Newspaper Page Text
THE 1JAIIRJ3 DAILY TIMES, NOV. 5, VJOi. , - j ' ' i ! CHOOSING A BOOK From such a large number wwll it first seem puzzunf, but it is not. is they hare ba chosen with reference to their literary stioiinj: and reer!!. Our list invoke aatnbers over 500 VOLUMES and tf you nude a se'atioa with dosed eyes yoa could not make a mistake. AH the newest and lest authors ire represented besides the old faror ites. If you are literiry, pay us a tisit. There is a feast spread for yoa here. Barre Book Store, CARROLL W. MARTIN. Proprietor, Gordon Block, 140 No. Main St. flie Art Store Sec Our New MOUNT MELLICK DOILIES, Tinted Center Pieces, Laundry Bags, 1'illow Covers and Ruffles. MRS. C. H. CARPBELL. MRS. H. A. RICHARDSON, 7 Pearl Street, - Barre, Vermont. The Union Millinery -AMI- Decorating Co. Removed to the B. D. Tomasi Block, above Chesser & Bird's Store. 323 No. Main St., Barre, Vt. REAL ESTATE ADS. I'AY IN" The Daily Times BECAUSE IT IS THE BEST RKAL ESTATK MEDIUM AND HAS THE BEST REAL ES TATE NEWS. AOVKUTISE IN THE TIMK3. Great Reduction Cabin Rates TO . -QUKKNSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL. Fast Twin-Screw Mail and Passenger Steam-, org, 1 . tons; GOO feet long Remarkable tor suiadiii" At! room tipper flecks amid ships perfeet ventilation. 1st CaMn. r.'. Second Cabin, 3. WIMTOX 8KRVICK "SAONIA." Kail Nov. ii, 1 I'. M. "IVI'HVIA," lcc3. Jan. 7. '"SAVON I A," lec. Jan. 21. NKWTOKKEKTirt. OAUl'AM A," No, ft. " LUOAN1 A," Nov. 19. Saloon $fio. Second rabid $30. KTHUIU A," Nov. 12. UMISKIA," Nov. 20. Saloon $t- Heennd Cabin $10. . MEUITKKKANKAN SKRVICK from New York. "'AMMON!A," Nov. US. "I 1lONIA," llcc.6. .Haas, tfltup, etc , 12B Mute St., Itoston, fHiixs., Chan. 1', htinmer, Ai;-t, or H. t. ItRl t.ard's Steamship Apincv, Miles' isiotk, Kurre, ,NewLangdiH Work, Montpelier. mm WORLD'S HM-UHE. The VAT.,.SH RAILROAD is the only line iavirs tracks and depot at tnain entrance WOKUTSi KA1R GROUNDS, St. Louis. A,'!"neph trains.westHouridandeasttKi'md.Mop at" tVAKAHH WOKLD'S FAIR STA1 ION " to t.-'.V-con or let of! passengers, thus avoiding iu-r:e ? of roiiB n "loon Depot, W. Louis, liagga&e . U kiM (o this Station it Ucstred. Tktr('. New Voik to St. Louis St return . . . f i8 IBoMon " " " - - - 24 t-hiiiuSstfihia " " J ' 1 .o-v rr. e ftnmotlier Eastern points. lv, 6o-(l!iv and season tickets, privilege ol -..;!(-.,. y ji-;t Nii-.gara rails, lletroit and Chic so. - t-!- -est Aeent for tickets via WaNh K, R, ' ' : -.1 -I i;,,.o!:lct of World s Fair w ill h-? s-rm I:'' i ' i -;.;. !,f'ttiu to, is. :i. ,,' ("' ;' ci !. K. A., w Brwxlwit. n. .. i i,:i'itcl. N.C l'-A..TiS V Wllli'itlull St.. ttuslou TRAVELERS' RAILWAY GUIDE. HM'ItAt VIMtMOST UAll.aOAU. T r.-.;-.- leave l-!urH for WUite Uiver June in, Kiqtton, New Vork and all iutcrveiiiiiK ,in;;s t .:;, a. u , 11.55 a. tn. and li.l a. m. t f.tat train I' n- VUit River Junction anil 'W ini(i)r a, nt iiitcuii-iiai utatimi leaves at p. iu. 'frattis U aw It.ifr.! fnf Hut Huston, St. AltttlM, toises foiut ami i Vilcn-tliurir at s a. in. ami V 111 h ; n. m. and l.,il a. m. Tiains connect at Kvttti f - poititu oo loitlaml roml and tli 5.11 ienrctrt wiUi New Voik train tor Montreal and VinM went Iwtvitiir Barre at 3.10, S.30 anil iiM a- m. for WiiJtwiwfowu leave Hmrent 1.20and4.S0n. tu. Ijeave. Williaut'towo at a. at, nd 2W a. f, snnilavs only, i. enger for Unr firiirtoH And 1st, AiUiut and mtt-i'inediate sta 'ioirs. nnis-iin iAKi! s wi.i.i.s Kivnt KAti.aokt, bOMMKMOIMU JfKK 21, 1'14. Tratr.s leave f'arre for Wells River, connect -'Sni; at that point, with trains KiK lurth north ud (-..otli, at J .30 a. ui.. Vt:.n a-.n! p. m. The . tiaiu connects with train for Koston, and worib tor Linlion, Littleton, l-aiiyaus and Ijvn caster, also with Montreal e pr, and the i.m ml 3.1" trains with St. Jnhnatmrv train?, . Trains Ichts Hurre (or Montpeiier at " Lift, 10 .'JO, 12.W, 3.lft,4.ioanas.;ii. KI.ECTBIO fl-I KlKT HAttwar. leave fijnaro in liarro fur Montpelier at 55 minute or aua i nunute pa,m ui nour. Iy Montpelier for Hat re ou tti hour and Ciair nnur rjnti! p- tu- I THE BARRE DAILY TIMES' SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1904. INSURANCE IS NOT A FORTUNE tn.-ikiT r a 1j t'ft-r of profit-!, but h s;tfi- mill certain means by which In demnity -r Competence (tin l supplied lieu !... fulK S."th year, doing busi-lii-in in flutes. The National Life Insurance Company of Vermont (Mutual). OKGAN'IZED in 1850. S. 8. Ballard, General Agent, N.U. Mallard, Local Agent, Kooms 2 and 3, Mile' Mock, Barre, Vt TALK OF THE TOWN. Tin? Tomi-'t club will meet with Mrs. Hutchinson on Monday. Our fur-lined coats are the Wst to be found. Moore & Owens Old gold and silver wanted at refiners' prices in exchange for gocxU at F. E. burr's. .Iiiah rMvitnl. S."jO volumes new books at ltarre Book tore, C. Martin, Pro prietor. If $ no. S2.r0 or S3.00 i vour usual price for a hat, you can get the best at Moore & Owens. Saws filed. Prompt work and satis faction guaranteed. L. E. Griswold, 94 North M.ain stret. Cott-ige a good as new, only $900, $10') down, balance as rent. Inquire at C'ate's Beal KhUte agency. When up strwt shopping- Thursday afternoon Nov. 10, just slip into Wiles' Bemeniber we order any book, maga zine or sheet of music you may wish. Ideal Book and blationery More, Come to the Odd Ladies' fair that is to le held the 9th and 10th of Novem ber and guess on the crooket stick. Prof. A. V. Wilkins, clairvoyant, is located at The Otis until further notice. See advertisement iu another column. Th Wilbur Workers will hold a mis- siumii-r social on Wednesday. Nov. 0th. There will be a collection for mission work. Have you read Gilbert Parker's latest book, "Ladder of Swords"? You can find it at the Ideal Book and Stationery Store. Farm 75 acres with stock and tools (11 cows) only 4s miles out for ten days only $2,500. Call at the F. B. Gate Pveal Estate agency. ana iaKe a uc jjuecs uu imo uon-ie oi beans to get the Odd Ladies' prize, a handsome pipe given by Sir. Marriou. You can get a good lootli brush and bottle of Catder's Saponaceous Tooth Powder, traveler's size, for 20 cents at the Parlor Drug Store Saturday only. Collectors for the Foreign Lodge Mas ons are reminded that the assrs-iinent is again due and please meet the secre tary Falurday evening at 7 o'clock, at M.i --onic hall. AH members of the T. O. O. F. M. U. that are interested in the cribbage team will please meet in their hall on Satur day evening, Nov. 5, nt 7 o'clock. Per order of committee. The Ladies of the Maccabees will give a private dance, Tuesday, Nov. 15, in Kale's pavilion. Tickets are for sale by the members. Any member can get the tickets by calling at the home of the record keeper. The first a Ui action offered by the Bane Entertainment Association is Mr. Lelaud Powers ia impersonations from dramatic literature who appears Nov. 7th at the opera house. Tickets may be obtained at E. A. Drown's. To granite dealers and stone cutters of Barre. Wonld you consider opening of monumental works in a suburban eitv about Jiost.oiiT jo competition. For particulars inquire at F. B. Gate s R. E. Agency, room It and 1.2, Bolster block, Barre, Vt. Scads & Brady commenced a