Newspaper Page Text
rill: BAKIiE DAILY TIME.S, OCT. tf. I SMJ-1 In Our Linen Dept. I' or trie week beginning October 3d our Linen Department otters some or the best values, when genuine economy is con sidered, that we have ever put out. This is an event we have planned for for some time and we believe we have planned intel- 4 THE BARFE DAILY TIMES EARRE, VT., OCTOBER 3, 1904. Weather Prediction. Tair tonight and Tiu'-iluy M'-tl'lv uiljii-. . IV. li TALK OF THE TOWN. tly. Below Are a Few of the Specials: Two pieces Bleached Damask, 70 inches wide, pure linen, taken from stock at $1.75 per yard. This special One piece Damask, snowdrop pattern, two yards wide, pure linen, regular price f 1.50 per yard. This special Two pieces Damask, two yards wide. Every one a choice pattern, stock price $1.25 per yard. This special, - One pece Damask, two yards wide, a pretty pattern, regular price $1 00 per yard. This special .- - - Twenty dozen Napkins, medium size, a good valve at $1.50 per dozen. This special ... Also several specials in Napkins and Towels not mentioned here. Shamrock Pure Irish Linens. V W h, A .u- --j - 1 f ' ?'lu wow, luesuay evemng at the did reliable Shamrock Linens a name that is synonymous L A of ttie Quupy Voike.s In . . , 13 I u'inational Lmun ha just been organ witn tu best that is to be procured in household linens. Every!'"1 Mt i"e Head, Jinine, by John E. piece marked "Shamrock" is murant nnrp linen anA wr. 1 , , . . . . I A meeting of the joint committee ranted to give satisfaction in wear. It will be to the advantage u,e i"tpciir Military band and r -, ..... i i i - ! r . pan v Jl was held on rrtdav even or every- prospective purchaser to examine this beautiful line of hug at the Armor? hall to talk ivor r ran"f meiits for the coming fair in No vember. The band was represented bv V. A. Pa ttee, T. It. Merrill, Frank W. liemis and Bernard Marshall, and Com pany H by Cajit. F. 15. Thomas, Lieut. Harry H. Moulton. Stanley C. iison F. W. Holt and C. H. .Smith Local Happenings Tersely Told For Bi'sy Readers. Ptiblie waiting room at Abbott's. New fall neckwear received today at Va turban's. See Abbott's fall and winter jackets. Their line is complete. Ladies' and gentlemen's solid cold watches at F. E. Burr &, Co.'. Dr. George II. Sniller will be at the !City Hotel. Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 3 and 4. Mav we hae vour measure for that fall suit? Satisfaction guaranteed. Moore & Owens. MeW'horter is sole aeut in Bane for I tlie MimMiif,' underwear for men, and Jam a linen mesh and Sterling, the best in the market. llecular nieetin'' of the Shepherds of 7 T I America in Forester's hall, Worthen block, Thursday evening at 7 o clock. B, A. Bjlow, It. S. The first basket ball team of the Y M. ('. and the first team of Company r. will play a ,'utne in JMiIe.s hall Fri day evening at 7:.!0. Admission 1 cents. This is the first game of the season. A meeting of the committee for the benetfl of William Piper -will be held in GRANITEVILLE. $1.29 $1.29 98c 75c 98c The film :al of Mrs. lVlr Murphy, uho died Saturday atteniooii, was held from St. Syh ester's ehiinh Sunday at a. m. She leacs a husband and six chihii'i'ii, also an aged mother. The de eeased was born ill Creen's, New Found laud, years ago, and had resided here lor twelve years. The interment was in the Catholic Cemetery and the bearers were L. M. Friend, J. C. siu ridan, P, J. Finnegan. John Finnegau and William O'Donnell. William Brown is reported seriously ill with typhoid fever. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. William McDonald Salurdav. The, marriage of Jo-eph J. Hoi ton and Lizzie K. Clark is Announced- to take place Tuesday, Oclolier 4, at St. Sylvest er's church. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Miles and Dr. and Mrs. K. II. Bailey have returned from St. I.miis and report a line trip and won derful sights. Regular meeting of Summit Lodge, No. .'