No. 1. Two tenement Louse, barn and about two acres of land, ten
minutes' walk from the post-otfice. Tiiia property will rent for twenty
five dollar a month and ran be leased for one or three Tears at $300 00
per year Price, ?1,800.00. This is better than fifteen per cent on the
investment. Quick or you lose it.
No. 2. Two-tenement house, barn and three-fourths of an acre of
land on Prospect Street. A bargain at $2,400.00.
No. 3. Cottage of nine rooms and barn of four stalls. New house.
Everything in first-class repair. Located on South Main Street. Just
the place for anyone that keeps a horse. Price, $2,500.00.
No. 4. Two- tenement house and large lot, located on Maple Arenue,
only a short distance from North Main Street. Trice, ?2,750.OO.
No. 5. Cottage at South Barre, with barn. House has eight rooms,
all in good repair. Barn has two stalls, with plenty of carriage room.
Largo lot, about three-fourths of an acre. Abundance of fruit and shrub
bery. Price, $1,400.00. Small payment down.
No. 6. Four miles from Northfiold village, farm of 150 acres. Will
keep twenty cows and team. Good buildings. New house. Will sell
stock and tools with farm. Stock consists of sixteen head of cattle and
one horse. Price for all, $3,000.00. Will exchange for city property.
No." 7. An extra good farm in Middlesex, with extra good building.
Farm will keep twenty cows and team. Price, $5,500.00.
No. 8. We have on our list some of the best farms in the Town of
Barre. from one and one-fourth to three miles out. Prices, from $2,500.00
to $6,500.00. "
W also have some very nice cottages for sale not advertised in this
list. We also have some business propositions to offer you, located right
on Main Street.
If there is any particular business you want, come in and see if we
haven't got it on our book. Remember the place.
f. B. CATL (Tel. 135-2) H. J. SLAYTON.
Items of Interest Gleaned from Our
Chanilieikiin Post, No. 1, G. A. R.,
of St, Juhnsbury, has engaged the Rev.
J. A. P.illinger, "of White lliver, as the
Memorial day orator.
The First Batist church of St. Jolim
bury has extended a call to Albert II.
tJage, a member of the senior class of
Colgate University, Hamilton, X, V., to
become its patitor, Mr. (jage desires a
week in v.hich to consider the oiler.
A bronze tablet in memory of the late
Henry D. Hall has been placed on the
walls of the Congregational church at
North Bennington. The tablet was the
gift of Mrs. J. G. McCullough and was
placed opposite the one in memory of
Mrs. Hall.
City Clerk McMahon of Burlington
in counting up yesterday morning found
that he had licensed 897 dogs this year.
This is less than last year when 917
were licensed. A dog killer will be ap
pointed in a few days to go after the
unlucky dogs not licensed, and their
unluekier owners.
To FUht Asrnlnst Disease Vr.less The?
strike at the Iriderlrtna; Cause.
To treat Dandruff, and Falling Hair.i
With irritants or oils on which a para- i
Sltlc ge rm will prosper. Is like scooping
water from the ocean to prevent the tide i
from rising.
Tou cannot accomplish a satisfactory S
cure without having a right understand- '
Ing of the fundamental causes of the '
Tou must kill the Dandruff Germ.
Newbro's Herplclde does this because It
is specially made to do that very thing.
When the germ is removed, the hair
has no choice but to resume healthy
growth and beauty.
"Destroy the cause, you remove the
Sold by leading drugclsts. Send tOc. in
stamps for sample to The Herplclde Co
Detroit. Mich.
Rickert & Wells, Special Agents.
The Memorial day address at Bethel
will be given by the Rev. W. H. Rider,
of Gloucester, Mass., before the Daniel
Lillie Post, No. 61, G. A. R., at the town
hall. On May 28, which is Memorial
Sunday, services will be held at the Uni
versalist church with sermon by the
Rev. G. V, Fortier.
Employes of the St. Johnsbury Aque
duct company thawed out by electricity
Friday a water pipe on Main street,
while in an adjoining yard the plum
trees were in blossom. At the same
time they found the frost within two
feet of the surface. Such a condition
is unprecedented the middle of May.
The Rev. Peter Merrill, of Eiiosbiug
Falls, who has been an invalid for a
number of years, is in a critical con
dition. Mr. Merrill in his day was a
leading clergyman of the Methodist
church. Jle is the father of the Hon.
