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THE UAItRE DAILY TIMES, FEB. 9, UH5. argain in Skirts For Saturday TALK OF THE TOWN. A. P. ABKOTT & CO.k. P. ABBOTT & CO.lA. P. ABBOTT U CO. New neckwear at Fitts'. Muslin underwear Bale at Abbott. tie Ladies' Walking and Dress Skirts For $2.75 Series dance nt pavilion Saturday eve Bay! We offer on Saturday one lot of Walking and Dress Skirts '1 1 plain and mixed goods, all nicely trimmed. These are the '.'rts that we have been selling for $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00. To i.e room for new goods, we offer them at only $2.75. We have offered a good many bargains, but never a better than this. You will appreciate these Skirts when you see i'.c quality of them. Remember the first choice is the best. Watch for Them in Our Window. PERRY CAMP, and 75 Main Street, - - . Barre, Vermont ft FROM OUR Wall Paper Department Our Spring line is in and ready for your inspection. Besides our regular line in -- i.J stock we carry an extensive imple line, of which we sell the same kind to only one romer, thus protecting those who buy the better Papers r their rooms, as no one else in the city can buy a pat .rn like it. If you are to have a new Carpet or new Draperies, me to our store and match up the whole decoration. B. W. HOOKER & CO., Up-To-Date Furniture Dealers, !4 and 16 North Main St. New Blacchard Elock. Ambulance Calls and Undertaking Promptly Attended To. Miss omato Catsup. Columbia Catsup, made from the best variety of ripe tomatoes, per bottle, -Blue Label Catsup, per bottle, -Snyder's Catsup, per bottle, . Yankee Doodle Catsup, per bottle, - 20c 22c 22c 10c Merchant 8c Fraser, Elm Street, - - - Barre. Vermont. cxion On all Fur Goods. Now is the time to buy. If you are in the market for any Fur Goods give us a call. We handle the North Star brand and you know that means satisfaction guaranteed. MOORE &, OWENS, North Main St., -' Barre, Vermont. ;ir VALENTINES I Fancy Valentines From lc up to $1.75 each. An en tirely new line this season. Also Comic Valentines. Fancy Paper and Embossed Pic tures for making VALENTINES. loston Bargain Store, C. N. Kcnvon & Co., :orth Kain Street. (Telephone 123-12) Barre, Vermont. nmg. New line, of fancy clocks at Walker's. Saturday salt: of muslin underwear at atiglum s. Tim debt of the city of Montpelier is W. M. Fniser Went to South Ryegate today on business Jiirthday pillow tops for every month in-1 lie year at tuts H. A. Could went to Xorthfield this morning to tune, pianos., The spring styles in Guyer nats have arrived at Moore & Owens. Jennie, the daughter of James Sum mcrs, is sick with pneumonia. A. P. Abbott 4, Co. start their second years business in the new store, TT F Culler will furnish hacks for the social dance at the pavilion tonight A. E. llale of Bradford visited las brother, J. O. Hale, of this city today. A special sale of walking and dress skirts tor $2.75 at I'erry s on Saturday Mrs. J. A. Richardson returned last night from a few vtevt.s viit in Npring- Uek!, .Mass. lUgular nueeLing of Court Cianite City, No. 3, V. of A., this cening at o'clock sharp, Begnlur meeting of Col. Mead's Cir cle, Ladies ot the ti. A. II., Friday even ing, at 7 o'clock. Leslie RiiHiill, vvho lias been visiting friends in the eitv, returned to lai- dotph this mornin, The four blu"k horses and barge from Caic .arm made a gay tenia at the tlcigh Jle lat night. Mis. Dwight roster, who has been very ill at her home on Bolster place, is on tite Toau to recovery. Calvin Townsend, who has bocu visit ing his father, Charles Townseiid, left last night for'Moyis, British Columbia The Mother's Society, I. M. M. A- will hold a business inectinif in tlie K. of O. hall tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. At the East Montpeiier ntuical festi val yestctdav Mis 11. Julia C.oss. the well known Montpelier singer, was solo ist. Kenneth McComlack went to Eur- iiiijjtou this morning, where he has sc cured employment in the Jlotel Bur lingtjn. The class of the floral arch in "A Hero in Khaki" wiH meet at the opera house tomorrow ffruiuy) afternoon at o clock. Me horter s line of samples for spring suits and overcoats, tailor-made, have arrived, and we are ready to receive your order. Special communication of Granite Lodge, No. 35, F. and A. M., Friday eve ning, Feb. 10th, at 7 o'clock. Work, tirst degree. At the meeting of the clerks union last evening one ani!i:ation was re ceived and seven eandi bites were taken into tho union. A regular meeting of Sub Court Barre, No. 3317, f, O. V., will be held Friday, l-el. l!), at 7:.i0 p. m. Important. J. P. Bombard, I. It. S. Lyman II, J owe s moving pict ures tomorrow night, Entirely new pictures irom nance, unssi.t, Norway. Ireland