!'J7, X. E. O. P., Tuesday evening, Octo ber 5. All members of the degree staff are requested to lie present at 6:30 sharp as the Barre drill master will be present to give practice. Per order Secretary. I BmMM'J'lal,w,!l1'1" Z- 'aVmWaWmsiazzz u Kim umm We take great care in the cutting of all linens that there is no waste to our customers in the straightening. iHIOlllllP The Store for Prompt, Courteous aad Careful Attention. An advertisement in the Times will bring sure results. '"David naruin" is said io owe its re markable success to the fact that it sticks closely to the book from which it is taken and furthermore that it is full of actual, concrete, real human na ture. It boasts of no exaggeration. All of the people who move through its story are types everyone has seen who has ever lived in a small town. No more humorous book than '"David Harum" was written in years and no more humorous plav than "David Harum" has been unfolded before the house, Tuesday evening, Oct. 4. To the readers of our little talks. We've endeavored to explain to some extent our Investment Insurance Trust Bond and interest you in insurance, gen erally, and would be very glad now to tollow this up by a personal m torview or samples of our "Savings and Pro tection policies. A telephone or postal card with date of birth and address will secure attention. There are many tilings we could not cover in the apace at our disposal. Xo expense for you to get exact figpres tor yourself. Ballard & Co., Reliable Insurance. Letter to U. S. Cheever. Barre, Vt. Dear Sir: You know what paint is for, bow it does it, how it fail, what paint does it, and what paint don't. It's your business to know; of course you know Dcvoe. There are some details, which, of course, you can't be expected to know. For instance the next-best paints aro only three-quarters as good. That's strange; very strange. There are a doz en of them perhaps; you don't know them so aeeumtely as that; you don't know them all by mime. Xo matter; one is enough; the only one you have real occasion to know is Devoe. The queer of it is that the others leave the whole business to us so. We make paint as good as. we can; other' make it as good as they have to. Queer, but we don't complain. Yours truly, F. W. Devoe & Co. P. S. Reynolds & Son sell our paint. Wanted At Once. Just what you may need when you are done with house-cleaning. See the kinds we are selling for 85c, 98c and $1.25 per pair. VEALE & KNIGHT, (Telephone Call 123-2) Carrier Building, .... North Mala Street. UNION CLOTHING CO. UNION CLOTHING COMPANY. Segel & Brady want all the good citi zens of Barre and vicinity as well aa all other out of town friends to come in and see the largest stock of men's and boys' fall and winter clothing, shoes, furnish ing goods and rubber goods to be found in the state. We are getting ready for the biggest and most important fall clothing sale ever inaugurated under one roof and it s all owing to our large pur chase made in Burlington "last week. Hatch for further particulars. Do not buy until we start up our big sale. . . Notice to Clansmen. The elan room will be changed from Miles' granite block to room 7, Eastman block, on and after Oct. 1st. We're Ready! Are You? CNION CLOTHING CO We are ready to do business with you in the Clothing line. Our tables are full of all the latest patterns and styles in MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS AND OVERCOATS. If you want a uit for $5.00 that is worth Sj. oo, we have it. If you want a suit for $7.00 that is worth $7.00, we have it. We also guarantee, if we sell you a Suit or Overcoat for $!0.00. $12.00, $15.00 or $18.00, that it is worth the money. For every Suit or Overcoat sold after today for $10.00 or ever we will make, free of charge, a Crayon Portrait of yourself or any one of your family or friends, providing you have a good, dear pho tograph to copy from. This work is done right here in Barre, so there is no danger of losing your photo. Samples will be seen in our store after October 1 st. Give us a call. Union Clothing Store, Opposite Depot Square (Telephone 232-22) la Oli Skating Rink Building. . . , fJT 00 DxiHXtm KOLsa -isyjKoa oxihxcto koixd -ix okihxo soisa Close's