No. 1. Two tenement house, Itim find about two ncrea of land, ten
minutes' walk from the post-oifice. This property will rent for twenty
five dollars a month nnd can be leased for one or three years at $300.00
per year. Price, ?1,900.00. This is better than fifteen per cent on the
investment. Quick or you lose it.
No. 2. Two-tenement house, bam and three-fourths of an acre of
land on Prospect Street. A bargain at $2,400.00.
No. 3. Cottage of nine rooms and barn of four stalls. New house.
Everything in first-class repair. Located on South Main Street. Just
the placo for anyone that keeps a horse. Trice, $2,500.00.
. No. 4. Two- tenement house and larpc lot, located on Maple Avenue
only a abort distance from North Main Street. Price, $2,750.00. -
No. 5. Cottage at South Barre, with barn. House haa eijrht rooms,
all in good repair. Barn has two stalls, with plenty of carriage room.
Large lot, about three-fourths of an acre. Abundance of fruit anil shrub
bery. Price, $1,400.00. Small payment down.
No. 6. Four miles from Northfield village, farm of 150 acrei. Will
keep twenty cows and team. . Good buildings. Xew house. Will sell
stock and tools with farm. Stock consists of sixteen head of cattle and
one horse. Price for all, $3,000.00. Will exchange for city property.;
No. 7. An extra pood farm In Middlesex, with extra good buildings.
Farm will keep twenty cows and team, l'rice, $5,500.00.
No. 8. -We have on our list some of the best farms in the Town of
Barre, from one and one-fourth to three miles out. Prices, from $2,500.00
to $6,500.00.
We also have some very nice cottages for sale not advertised in this
list. We also have some business propositions to offer you, located rignt
: on Main Street.
If there is any particular business you want, come in and see if we
haven't got it on our book. Remember the place.
. " 1 i
f. B. CATE. (Tel. 135-3) H. J. SLAYTON.
C L.
I should be pleased to do business with you.
BUGBEE, . - - - Contractor and Builder.
Made by Wood, Harmon & Co.,
Acknowleged to be the largest real estate developers in the world.
A FREE TRIP TO NEW YORK CITY, to satisfy every pro
spective purchaser that our Real Estate offer is just as repre
sented. Can we be more fair ? This gives every purchaser a
chance to examine his own property. We are now booking par
ties for April 28th, 1905. Will you join us? Full particulars,
with map, etc., can be obtained of our local representatives.
COFFIN & LARKIN, Local Agents,
Rooms 3 and 4, Currier Block, - - - Barre, Vermont.
Items of Interest Gleaned from Oar
Tie Rev. W. F. BiiAton lifts rescued
as pastor of the Baptist church at Pas-
Sit. hens belomrins to "Pete" Watt,
of Vergennes, during the nwnth of
April laid 126 eggs.
A temple of Eatlibone Sisters, an
auxiliary to the Knight$ of Pythias,
was instituted in Lyhdonville' recently
with thirty-eight charter members.
Fifty Italians arrived in Bethel re
cently to work on the Bethel Granite
railway.. Several returned to .tsoston
the hurt morning becuu.se they were not
satisfied with their sleeping quarters.
Very few of them are able to speak a
word of English.
Porcr V.nnis of liiirlimrton went Fri
day nifjht to Brunswick, Sic., where he
wilt join the liockweu inamauc com
pany, who are touring that state in
"Sunny South." Mr. Etrais wilt put ou
a musical specialty with the mandolin
and will also play m the Dana.
The ease of the Town of Jericho vs.
the Town of Norwich has been entered
in the Chittenden county clerk's olfice.
This action is brought to recover $150
for the care of Frank L. Ackerson and
family, who it is claimed are residents
of Xorwich. The case is returnable at
the September term of court.
In ore of our intermediate schools of
Burlington one day last week, a class
had been receiving instruction in Roman
history. The teacher asked, among
other 'questions who killed Caesar, The
answer promptly came from a little girl,
"Brutus.", A little boy excitedly jump
ed up and said: ''So Brutus didn't kill
Caesar. Kan Patterson killed him."
Biology baa Proved tbat Dandruff la
Caused by a Germ.
