francescani, per quart -65 Brlo, per gallon 1 .90 Catalona, per jalioa B. D. TOMASI GENERAL STORE, Corner of North Main and Seminary Streets, - Barre. Vermont. ICE CREAM EVERY DAY After Sept. 5th we close every evening at six o'clock, except Monday and Saturday, or the 5th and 20th of the month. L. B. DODGE, Fed and White Light at the Door. Worthca Block, Keith Avenue. Signs of Disease The Tirst Signs of Disease are a Poor Complexion, Weakness, emacia tion and Lack of Vitality. The first sign of returning health is increase of flesh, strength and vigor. This weakness, emaciation and lack of vitality simply means that certain substances, which go to make up the blood and nerves, have become ex hausted; and to renew flesh, muscle and strength, these substances must be restored. Dr. Chase's Rlood and Nerve Food is composed of the same kind of substances that are lacking In tho Impoverished blood and nerves when in poor health, and abundant in the rich iulce3 that flow through the system when In perfect health. If peo ple would take this food occasionally when in health to keep their blood and nerves in good condition, many spells of sickness and wasting disease would be prevented. It makes sick people v.'.ell, puts solid flesh and mus cle on thin people, gives strength to weak people, restores the lost vitality to nervous people, imparts the tint of health to pale and sallow people. It adds years to life and puts life Into years. Price 50 cents. Book free. Sold and guaranteed by E. A. Drown. HERRICK New York Democratic Candidate Told Formally of His Nomination. Albany, N. V., Oct. 3.- In 'the pres ence of a large audience roprt'isvsiting many parts of the state, especially New York city and Albany county, and fomplotely filling Odd Fellows hall the candidates on . the Democratic state ticket, nominated last week at Sara toga, received formal noliltcatiou of their nomination. . A special train brought a l trge dele gation of New York city Democrats, together with the notiticatiou commit tee, beaded by Duncan Campbell Lee, who wns chairman" of the state con vention, and members of the Demo cratic state committee. Judge Ilerrlck, who filed his resigna tion ns ft justice of the supreme court; Congressman Harrison,' the candidate for lieutenant governor, nud Attorney General John Cuimeen made speeches of acceptance in response to the notifi cation speech made by Chairman Lee. Nearly all the speeches referred to the canal enlatneineiit project. SMALL HOPE FOR PAYNE. The Condition of the Postmaster Geo eral Is Considered Very Serious. Washington, Oct. 3. The condition of Postmaster General Payne holds out little hope that he will recover from his present Illness. His family and friends have been informed by his phy sicians that bis condition is extremely serious. Although the patient has taken and retained nourishment "and there have been other slightly eucouraglug syinp toms, his spells of unconsciousness are considered verv alarming. At other times Mr. Payne has been restless. . There have been many callers at the Pavue apartments. President . Roost velt is being kept constantly advised of the condition of the postmaster gen eral. Five Hundred Find Work. Greensville. Pa.. Oct. 3.-'JTu Shelby Steel company, a constituent company of the National Tube company, will re sunie operations after a peiiod of idle ness. Five hundred men nr affected Governor Odell Off to St. Louis. New York, Oct. 3. Governor Odel has left with bis stuff for St. Louis tc be present at the New York day cere monies nt the fair. Humbert Creditors Get Dividend. Paris, Oct. ."