Newspaper Page Text
TliE CAERE DAILY TIMES, JAN. 13, 1905. Saturday Bargain Jan. 1 4th Ladies' Walking and Dress Skirts, $2.75. Regular $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00 Values. We are not going to waste time and work on this bar gain, but will leave it to you to decide whether this is a bargain or not. We want you to examine these Skirts during the week, and remember an early selection is always the most satisfactory. PERRY (Si CAMP, 71 and 75 Main Street, Barre, Vermont Distributing' Ag' exits for Central Vermont for the Famous i Glooe-We Sectional Bookcases and Office Filing Devices And at factory prices. A glance at our window or a visit to our show-rooms wiil convince you of the desirability of starting your library or flitting your office with these latest ideas. A supply of them will always be kept in stock so that additions can be had at any time. B. W. HOOKER & CO., Up-To-Date Furniture Dealers, 14 and 16 North Main St. New Blacchard Elcck. Ambulance Calls and Undertaking Promptly Attended To. January Clearance Sale! If you have any intention of buying Clothing, Furnish ings, etc., now or in the near future, you certainly will be interested in this sale. Prices are reduced from one-fourth to one-half on our entire stock, and we confidently assert that never before have you had the chance of providing yourself with dependable wearables at such money-saving prices. MOORE & OWENS, J 22 North Main St., - - Barre, Vermont. An Advertisement in the Times will bring sure results. r Only 10c a Pound FOR A GOOD CANDY. Two days remain of this week's Cand sale. Look at the samples ia our window. This Candy is seeling fast. E. A. DROWN, PES$T 48 No. Main St., Opp. Nat'l BanK. TALK OF THE TOWN. See Abbott's clearance sale. A special sale of skirts at Terry's on Saturday. Ladies' $10.00 silk shirt waist suits for $7.98 at Fitts'. A special gale of furs opened at Ab bott's this morning. Children's 25c muslin drawers on Sat urday for 15c at Vaughan's. Many people are deriving benefit from our clearance sale. Jloore & Owens. Remember if you buy your rubber foot-wear of Eastman Bros., you save money on every purchase. Mrs. Edward Clark, Jr., of St Al bans is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Sher man N. T'arker of Highland avenue. The Children's Missionary society in the Junior Leajue will meet with Mrs. Tage, Highland Ave., tomorrow after noon at 2 o'clock. On Wednesday evening the Montpel ier high school basket ball team defeat ed the Northfield high school team . at Montpelier by a score of 16 to 13. Special meeting of the degree team of the lied Men in Odd Fellows hall, Sat urday evening at 7:30 sharp. Let all be present. Per order Sachem, O. Dun can. The funeral of Mrs. j. E. Hale will be held at John 'lassie's, 13 Richardson street, Saturday afternoon at 1:30. Rev. J. Edward Wright of Montpelier will officiate. Gov. Bell, Mrs. Bell, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Walter, Col. and Mrs. W. E. Put nam of Brattleboro, and Col. S. Billings of Woodstock represented Vermont at the annual banqnet of the Vermont As sociation in Boston last evening. The members of Barre Lodge, New England Order of Protection, are cor dially and urgently invited by Standard Lodge, N. E. O. P., of Montpelier to attend a public installation this even ing. The Barre people will probably leave on the 6:45 car. The partnership of Henry J. and'W. D. Smith, meat dealers, having been dis solved January 2, 1905, they desire that all bills owed them be settled up imme diately to save cost of collection and that all bills acrainst them be presented not later than February 1. The Banks of Barre are large users of newspaper advertising. Other cities and towns could wcdl adopt their pat torn. The advertisements are written in such a style that it must have the desired effect, that is, to edueate peo ple to save. Waterbury Record. The entertainment by the Cecelia Concert company in the Barre enter tainment ' course, given at the opera house last evening, was the most largely attended of the season. The concert was excellent and the several numbers by the different artists were heartily en cored. The new oflicers of the Hook and Ladder company Ko. 1 are Foreman, W. T. Campbell; asst. foreman, E. A. Prin dle; clerk and treas., Geo. N. Tilden; auditors, O. C. Russell, P. 1L Brown, Earl C. Cutler; membership committee, O. B. Carpenter, P. 1L Brown and Fred Baird; steward, Robert Briggs. A. P. ABBOTT & CO. A. P. ABBOTT & CO. A. P. ABBOTT c CO. The DaylMM ' Si One Day More of Our Clearance Sale. Friday