Science is donig wonders these days In
medicine as well as In mechanics. Since
Adam lived, the human race has been
troubled With dandruff, for which no hair
preparation has heretofore proved a suc
cessful cure until Newbro's Herptcide was
put on the market. It Is a scientific prep
aration that Mils the germ that makes
dandruff or scurf by digging into the
scalp to get at the root of the hair, where
it saps the vitality; causing Itching scalp,
faliingr hair, and finally baldness. With
out dandruff hair must grew luxuriantly.
It Is the only destroyer of dandruff.
Sold by leading druggists. Send lOo.
in stamps for sample to The Herpl
cide Co., Detroit, Mich.
Rickert & Wells, Special Agents.
conveying for the sum of three pounds,
a parcel of land situated in Rupert, con
taining fifty acres, it being the sixth
division of undivided land on the origin
al "Minister's JJiLriit." It ii dated October
7, 1791.
1 Will You Do Your Cooking on a Gas
Range This Summer?
xo a:i p--op:5 v,'uo will put in a Gas Cooking Range during the
iii-mta el May, 1905, the Gas Company will furui.-h them with gas
3 JO WZILZ osti eji joj II AUG H for one month after the Range
is installed. This wiil give the people an opportunity to become ac
customed to the use of the Range at the expense of the Company,
while the Company will be able, to keep their men cmyployed dining
. this month to the advantage of all, as after June 1st the Company
will be especially busy in extending their street mains and making
other permanent improvements. Liberal terms will be made to all pur-
, chasers of Ranges when necessary. Call at the ofllce, No. 213 North
Main Street, opposite Depot Square, whore you will always find a full
supply of Ranges and Gas Fixture, cr drop a po.-tal to the Company
and a representative will call on yon.
People's Lighting, Heating and Power to.,
JOHN J. FLYNN, President.
Mr. (1. IT. Cadv. of Woodstock, has
a remarkable petunia plant. Last Octo
ber she selected the slip from a bouquet
which was given Iter,, and put it in a
pot. It began blossoming when two
mntitl.B ilil nniV sinfp lout .Ta-.marv has
borne continuously from twenty to
seventy-live blossoms, many ot wmcu
measure two and three inches across.
Luella, eldest daughter of Sir. and
Mrs. George Bliss, died at the home of
ler parents at lown hill in Last .jloiit
peliery Thursday evening of consump
tion. Deceased was 1 6 years of age and
was a freshman in the Moiitpelier high
hchool. The funeral will be held from her
late home on Sunday afternoon at one
o'clock, the Rev. Lucius Roed officiating
and burial will be in the Cutler ceme
tery. Alexander Pwinrli, a Russian who
w.is brought to the Fanny Allen hospi
tal in NViniHiski suffering from serious
injuries received while blasting at Lyon
Mountain. N. Y., died Friday morning.
The man was at work in a mine when
he was terribly bruised from a prema
ture blast. He was injured about the
head, face, erms, hands and back. The
remains were aent Friday by boat to
I'lattsburg fur interment.
Many Bennington farmers say they
are disgusted at the low price of poto
toes, and that it does not pay to raise
then at the present figures.' The indi
cations are that the ni-rengo this sea
son will be much less than in several
preceding years. Farmers nra freely
offering potatoes at forty cents a bushel,
though fifty cents is the ruling price
at the stores. The stocks of potatoes
in Bennington and vicinity are large,
many farmers refusing tc sell them Jast
fall when prices were a litthi better
than at present.
While at work in the Newport tuln
mill at West Derby Wednesday after
noon, William Reed was caught be
tween a pulley and a belt .He was
bending over and his shoulders r were
drawn into the vise-like grip. The
workmen were appraised of lu3 danger
hv a ncrea m. The machinery was stoo
ped as soon as possible and ho was
taken troin ins position unconscious, it
was found that several ribs were broken
and the machinery was stopped just in
time to prevent bis head being crushed.
Slight hopes are entertained for his recovery.
Mrs. Josephine Hodge, of Dorset,
has a deed given by James Hodge, of
Woodhury, Conn., to his son, Abel
Hodge, conveying a tract of land. It is
da-led September 15, 17S1. James Hodge
was one of the pioneers of Dorset and
grandfather of the late Harvey 1 lodge.
Mrs. Hodge also has a deed given to
Abel Hodge by Joel Sheldon, of Rupert,
-- - -
Farm ! Farm ! Farm !
Rust Be Sold Within 40 Days.
