Newspaper Page Text
THE IJAM1E DAILY TIMES, NOV. 10, 1904. or CHILDREN'S We shall offer for Saturday a brand new lot of Children's Dresses at prices that just about represent the value of the ma terial Here is the best chance you ever had to save money. 1 25c Children's Dresses made of good quality outing, in pretty plaid and trimmed with braid, I, 2, 3 and 4 years. 45c Children' Dresses made of outing, trimmed with soutache braid, box plaited front and shoulder capes, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 years. 98c Children Dresses made of' serge, ih blue, red and brown, nicely tjim med with straps of same material, box, plaited front trimmed with braid, shoulder capes, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 years. $1.25 Children's Dresses of serge, in blue, brown and red, handsomely trimmed with braid, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 years. Extra good values in Children's Dresses at $1.50, $1.98 and $2.50. PERRY 71 and 75 Main Street, NEWS FOR Do you like a Shoe that fits every corner of your foot and gives it a natty, graceful outline? Do you like a Shoe that fits like a glove, doesn't cramp and wears well? Do you like a Shoe that holds its shape until worn out? We have it. . X5hQ La France, A perfect Shoe in style, fit, leather and workmanship. Price, $3.00. "Rock Oak" soles and "Wear Proof linings used in every pair. Sold only hv PERRY 11 and 75 Main Street, ICO ITWF And Hang Oa to Your Pocket-book. i Our Removal Sale is to Take Place Soon. "T The Emergency Store, Undertakers. PuMic Ambulance. Fur I This is the brand we carry. We have them in all from SI 0.00 up. If it's a Doc Skin, 9 j,:- - n-Immp Wnmhaf. Siberian Buffalo. Chinese Sheen." s 1 Lamb, Astrachan or Coon, cannot be beaten. Ladies' Driving Coats. we are selling quite a few more this season than usual. W 1 Fur Lined Coats are more popular than ever this 1 season. We have them from $35.00 to $ 00.00. This g I is the place for Furs. 1 I MOORE & OWENS, J 22 North Main St., - - Barre, Vermoat.3 $2.50 to $11.50 Per Set. Boston Bargain Store, (Telephone 123-12) 185-187 North Main Street, Barre. C. N. Kenyon & Co. Saturday! DRESSES. (Si CAMP, Barre, Vermont THE LADES & CAMP, Barre, Vermont. B. W. Hooker & Co. we have them at prices that We have a nice line and Looking Over Our Commode Sets Will put you in touch with the newest patterns, and our prices will convince you that ours is the place to buy Com mode Sets. Come in and see. h this Space Coats ! TALK OF THE TOWN. Nit unlay sale at Vanuluiu's. Nik of table dummk at Abbott'. Xew chamois rests ami lung jnoteet ors at the lied Cross I'liunnacy. We have a cboi.'e lot of No. 1 Lake Creenings at $2.00 jut harrel. Eastman Bros. "If it's worth having we are the Cist to have it." Ideal llook and Stationery !tore. Pure blood Rhode Jiluud rod cock erels for-breeding purposes, $1.50 and $2.00 each. 11. L. Averill. Remember that JlcYVhorter's i the only store in the city where you can buy the Sterling sweater for men and boys. Have you tried any of those large freHh opened oysters, only 40c per quart, at the City l-ifh Market? Telephone 10-2. Every boy who vreiirs a Hwealor fchoiild call at A. A. Smith &, UroK' store at once and pet one of the sweaters that you generally pay $1.50 for at only OSe. SiwH are complete now, but will be broken noon at this price. Special sale of children's dresses at ferry's. Kur scarf at Vaughan's. The place to buy underwear is at Vuughflii's. The gentlemen of the Minstrel Show for the Catholic fair vvil meet at the house at 7:30 this evening. The Lady Minstrels for the Catholic fair will meet at the convent at 7 o'clock this evening. J. B. Marsh who has been in Worces ter, Mass., for several months, has re turned to Barre and will start in again in his hulled corn business. A. E. Ratchelder went to Waterlmry thit morning on business. W. F. Stevens went to Waterbury this morning. Mr. and Mrs. George E. C1omj who have been slaying at the Morrison farm all summer, left this morning for their home in Cambridgoport, Mass. Series dance at the Pavilion Saturday evening. G'illertsou' orchestra. Meeting of Hiawatha Lodge, No. 20, J. . O. J'., this evening . The initiatory ilegri-e will lie conferred. V. L. Stowe, N. !. The Young Woman's Tourist club will observe their first gentlemen's night 1 by attending the chicken pie supper tat J the Congregational church Friday even j ing, afterward going to the home of J I). J.ald tor a social evening. Member please be at the church promptly at six o'clock. Regular meeting of Mead's Circle, In dies of the A. R., Friday evening at 7 o'clock. It is important that there j bo a good atendance. ('in le is to be inspected, A large buck was seen in E. Ritchie's orchard on the Phiinfield road this morn ing. Rehearsal of "Bachelor Congress" Friday evening at 7 o'clock sharp. Please be on time. Furnished room to