Newspaper Page Text
THIS B AlUiE DAILY TIMES, APRIL 24, liU5. LEADING MAGAZINES ..... o FROM A MASS OF MATERIAL the magazine writers sift out and ar range interestingly fact which are un aoceaailile to the average man. ALL THE CURRENT MAGAZINES contain something of absorbing interest in all line of literature History, Sci ence, Fiction, etc. The leading periodi cals can be obtained at all times here. We soli all of tliera or receive subscrip tion at regular rates. Barre Book Store, CARROLL W. HARTIfl. Proprietor, Gordon Block, 1 40 No. Main St. The Art Store Have you thought of a White Suit for Summer? Nothing gives better , satisfaction than the Soft Finish, ' Round Thread Linen in the Old Bleach brands. Is 45 inches wide and the price is 85c and 90c a yard. . MRS. H. A. 7 Pearl Street, - RICHARDSON. Barre, Vermont. DO YOU EVER CHEW Finccut Tobacco? If you do, we have just re ceived a full line of Scotten & Dillon's Finecuts. ' HILEAGE BOOKS TO RENT ON ALL RAILROADS. PLENTY OF I HEM L 0. MARRION, Pipes and Tobacco, Corner Cigar Store, Barre. REI1J0TICE! J. W. Grady, Merchant Tailor, is now occupying rooms in the new Blanch ard Block. Telephone No. 231-13. J. W. GRADY, Telephone 2J1-13 BLiudurdlBIock, - - Barre, Yt. Morrison & Burnham 'Offer for sale fifteen first class acclimated Worses. Will sell or ex change for light driv ing horses at our barn on Elmore Street. Morrison & Burnham en Wanted f To Go to Bangor, Me. "re or six railroad foremen and a lot of day laborers. Apply to VV. C. JONES, let. 326-3. 116 Washington Street. CLINTON N. FIELD 3J Per Cent Bonds Ot the City of New York and ,hx High Grade Investments yulding from 3 to 5 per cent. IS Hassan Street. flew York. Merchant Tailoring Also Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing. MOORE & OWENS, tI2 nVife Rain St.. - - Barre, Vermont. H. L SMITH, TIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR. Ii ready to do all kinds of CMI ixjiErtBj and Surveying Work. xxnet AMD RESIDENCE. 57 ELM STREET. 1THE BARRE DAILY TIMES MONDAY, APRIL 24, 1305. NOT ON YOUR LIFE but for your life. Limited only by your life. To continue, as true a you live, as long as you live. That's an annuity.' Keverse the proposition, and it is insurance. We do either, and do it well, at a price, at a fair price. Send date of birth for rates. 5Ctu year, do in: biiMiii'ss in 41 state. The National Life Insurance Company of Vermont (Mutual). Organized in 1S.10. S. S. Ballard, General Agent. N. J. Ballard, Local A)cnt, Kooms 2 and 3, Miles' Mock, Barre, Vt. TALK OFTHE TOWN. Mus3 Hirschman plays the Everett pi ano," April 2Gth. . Ladies' and gentlemen's solid gold watches at F. E. Burr & Co.'a. Souvarino, the artist, has opened his studio to pupils at 27 Brook street, Emerson piano for sale cheap. Call and boo it at L. IL William's store. A new assortment of Hawkea' cut glass received this week at M. L. Walk er's. j Old gold and silver wanted at refiners' prices in exchange for goods at F. E, Burr's. A five room flat in the D. M. Miles building will be vacated May 1st, and is for rent. Saws filed. Trompt work and satis faction guaranteed. L. E. Oriswold, 94 North Slain street. Choicest of home made candies will be for sale at the Congregational church Tuesday afternoon and evening. Catc's Heal Estate Agency has just received for sale, a fine restaurant, well equipped, with 40 boarders at $3 and $3.50. Have you bought your tickets yet for the concert April 20ih! Buy them from the boys please when they call upon you. St. Elizabeth's Chapter of the Church of the Good Shepherd will hold a May ' Festival Tuesday evening, May 2, in i Hale's pavilion. Don't miss the Odd Ladies' concert and ball Anril 