One of the bent farms in the state, situated in
Williamstown, Vt., one mile from Granlteville.
best market center In the county. This farm
contains 175 acres, one and one-half story house
painted white, ten rooms, bay and weighted
windows with blinds. Cemented cellar, large
cistern, well and running water. Large barn
and basement, and other small buildings. Su
gar bouse, Iron arch and evaporator, tin tubs.
One-hnndred fruit trees, plenty of wood and
timber. Buildings and fences in the bent of re
pair, fifty cords of slab wood. Market teams
pass bouse dally. Flense call and sec this desir
able property before you lose the chance of
buying. Sold on easy terms. For further par
ticulars inquire of A. E. Katchelder at the farm.
Those of you who are particular about
the quality of your cigars try our
which we guarantee to be the best 10c
cigar made, uur
is a Sc cisrar that can't be beat. Call
in and try them. They are sure to please
yon. We also carry a full line of pipes,
tobacco and smokers' supplies.
p; N. WHEELER & CO.,
92 North Main St., - - - Barre, Vt.
Mrs. Charles Hooker, who lives in the
cant part of IJiddlebiiry, was severely
bitten by their dog Thursday afternoon.
Mrs, Hooker went to a trap that her
boys had set in a near-by meadow ami
was accompanied by the dog. On their
arrival there the dog sprang at her and
severely bit both her wrists. She got
the dog by the collar and cried for lu.lp.
John Lucia, who happened to be near
by, heard the cry, went to the scene,
promptly killed the dog and : assisted
Mrs. Hooker to the house. Medical
aid was promptly summoned. She is
doing as well as could be expected, 'he
is in ft very nervous condition, owing to
the fright." It is supposed that the dog
must have gone mad as it has always
been a great pet of the family.
A man apparently sixty years of age
was discovered beside the railway track
Tuesday morning one-fourth of a mile
west of South lioyalton, evidently hav
ing fallen of been thrown from a train
some time during the uiiiht. His dress
and appearance, indicated that he was
a tramp stealing a ride. When found
he was unconscious. 1 fe was taken to
the 'poor -farm and a 'physician called
who found him badly bruised about the
head, and with a broken arm. He soon
after rallied, became conscious and gave
his name as "Mike" Caslmian, but could
not give tny account of the accident or
the time if occurred. Wbeu found he
lay face dovMt, and must have laid there
during the rain in the night, as his
clot hea were soaked full jf w.uer. lie
had a workman's fraternal hadg.1.
At a stated meeting of tin board of
overseers of Harvard college, held in
Boston recently, Henry Augustus Tor
rey, l'h. I)., received an appointment as
assistant professor of chemistry for five
years from September 1, 1905. Profes
sor Torrey is a son of the lute Prof.
H. A. P. Torrey,, for many years a
member ot the laeuity ot the university
of Vermont, Burlington. He was gra
duated from the University of Vermont
in the class of 1893, subsequently pur
suing work in Harvard from which in
stitution he received the doctorate in
philosophy in 1897. Professor Torrey
then passed a year abroad in the Uni
versities of Leipsic and Berlin and upon
his return was for five years assistant
professor of chemistry in his alma ma
ter, relinquishing that work to accent
a. position as instructor on the Harvard
Saved by Dynamite.
Sometimes a flaming city is saved
by dynamiting a space that the hre
can't cross. Sometimes a cough hangs
on so long you feel as if nothing but
drnamite weuld cure it. Z. T. Gray
of Calhoun, Ga., writes: "My wife had
a very aggravated cough, which kept
here awake nights. Two physicians
could not help her, so she took Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption,
Coughs and Colds, which eased her crfugh,
pave hex sleep and finally cured her,"
Strictly scientific cure for bronchitis
and la grippe. At the Red Cross Phar
macy. Prices, 50c and $1.00. Trial
bottle free. .
Carriages and Harness I
" n
I rr Oil! A atk V
A complete assortment,
including the famous
Wm. Bartket & Son's Snelled Hooks
8f North Main St., - - Barre, Vermont.
Some agents say "The Best Companies,"
others "The Strongest," and still others
" The Largest Companies." I simply say
Representing $465,490,1 17.39 assets as per annua!
statement of companies represented in this agency on
. January i, 1903. That tells the whole story. Call
and investigate. No risk too large, none too small.
