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8 THE HARRIS DAILY TIMES, FEE. 8. UH5 H P ? n u ! DMER FITTS NEW DRESS GOODS WITH ALL THE FRESHNESS OF SPRING. O THE BARRE DAILY TIMES WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1905. Mohairs, Sicilians and the New Weight Silkenne; Panamas, Novelty Plaids, Shepard Plaids, Crepe de Para, Covert Cloth, Eoliennes and Crepe de Chines; Lansdowns, Albatross and Danish Cloths; New Colorings and Weaves in Silks; New White Cotton Goods, Waists and Suits; New Wash Goods in the Latest Two-toned Effects. Garment Department. New Spring Waists. New Spring Skirts. Exclusive Agent for the famous La Mode Petticoat. None better made. Weather Prediction. Fair tonight. Snow in north portion lhursiiay. Warmer tonight. Ihura day warmer. BUTTERICIl PATTERNS. 'Phone 408-11. 164-166 No. Main St. p'aniffiiii!!ffi?'!M in u i - A FINE ASSORTMENT OF UP-TO-DATE STATIONERY 1 i in. m j j Dainty packages of Writing jJ Paper and Envelopes, up !! to date in every respect. The Best Value For 10c Per Box in the City. School Tablets A Good One For 3 Cents Each or Two For 5 Cents. D. F. DAVIS, "The Druggist," 262 North Mata St., - . ' - - Barre, Vermont. TALK OF THE TOWN. Local Happenings Tersely Told For Busy Readers. A few good bargains in suits and coats Jelt at iitta. Howe's moving pictures at the opera bouse, nuay, ieD. 10. Valentine ball at Hale's pavilion luesaay evening, eD. 14. You cannot wait and then get any of aduou s ue muslin underwear. Ladies' and gentlemen's solid gold watcnes at a. nun & (Jos. MeWhortcr has a few fur coats for Indies and gentlemen that must be closed out. PLAINFIELD. 1 Fv A I FMTI RTF We have them for all, but they are going fast. Come early and get first choice. You can find among them the following: Fur, Fin and Feather in Lovcland, Rag Time VaIentines,Comic Postal Cards, Love Messengers, etc,, etc., etc. PRICES FROM 1 CENT UP. IDEAL BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE, 161 North Main Street. Hale's Block Iru Rieker was in Barre Tuesday on DUMiiea. Frank J. Nutting spent Tuesday Montpelier. Dr. D. B. Smith was in Burre Tues day on business. . Bev. L. F. Fortney was in Barre Wed ncsday on business. Mrs. Mary Shorey is critically ill H'lin ncart trouble. Airs. Kent of Calais is keeping house Jor jurs. U. 1j. JHartin. M. E. Berkley of Marshficld was in town Saturday on business. The lumbermen are busy these days, hauling logs to Batcheldur's mills. Mr. and Mrs. Jlazen Huntington of Barre are visiting at the home of Mrs. V. J I. Bt mis. Mr. and Mr. Charles Buckley, we are glad to hear, are able to be about the house once more. Arthur Bartlett of Grand Rapids, Mich., i in town visiting among his relatives, after an absence of a year. News has been received of the death of Et'xcl Mary, infant daughter of Mrs. Bessie Lazell Collier, of Lebanon, N. H. A. TV Coburn was stricken with np poplexy and is very low at this writing. Edgar Coburn of Montpelier, his son, is caring for him. Miaa Maude Gray, who has been teaching in Wiiliamstown, is spending a few weeks with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Gray. Five tables of whist met at Mrs. W. D. Richards parlors Tuesday evening. 'I he highest score was won by Mrs. 11. V. Richards and Fred Bolles. Miss Mae Wright, who has been ill with tonsilitis for the past few days, is much improved and was able to resume her duties as teacher in the south dis trict. The children of the village school are Dlanninsr to trive a fine exhibition in tlm new school hall Friday evening. It is hoped that there will be a good attend , r.nce. j Mrs. J. B. Wells entertained a few 1 ladies at her home Monday evening. Whist was played and the highest score . was won by Mrs. Ella Kidder and daugh ter, blanche, it being 32 points, Mr, and Mrs, 0. L. Martin left Mon day afternoon for Manchester, N. XI., to attend the wedding of Mr. Martin's