24. Come and hear the I mandolin and guitar duet by Messrs, i Laviolette and Lubcll. Registered trotting stock horse for service, Cecil Bell, by Electrio Bell; dam, Beautiful Bells, dam of eleven in the list. Smith Stock Farm, South Barre. See the display of everyday drugs in Davis', the druggist's, window. $5 in cash will bo paid to the person who i identifies all the drugs shown. See j advertisement. ! Italian! : Vet searpo d'ogui genere ' sia per voino, donne o ragazzi, la Cal j zoleria italiana A. Mai ben fornita dalle migliori fabbriche dogli Stati j Unitl 314 No. Main street. J TV IL Barry, formerly of Barry & i Williams, will attend all undertaking I calls from his residence, 5 Averill St., ! until further notice. Ambulance ser ivice calls day or night. Telpehone, 209- Mrs. L. B. Holt, trance medium and palmist, gives advice in all business matters. Office, 55 Elm street, Mont nelier. Vt. Office hours. 10 a. m. to 12 m 1:30 to 5 p. in., in., and 7 to 9 p m. For sale 100 acre farm, only 2 1-2 miles from the city, will keep 20 cows and four horses. Buildings extra good. Inquire at the F. B. Cate Real Estate Agency, rooms 11 and 12, Bolster block, Barre, Vt. .' Souvarine Imparato offre, durante questa primavera, alia sua cliontela ital iana tm ribaaso aei per cento u tutti gli ordini che ricevera per ingran dimenti di fatografie e miniature. Stu dio, 27 Brook street. Sabuto 0 Maegio si dara all Opera IIouhc per ehiuaura delta- staglone, il bozzetU di Gori l'roximus tuns, o la Misoria di Baldini altri tratteni menti con brillante farsa; a Beneficenza d' un anunalato. Italiaui non maneate all grande varieta ultima della stagione il 0 Maggio. La Vecchia Filodrammat ien, Frightful Suffering Relieved. Suffering frightfully from the viru lent poisons of undigested food, C. G. Grayson of Lula, Mifs., took Dr. King's New Life Pills, "with the result," he writes, "that I was cured." All stomach and bowel disorders give way to their tonic, laxative properties. 25c at the Red Cross Pharmacy. Guaranteed. EAST BARRE. For Sale. A second-hand teed organ in srood condition. Cheap for cash. In quire of Rev. A. J. ' Eastman, East Barre. On Tuesday. April 25th, the people of East Barre and vicinity are to be honored with the superb exhibition of moving pictures of the Salvation Army's International Congress. What is said about it at Barre city, the same applies to East Barre on Tuesday night at 8 p. m. Tickets can be had at tue East Barre postolliee. Don't forget the date, April 25th, at the town hall. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup seems especially adapted to the needs of the children. Pleasant to take; soothing in its influence. It is the remedy of all remedies for everv form of throat and lung disease. ' Ten thousand demons gnawing away at oae's vitals couldn't be much worse than the tortures or Itching piles, let there's a cure. Doan's Ointment never fails. Burdock Blood Bitters gives a man a clear head, active brain, a strosg, vigorous body makes him fit for battle of life. the Croup instantly relieved. Dr. Thom as' Eelectrie OiL Perfectly safe. Nev er fails. At ay drug tor. Don't Eat Drugs Better Take the Food Care. Most diseases arise from defective blood or from a disordered or ex. hausted nervous system, Dr. Chase'3 Blood and Nerve Food is the most ef fective blood builder and nerve vital lzer. It restores blood integrity and nerve strength. All forms of nervous debility, exhaustion or prostration are cured by this greatest of all restora tives. Even long-standing cases and advanced stages of physical relaxation and vital decline, the various results of over-taxation, excesses or viola tions of the laws of