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THE BARRE DAILY TIMES, MAY 18, 1U05. 3 r TO LEAD A QUIET LIFE Buy Your Paint at Home! i i . I i Who Ever Heard Of A Poor Makes Cooking Easy" TfaurOldJiaruje taken inZxeAange REYNOLDS & SON, JAMES H. HYDE EXPLAINS. He Shows That the Equitable Society Bought No Bonds from his Syndicate New York, May 18. In testimony lffre the Frick committee of directors, velich U investigating the alleged mis D'unagement of the Equitable Life, As siiranec Society, James Hazen Uyde, il'e president, on Tuesday explained all t'.o business transactions of the syn dilate known as "James II, Hyde and sovintes." ..-His testimony showed that although, the Equitable had bought $13, '"J,(iOO of -the bonds underwritten by tit syndicate, it had bought no one bond ii fftu James II. Hyde and associates, From the examination of Mr, Hyde a .id the transcripts of records the com mittee has learned that there were eight syndicates in which J. 1L Hyde and a(:iutes were considered as only one ..f an average of 110 underwriters. The total amount waa about $300,000,000, The bonds were all .heavily over-sub iv.-nbed. In no case was there a single bund allotted to any of the underwrit er, it was said, so whatever securities cine into possession of the Equitable wese purchased in open market, or ac quired in regular subscription fashion. Auer's fteo 5-Passenger Touring Car! Two-cylinder horizontal l6h. p., with long hill-climbing stroke. Weight' ijoo lbs., with detachable tourrean. Prkre $1250. Also can furnish Reo Runabout, 8 h. p., 850 lbs., t $650. Both equipped with two lamps and horn. The Reo is invented and built by R. E. Olds, the inventor of the Oidsmobi'e. Wij be pleased to give demonstrations. E. N. ALDR1CH, Agent, GranitevjHe, Vt. i Every Reader in the City Should read some one of the following Pa 1 - pers, which can be found on our News Stand: HEARST'S BOSTON AMERICAN (Daily). HEARST'S BOSTON AMERICAN (Sunday). BOSTON FOST, BOSTON HERALD, BOSTON RECORD NEW YORK WORLD, NEW YORK TRIBUNE, NEW YORK SUN, IDEAL BOOK AND Hale's Block, Next Door to People's :?AY CASH and .':a pounds of Salt Fork for $1.00 i' i.necured Bacon, per pound He n me cured Hams, per pound . 1 4c T .-j cans of best Tomatoes for .". . . 25c Don't Forget to Ask For CHESSER Telephone 323 North Main Street. BAEEE, VT. READY FOR EQUITABLE PEACE. Both Factions Said to Be Willing to Make Concessions, New York, May 18. -It is now said that both the Alexander and the Hyde sides in the Equitable controversy are willing to have the fight called otf. Both sides are beginning to realize that the situation is getting beyond their con trol, and, fearing for their own inter ests," are willing to make concessions to secure peace. It is said that William Nelson Crom well will shortly take a hand itt the situation, acting as a "pacifier" between the factions. Mr. Cromwell's ability to serve in this capacity has been il lustrated in several instances, not the least notable being the late shipbuid ing investigation. Mr. Cromwell, ac cording to the report, will appear nom iimlly s counsel for the Equitable So ciety, but his thief and only duty will be to bring about harmony. Mr. Crom well will iiot talk .about" the matter. Mrs. Nurox-'" but book cm I get that will tit me to enter the best so cictyr Mrs. Ulusox "Have you tried the check book!" Cleveland Leader. Ssarsapariili?, Good for anything? Ask your parents, grandparents, neighbors, your own doctor. We will leave it to any of them. Best blood mcdi- cine. Rest nerve tonic. fW;?;' THE NEW YORK EVENING KAIL, BURLINGTON FREE PRESS, ST. ALBANS REVENGER, RUTLAND HERALD and TEE BARRE DAILY TIKES. STATIONERY STORE, Shoe Store. V. FRANK HARRIS. GET the BEST Three bottles of Horseradish for 25c Three cans of Boston Baked Beans for 25c Bermuda Onions, per pound 6c Three pound package of Lotus Prunes for. . . 25c Your Rebate Checks. & BIRD, 231-11 Meats and Groceries. President Roosevelt to Settle Down. TO CUT PUBLIC ACTIVITY. But First' He Will Make One More Swing Around the Circle To Pull No Strings." New York, May 18. President Roose velt will make only one more swing around the circle, according to a Wash ington dispatch to the World. A brief southern trip the first two weeks of October will be his last. " : When Mr. Roosevelt returns from the South for the extraordinary session to regulate freight ratos, he will settle down to the quiet life. He feels that since his annovneement that ho will not he a candidate for another term he has been criticized for his activity in public, and he known that the declaration has been made that he is "laying