Morning at nine o'clock be ready for our Hadkerchief Sale. See the following values in Garments. GARAENT DEPARTMENT We hive i few extra value left in Ladies' 'and Misses Garments. We are determined to get the stock as low as pos sible before invoicing, hence the deep cuts in prices we are making. Ladies' Colored and Black Coats that were $ c. oo to close at $2.50. , A few Coats that are good values at $8.50 and $9.00 now $4.98. Ladies' Colored and Black Coats in lengths from 30 inches to 42 inches, that were $10 00, now only $6.98. Ladies' Colored and Black Coats that were J 12.50, in both long and short lengths, to close at $7.98. Ladies' Black and Colored Coats that were $ 1 5.00, Si 7.00 and 18.00 are all in this sale at $9.98 All the better Coats, in both long and short lengths, are in this s?!e at half price. LADIES' SUITS. We are selling our entire line of Ladies' Suits at one-third off from the regular price. That means a Suit we have been selling at 1 1. 00 now at $8 00. Suits that were $ 15.00, ia both colors and black, now only $10.00. Suit that were l8,co, in color and black, to close at $12 00. Suit that were $22.50, in color and black, at only $15.00. Children's Coals. AH our Children's Coats at the same low prices. Ladies' Furs. Now Is your time to get a good Fur for a little price. Quality guaranteed. THIS FRIDAY A0RNIN$ At 9 O'clock TO) ka- jll watt ikJa ' jli We placed on sale two lots of 25 cent Handkerchiefs. One Jot has heavy embroidered edges; the other is hemstitched, with embroidery inside the hemstitch ing, which makes it very desira ble. These Handkerchiefs -went on sale this morning for half price two for 25c. One lot of 5.00 Fur Scarfs, with good full collars and six tails. These were our leaders Now at $2.98. The above prices are made tc?1 close out the lots by Saturday evening. TALK OF THE TOWN. ' 111 111111 11 niiiiiiiiiiii iiiiwii iiiimniiMiniiii 1 J&ihiital1 I I (YY II rmm 1 urclay Sale Jan y 14th TWO BIG BARGAINS. In connection with our Big January Sale we offer, FOR SATURDAY ONLY, the following two big bargains : Thirty dozen CHILDREN'S and MISSES' MUSUN DRAWERS, with hemstitched ruffle, made up of the best in every way. Regular value, 25c. Choice of any size Saturday, 1 5c each. All of our $1.00 FLANNELETTE NIGHT ROBES to go on Saturday at only 59c each. s NOTICE. Our January Sale is now in progress. Many of the good values are sold out, but outhers have been put in the sale to take their places. Remember that we don't expect to make any profit during January, as we must have room for Spring goods. We have the goods, and have just what we advertise. Call and see the bargains. We have not room or money to ad vertise them all. HE VAUGIiAN I ORE IBigMark-Doairc OVeRCPATS Our Clothing is made to hold trade, and to do this it must hold its shape. The Coats have the new naturally curved shoulders, the col lars hug the neck, the fronts are comfortable and roomy, and our January houseclcaning has rubbed off twenty per cent on all our Heavy Weight Goods, also our Made-to-Measure Garments. Our Black Goods are not included. Our goods are all new and the best money can buy. We guaran tee absolute satisfaction, or your money back at any time. Special For Saturday. Fifty dozen Middlesex and Me rino Hose at 10c per pair. Stone Cutters' Aprons, our own make, at 20c each. WE CLEAN, PRESS AND REPAIR CLOTHING. HISS 174 Main Street, Barre, Vt. We Want You to Hear The Victor alking cMachine Before you buy. You haven't heard the best if you haven't heard the Victor within two months. The AVERILL MUSIC CO. 2S North Main Street, Bane, Vt. Read Vaughan's Saturday sale. Dress goods in Abbott's clearance sale. Alex Harper went, to Troy, N. Y., to day. $1.00 dressing sacks for COe each at Pitts'. - Loyal Temperance Legion Saturday at 2:30. Two big bargains for Saturday at Vaughan's. Handkerchief sale opened at Abbott's this morning. L. Quuini went to Annapolirf, Md., today to work. E. E. Terry went to Burlington this morning on business. A. J. Cave went to Fitchburg, Mass., today on a business trip. Rebate checks given with all cash purchases. Eastman Bros. $2.75 buys a skirt that was $4.00 and $4.50 at Perry's on Saturday. F. E. Hollins of Somerville, Mass., visited friends in the city yesterday. The Ladies' Aid of the Heaton hospi tal at Montpelier has a balance on hand I of $003.16. The Phila Chiista class will meet with Miss Belle Chandler tonight at i 7:30, .37 Jefferson street. The condition of Edson Lander, the boy who was hurt in the coasting acci dent Tuesday evening, remains about the