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6 THE 1JAUJRE DAILY TI3I6, NOV. 20 . 1U4. HJCSI liilslll S3 4L upcil union ?t I THE BARRE DAILY TIMES Such Low Prices Thus Early! Docs It Seem Possible? Every garment priced below is of the season's newest styles and of the most popular cloths. Not one of them is inferior in any way to those we shall carry in' stock during the remainder of the season. With three-fourths of the time for wearing the Winter Garment yet ahead of us, such prices on reliable goods would hardly seem advisable, yet the sizes are broken. For this reason and no other they must go. Ladies' Coats. One lot thai &old for JiO.oo and Jia. jo, now... $7.98 One lot that old for iz.coand 16.CO. now.... 9.98 or at the Red Cross Pharmacy, One lot that sold for i8.0ond io.oo, now .' 15-00 1 Frank Knbinson of Burlington vis- Coat that were $10.00, $11.50, f 5. 00 and $27.50 at price that will interest you. I iUul at F' R" N)rt!roP's over .Sunday. aiiss jyiua uillm of Urford, N. II., is visiting her sister, Mrs. V. Hunting ton, ' TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1904. Weather Prediction. Siiuw or rain tonight. Snow in north tin portion Wednesday. Warmr to- from tee ashes Baltimore Family's Experience Points a Moral to Residents of Barre. Tie visitor to Baltimore today soareo- v ii ;suzc8 ttiat ies man a venr njro tiie iiilit. Coldvr iu western portion Wed- city was almont iVs,troyedby a urin lK'niiay. I lie storm over the lake .-ion is moving eastward.. TALK OF THE TOWN. Local Happenings Tersely Told For Busy Readers. IJenuington underwear at Abbott's. Co to Moore & Owens' for winter caps. Visit Abbott's waiting room when in the city. O. E. liahh went to lloston last night, where he is to reside. More of thoRe beautiful shades in hiffon velvets at lilts'. New chamois vests and lumr protect- Walking' Skirts. One lot, $d, 00 to J. 50 values, now $5 00 One lot, 5.00 and J. 50 values, now ..... 3.98 The truHtoes of ehureh will meet o'clock. the Presbyterian this evening at 7 One lot, 3.98 values, now. WATCH WINDOW FOR SPECIALS. 2.98 BOMER J ii 1 r ii M Kui Am All IMtlClS' OI frtSh. Oranges, Grapes, Figs and Dates. Nice lot of Eating Apples. CITY FISH MARKET, Telephone Call 10-2. 68 North Main St., Bane, Vt. Choice Line of Breakfast Foods! Force, i 3c per package or two for 25c Srape Nuts, 15c per package or two for. . . 25c Premier Oat Flakes, per packape 1 Oc f remler Flaked Wheat, per package I Oc The three children of James Menard of Second street are quite ill with scar let fever. Get a catalogue of the 10-eent music, over a thousand copies in stock. Averill Music Co. Everything the workingman wants to keep him warm can be found nt Moore & Owen'. See our new- gold mat board for passe partout ng. . Frank Harris, 161 North Alain street.. I Remember that MeWhorter carries only the best makes in fur coats and fur lined coats. I William Mercer returned last evening from Stanstead, p. Q., where he has been on a few days' visit. ' Antiseptic Tooth Powder, 50-eeut eize for only 25 eent3. Parlor Drug Store this week. It is displayed in window. Junt received at tho Ideal Cook and Stationery Store Leo Feist's latest music publications, including a new song by Afabcl AIcKinley. , Richard Darling, Charles Thomas and Miss Jean Renfrew returned to Barre last evening, having spent the Thanks giving holidays at their homes in South ityegatc. W. C. Jones spent Thanksgiving with his family here and returned-to Putney yesterday on business. Ho has finished work on the large contract where he has It, 1 5c per package or two for 25c tmMo Barre. Rev. W. A. K enzie went to Bristol yesterday to attend the wedding of Miss Martha Parmelee of Bristol and Dr. E. U. Young of Buffalo. Airs. Kinzie, who has been in Bristol for several weeks, will return with him. orable fire. A similar comparison miuht be made by George V. Nallv, one of the leading citizens of Baltimore, an to the change in his own looks. A Khurt time ago, Air. Kally, writing from his homo address, 2213 Barclay street, says, '"I. have been throubled for years with catarrh and had resorted to all remedies that could be thought of. Aly wife was also afflicted with this terrible disease, but all the treat ments we used were an absolute failure, until we tried Ilyomei. It worked like a charm and has made a complete euro in both of our cases. There is no dis agreeable stomnch dosing in using Ilyo mei. We