Tun Timkh will publish Want, iimt and
Found, For Sale, To Let, etc. short advertise
ments the rate of four lines for twenty-five
cents for the first insertion Mid five cents for
each subsequent insertion.
T ' REJiT Tenement of six room, near Cur
rier Park. Rfiiit $t0. Inquire of C. W. AwUl,
81 North Main Street. 4516
TENEMENT TO RENT Six room. Inquire
of B. 1'. Willey, 223 (south Main street, liarrp,
Vt. 'imt
I I 'll 'heap, wennd-hand Columbia
chainlmH bicycle. Apply at ttarre Granite
Purchasing Agency, Avenll Block, i(arr-,
Vt. . '.:' Sitt
FOR SALE' iMiwood ' F. cooklnic stove.
Apply at 21 Maple Avenue, up stairs, 52tf
Moiiilcd sttr pups, well marked, strong and
healUiv. threw month! old. For further par-
tirulaia aldrc2 hummer Btrwet, Montpeli-r,
Vt. - , 6U"
FOR 8AI.1C Baby crriaire at No. 83 Mer-
chant gtretft. . i . . 4St2
EOU SALE One large kitchen stove, two
dining tables and an ice cream freeier. In
quire of Mrs. McDonald, A. Toruaaj block, low
FOR BALE-Cbamber sui', iron bed, wi h
springs and mattres", orih, chairs, carpts and
Btoves at 64 Summer ttreet. 47t6
C tt V f W. n.ti.Hn liinil.r eqnnil a.l,t
pair of good heavy team harness, fcnquire at
H.F, Cut'er's stable. 40tti
FOR SALE Nice second-hand lady'sbtcyc'e.
Enquire at Standard Klectrie Company. 4Gtf
KliK SALE Potato Dlanter and hortse hoe.
Will be sold cheap, Apply to 'f hwiug Bros ,
Barre. Vt. 4"t6
FOR SALE OR KENT One four-tenement
house of five rooms each on .HatrinKton ave
nue. Rent, $8 ai d $0 per month. Enquire at
Eiuslle'a store or telephone 108-Sr, Granitevlile.
; 24tf
FOR SALK Two safes, store fixtures, com
imrinL' scales, oil tanks, etc. Albert A. Sar.
tent Avenll Block. 25U
FR SALE Four second-hand deliver?
watrons and three harness. F. D. I.add. 27tf
TO RET Two np-stairs tenements on
Branch street. Modern improve ments En
quire of W. H. Pitkin, Illanchard Building..
TO BENT Tenement house of five raonis
at 15 Cottage street. Keys at 17, (jeo. K.
Milne. , ma
TO RENTA jrood. clean storeroom on Main
street. Inquire of W. J. McLean, M0 North
jiaiB street. vuu
TO RF.NT Two laiire front office rooms.
sl.o 17 by 20. Also three buck rooms," ail in
.anieoni umrs. Appiy to i. .anieoni. ai-ir
Three Tenements on Patterson Street,
Ova Tenement on Branoh tiered.
One Tenement on Granite Street.
One Tenement on Hill Street.
U7tf0i Apply at Thelps Brothers'.
TO BENT-Furnifhed room with modern
conveniences. A very desii able location at '6
Spauldiug Btreet. 297tf
TO RENT Two front oflices in the Bastman
block. Apply to Eastman Bros, S(ltf
TO RENT Furnished room with all modern
improvements. Apply at 31 Franklin 8t. 14DU
WANTED A derrick, man. Apply to 3. P.
Corsk e & Son. Mta
WANTED A faim hand at once. Apply to
John Stewart, Beckley tiill, 4713
We carry a, full assortment of High
and Medium Grade Carriages. Come in
and see them, even if you don't want to
buy, and if you are in need of a Carriage
of any description we wiu save you
money Come in and talk it over.
Also a nice line of Xew and Second
hand Harness.
H. F. Cutler's Livery,
Telephone 131-2.
Rear of City Hotel, - - - Barre, Vermont.
The City of Barre invites sealed bids
for 600 tons of Lehigh coal for use in
the nine school-houses, the city hall
and the fire station, and also one carload
of soft coal. State prices delivered in
school-houses and city hall and fire sta
tion. Bids must be in the hands of
the undersigned on or before 7 p. m.,
Mnv 21th.
Signed at City Hall this 12th day of
Mnv, 1905.
