Newspaper Page Text
0 THE IfAJCKK DAILY TIMES, NOV. 20. li04. v i v ' ' - A YOUR FAVORITE PAPER can always !e found here. We handle all the local publications, Imsides the pr uinent weeklies mid magazines. Of cfiir-e, it is impolitic to keep every thing published, but we can get any-t-li i.'i'jf you want. IT YOU DESIRE any i.i(kt, periodical or magazine vliich we do not handle, let us know. We will gvt it for you and deliver it promptly. We can also get you any book that you would like to have. We charge nothing extra for special orders. Barre Book Store, CARROLL W, MARTIN, Proprietor, Gordon Block, 140 No. Main St, The Art Store Goddard Pillow Tops! Something new. - Your Attention is Also Called to Our New Vermont Pillow. 9!RS. C H. CAMPBELL, RRS. H. A. RICHAFPSON, 7 Pari Street, - Barre, Vermont. The Union Millinery - AND - Decorating Co. Removed to the Li, D. Torrisi Block, above' Chesser & Bird's Store. 323 No. Main St., Barre, Vt. CLINTON N. FIELD !3J Per Cent Bonds Of the City of New York and other High Grade Investment! yielding from J to 5 per cent. 35 Nassau Street. - New York. J. W. GRADY. v . Merchant Tailoring. ALSO CLEANING AND REPAIRING J. W. GRADY, UP STAIRS, Qutalen Block, - Barre, Vermont. (SeilA-CB EL-IC3G Great Redactioa Cabin Rates TO tJCEKNSTOWSr AMI UVKRPOOt. Fast Twin-8crow Mail and rassenfrer Steam er, 14.sitoiui; 600 Iwt Ion. Remarkable frnr steadiness. All rooms upper docks amid ships; perfnot ventilation. 1st Cabin, 50. Hcind Cabin, 30. SMXTOW HKKVICH IVKKNt A." Hails tiec. 9,6 A. W. " fiONU." leo. IX Jan. 17. Feb. U. Moh. U. I VKRNl A," JHC. 3, Feb. t, Feb. 2S, Men. U3. NRW VOKK K.RVIC!tr. t'JMI'AM A," leo3. " Mb'ANI.," Dec. 17. Saloon Hecond Cnlvih "KritCUlA." M'MBKIA,"DfiO. 24. Saloon Second Cabin $ it). MKt)IIKKNKN HKKVtCE " from Nw Vo'h. "AKI'ATHIA," KttV.iW. "UI.TONIA," 1HWJ.13. I'ians, sailings, ete , t'26 Mate Ht., Huston, Ma"., (lha. V. Huimter, A cent, or fi. S. Ilal iat ii s .Huwmship Aet-nev, Miles' Ktock, Dane, or ew l.aiiRiion Block, Montpelier. TRAVELERS' RAILWAY GUIDE. (IKNTBIM. VF.KKONT RAILROAD. Tntins leave Barr for White Kiver Jtmc Um, Koston. New York and all intervening r-.'iut at a. in , lt.55 k. ai. nwi 12.(11 . m. train for Wuitn Uiver Junction and Vmd.t'ir kud iuleruiediate stations leaves at p. m. Ttinn leave Barre for Kurlinton. Rt. All)an, Bouses 1'oint nd Ou'lenslmru at 8.36 a. m. ad 8-10, 5 30 . in. and t2.ill a. m. Tr&iosciinneet at Kse for points on Ktitland roiwi ami the 5.:l connects with New York train for Montreal and tomt, west leaving liarre at 3.10, 5.30 and t.s!ltn. 'or WilliamstowTi leave Hnrreat l.SOaud 4.3fin. m. l-eave Williauistowu at 6,26 a. tu. and t.M p.m.. 9.ii0 a. tn Sundays only. Passenger for Kur- Uu?to!i and M. Abaus and intermediate sta tions, jXONTI'KLIHB & WKI.LS KIVKB BAILBOAD, OOMMBNOISO JDKB 27, 1904. . Trin leave Karre for Well River, connect -las; at that point with trams eolnsttioth north no south, at :M a, no.. 12.30 and 3.18 . ax. The l!..n train cronecw wun tram ror iiohI.mi, and or vh tor Lisbon, Littleton, Pahvant and Lan-c.--'-r, alo with Montreal cjpresa. and tbe 7.3() id trains with St. Johnsiuii v train.. Trains le-we Harre for Montpelier at 7.30, 10.20 uu, U.S0, 3.15, 4.10 and B.30 p. in. KLKCTKie HTRItUT RAII.WAV, Cars leave sijoare in Harre for Monfpelier at if uiinntea of and IS minutes past tbe honr. Leave Montpelier fur liarre on tbe hour and fcaU hour until 10 p. m. ThE BARRE DAILY TIMES TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1804. STOP AT NOTHING People who go uninsured run down and stop at nothing. Every one who in alive to hi own interest ran pain by attention to our advertised Insurance and Annuities. 