breathed it, and its fratrrance, so clean, pure and bracing, killed all the catarrhal germs in the head, throat and lungs." Tho experience of Mr. Xally and hU wife certainly points a moral to all readers of The Times who are suffering from catarrh. It shows how they can be cured of this frightful disease, "with out dangerous stomach dosing. Rickert & Wells, the local agents for Ilyomei, have so much taith in the treatment that they give their personal guarantee to refund the money in ease it does not benefit. A complete outfit costs one dol lar, the extra bottle are but fifty cents. Ask to see the strong guarantee mirier which Ilyomei is sold. LOWER CABOT. ! lake Them Yourself. Sofa Pillows, Pin Cushions, Corset Pads, Sweaters, Dressing Sacques, Bath Robes and many other use ful gifts. We can furnish the up-to-date materials that you will need. Now is the time to begin mak ing these articles. Christmas will soon be here. Silk Down for Waists. Pretty Waistings, 12 l-2c, VEALE & KNIGHT, (Telephone Call 123-2) Carrie Ba tiding, - - - . North Main Street. CKION CLOTHING CO. CNION CLOTHIKO COMPANY. UNION CLOTHING CO Airs. Albert Koyes, who has been quite ill with pneumonia, is improving slowly. Hopes are 'entertained for Tier recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Marl in Wheeler w ere at home for Thanksgiving and for over Sunday. The seminary students who have been at home for the Thanksgiving vacation have retnrned to Montpelier. Mrs. Ira Haines and Mrs, Moses Haines are ill. Mrs. Fred Parrot t upent Thanksgiv ing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fisher. D. Batohehler has accepted a position with the Vermont Machine Co, and has gone to Bellows Falls. A daughter was born last Tuesday to Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Wheeler.' Mrs. Hoyt is spending the winter with Mrs. C. M. Loomis. KEEP WARM Cream Oats, per package 25c Ready Bits, pet package ... . 15c Banner Oats, per package 25c CHESSER & BIRD, 232-12 Meats and Groceries. Telephone 323 North Main Street. NATIVE OF VERMONT. Choice Cut Flowers and Floral Designs a Specialty. Winter Flowering Plants and Bulbs of all kinds. Get your Bulbs planted now to get the bt results. The cost ts small and the rcsalt la Spring cheerful after oar long Winter. Art eur to Cttltirate. Directions cheerfully gten. ,. Hict lot of Boston Ferns and other Plants Miitatie for the home. Store open erery day till 6 p. m. and 9 p. m. Saturdays. Sundays, for flower orders only, from 9 a. m. to 12 o'clock noon. EMSLLE, THE FLORIST, Telephone Store. 152-12 : Greenhouse, 201-1 1. OTIS BLOCK. PEARL STREFT. I THE LARGEST AND HANDSOMEST CLOTHING BTORK IN TOWN. SAL ft Lasts Only 29 Days More ! Do not fail to call. The carrier you visit this big sale the larger variety you'll find to select from. Rubber Goods of All Kinds for men, women and children. Prices the lowest and goods of best quality. ft Gloves and Mittens in yarn, leather and kid, lined Jf and unlined, for work and for dress, at reduced prices. $ U Shoes for Men, Women and Children, in all sizes 3 g and at lowest prices. Call and look them over. t j - Men's and Boys' Sweaters in cotton, wool, mix- jjj S m res and all-wool, plain and fancy colors. Your choice at 2 38c, 48c, 69c, 75c and 98c each. ft . Underwear for Men, Boys and Children. The best bargains ever offered by us. Prices, from 38c to $1.19. Worth double the money. g Horse Blankets, Robes, Halters, Surcingles, Etc i We have a large line of these goods and all are to be closed jjj t out at greatly reduced prices. 2 ft We remain yours for Clothing and Furnishings, ft . , Scgels & Brady, Bolster's Brick Block, Barre, Vt Blue Store Clothiers. z 1 i . . Jg GVX THK HAIUr AND TRADB T HKtiKLS & BBADY'S. g Death at Cleveland, 0., of the Rev. J. E. I Rankin. ' Cleveland, O., Nov. 28. The lley. Dr. J. F, Rankin, formerly president of Howard university of Washington, died here today of pneumonia, aged 75. Dr. Ilankin was a native of Vermont. After serving as pastor of a chnrch at St. Albans, Vt., he became minister of the first Congregational church at Wash ington, where he remained fifteen years. Dr. Rankin's next pastorate was at Highland, N. J. Over fourteen years ago he returned to Washington as pres ident of Howard univrsity, which office he resigned two years ago. Dr. Rankin was the author of a num ber of well known hymns, the best known of which is "God be With You Till We Meet Again." He was also the author of a volume entitled "Broken Cadences." He is survived by a widow and two daughters. Working Pants for Men! We give Urge share of our attention to uVs department and we have without doubt as large an assortment as any store in the state. We sell the Heavy Diagonal Stripe Dickey Pants, guaranteed not to rip, for $2.00. TheSe Pants are sold all over the country for $2.25 and $ 2. 