..The creators of the Humbert family of Crawford will fame have received a dividend of pei cent. . WAGONS and HARNESS The balance of our summer1 line ol Carriages and Harness will be closed out at a bargain. A few second-hand Carriages H. F. CUTLER, Rear of City Hotel. - - - Barre, Vermont. J SKWIXG MACniSES And Supplies, Needles. Oil and parts for all Machines. Cleaning and repairing of 11 kinds. Good Second-hand Machine cheap. Machines to rent. J. K. Brown, 217 North Main Btreet, Barre. Telephone 232-2. The Art Store Call and sec our new lot of 25c PILLOW COVERS Also all shades of Silkcot and Utopia, Two skeins for 5 cents. Campbell & Richardson, Pearl Street, - Barre, Vermont. Special Prices On Heinz Bottled Goods Heinz Mustard Dressing, Sweet Onions, Tomato Chutney, Chili Sauce, Stuffed Olives, Pearl Onions, Horse Radish. These are 25c goods. Choice for 19c, Our Home Tried Lard is Pure. MEAKER BROS. North Main Street. DEEPLY INTERESTING stories are plentiful at our store. The story of our search for the newest and best in stationery ts a never enutng one. Its last chapter is ready for you now, We won't tell you anything about it, for we want you to STUDY IT YOURSELF. In the book line are many new comers. Stories ot love, adventure and crime. Stories gay and stories grave. ' And there are some clever detective stories that the boys pronounce " bnlly." They are not the kind you need be afraid to let your boy read either. Try one yourseii ana see. Barre Book Store, CARROLL W. MARTIN, Proprietor, Gordon Block, 1 40 No. Main St. AUCTION SALE! Will sell at Public Auction, Saturday, October 8th, the farm belonging to the late Juliette Bowles of Washington, . Vt. The said farm U situated about one mile from the village, contains about 142 acres of land with buildings thereon. Also 15 tons of hay. The sale to take place on said premises at 1 o'clock P. M. II. O. WORTIIEN. " Administrator. J. W. GRADY. Merchant Tailoring. ALSO CLEANING AND REPAIRING J. W. GRADY, L'P STAIP-S. Qoialea Block, Barre, Vermont.' STANDISH'S FRANKFURTERS Ask your butcher for them. Are superior to others and are made of nice Vermont beef. Fresh Made 3 Times a Week. The New England Employment Bateau. If you are in need of help, or employment, don't fail to call on us. We will do the rest. Rooms 2 aad 3, Gordon Block, - - Barre, Vt. I if (Tli A f (fCl) A ti ! D. M. Miles, Deafer in Anthracite and Bituminous Coal Stove, 'Egg and' Chestnut, 8.2o; Grate, $S.oo; Lehigh, $ 8.45 per ton. This price for October only. Terms Cash. We Sell and Deliver 2000 Pounds for a Ton. WOOD The place to buy Wood of all kinds. A large stock of Chair Wood, No. 1 b8t Block Wood, Mixed Soft and Hard Wood Slabs and Kindling Wood. MOVING AND JOBBING. I am prepared to do all kinds of moving and jobbing at reasonable rates. L. J. BOLSTER, (Tel. Call 152-3.) 283 No. Main St., Barre, Vermont. COAL COAL Now is the time to order your Coal. Prices advance io cents ev ery month from now on. Prices for this month are as follows: STOVE. EGG and NUT .......$8.20 LEHIGH 8.45 MORSE & JACKSON, 2ii North Main St.. - - - Barre, Vermont Coal and Coke I Purchase your Coal now, before prices advance. Prices are 10 cents higher each succeeding month. The prices for this month are: STOVE. EGG and KUT COAL $8.20 OTTO COKE 6 60 Calder & Richardson, Depot Squire. - - - - Barre. Vermont. For Picnic, Dance or Family Use Get Your SODA (ALL FLAVORS) OF MRS. L. MAZZONI, Granite Street, - - Barre. Vermont. RUBBER GOODS JUST RECEIVED, a new aad complete stock of Rubber Goods of the best qual ity and style, and to convince yoa of their merit wt will sell at ten per cent dbcount for the next thirty days. Call and inspect our stock if you do not purchase. EAST BARRE DRUG STORE Dr. J. H. HcARTHUR, Prop. O. C Russell & Co Plumbing and Heating. All kinds of modern Plumbing Fix tures in stock. All work guranteed.' Telephono 15-3. IN BASEMENT OF W0RTHEN BLOCK. SMOKE THE UNCLE DUDLEY CIGAR 5 CENTS Manufactured By E. O. MARRION, Pipes and Tobacco, Union Cajar Store. Corner Cigar Store, ELECTRIC WIRING Electric Heaters, Electric Fixtures, Electric Supplies. STANDARD ELECTRIC CO., i H. Q, BENNETT, I