Newspaper Page Text
4 THE UAlUtE DAILY TIMES, NOV. 3, lliui. BARRE DAILY TIMES' Subscriptions : Oct year, il; one Bsctti. 25 els. slnjle copy. I cent. Mmirr of the u!h Pr. The istwt lrHMbij di from il rw ol tbc ir!d r tswsTwl l- the imiij Tin. p lo tbe hour tit join to r rsi. Poblkhei Titery Weekday Aftcraocts. Satored t the p't.ffW at Brr Mtcond ciu Bi&tter, Frank F, lantley. Publisher. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5. 1904. The average daily circulation of th : Barre Daily Times "for the wcvk pnding j Saturday was I copies, the largest paid circulation of j any daiiy paper in this section. j Send the news to Teddy, The Wom an's Social Kooiiomic club if (TiicaL'O itdvooutfH u state luw granting every mother a iw-nsion for every child lmrn. Few nii-n could jo through the same exjjci ienec as our luirdy president and iTime tip smilinpr an Konwevelt doe. To bp thrown lifmllotiir from a lion. nd esciijie with only a Jew pcrntclieA limit he the nijn of a luekv etur. '1 lie lime which the lepil:ttiii'? MpcmU in wrangling over when it will adjourn for the Sunday vacation and when it will resume its sitting could be spent to hetter ailvantnue in the actual work for which it is in ppnkioii. U't m l thank ful that there lire Imt few more t.n tunities for this over-Xunduv receK 1 ! j F.vcrv yourjg man m Barre will be interested in examining our per fect assortment of Overcoat!. This season we are making a display of then- garments never equaled in this city. We have simples of every pattern, style and cut to be found in any New York store. We've been there and we know just what we are talk ing about. Boys' Overcoats, $3.75 to $15 00. Men's Overcoats, 5 00 to 35.00. WE CLEAR, PRESS AND REPAIR CLOTHING. w Quinlcn Block, - Barre, Vermont. Tin- dttnictino of its municipal light ing phint by fire in a erious blow to N'oithtifhl just ut the time when that 'community in feeliiu the effects of a lmnimH u wakening. And, too, North field is having more than its share of visits from the tire Mend. We trust Unit the dent ruction of the plant will not result in anything but a temporary net liack, for one admire the pluck of the public spirited men of Sorthficld ho displayed in the past. THE ALDRICH LIBRARY. Continued from First I'age. THK MOIiRIU, HAU, .U'l'liOI'lU A 110 V. There it u rather jHior outlook foi the $00,000 appropriation to erect a "Mor rill Hull" for the use of the Ntate Agri cultural college at lUirlingttm. The bill has paused the larger branch of the leg islature in fact it passed that body before the people of the state were real ly aware of it anil before protest could be, raised. Now, however, a st rong pro test is W'H'S ward iroin all sections against the set ting aside of nil amount of that size for the purposes named, which are purely agricultural. The bill has been reported favorably in the Sen ate but it has been twice ordered to lie - an indication that there are utormy limes ahead for the measure. The facts of the situation are that, the people, be they farmers or not, believe that the state treasury is not in condition to tvnrraiit the out lay id' $iu,000 for the erection of the proponed building. The plan embodied in the bill is directly contrary to the. cry which has becu used for several years. It. is not re trenchment. At, the present, time it is extravagance. It will not behoove the legislature to put aside its convictions that economy in slate affairs is needed pint for this particular case. There would be the greatest inconsistency in passing t hi bill, which carries with it , the largest single appropriation to 1 asked this year and in refusing pa-sage to many of the smaller ropiest i for motley, which he been made. The state cannot afford to "honor nil these reipiisit ions, and the better plan