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n H. FJ21J 13. 1905. STANDARD OIL INQUIRY? IT BUILDS YOU UP, 'and KEEPS. YOU UP. Social Iragedy Indications That There Will Be Investigation The Best Cod Liver Preparation rilh tiAKKK I : I u it 1) II t I -mm I 1: I .v.-.-.'.. ' I 1 f, In the midst of one of the most brilliant social" func- tions of the season, a noted society woman started suddenly from her chair with a scream of agony and fell insensible to the floor. A few hour3 later the distinguished physician told her anxious husband that she was suffering from an acute case of nervous prostration brought on by female trouble, and hinted at an operation. rortunately a friend advised her to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound V. X The result was that she escaped the surgeon's knife and to-day Is a well woman. The derangement of the delicate female organism sets every nerve In the body quivering with pain. Headaches, backaches, torturing bearing down pains and dragging sensations make women nervous and hysterical. Dsar Mrs. Pinkhah:- I wm troubled for ei(ht yean with lrrtjularitlw which broka down my ayitem and brtufht on xtrm mrvouanes and hyitarla. 1 could neither noymy mtB nor tlatp rights, bcttlyrrtttLe&tndTttntsirivry despond ent Lydia E. Pinkharn'i Vegetable Compound proved to be the only mediclna which helped me. After ttkln j the tiiird bottle, my general health beran to Improve. At the end of the fifth month I was well and could attend to my household and social duties and enjoy Wo. Kas. Chcstir Curry, 42 Saratoga Street, East Boaton, Mass. Mrs. Curry, whose portrait appears on the right, is the leader of the Ladies Symphony Orchestra. The following letter Is from Miss Goode, President of the Bryn Mawr Lawn Tennis Club of Chicago: Diar Mrs. Pinkham : I tried many different remedies to try to build up my system, which had become run down from loss of proper rest and unseasonable hours, but , nothing seemed to help me. Mother is a (rest advocate of Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for female troubles, having used it herself some years ago with great suc cess. So I began to take It. and In less than a month 1 was able to be out of bed and out of doors, and In three mentha I was entirety welL Really I have never felt so strong and well as I have since. Miss Cora Cocoa, 355 E. Chicago Ave., Chicago. 111. Mrs. Pinkham's advice is free to all. Her address Is Lynn, Mass. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Cures Where Others Fail UNRAVELLING THE SNARLS. j Number of Matters Being Heard in the Chancery Court at State House. j A number of clmnwry mutters from Windsor county wore heard yesterday tefre Judge J. II. Watson at the law yers' room at the state bouse. Among the hearinps were Armstrong nninst Itussell on the referees report, being a question in trover, The ehnncery court is also trving to untangle in the mat ter of K.'ll. Bnglcy of White Iliver, a hardware merchant who became involv ed. The principal creditors accepted notes to be payable in instillmetns and two trustees were appointed by the creditors who took possession, remain ing a little over a year, when the busi ness went into the hand of 'a receiver. The elaims are between $7,000 and $V 000. Another important ra.e eonHidered was lirown, Walei & Co., of Boston, a'nt, Billinna & Shedd of White River .function. Gov. Pingre'c appeared for Drown, Wales & Co., and D. A. Pingree and other trustees, and J. C. Enright ! for the defendant, r.rown, ales ft Co., of Boston fent a bill to Pingiee A I'ingree of White Iliver Junction, claim ing about $125 as due them from Bil limjs & Slicdd on lxnik aceotrnt. The latter firm claimed n credit of $U, which lirown, Wales & Co., denied re wiving payment therefor, claiming they were given credit through error. HELFFUL MEDICAL HINTST BANK CHARTER EXTENDED. Only Six of Oiiginal 113 Stockholders are Now Living. Jlontpelier, Feb. 15. -The charter of the Jlontpclicr National Bank, which njtpiwd on Suturday, ha been extend ed Uj the comptroller of currency, il liamj B. Ridgley, for a period of 2J tear, the usual length of time. This is tite fecund ro extn-ijn oi ti.e char ter, oper ie bank having been ii eoAtinuoua lion for 41 'years. The bank wan ongijully chartered, February 11.1t65, the narier was evteniled ia 18S3, and reeftinded at tlna time. O; Fific honn I Importance of Keeping Your Blood Purified. Does ynr head feel heavy and ache ? Yonr throat dry, noso stopped up and hot, no appo tite, little chiily fcelinps creep alon tlie spiao, hand!) hot, feet cold, ton sue furred, eyes burn, you feci sick all ovcrf liver felt this way before You are liilious. 