JFO. H.STEWART, I For School
W1L1H KF. 81JEPAKD, ) Co!iiuiiior.ers.
For City
DiKtrn t of Washington. . ( held iu Montpel
ier, in ami for said District, on the 2Mb day of
April, A. 1). 11X15.
Cornelius Trentinl, administrator of the es
tate of Eli Corn, late of tho City of
Barn, in wuit District, deceased, presents bis
administration account lor examination and al
lowance, and make application for a decree of
distribution and partition of the estate of said
dtmeaiMMi. Whereupon it is ordered by said
('uni t that paid account and said application be
referred to n sesnion (hereof, tit ,v In id lit toe
t'u.'.ia'i' i i, ;n M.d .Mwiiti-ehei, on tlM. 1st!)
i!.-y of M ly. A.J). I:!',, for Iwuue and i'e
i i-Vm tj i-rl'on; And, it is fiiitlicr oi dried that
notice hereof be given to all persons interested,
tv publication of the same three weeks succea
f. i . 1 v j'i t' ft barre Oiily 1i'1hs, a newM-am-i
published at too city of Barre, in this State,
.rv.o!s to waul time appointed for hearing,
that they may appe.ir at said time and place,
ana KhoW c.uus. if any ihf-y mav uav why
said aocoout should not be allowed, and such
detsree made,
.My the Court. Vre?t,
Mil; AM CARLETON, Judse.
Mon. May 1-8-lft.
Fresh Supply Received Daily.
At wholesale and retail.
The best received in this
city. AH kinds of Fruits
at the lowest prices.
Under Parlor Drag Store. Remember the
Union Lunch Room and Restaurant haa a good
manv hrnt-class boarders. Iloth ladiea anil
irentlnmen are respected and Riven the bent of
food, home-made by a lirst-clafa cook. Oysters
and Meats served dally from 6 a. in. to 12 p. m.,
and -on (Sundays from l.w a.m. to 8. HO a. m.,
from 12 a. m. to l.Ai p. iu, and f r:im J.W p. iu.
to t p. in.
FOR SALE Owinir to poor health I shall gell
my two houses, gituared on Blackwell street.
jne two-tenement bouse containing nine rooine,
and one self-contained cottage of even rooms.
For further information apply to Alex. Mor
ton, 6S Blackwell street. 4tit38
FOK 8ALB Nice, loose hay, both coarse and
fine. Order may be left at Sowden & Lyon'i
store or with me at 21 Highland Avenue. O
Carletop. IWtf
FOR SALK Farm in Waterbury, 169 acres,
and all the personal property. On electric cat
line. Also another farm in Williamstown,
within one mile of Graniterille, containing K8
acres. These farms will be sold on easy terms
Inuuire of A. . Batohelder for further par
ticiilars. . 216tf
Milk Our wagon delivers twice a day.
Hay lielivered promptly In bulk'
I'axture 95 or MX) acres (old Mann farm), well
watered, divided. Mostly all new fence. Ap
ply (Jeorge lassie, East street. . 4tf .
lam still heienith H'.'Vd fort. (tod H.nu.nv.
--f ')!i"it nt t"K9. 1u;niH ca,.h. O. tl.
Flheld, 120 Ju;i street. -.'-. litf
WANTED Ladies and gentlemen, yen can
make $23 a MKH) copying at lmme (pare time;
no mailing or canvassing; everything furnish
ed; particulars free. Ciown Supply Company,,
402 Westminster street. Providence, B. I, 47t
WANTED Womon for housekeeper in &
good family. Apply to "W," Times olllcc. 4St(J
WAME1) A few first-class waitresses at
the Sagamore, Long Lake, N. Y, Address L.
H. Newton, 4MI College Street, Burlington,
Vt, 4616
WANTED Boy, about 18 years old, to tk
ordera and deliver. Apply at Chcsser
Bird's. 4atf
WANTED Housekeeper at e South Main
street. Call between 4 and 6 p. in. 44tS
WANTED A good kitchen girl at the North
ern hotel. 16t.f
WANTED Double or single washings at (so
Elm Street, upstairs. sata
WANTED Woman wants work by the day.
