I'll W 11 A tl If V 11 A I I. V TTf"W T'T'Ti A IUiiS
FoMiihefl litty Weeidar AiUrmwn.
Soincrtptiooj : One ycaj, 3; out month, 25 ctj,
sisflc copy, 1 cut.
Member of the Publisher' Pr. The latwU
lim(rl'Iiio new from all (tart ot the world ar
r wired by tli JMily Tiiue up to tb boar of
going to pros.
Frisk L Langltr, Fublhbtt.
Xatered t the pootoffioe it Barre m tocond
uiaiss matter.
The average daily circuulaUuu of the
Barre Daily Times for the week ending
Saturday was
copies, the largest paid circulation of
any daily paper in this section.
The harbors of Burlington certainly
are shavers. They are now paring down,
the price of a hair-cut to fifteen cents.
(Jov. Vardaman i mentioned a
candidate for senator from the state of
MipsisHippi. ' That state seem to have
been miHivprcsented enough already,
without thi.
The name of the late J. (). Sun ford
of Stamford was almost synonymous
with the highways movement in Ver
mont, ko long was he connected with
the. ntat highway ponitniition.
A White River Junction man who has
juht died ia spoken of as a man who
once rau for governor on the Democratic
ticket. There are lots of men in Ver
mont who can claim the same distinc
tion. It is an encouraging sign when in one
Vermont town prosecution i brought
for breaking of quarantine regulations
and in another a physician is haled into
court on the charge of failing to comply
with a state law demanding that a
communicable disease nhall be reported.
And the sign is chiefly important as
showing the backbone of the state board
of health when it is pre-eminently right.
The lesson of yesterday's fire, in Mont
pclier seems to have impressed itself
on one newspaper man, who reports:
"Had the city been the owner of a
chemical engine, every particle of tho
loss by water could have been prevented,
and the loss by water was the heaviest.'
When first discovered, the fire was in
an incipient stage and could easily have
lieen extinguished by the aid of a client
Seal, while at the same time the large
loss sustained by the pouring on of
two streams of water would have lH.en
prevented as the reporter says. Cities
of the size of llarre and Montpclicr,
in which there are a great many small
fires, largely from chimneys burning out,
really require chemical engine apparatus.
Barre has already had one in use for
nearly a year and the fire department
would not part with it now.
The Times prints in another column
today a brief description of the new
fire department station on South Main
street, which has just now been com
pleted, so that the people of the city
may know what they have. To be ap
preciated fully the building must be
personally inspected, for it is difficult
to convey a concise idea of tho perfec
tion of the equipment by means of a
mere newspaper description. We feel
certain in saying that there is none
other in the state that equals this
building for its purpose, and as one man
declared, n man whoso business gives
him opportunity to know, no city in
New England, of the size of Barre, has
a better arranged station. We do not
say this in a spirit of boasting, but
simply to emphasize the completeness
of the arrangements. Someone may say
that a building costing $20,000 should
be a lino one, and we agree with that
person. Hut Barre has long needed a
new (ire department station, and the
rapidly increasing needs would have de
manded the outlay sooner or later. As
now completed the structure will do
for many years to come.
"Blowing Bubbles," a Pretty Picture of
Children at Play, With Next
Sunday's Boston Globe.
"Blowing Bubbles," the framed pic
ture with next Sunday's Boston Globe,
will delight every girl and boy and all
who ever wcie young. It is as pretty
a picture ns ever wag given with a news
pnper, and the frame goes with it. Be
sure to see that the young people get
the entire scries of free pictures and
frames with the Sunday Globe.
All sold out last Sunday. Many were
unable to get a Sunday Globe. The
only sure way of getting the Sunday
i;lo'l.e is to order it in advance from your
li V- V
The best dressed men in Barre
find our $3 00 Hat are the correct
things. The conservative man finds
that our $2 00 Hats are all right.
No cheap Hats, but our $2 00 Hats
are cheap. Spring styles now in.
1 74 Main Street, Barre, Vt.
Attorney M. M. Gordon Says He Was
Not Referred To.
Editor Barre Dailv Times Dear Sir:
Will von allow me space in your paper
for the purpose of correcting a statement
made therein in connection Willi airs.