would be to refuse them all, eept in certain cases where absolute necessity demands the outlay of funds,, This request for a Morrill Hall at lUu lingfon docs not come with a pica of absolute necessity and the condit ions do not iir.pcrutivel y demand the erection of the building. Let the project wait a more favorable occasion. That car of Greenings i-i on track south of nU:il Vermont passenger depot. Sea them. II. L. Aveiill & t'o. shall come into their hands and posses !sion by this will and testament, or such other property ns may hereafter1 come into their hands and possession by gift, !or in trust agreeably to the terms of any divise, Is-ipiest or donation, or by vote of the city, village or town of said P.Mri'e ,,r o! Iiervi..e tvilh 1! of tbe nviv. ileges and subject to nil of the duties and restrictions set forth in all general laws which nre now, or may hereafter be in torce to sticn corporations. ,nd that Baid corporation muko by-laws not inconsistent with the laws of this ntxitc, or the provisions of this will, for it government'.' And that the trustees here in named and appointed, and their suc cessors chosen according to the provi sions of this will, be and continuously remain the trustees of such corporation, and continuously manage, the affairs of said corporation. And that said trustees, and their suc cessors, may act by majority. And when said corporation is organ ized and established, as aforesaid, and to the satisfaction of said trustees and their successors, it is my will and desire, ami f request and direct that the trust hereby created be controlled, managed, and discharged by such corporation as fully and completely as though such cor eorporation was now fully established, and the provisions of tins will were made I direct to said corporation instead of to said trustees as aforesaid; and when such I corporation is established, as aforesaid, ! it is my will and desire, and I request 'and direct that all find singular the property and estate hereby given and j granted to the trustees and their suc cessors aforesaid, ami that all and singu lar the rights and privileges herein given 'and granted to, and all the duties I and responsibilities be assumed and discharged by, the trustees of such corporation, as aforesaid, fully and completely. 250 Men Wanted at Once. Sejre I u and Ihudy offer for Saturday 2"n pairs of men's heavy whit ft cotton, duck and canvas working and driving; gloves, which they have just purchased from a New Hampshire glove factory at. a big discount, from, lirst eost.j These gloves are well worth from l.'x:' to 20e per pair, but thev are vours Saturday tat only 10c per pair, or three pairs for 1 2,1c, Don't miss this opportunity to stock up oil glove for a little money. Escapes From Brattleboro. lliattlchoro, Xov. 4. W. ,1. tiood nougli of liiainlon , who for the past ten years has been confined in thellrat tleboro retreat, escaped today. He was nut on the farm cutting underbrush with an 'attendant.- The latter left him for a short time and when lie came back (iooduough was none. No trace of him i had been found at nightfall. The American Express C'o.'s ollice will close at, lit.'JO evcrv eei'mmf event, Mon- jday, when it will lie open until S o'clock, ' beginning Nov, 7th. Custer Mining and Realty Co,, CUSTER COUNTY, COLORADO. A Corporation Owned and Operated by New England Business Men. ASSETS; Custer City,Colorado,2,000 business lots,Custer Electric LightWorks, Custer Water Works, Custer Hotel, Stores and Residence Buildings, First Colorado Mining Lode, Livingston Mining Lode, Volunteer Mining Lode, Hiawatha, Pap poose and Big Chief Mining Lodes, Dolmite Lode (under bond and lease), and twenty others, including Gold, Silver, Copper and Iron Properties. The Custer Mining and Keality Company