Newspaper Page Text
- " i THE JJ-ARIiE DAILY TIMES, DEC. 5, 1004. !A. P. ABBOTT & CO. A. P. ABBOTT & CO. A. P. ABBOTT & CO. 1 m i .--sr A LONG STORY MADE SHORT. Sv. - , -- - . r-.. . . T . ifw n 0 it i . 4 Jt VJ', " 'i-- h sr: U ! i;; hi,. M -i. THIS IS ONE OF THE LINES ON WHICH WE WILL SAVE YOU MONEY. If you have not already seen our line of Furs it will pay you to do so. ,Our line is well made, from the cheapest up, and we have no job lots or left-overs. Fur Boas from - - -Fur Pelerines from -Fur Cluster Scarfs from - $1.25 to $12.50 2.00 to 15.00 .89 to 20.00 Fur Stoles from Fur Muffs from - Fur Muffs for Children from $5.00 to $18.00 1.50 to .98 to 6.50 5.00 We are overstocked on the following goods. Will sell half of each lot to reduce the stock. After that amount has been sold regular prices will be asked. KNIT UNDERWEAR. PERRY CAMP, 71 and 75 Main Street, - - - - - - Barre, Vermont New Store! New Goods! What more could be desired by the prospective buyer than The Old Relia ble House Furnishers with New Store filled with All New Goods? Christmas is near by. This is the place to buy useful as well as ornamental gifts at reasonable prices. DON'T MISTAKE THE PLACE. B. V. HOOKER & CO., 14 and 16 North Mala St. New Blacchard Block. Ambulance Calls and Undertaking Promptly Attended To. TALK OF THE TOWN. I 8 st en i S3" 4i 4 O i 4 I, y ud. With Snap in Them, In all the smart effects in Cheviots, fancy Worst eds and the always genteel Serges. Prices run from $7.50 up to $25.00, and a guarantee of satisfac tion with every price. Reduction sale of furs at Abbott's. F. Vu Sibley of Middlesex is to movo to Barre this week. George Roben returned this noon to his home in South Uyegate. You won't regret it if you see "Fannie Vood." Opera house tonight. Christmas goods for men and boy are arriving daily at MeWhoiter's. The Philomathians will meet with Jlr. Hale, Tuesday evening at 7.15 o'clock. Table plush for linings at Terry's. George A. French went to Rochester, N. V., today. Miss Eva Houston went to her liomft in Northfield Saturday night for a sev eral days' visit. E. M. Ruelbark, better known as "Ed die Sheldon," spent Sunday with Miles Standish in Montpelier. I George Landers of Barre has leen em ployed for several days in Allen Bros.' cigar store at Montpelier. ! A new line of smoking jackets and bath roltes from $4.50 to $7 just re ceived at F. II. Rogers & Co.'s. The Rev. Walter Dole returned to his home in Northfield today, after preach ing at the I'niversalist church Sunday. The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies' Aid society of the Presbvterian church will be held this evening at 7 o'clock. The Rev. Mr. Sheaf of riainiield preached at the Congregational church vesterday in exchange with tue pastor, ihe Rev. F. A. Poole. The office of Smith & Walker, archi- One case of Ladies' Heavy Fleeced Underwear, the best 25c grade, in sizes 4, 5 and 6. Half of this lot at 22c each. One case of Ladies' Egyptian Fleeced Vests and Pants. These are as good as we ever had in our store when cotton was at its highest. It's our best 50c Un derwear. Half of this case at 39c each. OUTING FLANNELS. Realizing that the prices on raw cotton put the best Outings on to the market at 12 cents early in the season, it will seem very low to be able to buy half of this lot at 8c per yard. LADIES' FURS. Half of our lot of $12.50 and $15.00 Sable Opossum Scarfs will be sold, to reduce our stock, at $9.98 each. Half of a lot of White Shet land Floss at 7c per skein. When half of the above lots are sold do not expect the balance at the same price. HALF OF THESE LOTS. Half of a lot of ladies' I1.50 White Muslin Skirts that have three wide rows of thread lace over a wide flounce. Half the lot at 98c each. Outing Flannel Night Robes in best teazle downs, in white, pink or blue, our best $1.00 Robe. Half of this lot at 79c each. TT C3 TALK OF THE TOWN. at MOORE & OWENS, j J 22 North Main St., - - Barre, Vermont. Chidren's dresses at Perry's. Fancy tea cowns and kinionas Perry's. Reduction sale of outing night robes at Abbott's. Ladies' and gentlemen's solid gold watches at F. E. Burr A, Co.'s. Everything new with the "Fannie Wood" show, opera house tonight. AH the latest magazines on sale at the Ideal Rook and Stationery Store, Hale block. MeWhorter can show you a large as sortment of fur coats and fur lined coats from the best makers. Miss Florence Allen of Burlington, who has been the guest of Miss Monti Mudgett, returned to her home today. The Red Cross Pharmacy has a supply of very fine gold