wires" for Hoot or Cortelyou. The President wants it understood that he will not seek to control the selectiou of his successor, and will desist from speaking and hand shaking tours. He will leave a clear field for the nomination in 1908, Mr. Roosevelt has travelled over the country more generally and frequently than any of his predecessors. His with drawal from contact with the public for a period of more than three years will be in marked contrast to his previous freedom of movement. Since he became president he has vis ited every state and territory except Florida and Arkansas, lie is exceed ingly proud of this record, and says that before he settles down to the quiet life he would iike to accept the hospi tality of the two stales he ' has not visited. ' HI trip before the special session the coming full will be made with the single intention of visiting Arkansas and Flor ida, The President wants it said of him that he visited ecry state and terri tory within the United Stair-s proper. TWO PAPERS ARE MISSING. Loomis, However, Will Accept the Copies. Waihiiieion, May IS.- MinisU-r Do wr en, called upon "secretary Taft at th War Department yesterday and told him that two essential eablfuranis were missing from the papers handed him Monday by the : Secretary. Secretary Taft thereupon called ' upon the State Department lor the missing papers, but they could not be found, although copies were accessible and, indeed, Minister Boweu himself had copies brought him trom Caracas, faecretary iatt was wilt ing that these ehouldi be regarded as original. Mr. Loomis also consented to accept the copies of the communications in Mr. Boweu's hands as sufficient. As soon as these papers have been received by Secretary Taft he will refer them to Mr. Loomis for furtlir reply. It may he necesary to send an agent to Caracas to prosecute the inquiry, but this has not yet been decided U'ion. SAVINGS BANK BILL SIGNED. Loans Must Not Exceed 40 Per Cent of Capital and Surplus, Albany, May IS. Governor Higcins ye-iteiday signed the bill of Senator Stevens limiting the amount a bank or trust company may loan to any, one borrower to )) per cent, of its capital stock - and surplus and providing tint where such loans escecd one-tetith of capital stock and surplus t'tj excess iiust be seemed by collateral worth at least 13 per cent, more than the amount 1 hereof. Child Labor Bill Signed. Albany, May .IS. Governor llissjins yesterday signed Senator Hill's drastic child labor bill, which places upon the employer -of a child 'apparently tinder the ftic of sixteen years." a far larger responsibility than hitheito, It author izes the commissioner of lnl.'ox or local health authorities to require of the em ployer of such cliiiil. "whrse employ' merit certificate is not then filed," as required bv law, to produce within ten days satisfactory evidence that the einhl is over sixteen or cease to employ the child. Ambassador McCorniick 111. Faris, May 17.- Owing to a protracted attack of grippe, Ambassador McCor mick, on the advice of his physician, has gone to Dieppe for a short rest and recuperation. In Its Tenth Season. Fred Raymond's famous comedy, ''The Missouri Girl," now in its tenth season, is a most conclusive proof that pood clean, wholesome theatrical productions are always vvhrmied and jfenorously patronized by the theatre-going public. The comedy is so closely interwoven with bits of pathos and siich sensational incidents as would actually occur in the liver of such people who exift in "The Missouri Girl," that the entirety is a revelation in simplicity and interest in the art of play buildinjr. Mr. Ravmoiid has equipped tl e play with the "best of accessories and spared no expense in making its production one thorouoghly worthy the patronage accorded it. That its production at the Burro opera house tut Monday will be one of the ntifvinjr theatrical engagement ot the eaon is an assured fact. In the past nine seasons there is no plav of contemporary authorship whictl has enjoyed su.'h universal prosperity. The fact that Mr. Raymond has three companies playing the piece is evidence Buflicient ot its merit ana popularity, GOODWIN PARDONED. Lawrence, Mass., Man Gets Release from Prison After Twenty Years' ; Service. Boston, May 18. Henry K, Goodwin, who has served twenty years of a life sentence for the killing of Albert D. Swan in Lawrence in 18t5, was par doned yesterday afternoon by Governor Douglas. The pardon was recommend ed by the governor's council. The par don is unconditional and does not re quire Goodwin to leave the state, al though he asked that this be made one of the provisions of his release. OSCAR TO DISPLACE REGENT? The King May Sanction Separate Con- suls. t'hristiania, Norway, Maw 13. The Tasblatt expresses the belief that Kins! Oscar will reassume the reins of gov ernment on June 1. Thia is regarded as a semi-official intimation, and if it turns out to be correct, it means, pro bably, that Kins Oscar intends to sanc tion the Norwegian consular bill, thus assuming direct responsibility for an set calculated to irritate his Swedish .