Student Found Unconscious
Amid Flames
When Fire Broke Out in Williston Acad
edm, William C. Porter, a New York
Student, Was Found Uncoasciou
on Floor of His Room.
Easthampton, Mass., Feb. 8. William
C. Porter, a member of tho senior class
at Wiliiston beminary, and tho eight
een-year-old Bon of a New York phyai
eian, was the jtim of a mysterious
accident last night. At the same time
North Hall, the dormitory in which the
young man roomed, caught fire and guf
fered $20,000 damage.
Hearing cries of agony, several other
student in North Hall rushed to the
third llnor and dincoverod that the up
per pan 01 me noiit section was in
flames. Young Porter himself was found
unconscious on the lloor of his room.
Ho was first thought to be suffering
irom onrns ana overcome by smoke, and
was removed to a private residence near
the school. When Dr. Oliver C. Cobb
was summoned he discovered that Por
ter had not received a burn nor inhaled
any smoke, but had suffered some sort
of an injury in the pit of the stomach
ine aocior said later mat the injury
appeared U have been caused by an
The school authorities are investi-
Dr. William H. Porter lias started
for Kasthampton: He had received no
direct information from the college au
thorities, and it was only when he read
the press despatches giving accounts of
the accident that he first learned of his
son's misfortune. He boarded the first
train yesterday morning.
Two Die in Fire.
Meredith, N. II., Feb. 8. Two lives
"Were lost in a fire which destroyed the
frtuiiiiOue of Charles Smith, near here,
early yesterday. The victims were Miss
Harriet Pratt, who lived with the Smith
family, and Smith's five years old
daughter Lola. The fire is supposed to
have started from a defective chimney.
The body of the woman, charred beyond
recognition, was found in the ruins sev
eral hotus after the lire had burned it
self out, but the remains of the little
girl have not been seen. The financial
loss is $3,000.
Company to Dig Waterways Across On
tario. Ottawa, Feb. 7. Henry C. Spalding,
of New York, John I. Davidson, H.
Howland, R. O. Steele and Andrew T.
Drummond of Toronto, T. W. Hugo of
Duluth, and Telford liurnham of Chi
cago, aro the men behind the proposed
$15,000,003 scheme to construct canals
between' the Georgian Bay and Lake
"Navigable waterways from a point on
the (jcorginn Bay between Waubaushcno
and l'ort .Severn or on Nottawasaga
J Jay to Lake Simcoe and thence to some
point on Lake Ontario in the County
of York, and from some point on Notta
wasaga Hay along the valley of the
Nottawas;iga Itivcr and thence to some
point on Lako Ontario in either the coun
ty of York or tho County of Ontario.
The company, which seeks power to
collect toils and expropriate lands, will
call itself the "Canadian Canals Cor-
Or Any Severe SkkBess Our Druggists,
RiJcert & Wells, Advise Barre
People to Tike Vinol.
Every Person Fecovcricg From a Severe
Illness Hay Be Quickly Restored to
Health and Sti eegth by Vinol.
Mrs. G. I. Partridge of Franklin. Mass..
who recently celebrated her OOtn wedding
anniversary, writes:
"The grippe left me In a very weak
ened ouDdithiD no ai petite, thio, nervous
ana no vitality. Nothing seemed to help
ma until a friend brought me a bottle of
yunr Vluol. I o mmetiod to take It and
it gave me a hearty appetite, niy health
Favors the Plan For Railroad
WVmr'c Vrt ren nrtrifn
SENATE WATNS MORE TIME ; Radically and permanently cures ca-
Invites Consumption
It weakens the delicate lung tissues,
deranges tho digestive organs, and
breaks down the general health. 1
It often causes headache and dizzi- Ww finf I ikf Hflch BcitlS
ness, Impair the taste, smell and ilCW UUC LIC llUUi S
hearing, and affects the voice. TrorpA Ht f hiraPfl
Kruno- a miwtitnHnnnl Wn r. UdlCU dl UL11U1&U
quires a constitutional remedy.
f V-, v
For Satisfactory Amendment Move for
Delay Until Next Congress the
Present Plan of
and strength returned nntll 1 feel like a
new creature. I consider Vinol a won
derful medicine for anyone who has had a
Washington, Feb. 8. Senator Cullom,
formerly chairman of the senate com
mitteo on interstate commerce, favors
the passage of the Esch-Townsend bill
for the regulation of railroad rates, and
believes that the Senate should take
it just as it comes from the House and
enact it into law without amendment.