let to desirable party. Bath on same lloor. Furnace lieat. Appr to Mrs. Minnie M. Wheel er, Xo. 11 "Walnut St. Mrs. Minnie M. Wheeler will do shauipoing, chiropody and manicuring bv npKintment at your borne. No. 11 Walnut St. Telephone 213-3. Arthur 8. Martin lias sold two build ing lot on Lewis street to J. C. Dodge and O. Russell, for normal consideration. Mrs. A. Ross is visiting her daughter, Mrs. L. R. Howard, at Cambridge. The local brokerage house of the C. II. Oilllllan company and the branch of fice in Montpelier are closed and the hitter od'iee vacated. The cause of the trouble is that J. J. Quinlin & Co. of Boston, with whom Mr. Giltillan is as sociated, charged up the local com panies $2,100 wire rent which Mr. Gil iillan did not eqxot to pay. The com pany owes about $800 in Montpelier and a little more than that in Barre, but they have given good security for it. A. K. Batchclder has sold to Charles Converse four building lots on Batehel dcr's Meadow. Consideration $200. Frank Small went to Hardwick jes leiday on a few days' business visit. As the Standard Oil Co.'s team was coming up to the water tub near the park today, one of the. horses fell down, breaking the pole of the wagon. Rev. Mm. Howard lloople of New York city, will preach at Pentacostal hall this evening. The Y. P. C. U. of the Universalist church will bold a sociable Friday, Nov. 11, at 7 o clock, liefreshnients will be served. Admission 10 ets. Moses Charbonneau is better now mid is iit his shop every day. Call and get your repairing done. F. F. Walker is moving today from .Telferson street into a house on French street. . 11 : .1 fi1 ... 1 . t writ: I imniei joiiciiu 01 v aiiumsiuw u has sold his farm in that town to A. E. Batchclder of this city, the price being $3,200. The farm adjoins the one al ready owned by Mr. Batehellder in Wil liamstown. Mr. Townsend takes in 'part payment four building lots on Rutehelder'a Meadow at $1,050. The sale was made through the 1). A. Perry , Real Estate Agency. I The Willing Workers of the Congre gational church gave a social last even ing at which they each told how they had earned little Rinns for their society. The total made amounted to $9.!50. I Special communication . of Granite lodge , No. 35, F. and A. M., Friday evening, Nov. 11, at 7 o'clock. Work, , third degree. Sir. and Mrs. W. F. Shepard enter tained Mrs. Shepard's clerks and those of A. P. Abbott & Co. at their home on Prospect street last evening. t Antonio Bianchi and wife of Lancas ter, N. H., are visiting friend in the city for a few days. W, M. Fraser went to South Ryegalc this morning on business. A. P. ABBOTT & CO. 11 JLL Arc You Posted on the Best Kind of Table Linen For Your Thanksgiving Table? i Would you expect that our nine years" experience in the Linen Department of C. l Hovey & Co., Boston, would help you? Our Linens come from Edward Griblin & Sons,. Belfast, Ireland. Are they any better than other makes or is it our inside experience that places them before you at a less price than other Linens are sold? Table Linens. When new goods are io'.d it a small mark-down it means more than old or undesirable goods at a big mark-down. . 6o-inch Cream Damask, our 50c qual ity, now 45c ' 72-inch Cream Damask, a good 60c quality, now 49c. 62-inch All Linen Bleached Damask, our 59c quality, now 50c, 66-incb All Linen Bleached Damask, our 6jc quality, now 59c. 70-inch All Linen Bleached Damask, our J 1. 00 quality, now 79c. 72-inch All Linen Bleached Damask, our $i.z$ quality, now 98c. Turkey Red Damaik at 25c, 59c and 87c. A complete line of White TALK OF THE TOWN. Thanksgiving linens at Ablioit's. j See the bed spreads at VaughanV. j McWhorter has just received a new j invoice of bteteon hats. Well t Above all things. Avoid im itations. Use Rnberoid. Just, received, . Wagner' Parcifal, Huekcl's edition, l'riee 75c. W.Frank Harris, Hale block. The tdiop stewards are requested to call at the Quarry Workers' Union office and get their JournaH. You can save money by buying chil dren's dresses at Perry's on Saturday. All wool flannel .shirt waist for $1.00 at Vauglmn's. The choir of the Presbyterian church will nut meet Friday night for practice, but will please meet before service .Sun day morning. At the meeting of the Clerks union last evening five applications were re ceived and the following clerk werein iated into the union: Miss Ida Peaeha, Krwin Whiteoinb, Dwight Cntler, W. M. White and George Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Spear return ed this morning from their visit in Grand Gorge, N. Y. Arthur C. Tilden went to Hardwick yesterday on business. Will the ladies who have table cloths and towels belonging to the Congrega tional church please have them at the church by 2 o'clock Friday noon. . James McDeiment of Brookfield vis ited relatives in the city today. Howard Lawless, the fourteen months old child of