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THE BAItKE DAILY TIMES. MAY 15, 1905. 3 V:' V . 3. It S Nt-- t. ti 1 t i Here s one Ranee That's Always Good t JAPANESE AABIT10US WRITER'S VENTURE. -Fi- Had Written a Lot About Indians- nally Met One j In all Oklahoma theie is probably no j ........ uurifuii ii :n;ii m-ier limn n hi Matt Duhr, the writer of Indian stone, of .Stroud. While Li faculty, for story FROM GIRLHOOD TO WOMANHOOD Makes Cooking Easy" KurOldHanffe takeninFxchanje REYNOLDS & SON, BARRE, VT. French Think Japs are After Indo-China. . LATTER DENY INTENTION. of Detailed Plan of Campaign Said to Have Been Made by Japanese. tolling lias because tif !mi!i lost to some extent, tlil n''p, he still spins a story occaMonaHy that rets into mint. His stone- are fanciful, but usually Iiuve some foundation of fact, A farm". I cr touiut Mutt Duhr m a curious predic ament recently, which lie thinks may be good tor another Indian store. It i related as lollows: -Mr. Honey was on Ins wuv to Stroud last Saturday to do his week's trad- I nig. As lie was joking along at a de liberate speed, uui-ing, iio doubt, on the suspicions First Aroused hv PnHiwUnn prospect lor a good crop, the probable i uuiier uiu K'i's ana ine varied moods ot April weatuer, he came to a sudden bend in the road where a pe culiar sight met hH eyes, for there sdoor Matt Duhr, the writer of many wend and fancitul Indian tales (for the most part concocted- in bis grizzled thiukbox, and a much founded on fact as the yarns of Sinbad the sailor). Facing a famous author stood a noble red man of gigantic proportions who pointed two Colts at Mr. Duhr's head that looked like baby Gatliiisr eirns. Mr. Duhr's version of the encounter is that the Indian was in sore iinancinl Kt raits, needed money to "buck the tig er7 or procure firewater, and had coii- eluded to hold up the first man that came along. We do not know whether Mothers Should Watch tha Development of Their Daughters Interesting Experiences cf fosses Bcrman snd Kills. idv, .var jj.e popular outburst at Tokio against France lend t.- belief here that .'Japan ha territorial ambitions iu Indo-China which the French iuit sooner or later defend. Al though the Japanese officials disclaim any such intentions, there is a call on ess the i contest winch, it is asserted will w Sj1'' T(j ' &jb f 'florin' !ks'f CpMATlM BO f?M AN (v ) MYRTLtPfalLLS the part of the French public and pre for the government to prepare for tl contest vrliieh. it inevitable when Japan's hand 'are freed tlmt so or not havinff henrd only from the Russi,in war. The irovern- ?ne slJe .of l,e story- Jht ifc not 2S Water Supply in St. Johnsbury. . At a special village meeting in St. Johnsbury Thursday night the matter of a pine water supply for that place was considered, but nothing wa de cided upon. The meeting resulted from the recent action of the State board of health in condemning the three wa ter supplies for the village. A. S. Stone, president of the village corini- tion. culled the meeting to-order. Dr.! T. K. Stiles, a member of the State board of health introduced Dr. Henry P. Ho ton of Bratth'boro, who hpoke of the river water as condemned audi 'inf't for use. He declared that a bet ter supply could be obtained. The Fair banks supply, whi'h is most generally Used her?, be said, was free of bacteria, but very unpleasant to the taste. He recommended artesian wells a the thenpcft and most eli'eetive remedy and introduced Mr. Hay of Providcncell. 1., whose business is driving such wella. .Mi. Kay nanl that the well could be driven here at a very reasonable cost, aim he believed that 'pure water could be obtained at a depth of 200 feet. A msensMim followed. On motion of II. niu.iv nunioiiLies, w lino noz considering that trouble i imminent, share the feci ing that it is essential to make speedy nruwauuii ior me uetense of 1m ... China, and accordingly large credits are being asked for, the ministries of marine mil war are considerins lanre augments. tions of the forces in Indo-China and Admiral J ournier is planning a chain ot const defenses similar to those with winch lie has encircled ! ranee. The ad miral and representatives of the armv urn in mo oioiues win prooaDtv nro- 15. Howe, it was linally voted to leave I coed to Indo-China soon, personally to .... .....i-., ,11 iii-iin ui Liie ti iiii'-5. i ins.t,-ei. nit; reipiiieiuenis. i who w ill sultmit recommendations at a later meeting. Their Marriage