has no liabilities and its prop erty is absolutely unincumbered in any way. SUPERINTENDENT AND RESIDENT DIRECTOR, N. E. GUYOT, Custer City, fiv? years ore u'er PueM Smelting and Refining Co., Cripple Creek operator untj assayer. RIPPEY Sc CO., (Established J699). . iji STATE STREET, BOSTON, MASS., Representing the New England owners, have issued a detailed sutement of fjcts regarding this property, development, etc. VERMONT EXECUTIVE OFFICE, H5 St. Pawl Street, - Burlington, Vermont. A. A. SM1ITI it CLEARANCE SHIRT SALE NOW ON About twenty dozen Fan cy Dress Shirts in soft and stiff bosoms, our regular $1.25 and $1.50 qualities, to close at only 89c UNDERWEAR Clearance Sale Lot of Wool and Fleece Lined Underwear, Single and Double Breasted Shirts, and Double Seated Drawers, former prices $1.00, $1,25 and $1.50, to close at only 89c WILLIAMST0WN. CLEARANCE SHOE SALE Our popular $1.98 Shoe1 Sale is still on. Leather Lined Box Calf, Vici Kid and High Cut Shoes go ing at only $1.98 that would be good val ues at $3.00 and $3.25. For a fine Dress Shoe see our $2.98 counter. Values from $3.50 to $5.00 at only ' $2.98 MEN'S OUTFITTERS Miles Granite Block, Barre, - - Vermont Ueorge Odhv will sell at auction. Thursday, Nov. JO, at 1 p. in., twenty- uve gooil cows. The high scboo) whobns will have a sociable at the town hall this evening. There is to be a debate, music, etc. The Christinas tree cutters have be gun their work again this fall. Thev are cutting on llavden Jetford's farm and Mr. McLum's. There are seeral boarding at the hotel. Mrs. Lewis Dragon and Fay left to day for their home in New Vork after a two weeks' visit with friends here. The 1'eoples Telephone line is com peted to So. Barre, also the one to the (Icorge Williams neighborhood. Sever al have not got their phones, but will soon have them. Those already hating them are Arthur 1'barron, Nye & Wor cester and .Jerry Hutchinson." The ettok at the hotel is having a few days' ' vacation. Mrs. Sanders is help ing in her place while she is away. Next Friday, Nov. 11, the ladies of the I'niversHist society will hold their annual chicken pie supjier and sale at the town hall. Supper will be served from 5 to 7:30, followed by an enter tainment. The usual price of admission will be charged and all are cordially invited. ROCK, ISLAND Write or call for latest market letter, devoted to Rock Island. Knutevtlle & Nashville, Wabash, Erie, Illinois Central, Missouri Pacific, Suear, the Steel stocks and Wheat. Special attention Riven to speculative accounts. FREDERICK R.TIBBITTS Investment Securities Second Floor, Ames Building, Boston. i&m'? cztr. Jim. Currier Building, Barre, Vt. ALL READY to have their Picture taken! We're all ready to take Pictures of any and every var iety. Don't you want to give some dear ones a pleasant sur prise ? Send him or her A GOOD PHOTOGRAPH of yourself. Let us make it for you, and you can rest assured it will be good. Visit our studio, inspect our work and be convinced. r 111 -Viuit,'-i-'' BARRE OPERA HOUSE Saturday, Nov. 5 ,",..J. -JU'WU-H 1 -il -4- I'- JIJII .11 II 1 v I 1 i , f t , f li :.,,'' ; 'J- I V ' ' " r. " ! , H . Ns ; ,:'. I ,'; - :;Vi.i. j",; ' : ' t '' I r : .-it'''''- fi '''; W" ' 1 1 y -M ' ' t FRAN K W. NASO N Presents the Greatest of All Scenic Productions, VHEN WOMEN LOVE By Wm. W. Lapoint. Presented by an Excellent Company. The Big City Show, Replete with Sensation and Pathos, a Play True to Life. Graphic Story of Life in New York. Prices, 25c, '35c, 50c and 75c Commencing Monday, November 7th, Continuing One Week. As an opening in our Handkerchief Department, we will make a special offering for one week. Most of these Handker chiefs were ordered in the Spring to obtain special designs. Being in touch with 'the best Linen manufacturers of Great Britain, both in Handkerchiefs and linen goods, as well as Swiss manufacturers of St. Gaul, I am in a position to offer you better values and to insure you of getting pure Linen Handkerchiefs. With my ability in these goods defy competition. We can only mention a few of the great variety of over six hundred do?en Handkerchiefs. Ladies Pure Linen Handkerchiefs. ladies' Fort Lioeo Handkerchiefs. 