'ip it in tlia bud i do tlie right thing first. Promptness will work wonders. Start using Smith's Pineapple and putteniutPiils, tiike two to four at bed time. You won't need any more ( they will cure you iu a night, lion't wait till you get down oti your back, then it w ill take lonRur, but, even then, tlieso pills will cura in a short timo. Ilier proinjitly remove tho contrestioa of tha circulation and drive out tha biiious accumula tions, restoring harmonious action to the dl-c-tive omans, stomach, liver and bowels, just one day's use of Smith's Piiuapplu and lintteniut Piila will ward off and cure any bil ious attack, warm up your spinal nerves, restore the appetite and free tlie blood of any impurities. 1 bey are good for younif or olii, never pripe or cause unpleasant effects. Get a bottle of yonr dealer today and take them homo with yoa and use thera when you expe rience any departure whatever from a healthy standard. They save you from sickness. Smith's Pineapple and Butternut Pills enre constipation, biliousness, headache in ouo flight. Alt dealers, 25 cents. All geuuino signed W. F. Smith- A POSITIVE CURE FOR RHEUMATISM AND ALL FORMS OF KIDNEY AND BLADDER ILLS. AT ALU DEALERS-es CENTS. A CURE. AT THB PEOPLES POICR fotn con i the 113 original atocklioldera ordy e now living: Clark Kh g, L. V. I, T. C. Barrows and Alljert Jo- ft, of Monteher, tnd (,ro'ce er, of Marshfield, and C. A. Heed, .caw. Ba t Ball at University of Vermont. Tlf University of Vermont base ball Rqu i j will b?z'n work in the catre next reek under the supervision of Coa. i W. C. Haelton. Mr. Hazelton, (mo f familiary known as "Bill,") has this 'ear been enpaped for the entire bar' kill sea ion and the good work he has i'ine with the Vermont team in the nt will thus be added to and in erea 1 1 The candidates for the team will t first work in the cage in two 1' each nfternon from three to Tree Doctors. If men and animals have physicians, why should not trees also have them? Thus reasoned two young men In Up per Gwynedd township, Montgomery county, Pa., and now they are estab lishing a lucrative business as tree doc tors, says the Philadelphia Record. The idea was suggested to them by tlie rav ages of the Sun Jose scale last summer. To conquer this pest requires constant watchfulness In summer and winter, but many owners of trees are unable to spare the necessary time and hence lose their trees. Then these two young men offer to take the contract to care for the trees. Equipped with a spray ing machines, they make their rounds, diagnosing the' ailments of trees and shrubbery and applying suitable reme dies to kill larvae and parasites and to promote a healthy growth. Caiaaltfta la Jnpnnme Navy. According to the recent investigations of the medical department of the Im perial Japanese navy, the total number of kliled or wounded up to the end of last September amounted to 2.321 per sons. Six hundred nnd fSfr-ve of these were slightly wotmdeil. T'Ci severely wounded, 1,022 kll'cil nud SS missing. id four to five o'clock. J i oinciai seneuuie tu me h .uji : r w Ik T r A T r " iff outlook for a winning team was! irighter at the university, and eveif ftTort of Couch Hazelton and Cap f a Womlward w ill be devoted to rou'il-j; the bunch into the best pos sibh? ndition for the first game with Hin is i t'nivcrsity at Cambridge, April 5. as will lie 'Harvard's first guine as i 1 as Vermont's, and neither team will tVftefnre have anything on the other tin i n, - orevious practice. I ' JAlVESE NEW YEAR POEMS . E:) New Year the emperor and eni) of Japan eelebrato the d;iy wit I 'a (irigiiuil poem. This year we priup Hie p-i'ins which receiitiy itj pe.i."'iin the Kolaniin S'liimbun ,-:ud lire r .slated by Mr, Lloyd, one or our val'fel Japitnese correMpondeuts. Mr. Ll(ydir(( that he bikes the emper or's jf'.n tj be nuother way of snying that.! i js onr ijflp in tiges past and ourfbjt for years to come sind the enipn c poem to express her gratitude for t!" many tokens of practical sym pathy vhlch she bus been able to see iiroici'l !,.r: BYIDSSUESTY MUTSrHITO, EMVrnOIl OP : JAPAN. The jp -Is that rule our land from ancient Will ,. the ancient precedents to shape Tlie ft ;rie of our now age. BT 11 MAJJiSTY HAltUKO, ESI Fit ESS OF 4- JAI AN. Thrnju'mt the land one voice sounds ' l-Hand clear I As fW'-une soul, possesised by one deep V -ht- To Ifarine sufterlng people's heavy load. I' ; Independent. VS. NERVOUS DEBILITY All nerves seek tha controlling? center the brain. The brain la like tho driver of a wagon, tho nerves being the reins, and other organs, the horses. Nevertheless, this supreme ruler depends for his power and skill wholly upon the condition of tha Stomach and oilier digestive organs. Hence what la called nervous debility la simply tho result of indigestion and dys pepsia. Consequently, when we suiter from