fish, together with aquariums, ornaments, shells, plants, etc. The regular meeting of Junior Court, Barre No. 1, F. of A., will be held in Foresters' hall this evening. Let all attend. Dr. C. N. Barter was in Moretown toot, has been moved from the old citr U?V i P"T building to the Bolster block, rooms 5 r"7 . V , 7 Parker Rotary Alarm Clocks i ' The best in the world. Prices range from $i.oo ro $2.50 each. A FULL LINE OF MANTLE CLOCKS JUST RECEIVED. F. E. BURR & CO., . (Ttlcpione 10-21) ' No. 85 North Main St. Jewelers and Opticians. Choice Cut Flowers and Floral Designs Specialty. Winter Yhwcttoe Plants and Bulbs of all kind. Get your Bulbs planted now te jet the bestTcsulls Ihe oft li Small and the result in Srrir? cheerfil after our lonf Winter. Are Sfr ta tllVS Docction. cheerfully ,!,. Wee lot of BoS1ob Ferns and other Slants Stable for the home. Store ofa nay day till 6 p. in. and 9 p. m. Saturdays. Sundays, for flower orders only, from 9 a. m. to II o'cloct noon. , EMSLIE, THE FLORIST, Telephone-Store. 15M2: Greenhouse. 201-11. OTIS BUKX.' FEARL STREFT and 6, with Smith & Jack. The ladies of the Universalist church were quite successful in the conduct of their fair, hied last week. They expect the proceeds w ill be at loast $200. The annual business meeting of the Universalist church for the election of officers will be held in the church par lors, Wednesday afternoon, December 7, at 2:30 o'clock. Gilbertson's orchestra will furnish mu sic for dancing at Hale's pavilion, Wed nesday evening, .Dec. 7. An orchestra under the direction of Miss Annie Ingiia will furnish music Thursday evening. The Ladies Aid society of the Bap tist church will hold their regular meet ing and supper Tuesday, Dec 6. Supper from six to eiyht. Menu: Vegetable and meat hash, warm rolls, pickles, tarts, cake and coffee. Price 15 cents. The public is invited. In return for the two drills given by the Modern Woodmen team at the band jand Company II fair at Montpelier a i fortnight ago, the Montpelier Military Band will furnish the music for the con iccrt and dance at the Woodmen' ball ;iie.t Friday evening. I The annual session of Mount iMiiai Temple, Ancient Arabic Order of the Mystic Shrine, will be held in Montpel ier on Friday, December 9. An attend ance of several hundred is expected at jthe session in view of the fact that, in addition to the degree work the annual election of officers and other business will he transacted. i The case of A. C. Blanuhard of Mont pelier and L. M. Averill of Barre, who brought suit in chancery ajyiinst the city of Barre and who enjoined the city from collecting assessments on the Main street pavement, has been heard in coun ty court. City Attorney Gordon pre sented a demurrer, but the demurrer was overruled a9 a matter of form and the orator's bill adjudged sufficient to tpass the case to supreme court. Rkh :ard A. Hoar appeared for the orators. Boys' Overcoats! You'll rind them here in all the styles that are new or desirable. The Long Coat, the Ulster, the Russian Coat, the Medium Coat, the Belt Coat to cut it short we'll say everything in Boys' Overcoats suitable for boys from four years to sixteen. There are no prices lower than ours, quality considered. We know we'll do business if you bring in the boys. $2.50 or $3.50 up to $5.00 and $7.50, according to size and style. FRANK McVVHORTER, (Telephone Call, 31-4) One Price Clothier. Hatter and Men's Outfitter. mats were round to be in good condition. Miss Hopewell Thom, who has been visitiug her aunt, Mrs. C. W. Lning, for the past four weeks, returned to her home in Kcw York last night. Carpenters, take notice. The meeting tonight of C. and T. ot A. is the meeting for nomination of ofiieers for the next six months. Every member should be present. By order Local 481, C. P. Bai ley, Rec. Sec. Rev. Asa M. Bradley drove to KorUi fteld yesterday morning, and preached the morning sermon in the Universalist church of that place, returning in time to omciate at the funeral of Miss Koben. It was a very cold drive. Two small boys who were fairly well ! dressed were seen in the Central Ver- j mont railroad yard at Montpelier Sat urday gathering ii coal that had fal- J len to the ground lrom the cars. They were equipped with a large peach crate , and they used their hands for shovels. ' A considerable quantity of coal was lying about between the tracks and ! probably bushels might have been gath- i ere.l. I One hundred boys and girls presented i themselves at the first meeting of Prof.; Elmore's dancing class at the K. of C. hall