Toasted Marshmallow Muffins! " A Delicious Zephyr." Price 10 Cents. RED CROSS PHARMACY and PARLOR DRUG STORE. Wew dtore! New Goods! ! MONTPELIER. VK yea; most A full line of the 1847 Rogers Bros.' Fully Guaranteed Knives, Forks and Spoons. Also Meat Forks, Ladles, Berry Spoons, Pie Servers, Fruit Knives, etc. The report of the finance committee reuardmsi Jlontpelier a debt is subioin- i lod: $40,000, funding, due April 1, I1UI9, optional i04, city gout to JNa- Mtrict'w-i, ,j ri... r. n , . . ' - tioiial Jjfe on 3.10 basis, city pays 3 nnoth." ;."tr t"dirmS. mileage COOKS W Kent Un AH KOadS. & per wnt; $Il,r00, street improvement Jlartmi win ill due liousc Oct 1; . w v v a m mmm am & I to Xational Life on 3.45 basis at 4 per k 'T1-.. ..ill ho . AT JL. f XX M-d A V. JLL FT . ' I""'". ..,., , ' -' i- 7 .. '111 nnt niM 19( .. . 1 . . M I -oonneciioii wuu (SUCCESSOR To I. W. Hfif Tnn i T,if n 3 l,,i. (. i wr wnt- S3 nno. : ' - . Barre. Vermont.' ? Stiff FSSnR Tft I W HAfTnun (H-tober fl, given by ' Church of the Good st, up stairs, North Main St., colored vaitreises wi. von will surely think Southern Skies." Mr. h Mr. V. II. l'itkin a cole" w ill riMidcr von matehlt ' ,m,, of the very v, BDavid Harum" continue to Hhs time it d(Ks seeni as if "taken from Westcott's book . ta prove to be another ' Rip Van regarding its lasting qualities. 1 is Jbortiy to be presented in til and the announcement will undoiu he iweived with feelings of plcasu manv who, having read the book, like "to we the scenes it s-o cleverly, jacrilics, acted in life. GRANITEVILLE. B0YAH0Y WHOSE BOY ARE YOU? bridge, due Aug. 2, 1917, optional 1902, sold to Xational Life on 3.45 basis at 4 per cent; $15,000, bridge, due Nov. 15, 1920, optional 1910, sold to .Nation al Life on 3.20 basis at 3 1-5 per cent; $30,000 school, due Nov. 15, 1920, op tional 1910, on 3.20 basis at 3 1-5 per cent; total $116,000 held by the Na tional Life, lor the $17,500, $104.61 per $100 was paid. A temporary loan of $18,000 made several years ago, due the Capital Savings Bank, is costing the city 4 1-2 per cent. WEST T0PSHAM. at- The decree team of (he M, 'SV. of A. v,l Jtarrc'eity wilt bold a fair in Male pavilion, Iw'giiiniug M. 1". Fur sale-ten building lots in Gian-ive-viiV, Ut locrtion, on easy terms. En-pure of A. A. Smith, Barre, Vt. For Sale I'iece of property that will pay 10 per cent interest, having been i.l-...ed in my hands by party who is go ing West. A. A. Smith. Wauled.-Kvery" man in iranileville 4u tiiict Tuesday', Octoler 4th, at I'at-.-1 -.,,- pool roi'in and we the great display of woolens t-liou n by A, A. Sinitii A- Jiro. An cvpeit cutter from New York, iil be prowid to sdiow the latest htyles n.l to lake meaMiie for suits, trousers v.nd overcoats. Remember the dale, Tu-i.i October 4th. See their adver f isewiriit in another column of this pa- Dr. Wood's Norway Tine Syrup seems M.eillv adapted to the needs ot the ..-hiSdw-n." rieiisant-to take; soothing m It is the remedy 01 n fonu oi throat ana its ihllueiice. I'eniedK'S tor every Jung dissse. Ten thousand demons ua.viig away .tt flne's vitals couldn't be much worse Jt .1,. .,rii..i f itchim? nues. let f.iian 1. iic "mi.--. - - ci 1 there's ft cure. Doans Tails. t.)int incut, never .)K.i.K-k Ii!.ol Bitters Kics a man a .tear bead, nit active brain, visrorons body-make him At for tlie WtUe of life. Croup instantly relieved. I'. Tb;' a,''Felcctric Oil. Perfectly sule. Nev .r fails. At "' dr,1S tortf- f; No Your mother's boy f That's right. Bring her in and have er see some of our new Fall 1 its. The bov we clothe ks neat and feels pleased, i- his parents feel pleased A Tell your mother that " r first purchase we are I Afterwards she will jjj 'e of her own accord. Francesods will please the $ Franceses. our prces WJJJ sat. ucuu, pit Catalog, Parents. vr boys ? Mav we Comer oi ICE c Store Clothiers. 