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T1UZ I8AR1U2 DAILY TIMES; NOV. of ll01. 4 ((Theodore i-1 (( Ch&s.VVarbeh Ffeiaii 77ie Republican JUDGE FULLER MAY RETIRE Reeort That Head of Nation's Highest Court Will Resign. TAFT MAY SUCCEED FULLER Mr. Roosevelt Said to Purpose Appoint ing the Secretary if He Has the Power to Nominate Any One. Vaiingtm, 1). C .Nov. i. . C hief ,1 it ice Fuller, of the Supremo Court of the l iiiled Slates, it is Raid, plan to reifp.i hi oltif.. on March 5, I'.iD.'i, the ihiy tiller lie has mlministered the out Ii of ollice to the next i'rei-ident, If i'lesitleiit Koosevelt is elected it is reported to In1 his phin to oiler the post of Chief Justice to Secretary Tuft. There is no ollieial courirmitf ion of these re ports. Chief Jusliee I'ldler will he seventy f w years old on February 11, l'.Ktft, and will then Is- entitled to retire from the fieueh and enjoy u salary of ? 1 0,500 a year as hm-i sis he live. The recent death of his wife, who va a leader of evcln'ive Washington society, con tributes to his desire to spend the re niHiiiiner days of his life free from ollieial .responsibilities. Chief .In-tiee Fuller has adiiiiniferod the oath of otliee to four presidents Harrison, Cleveland and Mckinley twice, Ho v,as appointed chief jiwtiee on April :m, President leiosevelt Mould have ap pointed Secretary Tuft to the bench two years ngn, l.nt Mr, Taft, then civil governor of the Philippines, decided not to abandon his. responsible work in the islands. TROOPS KILL POLES. Eiht Bayonet ted and 20 Wounded in Uproar After Parade, Jtreshiu, Prussian Silebia, Nov. 4. Three thousand Poles marched through the street h of Czestochowa, Russian Po land, Wednesday, lis a protest against the mobilization. The, chief of police and gendarmes ordered the paraders to disperse but they refused to do so, und continued to King Polish sorifts. A ilelaoliment of the infantry then charged the mob with bayonets, with the result that six persons were killed and twenty were wounded. 5 r; r; 4 ' I Roosevelt Candidates. Carnegie's Throat Trouble Xevv York, Nov. 4. Andrew- Carnegie is under the care of his physician tr eatise of a reiHTrencc of the tliront trou ble from which he has sutrered for the past year. The relaxation of the. -muscles of his throat tnmle conversation, even with meuilicrs of his family, inad visable, so under the directions of his physician he remained alone in his room yesterday, seein-; no one but his secretary. Carnegie Elected. Kdinlmix. Nov. 4, Andrew (.'uriieg-ie. has been unanimously re-elected lord rector of St. Andrew's university. The announcement was received with loud applause and sinking of "lie's a dolly Cood Fellow." Pearson Buys The London Standard. London, Nov. 4. It is oliicially an nounced that Arthur Pearson' has bought the Morning and Evening Stan dard, and will make them protectionist organs. The Standard has been Cham berlain's strongest opponent. Yesterday's Bankrupts. lUuiiugton, Nov. 4. -The follow ing pe titions in voluntary bankruptcy were filed at the otliee of the district court clerk in this city today: lXiniel W. Hammer of Lincoln, u farmer, liabilities, $128.0T; 'it--. -Is, $501, exempt $2 IS. Joseph Odett of Jlristol, a farmer, liabilities $2,091. assets 2.147.20, ex empt $H01.50. Andrew Mack, the well known artist, says: "When 1 was a boy, it was always on band at our house, and whenever iun down from hard work, I have always used Father John's Medicine, particularly when suffering from colds or grip." Builds up the body by nourishing tha blood and nerves, at the same time curing tha cold or any throat or lung trouble. Drives out the impurities, corrects the stomach with a gentle laxative effect. Not a patent medicine. No poiaonons, nerve-destroying drugs upon which the majority of them depend for their tempo : rary effects, and which are dangerous. ! l'ou are warned against them. Fifty years in use. Prevents consumption. Story lK J:. j by tfndrcw Mack CAMPAIGN NEAR END Final Efforts in Behalf of Two Leading Parties. NEW YORK IS DOUBTFUL Fullest Energies of Both Patties Being Exerted in Doubtful States in Clos ing Week of the Campaign. New York, N.n . 