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8 TILE BA11RE DAILY TOLEri, MAY JG, itK)5. TALK OF THE TOWN. I f-j FOR THE You graduate .this June? That's an evidence of les sons learned, hard tasks accomplished and sacrifices made. The intervening weeks are short and call for speedy choosing and planning. Our beautiful and complete stocks will help you. Remember, even the cheapest of all the material we offer you are the finest you can buy anywhere for the amount you expend. Our reputation depends upon that. NEWEST IN NECKWEAR JUST IN Sheer Lawns, Wash Chiffons, French Muslins, Fine Organdies- There is nothing prettier or more practical. Prices, 38c, 50c, 68c and 75c per yard. Wash Silks What in white could be more serviceable? Prices, 38c to 75c per yard. Embroideries Beautiful effects in the newest designs. Fans And big assortment, too, for your choosing. A pretty one for 50c and regular "dream" for $1.75. Ribbons A big collection of col on and whites and, what is better, the price is right. , GRADUATE . I -wmm..:- Hosiprv-In the very newest nat- TfffTl WW T III tern, and color, for spring.. ' imJiH XMmj'. . Dainty Lingerie-Ordered e'i- UWJ? peciaily for this occasion. , . ' AND THOSE PRETTY White Skirts Elegantly trimmed with c n lace or hamburg. A special is one PILK CLOVES AND MlTTS OF that old fnr I . i e. Nnw S7- rh Tilt ITlvcrn nnnm. Ill I . IV ' J ' - " .iiwt.n DIA 7. 111 l BIOMtK NHS .JH . ' . ; I III I l - - ' a XeNon Lewis is filling his basket with speckled beauties in Williamstown to day. Mr-. Walter F. Morse of Wliittier, Cal.. .iirived in the city last nk'lit for a two weeks' visit with friend. II. B. Swasey of this city liaa been chosen to speak in the preliminary prize speaking nt me university ot Ver mont. Word was received from Burlington today that Kev. S. X. Jackson, who was operated on for appendicitis aUt Friday, is eomfoitiibo and doing well. WILLIAMSTOWN. TELEPHONE 408-11 Tan Season! MORE TANS THAN EVER WILL BE WORN. WE HAVE THE TAN OXFORDS THE NEWEST SHAPES AND . THE LATEST SHADES. Quality and Price Guaranteed. rSsK, -Jm THE BARRE DAILY TIMES TUESDAY, MAY 16, 1905. Weather Prediction. Local showers tonight and Wednes day morning, followed by clearing;. Wed nesday warmer in coast sections, light easterly to southerly winds. . TALK OF THE TOWN. Local Happenings Tersely Told for Busy Readers. Barre Shoe Company, 131 NORTH MAIN STREET. Abbott's teution. hosiery demands your at- LadieV covert jackets at special pi . Vaughan'a. ices at E. E. Perry went to Burlington to day on business. Children's wash suits at McWhorter's, 50c to $3.50 each. Keep in mind tt.e Jackson and Ken nedy recital, May 26th. Ladies and gentlemen's solid watches at F. E. Bnrr & Co.'s. gold Miss Ethel Holder! lina lioon lavlnn two weeks' vacation at lmr hnm. r. turning to her work at Miss lriirv' store .yesterday. fieorsre and Fred news lately of 'the death of their broth er, Frank, in the West. Mr. and Mrs. Willar,! Chwah Mr.' and Mrs. Corliss havft into Mr. Baker's new house. The third and fourth rWrwa will la conferred at the Grange Wednesday even- Grace McAllister siwnt Knt Sunday at her home in Washington. o Guy Badsrer becran work- fin 11m rnad this week and is boarding at Mrs. Wil liams'. , Mrs. Silas Stone has been spending a eouple of weeks with her son, Dell, in curie, returning Home on Saturday Mrs. Carrie, Bancroft una nollo f liarre .Monday evening by the news of uiu ueam or cnanes rar her'a oini.i llie tuneral was held yesterday. -. s State Y. M. C. A. Camp. Olheals of the Stat V. f. C A W, decided to form a summer rnmn fnr q. suciauon at Miver lake, in . Franklin eountv. which was formerlv L-nnun Franklin pond. This decision was reach- eu oy a delegation ot association men who visiiea ine lake Jrriday with the forming of a camp in view. This party vunsiswa or t. . Morrison, State Sec retary Byron X. Clark, Local Secretary Harry R. Bolles of Montpelier, W. G. MaSOIl. Frflnklin Nllintir fianrafarif