big clos ing-out sale on Tuesday, Sept. lst, which to last from .10 to 00 daya and no longer. The stock was purchased in Bur linsiton last month and consists of men's and boys' fall and winter clothing, fur nishing goods and tootwear oi every oe scription. These are all first-class goods and extremely low prices will be the order of the 'day to close them out us early as possible. Yon; can save from $1.00 to S5.00, and in many cases mu.uo on a winter outfit by taking advantage of this Rule. Come one, come all. "When Women Love." TIo. hirr melodrama of the season is "When Women Love," which is to be presented here Saturday, u is two vAiira nun nine. Willhnrt W. I,41.roint of this city wrote the, play for .Spitz & isamanson, owners oi me jempue anca t T'roviilnoen 1!. T. There are three companies playing this rgeat success. It lias been piayea in jncw a oi k, uuswu, Chicago, Washington, Detroit and many nthnr I.It rilios. The tibenomenal suc- ccbss of "When Women Love" has brought reputation to its author, il liam W. Lapoint, of this city, and he is nr. work on two more scenic plavs for the, present malingers of "When Wom en Love. GRANITEVILLE. For Sale Piece of nronertv that will iibv lfi ner cent interest, bavins' been placed in my hands by party who is go ing West. A. A. brmtn. Singing Class. I shall elart a class in voice culture, Monday pvenino. Nov. 7. in the base ment of the Presbyterian church and continne throughout the winter. Terms made known on application. Miss tm ma J. Vhillips, 2 Cable St. Farmers Take Notice! We have just received a car of fancy mixed feed. Our price is per ton at the car. This is a very low price for this quality of feed. I. II. Berry, 23 Fo. Main street. Notice to All Union Men. That the Congregational Church and the Baker house at Williamstown are non-union Jobs. COULD HAVE HIS PLACE. Report That W. K. Lawrence Was Forced Out of Rutland Is Denied. Buthind, Nov. .'. The odicials of the Hone Scale company emphatically stat ed todav that the claim which was made I sit Moiitpelicr this week that former ('it ;t Montpclier this week that former ( "ity KeptesentHtive W. II. Lawrence, of Holland had to leave town to obtain employment because of hi-f adtocacy of a weekly payment bill was absolutely fal.if. The statement was made by Fred Bruce of Barre, the labor leader, before a legislative committee which was con sidering Representative Smith's weekly payment bill and was made in backing the objection of the labor men to allow ing II. II. Powers, attorney for the Rut land railroad to examine the petition of 2500 laborers for a weekly payment lull. Bruce said that after championing a weekly payment bill at Montpelier two yearn ago at Montpelier Lawrence was blasklisted in Rutland. The truth of the matter is that Lawn-nee was employed by the Howe Scale company iu their blacksmithing depart ment before he was elected Rutland's city representative, lie ran for the office with the full consent of the company and his position was held for him. After the close of the legislative session and the defeat of his bill he returned to the Howe Scale works and resumed his for mer position holding it for several months. Then receiving an offer from a rrn in New Jersey, he accepted and moved to that state. The change was made of his own accord. The, officers of tho company stated this morning that ox-Representative Lawrence was one of the best black smiths they ever had in their employ and they would never have discharged him while he did work as welle as he was accustomed to. They further stated if Lawrence should care to return to Rutland they would probably make room for him again. Mr. Lawrence while in this city a few days ago called at the oflice of the company for a friendly chat with the officials but said that he was doing so well in New Jersey that he vtouid probably never live in -Vermont again. . BANKERS AND BROKERS, Misiiiiiars New York ConsoSidated Stock Exchange. Our Market Letter for this week, containing facts regarding the Situation, Rock Island, Norfolk & Western and Sugar, mailed free upon application, 19 CONGRESS ST., BOSTON. 