55th year, doing busi ness in 33 State". The National Life Insurance Company of Vermont (Mutual). ORGANIZED in 1850. 8. S. Ballard, General Agent, N.B. Ballard, Local Agent, Koouia ' and 3, Miles' Block, Barre, Vt. TALK OFTHE TOWN. See the Goddard pillows at the Art Store. Well ! Above all things. Avoid im itations. Use Buberoid. A new Block of Bibles and dictiona ries at the Barre book store. Old gold and silver wanted at refiners' prices iu exchange for goods at F. E. Burr's. The riiilomnthians will meet with Miss Isham Tuesday evening at 7:15 o'clock. fcawa filed. Prompt work and satis faction guaranteed. L. E. Griswold, 94 North Main alret. The physiological voice culture class will meet with Mrs. k,. M. Lyon, High land avenue, Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock. The Perry Real Estate Agency have a farm advertised in another column of this papernot" the kind usually ottered tor sale. The annual meeting of the Craignair club will be held Tuesday evening in the l'nndle &. Avenll block. Election of ollicers. The Altrurians will meet with Mrs. Charles Hoyt, 364 North Main street, Wednesday afternoon at 2:30. Sketches ot uuizot. Sea our display of burnt-wood work. Also outflits to burn with, and blanks to burn. O. J. Dodge, jeweler, 170 North Wain street. A water privilege which could be made to develop 225 horse power can be pur chased at a right figure. See Perry's real estate advertisement. Mrs. Minnie M. Wheeler will do shampoing, chiropody and manicuring by apKintment at your home. JSo. 11 VYalnnt St. Telephone 213-3. Cold? Well, uomof But the cold winds won't affect you if your doors are fitted with my patent weather strips the best weather strips made. O. L. Cheever. Postal or telephone. A joint meeting of the amuse ment committees of the ladies of Clan Ikudon and of Clan Gordon will be held in the Clan room on Tuesday evniug at 7 o'clock.Ja8. Mutch, See. Dealers in wood will find a buyer by writing prices to Thomas Gabelloni, Black Hill, Bane, Vt. He likes to buy by carloads and he prefers to trade with dealers who can ship by C. V. R. R. A meeting of the Barre Rangers foot ball club and all those interested in the skating rink at Berlin street will meet at Miles' ante room on Wednesday, Dec. 1, at 1j : 30 sharp. J, I. Bennett, bee. There will be a meeting of. the Moth ers' society for the 1. M. M. A. in Scam- pirn's hall, Tuesday evening, Nov. 29, at 7 o'clock. Will the mothers make an effort to bo present,! as business of importance is to come up. A special meeting of Toolsharpeners No. 2 will be held at their hall, Nichols' block, Tuesday, Nov, 29th at 6:30 o'clock. Every member is requested to be present, as the action taken ' may alToct every individual member. Jas, Mutch, Sec. Now is the time to have your over shoes tapped. 1 have nice rubber soling for taps and best rubber cement in the world for patching. Work warranted. Also nice oak tan for sewed work. Moses Charbonneau, under Phelps' store, Gor don block. Wales' New King Jollity. Everybody remembers this beautiful production that was given here last Feb rnary by the Federation club, and now Montpelier is to have it, for the benefit of the Ileaton hospital. Since it was given here it has been changed very much. New solos, choruses and dances. King Jollity is the leading man now, and ho is to be ably supported by Mr. Mercer and Mr. Troup of this city. New costumes havo also been added. Some of the pictures are in the Times' office window. Two groups of the "jolly stu dents" and "Nora," which are both new, are two of the