Saturday afternoon the largest number ever attending a dancing school for the young. Several more are to ; join Inter. The class is to be divided, i the young children to be taught Satur day forenoon from 10 to 12 o'clock, and the older and advanced ones from 2 to 5 in the afternoon. There will bechap erones for each, in the morning Mrs. D. M. Miles, Mrs. II. J. Smith, Mrs. j. R, Rickert, Mrs. J. K. Smith ami Mrs. Jf. J. Mungett and in the afternoon Mrs. Will Liberveau, Mrs. Harrv McN'eil, Mrs. F, B. Mudgett and Mrs.'B. H. Wells. ftp, IN LOVE With our Superb Display of Rich and Handsome Jewels re he ladies of Barre, and presents from hus band, lover or family are always ioy fully and gratefully received. The quality of our gems hi precious stones are of first water and the settings are artistic and unique in deaign. We have the finest stock of Jewels, Jewel ry, Watches, Clocks and Optical Goods to be found in the city. E. O. HOLMES, Jeweler and Optician, GORDON BLOCK, Korla Main Street, BARRE, VERSION I. Standard Diaries for 1905 Now is the time to purchase them. We have them from 25c to $1.75 from the small Vest Pocket Diary to the large Page-a-Day Book. W. FRANK HARRIS, 161 North Main Street Weal Book 'and Stationery Store. mmmu hum .mum aMMMiiiiaMawwuii hiwmhmwiih!iiiiu Want Good Coffee?! An Advertisement in the Times will bring sure results. To the Boys in the Public Schools. We will give ten prizes to the ton boys who receive the highest average in their school work when the report cards are sriven out in January. To the In the case of Edith Dode and Mrs. one having the highest average we will O. B. Boyce, which has been heard in pUe $3.00 in cash, to the three next county court, a petition for a partition highest a $3.00 sweater, to the three of the real estate known as the Parker next highest a $1.50 sweater, and to the property in the city of Barre, the plea three next highest a $1.25 sweater. Con- interposca iv uie ueieuuauv m vb a- anions: ixmie 1,0 our bluik, mm kiiuh Pickles! Pickles! Three pounds Plain Sour Pickles for -One pound Plain or Mixed Sweet Pickles for One pound Onion Pickles for - , -Two pounds He'nu Chow Chow for - A Heinz Mince Meat for - A complete line of Meats, Fruits and Vegetables. Merchant & frasesy 303 North Main Street and 6 Elm Street, Barre. 25c 15c 15c 25c 15c tition was demurred to, the demurrer sustained and a motion was made to make the partition. O. D. Edirerton of Northfield, h. C. Moody of Watcrbury, and E. H. Deavitt of Montpelier, were appointed commissioners to make the division. It. A, Hoar appeared for the plaintiff and T. J. Deavitt for the de fendant. David Mortimer of Barre, Vt senior member of the granite manufacturing firm of Mortimer & Campbell, is in the city this week visiting his brother, Ad am 'Mortimer, at 47 Harrison street. Mr. Mortimer finds much in Bridgeport to please him, and although he conies from what is considered a very lively little place, he is fairly overwhelmed by the activities of Bridgeport. The line streets of this city impress him most favorably but the rapid growth of the city does not disturb him, since his own city has more than doubled in size during the past ten years..?. A. L. Julian in Bridgeport, (Conn.,) Even ing Post. vour name anions the competitors. F. i H. Rogers & Co., 174 Main street, Bane, j Vt. Clothing, furnialiings and shoes lor men and boys. Don't wait for others, ce the big show with "Fannie Wood" at opera house tonight. New Columbia Records JUST IN Gold Moulded. 25 cents each. Larg ; est variety, best Kecorcs. urop in ana . hear them played. They fit Edison or Columbia machines. The AVERILL MUSIC CO. 2S North Rain Street, Barre, Vt. We have made a special study of the Coffee business and think we have one of the best lines outside of the large cities. You will find that our Coffees are of a higher grade than you will find in most stores. The following are a few of the leading brands : Wood's High-grade Mocha and Java in bulk, blended as you like it, per pound, - - - - 35c W7ood's Gilt Edge Mocha and Java, the best grown, one pound for - - - - - . Wrood's Souvenir Mocha and Java, equal to most 35c Coffee, per pound, - -Prefered Stock Mocha and Java, very high grade, per pound, - - - You won't find these brands in every store, margin is too small. Five pound can Garaja Mocha and Java Coffee for Special Blend Mocha and Java in bulk, per pound, -Monarch Coffee, coupon in each can, - 25c and Sixty coupons give you a 56-piece Tea Set. 35c 25c 35c The $1.00 25c 35c F. D. LADD, Leading Cash Grocer.