r. W. NICHOLS, j 199 North Mala St., Barre. i BUSINESS CARDS. DR. C. H. KENT, Dentist. MILES' BLOCK, Telephone at Office and at Residence. DR. F. M. LYNDE, Dentist. Telephone 133-21. Boom 7, Currier Block, Barre, Vermont. ELWIN L. SCOTT, Attorney and Counselor-at-Law Collections, Bankruptcy and Granite Claims. Telephone 149-4- Office with R. A. HOAR. DR. LEWIS D. MARTIN, OSTEOPATHIC I'HYSICIAN. Office In Room S5, Miles' Building. Office bours, 9 g. m. t 12 in. sod 1.30 to 4 p. ui,, Mon day, Tuesday, Tbumday and Friday. Telephone Connection. MRS. H. A. BEACH, EXPERIENCED NORSE. No. 103 8ooth Main St., Barre, Vermont. Telephone Call, 12-2. FRED L. PAGE, Contractor AND BUILDER. Office and Residence, 84 Highland Avenue. Telephone call, 4-3. WELCH & PAGE, All kinds of Electrical Wor t Done. Wiring, Oas Piping, Etc. We are dealem In Electrical Snpptie. fixtures A Combination fixture. Everything Modem and l'p-to-liM. but eipert help employed and work guaranteed. Tel. 311-2 or 15-3. Office in the Basement of Wortben Block. THE CORRECT STYLES Newest Effects in Woolens. 0. W. BOYEA, - - Merchant Tailor, Reed Block. Barre, VL HENRY FRENIER & SON UNDERTAKEBS, Funeral director and furnishers of fu neral supplies. Night calls promptly at tended to. Ho. 16 Orantte 8t., Barro, Vt. KestclcQce op atairs. Tel, 13-6. J. A. McLEOD, KEQISTERED SHOEING SMITH. Knee-cutting, interfering, clicking, etc, positively cured. Diseased teet treated with success. Trotters, pacers and gentle men's roadsters specialty. Shop oa Seminary St. Telephone connection. H.E.JEFFORDS, PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING AND CALSOMIMNO. A share of your patronage is solicited, 5 Thornton Place, Barre, Vt. H. W. SCOTT, Attorney. Office in Wood Block, Over Ladd's store. Justice, notary and stenographer In office. Lirery, Boarding and Sales Stables. 59 So. Main St., Rear South End Hotel. A. M. MORRISON. GRANITE CITY RESTAURANT, QUINLEN BLOCK. BARRE. BOARD BY THE DAY OR WEEK John Maiden, Proprietor. Up Stairs, Qulnlen Block, ' Barre, Vt. HAIR GOODS. Mia. C. 8. Meaner, 40 Jeffernon St., my arnt, will be glad to f urniub Hair Goods, Wigs, Front l'ieoeg, Switches, etc., If not in gtock, at abort notice from my Manchester store. Thanking the public for their liberal patronage in the paat, and soliciting a ctintinnanre of the uia la Uie future for Uiy2rtgent"aiid mrself, 1 am yours witbiall respect. 18. M. VOPK. Street Curbing. First-class Curbing and Undcrpining de livered promptly. Address orders to A. J. LANGFELDT, Barre, Vt. TRAVELERS' RAILWAY GUIDE. CENTRAL VERMONT RAILROAD. Trains leaving Barre for White River Junc tion, li'iKUin, New York and all iiiterwmue point at 8,M5 a. m., 12 m. and 12.01 a. iu. Lx;ui train lor White Kiver Junction and Windsor and intermediate stations leaves at 8.45 p. m. Trains leave Harre for Hiirli. jfton, Ht. Albans, Rouses l'ulnt and Ofrdennbarie'at 7.55 a. in. aad S.10, 6.30 p. m. and 12.01 a. ra. Trains connect at Essex for points on Rutland road and the 6.30 connects with New York train for Montreal and points west leaving Barre at 3.10, 5.:) and 12 nj. l or WUliamstown leave Barre at l.iiO and t.30n. m. Leave WUliamstown at 7.20 a. m. and 2.30 p. m. , MONTI'F.MKR ft WKLLS B1VKII RA1LKOAO, , COMSI EMCIKO JUNK 27, 1904. Trains leave Barre for Wells River, connect ing at that point with trains going both north and south, at 7.30 a. nr., 12.W and 3.1S p. m. The 12.30 traiu connects with train for Boston, and north for Lisbon, Littleton, Kabyanu and Lan caster, also with Montreal express, and the 7.30 and 3.15 trains with 8t. Johnsbnry trains. Trains leave Barre for Montpelier at 7.:s0, 10.20 a, nr., 12,30, 3.15, 4.10 and 6.30 p. in. ELECTRIC f TRKET RAILWAY. Cars leave square in Barre for Montpelier at 16 minutes of aud 15 minutes past the hour. Leave Montpelier for Baire on the hour ant half hour until 10 p. ui. f