52 BROADWAY, MEW YORK. CLINTON N. FIELD 3 3 Per Cent Bonds Of the City of New York and other High Grade Investments yielding from 3 to 5 per cent. 35 Nassau Street, - - New York. Prof. A. VV. Wilkins CLAIRVOYANT, MAGNETIC HEALER AND PALMIST. Prof. Wilkins also gives Sci entific Massage Treatments. Drop in and see him. He is located at THE OTIS, - - BARRE, VT. WARNING. Whereas a petition, signed liy more than thirty legal voters of the City of Harre, and praying that a special city meeting be called lor the purposes therein named, hiving been presented to the Mayor, therefore, in accordance with the prayer of said petitioners, the lefral voters in the rity of Barre, Washington County, Ver mont, are hereby notified and warned to meet in the t'ity Hall on the evening of Wednesday, November 9th, llitri, at 7.30 o'clock, to act on the following articles : lilih'l' To appoint someone to serve aa Mod erator of said meeting. SECOND To see it the city will vote to con vey to the Aldi ich Library AsMictatien the so-i-alled Library lot on the corner of Klin and Washington streets, now owned by the city, or part thereof, auilicicnt and suitable for Iho ereetlon of a library to be erected and managed by the trustees appointed under the will of the l;it.a Aldi'ii li and ny funds placed In their Inml !v said will for flint purpose. TU 1(U -To do any other proper business. Dated at the ("Hv of iiarre, Vt., this S!7th day of October, A. D. 'MH. WILIJAM BARCLAY, Mavor. ( Warning For November Election For I Presidential Electors. The freemen of the City of Rarre are hereby notified and warned to meet oil Tueoday, Ko veuiber 8th, 1IKI4, at 10 o'clock in tho forenoon, in their respective wards Bt the several voting places hereinafter named for the purpose or electing sin Ii number of electors of President and Vice-President of t he United States the .State of Vermont is entitled to. The following ;ire designated as voting places, vt: Ward 1 hurch street School Building, Ward 2 Xpaulding 1 railed Bchool molding, Ward 3 Summer street School Hni'dlng, Ward 4 lb'ckloy street School Building, Ward 6 Jilaehweil street Hose )lou.e, Ward - t ity Court ltootu, City Building, Prospect street. Dtm-d at Citv of Barre, Vt., Oetolmr 24, 1804. WILLIAM UAKCLAY, Mayor. CURTIS & SEDERDUIST A WAY OPEN. Many a Barre leader Knows It Well. Theie is a way open to convince the gr- H'eht skeptic. Scores of Barre people hvn made it post;b!. I He punnc state ment of their experience is proof the like of which has never been produced before in Barre. Read this case of it given by a citi.en; Jtrs. Juhu Bresett, residence, Pleasant Street, near Fortney. saya : "Doan'a Kidney I'ills, sold by E. A. Drown'i drug store, did me more good than all the other remedies for the kldneya I ever used. For the results I obtained I most emphatically endorse the pre paration. At different times for three or four years I suffered from acute backache and when that was not pres ent there was a dull aching through my loina and kidneys, sometimes changing to sharp twinges, positively proving that in some way the action