best numbers.' "The Dove and the Crow" for a quartette is another pleasing feature, also the solo with chorus "Remember its your duty to bo nice." You certainly will enjoy every minute. NTickets are now on salo for the three evenings at Buswell'sbook store. Cars will leave for Barre after the show. Remember the dutes, Nov. 30th, Dee. 1 and 2. Tfcf World's l.uritrst Hospital. Berlin will shortly be able t. boast that It contains the largest hospital In the world. Hays n correspondent of the London Telegraph. The new Institu tion, which is to be called after the fa mous physiologist, tbe Rudolf Vlrchow hospital, will be fitted with accommo dations for 2,000 patients. When fully equipped it will have rt stafJUof 050 physicians, nurses, attendants and serv ants. In connection with the hospital there will be a pathological mid ana torn leal laboratory, bathhouse with medico mechanical institute, section for Roentgen appliances mid a separate building also for apothecaries. Hith erto tbe largest German hospital was that at F.ppendorf, near Hamburg, with accommodations for 1,000 pa tients. The size of the new Berlin hospital may be best shown when compared with the London hospital. With 780 bods, and the Maryleboiie in firmary, with 7U. Notice to All Union Men. That the Congregational Church and the Baker house at Williamstown are non-union jobs. BADLY DAMAGED. Fire Spoila Interior School of Ludlow i ' Lndlow, Nov. 27. Fire in the graded school Saturday, damaged the interior of the building to the extent of about $2,500; insured. The structure was saved by the hard work of the local hose company. The cause of the fire is not known. i At about 3:30 oVlock Saturday morning, Rev. 11. E. Thayer, who lives across the street, noticed the flames, which appeared to have started in the basement, but there has been no lire in j the building for more than a week. The hose company responded and did excellent service, but the interior of the building was badly damaged; also the books and furniture. The building was insured in the Aetna Insurance company for $3,000, and the books and furniture for $l,ouo. The school directors have not determined as yet what they will uo wan ine schools, j here were six school rooms in the building, four of winch are damaged so that they can not be used until repairs are made. DOG GAVE FIRE WARNING. Farm Buildings of George Atkins, in Warren, Burned. Montpelier, Nov. 28. At an early Hour this morning fire, supposed to have been of incendiary origin, des- troyea . the residence and farm build nut Deionging to tieorge Atkins, in W arren. Seveu head of cattle perish ed. All the farm produce was burned ami only the horses and a small quan tity of household furniture were saved The house and barn are seventy-five tee: .apart and, apparently, were fired ut the same time. The fire had gained considerable headway when Mr. At kins was awakened by the barking of a log at nis bedside. Ihe property was insured in the Vermont Mutual Fire Insurance Co. for $t..S0(). the loss being mnch greater. Although certain jiersons are sus pected 01 having set the fire, no ar rests have been made. The selectmen will conduct an examination during the present week. A ST. ALBANS FIRE. Building on Main Street Owned by Rich ard Sweeney Burned. St. Albans, Nov. 28. The old wooden building at 103 and 105 Main street. belonging to Richard R. Sweeney, was burned about 1 o'clock this morninc. but useless ruins being left, and the roof burned off the brick building occu pied by Mrs. James A. Chamberlain's piano store, and Peter J. Cunningham's grocery on the pound floor and by p;d- i(u