depression of spirits, irritability, sleepless ness, hysteria, neuralgia, rtek headache, cramps, spasms or paralysis, we must look, for tho cause In a torpid liver, and in a generally disordered digestion. "Seven Barks'" has made a most brilliant success in rellevliifr and curing nervous ailments. Kverybodv, women especially, who suffer so much "with their nerves, should keep the remedy within reach at all times. It onlv requires a few drops of Seven Barks (ten to twenty) for a dose. Taken In a little cold water or miik it Is highly palatable and will not disturb tho most delicate stomach. A full-size bottle costs only EO cents, and will outlast and Cn more real srnod than ?i worth of any other remedy. Jjun t for-'tt your druggist will refund your money if "Seven .Barks" does not ffive entire satisfaction. Ilnllsboro. N. C. March 9, 190-t. "Dear Sir My wife has taken your 'Seven Barks' w-ith wonderful results. She suffered very much with pains and ernes nil over. I tried flvo doctors and thev did her no pood. I was advlse.1 by try' prist or to try a bottle of 'seven Bnrks.' )My wife began u.inr? it. end I wish to say to vou thnt the Lord was with vou when you discovered this rem edy Iviy wife welched about n1nely-elKht pounds before usln the 'Seven Marks' now her welcht Is 110 pounds. Your truo Iriend, Waller Burns." Red Cross Pharmacy, 140 North Mala Street, Barrt, Vermont. LIKELY TO BE STARTED Facts in Kansas Dispute Are Presented This Controversy Will Streng then the Case of the Government. Washington, Feb. 15. Representative Campbell called on the commissioner of the Bureau of Corporations, Mr. Gar field, this morning, and laid before him the essential facts in regard to the dispute between the oil producers of Kansas and the Standard Oil company. In the conversation which followed, the action of the Standard Oil company in refusing to purchase oil from Kansas producers was also reviewed., The for mal request was made for a departmen tal inquiry with the view of placing all the facts before the Department of Jus tice. An investigation by the Bureau of Corporations is certain to follow. Whether the Kansas situation will be made the basis of special action can not be stated. It is pi ore probable that if the faetsi as alleged are substantiated by the inquiries of the special agent it will be presented to strengthen the gen eral contention that the Standard Oil company is a trust which operates in restraint of trade. It is the impression here that the Kansas controversy will strengthen the general presentation of the government against the Standard Oil company. Letters to various mem bers of Congress from the oil-producing states are being received asking them to investigate the Kansas condition and cooperate in any movement which prom ises practical results. TO FIGHT STANDARD OIL. Independent Refinery Plan Announced In Kansas. Chanute, Kan., Feb. 15. It is an nounced that an independent refinery, to cost $100,000, has been contracted for, and that the ground will be broken here just as soon as the pending oi) bills become law. The refinery will have a daily capacity of 500 barrels of crude oil. A despatch from Coffeyville says that the Prairie Oil & Gas Com pany (Standard Oil Company) is buy ing 400 ban els of oil a day there. Delicious to the Taste. Not a Patent Medicine. CALLING SECRETARY L0EB. Aged White Bouse isitor Thought the President Used Pistol. The dislike that William Loeb, Jr., secretary to President Roosevelt, has for an electric bell accounts for an in genious device used at the executive offices to notify him when the president wants him, says a Washington special dispatch to the New York Times. It consists of two wooden clappers. When Mr. Roosevelt wants bis secretary he touches a button, which by an electric device releases one of these wooden clappers, and It comes down on the other with a sharp, explosive report. The other day a fine old gentleman who desired to see the president won the good will of the secretary by bin quaint appeal for an interview, and Mr. Loeb told him to take a seat until the president would be at liberty. Aa it happened, tho old gentleman sat down under the cluppers. He was tired and soon was In a doze. Suddenly the president called Mr. Loeb, and the clappers made a loud report. The old man jumped np as if he was shot, "What was that?" he cried to Barnes, the assistant secretary. 