50. In buying for two stores we buy large quantities, which enables us to sell them cheaper than others. We also have a line of extra heavy Pants which are good value at $2.oc. These we are selling at $1.50. OTHER WINTER NECCESSITIES. You will also find here a good line of Sheepskin Lined Coats and Vests, Reefers, Rubbers and Leggins, Pomiac Shirts and Jackets, Men's Heavy Fleece Lined Underwear in fact everything fur "The Man Out in the Cold." . ', i i Union Clothing Store, Opposite Depot Square, (Telephone 126-2) ' - la 014 Skating Fink Building. 00 omnium' soma X OKtHXtrU KO1X0 l. v-. luiiin s urocery score : 5 A FEW BARGAINS. g Salmon, two cans for 25 Canned Cora, three cans for 25c Pkkla, fancy- mixed, two poands for.. . 25c Eight-ounce bottles Pickles, three for. . . 25c Good Coffee, three poands for. 50c Uncolored Jap Tea, three pounds lot ... . $ 1 . Best English Breakfast Tea, per potmd.. 50c Ponce's Kolasset, per gallon. 50c A good line of Tobacco and Q?ari always on hand. Good Pry Wood lor sale. L. C. COFFIN, Wcfestenrille, - - - - - Vermont. TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION. U TO RKNT KurnlshPd front room, with etam heat and bath C,il at Vi Dewey street. SH7M The Normal Heat of the Body is 98.4 F. Retain tliia normal or natural heat an.l there will be little dancer of pueu monia, coughs, colds, catarrh or eheet and lune trouble. Keep warm and comfortable on the coldest days, without cumbersome cloth iiiK, by wearing a perject-utting tailor-made Frost King or Frost Queen Chamois Vest These garments are made to keep out the cold damp winds, and retain the natural heat of the body. They protect the chest, back and throat. Perfect fitting com fortable and helpful. Will last several seasons. Price $2.50 Each. Chest Protectors, 25c to $2.00 each. D. F. DAVIS, "The Druggist' 261 North Main St., - Barre, Vt. 1 Standard Diaries for 1905 Now is the time to purchase them. We have them from 25c to $ 1 .75 from the small Vest Pocket Diary to the large Page-a-Day Book. W, FRANK HARRIS, HI North Main Street. Ideal Bock and Stationery Store.. New Buckwheat! Maple Sugar! A NO. t GOODS. Celery, 10c per bunch, three for - Oysters, per quart, Malaga Grapes, two pounds for - Oranges, per dozen, Nice Sweet Pumpkins, each, 25c 40c 25c 25c 5c Smith Bros' City Market, 367 North Main Street, - - ... Barre, Vermont. Just in, car of Haskell's Stock feed. This is a good feed to grow stock, especially pigs. It is com posed of Corn, Oats and Barley. Our price from the car, $26.00 per ton. The Averill Mills, (Telephone u 5-1 2.f 23 South Main Street, Barre, Vt. 2 TTh r yrogra if r pruc uumts ? Your attention is called to the Pyrographic Outfits, Blanks to burn and Benzine especially for the work. Also Finished Work; displayed in our window. Orders taken for Finished Work and executed by a practical workman. Also a full line of Holiday Goods in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Silverwear. See our Christmas Cards. O. J. DODGE, 1 70 North Main Street, - - - Barre, Vermont. f) fWrwft,Vi i " 11 T-''J " ' Combination BOOK CASES. It is none too early to adver tise them, as we have just re ceived a new lot, and the prices are as low as they can be. We give you as good value for your money as you can get elsewhere. A W. Badger & Co., Morse Block. Funeral Directors. 23EAXSst. Licensed Embafmers. House, 159-21. TELEPHONE Store. 137-11. Ambulance Calls Promptly Attended to. "Some Trades," "Armour's" Kettle Rendered Leaf Lard (in bulk) 10c per pound; Buckwheat Hour, 4 l-2c per pound, new; Greening Apples 20c a peck; Rice Eiting Apples, 15c and 20c per peck; Best New Persian Dates, tnree pounds for 25c ; New California Paper Shell Walnuts, 1 8c per pound ; Walnut Heats, 35c per pound ; Fancy Large Sweet Eating Apples, 25c per peck ' Salted Peanuts, best in the city; Best Peanut Butter, salted right, 18c per pound; Peanuts in shell, all sound, none scorched; Pure Vaseline, 2Cc per pound. Telephone 3 1 -3. L. M. AVERILL, Opposite City Park, Barre. Vermont.