Mitchell's alfairs. The particular part
1 refer to reads as follows:
"Then thc.v began to say bad things
about her to her face and otherwise, say-
inn that if she didn't sign over the proper
ty it would be foreclosed in 21 hours. Mrs.
Mitchell consulted a lawyer, M. M. Gor
don, who, she declared last evening,
nluvcd her into the nanus ot cumin
and Scott." Now then, I am today in
receipt of a letter from Mrs. Mitchell,
winch is subject to your inspection,
asking me to have this statement cor
rected and to have inserted m your
paper the name of S. llollister Jackson
instead of mine. It also states that she
made no such claim against me and
that you published this article without
her authority. It cannot, le claimed
by anyone that I played into Smith
and Scott's hands because I have not
been consulted by her until within a
few days and long after her property
had been wrested f com hor.
Mr. Editor, I am willing to answer
and account for rny own mistakes, but
I am not willing to answer for those of
others, nor do 1 care to have you cast
upon tho minds of the public that 1
am doing business in the manner stated
in Mrs. Mitchell's article published yes
terday. .
Respectfully yours,
Probably every person in the room
during the hearing understood .Mrs.
Mitchell to state that M. M. Gordon
was her attorney at the time, but if
she did not, or was confused in her
statement, The Times is pleased
to make the correction. As for pub
lishing Mrs. Mitchell's testimony "with
out iier authority," we dismiss that
entirely, for tho hearing was a public
one, held for the purpose ot investigat
ing the poor department and as such
was ojien to the press to report as it
occurred. The testimony of any other
witness would have been published, had
there been any. Editor.j
E. B. Haskell Says He Would Like a
Fair and Unprejudiced Consideration.
To the Editor of Barre Times: In
view of the fact that the First Fruit
Harvesters have printed a misleading
statement conveying the idea thut i
have been expelled from their concern
on account of trouble over a deed, I
wish to say;
1st. That I have never belonged to
the First Fruit Harvesters Association.
I never intended to belong to it. This
was understood by Mr. Joel A. Wright,
when 1 went to llumney. My name
was printed in their official organ called
the "Sheaf," as one of their workers.
This was done without my permission.
I requested that it be removed, which
was done.
2nd. 1 was always ready to accept
a deed subject to proper and reasonable
considerations, and if the deed I finally
received after much trouble had leen
offered to me before 1 would have ac
cepted it gladly at any time.
.".id. I court investigation from fair
and unprejudiced minds upon my life
either in Kumncy or elsewhere.
I make this statement not in the
spirit of retaliation, but that the pub
lic who have been mislead may know the
A Prominent Physician Says:
."I. find that Comfort Powder will
heal the most obstinate skin affections.
There is nothing equal to it for erup
tions of the skin, chafing, prick ley heat,
to prevent perspiration odors, and for
tired, aching feet. I advise all my pa
tients to be sure and use Comfort Pow
der, and none other." All druggists in
llarre sell it.
Central Labor Union.
A regular meeting of the Central La
bor Union of Barre and vicinity will be
held in Carpenters' hall, Nichols' block,
on Friday evening, Feb. 21, at 7:30
o'clock. Business important.
Fred Bruce, President.
Ales Ironsido, Secy,
Sixteen North Carolina cynders at the
opera house tonight.
Eight Teasing Maids from Gay Paris
at opera house tonight. :
J Four Cuban peasants from Santiago
at opera house tonight.
Conferees Have Reached an Agreement
on the Matter.
Washington, Feb. 24. The most im
portant amendment to the army appro
priation bill, on which the conferees
yesterday reached an agreement, atlects
the pay of retired officers, including that
of Lientenant-Ueneral Miles. Its ef
fect will be to give him the full retired
pay, without reference to other compen
sation he may receive. The provision
"That retired otlicers of the army
alxive the grade of major heretofore or
hereafter assigned to active duty shall
hereafter receive their full retired pay
or allowances from the United States;
provided, further, that a colonel or lieutenant-colonel
so assigned shall receive
the full pay and allowances of a major
on the active list.
Testimony in His Impeachment Trial Is
All In.