Olin Merrill, collector of customs for
the district of Vermont at the port of
J- I '
17' M
I should be pleased to do business vvitn you.
C. L. , BUGBEE, - - - - Contractor and Builder.
A Standing Offet I
Made by Wood, Harmon & Co.,
Acknowleged to be the largest real estate developers in the world.
A FREE TRIP TO NEW YORK CITY, to satisfy every pro
spective purchaser that our Real Estate offer is just as repre:
- ented. Can we be more fair ? This gives every purchaser a
chance to examine his own property. We are now booking par
ties for April 28th, 1905. Will you join us? Full particulars,
with map, etc., can be obtained of our local representatives.
COFFIN & LARKIN, Local Agents,
Rooms 3 and 4, Currier Block, - - - Barre, Vermont.
Will You Do Your Cooking on a Gas
Range This Summer?
To all people who will put in a Gas Cooking Kange during the
month of May, 1905, the Gas Company w ill furnish them with gas
O 30 33H.I jfiajt"8 asn eji joj I1ARGE for one month after the Kange
is installed. This w ill give the people an opportunity to become ac
customed to the use of the Range at the expense of the Company,
while the Company will be able to keep their men emyployed during
this month to the advantage of all, as after June 1st the Company
will be especially busy in extending their street mains and making
other permanent improvements. Liberal terms will be made to all pur
chasers of Ranges when necessary. Call at the office, No. 213 North
Main Street, opposite Depot Square, where you will always find a full
supply of Ranges and Gas Fixtures, or drop a postal to the Company
and a representative will call on you.
People's Lighting, Heating and Power Co.,
JOHN J. f LYNN, President.
Bellows Falls is to lose another of its
industries. The bobbin factory of JMclen
Spears company is soon to remove to
Kezar, Me., where it will unite with a
similar factory of the same company.
It has been in operation over a year
and a half, and has employed from 30
to 50 hands, none of whom except the
foreman, will go to Maine.
John O. Rogers died at the state Odd
Fellows' home Monday. Death was the
result of pneumonia. Mr. Rogers was
born at Bellows Falls December 4, 1825.
In emiv lite he was an engineer on the
Vermont Valley railroad, and Inter was
employed in the Etey organ shops. Jle
went to tlie home from Israttli-boro soon
after it was opened, about nine years
ago. His wife is now living in J.rattle-boro.
The papers in the town clerk's office in
Duminerston show that F. F. Crosby
has stocked his pond with 3,000 fry,
Lewis II. Lvnde a brook with 2,000 frv.
and Holden & Martin a brook with 1,000
Ira II. Lafleur of Middlebury recently
started out for a drive, but before he
got out of the village he collided with
another team and took off some of the
paint from his new wagon. When he
got to the three mile bridge he found
that the top of his carriage was on fire,
lie promptly removed his horse and was
about to let the vehicle back into the
creek as Mr. Eddy came along and as
sisted him m putting the blaze out.
1 tie top was ruined and the box badly
damaged, but he continued on his jour
ney and when near Salisbury he came
in contact with an automobile, which
caused him some more trouble. On his
return he met another automobile and
this time he took to the woods. Mr.
La.'leur says be thinks the top caught
fire from a cigar, which be was smok
Terrific Race With Death.
"Death was fa6t approaching," writes
Ralph F. Fernandez of Tampa, Fla.,
describing bis fearful race with death,
"as a result of liver trouble and heart
disease, which had robbed me of sleep
and of all interest in life. I had tried
many different doctor and several med
icines, but got no benefit until I began
to use Electric Bitters. So wonderful
was their effect that in three days I
felt like a new man, and today I am
cured of all my troubles." Guaranteed
at the Red Cross l'harmacy. Price 50c.
The barn belongng to Henry Fradette,
situated in the southern part of FitU-
ford, was burned to the ground Monday.
The barn, which was practically a new
one, was partially covered by insurance.
About three tons of hay and some tools
were destroyed. The origin of the fire
is unknown. As there were no hydrants
in the vicinity a bucket brigade was
formed which, with difficulty, saved the
nearby bladings. .
The latest addition to the Woman's
Relief Corps of Swanton is Mrs. Anna
Ranslow Allen, mother of the Rev. E.