W S. Dillon of St. Johnsbury, E. B. Reed' ana t. a. JUanuol of Richford. This delegation found the vicinity of the lake very favorable for a boys' camp anu. were not long in deciding that such a camp would be conducted this summer at the lake. A camp association was termed with the following officers : F. S, Morrison, president; Harry R. Bolles, secretary; uyron jn. Clark, treasurer. E. B. Reed was nnnointoil rlin.irman nf the committee on transportation, F. A. Manuel on supplies, W. G. Mason on religious work, tt. jy. Clark - on menu, u. ft. .union on damn nth itir fVim. mittees on camp equipment and admin istration were also appointed. The eaniT) will be conriuetflil linrinrr the mouth of July and will be limited io urn toys, uoys irom tlie associations in Mnotjx-iler, St. Johnsbury and Frank lin county will lie at the camp. It has not yet been decided whether or not the boys of the Burlington association will attend the camp. ins , J? NEW jz? Six pieces, all pretty patterns and thirty six inches wide. The price is only 10c per yard. Pretty Lawns, 5c Ginghams, .10c VEALE & KNIGHT, Telephone 123-2. Currier Building, Barre, Vt. UNION CLOTHING COMPANY. UNION CLOTHING COMPANY. Towns Are Not Quarrelling. , j ' tigt inrcs, just jo. aims . siaiemeiii Antonio Biauclii of Lancaster, N. II., j that ollieials of Vergennes and Ferris visited friends in this city yesterday, i biu-g are wrangling over paying the . . I 1ii..;1 At-T..,A. F r Ml t MASCOTT'S Famous Ice Cream and Ice Cream Soda cannot Be equaled in the City. BARRE CANDY KITCHEN. g Harry A. Segel. Hymen D. Segel. Thomas Brady. y Ui3 1 113 B UUl III x ft ft ft si The wisest man puts his foot in it once in a while, the vshining mark of his wisdom being the putting of his feet in a comfort -giving pair of Shoes purchasable here. You can't beat our $3.50 Shoe anywhere in this land the famous All America Shoe, made by Rice & Hutch, in all leathers and special lasts. But you'll get full value for S every dollar you sjrend with us for Shoe leather of any other. kind for the whole family. " "' 2 ' J? Miss Affiles Nash rpt.nmed tliia Tnnrn. ing from a visit at her home in Bur lington. Michael Pembroke nf WArMiton Mass., was in the city yesterday on business. C. L. Waters of St. Johnsbury, agent for the X. D. G. E. railrnn, la in tlia city on business. Miss Nellie Stoughton went to North field this morning to spend the day with her mother. Alex Duncan and Frank W. Jackson went to Burlington last night to the Odd Fellows encampment. Miss Kate Buchanan, who has been attending Spaulding school, went to her home in Linwiek, P. Q., today. L. Colombo, F, Restellie and Mrs. John Gobbi leave tonight for New York where they will take passage for It Mrs. Neil Morrison went to Lake Me gantie, P. Q., today to spend a few months' visit at the home of her par ents. ' There is a rumor in Burlington that Ruellmch, the former Intercity star, is to pitch his first game for Chicago against the New York Giants today. TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION ..NTED-EiperiBnced table girl at Gran ite City ltestaurant , .. 53 rosiTinx keeper wants work. WA NTED-ComnBtpnt Apply at 10 Webster Ave house- 63t3 burial expenses of Sheridan Morrill, who as Kiiieu oy a train Jilay 3 while in toxicated and that the Ferrisburg select men claim that Vergennes whiskey caus sed the man's death, is denied. The day tho accident occurred, rela tives of the unfortunate man came to Vergennes, paid undertaker Ketch am in full, and removed the remains to an other town for burial. P.. W. Tuffl attorney for both Vergennes and Fer- iisuuig, lmorms ine Messenger corre snondent that the tnntior 1m Tinf. hnon mentioned to him hv onirn'iila nf piliior town, which would seem to indicate that it nas not nen consiaered. io evidence has yet been found to show bevond nuetsion that Morrill was intoxicated at the time he met his death, and if ne was, it is stm to te proven that ergennes whiskey was the