Washington, Feb. 24. The last of the
testimony in the interest of Judge
Swayne in the impeachment proceed
ings against him yesterday was pre
sented to the Senate. The case occupied
seven hours, beginning at one o'clock
and closing at ten with an intermission
of two hours from six to eight. Much
of the time was spent in argument
regarding the admissibility of testi
mony. The Senate also adopted an order
granting east side five hours in the
closing arguments. The bill providing
a form of government for the Panama
canal zone was passed early in the day,
without material amendment.
Rusian Emperor Says the Domestic Sit
uation Is Under Control.
Berlin, Feb. 24, Tho Emperor of Rus
sia has elected to continue the war.
His position is abseolutely firm and
the German court has been advised in
that sense.
The war will be pressed with the
utmost energy, the domestic situation
!eing now within the control of the
Those -who have advised peace aud
suggested inquiries for Japan's terms,
the irencli and British, governments,
are for the present silent and likelv
to remain so unless events of an extra
ordinary character shake the Russian
Emperor's resolution.
Town Auditors' Report Shows That the
Town Is Well Fixed.
Watcrbury, Feb. 24. The forthcom
ing report of the town auditors will
show that orders have been paid during
the fiscal year to the amount of $12,
707.71 on the town account and $5,
150.05 and the school account, and $1,
707.28 on account of highways, making
a total of $19,025.04. The "balance of
cash on hand to pay outstanding in
debtedness in the three accounts men
tioned is $7,898.38. There are outstand
ing orders to the amount of $14,350,
making the indebtedness over assets $0,
541.02, with a bonded debt for school
building of $14,500, The selectmen rec
ommend a tax of $1.5(1 on the dollar
of the grand list. The income from tax
on dogs was greater than for any pre
vious year, being $193.50, and damages
paid $i;o. ,
Will Surrender Their Charter.
Burlington, Feb. 24. At a meeting
held hist night in the armory the mem
bers of Camp Capt. C. M. Brownell,
Spanish-American War Veterans, voted
to surrender their charter and have ap
plied for a new charter in the United
Spanish-American War Veterans, which
is a consolidation of the various bodies
formed by veterans after the close of
the wrir. Sergt. F. E. Swett was elected
a delegate to attend the annual meeting
of the department of Vermont, which
will be held at the armory next Tuesday
The annual meeting of the de
partment was called yesterday by Capt.
E. II. I'routy, department commander.
The membership of the department con
sists of department officers, including
past department commanders, present
and past camp commanders and one
duly elected delegate from each camp,
all of whom shall be in good standing
in their respective camps.
Tobneco ami Deifne.
Tobacco has been illse-orr-red by M.
Polio, a. French phyaiologU't, t' have a
selective ai'lKm upon tUe a v. Ill :?
nerve. lie therefore camions' iu:i'.o'.-a-tfon
In the use of the drug nnd avoid
ing It altogether where deafness b.is
already begun or where there is a
family history of such troubles.
Imitation the Sinccrest Form of Flattery. Our Saturday
Candy has been the target for cheap talk and imitation ever tince we put it
before the public, but the Candv has continued a success in spite of the sour
grapes. It is in a class by itself and no other candy at anywheres near the
price approaches it in quality. It is not sold at 40c and 50c per pound during
the week and on that day knocked down to 29c fur advertising purposes. We
have never misrepresented anything to you yet and we do not intend to now,
Our Saturday Candy is not a bargain counter candv; it is a high-grade candy
that is worth 40c for every pound, but WE SELL IT IN FULL POUND
Saturday Candy, 29c
Old Fashioned Chocolates, 25c
Best Chocolate Chips, - - 25c
Ye Old Fashioned Horehound Drops, 20c Per Pound.
Delicious as a confection and effective as a remedy. We
have the biggest and the best assortment of High Grade
Candy to be found in the city. COME IN AND SEE.
Red Cross Pharmacy,
Miles' Granite Building, - - - Barre, Vermont.
Tim Yittrd.
Miss Passay He was so impatient
He wanted to marry rne right away.
But I said there was no hurry.
Miss Pert Tbe Idea! And you get
ting older every minute! Catholic
Standard and Times.
Striking Him.
Quietly she came up behind him as
he sat in his armchair and whispered:
"Will you let nie have $10, dear?"
"I am surprised," he suld, "that you
would strike a man behind his back."
Youkers Statesman.
A Trade In Lore,
Little Willie; charming Sue.
