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THE liAUIiK DAILY TIMJScS, FEB. 12 1. I1MJ5. Vil JK "'I THE BARRE DAILY TIMES Cures Catarrhal Deafness. kz 2 ii r 1.4 ii IV Jua L Mt lift if2 I fl k4 Two Big Specials For Saturday's iSale. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1905. Handkerchiefs that sold as high as $1.50 each, QO exquisite patterns. For Saturday, only - - ' QL Black Mercerized Underskirts, high grade, stitched with silk, easily worth $1.50 each. A remarkable QO offering for Saturday at only - - - - - 'OL BE SURE AND SEE THE MANY OTHER SPECIALS ABOUT THE STORE. rPhone 408-1 1 . 164-166 No. Main St. i a is Saved IS A PENNY EARNED. i KememDer tnis tact wnen purcnasing jvuDDers. & Men's Heavy Rolled Edge Arctics, - - $1.45 j Men's Heavy Rolled Edge Hurons, -ji Men's Heavy Dull Finish Hurons, - I FIRST QUALITY RUBBERS 6 1.40 1.4U Satre Shoe Co., g t3t North Mala St., - Barre, Vermont, g Saturday Sale, Feb. 25th 40c Chocolates For 25c Per Pound. We have also the best Chocolates for 20c per pound to be found in the city. Schraf ft's Chocolates, " daintiest of sweets," 40c per pound. We also have thern in pretty packages. ' D. f . DAVIS, "The Druggist," 262 North Mala St., - Barre, Vermont. Weather Prediction. Fair tonight and warmer in the uorth westorn jiortioin Saturday, Know or TALK OF THE TOWN. Local Happenings Tersely Told for Busy Readers. . Gingham sale at Abbott's. A coon coat at a big bargain at Fitts. Al Vaugban Store, pedagni pesanli per solo $1.25. Haskell's silks at Fitts' in beautiful shades for shirt-waist suits. Better investigate the bargains in waists at Terry's on Saturday. Ladies' and gentlemen's solid gold watches at F. E. Burr & Co.'s. Twenty-four floral maidens from sun ny California at opera house tonight. A full company of Khaki Guards di rect from the front at opera house to night. Saturday candy, fresh and nice, only 29c per pound at Red Cros3 Pharmacy and Parlor Drug Store. All members of the degree team of the N. E. O. P. will take the 6:45 car for Montpelier this evening. William Bruce who was so painfully injured in a coasting accident on Beck ley Hill a few weeks ago, is now able to walk out. The Emergency hospital wishes to thank Mrs. William Walsh, corner of Brook and Main streets, for contribu tions of cloth bandages. Joseph Lavelle, who was operated on for appendicitis a few days ago, was reported this noon as resting comforta bly, and there is a reasonable chance for his recovery. The interest on notes at the Barre Savings Bank and Trust Company be comes due March 1st, 1905. Please call and pay the same. No written notice will be sent F. G, Rowland, Treasurer. T. II. Barry, formerly of Barry &, Williams, will attend all undertaking calls from his residence, 5 Averill St., until lurther notice. Ambulance ser vice calls day or night. Telpehone, 209 12. EAST BARRE. TO MUSIC TEACH AND MUSICIANS We have just received a line of the BEST new Music from the BEST Boston publishers, Oliver Ditson and White, Smith 5c Co. The selection comprises all grades, from easy teaching piece to those of Grades 5 and 6, including compositions by the leading modern composers, such as Carl Bohn, Gottschalk, Kate Vannah, Berwald, etc. Dont fail to look them f Q over while they last. AH at the uniform price of - . - Ideal Book and Stationery Store, I 161 North Main St., Hate Block. W. FRANK HARRIS, Prop. The Rev. G. W. Morrow of Burlington will speak on the License Issue in Ver mont at the opera house Sunday even ing, tea. Ku, at 7:30 o'clock. Admit tance free. Everybody invited. GRANITEVILLE. One Week's Use of Hyomei Did More Than Six Months' Treat ment By Specialists. In the treatment of deafness, which is often a result of catarrh, llyomci acts almost immediately upon the inflamed membrane and the hearing begins to return at once. A few days' treatment will bring relief and in three or four weeks, according to the severity of the case, a cure will be accomplished. Miss Meeks of