and Wales. Tickets at Red Cross Phar macy. Buggagt-inaster William Carrigan at tho Central Vermont depot is suil on the sick list, and the baggage as Ixina shifted by any person who is disposed io 00 11. A special review of the L, O. T. M. will lie held Friday, Feb. 10, a.t 2:30 p. m., in Foresters .hail to accept and bal lot on applications and any other neces sary business. Lyman 11. Howe's moving pietnres tomorrow evening. Entirely new pic tures frn France, Russia, N'oi way, Ire land and Wales, lickets on sa'le at lied Cross Pharmacy. Ofliwr I In met arrested Michael Ken nedy yesterday afternoon tor intoxica tion. In eity court this morning Ken nedy pleaded guilty and was fined ?5 and costs of $8.75, Not having the funds to pay it ist fine he will spend ton days in jail. Have yoa ver been to on O Btippert If not, just came to the Church ot the (.ood Shepherd Tuesday evening, Feb, ONE YEAR AGO We were promising you a new store filled with a larger and better selected stock of Dry Goods and Garments. How well this promise has been carried out we leave you to say. Our large increase in business, for which, we thank you, is to us a very substantial answer. Today We Are Starting Another Year , With prospects far better than last year. We now control several lines not sold to others. We do not have all of the good things. The larger we get, the more reason for you to shop with us. Our position today gives us goods that in a small way we could not control. From now on you will find our stock new-not only new in purchases, but new in styles. There will be no better place to do your shopping than right here, where we have the store, light, help and goods to properly take care of vour wants. The onlv thW that we are mean about is that we require the money when goods are sold, believing that goods can be sold closer for cash than credit. The following ought to start your trading with us for another year. Cheney Brothers' Silks. For Ladies' or Misses' Shirt Waist Suits these Silks take the lead. They are 19 inches wide and come in black, navy, brown, green and light blue grounds, with polka dots and small figures. ( Bos ton parties helped us to this purchase.) They sell, when regularly bought, for 6jc and 75c. We are making these 45c hir your benefit and an for us. Lace and Embroidered Collars Every new Collar is a new style. Collars and Cuffs in Sets are good yes, very good taste. We have several very distinct styles of sets in new work at 25c per set. Ladies' Embroidered Mull Ties are acvertisement new again. These we have at 25c and 50c. New Wash Coods. Will Wear Taffeta Silk. Here are your yarn dved Taffettas in all colors. These are about the only Taff etas at any price that wi 1 wash. They are being sold in the state today at 75c. Uur price tor this sale, 57c. (We can not get them later.) Turnover Embroidered Collars are of lighter and softer materials and sell for I5c and 25c. New Paris Sets made on net, quite wide, no-rm.g like the old styles. Price, 50c per set. New lot of 36-inch Perct'es in ail colors. these are heavier than Prims and will wear longer. They are desira ble on account of width. Price 8c per yard. One lot of Merccrivxd Satines in snriaf.?, figures, new and beautifully finished. 1 hese should go in a few days for shirt waist suits. New lot of White Mercerized Wait ings. These are yarn mercerized and will, always look silky. We are to sell these new Waistings at about ha'f price. Now at 23c per yard. New Idea Patterns given with each waist pattern if asked for There are values in this week's Muslin Underwear Sale that, if seen, would interest you. Six lots, as follows : 9c, 17c, 25c, 49c, 75c and 98c. P. TALK OF THE TOWN, 3!)c sale for Saturday at Vnughan's. Mrs. 0. Ilannon wt-nt to Eutlmd to- lav. Mr. J. R. Tushy weut to Boston to- lay on a visit. Dress pood, two lots for Saturday al, at Htts'. Mrs. William Pirie went to Wells liiv- er today to visit friends. Philip Roseotxr:r of Bm'imrttin vis ited friends in the ity today. Edward Mower has heen hired ns janitor for the Mathewson school build ing. Vou should rot miss the diance to Jmy a iskirt for $2.75 at Perry's on Saturday. F. F. Walker and Sherman Parker went to Middk'burv 3;ist nicht to uluv at a da nee. Mrs. F. W. Towers of Waterburv vis ited at the home of her brothel, C. S. Andrews, last night, returning home to- lay. An electrical thawine machine for cfeaninjr out frozen water nines has uee-n ordered hy tiie Montpelier eitv council. "A Hero in Khaki" rehearsal at Miles hall tonight (Thursday) at 7:30 oV.tvk, s tapt. i.diiy tviil be present at tin eltearsal it is desired that ail be on hand, especially the Red Hussars and lie chaperones of .11 classes. Th2 Barre Boys' club has enirnnrcd