a Success. A Montreal couple; Pierre Forget and ins wite, nave just celebrated the xev- enty-sivtii anniversary of their mar riage. Mr. Forget is 100 years and nix months old, and while wife is ninety- six, and both are in good health. One ot their thirteen -children will herself celebrate her golden wedding three jears hence, though she is only sixty-seven now. r.xcnatige. liair Vigor. A splendid dressing for the hair. Keeps the hair soft and smooth, and pre vents splitting at the ends-, i Quickly checks failing hair and cures all dandruff. Reo 5-Passenger Touring Car! The fu st suspicions were aroused some months ago by the publication of a de tailed plan ot campaign said to have been drawn up by the Japanese war ollice for the invasion of Indo-China, lhe denials winch followed the publi cation of the plan have failed to chai .......... 1 I. .I.-. Jl .1 T . . me ue iuiur oeiiei mac mao-thina is menaced, and Minister Deleasse and other minister have' advised Par- lument to give suitable attention to the requirements of the colony. The recent agitation at Tokio against Ad miral liodjestvcnsky using the waters of Jndo-China has given new gravity to tnc situation, bucli conservative pa pers as tue lemps and say that Japans action clearly indicates ulterior motives against the French colonies. while the radicaj newspapers like the Pa trie, give sensational prominence to stuteineuts alleging that Japan is able to land troops above Hanoi (capital of Tomiuin), sweep southward with prac tically no opposition, and simultane ously occupy Kaniranh bay and other unprotected const point. To Begin Quarrying at Northfield. Edward Hedges of Boston, who has been m orthlield for several days look not be possible that this is a case where the worm has turned? Friend Duhr hud been writing so many Indian stories and exposed to a cruel world some of the most precious secrets of the children of the forest that we are inclined to think that the braves motive was re venge instead of robbery. lien Mr. Hosey appeared on the scene the hapless Duhr was as pale hs a newiy aiunaerea "boiled ' stm t, mid with his tongue almost paralyzed by fear stammered: "X-n-o' n-n-n-n-o, m-my noble chief, I no got him; my s-s-sakes, I no do it." 'And his knees knocked together like a pair of castasr- nets. The ludicrousness of the scene so apjiealed to Mr. Hosey that hf. nearly choked with a laughing fit. The two actors of this blood-curdling drama of the forest were so pre-oeciipied with the performance that they hud not become aware ot Mr. Jiosev'a annroach. At last the paleface cau'dit sisrht of him out of a corner of his eye. The prox- iiiui. oi am aim succor gave turn the power ot speech again, and he cried, Help! Help!" Mr. Hosey. thinking the prolonged anguish tniirht have a fatal effect on the constitution of Mr. Duhr, uioh. up ins , uienesier, and emphasiz ing his words with the very significant click of the gun's mechanism, told Mx. inunin to vamoose, which order that individual lost no time in obevinc. Duhr was by no means anxious of another possible encounter with the wild war rior, and begged that safe conveyance to civilization might be vouchsafed" him. llis request was granted. But all dur ing the trip the badly-frightened Duhr never mustered sufficient courage to speak or look behind him, but trem bled like an asnen leaf. At last the longest journey ends. Matt seemed to revive somewhat when at last Stroud was reached. When. Mr. Hosey drew up in front of Uncle Bill's saloon, the Every mother possesses information which is of vital interest to her young daughter. Too of tea this Is never imparted or Is withheld until serious harm has result ed to the growing girl through her ignorance oi nature s mysterious and wonderful laws and penalties. Girls' over-sensitiveness and modesty often puzzle their mothers and baffle physicians, as they so often withhold their confidence, from their mothers and conceal the symptoms which ought to bo told to their physician at this critical period. When a fflrl's thoughts become slug gish. wlth headache, dizziness or a dis position to sleep, pains in back or lower limbs, eyes dim, desire for solitude; when she la a mystery to herself and friends, her mother should come to her aid, and remember that Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound will at this time prepare the system for the coming change, and start the menstrual period ia a young girl's lifa without pain or irregularities. Hundreds of letters from vounir c-Irls and from mothers, expressing their gratitude for what.Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has accomplished for them, have been re eived by the Lydia E. Tinkham Medicine Co., at Lynn, Mass. Miss Mills has written the two fol lowing1 letters to Mrs. Pinkham, which wm ue reau wita interest : Dear Mrs. Pinkham: (First Letter.) "lata but fifteen Tears of ftcn a.mrinrrwiv4 hare dizzy spells, chilis, headache and back ache, and s I have heard that you can rlv helpful advice to girls in my condition, i am writing you." Myrtle Mills, Oquawka, Hi Dear Mrs. Pinkham: (Second Letter.) " It ii with the fewUng of utmost gratitude that I write to you to tell you what your valuable medicine has done for me. Whan I wrota you in regard to my condition I had consultiid sevoraTdoctors. but they failed to undorstand my case ami I did not receiv any benedt from their treatment. I followed your advice, and took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and am now healthy and well, and all the distressing symptoms which I had at that time haved!llllpearei,,, Myrtle Mills, Oquawka, IlL Miss Matilda Bormaa writes Mr. Pinkham as follows : Dear Mrs. Pinkham : Before taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound my monthlies were irregu lar and painful, and I always had tucfa dreailful headaches. ' But since taking the Compound my head aches have entirely left me, my monthlies are regular, and I am getting strong and well. I am tailing all my girl friends what Lvdia K. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound has done for me." Matilda Borznan, Farmington, Iowa. If tou know of any young1 girl who 13 nick and needs motherly advice, ask her to address Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn. Mass., and tell her every detail of her symptoms, and to keep nothing back. She will receive advice absolutely free, from a source that has no rival' in the experience of woman's ills, and it will, If followed, put her on the right road to a strong, healthy and happy womanhood. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound holds the record for the greatest number of cures of female ills of any medicine that the world has ever known, hy don t you try it ? illff over the Vermont- Pdneb- Slnfo Pn' propertv, talks most encouragingly of v,ictim of tl,e holtl-"P was still so shaky the slate future of Korthtield. j that he required assistance to make the trip trom the vehicle to the bar. After Mr. Hosey s kindness had plied him with a generous supply of restoratives of the proper variety, be heaved a CTei?l Rich ui lenei ana reiapsea into tus custo mary palaver amun. e would not tie surprised if Mr. Duhr's next ilterarv effort would be a graphic description oi mis aaventuro m the tteefc wnlds. We trust that soon we shall exneriencfi cold thrills creep down our backs while we read -How 1 Was Ambushed hv Chief Two Guns." Kansas Citv .Tnm-. i . -r UHl. Two-cylinder horizontal 16 h. p., with long lii;i-c!imb:ng :roks. Weight 1500 nun ucimcnaoie tourrean. mce U5(). Also can iurnish Rso Runabout, 8 n, p., 050 10$. , at 3650. Both equipped with two lamps and horn. The Reo is invented and built by R. E. Oldj, the inventor of the Oldsmobi'.e. Will be pleased to give demonstration,. E. N. ALDRICH, Agent, Granitcviile, Vt. CONSTIPATION "My Commencement." This new and novel Book has just been published. It is not a story, but a book in which to. make a complete history of your last days in school. Every graduate of Goddard Seminary or Spaulding High School should have one of these. Price, $1.25. Come in and look them over, - We know, they will please you. s IDEAL BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE, Hale'a Block, Next Door to People' Shoe Store, W. FRANK HARRIS. Mr. Hedges who has been interested for years in the production of slate and has visited all the slate properties of .ni. i iv. r - i i iiuib in me l uiieu cuues ana Jew- foundland, was asked to visit and in spect the Jsorthlteld quarries and if he found them to his mind to finance them. He says that the Vermont Black Slate Co.'s property is the best propo sition in the country, because of the quality and dimensions ot slate produced and because of the ease and cheapness with which it can be quarried. He says lie is glad to finance the proposition ana mat the work ot pumping out the quarry and the installing of modern machinery will be done at once. He