of these organs was disturbed. .When in the acute stage twinges wera aura to catch me If I stooped, and If I at tempted to lift anything even light I was always rewarded with extra ag gravated aches. In the mopnlng I have often been so lame and aore across the small of my back that I could hardly get out of bed, and al though I tried remedy after remedy advertised I received little If any bene fit. A friend was so emphatic about the merits of Doan's Kidney Pills that I took his advice and commenced the treatment. They helped me after a dose or two and when I completed the treatment of two boxes, tha backache ceased, my kidneys wera thoroughly cleansed and I wus In better health than I had been for many a long day." For sale by all druggists. Price 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buf alo, N. T., sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. EAST BARRE. Prof. Corliss' sinsring school i- being held every Thursday evening in the op era house halt, with a large class and new students can enter at any time. A thorough instruction in the rudiments of music is given and special attention is given to pupils wishing to learn to read at sight. The Foresters of America will have a ball on Friday evening. Nov. 11, in the opera house hall. All Foresters sre re quested to wear badges. J. W. GRADY. Merchant Tailoring. ALSO CLEANING AND REPAIRING J. W. GRADY, UP STAIRS. Quialen Block, - Barre, Vermont. BULK PICKLES We have a large line of Bulk Pickles, just arrived. Htinz's Sweet Mixed, per pound. ... ..... 15c ITdnz's Sweet Gherkins, per pound 1 5c Heinj's Chow Chow, per quart 15c Heinz's Pickled Onions, per pound ; . . 15c Hernz's Flaia Sour, per lb., 1 5c, three for ..25c Also full line of Bottle Goods. Olives, Sweet Onions, Pearl Onions, Tomato Catsup and Horse Radish. Meats and Vegetables.' eaker Bros, North Main St. Barre, Vt. Montpelier FUR STORE, We have a large stock of Furs for sale at reasonable prices. We man ufacture garments to order. Furs remodeled andjepaired at a low price. ISRAEL SCHWARTZ, 52 State Street, Ask Your Butcher for Our Frankfort Bologna and Pork Sausages. I m Pork Sausages are put up in one- pound packages, fresh made and PREPARED BY W. O. STANDISH. NURSES REGISTERED AT-- DAVIS' DRUG STORE. Dissolution of Partnership. Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore exiatihg between Napoleon Wince and Hentv L. Smith is this day dissolved. Napoleon tV'hite is to continue, the business, re ceiving nil debt owing to the old firm and to pay all bills against tue same. Dated nt City of Barre this 23th dav of Octo ber, im. KAI'OLKOX "WHITE, MKNRY L. SMITH. I COAlL-? COAL J D. M. Miles, Dealer in Anthracite end Bituminous Coal. Stove, Egg and Chestnut, fS.lo; Grate, $8.00; Lehigh, $8.45 per ton. This price for October only. Terms Cash. We Sell and Deliver 2000 Pounds for a Ton. Coal and Coke! Purchase your Coal cow, before prices advance. Prices are 10 centf higher each succeeding month. The prices for this month are: STOVE, EGG anl KUT COAL $8.20 OTTO COKE 6 60 Caldcr & Richardson, Dtpot Square, Barre. Vermont. WOOD The ulace to bur Wood. A lat tn utoet f all kinds at the following prices : Block Wood, per coti $2.75 Limb Wood, per load 2.00 Chaif Wood, per loid 2.50 Furnace and Stent Shed Wood, per loAd. 2.(H) Hard and Soft Wood Slabs 1.75 I am prepared to do all kindit of moving and jobbing: at reasonable rates. L. J. BOLSTER, (Telephone, 323-3.) 