health, are quick ly cured by this ber.t of all strength eners and vltalizers. It is the surest known preventive and curative of mental fag, brain-break, spine-ail, nerve-wreck, and all manner of gen eral or special debility. It enriches the blood, feeds, fortifies and vitalizes the nerves: regulates, sustains and strengthens all natural functions. It Is the hope and prop of the weak and dlscouxaced, the restoration of the chronically 111. TTnder Its Influence, hope and ambition revive, courage comes, energy and strength, develop. Price 50 cents. Book free. Sold and guaranteed by E. A. Drown., CONCERT PROGRAMME. The programme of the concert for the Boy's Club Benefit, at the Opera House, "April 20, is as follows: PART I. 1. Overture "Merry Wives of Wind sor," .Nicolal Wilder Festival Orchestra 2. Sehuman Quartet "Oft in the Stilly Night,". . . . v .Lansing Miss Phillips Mrs. Braley Mrs. Gale Miss Harris 3. Piano Solos a Waltz, Op. 42 Chopin b "Bird as Prophet" Schumann c "Nachtstuck" Schumann d Militar March Schubert-lansig Miss Carrie Hirschman FART II. a The Poem of Love ...Bohm b Poppies Morel Orchestra Reading Mrs. Arthur C. Averill Songs a "For Love of Thee," ...... Hawley b "OI Hush a Bye Baby" (with violin obligato) .Bartlett Miss Maude E. Harris Piano Solos a "A la Bien Ainice" Schuctt b "Danse of the Dolls" ..Poldini 5. 0 "Entincelles" Moszkowski d "Weddins March and Elfeureig- en" Mendelssohn Mis3 Hirschman 8. Finale Introduction 3rd Act of Lohengrin Wagner Orchestra Durinz the intermission between Farts I and II the following boys will give an exhibition of their work: McKnicht. Turner and Cumings, jug diner and acrobatic feats; Veimer and Maiden, trapeze work. The Everett piano is used concert and kindly furnished Wilder. Admission 25 and 35c. at this Mr. GRANITEVILLE: The regular meeting of the Loyal Victor Loiltm. M. U. will be held in Miles hall Monday evening, April 24th Odd Ladies, as many as can, are re quested to attend. Grand Easter ball and supper of Court Rob Roy, No. 6, F. of A. will be held in Miles hall, Graniteville, Friday April 28th, 1905. Floor director, Will iam O'Donnell. Music will be fur nished bv Gilbert son's orchestra. Hall onen at 7 o'clock. Grand march and circle at 8. Admission to hall and sup per, $1.00. All are cordially invited. Come and enjoy a social afternoon at the Consretrational church, Tuesday Anril 25. Ice cream and cake will bo served. A cordial welcome will surely await yon. Grand Union Hotel Rooms From $ 1.00 Per Day Up Opposite Grvrd Certro.I Station New York BAGGAGES FREE CENTRAL VERMONT RAILWAY COMPANY. Corrected to January 1, 1305. Passenger Trains leave Barre as follows : 18.01 Midnight. Daily. Boston, Springfield and New York nlRM express. tMeepin. Mnnnifilier Junction to Boston an Sprinpnold. (Saturday night train lias no connection for Jiew Vork.) Connects at Monr.peller wltU train laving at i.60 a. ni for Montreal and the West. m .. in Wsi'k da only. Connects at Mont pclier Junction with mall train for Bos ton, Bprinijfluld and New York, also with local Irani mil -lunomm j.v1 xuLixiitAMi Rutland, Kicliford ana Montreal, 11 55 . in. Wek days only. Boston, Spring tleld. New York and New London fast ex nm. nnflV't narlur car Montnelier Junc tion to Boston. Parlor car Koutpeller Junction to tiiinngneiu. 