says the quarry will pay at the start as there is a ready market for slate and this is the best in the country and ai no other place can such dimension stock: tw quarried. Mr. Hedges explained that in savins the quarry would pay from the start that he meant the operating expenses would be met and dividends paid semi annually as they become due and it was his belief that the proposition would net $100,000 bv the close of the first year's operation. He said that all that had stood in the way of forwarding this enterprise was a matter of $25,000 or S.i0,000 and that had now been furnished and more would be provided if neces- sarv. On a recent trip to Boston and New York, P. I). Pike, the manager of the Company, received a flattering proposi- ..PleMant.Pilstable.Pntent.TntaOnod.DoOnnd, (ion for slate stock hi such an mtfhi1StJVff that it would require from eisrhteen Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Makes Sick Women Well. somebody mm '&J1INTED FLOORS KILL DISEASE, 'GERMS- SAVE lABORMDWOmyHh , " - Ay:;!-4f rn The Mosl Perfecf cf floor Painis is THE SUREST GERM-KILLER AN1 LABOR-SAVER EVER PKCDLCED READY FOR USE Made tdYaKy Z&&Z?nS!A?&J."l, ! eon. Kurinit the nine rr twfore I aei Cm-anu I K?SLT unt,;1s nierjrwith internal pllfa. Thank to you 1 am free frum km t.h. ..hi. v ea use tuia iu bekalf ot uffi-ring hnmanlty'.,, o. I. mabur, ItoauolM, IlL For Sale by C. W. AvcrfH & Co. s-8 APPLY IT I YOU CAN PIT IP IN OL'AP.T. H'.LF-OAILON. C.LL0N .S CAN0V CATMAMTIC PAY CASH and GET the BEST Ten pouods of Salt Pork for $ 1 .00 Home-card Bacon, per pound ............ 14c Home-cured Hams, per pound ..... He Two cans of best Tomatoes for ......... .. 25c months to two years to fill it. It is for stock of all dimensions at a flat rate of 35 cents a foot, all stock f. o. b. on the cars at orthheld and spot cash on delivery. The company has thirty days in which to accept or de cline the "offer. . . ' vuwaUi,vDU iv buiu wr yuur money uck Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. 603 MlSUSlL,ni MIUIOK BOXES incst Ice Cream! Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberrv, Pistachio or Marble. Try a plate or get a box to take home. L. B. DODGE, Worthca Block, - - - - Keith Avcnae. Fresh Seeds! Grass Seed, Seed Oats, Barley, Sanford Corn (White Flint), Garden Seeds. The Averill Mills, Telephone 1 1 5-1 2. 23 South Main Street, Barre, Vt. Body Identified. The body of the man found under Ovist Mill falls at Manchester Centre Wednesday has been positively idctvti- ned as that ot William rlvnn who worked last summer for II. Eggleston on the cellar of Hon. H. T. Lincoln's new- house. Plynn and a pal named lleatie came and hired out to Mr. Eggle- stono lat .May. - I hey were tramps and the keeper of the boarding house where they lived stated that they came from around Troy where Flvnn has relatives. They left town last fall and applied for work again at the Lincoln place last Saturday. Thaf evening they called at the house of Sheldon Aniiihm with whom they had worked last summer. Mr. Amidon was the first man to iden tify the body and later Mr. Eggleston and Mr. Canlield, the lanlord, did so. Flvnn and Deatie were arrested at Manchester a few weeks ago for va grancy having been found in one of the Equinox barns. Beatie, Mr. Amidon states, came back alone Sunday night ami inquired for Flynn, saying he had lost him. Nothing has since been, seen of Beatie, and clforts are being made to find him. lie is short and stocky and under equal conditions would be no match for his pal; Vermont Fruit Store! BANANAS We sell Bananas at 10c, 15c, 20c and 25c per dozen. ORANGES At 25c, 30c, 35c, 45c an4 50c per doz. The Vermont Fruit and Confectionery Store, HALE'S BLOCK, 15S NORTH HAIN STREET . Insist on Getting Srandish FranHorts 1 and Bologna, Home-made by W. O. STANDISH. Three bottKs of Horseradish for 25c Three cans of Boston Baked Beans for, .. . . . 25c Bermuda Onions, per pound 6c Three pound package of Lotus Prunes for... 25c Don't forget to Ask for Your Rebate Checks. CHESSER & BIRD; Telephone 232-12 323 North Main Street. Meats and Groceries. CADILLAC MODEL D S four Cylinder Vertical Engine 30 H. P. This ia the latest addition to the line of famous Cadillac Cars, the Cars which give satisfaction. We shall be pleased to have you call and examine the new $950 Touring Cars which we have in stock. ' . CADILLAC The Car That ALWAYS GOES CADILLAC Standard Electric Co., Barrc, Vermont, ) i, 'ft 4VV-