uuuiiut 1 lit iiin: rev; niui j 1 Ihe tire originated in the workroom of the oandy kitchen cenducted by Earl Ayer at 103 Mam street, but its cause is unknown. FOUND DEAD IN BED. Bennington Druggist Had Not Been Well for Several Days. Bennington, Nov. 27. Ora E. Gibson, a druggist of the village, was found dea in his bed this afternoon by his wite, who went to call him. Ho lelt his store earlier in the afternoon to take a nap. He had not been feeling well for several days. Mr. Cibson was born here, was 34 years of age, and leaves a widow and three children. He had been in business here for several years. Amalgamated Copper Latest market letter, now ready for delivery, Is devoted to Amalgamated Copper, Norfolk k Western, Pacific Hail, Union Pacific, Steel, Cop- pe- Range, the orala PUiket and the finaccial situation. Write or call for a copy. Special attention Is given to speculative ac counts. FREDERICK R.TIBBITTS Investment Secur ities Second Floor, Ames Building, Boston. SEDEROUIST BANKERS AND BROKERS. ilemSiers New York Consolidated Stock Exchange, Our Market Letter for this week, containing facts regarding the Sit uation, Colorado Fuel, Erie and Brooklyn Rapid Transit, mailed free upon application. 19 CONGRESS ST.. BOSTON. 52 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Notice to Teachers. Kvervhody Interested in slnirlntt schools will be (rreatly benefited by .pint sending a postal curd, wliii yon full address, to me snu leum j everything about the. lavniiie sinping book, "Ohm's t'roprejtsive Slnninir Method?' now rendv forwinier's use. It. will be supplied on Hhurt notice to anyone wlhliK to have a profit abiewinter. So send your postal and rind bow It will pay jou by audreesing Mrs, E. It, Ober, Waterbui y, Vt. Horseshoeing and Jobbing Work Traveisn Pipltrlm, Pang Sleighs, Neck- yokes, WhilHVtreos, Kveners and every thing usually kept in a H,f -t-elas black smith simp for sale. First-class work done t reasonable prices. Six block smiths employed by J. A. McLEOD, Registered Horscshoer, Seminary St., Bam, Vt. IT IS SEFIOUS. Some Barre People Fail To Realize This Seriousness. The constant achlnu of a bad baok, . The weariness, th tired feelinu, ' 1 be pains and aches of kiduey ills Are serious If igictt-d. Danpvri'US nrmary troubles follow. A liarre citizen shuws jou bow to avoid th-nj. C. Milne (reilred), address 35 Branch St. says : "When I first noticed a dull aching In the small of my back, about three years ago 1 did not pay much at tention to U. although very often the twltigea radiated to the shoulders. But by and by. when I noticed tt every morn ing when getting up after an hour or ao, and when in the evening I sal down to read & newspaper I found that the dull chronic aching kept up Its aggravation, then 1 became anxious about tny condi tion, for 1 knew there was some dis turbed action of the kidneys. I was often so nervous from the Irksome ach ing that I was compelled to get up and walk around the rooms so as to keep the miserable feeling under subjection. When suffering very acutely I happened to read about Doan's Kidney Pills and I was In duced from the advertisement to go to E. A, Drown's drug store for a box. After a few days treatment I noticed a der-lded Improvement and a continuation of the use of the pills completely stop ped tbe annoying attack. Since then I have not noticed any symptoms of a re currence." For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., BufTalo, N. Y., sole agent for the United States. Rememher tbe name Doan's and take no other STATIONERY A new and elegant sup ply of Stationery is now on exhibition at our