He so expressed hhimself yesterday to
the Illinois congressional delegation,
and the members of the Illinois Manu
facturers' association, who are here urg
ing rate legislation. Senator CCullom
said that time does not remain for sat
isfactory amendment in the Senate at
S..T'' " "" "trength the present session, and that it U bette
We have never sold In our store such a to tako the j'Wgnt of the House than
valuable strength-creator and health-re-1 to call Congress back for an extra sos-
storer for lh convalescent as Vinol This
Is because Vinol contains In a concen
trated form all of the vital principles of
oort liver oil, but without a drop of oil to
upset the stomach and retard Its work.
Vinol purifies and enriches the blood,
tones op the digestive organs and strength
ens every organ of the body to do Its
work as nature Intended.
We ask every person in Barre who has
been ill to try Vinol on our guarantee to
Dana them up arid make them well and
strong. We return yur money If it fails.
Kicuert & wells, Druggists.
sioii to enact railroad legislation. Sen
ator Cullom said he was not ready to
declare the bill perfect, but as the House
has given the question thorough con
sideration and as the Senate will not
iaKe time to revise the measure, it
should be given to the country for trial.
no preiors accepting the House hill rath
er than the chances of no legislation
at all.
Senator Kean's resolution now in the
course of preparation to postpone con
sideration of the railroad uestion till
the next assembling of Congress, wheth
er in extra session or regular session,
finds meat favor at the Canitol. It
dispose of so important a measure in
the few remaining weeks. To have a
in sun-committee of the Senate committee
take testimony during the recess would
afford a scafety valve for those interests
which want to bo heard, and no harm
eoul come of it. The resolution in the
form in which Mr. Kean wil nresent
not require the approval of
Supposed Fire Victim Found Dead
a Field Where She Had
Wandered. .
Meredith, ST. II., Feb. 8. It was learn
ed yesterday that only one person, Miss it will
Ilariet Pratt of Attleboio, Mass., was either the House or of the President,
burned to death in the farmhouse of a '"uld the establishment of a joint
ipjiry, aim nence me
adoption. The Prpsi-
Charles Smith, near here, which was dent's attitude toward this proposition
destroyed by fire last night. At day. is a "ubject of some dispute. He dislikes
light Smith's 4 years old daughter, .,uc"n 8,pm9 a weaken-
T on ,l,l i 1.. ,.,l .l ..... . ' "r '"T'""U' "u ernann,
' ""'f " ne would rather have real legislation in
thought that she had perished in the I an extra sssion, such as lie would cer-
dwelling;. Later, however, tho child's tainiy call, were the Kean resolution
tarrh of the nose, throat, stomach.
bowels, and more delicate organs, and
builds up the whole system. f '
No substitute for Hood's acta like Some of Hoch's Alleged Wives Now Ac
Hood's. Be sure to get Hood's. I credited to Man Named Bushelberg,
Testimonials of remarkable cures mailed on e.: - ir.. u..,!
request C. L HOOD CO., Lowell, Uass. Mm lv " "
for Wives.
James M. Coleman Goes to Montreal to
Take Responsible Position.
St. Albans, Feb. 8. James M. Cole
man, for the past five years master
ear builder of the Central Vermont Pvail
way Co., has resigned his position and
will go to Montreal either the latter
part of the present week or the first
of next week to take the general super
intendence of the large car manufactur
ing plant recently established in that
city. The new plant has been built with
the primary object of supplying the
needs of the Grand Trunk Railway sys
tem and has already received an order
for 25,000 cars from that corporation.
It ia probable that the offices of
master car builder and superintendent
of motive power of the Central Vermont
Railway Co. will be combined and the
duties of both ollices placed in the
hands of A. Buchanan, Jr., the present
superintendent of motive power.
Chicago, Feb. 8. The Chronicle yes
terday said: That there is another
matrimonial juggler in Chicago may
soon be established through a discov
ery just made by the police. This dis
covery incidentally necessitates check
ing off many of the aliasts claimed to
have been used by Johann Iloch, under i
which name he was reported to have
married Mrs. Mary Schultz of Argos,
Ind., in 1900, a woman who has never
been seen or heard of since a month af
ter her marriage. Other of his aliases
may be checked off in the same way later.
.w -'V
Yon may not have dandruff y0u m
even have a Iniuilsnt head ot bslr and
yet theri- may tw trouble at the root or in
yonr soalp. Try a simple tt. Pull cm
a nair. If the bnlb s plump and ,,,
your balr Is healthy, but if the bulb Is
bite and brunk,n your hair ts dUe
and yon need a balr tonlo. We have la
liexall "83" Hair Tonio a remedy ihat Is
a nutritive tnio "d germicide. It gon
directly to the roots, destroying all getm
life, removes all traces of dandruff, stops
falling balr and finally toms up the hair
follicles, giving new life, vig.r and (jlcs
to the hair. It Is sold only at our stores
at City Gents per buttle.