brother, Edgar L. Martin, manager of the Massachusetts Mutual Life Insur ance company. Before returning home they intend to make a short visit in Boston. WIILIAMSTOWN. PAY CASH AND SAVE MONEY. A small amount saved on each article amounts to considerable in the course of a year. H. j. SMITH, (TELEPHONE 37-2) 367 Rortli Main Street. Barre, Vermont. : ; i U THE LARGEST AND It A.KOHOM EST CLOTHING- STORK IN TOWN. d Harry A. Scgcl. Hymen D. Segel. Thomas Brady. The Home Study club will meet with Mrs. Young Friday evening. Gentle men's night, Joseph Cregory is quite ill. His son John, from Waitsfield, came yesterday to visit him. A few of the members of this grange have been attending Pomona grange at Brookfield today. Mrs. Jerry Hutchinson is quite ill with rheumatism. Her mother, Mrs. Little, is with her for a few days. Mr. riummer, salesman for Clapp & Jones of Brattleboro, was in town yes terday in the interests of that firm; Geo. L. Edson moved the postollice yesterday to the store in Beckett block, formerly occupied by Geo. Bosworth. Miss (iertrude Martin is to assist in the oflice. HIS WIFE WOXE ELM UP. Connecticut Man Ncarfy Choked to Death in Night. No comment is needed on the fol lowing letter. It tells of fearful ex periences that have fortunately been overcome : "Dear Sirs: "Often in the night my wife had to wake me up because I was almost choking to death with catarrh. I had one of the worst cases that was ever known and skilful physicians said it was chronic. "Fortunately a friend told me of Ilyomei, and I used this treatment faithfully, and today am free from ca tarrh. I used nyomei perhaps five times a day and could soon sec a jrreat chance, A complete outfit and an extra bottle cured me. 1 always carry a Ilyomei inhaler in my pocket, so as to prevent any colds or blight catarrhal attacks that are common at this time of the year. Yours fraternally, "Thomas Finchan, Putnam, Conn." It is the easiest thing in the world to cure catarrh or catarrhal colds if you use Ilyomei. Breathe its health giving, balsamic air for a few minutes and your catarrhal trouble will soon be cured. The complete outfit costs but one dol lar, and consists of an inhaler that can be carried in the purse or vest pocket, a medicine dropper and a bottle of Ilyomei. The inhaler lasts a life time, while extra bottles, if needed, can be obtained for 50 cents. In Barre there are Rcores of well-known people who nave lieen cured of catarrh bv Ilyo mei. . If it does not help you Bickert & Wells will return your money in accordance with the guarantee they give with every outlit. Catholic Foresters, Please Note. St. John's Court, C. 0. F will hold a social dance after their meeting Ihurs day evening, Feb. 9th. All members and visiting Foresters and their ladies cordially invited. Members may invite their inends. Refreshments served. W. J. McLEAN SAYS " We are having Arctic weather and should have Arctic Footwear." He is showing a line of Men's Four buckle Arctics, Men's One buckle Arctics, and Men's Storm Arctics that are made of an extra fine Jersey Cloth and first qual ity Candee Rubber. See them in his window at 200 North Main St. Next Door to A. P. Abbott'i, Carrier Building, Bane, Vt. BELLIN. $ La ll 0 0 sla ' ' ' ' sJ . ... .. z For gooi, honest bargains at this season of the year in Hen's and Boys' Clothing, Furnishings, Shoes and Rubber Goods go to Segels"& Brady's, 118 Hain Street, - - Bolster's Brick Block, Barre, Vt. GKT THE HABIT AN I) TRADE AT 8ROKL8 & BKADY'S. Berlin schools closed for the winter term Feb, 3. Mr. J. C. Webb is in Roxbury caring for a sister who is serionsly ill. Auditors meeting this year will ls on Thursday, the I6th, at the town clerk's oflice. The announcement is made of the coming marriage of Miss Stella, young est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George II. CrandaU, to Charles R. Scott of Barre. About every other fanner is hit more or less severely by the water famine. Many and various are expedients re sorted to in order to obtain the necessa ry supply of the ambiguous fluid. northfieldT Miss Annie L. Gibbons and A. Patter son, both of this nlnce. worn miifoH in i marriage at St. Monica's church in Barre i Monday morning. They came here on the evening train and entertained a larj number of friends at their new 'iioiiie on Western avenue. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gale regret to learn of the death of Mr. Cale, which took place in Yiostor. Saturday night, the funeral to be held today. Mr. Cale was for many years a resident of this place, being em ployed by the Central Vermont, I w 4)1; i HOME LIFE is what we choose to make it. It isn't riches that makes hap piness. It is lov ing care. Why not bring in the family and have a picture taken of them, posed just as they are at home? The PHOTOGRAPH i will be a valued possession in af ter days, when the children are gone from home. One lot of Skirts that are up to date for style, fit and quality. Your choice for only $3.75 each. A genuine bargain. See them in our window. WRAPPERS. One lot of Print Wrappers, j One lot of Percale Wrappers, ail new, only - - 79c each, (ail new, only - - $1.25 each. VEALElT KNIGHT, Telephone 123-2. Currier Building, Barre, Vt. IIM IH " " M Ulllni ITMO.N CLQTHISa OO. ONION CLOTHING COMPANY. UNION CLOTHING OO Great learance Sae STILL GOING ON. The. Great Clearance Sale of Winter Clothing and Furnishings is still in progress. It is a rare chance for yoa to buy goods at wholesale prices. Don't miss it. Men's Suits and Overcoats from $4 up. Union Clothing Store, TeIephone'126-2. Old Skating Rink Building, Opp. Depot Square. oo Oiiinjuna noiMa OiJ tX!HXO"l.J NoliiO 9 FEW LEGGIR At Greatly Reduced Pricss ! Men's and Boys' Heavy Canvas Mcintosh Lined Leggins, Women's and Children's Serge and Kersey Cloth Leggins, Overgaitcrs, etc., on which we make a price to close: Men's $1 .00 Canvas Leggins, to close, per pair, -Boys 75c Canvas Leggins, to close, per pair, -Boys' $1 .00 Corduroy Leggins, to close, per pair, Boys 75c Kersey Cloth Leggins, to close, per pair, -Ladies' 75c Kersey Cloth Leggins, to close, per pair, Children's 60c Jersey Cloth Leggins, to close, per pair, If in need of Leggins or Overgaiters the place to buy them is of the 60c 40c 67c 50c 50 c 40c i Barre Shoe Co., 4 t3i North Main St., - - Barre, Vermont. assess? -sssas-zee cc4fczec jccj&jisccjsi An advertisement in the Times will bring sure results. TO MAKE HENS LAY ! Feed our Mixed Poultry Food. Thu Ftod it compoed of five kindj of grain. We have it ground or in the whole grain. THE AVERILL MILLS, Telephone 115-12. 23 South Main Street, Barre, Vt. ANDREW BJORN All kinds of Painting nd Paper Hang:ng. Full line of Wall Paper Samples for 1905. 27 CURRIER STREET, Telephone 208-12. Dissolution of Copartnership. The copartnership heretofore existing be twfen T. H Harry and L M. W illlnnm, as Harry & William., in this day d snvi by mutual oorent The huRiit will be coiitimiej bv L. M. Williams, ana all bills will be col lected and paid by him. T. H. BAKRY, L. M. WILLUMS. Barre, Vt., Feb. 7, 1005. OAL FREE C WITH Drown's Cough and Cold Cure! Now is the time to buy it, even if you do not need it today. Everybody likes it, it is so different from other I Cough Cures in that it does not affect the stomach. Ask. 1 us for circulars explaining how to procure it. E. A. DROWN, 48 No. Main St., Opp. Nat'I DanH. Armour s lar Telephone 3 1 - 3. t ' is a first-class Soap one of the best on the market for machinists, engineers, blacksmiths, coal shovelers l03 0 I an everyk0ty It is not advertised. To give it a send-off and get it before the consumer quickly we 1 will sell it for a short time in lots of six cakes at cost, viz : six cakes for 25c. Regular price 5c per cake. Six Cakes For 25c Barre. Vermont L. M. AVERILL, Opposite City Part,