'That was only the president calling for Mr. Loeb," replied Barnes. "My God, mnnl" cried the old man. "Does the president fire a pistol like that every time he wants Mr. Loeb?" (initnllne Motors on Itntlrunils, The Union Pacific railroad has adopt ed gasoline motors for use instead of locomotives on its branch lines in Kan sas and Nebraska, says Collier's Week ly. All the smaller branches are soon to be changed from steam to gasoline power. Automobile cars have been ex tensively used in France even on trunk lines, but this is their first important test in America. Each of the Union PaeKic's new ears will be a whole train in itself. It will be passenger car, bag page ear, freight ear and locomotive all In one. It will be able to run at sixty, miles nn hour, nnd it will need only a motorrnnn and conductor instead of a whole train crew. General KoisTn Vnr Poero. Japanese papers recently brought to Victoria. B. C, by the Empress of In dia contain a poem written by General Nogi commemorative of the capture of Two Hundred nnd Three Meter bill. The poem follows: How arduous must be the climbing of JJi-rel-san! But man's ambition expects to surmount Rrcator difficulties. Steel and blood coverel tho mountain; its very shape was changed. The whole world gazes In wonder on Nl-rei-san Straw lint For Jaekles In Tropic. The navy department Is considering 1 suggestion from the medical officers thnt ofllcers and men on warships cruising in the tropics be supplied with wide brimmed straw huts, says a Washington special dispatch to the New York World. The surgeons say tlie regulation cup docs not furnish su:' ficlent protection from the tropical sun. U d LI ) A THE Great Bodybuilder I 0NTAINS AllThe. (f I I Nefv? Medicinal Elements Actuaily wlf r VNNM Tak" FROM FRESH CODS' LIVERS, MWrtMWlit-,l y Vinol contains ALL the medicinal elements of genuine, fresh cod's livers and their oil; with or ganic iron, and other body building ingredients, in a deliciously palatable and easily digested form. It is everywhere recognized as the greatest BODY BUILDER ARID STRENGTH CREATOR known to medicine Vinol is the only cod liver preparation which contains no oil, grease, or any dis agreeable feature, and sold on a positive guarantee of "money back if it fails to give satisfaction." For Old Peoplo Punv Children Weak Women Debili tated, All Tired Out Peoplo Nursing and Weak Mother To Cain Flesh To Get Strong All Weak Pooplo Chronto Cold Hacking Coughs Bronchitis lung Troubles Nothing equals Ytnolm Try it- if you don't like it, we return your money. RICKERT k& WELLS, Druggists. RICH GIFT FOR A DOCTOR. French Scientist Who Cured W. K. Van derbilt Received $200,000. Mr. and Mrs. W, K. Vnuderbilt have been the principal actors In a penerous deed which has won for them the grat itude of a distinguished physician and of an unlimited number of poor pa tients, says a special cnble dispatch from Tads to the New York American and Journal. Last year while Mr. and Mrs. Van derbilt were in Paris they were both Buffering from rheumatism, and, hav iug heard of the cllnUpie of a certain Frofessor Gnuthier, who treated rheu matism with lijfht ray baths, they con sulted him. After a number of treat ments both patients -declared them selves to be radically cured, and the doctor was asked to send in his bill. What Mas Mr. Vanderbilt's astonish ment to hna that, uiouku tie was a mil lionaire and was in the habit of paying dearly for that privilege, the esteemed scientist who had treated him hud for borne to Increase bis charges In his case and had sent him In a bill at tha normal rate he would have chnrged any other patient that Is, 20 francs a visit. Air. Yanderbllt inclosed in bis reply a sum ten times as large as that charged by tlie physician, with the sim ple comment that "Dr. Gauthier must have made a miscalculation." The doc tor's astonishment, however, turned to stupefuctlon when, unfolding the letter further, he came upon a check for a million francs ($200,000). the sum neces sary to complete a dispensary where the poor could be treated gratis to th beneficial light baths. Practical philan thropy of this kind goes a long way toward endearing rich roerlcani to the hearts of Parisians. ' vyY t-. bVM IH : .-.' -iPTT-" -. 1 This your head to the left? Then there's no use trying. It's too late! Noth ing in the world can make hair grow on a bald scalp that has been smooth and shiny for years. It's too late! No use trying now! Or is this yours to the right? Good. - Only look out for dandruff ! It leads straight to baldness. But there's use trying now, for Ayer's Hair Vigor cures dandruff, keeps the scalp clean and healthy, and checks fallinghair. lld by the J. ft. Ayar Co , X.owell, Mu. Also manufacture or AYBR'S SARSAPAFTttA-Por tti blood. AYER'S PrttS-For constipation. AYEk'S CHERRY PECTORAL-For coughs. AVER'S AGUE CURB tor malaria and ajfn. r E css as cob km flg-3 taa tia tsm mem wa ssu vm man nm mm mm wr .-vws esm mm tm sag YOUR GHOCEB SELLS IT THE YEAR 'ROUND i m m w mb Aim mrm 5 2 Pis 10c Packages Lid of Vzhiat-s PMm. Is am c-ji kb ra 6n tm rat sac t: cm raas ha. e.t, c.s sbc&b: cuj ra ca cJ it" I J I 1 -I t.