Rexall Agency
Philadelphia Mint Receives an Order for
S ?300,000 Currency.
Philadelphia, Feb. 8. Sixty women
employed in the United States mint,
known as adjusters, resumed work today
Alter an idleness which began on Jan,
1. There was no work for them because
ihe supply of silver bullion had been
rxhii listed.
The mint recently received a rush
order. for $300,000 in silver coin for
tie Republic of Panama. This will keep
tie full force of the mint employed for
.i leait three weeks.
oouy was iouna in a neia about a quar
ter of a mile distant, the little on hav
ing been frozen to death while endeav
oring to reach the home of a neighbor.
The first started in the room of Miss
I'ratt, who had been mentally ill for
some time, fennth endeavored to res.
cue the woman, but had time only to
save jus tainiiy, consisting ot live small
children. Ho told the children to take
hold of hands and make their way to
tho house of the nearest neighbor, "half
a mile distant. Lena was apparently
overcme by the cold, and fell behind
and perished.
The body of Miss Fratt, burned be
yond recognition, was found in tho ruins
adopted, than such an unsatisfactory
make-shift as would be likely to result
irom any attempt to dispose of the sub
ject, now.
Civil Covernor of the Philippines First
American Citizen to Wear
New Dignity.
Washington. D. C. Feb. 8. Luku E.
Wright ot lennessee is the first Ameri
of the house. The woman was o board-1 can citizen to bear the title of governor
er. The financial loss is placed at $3,000. general in the Philippines, the Philip-
(hioago, Feb. 7. The closinsr d
eigit sash, door adn blind factories has
t,u her complicated matters for the
wodt.; industries in Chicago. More fae
tori" wil be closed today, and hundreds
of r.en thrown out of employment. The
scarify of material given as the cause
of fee shut-down is. "duo to the strike
of tie Lumber, Box and Shaving Team
sters' Union.
Illinois Legislature Inquiry Is Only
Springfield, 111., Feb. T. State Repre
sentative William S. l.urtou of Jack
sonville, HI., yesterday told the fcpedal
committee appointed by the House of
Representatives to investigate charsres
of bribery and corruption in the Illinois
legislature, made by Representative 1).
Comerford of Chicago, that an attempt
....... . .1 . A. 1 - '1 If i- . . .
innuu ui urioe nini to voie a certain
way in the Democratic caucus to nomi
nal e a minority leader. T. J. Comer-
ford, a brother of the man who made
pine bill signed by the President yes
terday authorizing the chanire of the
title he now holds, namely, civil gov
ernor of the Philippines. Secretarv
Taft today sent the following cablegram
10 ine new governor general:
i salute and congratulate the firt
American governor general of the Phil
ippine Islands and wish for him the
same success which has attended his ad
ministration as civil governor."
He Is 111, But Bondsmen Must Have
Him in Washington.
Washington, D. C, Feb. 8. U. S.
Atty. Beach received a dispatch
Mrs. Ruxnmier Thinks That It Was
Hoch Who Got Her $6,000 and
left Her Penniless.
-ev iorK, let), s. Among the nu
merous women now coming forward in
the vicinity of New York, claiming that
a man aswering Johann Hoch's descrip
non, marriea mem several rears ago
is Mrs. Wilhemina Pvuminler of Carl
stadt,.N. J. She has not yet seen the
pnsoiier, out she lias .examined his pic
ture. Mrs. Rumtuler claims to have
lost $0,000 in her matrimonial venture.
and is now almost penniless.
un .May Z7, i9o;i," she said, "I had
a prosperous llonst s business in West.
Nyack, N. J. A man applied to me
ror a joo as toreman. lie gave his
name as Johann C. O. Schultz. and
said he came from Chicago. His manner
of talkmsr charmed me. and at last
he proposed, and I decided to become
his wife. Twenty minutes after the
ceremony my hushand asked me if
had any money. I told him I had $6,000
and within the next week he had drawn
it and told me he had just $0,000 more,
ami mat, ne was going to put the $12,
ooo m a safe investment. He epoke
so nicely and kissed me so often that
I liolieved him.