1.20 n. m Week days only. For Williams town. r a. 10 i. m. Week davs only. Mail train for Burlington, St. Albans, Cambridge Junc tion, C-Kdensburg, Kichford and Montreal n. 10. Week days only. For Williams tow ft. k n n i.i -Wwk dav onlv. Montreal- ani fM.Hi-n friHf ptowftN. Connecta at Bur- ltnu-rmi wit h train for Rutland. ivumMK at. Montnehar Junction with local train southbound for White Kivor Junction and Intermediate Htatlons. Trains reach Montpelier about 20 minutes af tor leaving Barre. G. C. JONES, J. E, BKNTLF.T, General Manager. Gen. Pans. Agt, J. O. ADAMS, Agent, Barre. Vt. OSTPKLIBB A WELLS BIVBB KAtLHOAB, OOM.MKNOINO NABCH 20, 1905. Trains leave Barre for Wells Kiver, connect ing at that point with trains (roinir both north and south, at 7.80 a. m.. U.30 and 8 00 p. m. The 12.30 train connects with train for Hoston, and north for Libon, Littleton, Fabyans and Lan caster, also with Montreal express, and the 7.30 snd 8.00 trains with St. Johimbury trains. Trains b'ave K&rre for Mintpelier at T.30, 10.20 a. m., 12.30, 8.00, 4.10 and tM p. m. ELltOTRIG STRBKT KAILWAV. Cars leave square in Marre f or Montpelierat 16 minutes of aud 18 minutes piut the hour. Leave Moutpeller for Barre on the hour and half hour until 10 p. m. BUSINESS CARDS. DR. C. H. KENT, Dentist MILES' t-LOCK, rtlt.pbone at Ofiice and at Residenoe DK. F. M. LYNDE. Dentist. ; Telephone 133-21. Boom 7, Currier Block, Barre, Vermont ELWIN L. SCOTT, Attorney and Counselor-at-Law Collections, Bankruptcy and Granite Claims. Telephone I4M. Office with R. A. HOAR. 3R. LEWIS D. MARTIN, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. Office hi Room 83. Miles' Building. Onto hoaro, 9 a. ru. to 12 m, aud 1.30 to 4 p. m. Hon IJF, 1 il 11 1 UU .1 J Hll li X-.1UUJT. Telephone Connection. MRS. H. A. BEACH, EXPERIENCED NURSE. No. 102 Booth Main St., Barre, Vermont xeiepnone call, la-a. WELCH & PAGE, All kinds of Electrical Work Done, Wiring, Gas Piping, Etc. We are dealers in Electrical Supplies. 'aa fixtures & Combination fixture. Kverythmg Modern and Un-to-Vate. None but expert help employed an,, work guaranteed. Telephone 9-12, employed ai0 elephohe 9-12. Office at No 10 Elm street, Barre, Vt. HENRY FREN1ER & SON DNDEKTAKEES, Funeral directors and furnishers ot In- neral supplies. Night calls promptly at tended to. No. 16 Granite St., Barre, Vt Residence op stairs. Tel. 13-6. H. E. JEFFORDS, PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING AND UALSOMINING. ' A share of your patronage Is solicited, 6 Thurston Place, Barre, Vt. H. W. SCOTT, Attorney. Office in Wood Block, Over Ladd's store. Justice, notary and stenographer in office. CARRIAGES We i-jirrv a lull assortment of liisih-eraile Carriages and can compete with anybody in style and price. Come in and see them, even if you don't want to buy, and if yon are in want of a Carriage we can save you nionpy. We have Harness for sale, new and seconil-hand, at prices that beat them all. H. F. CUTLER'S LIVERY, Rear of City Hotel, - - - Bane, Vermont. ass m tam-a-swegs- I I ELECTRIC WIRING S Electric Heaters, Electric Fixtures, Electric Supplies. i i STANDARD ELECTRIC CO., H. a. BENNETT, F. W. NICHOLS, I 180 North Main St.. Barre. EUREKA The Only First-class Restaurant in the City. Efficient Help. Excellent Cooking. Meals served at all hours, day and night. Hotel service at restaurant prices Nichols Block, Opp. Depot Square. LAIRD & WHEELER, Prop'rs. DR. ROBERT W. PRENTISS, Office hours: 8-30 to 10 A. M, 1 to 2. 30 'and 7 to 8.3b P. M. BLANCHARD'S BLOCK. H. O. CAMP, CONTRACTOR and BUILDER MATERIAL. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FURNISHED. 