Krwin Lawless, died at his home, .47 Spaulding street, this after noon, of whooping cough. CHURCH AND CLERGY. Tea years ago in England the clicrih CGiuntuuicanU numbered only oue iu eighteen of the population; now the proportion is one in fifteen. The religious world will soon have a religious epic, which i.s being written by the Kev. J. P.. Brady, lie is field secretary of the New Knghind confer ence of the Methodist church. San Jose. Cab, is ubout. t have its first Christian Science t liureh. It will cost S-o.OoO and w ill b' pure Greek in architecture, after the temple of Ilys sus. It ia expected to be ready for oc cupation about the new year. It is an unwritten law of the Protes tant Episcopal church of the United States that no man shall lie 11 bishop who Is not nn American citizen. This, and this only, Is Hie reason why Fa ther Osborne, bishop elect of the dio cese of Illinois, bus renounced alle giance to Great Britain and become n citizen of the United States. :nrel Ills Ilelale. A Yorksbireniuu whose poor relit lions pestered him continually married the worst scold Hi the county iu -order tj have a guardian who would protect bini from importunate legacy hunters. The venouiouH and Incessant vitupera tion of the woman had the desired ef fect. AN INNOVATION! That our customers may judge of the merits of the New Songs,' we have arranged to have them reproduced on the Phonograph. Call any time and hear the New Songs as they should be sung. We sell , the Songs, also the Records. The AVERILL MUSIC CO. 28 North Klin Street. Barre, Vt. A, m f dk A ft. kttsossw' js' mp wJm La A. P. ABBOTT 6c CO. Table Linens. Many would buy Pattern Cloths- it they knew they were selling at the same prices as Damask. Two-yard Linen Damask Cloths, our $2.50 grade for $2.19. ' Two and one-half-yard Linen Damask Cloths, our $3.00 grade for $2.79. Three-yard Linen Damask Cloths, our $ 3. 7 5 grade for $3.29. Three-yard Linen Damask Cloths, our $4. 50 grade for $3,98. Three-yard Linen Damask Cloths, our $6.00 grade for $4.98. Fringed Clothes with Doilies to match at a reduction. These pricf 5 W only for Thanksgiving sale. Linen for Handkerchiefs, Tray As Others See You ! While it's true that Clothes don't make the man, s'iil they do make all of him. except his hands and face during business hours and that's covering a pretty considerable area. If you look as if you slept in your Clothes, most people will jump at the conclusion that ou have, and you will never get to know them well enough to explain that your head is so full of noble thoughts that you haven't time to bpther with the dandruff on your shoulder. Have dis cretion in all things, 'but be sure and have plenty of it in dress. When thinking along the lines of dress, let us help you.' Mere money won't buy . good breeding or necessarily put style into a Suit or Overcoat. The snap and go that many an expensive garment lacks, is plainly visible in our Suit or Overcoats and it's thrown in gratis with your money's worth of good cloth and honest workmanship. A look, and you are our customer. FRANK McVVHORTER, (Telephone Call, 31-4) One Price Clothier. Hatter and Men's Outfitter. jz? Daily at the Barre ;.Candy; Kitchen. Canned Goods! The season is here when where you can get the best Three cans eitra rood Tomatoes Good Corn, per can Succotash, per can 1 2c Marrowfat Peas, per can 1 0c Karo Corn Syrup, per can 1 0c and 25c Fresh Meats, Fruits and Vegetables at right price. MERCHANT 303 North Main Street Buy Them Now! We arc unloading a car of fancy Winter Apples in bar rels Baldwins, Greenings, Spy's, Nod Meads and Spitzen burgs. We engaged a man to superintend the picking and packing of these Apples and know that they are all No. I and hand-picked from the trees. We consider them the best lot we have had. Per barrel, - - - - $2.25 A few No. 2's, per barrel, - - - - - 1.50 Rebate checks with every barrel. They mean five per cent discount. ' While Fall Apples are very cheap and hardly worth harvesting, fancy Winter Apples will bring a good price this Winter. We think you will save money by buying now.. F. D. Leading Cash Grocer. A. P. ABBOTT c CO. Table Linens. An all pure linen Napkin a& Vow as 59c. A good si-wd all Linen full fiveuged Napkin for 87c. A special weight all Liiifn Napkin good size, for $1.39. Ten dozen z 2 -inch $2.00 mercerized Napkins bought at a big discount, now $1,39. Many are using these goods an-.', find them very satisfactory. Our 52.50 Napkins matching our Cloths, this sale for $2.19. (There is, no better goods for the price.) Our very large 3.75 Napkins ma'cK irg our Cloths, the price now $3.29. J4.50 Napkins for $3.98. Doileys or fringed Napkins from 6(k to $3.00 per dozen. Cloths and Fancy Work. fresh made Canned Goods have the call. Trade quality for the least money. for 25c 1 0c f & FRASER, and 6 Elm Street, Barre. I. LADD, Meats and Provisions, oil A nyyf y y