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THE HA1IKE DAILY TIMES, APRIL '24, 1U05. ECSAL GARMENT EVE Special selling and bringing to view of Dame Fashion's very choicest crea tionsan unfolding, an unpacking and the first real special sale of the Spring. Such Suits, Waists, Coats, Skirts! It will be easy to tell where the fashion center of this vicinity is. Our efforts and thoughts have been to make it the leading style event of the present year. Handsomely tailored Suits, Silk Shirt Waist Suits and Walking Skirts of the latest materials creations that show the influence of Parisian models in fact every garment we exhibit possesses an individual style that brings to mind the high priced tailor. We must mention out new Silk Coats dainty, distinctive afTairs neat, dressy and comfortable. You should let us show you these. And such an assem blage of Waists varied, rich and beautiful some of embroidered linen, lawns, lace ana namourgaam- tily trimmed the comfortable and durable Japanese wash silks and many other kinds. Remember tuls is the first real special sale of the Spring. COME. JALK OFTHE TOWN. Series dunce at the I'avilion inaaj OVCIlil! '. " Martin 'W. Chamberlain of Washing ton, in the city rouay vn ti .,., .,nr. nf T)r. S. M. Knauss ami Mi V Ellen J. Grout, both of Mont- pelier, is announced. The AltniriiMi will meet with Miss Carrie White, Wednesday afternoon, at 2.30 ocloek. yuouuions mui ocma T! to see the tulip bed at the rrf ,im r mrc-1. luesutty itiwi VUliKi t."....--- -i , : noon and evening, April 25. Admission HOMER Fins, Tclchonc 408-1 1 . 164-166 North Main St. ten cents n-iii u-lin are to furnish stocks liindlv have them at 1W1 tiro ' ------ - the Congregational church early lues- dav afternoon. T)i- nn,l Ah-a. It. JP. Lowe and Miss Eliateth Hanson leturncd this after noon from the Methodist con.'erenee at Eiioshurg Falls. 4 regular meeting of Iroquois Tribe, ... -. , t J i ' I No. 16, will lie neia lummj ci.in8 7 nVWk. Decree work. Altreu icowm- son, Chief of Records. John Angus of this city sang "Eas ter Dawn" at a vesper service in Trinity church, Montpelier, yesterday alter- noon. Ke also song at uinsr. enurci as UHual. Blue and Hack Mohair! These goods are forty-four inches wide and are the kind that you are looking for if it is good quality, colors and finish you want. Price $1.00 per yard. New Sateens, 14c Per Yd. Good Colors. New Line of White Waists For $1.00 Each. VEALE & KNIGHT, Telephone 123-2. Currier Building, Barre,Vt. CLOTHING COMPANY. UNION CLOTHING COMPANY - : ; T -- 1 I Barre Shoe Company We are the sole agents in Barre of the it 'CURTIS SHOE FOR MEN Hie latest Spring styles in Shoes and Oxfords. Patent Colt, Vici Kid, Gun Metal Calf and Tans, the newest shapes, and all are "fitters." A satisfiedjeusj toraer is the wearer of a "Curtis" Shoe. WEST TOPSHAM. Tieni. Chalmers was home from Brad ford over Sunday. , V.. C. Role was in East Corinth Wed nesday on business. Mr. W. H. Chalmers is home from Montpelier for a while. Miss Julia Harrimaa is boarding with Mrs. Freeman Cunningham. 0. S. Sanborn spent several days in Barre and vicinity last, weew. uriah T?iihi Chalmers is at home after , JJi..7K Afuwv' an absence of several weeks. All the soldier boys went to Brad ford Saturday lor examination. T,.T.n "VTcTmlrtpa nf Fairlee visited his sister, Mrs. C. M. Tubbs, over Sunday. Charles Emery lost a valuable horse last week, probably from heart , fail ure. ' -; George E. Newton and N. P. Phil brick were in Corinth Saturday on busi ness. ' ' ' v ' Weather Prediction. H. M. Jackson and uauo uimer oi w earner rreuu-uou. Saturday, returning Fair 'toniirht and Tuesday. . Light to S (1 Mrs. Warner of Washington will be at A. S. Jewett's Monday, May 1st, with a large assortment of millinery. f UNION I Shoes! o SB ' S3 Vs! i IS A W . .. v, itT . r '--X 3 l 1 I THE BARRE DAILY TIMES MONDAY, APRIL 24, 1905. fresh westerly winds. Barre Shoe Co., J3 Nottli Mala St., - - - - Bane, Vermont. TALK OF THE TOWN. Local Happenings Tersely Told for Busy