same today. Ifvman D. Segcl of the firm of Seeds & 'Brady, who lias been ill at his home ia Burlington since Christmas, has re covered fo as to be out. I Joseph N. Crapo of Montpelier, the ball player, does not want people to mix him up with Thomas Crapo, the alleged St. Johnsbury forger. j The item in. yesterday's paper that a past matron's jewel was presented to Mis. Ned Roberts at the Eastern Star meeting should have read that the jew el was presented to Mrs. Lewis E. Rob erts of Laurel Btreet. j Word was received yesterday of the death of Mis. Charles Bartlett of Bos ton, Mass. Mrs. Bartlett was, formerly Miss Ethelyn Heath of Bethel. A pe culiarly sad incident was that she had been married but three weeks from her wedding day to the day of her death. The funeral will be held Saturday from her late home in Bethel, Vt. An especially large lot of good bar gains are to be had for the next few days at the store of A. A. Smith & Brother. Shirts at 8Sc, reduced from $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50. Mufflers, just the thing for the eold winds, the $ 1.50 kind at only 98. Also a clearance of flannel shirts at 9Sc, reduced from $1.50, and other things too numerous to men tion. ! W. C. Nye of East Barre forecasts the weather for the remainder of the winter as follows: "The open winter still continues and you need not expect very much snow until the 20th of March, but cold weather will prevail nights with many pleasant days. When you see the crows around and the chickadees you may understand they represent what is to come an open win ter. ! The following clipped from the Rec ord of Jan. 5, published by the Cam bridge, Mass., Y. M. C. A., will be of interest to some of our readers: "A genuine surprise was furnished Tilden 11. Steams, our popular physical direct or, on last Monday morning when the civil service gymnasium class presented him with $25 in gold as a token of their genuine friendship and good wishes." Mr. Stearns was a student at Coddard a few years ago. j Ssfnfn'a Attnrnpv .Inr-Vann lina hefnre him the task of reviewing the testimo ny taken in the fire inquest held in Warren some time ago and which has just been filed with the county clerk. On the night of November 23 (JeorgeA. Atkins' house and farm buildings in Warren were destroyed by fire. There was no direct evidence that the fire was of incendiary origin, but it devel oped at the hearing that Atkins had a pood deal of trouble with a neighbor's family. TALK OFJHE TOWN. E. M. Tayntor left last night for New Y'ork; he will be gone about a week. Miss Ida Rossi of Westerly, JL I., is visiting friends in the city for a few days. M. M. Wilson of Randolph, state's at torney of Orange county, was in the city yesterday. TALK OFJHE TOWN. Eugene Buzzell of Northfield visited friends in the city yesterday. Saturday sale of regular 40 'cent rlir olates for 25 cents at Davis "The Dt UK gist's," tomorrow. Miss Antoinette Peledeau went to hmr home in Burlington last night aftr-r few days' visit with friends in the ctty. Winter Weight Clothing FOR AEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN. This is the season of the year when we like to clean up ail broken sizes in Heavy Weight Goods, and for that reason we shall allow you A LIBERAL DISCOUNT on all Winter Weight Goods for the remainder of January. You know that we carry reliable goods and guarantee every article we sell. Remember that we have one of the best and largest stores in New England, and can accommodate your wants without aeiay. v,au in ana inspect our new store. FranR McWhorteiv One Price Men's and Boys' Outfitter, Telephone Call 218-4, Elanchard Block, 20 and 22 North Koia SU A GOOD CUP OF TEA If that is what you want, try our 35 cents per pound English Breakfast and Japan Teas. Fcr quality and price these Teas cannot he beaten. erchant & Fraser, 6 Elm Street, Barre. Vermont Good V 0 rrs f i t jr, L1 i VJi TjJ I Large, sweet and juicy California Navel Oranges, per dozen, - - - - . 30 and 35c Nice Florida Oranges, per dozen, - - - 40c Six pounds of Popcorn that will pop for - - - 25c Fresh new Figs, two pounds for - -c - - 25c Best fresh Dates, three pounds for - - . - - 25c Cold Storage (Vermont) Eggs, per dozen, - - 25c Still selling two large packages of Zest, with fancy decorated cup and saucer, for - - - - 25c Fresh Baked Beans on Saturday. Best No. i Baldwin or Greening Apples, per barrel, $2.50 Cooking Apples, per peck, - - - - . je;c Four quarts good Cranberries for - - 25c Save your Rebate Checks. ? w ft f F D Leading Cash Grocer. LADD, Meats and ProTtsios 3.