19 Highland Avenue, Barre, Vermont, Lewis Brassaw Is back in Barre and Is prepared to do all kinds of MOVING AND JOBBING 17 Faiwell Street, Batre, Vt. JOHN C. DODGE, HOUSE PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING. AH work eoaranteed. Shop, 1 60 South Main;St, Barre Telephone 220-12. Stone Cotters' Glasses; 20 Cts. We have done business in Barre five years. We take this opportunity to thank you for your liberal patronage. We shall'sell best quality Stone Cutters' Glasses date at 20c a pair. Lenses for same in plain glass, regular sizes, best qua.ity, at 5c pair. Glasses Cases at Sc each. F. E. BURR & CO., (Telephone 10-21) . . No. 8c North Main St. Jewelers and Opticians. Take a LooK. $$ DOLLARS SAVED ON CARPETS AND RUGS. Shackford Smyrna, 9x12, worth $18.00, now f.. $1100 Shacktord Smyrna, 7-6xio-6, worth $15.00, now 9.00 Shackford Smyrna, 2 6x5-0, worth $1.50, now 1-10 Wool Carpets at 55c, 60c, 65c, 68c, 70c and 75c per yard. REMEMBER THE PLACE, L M. Williams, Household Furnisher, Registered Embalmer, New Tomasi Block, Ccr. No. Main and Merchant Streets. Undertaker and Funeral Director. Ambulance Calls Promptly Attended to. .Besldence, 26 Jefferson Btreet. Telephone 212-W. Store, 408-2. CHOICE SEEDS for tie Flower aid Veietahle Garden In packets or in bulk, at moderate prices fur first-class stock. Choice Cut flowers and Floral Designs. Store open lor the next three months same as all Union stores. EMSLIE, THE FLORIST, Telephone Store, 152-12; Greenhouse. 201-11. OTIS BLOCK. PEARL STREFT. IT" REMEMBER We Have a Good Supply of Snoop's Rheumatic Cure, Snoop's Restorative, Shoop's Cough Cure, Shoop's Preventix, And we would like to Shoop you somj or money. J.H.McARTHUR,M.D.Prop, East Barre Drug Store. I Insist on Getting Standish FfanHorts I and Bologna, jg Home-made by W. O. STANDISH. WOOD The place to buy Wood. A large stock of all kinds at the following prices : Block Wood, per cord.,.. , $2.75 Limb Wood, per load.... 2.00 Chair Wood, per load 2.5 0 Hard and Soft Wood Slab 1 .75 furnace and Stone Shed Wood. I am prepared to do all kinds of moving aud jobbing at reasonable rates. L. J. BOLSTER, (Telephone, 323-3.) 283 North Mam Street, - Baxre, Vorniont 1 1 sift 1 TiTrtair k ! r'. ill nj m w a & : m l. a kj mar v t1 m.. t 1 I i 1 CANNED GOODS. War Axe Pas, per can lfjc Purity Brand Beets, 2 1-2 pound cans, two cans for 25c Our Favorite Peaches, 2 1-2 pound cans, two cans for 25c Webster Brand Red Raspberries, per can.... 10c Maryland Brand Strawberries, per can qc Alaska Pink Salmon, per can , jQe M. T. McGOWAN, Telcfhme II8-2. Sooti Hito Street. Batre, Vt. Houses For Sale Cottage house of eight rooms on Batch elder Street tor sale or rent. -Easy terms. Also for sale one boarding house or hotel, known as the South End Hotel, equipped for 40 boarders, A. M MORRISON, South End Hotel, Barre, Vermont. p. C Russell & Co Plumbing and Heating. All kinds of modern Plumbing Fix tures in stock. All work gusranteed. Telephone 15-3. IN BASEMENT OF W0RTEER BLOO. HAIR GOODS. Mrs. C. B. Meaker, 40 Jefferson St., my aent will be glad to furnish Hair Goods, Wig,, fronl 1'iewis, fcwircbes, etc., if not In stock, at shorl notice from my Manchester store. Thanking the public for their liberal patronage in the past, and soliciting a contiuuance of the same In the future for my agent and myself, I am yours with all rnpeet, 8. M. OBK. Scientific Horseshoeing! flperrtv nutting-, knee cutting, interfer ing, forging, stumbling and crons-firing pi.Nitel.s cured. UiMaVled' feet treated with Hiro-BS. Trotters, pacers and g ntl. nii'u's drivers a specialty. Veter inaiy medicine for sale. Tel. 318-4. j. a. Mcleod; Rtflstered Honeshoer, Seminary St.. Barre. Vt. UNION LUNCH ROOM, M NO" MAIN STREET, Under I'arlor Drug Store. Remember the I n ion l.iincli Kooiu and Kestaurant has a good many ilrst-class boarders. Both ladies and gentlemen are respected and given the tiest of food, home-made by a tirst-clacs cook. Oysters and Meats served dally from 6 a. m. to 12 p. m ami on Kundaya from 7.30 a. in. to 9.30 a, m ' from 12 a. 111. to l.MJ p.m. and from fi.aon. ui! to il p. m. 1