4. - ith only two working days left of the national cam paign of I'.iut, both the great parties are throwing every available force into the the fight in the dcbateable states. In the election to be held next Tues day all the states wil choose presiden tial electors. In .".o states governors will be elected, and in 2(i state legisla tures will be chosen, that will in tnrn elect fuited States Senators. Several of the states have held elections this year at which state ollieers and Repre sentatives in ( 'ingress were chosen. Maine, Oregon, and Vermont, elected governors and other' state ollieials and representatives in Congress. Arkansas, Georgia, and Louisiana have elected state obicers, including governors, but not representative, the terms oi lit Senators will expire .March 4, 1!)05. These consist of 2 ! Republicans and sev en Democrats, Dick ot Ohio, Proctor ot Vermont, Republicans, and .Money of Mississippi, Democrat, have been elect ed to succeed themselves. MeComas of Maryland, Republican, will be succeed ed oy isauoie uavner, Democrat, wno was chosen by the Maryland legislature last winter. Of the 2;t Republican Sen ators whose su-cessors will be chosen by legislatures to he elected in Noevmber, 17 are reasonably certain of succeedim' themselvs or having Republican success ors, i lie J Jcmocrats hope to capture mu coupling .Maryland, live seats now neni oy jtepnuiicans, namely tliosetrom Delaware, New York, Nebraska, West Virginia, and Nevada. Intimates received by both sides in dicate that New York state is in doubt on the national ticket. BACK IN NEW YORK. Judge Parker Completes His Connecti cut Tour. New York, Nov. 4. .fudge Parker ta- riirneu to .New torn today Horn Ins Connecticut tour. The two cars of the special train which carried him to Hart- lord yesterday, were attached to a reg ular train over the New York, New Ha ven and Hartford railway. At the un ion station in Hartford, a large crowd gathered to bid him farewell and there were a number of receptions at stations through which the erain passed in go ing to New York. .Judge Parker was driven from the Grand Central station in New York to the Hotel Seville, w here he will spend the day receiving political friends and advisers. Six Cabinet Men on Stump. Washington, Nov. 4. The visible sup ply of cabinet ministers has been re duced to two. At, today's meeting Postmaster General Wayne and Secre tary Morton of the Navy Department were the only ones who appeared. Sec retary Hay is suffering from a severe cold. The six remaining member of the President's ollieial family are ab Alortoii will make a speech in Maryland tomorrow niuht. BALESTIER'S 5 INSURANCE $2,400. Mrs. Balcstier Lost Her Engagement and Wedding Rings. . l!rallUu,m Ve 1 .. A ...w...:..! ......... Ot' n Coiolim olslll',illi... e.mii.,Ttr hitu u,l. justed Reatty S. Ralestier's "insurance .... v.jj r,..;i i i i .i.s lannr, jui luiuiv, tOIll KOISC, O.IJE1, burned last week, at $2,400, the full amount of the policy. The property in ventoried at $y.500, but a large part of the furniture was saved. Ralestier's mother lost a shawl which cost $1,200, and his w ife lost her . engagement ' ami wedding rings. DEATHBED MARRIAGE. Within a Half Hour After the Ceremony the Bridegroom Was Dead. Paris, Tex. Nov. 4. At a late hour last liight Miss If at tie Ball, a prominent society belle of Clarksville, was married to Mr. Henry Howard on his death lied. The bridegroom was dead a half hour after the ceremony. The couple had Immmi sweethearts since childhood. Cost Him $1200 to See a Parade. Boston, Mass., Nov. '!. It cost Frank A. Shcrvviii of ;i;i0 West Thirty-fifth street, New York city, $1,200.45 to see the Institute of Technology parade last night. When the parade had passed he missed a bag containing that amount in notes and silver. Shervvin is a collector for a New York slock broker and was in Boston for three days on business. He formerly attended the Institute of Tech nology and waited over a day in Boston to see the parade. Boy Sentenced to Death. Vancouver, B. C, Nov. 4.