Mattewan, N. Y.. says: "Hyomei is truly wonderful. I have used it but a short time and see a trreat change in my condition. My hearing is improving rapidly, and 1 had. no idea I would improve so rapidly in so short a time. Jly breatn, wlueti was so ot- fensive to myself and others, has lost its bad odor entirely. I have spent a great deal of money with catarrh spe cialists and can truly say that six months of their treatment is not equal to one month of Hyomei." ' Riekert & Wells tire selling Hyomei upon the unusual plan of agreeing to return the money if the medicine docs not cure. A complete ontfit costs only $1.00 and consists of an inhaler that can be carried in the vest pocket, a medicine dropper and a bottle of Hyomei. The inhaler will last a lifetime and there is enough Hyomei for several weeks' treat ment. Additional bottles of Hyomei can be procured for 50 cents. Compare this small expense with the fees charged by specialists and then remember that if II vomei does not cure Riekert & Wells will return your money. RUSSIA'S GRAND INQUISITOR. There was a record-breaking crowd at the Woodmen's carnival last evening, with 225 people present. The drill will bo repeated tonight. Card of Thanks to Barre Shoe Co. Sirs: Allow me through the col umns of this paper to thank you for your gift in gold, as a reward for nam ing your high grade ludies' shoes, which I consider a compliment. Wishing you success, Yours Respectfully, Mrs. L. P. Mudgett. Meeting of Engineers. The local branch of the National As sociation of Stationary Engineers will hold the next regular meeting Saturday evening at 7 o'clock at Granitcvillo. All members are requested to attend. Hor ace Pratt, Sec. A Card. I wish to thank L. M. Williams for the use of his chairs at the B. I. L. con cert and dance. Secretary of Dance Comniitteee of the B. I. h. The Old Storjr. J I ! 1 41'. A''f' H : : : : tK LA.KHBST AND UANDHOMR8T CLOXH1NO STORK IN TOWN. to "3 4t 3 . Marry A. Segcl. . f . i u $ Us Mam Street, Hymen D. Segel. Thomas Brady. : Young WifeOh, Henry, isn't baby just the brightest child in the world? Hubby- I guess so. Hut he's not so bright as the one mother used to have. Influence of Cunntuntiue robyeilo nontaeff, Leader of FaiiadolKiu. The cable dispute-lies from St. Peters burg have more thau once given voice to the apprehension which nil friends Of freedom In Russia feel when the name of M. Constantine Pobyedonost seff Is mentioned, says Charles John ston In Harper's Weekly. This stem old man is the very genius of fanatic ism nd Is nil the more formidable be cause the persecuting spirit in him Is wrapped up in a cloak of enlighten ment and philosophy. He knows Eng lish well and In his young days trans lated Emerson Into Russian for the edi fication of the rising generation of the czar's subjects. One wonders what be made of the sentence, "Who would be a man must be a nonconformist." Alexander II., the czar liberator who freed the serfs and the Balkan Slavs, thought highly of Pobyedonostscff and made him tutor of bis sons Nicholas, who died during bis father's lifetime, and Alexander, who succeeded him, the father of the prelsont czar. Into his ears Pobyedonostseff poured his doctrines of absolutism, us a divine ordinance, and of orthodoxy, as de pendent on absolutism. Alexander III., who was greatly influenced by the the ories of this strong willed fanatic, pass ed bis former tutor on to his own sons', and Nicholas II. grew up under the shadow of the old , man's tyrannous mind and despotic will. , Pobyedonostseff Is a wholly honest fanatic. He 1ms written a book, every page of which breathes conviction, to prove that all freedom Is n delusion and that the Ideals of representative government are a snare. And he hon estly believes it all. He whispers dark fears and counsels of obscurantism In to the mind of his former pupil, the czar, and persuades bim that liberty and antichrist are synonyms. He Is the living proof that as yet freedom of religion does not exist In