-objects, rather than leave the iepon- -.ilnlity u the bhouiikrs of the crown prince repent. , Body Found in River. Keei"-. ST. II., May 13. Medical Bef erco John D. Proctor was notified yes terday of the finding of a body of an unknown man in tho Connecticut river at Wells Ferry between Putney, Vt., and Westmoreland, X. II. After view ing tho body, Lr. Proctor stated that it had been in the water a month or more and appeared to be that of a laborer about 35 years old.: There was a wound on the head which might have fractured the skull, but this, he said, might have been caused by contact with a rock in the river after the man's death. The authorities are endeavoring to identify the body. A SKIN OP BEAUTY IS A JOY FOREVEg, NR. T. FEtlX GOtntACT'8 OBIKNTAt, I CKEABI, OK MAGICAL BEAUTIFIES fimoTM Tn, Pimpte,Freckle, Queue, iia every uiumisu oa twantr, na ieflwi detection. It ; 'flisn tood the test y'Jot 66 year, nd U o lurmlmi w taste It to be lura It is properly ra Jf. A ccept no counter. tat ot ilinllar name. Ir. h. A, filTCTA ft&tii to & lady ot the hauu con i paiteHij; 'A you ladlei will use Item, I recommend 'Gouraud"g Creim' u the least harmful of til toe dkfn preparattotM." For Bale hj U Imiggists and Fancy Good lwaier In the U. 8.. Cn.t, nd Europe. , R0..T. HOPKINS, Prep'f, 37 Breat ions St, H. . Pure and Abundant WATER. B. F. Smith & Bro., Artcsiau and Driven Welle. 1 Oliver Kt., . . Boston, Mass STRAWBERRIES PINEAPPLES, Fresh Supply Received Daily. BANANAS At wholesale and retail. The best received in this city. All kinds of Fruits at the lowest prices. NEW ENGLAND fRUIT CO., A. DIVERSI, Prop., COR. KA1S AND JLERCHART STS.. BARRf, VT. DERRICK STICKS We carry a full assortment In stock con stantly. VVe have just received a f nil cargo ot H00 Oregon sticks from I'njfet Sound by ship, from tiO feet by 10 inches to I'Zi feet by 32 Inches diameter, Will sell by oai lots or single slicks and guarantee our sticks In every respect. Prices to compete with rail shipments. We also ship by rail and woo Id be pleased to quote prices at any time. EOSTON OREGON MAST CO., Office and Dock, 1 16 Con dor Street, - East Boston, Mass T J 1 yfcva ir s 1 We sell Masury's Railroad . Paint, DeVoe Lead and Zinc Paint. Pure Oil and White Lead. We can sell as well as, if not better than, outside concerns. All goods warranted. Reynolds & Son, HARDWARE. SOMEBODY S7UD "POINTED FLOORS KIW DISmSZ GERMS SJTW U1BORMD cotiiwrcEDP&jyTNGrioom The Most Perfect of Floor THE SUREST LABOR-SAVER EVER READY FOR USE ... . vw r Maae Dy VaXi, PUT LP V For Sale by C. Every Bug Has His Day But a bedbugs DAYS and NIGHTS are surely over after the bed has had a thorough application of DR0WS BUG KILLER. It completely destroys bedbugs' nests, eggs and bed bugs large and small. Gives entire freedom from these little pests. . Peace at night is insured, as there y is not a bug left. Only 25 cents. E. A. DROWN, pbSn 46 No. Main St., Opp. Nat'l Banh. CADILLAC j& MODEL D - - rrX JJ rp four Cylinder Vertical Engine 30 H. P. This it the latest addition to the line of famous Cadillac Cars, the Cars which give satisfaction. We shall be pleased to have you call and examine the new $950 Touring Cars which we have in stock. ' - The Car That ALWAYS GOES CADILLAC Standard Electric Compare Our Prices With those you are paying and see why it pays to pay cash at Willard & Dix's. Kennedy's Crackers, Loadoa Cream, Royal Lunch, Graham, Butter Thins, Salthies, etc., 1 0c per package or three package for 25c Strictly fancy Potatoes, 50 cents a bushel. In thee bushel lots or mare. ........ 45c Strictly fresh E?;s, per dozen 20c Van Camp's Ketchup 20c A good one for 1 0 cents or three bottles for 25c ' Ug deal on Tobacco. Ideal, a spleudid smoking Tobacco, at 35 cents pes pound. or three pounds for .,$1.00 Plenty of that nice Butter, per box .....$1.25 WILLARD & DIX, Soath Main Street, - - Barre, Vermont. SAN FORD CORN The Averill Mills, Telephone 115-12. Barrc, Vermont. WORRY Paints GERM-KILLER AND PRODUCED YOU CAN APPLY IT Ct'ART. HALF-GALLON, G1LL0N CANS ' W. Avcrili & Co. CADILLAC Co., Bam, Vermont. (White riint) at $1.25 per bushel. 23 South Main Street, Barre, Vt.