-John Kay, aged 17, has been found guilty of mur der and sentenced to be hanged January 17. Kay killed John Spitltal, a hunter, whose guns he was about to steal. He bid the, hunter's body in his cabin and it was not found until six weeks later. The evidence was purely circumstantial. SHIPLOAD VACCINATED. Nearly 2,000 Passengers on the Sa.ionia i Had to Take the Treatment. Roston. Nov. X Nearly 2,'Iihi paseii 'l'cis on the Curiard liner Sa.vonia. which (has jnt ariiicd wcie in danger of small ; po on the trip of that, steamer Hum Liverpool to this city. The tourist. ! many of whom live in Rust on, were re i turning from summer trips abroad, and to save a further spread id the disease every passeiieer was vaccinated. The one case, a "xuspect" now under surveillance, was that of a Miss Louise ( day, daughter of Mis. Mary Gray. She is 17 years old. The young woman was a second cabin passenger and during the trying time on the steamer Mrs. Gray stayed by her daughter. A surgeon of the Marine hospital in Chelsea said today that a Dr. Sallord had taken charge of the case for him. At the Cunard ollice many inquiries were made by solicitous friends and the Cun ard people sa v the voung woman is all right. All slepping ipiarteis of the big ship will be fumigated, and every passenger, including ROM people in the steerage, was vaccinated by Dr. Satl'ord and the ship's surgeon. ?10,000 FOR BANDITS. Marshals Convinced That Harvey Logan Is Man Who Shot Cashier. Cheyenne, Wyo., Nov. 4. Ollieers of the t'nited States marshal's otliee are convinced that that, the shorter of the two men who endeavored to rob the bank at Cody is Harvey Logan, a noto rious train robber, and that it was ,o grttl who killed Cashier .Middaugh. Men who know him say that Logan was in Cody several days before the at tempted robbery which resulted in the murder of Aliddaugh. Login is a dead shot, is armed with automatic revolvers, ami can hardly bo taken alive. For a long time Lotran was the master mind I of the Hole-in t he-W all gang. i 1 he reward for the bandits, dead or alive, has been increased to $10,000. The sum has been made np by Col Cody, the citizens of the state, the banks of I he state, mid other conceals. WILL INVESTIGATE SCRIMMAGE. Governor Bates Notified Police Board That Matter Must be Probed. liostoii. N'iiv, 4.- Governor Rates to day notified the Rosroo police force that it was his desire that, a rigid investiga tion be made into the scrimmage of Wednesday evening between the parad ing students of' the .Massachusetts in stitute of Technology mid a squad of policemen. Many students were in jured by the policemen's Icubs and va rious persons have expressed their in dignations to the board oi policy at the action of the ollieers. - Chairman Kin inous of the police board, arranged with President Priehett ot the Institute of Technology today that an investigation of the affair should be made by a spec ial board, consisting of the police com missioners and three representatives of the institute. ANOTHER GIRL SLAIN. Murder Mystery in Cincinnati That Is Puzzling Police. . Cincinnati, O., Nov. 4.