store. Just the thing for Christ mas correspondence. Cast Barre Drug Store, J.H.HcARTHUF,M.D.Prop. 1 Am Showing ihe Largest Line of ..V PIANOS AND ORGANS 8 In Central Vermont and my values are no wiereequaled CSH OR INSTALLMENT. Second-hand Organs to rent until paid f r. II. A. GOULD, 3 54 Spauldiny Street, - Barre, Vermont, jjj BULK PICKLES We have a large line of Bulk Pickles, just arrived. fleliu's Sweet Mixed, per pound 15c liciiu'j Sweet Gherkins, per pound 15c Hdnz's chow Chow, per quart 15c Heinz'i Pickled Onions, per pound 15c Helnz's Plain Sour, per lb , 1 5c, three for . . 25e Also full line of Bottle Goods. Olives, Sweet Onions, Pearl Onions, Tomato Catsup and Horse Radish. Meats and Vegetables. Meaker Bros, North Main St., Barre, Vt. NURSES REGISTERED AT DAVIS' DRUG STORE. Important Notice! We desire to notify a!l granite manu facturers and polishers in the State of Vermont that we have been appointed the sole and exclusive selling agents for Chilled Shot, manufactured by Messrs. Backhaus & Langensieptn, Leipzig-Flagwitz, Ger manv, otherwise known as German Shot, and Which has been sold in Barre, Vt., and vicinity recently by other parties. We wish to advise the trade that this shot in the future can be purchased only from our Vermont agents, Messrs. Forsyth & Ingram, Barre, Vt., who will, carry a complete stock of all grades in Barre, Vt., together with our Aberdeen Scotch Shot and Harrison Brothers' Chilled Steel Shot. Boston, Mass. (Signed) HARRISON SUPPLY CO. Per Nathan C. Harrison, General Agent. A Business Chance! A partner wanted la granite business. We have our own shed and polbbinf mill, air. etc. Partner must be a polish r or stonecutter. Cap ital required about $1,000.00. Write to "0." No. 420, Times Office. I Ask Your Butcher for Our Frankfort Bologna and I Pork Sausages. Pork Sausages are put up in one- pound packages, fresh made andjj PREPARED BY $ W. ol STANDISH. s 5 COAL, COAL, COAL. D. M. MILES, dealer in Anthracite and Bituminous Coal. We sell and deliver 2000 pounds for a ton. Coal and Coke! Purchase your Coal now, before pricei advance. Prices are 10 cent! higher each succeeding month. The -prices for this month are: STOVE. EGG and NUT COAL $8.20 0TT0 COKE 6.60 Calder & Richardson, Depot Sqnare, - - - - Barre, Vermont. WOOD The plaiie to buy Wood. A large stork of ail kinds at tbe following prices: Block Wood, per cord $2.75 Limb Wood, per load 2.00 Chair Wood, per load 2.S0i Furnace and Stone Shed Wood, per load. 2.00 ' nard and ion Wood Mabs 1.79 I am prepared to do all kinds or moving and Jobbing at reasonable rates. L. J. BOLSTER, . (Telephone, 323-S.) 283 North Slain Street, - Bajre, Vermont Fil We have a very large stock the largest in this section. All kinds and shapes at prices to suit anyone's purse. E. O. MARRI0N, Pipes and Tobacco, Union Cagar Store. Corner Cigar Store. ELEGTRICALSUPPL1ES Bejlnnln? November 2 1st, I will sell my entire line of Electric Goods at from 20 to 30 per cent less than the regular price. Th&e goods are first class in every respect. Bells, Pushes and Bat teries, Portable Lamps, Brackets, Chandeliers and Celling Pieces, Shades, Lamps, Key Sockts and Cord, Switches, Branch Cutouts. Fuses, Knobs, Tubes, Wire Moulding, etc Sale from 8 a. m. to i p. m. at my office in the rear of the Law rence block. JAMES SAWYER, MAIN STREET. - - MONTPELIER, VT. Montpelier FUR 5TORE We have a large stock of Furs for sale at reasonable prices. We man ufacture garments to order. Furs remodeled and repaired at a low price. ISRAEL SCHWARTZ, 52 State Street. O. C. Russell & Co Plumbing and Heating. A.1I kinds of modern Plumbing, Fix