Apply to 9 Foster street. Mlf'
WANTED 1'osition by young lady to w
by the day or hour, or would take steady pi:
W ANTED (-iarriens to plough
non-en. iei"iioeiio ;n .1
stin t, B.iiif' Ciiy,
Work itnttf
all ftt 2 Ferry
TO BENT A duwji-pt.urn tenement ar. cor
ner of ! our h M-un and Flmcre ISrreet". Va
cant June 1st. lmiuire ot Fred Watra, 8b Fer
ry Street. .... . , .. u-lt
VI ANT Ml To hhe a (mall eotrnga at. North
Harre. Afl,ir"s A. Hroggi, at D. Ti ma-i Vie
htme. V t. 40.1,
TO KENT Verr pl8satit luriushed front
mom, fci per week. Apply at b& I'rospoct
8tret. . . MlUi
T BENT Beady today, at No. s Cliff street,
ft nine tenement tor a nice fitmil. All mhi
venienoes. Knijuirc of Catc Ileal Estate Agen
cy or Dr. J. Henry Jacksou, 60tf
TO RENT Four moms, suitable for light
house-keeping, in our block. East man Stm. 6lt(
TO BENT A good tenemerjt for a small
family. Apply to Wm. B. Fradd, 4 Long
street. 4913
TO BENT A six-room tenement. Hard
wood finish, modern improvements, 22 Webster
Street, off Washington. Imjuira of Mrs. Chee
ver on premises. 45t3
TO BENT A six-room tenement with untd
era conveniences. City water, bath and good
cellar. $13 per month. Inquire F. I). Beck
ley, Park Street. 4Bui
LOST Gold filled watch, open face and stern
wind. Lost between Hooker's and Wcainplnl's.
Keturn to H, M. Douglas, Hooker's store. 4,"tf
.LOhT-l'air gold-rimmed spectacles. Finder
please return to 8 lliurston Place and lie re
warded. 4f,te
LOST Year-old gray heifer, Sundav even
ing. Finder return or notify I'aul Kingston,
near Jones Brothers' sheds, North Barre. 41tf
Oil ND Large black dog came to this piaca
one week ago. Granite City Kestaurant. Quin
len block. j4tf
F'OCND An overcoat. Owner can have same
by calling at 53 Brooklyn street, proving prop
erty aod paying for this advertisement. 2atf
TO KENT House with garden at 8 Foster
street. Inquire at 32 Brook street. 4tiif
TO BENT A good downstairs tenement.
Inquire of W. O. Farkur. 44
TO BENT Good tenements. Apply to A.
Tuuuud. 42tf
TO BENT Five-room tenement. Apply to
Alex Brace. 2tf
TO BENT Two cottages of six rooms each,
besides bath and pantry. Also two tenements
of live rooms and bath. All within odb min
ute's walk of stone sheds on Batchelder's
Meadow. Apply to John Nicholson, 1J Wel
lington Street, City. 20tf
FA STORAGE For five or six colts or horses.
One half pasture mowing, W. C. yuinlen. 41 tf
TO KENT Tenement for $9.00 per month.
Dr. C. H. Kent. Miles' block. aotf
TO BENT Small tenement. Enquire of J.
C. Batchelder, 6 Kinney street. 33tf
Fl'BNISHKD BO')M TO KENT Steam heat,
electric lights and hash, at 4ti 1 call street. 31tf
FOB RALE Pure White Plymouth Bock
eggs. Prize birds. Per setting, one dollar. L.
D. Uftle, Williamstown, Vt. 30tf
FOK RALE Full blood S. C. K. I. Red. Cy
phers strain, beet for laying and faticy stock.
weep neu. oq per setting. M, ju Averill
FOK SALE My thoroughbred White Wyan
dottes are proline winUr layers and fine table
fowls just the kind you want. $1.00 per sett
ing. Drop me postal. I will deliver them to
any part of the city. John W. Huberts, South
Barre. 6t2
FOK SALE Settings of White Wyandotte
eggs from hens that averaged 1B6 eggs apiece,
forihe last yi-ar. $1.00 for fifteen. James E
Mitobel), 4 Cleveland Avenue, Hooker Flat,
Barre. . (tS3
I'ek in liucks, 75 cents per setting.
White Wyandotte. 60 cents per setting.
Barred I'lymouth Ho ks, f0 ceiits pr sottirjir.
A, W. A1JLEN, Sunnyside Farm.
Telephone 114-3, or farinliottse 314-3. 586tf