"Every day he would go to the post
othee himself and return with dozens
of letters. He never allowed me to
read any of them. On Dec. 22, 1903,
Schultz disappeared. I heard later that
ne had been seen m Cincinnati, and
threatened to kill me if I did not keep
silent. Since that day I never spoke
of him.
"That man stole every penny I owned
in the world, and I was left alone with
my three children to niakem y living."
T.Ofn7'a hlM-..f Dntri,, 4),., 4:.1 J I. . . 1 . . . ..-.',.
Representative Comerford. These tes- tht latter has been very sick since last i count v court '
tho charges, said that certain members
of the legislature had made charges of from Judge J. F. Kumlcr of Toledo, O.,
XT'- T.l..i. T-i i- . I v i.t'w.Mi t a 1 1 n i. uim:i ilieniueis to l J'j
Trouble May Increase. timonials were tho sum total of the Thursday, but that ho will renort in
own of ! evi,lenee produced reflecting on the ac- Washington at the earliest possible
m uiemueis ui uie. present general nine, aihs announcement came in re
assembly, although two long sessions sponsc to word from Lorenz's bonds
were held and a dozen witnesses were I men in this city to produce him in court
neara, A report to tlie House may be today,
. - . i -
Brattlcboro Concern Sued bv Rhode
Island Corporation.
Brattlcboro, Feb. 8. The American
Mill Co. of Providence. JL 1.. placed an
attachment on tho property of the
Brattlcboro Manufacturing Co. Satur
day afternoon, Sheriff Frank W. Mc
Clure serving the jjapers at the di
rection of lawyer H. G. Barber.
The attachment was made to secure
the mill company in a suit for $2,000
The Brattlelxiro Manufacturing Co., of
which Charles II. Thomoson is nresi-
dent, makes hosiery, and tho claim of
the mill company is for yarn and sup
plies. The defendant's attorneys, E.
W. Gibson and J. F. Hooker, beeamn re
sponsible for the amount sued for and
the sheriff gave op possession of the
property, allowing the company to re
sume business. The suit nrobtiblv will
Sentence Cannot Be Commuted Without
Board's Recommendation,
llarrisburg, Feb. 8. So numerous
'have beeo the requests from all over
Albert Bushleberg, or Buschberg, is the country from people who want Go?
the name which Hoch was believed to rnor Pennypacker to commnte to life
have once used. The police have learned imprisonment the sentence of Mrs. Kate
that another man, also a German, who 'Edwards, who is to be hanged at Read
advertised for wives in German newspa- j ing oa h. 16, it has been found ncces
pcrs on the Hoch plan used this alias. ' gary for the executive department to
This man is in Cliicago and is declared prepare a circular letter in answer to
to be married to a woman whom he ; these requests.
met by means of an advertisement in' This letter quotes the state constitu-
the newspapers and through communica
tion with employment agents.
Inspector Khippy, who found Bushle-
tion to show that the governor has no
power to commute a death sentence to
life imprisonment except ujwi the rec
ommendation in writing of the board
berg and talked with him once, has be- 0f par,i0n8.
gun an investigation into the Argosj An application for a rehearing in the
case He is satisfied that Hoch never, case of Mrs. Edwards has just been
used ine alms ana Las evidence to prove made to the board of pardons. The
that a man now under surveillance ad
vertised and wrote letters to women in
Chicago, representing himself as Al
bert Bushleberg.
Curtailing the Hoch list of 40 wives
already has been begun by the police.
When the process is over it is expected
that there will remain about 10 women
who can be identified positively as hav
ing been married to Hoch.
board will meet on the day before that
set lor the woman s execution.
What action may follow the receipt
of the application for rehearing is not
known. It was reported from Reading
that a petition in Mrs. Edwards's be
half, having 200,000 signatures, would
lie sent to the governor today. This
petitition had not reached the governor
at noon.
made today.
FLEECED OF $50,000.
ojioiiD) i
The qwiltity tf the food taken is not
the mejsare of its nourishment. The
quality is what counts. Many babies
take larje quantities of food and pet a
mall amount of nourishment. Mel
lin's Food babiea take a small quan
tity of frod and get a Lirge amount
of nourishment. Send for our book
" Meiim's Food Babies."
Kllia', F i the OKtY fr.fanti'
od, ) 'a received hs Grand Frlie.
b'.tot,: award of the Lomsinna Pur
(hite fc(-. !!.ii, St. Louta, l'Ju4, iiiah
r tltaa i medal.
Felix Lost Lot of Money in a Race News
New York, Feb. 8. Police Commis
sioner McAdoo gave out yesterday the
details of the case in which a man who
gave his name as "Fred Williams" and
a fictitious address was arrested yester
day on complaint of John F. Felix, a
dealer in musical instruments, ut 38
ast Twenty-First street.