2 It. M. Harvev of Mont.pelier is lending to his lumber bnsiness here. George and C. II. Ilifht have bought I the Chalmers mill property. Chas. Keyes of Orange is running the saw. Hi rani Thurston of Washington vis ited in town last week. N. B. Curtin r.f East Huverhill. N. IT., was in town Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Oeorge Newton and Mrs. A. N. Fellows went to New York Tuesday. Ceorge Church went to Bradford Sat urday on business. Mr. and Mis. (). S. Sanborn visited in Barre several (lavs last week. Mr, and Mrs. F. A. Church went to firoton Saturday, returning Sunday. W in. Ilatrlev and wife went to Island Pond Wednesday, where they will re side for the fut me. The personal property of Miss Al- mina Currier (deceased) was sold at auction Thursday. Frank Lamd of I'uadford was auctioneer. Mis. 0. I. Watson of Mont pelir was in town Thursday. She is going to California to spend the wilder. Oilman Beede of Sanford, Me., and Charlie Tihbitts of Fairlee, Vt., were in town bint week calling on friends. Home For Sale. The Templeton homestead on Currier Park must be sold at onco to close es tate. Apply to R. S. Currier, administrator. TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION. TO RENT On BatcheWer'd Meadow, nar ine .none snens, a poou aounie tenement witu furnaees, electric lijrbte and spring water. Ap ply to Cate'u Real Entate Agency or to J. Henry Jacksen jmit TO KENT Tenement of three to five room at 14 Wellington Street. All modern improve ments. Apply to G. W. Mann, 14 Wellington Street. uytt House and Darn At 19 Green Street. The house has six rooms, bath and pantry, and is nearly w. Located on corner lot, Also 7 3-4 Acres of Land with spring, and another five-acre piece, with sand and gravel bank. Also Nine Building Lots in another chunk. Also fifteen other Iot3, all on Batchelder's Meadow, near school and several large stone plants. Will exchange above lands for farms of any size or stock. Will pay cash for the difference, if any, or sell on time with small rate of interest. NO STAINED HANDS Results from polishing your stoves and pipes with "Parlor Pride," a superior and lasting Pol ish. Follow directions carefully. No dust and no hard work. We shall make a leader of this Polish for a few days. Regular price, 15 cents. Our leader (same bottle), only 10 cents. SOWDEN & LYON, Telephone Connection. North Main St., Barre, Vt. A. E. BATCH ELDER, 19 Green Street, - - Barre, Vermont. NOTICE! I wish to announce to the ladies of Barre and vicinity that I will open DRESSMAKING ROOMS, At 6 Averill Street. September 24th, and solicit a share of your patronage. t I have put my prices down very low in order to establish a good business, but can guarantee my fitting and work to be first class.' MRS. ELWIN A. WILLIAMS, 6 Averill Street. - - Barre, Vt. FLORAL DESIGNS. Choice Cut Flowers and Plants. Bulbs for Fall planting- art-Wing dally, Indodin Easter Lilies, Telips, Hyacinths, Chinese Lilies and all kinds of Bulbs for Fall imported direct from Holland. Store open every day. after the 26th, from 7 to 6 o'clock, and Saturdays till p. m. Sundays, from 9 to 12 noon. EMSLIE, THE FLORIST, Telephone Store, 152-12 : Greenhouse. 20J-U. OTIS BLOCK, PEARL STKEFT. IN RINGS from $10.00 to $75.C0 each. Special prices for this week. We Save You Money on Every Pair of Stone Cutters' Glasses. F. E. BURR & CO., (Telephone 10 2 It No. 85 North Main St. Jewelers and Opticians. Choice Line of Breakfast Foods! X ... . -i Force, 1 3c per package or two for 25c I It. 15c per package or two for 25c Grape Nuts. 15c per package or two for. . . 25c 1 Cream Oats, per package 25c Premier Oat Flakes, per package 1 0c Ready Bits, per package 1 5C Premier Flaked Wheat, per package 1 0c I Banner Oats, per package .... 25c CHESSER & BIRD, Telephone 232-12 323 North Main Street Meats and Groceries. AfCE'S," Brown Metal Paint, 75 per cent iron, is one of the very best. Has been used on many of the best blocks in Barre. Will stay except tin or wood. Can show you some on the South end of our building that has been on fifteen years and looks as well as when put on We month; irry "STOWELL'S ROOFING PAINT" in liquid form, one of the very best Asphalt Paints. CALL FOR PRICES AND CIRCULARS. L. M. AVERILL, Opposite City Park, Barre. Vermont. Eei an4 V