-The fright fully mutilated Ivody of Miss Alma Stein way, aged eighteen, a telephone operator, was found in a vacant lot near Lover's lane, the scene of the re cent mysterious murder of Miss Louisa Mueller. The wounds were on the head and seem to have liecn inflicted with a club or other bunt instrument. Chief of Detectives Crawford thinks ttofh girls were struck down by the same in strnment. Frank Limle, u street car conductor, lout the police that -Miss Steinvvnv boarded bis car at Knowlton Corner, ac companied by a man. The pair alight at Win ton road. He said he could identify the man, who had freonontly ridden with Miss Sfeinwav. ANOTHER SUSPECT ARRESTED. Man Alllged to Have Been Connected With Burlington Hold-Up. Burlington. Nov. 5. --Another man was arrested vcterdav on the charge of being implicated in the highway rob- nerv juesoav nigiit on the lower road during which A. 1). Vincent lost $25 in cash. The man in custody is Thomas Ruins, and like Thomas Rmke the oth- r suspect, he is a member of 1 roop L, lath cavalrv.. He is said to have been the companion of Rurke the night of the robbery. Mr. Vincent identified Jurke Thuiisdav and is confident be would know the id her man if he saw him again. Ruins was arrested at Fort Ethan Allen and brought to jail in this ( It y. TROLLEY CAR RUNS AWAY. Motorman Killed, Five Hurt, on a Pitts burg Line. Pittsburg, Nov. 4.-A Pittsburg, Mc kecsport, and Connellsville street, car ran away on Versailles even ue, MeKeesport, at, 10::;o o'clock this morning and was in collision with a coal wagon Thomas Fannaii, motorman, was killed. Five passengers weie seriously injured. The Children don'f make wry faces when they take Hale's Honey of Horehouml and Tar. It is pleas- ant to take and invar iably cures coughs and colds quickly. That's why it's the sovereign family remedy. Sold by all Druggists. Pike's Toothache Drops Cure in One Minute , . s-. f '1 bin " n in 3 1 , ! Ill - n Alton B.Parker - rmvvfrtf i I S ! y i ' i sf . t "' " :'- i r - . - - - " .. ' j I " 4 ,? . . . - It " - y i t ( Hehry.G.Davis The Democratic Candidates. DID NOT KNOW SIGNALS. Possible Explanation of Russian Action in the North Sea. Nt. I'etersburff, Nov. 4, The possibil ity that there may have la-en some mis-understandine- of signals during the trawler incident in the North Sea is su'ested by the fact made public in an order of the day issued by Vice Ad miral Chouknin. commander of the Hlack Sea fleet, which records the fact that the ollieers of the latter fleet are so un familiar with the new code system adopted by the Admiralty that during the recent manoeuvres not a single ship understood orolieyed the admiral's signals. Do you pin your hat to your own hair? Can't do it? Haven't enough hair? It must be you do not know Ayer's Hair Vigor. Here's an intrrtrWrinn t m th acquaintance result in a heavy nairt miiu we unow you u'i n N ow is the tune to place your orders for Hooks. We can supply any want in this line at short no--tice and at the right price. Give us a trial order. tK franFharris, J6I JNorth Ham Street. Glass 'cnmnrislno W... H..i.. xt New Cut Gla r!Fa!iv invited to insnerf ,h- i .. . Aaimrcrs of fine Glass are cor- X ' ? I " eods- Wah and Jewelry; RepaHrg. WALKER. Successor to J. W. Holton Mileage Books to Bat on All Foads. Bll,., J . , . Hl, 5 BloclUp SUirs. 159 North Vuia St. We Please Our Customers With good, honest goods and low prices , Come m and see how we do it. T-rr--f -.1. i -. ' I , - I-' I ! s ...... :j : 1' ; i ., I -1 i ! j! J i i S I. 'T.leJ-?tski'? C T7 ,T ,- -V"" ": - u -J - MSP Q !i Ill ! if LIBERALS GAIN. Will Outnumber Conservatives 2 to 1 ia Canadian Parliament. Ottawa, (hit., Nov, 4. -There is no very material change in the (standing of parties in yesterday's contest. Throughout Ontario there are some con stituencies in doubt but the result will probably lx- as follow throughout the whole, dominion: LiU-rals, 14;t, conser vatives 71. - llhis is a house of l members. The majorities for the. Lilx-rals are larjie in Quebec and in most cases the majorities for both parties were small in Ontario. Si elections have yet to be held. They were Liberul iii the last parliament. growth of rich, thick, glossy never be pray. 3 n ABBfA. Lowfti-I, Mm. ) ! t '' "-it' i II ! ! l I ! Books I MmI Ennt ,4 o,t;n c. S t Just Received, varied ' assortment of the latest ile- . ... S,R f the llawkes Cut