Felix lost $50,000 in a hceme fixed
up to get advance information on the
races. The scheme, according to the
commissioner, included a "fake" West
ern Union telegraph office, and a spuri
ous broker's office, where twenty-five
men were employed.
Mr. Bench at once wired to Toledo to
have Lorenz put in charge of his bonds
man thcrt until such time as he can
come to Washington. In his telecram
the district attorney said ' he did not
care to endenger Mr. Lorenz's life, but
that he must proceed to this city as
soon as he is physically able to come.
Colds Lead to Pneumonia.
Laxative Bromo Quinine, the world wide
Cold and Grip remedy, removes the cause.
Call for the full name and look for signa
uro of E. W. Grove. 25c.
Charleroi, Belgium, Coal Men Have Gone
Out Today.
Charleroi, Belgium, Feb. 8. Tt was
announced yesterday that 22.957 min
ers out of 39,4 42 employed in the col
lieries of this district, are now out on
New York, Feb. 8. Dr. William If.
Upton told tho police yesterday that he
had been chloroformed and robbed by
his son, Charles Upton, 18, whose re
lease he recently secured from
F.lmira reformatory, where the
boy had been sent for assault and
robbing Ins grandmother. The doctor
said tlie boy enter
Law For Maine Commission is Redraft
ed. Augusta, Me., Feb. 7. ft is announc
ed that the Sturgia bill, providing for
a commission for the better enforce
ment of the prohibitory law. 1ms been
redrafted. The present bill, while not
radically different from its original,
contains a clause which provides that
one member of the commission shall be
a lawyer with powers of attorney gen
eral, who may go into a county and ap
pear before a grand jury with evidence
against liquor sellers and proceed
against them. It further provides that
the enforcement commission shall have
wipe off
the blur!
And the reason is
there is nothing the mat
ter with your glasses. The
trouble is with you; you, yourself. Your head
is congested, you are dizzy, you cannot see
clearly, and you are all out of sorts.
Wake up your sleepy liver! Get rid of a lot
of bile. Take one of Ayer's Pills each night,
for a few nights. These pills are liver pills, all
vegetable, sugar-coated. They act directlv on the
i: t '
iiver, curing oiiiousness, constipation, dizziness.
Hd by th 3. O. Ijt Co.. -Lowii. Un.
ATER'S BAD? VICOR-For the hair '
AYEH'S SAkSAPAklLLA For & blood. il't 7,?" Wtht.
n mrnrrrwiiiiiiiii.- , , i "ilfa'Tiutii!'!
Cash Bargains For This Week I
The best Navel Ornes. ptr doten ........ 35c
Sijtten Marmalade Cranjrj for 2S
Three pickets of Lotus Prunes for . . . 25c
Haskell's Buckwheat Fit or. per package.. . I3C
Two packages of Buckwheat Flour for 25c
Hi bob Self ralsiny Flour, per package..... 10c
Mer'j roncM Mansafade, per jar.. 25c
Smoked Her.lrj, ptr box 20c
Hhell' Kippered Herrir.s. jcr box 1 9c
Six pound! of the best femora for 25c
Two can of Lcfie$ Bluekeirhj fcr 28c
323 North Main Street.
Telephone 231-12
Meats and Groceries.
Tons of Candies I
chloroformed him while he lay in bed, doing i . ' I m
broke open a safe ami took $700 in forcement of the law. 0
j u,, ,.:n;iiij. xiiu son nas not
been captured.
A Guaranteed Cure for Piles.
Itching, TSIind, Plcelinsr or Protruding
ile. Your dru?irwt will refund money
'I . I .ii rv, 1 ihiih to cure
6 to 14 day. Fifty cents.
jJwaya.Rerae-r.ker V.19 Pull Nne
zxztivo romo immzo
Care Cc!4 la One Cay, Ci-jjTili 2 )ay3
(VLjf oavery
We have received the largest invoice of Candies'
ever brought to Barre. We sell
40c. 50c and fiflr Tanriin. .
25c, 30c and 35c Candies at - . " er
Not )ess than ONE POUND nor m ' '
be .old to one person. See 0ur l 1" tha"0NE TON will
See them and et L Jt'Jf " P".
xjur rv?eei ana urocfrv Den;
quality and prices. All orders given prompt
'af'ments are up to date in
Telephone 400-3.
255 Nprth Main Street, Barre, Vt.
"Brian w ff'i