Readers. The newest in hosiery at Fitts'. Those 22c ribbons are at Abbott's. I"). J. Boyce went to Concord, 3ST. II., tod:ry on business. Mrs. ,E. G. Cram went to Morrisville Saturday to visit friends. Mrs. F. F. Mudgett -wont to burling ton this morning on a visit. Miss Minnie Kick wont to Goulds ville this morning to visit friends. Regular, meeting' of Minnehaha En campment, No. 2, tonight at 7.30 o'clock. Edward Bugbee of Newbury is visit ing his daughter, Mrs. Frank Walbce nt South. Barre. ; ; T.ilina nf rnr varietv will be sure to interest you at the Easter sale. Con grcgatonal church April 25. Miss Addie Slack, who has been visit ing at the home of C. II. Granger, re turned to Maiden, Mass., today. II S. Rincs, who has been visiting fiiends in the tit for a few days, re turned to his home in Post on today. Charles Tonella of Tonella & Son, franite manufacturers, of Mi! ford, N. II, has been in the city for a few days on business. in ha a. regular meetms of Green Mountain Lodge, I. O. O. F. M. U., ORANGE. Mr. I). J. Winn of Haverhill, N. II. who has beeu visiting in town, re turned home Monday. TALES OF CITIES. New York averages from twnty-four to twenty-six fires a day, aivurding to a recent statement by Hn' C'Inet t. ro ker. The old town pump at th southeast enrnpr of tho irreeu at New Haven Conn., will probably be abolished, as the state chemist, after examining the water, eays that it Is essentially pun fled sewage. :';.';'. ' 'i: Brookline is still the richest town in the world. The annual statement of finances shows that the debt la ?1,367, 494 under limit. There are no unpaid taxes prior to Nov. 1, 100-4. Balance on hand foots up to $95,f(lS; assessed polls, 0,411; tax levy. $!O,707; mil es tate valuation, $01,84.2.000. We offer you today Burt & Packard's "Korrcct Shape" Shoes for Men. We have these Shoes in all the popular lasts and shades such as browns, tans, chocolate and black, and they come in both low and high cuts in Vici Kid, Box Calf, Velour Calf and Patents. We make a specialty of Patent Leather Shoes. These are made from the donkey or burro hide, and are called "Burro- rn t i t 1.. t jap. I ne aonicey or Durro is the most reliable and persistent of domestic animals, with a ca pacity for hard work far beyond his weight, and is particu larly noted for his sure-footedness. His hide is consistent with his nature. " Burrojap" is the most flexible, tough and serviceable patent leather known to the shoe-maker, and it can be had only in ' Korrcct Shape" Shoes. We warrant every pair. We are sole agents for Barre. Ask for the " Burrojap." Prices, $3.50 to $4.00. Union Clothing Store, ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS, Telephone 126-2. Old Skating Kink Bidding. Opp. Depot Square. o H rn 1 o o d o o t o H ta o o o o n e . o H tn a n o K o P- Hi iSvikoa onihioio koikq -iiivdjrcoD onihxoid iioiMn o w onniwn mnw m i no X M Advertisement in the Times will bring sure results. THOUGHTS ON COURTSHIP. Before you juarrel always stop to consider whether you can afford It. Piui,.uca tta iiit na mil Mil riorfOTTU Monday, April 24th, at 6.30 p. m. Per and a3 mu,.u more 09 sw yrould like order ot xs. u. I you to. Don't, fortrot that while you are mak lng love to a face you will live with a mind. T,ov is n disease. See to it that you have an Incurable case. Twentieth Century Home. in,u tUvcm went to Boston Sat urday night on business. J. T. Calla- ghan lia cliarge 01 xne inn;, oiuin lng his absence. The Italian Socialists held a " THE IOT ABB HiLWD80MK3T CLOTHINO STORK IK TOWN. S Harry A. Scgcl. Hymen D. Scgcl. Thomas Brady. M ' t Master is Iras t! St ' ' ' ''Mi O - t3c A o And all will need new and dura- ble Shoes or Oxfords. Ours are Y up - to - the - minute in style for men, women and children, Ev- x our selections to be second to none. Our prices are the lowest and the same to everybody. 