283 North Main Street, - - Bajre, Vermont Block Wood, per cord, $2.75 Limb Wood, per load, 2.00 Chair Wood, per load, 2.50 Furnace Wood, per load, 2.00 Leave orders at the City Fish Market. Arthur S. Martin, (Telephone 204 3) 43 Park Street, - - Barre, Vermont. ! LECTlJIfill j s Electric Beaters, tlectnc iittiitcs, I Electric Sopjlies. i j STANDARD ELECTRIC CI, ! t H, J. BBJfXETT. t. W. NIC320LU. 199 North Main 8t Brre. j -ft M- MH. Horse Shoeing. CLIFFORD COTF. Has just started Horse Shoeing at his old stand on Prospect Street. Also Repair- j ing and Carnage Ironing. First-clan work guaranteed. Peter LcClair and William Walsh are in my employ. I CLIFFORD COTE, Telephone 106 3. Prospect St.. Barre, Vt . This Space Reserved For the East Barre Drtfg Store J.H.McARTflUR,H.D.Prop. wm i O. C. Russell & Co Plumbing and (eating. 411 kinds oi modem Plumblne Fix- tures in stock. All work gu?rameed, Telephone 15-3. IN BASEMENT OF WORTHEN BLOCK. And Paper Hanging. First-class Workmanship. AXDREW BJOIW, Telephone 205-12. Currier Street, Barre, Vt. Wood,; Wood BUSINESS CARDS, , DR. C. H. KENT, Dentist. MILE8' BLOCK, Telephone at Office and at Kealdtmee. DR. F. M. LYNDE, Dentist. Telephone 133-21. Room 7, Currier Block, Barre, Vermont. ELW1N L. SCOTT, Attorney and Counselcr-at-Law Collections, Bankruptcy ni Granite Claims. Telephone 14? 4. Office with R. A. HOAR. DR. LEWIS D. MARTIN, OSTEOPATHIC LHYSICIAX. fiftic in Kom C5, Miles' Btiildinf. ftiPea hours, 9 a. ai. to ia m. aud L,'t tn 4 p. ., Moo day, TatsiUiy, Thursday and Friday. Telephone Connection. MRS. H. A. BEACH, EXPKHIECED NUK9E. No. 152 Sooth Mala St., Barre, Vertnoot. Telephone Call, ia-2. FRED L. PAGE, Contractor AND EUILDEK. Offlce and Ee8ldence,34 Highland A7enta, Teleihoue call, 4-3. WELCH & PAGE, All kinds of Electrical Work Done. Wiring;, tlas Piping, Etc. We are dealers In Electrical (Supplies. Oaa ftatorva & Omtiination liaturea. Kverythtng Mixlern and l. p-to-liste. None but en pert help employed and work t-iuirMiUHtl. Tel. Sll-lfor lu-3. OlHco in the Uasetueot of Worttien Block, THE CORRECT STYLES Newest Effects in Woolens, 0. W. BOYZA, Merchant TaUor, Retd Block, Barre, Vt. HENRY FRENIER & SON UNDERTAKE!-.?, Funeral directors acd furnishers of fu neral supplies. Night calls promptly at tended to. Ho. 16 Oranite Bt., Barre, Vt EBsldecce cp etalra. Tel. 13-6. J. A. McLEOD, KEGISTEKED SHOEISO SMITH. Knee-cuttlcg, interttrlrg, clicklnif.etc. positively curtd. Diaeaii feet treated with success. Trotters, pacers and ger.tie men'a roadsters a specialty. Phop on Heminary St. '.Telephone connrctiou. H. E. JEFFORDS, PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING AND CALMJM1N1NU. A share of your patronage ta solicited. 6 Thurston Place, iiarre, Vt. H. W. SCOTT, Attorney. Office In Wood Block, Over Ladd'a Btoro. Justice, notary and stenographer In office. Livery, Boarding and Sales Statics. S9 So. Main St., Rear South End Hotel, A. M. MORRISON. HAIR GOODS. Mrs. C. S. Me.aker, 40 Jefferson St.. my ai'eut will l e t;!ad to ttirnitib Hair Hoods, Wigs, ' ronf Views. Switehea, etc., if not in stock. t rtiort notice sum, Ui Manchester store. Thanking the public fm their liheral patronspe in the past, aud soUcm ug a oontinttanoa of lbs same tn the future tor myagent and myaelf, 1 ma yours wlth,all reepect, " ,S. M. YokK. Street Curbing, First-class Curbing and Underpining de livered promptly. Address orders to A. J, LANGFELDT, - - Barre, Vt. WAGONS and HARNESS The balance of our summer line of Carriages and Harness will be closed out at a bargain. A few second-hand Carriages II. F. CUTLEU, Rear of City Hotel, - . . Barre. Veraaut. SMOKE THE UNCLE DUDLEY CIGAR 5 CENTS. Manufactured By E. O. MARRfON, Pipes and Tobacco, Unioa Cigar Store. Comer Cigar Store,