tures in stock. All work guzranteed. Telephone 15-3. IN BASEMENT OF WORTHEN BLOCK. Barre Business Scliool. A three months winter Art Trade tastroctioo. All kinds of fancy work oil painting on satin, minhture picture work, souvenir cards and store decrative Illustrations. Stadia from life If desired. Day or evening instruction for young men and women from December 1st. For further particulars write to SOUVARINE, 213 North Main Street, Barre, Vermont. BARRE BUSINESS SCHOOL A short and practical course in Book keeping and Shorthand. Day and evening instruction for young men and women. In Mr. L M. Averill's block, opposite City Park, Mala street. For fur ther particulars call or write, MRS. CARRIE BULLOCK FREDETTE, P. 0. Eox in. Barre, Vermout HAIR GOODS. Mrs. C. 8. Meaker, 40 Jefferson St., my ngent will be plad to furnish Hair Goods, Wigs. Front Pieces, FswiTebes, etc., if not in stock, at shon notice from my Manchester store. Thanking the public for their liberal patronage In thi fiaat, and soliciting a continuance of the sami n the future for my.agent and myself, I an yours withbUl respect. 8. M. YORK. BUSINESS CARDS. DR. C. H. KENT, Dentist. MILES' BLOCK, Telephone at Office and at Residence. DR. F. M. LYNDE, Dentist. Telephone 133-21. Boom 7, Currter Block, Barre, Vermont. ELW1N L. SCOTT, . Attorney and Counselor-at-Law Collection!, Bankruptcy and (iranlte Claims. Telephone I4M. Office with R. A. HOAR. DR. LEWIS D MARTI N,- 08TEOFATHIC PHYSICIAN. Office In Kooiu 86, Miles' limldiiig. Office bnure. 9 a. iu. to 12 in. and to 4 p. m. Mon day, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Telephone Connection. MRS. H. A. BEACH, &XHEK1ENCEI) NURSE No. 102 Sooth Main 8t., BRrre, Vermont. Telephone Call, 12-2. FRED L. PAGE, Contractor AND BUILDER Office and Residence, 34 Highland Avenue. Telephone call. 4-3. WELCH & PAGE, All klooa of Kiectrical Work Done, , Wiring, (Jus M. log, tic. We are dea lets in Klectrical Supplies. Oas natures Cuiubinal ion fixtures. Kvt-i'jtiunii MiKlernaiiU l p-lo-lt6. None but expert help empled snrl work (ftiarnteed. Telephone 9-1S. Office at No. 10 Elm stieet, Haire, Tt. THE CORRECT STYLES Newest Effects in Woolens. 0. W. BOYEA, - - Merchant Tailor, Reed Block. Barre, VU HENRY h REMER & bON UNDEKTAKEK8, funeral directors and furnishers ot to ners! Bupplits. Nlgbt cans promptly at tended to. Ho. 18 Uraulte Bi., Barre, VI Bestdence op emirs. Tel. 13-5 H.E.JEFFORDS, PAINTING AND PAHEK HANGING AND CAL50M1MNO. A share of your patronage Is solicited. 5 Tburwton i-lac, arre, Vt. H. W. SCOTT, Attorney. Office In Wood Block, Over Lsdd's store. Justice, notary sod stenograpber tn office. Livery, Boarding and Sales Stables. 59 So. Main St., Rear South End Hotel. A. M. MORRISON. Storage for Wagons Storage lor wagons, etc., for the winter. Room for i jo wagons. JOSEPH D. OSSOLA, North Main Street, Barre, Vt. Street Curbing. First-class Curbing and Underpining de livered promptly. Address orders to A. J. IANGFELDT, Barre. Vt. WAGONS and HARNESS The balance of our summer line of Carriages and Harness will be closed out at a bargain. A few second-hand Carriage II. F. CUTLETS, Rear of City Hotel. - . - Barre. Vermont . Horse Shoeing. CLIFFORD COTE Has just started Horse Shoeing at his old stand on Prospect Street. Also Repair ing and Carriage Ironing. First-claa work 'guaranteed. Peter LeClair ad William Walsh are in my employ. CLIFFORD COTE, Telephone 106 3. Prospect SL. Barre, Vt. ! ELECTRIC 11 1 j Electric Heaters, Electric Fixtures, J Electric Supplies. j stand.rdEectric CO., 3 X I s f H. O. BENSETT, F. W. NICHOLS, I 199 North Main 8t Barre. j