0 o PEOPLE'S SHOE STORE, 5 Hale's Block, Barre, VL C. S. ANDREWS, Prop. 1 very I - - larguly attended dance in the Pavilion Saturday night. -.. xne 'iiuepciiayufc i chestra furnished n'Usic. itr r xv Tjiinw. who underwent an Marv Fletcher hospital! at Burlineton Friday, is doing nicely and a speedy recovery is expected. TOWN TOPICS. t ' An unusually large business was done by us the past vvk. It outranked all former Easter occasions. Why? 9 Here it is: Stock larger, variety greyer, ounu., fctltcr, goods in VOgue, quality maximum and the prices minimum. If these are good reasons, then we want a share nfnr valued natronao-e. And what is better than to in- It cleanliness Is next to godliness, fhpn it Is best not to examine iu what Thecal meeting of Ruth Chapter, Immediate e- O. K. S., called for Wednesday evening,! pens 10 ue jibi u.-. April 26, has been postponed to tne lean. n-Rular meeting May 10, on account of of course if you prefer It that way the Boys' club concert. ' you can fry 0r scramble 'Kansas City Kitchen range, gasolene stove, man- drinking water Instead of boiling it. tie bed, sofa, wash boiler, tub and coin- Making it into pies, however, in not ad- binntion bench and wringer, one carpet vi8able, as mud pies are even less dl- 1 5 vards, sewing niacnme, iu iooi laoie, gestible than other kinds. Xvansas tnj etc' City Auction rooms tonight. journal. a fiointv lnncli consisting of cheese fondu, es;g a la Newburg, sandwiches and eoSce, ice cream and cake will be served at the Easter sale, April 25, 1905, from 6.30 to 9i30. Come in and take supper. Trice 25 eents. , Frank Brown and D.-W. fcmith, two CHADWICK CASE ECHOES. 5 is It is a satisfaction that the Amerl can courts have been eouul to the Mrs. rhndwlek' ease. No one in court was Frank Brown and U. w. ftmiin, io ,cm..M Tho 1urv was firm as a , ... a,-. : ,.,v,o- f tho If ativ noor neoDle have Rot tne no lireetors of all the leagues will re uem nou since irs. v,uuun.ii3 huuv.-. Ot your valueQ patronc. J,nr S! today to make up the schedule for the feats that banks are in the habit of vesticate foods? We guarantee you satisfaction or your u n- lending mouey on poor security let b . . m, - . nA all fnr nast favors, we w! Th first wize of the (messing contest them try ta borrow some. Pbilndel- uiuiivj u. jj ci ' on tne pure luuga -" hid pum l-ttiser. Thanking you one and all for past favors, we are at your service Segels & Brady's, 1 U8 Main Street, - - Bolster's Brick Block, Barre, Vt. 3 OKT THB HABIT AHB TRADK AT SKEL3 & BHAD'8. gist's window no one was suiscessful in jrettint.', but tne second prize was won by Ellen (lauthier. A very creditable list was handed iu by Mrs. Uiarles Thompson. - : The commission of B. F. Atherton of Wateibury ae a deputy sheriff has been revoked by Sherifl Tracey. Atherton was the man who when he learned there was a warrant out for his arrest on an intoxication charge, gave himself up ; and paid a tine. THir Cniu Trees. Two gum trees which tower over 100 feet above a little church lu Guate mala are sixty feet In circumference, and their strong roots have pushed the foundation of the church out of place Potatoes, 50 Cents Per Bushel In Five-Bushel Lots, 45 Cents. Best Eating Apples, Specked Apples, - 30 cents per peck 15 cents per peck H. J. Smith's Cash Matket, (TELEPHONE 37-2) 367 North Main Street, Barre, Vermont. An advertisement In the will bring sure results. Times Have Some More! 100 LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION. TO BENT In tlie Morse Block, a rurnlhert room. Enquire of Mrs. Gates. Something New! A delicious Confection, made of Pop Corn and Peanuts. Try it. Only 25 Cents Per Pound. E. A. DROWN, PSt 48 No. Main St., Opp. Nat'l BanK. LarKst variety in this section. Field and Garden Seeds. Peas, Beans and Corn to bulk. The reliable D. H. Ferry's stock. Also D. H. Ferry's and Larsi , . ,.i , can he detuned. When voa bnv these Seeds Hawkins' packets ot liarden ana noweroeeos ai pntc - --, - . - : ij 'JwdoMt get disappointed if they are properly treated. Call for Catalogues. Can procsre any wanted not m stock mside of four days by mad. rc!cphoae3I-3. L. M. AVERILL. - - - - Opposite City Park, Barre. Vermont. S