Little Willie: "I love you."
Charming Susie: "Give to me
Half your apple, then I'll see."
Little Willie: "Take It, Sue."
Little Sue: "How I love you!"
New York Times.
Took It Hard.
Gunner I hear that Carter created a
great uproar when he lost $J00 at
Guyef Yes, he created as much up
roar as If he had lost his collar button.
Detroit Tribune.
In the Near Future.
"The Amalgamated Typewriters are
going on a strike." ,
"What's the trouble?"
"They refuse to be dictated to."
Chicago Inter Ocean.
There's many a llowrr that blushes un
seen, But the man that the florist has laid for
Is the man who bestows on society's
The flower that blushes unpaid for.
Washington Star.
( oncernliiK "Bat" Maateraon.
"Bat" Alastorson has been made dep
uty United States marshal In New York.
News Hem.
Aha, Signor Mario, with your entertaining
Of stealing stealthily about, stllettoing
your prey,
You do not know the person from th
wild and woolly wst
Who always wears a orty-four beneatt
lus buckskin vest!
The future of tha dagftt-r game seenv
much dissolved In doubt
"Eat" Masterson will land you If you
Don't watch out.
Oh, Mr. Counterfeiter, there is litth
chance of cheer
For you who rind your fortune In tht
shovlnsr of the queer!
A very different officer is coming aftei
From the effete and eastern kind that yoi
atoretime knew.
You'll have to grow accustomed to a Kan
sas shooting bout
Or Maaterson will get you if you
Don't watch out.
HI, yl. you silken smuggler who declan
your worthless Junk,
But quite omit - to tell about the head
lights in your trunk!
The western way for such as you is loai
you full of lead
You're easier arrested when you're verj
good and dead.
You'd better move to Russia, where yot
only get tha knout,
For Masterson will get you If you
Don't watch out.
And, Messrs. Evildoers, with the manifest
Df planting any flimflam game upon tht
The mcthofls of detection in which yo
are fully versed
tS'Hl be supplanted by the rule that'i
briefly. "Fire first!"
ITou'd better shy the crooked trail ani
sweetly face about
Or Masterson will get you If you
Don't watch out.
James Montagxie In New York Journal.
A Timely Sasg-estlon.
"Are you
reading 'LTome Prints,'
"Turn to page 41, then, 'cause that
tells how to take ink spots out of the
carpet." .
aturday at
Black Moreen
t . t f
ror oaiuraay oniy wc wi
t . t it . . . Cf.J.I ttro ever nfrVrea vou for
nine mcnes wiaer man any .jmu .
the price, at only 9k each. They wont last long at
this price.
Special kSatarday
We are, bound to keep your interest in this sale up to the
last minute of this week and close , the most successful week of
Muslin Underwear selling it has been our pleasure to have any
thing to do with. The 'genuineness of our offerings did the
work. Then, too, there is a handsome assortment to select from.
Saturday it is our entire stock of 75c Robes at 59c each.
Fifty Corset Covers of the 50c quality, slightly soiled from
handling, at 39c each.
Three dozen $1.00 Skirts at 79c each.
FURS and COATS at somewhere near what we paid for
them is all we want. (Investigate.)
The Perley
Corner Main and State Streets,
Are You
Thoughtful and far-sighted people
SA Vff or Ihejnevitable "rainy day."
I ! Beginby;d epositing a small, but
stated sum,' weekly or monthly, and
"stick to it.
Savings Bank and Trust Co.
I With Operatic t
& TTTccn a -xr tt,.. . " "
itpruary nst, 23d
1 toruary i st, Z3d and 24lh, 1 9Q5. g
X under Diref 1
S Bureau, Boston and New Ynrt
z a
I 300-PEOPLE -300
Special Scenery,
Prices of Admission, - -
. , c , n '
Seats on Sa.e at Red Cross Pharmacy Fridav F t
Special Car ,o Montpdicr , rS' lh K 9 A. M.
Skirts for 98c.
fk - 1 Rbffe Moreen Petticoat.
L Pope Co,,
Old Store)
- - Montpcfier, Vermont.
In Three Acts i
and 24lh, 1S05.
.3 rn f S
00 and 75 Cents.
, '-'ucnainment.