the Hauley Moving Picture eon.pany to ippoar at the opera house, Monday eve- j, teo. zu. nir. liadlev Has spared no expense to make his entertainment the beat of its kind. An entire charure of programme, entirely different from last year guaranteed. fciecuie your seats earlv. " . ' Last night nliont 10 o'clock Judce. Fay and Grand Juror Scott were routed out of bed to make out a warrant for 14. Supper served from 5:30 to 7:30 the arrest of Framiseo Dcmareo for breach of the peace. Demarco was ar lested by Officer Faulkner and brought into court thin morning. He pleaded not irnilty to the charge and the case in being tried before Judge Fay, Notice. Takers of water from the McFarland & Boyce system who are obliged to let the water run to prevent freezing will accommodate us trreatly by running a small stream, which will prevent their pipes freezing as well as a wide-open faucet. Furthermore anyone caught running a full faucet to prevent freezin" will be shut oQ' entirely. McFarland & Boyce, TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION. The Wbrkingman's Suit! A great many men work for a living and have no money to throw away. These men demand the best that their money can buy and are willing to pay all a Suit is worth, but no more. This is right. For these men we have a special line of well and strongly made Suits good, stylish Suits, made from fabrics that will stand rough usage and still retain a genteel appearance. We do a large business in Workingmen's Suits, Trousers and other Clothing, and we give every man full, heaping measure of value for the money he leaves with us. Workingmen's Suits at $7.50, $10.00 or $12 00. Money back if anything is wrong. Pru dence and economy sends many a man here for his clothes.. One Price Men's and Boys' Outfitter, - Telephone Call 218-4 Blancfcard Block. 20 "arid 22 Koith Main St. An advertisement in the Times will bring sure results. and with nn entertainment and only 15 cents. We will assure you great re turns from your money and lots of fun. Miss Xellie Sadlier entertained the members of the Onegoallgo club of Montpelier at her home"on Church street aist evening. There were about fifteen members present and a very pleasant evening was passed. A musical enter tainment was given and lunch was serv ed. The party returned on the 10:30 car. Valentine ball at Hale's pavilion Tues day evo, Feb. 14, 1005. Oilbertsons or chestra. Every effort will be made to give patrons a lino time. Dancing be gins at 8 o'clock, 24 numbers on the programme. Seventy-five cents per couple, ladies free. Light refreshments will be served. Come and bring your friends. The Kev. W. R. Davenport of this city was present Tuesday evening at a westing held to secure a no-lieense vote J FOR 8AU5-A Quaker rrlze fcange. with hot in the town of Hartford. At the last water attaclmiuut. Apply at No. 14 Currier election the town of Windsor was the lll'":k- 2tf I oni.y town in tno county to vote "yes"' and an attempt will be made this yeat to change the sentiment there and 'hold the other towns in the "no" column. Tho I!ev Mr. Davenport is one of those working for that end. The Ladies' Aid society of the Ban- tist church are to give a birthday party en February 22. An interesting: pro gramme consisting of music, incidents in the life of Washington, etc., will be given and all who can are requested to wear old fashioned clothing. Refresh ments will be served and a general good time is anticipated. A cordial welcome o You Want the Best WANTED A tmslnes partner. Hthur lmlv or penilemaii. Call, write or telephone 4W-13. Booms 3 and 4, Currier Huildintr. 27718 SWEATERS At About Half Price To close out balance of our tock. Get the boy i Sweater now, when it i useful and you can buy h so very low. MJQUR? is extended to all. Come and bring your Trip AVFRTT T MTITP fO ! friends and as man 7 pennies as vou are. iUUDlV, V-U. yea" "W. ' I 2S North Mala, Street. Bane, Vt. For an All-round Flour, buy Snow Flake. This is one of the highest cost Flours on the market to buy, but the cheapest to use. It has the value and always gives sat isfaction. We have handled this Flour for several years with the best of results. Price per barrel, - - $7.00 For a Pastry Flour, buy White Lily. Made by the same, mill as Snow Flake, and it is all right. All of our pastry is made from White Lily. Price ber barrel, $6.75 For Bread, buy Marvel Flour. It will make more and better bread to the barrel and hold its moisture longer than any other Bread Flour. All of our Cream Bread is made from Marvel. Price per barrel, - - - $7.00 Rebate Checks given on all cash purchases of Flour, which means a saving of over twenty five cents per barrel. F. D. LADD, I baaing v-aa uroce. weats aad Provisions.