1 -2 Inch hemstiUhtd, each ' Ladies' Pore Linen Handkerchiefs, t-4 Inch hemstitched, each. 10c; three for 25 c Ladies' Pure linen Handkerchiefs, 14 Inch hemstitched, rery fine, each 124c Ladies' Pore Linen Handkerchiefs, two rows hemstlkhlnf . fancy, each 15 c Ladles' Pore Linen Handkerchiefs, with fine emhrtldery, each 1 5 c ladles' Pare Linea Handkerchiefs, lace trimmed, each ladies' Part Linen Handkerchiefs, hemstitched, finely embroidered, each 25 c Ladies' Pure Linen Handkerchitfs, scalloped, flatly embroidered, each. 25 t Ladies' Pure Linen Handkerchiefs, fancy hemstitchior, beaatifnlly embroidered, each. 50c, 75c, $1 One lot of Ladles' Hemstitched Haneierchief, embroidered Initial, in pn lio. food ? altie at lie each, this week at only ..12k Ladies' Fine Swiss Handkerchiefs. A nice Handkerchief, lace trimmed or hemstitched, each 5c Fancy Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, drawn work corners, embroidered. 20 styles, each, 1 Oc, 1 5c, 1 9c Beaotiful Embroidered Handkerchiefs, scalloped edge, each 25c Pancy Lace Round Handkerchiefs, dainty, each 25c Fifty dozen Ladles' Hemstitched lace corner Handkerchiefs, with iaitiaL This Is special ea'y for this week, 10c Handkerchief for . 5c Gentlemen's Handkerchiefs. Pure Linea Handkerchiefs, each 1 24c, 1 5c 25c Pore linen Initial Handkerchiefs, band embroidered, each 25c Union Handkerchiefs, Initial, best yoo ew saw, each.... '. . . 10c Children's Handkerchiefs. Childrens' Handkerchiefs of all kinds from 2c Chiidrens' Handkerchitfs, in fancy boxes, each ....15c Childrens' Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, with colored Initial, In pretty boxes, pare Linen, per box .. 25: Don't miss this sale for your Holiday Handkerchiefs. See our window display on Monday. T VAUGHAN STORE paturday s Business Bringer At the Little Old Store on the Corner. Our experience has taught us that about this time of the year, or any time after Jack Frost begins to get neighborly, that people begin to buy Comfort ables more. We are well pleased with our sales in this stock so far and every Comfortable will bring its regular profit, but we like to see things hum ia every department and this seems to be about the only stock that hasn't contributed something to our Saturday Specials or the most popular sale in town, so on Saturday it is Comforters. The $z. jo and $2.25 goods at $1.98. Excel lent assortment of colorings, made of sanitary batting, covered with sateen and silkalines. Of course the 2j will go fast. The store is open at 7 A. M. $3.50 White China Silk Waists at 98c. Next Spring will soon roll around and we want an entire new line to show vou. That's whv 32 to 42. ' ares, The Pcrlcy L Pope Co., (TAPUN'S OLD STORE) Cor. Main and State Sts., MontpcBer. PERHY B. POPE, Manager, t 1 & & : : 1 1 Choice Cut Flowers and Floral Designs a Specialty. Winter Flowerin? Plants and Bulbs of all kinds. Get your Bulbs n'artei no . best results.. The cost Is small and the result la SPrine cheUul afl Our Ion Winter Art easy to cultivate Directions cheerfully ei?en. fike lot of Boston Fena wdX PlaS suitable for the home. More open every day ti! (..,,,, ,r T V for flower orders only, from 9 m. to 12 o'clock noon P' Suodlyl' EMSLIE, THE FLORIST, TelephoneStore, 152-12: Greenhouse, 201-11. OTIS BLOCX. PFii tpwt 1 TDTJTvrTO.Tr TT" 11 PLES ' jf NATIONAL BANE. ortlien Block, arre9 Vt, 1 1 15