Russia, though there is tolerance of various, recognized non-Orthodox rituals, as al so of Moslem and Buddhist beliefs. w. J. Mclean SAYS He has twenty pairs of Women's Fur-trimmed Turn Sole Felt Slip pers a warm, soft and dressy house Slipper for the kitchen or parlor sizes 3 to 8, colors wine, green and blue, that he will place on sale Thursday and Friday for $1.08 per pair. Here is sav ing of seventeen cents on Slippers. REPAIRING DONE. 200 North Main St. Next Door to A. P. Abbott's. For goed, honest bargains at this season of the year in Men's and Boys' Clothing, .Furnishings, Shoes and Rubber Goods go to Segels ' & Brady's, Bolster's Brick Block. Barre, Vt. JET THE HABIT AND TRAUK AT 8KOEL8 & BRADY'S. H The bottom layer of a box of . SI fmkk mm CAilDlES hrinisforinflsmflTW jftddidousmorsds Q and surprises as m q Jajer. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT Of fINE CHOCOLATES AND BONBONS In stock at all times. Never sold in bulk. RED CROSS PHARMACY, MILES' GRANITE BLOCK. ., ' lie B 1 w l 1 O Two Weeks' Special Sale of Royal Undefmtislins ! On Monday, February ao, we commenced a two weeks' sale of Ladies' and Children's Muslin Underwear. The largest assortment at the lowest prices ever shown by us. You will find displayed in our show windows and on our center counters 172 dozen garments, fresh from the factory of the Win. H. Burns Co., manufacturers of Royal Brand Undermuslins. This company received the highest award for their products at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, as suring the buyer of a Royal garment that she is getting the best that modern methods and skilled labor produces. Do not fail to examine this fine line of Undermuslins. VEALE & KNIGHT, Telephone 1 23-2. Currier Building, Barre, Vt. UNION CLOTHINU OO. CNI02J t'LOTHIXO COMPANY. . OKtOS CLOTHIXW CO Saturday, Feb. 25th WILL BE THE LAST DAY OF OUR GREAT CLEARANCE SALE Of Men's and Boys Clothing and Furnishings. All buy ers are invited to take the last chance of the season. Union Clothing Store, Telephone 126-2. Old Skating Kink Building, 0pp. Depot Square. '03 OKIHX013 NOIXa iKVJKOa ONIHXOX) K0IX3 '0 ONIHJLOX SiolSfl We Fit Your Feet 8 Jw. 5 A" w O H !:m O RA I ' " 6 VS o 0 for them 6 o o 0 And Yoa Will Never Be Ashamed to Show Ttem. 0 V Our line of Shoes comprise moderate- Q pricedand high priced ones. No worth q less, shelf - worn Shoes here. Every pair 0 of Shoes we sell is worth the price we get Can you afford to not trade with us ? V People's Shoe Store, Hale's Block, Barre, Vt. C. S. ANDREWS, Prop. O .A An advertisement in the Times will bring sure results. Prices at Cash Market ! Best Z.llrg Apples, fit band..... $2 00 Finer Oranges, pr dozen 20c to 35c Cranberries, three quarts for 25c lettuce, three bunches for. 25c Fresh Rabbits, each... .......25c No. 1 Potatoes, five bushels for.... :.. $3.00 Celery, Rhubarb, Parsley and Radishes at Lowest Cash Prices. H. J. SMITH, (TELEPHONE 37-2) 367 North Main Street, Barre, Vermont. Special Low Prices For Saturday Fresh Tripe, per pound 8c fig Fork Chops, per pound He Native Fig Fork Roasts, per pound. 1 2 1 -2c to 1 4c Mutton Chops, per pound 18c to 20c Mutton Hind Legs, per pound 20c Fresh Fork Sausage, link or iig, per pound . 1 0c Celery, Lettuce, Carrots, Turnips, Beets and Cabbage at lowest prices Fresh Beef Sausage, per pound 1 0c A good Beefsteak, per pound 1 6c Home Cured Hams, per pound He Home Cured Bacon, per pound He Native Chickens and Fowls, per pound .20c to 22c CHESSER & BIRD, Telephone 132-12 323 North Main Street. Meats and Groceries. Armour's Tar vTekpfiosc 31-3. Soap! Is a first-class Soap one of the best on the market for machinists, engineers, blacksmiths, coal shovelers and everybody. It is not advertised. To give it a send-off and get it before the consumer quickly we I J O D will sell it for a short time in lots of six cakes at cost, viz: six cakes for 25c Regular price 5c per cake. ix Cakes For 25c! Barre, Vermont. L. M. AVERILL, Opposite City Park,