cause. What Burlington Pays for Coal The bids submitted for the contract to supply the city of Burlington with coal for the ensuing year were opened oaruraay nigni at the city cleric's ollice uy iiayor nurke anu Aldermen Uolley mm ueeves, tne members ot the com inittee annointeii for that, nnrnnas Eleven bids were received, of that num- beri six hoinn' from lrwnl cnncoriia The amount of the bids was not given out aturdny night but they will be placed before the board of aldermen to night. The lowest price for soft coal was $.1.50 per ton. while that for hard coal was S3. fin. A necnliar fpnfnro of the local bids was that none of the concerns presented a bid for the hard coal contract. The specifications for the mas caned lor b.ouo tons of hard and 1,200 torts of soft coal STEEL KING SHOES QUEEN CITY SHIRTS. u, "ct?" so!VSent in Barre celebrated Quten City Working bhirtS. This Shirt it acknowledged by 'everybody to be the best Working Shin on the market for 50c. We guarantee every Shirt to be absolutely fast color, full szi ind pcrfect in every particu!ai A Dew Shirt for every one that does not prove to be just what we claim for it. Re member the price u only 50c. All sizes from 14 to 19, ,h, Y?,wVmk' M Kf f tC SlCel Ki"S Shoes- This i, one of the best Workino Shni ri-.-l Tl : l- i ... . ,, cn notning Detter or stronger, and it is especially adapted for the stone-sheds or for quarry use. Every pair guaranteed. Price, $ 00. v you wi ayrb!fiSnS Sh0eS QUee" ShIrtS 'nd Union Clothing Store, ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS, Telephone 126-2. 014 Skating Rink Building, Opp. Depot Square. AKVdKOa QKIHI0T3 KOIMfl -IMydKOJ 0MIHX073 KZ uunu i nu rtUiiniU UJ We give you a genuine Welt Oxford in Patent, Kid or Brown Russia Calf "Doris "$2,00 and $ z. 50 per pair. When you buy them they, likv a good name, wear well. Good, stron soles will keep your feet oiT the hot pavements. We also have Light Soled Oxfords od Gibson Ties. o 0 o PEOPLES SHOE STORF S Halc's B,ock' Vl- C S. ANDREWS. Prop. OOOOOO ooo o o o o B O IT M Why put it off? Form the habit, get in line and follow the crowd to OW! ? 1 V- Segels & BradyV 118 Main' Street - - Bolster's Brick Block. Barre, Vt. Compare Our Prices With those you are paying and see whv it pays to pay cash at WillarH .V n.Vc - 1 Kennedy's Craciers. London Cream. Royal Lunch, Graham. Butier Thins, Saltlnes, etc., 1 0 per package or three packages for 25c Strictly fancy Potatoes, 50 tents a bushel. In th ee bushel lots or more . . . . . . . . . 45e Strictly fresh W s, per dozen 20c an Camp s Ketchup .....i ....20c A good one for 10 cents or three bottles for..... .... 25c Big deal on Tobacco. Ideal, a splendid smoking Tobacco, at 35 cents p pound, or three pounds for...... .... .;......... , $1,00 Plenty of that nice Butter, per box ...i, ............ ,. $1.25 WILLARD & DIX, Sooth Mam Street, - - ...... Barre, Vermont. I EASTMAN BROTHERS ! ft 2 We give you prompt service without " that tired feel- k ,-Bf?re yu leave the store we will talk to you about f Spurrs Tea and Coffee. We hear vn , ' . I4 ij i i t c i v v- Juu cane j drink Tea for ,t hurts you. You evidently never have tried Spurr's Health Brand. The new process of curing if5 take"out that injurious property so common in other ? ' iacrci0,ce n can De drank as freely as water without f ill effects. Spurr's "Revere" Coffee k a wfi ? x Teas. 2 2 any 2 '2 1 184 North Main St., Barre, Vermont I Buy Your Paint at Home! We sell Masurs Railroad Paint, OeVoe Lead and Zinc Paint, Pure Oil and, White Lead. We can sell as well as, if not better than, outside concerns. All goods warranted. Reynolds & Son, HARDWARE. Bac. V,... Wder Betns, HorUcuUura, Pole Beans, D. M. Fe.y & Co. Also LongfeMow Corn! Earv FHn g.r.j Alert VnrU, C.. . l . I ii i a r 7 "I -".B'uine "ureen Mountain" a ! kmds. Corn and Detroit Improved Wax Bean, K"e u. n O H o o d - o at o o H K ti a Telephone 31-3. L. M. AVERILL, etc. Opposite City Park, Barre. Vermont,