J. Ranslow. Mrs. Allen is S6 years old
and has ben blind for a number of
years, but still thinks there is work
for her to do and is never happier than
when doing some work for the benefit
of others, he has been very much in
terested in the Relief Corps work and
a short time ago expressed her wish to
lie made a member of the organiza
tion, and at the last meeting was elect
ed a member.
No property owners in Guilford have
complied with the State law giving them
the right to post their trout brooks al
ter stocking them. In Brattkboro Lewis
.J. Johnson has stocked and posted one
brook one-fourth to one-half mile in
length with 1,000 trout, William D.
Newton has placed 1,000 trout in a
stream three-fourths of a mile in length,
and L. H. and A. F. Richardson have
received 2,000 trout for their Btream.
STATE OF VERMONT. 1 In Probate Court.
District of Washington, ss. ( held at Mnntpelier,
in anil for said District, on the lotb buy of
May, A. D. isub.
A copy of the iat Will and Testament of Fred
Smith, late of ritoupbton, in the County of
Norfolk and Commonwealth of Masa hiii-i-tts,
decfaeii, duly proved and allowed In the Pro
hate Court ' or the tounty of Norfolk afore
said, and of the probate thereof duly authenti
cated, being presented to this Court, that tne
stune instrument mav he allowed In this State
as the Last W ill and Testament nf said de
ceased, and that said copy may be tiled and re
corded In the Probate Court for the District of
Washington aforesaid, agreeably to the statute
in such case made and provided, it n hereby
ordered that all persons concerned lie notified
to appear Ixdore this Court at a session there
of to be held at the Probate Oflioe, iu said
Moutuener. on tne nun uay or May. A. i.
lwii, and contest the allowance of the
said Instrument, and the Ming and re
cordiug of the copy of the said W ill and the
Jirobate thereof, as aforesaid. If they see cause;
or which purpose it is further ordered that
notice of this order be published three weeks
successively In the Barre Daily Times, a news
paper printed at the City of Barre, in this State
previous to said time ai pointed for hearing.
By the Court nest,
Thnr. May 11, IS, 25.
J side
A complete assortment,
including the famous
Wm. Bartket & Son's Snelled Hooks
8 North Main St., - Barre, Vermont.
Some agents say " The Best Companies,"
others " The Strongest," and still others
"The Largest Companies.", I simply say
JOHN W. DILL ON, ''Agent,
Representing $465,490,! 17.39 assets as per annua)
statement of companies represented in this agency on
January I, 1903. That tells the whole story. Call .
and investigate. No risk too large, none too small.
riihlish Want, lUwt and
Found, Sale, To Lot,
Tunc will
et. hort advertise-
mmits at the rate of li.ur linen lor twmuy-nve
cents ror Uie first nitertion ud five enU for
each aabseijiient insertion.
FOR SALE CotWKO of eiirbt rooms, barn of"!
three stalls ami a lanre lot ol lanu on vt asnirft-
ton Street, at f helps' mill. Tne multlinprs are
new. Apply on premises or stluresB B. . noinn-
11, Box isi. (wtui
FOK SALE Boarding- house, all furnished,
at VI Cottate street. Doinir kooi business.
Uwner wants to sell on account ef sickness.
Apply on premise. Mtb
FOlt SALE ore tire-yenr-oid tew loilch
cow. Apply to Parker & Tasie's meat market.
FOR 8 U E A nood. neavy express wapon.
Inquire at Mrs. I.. Mazzom'8 buttlitg works,
Hianite S'ree.t, Citv.. &U26
blooiled leiter pups, welt marked, strong and
healthy, three month old. For further par
ticulars address 2 Summer Street, Montpelir.
Vt. 60:6
FOR SALE Nice second hand lady's bieye'e.
Enquire at Standard Electric Company. 4ftf
The undersigned, haviner been appointed by
the Hon. i"robate Court for the liistrict of
Washington, commissioners, to receive, ex
amine and adjust all claims and demands of all
persons against the estate of Frank H.Hopkins,
late of the Town of Harre, in said District,
deceased, and all claims exhibited In ofTset
thereto, hereby pive notice that we will meet
tor tne purposes aioresaid at tne dwelling honse
of C. M. Winch, in the Town of Barre, in said
District, on the 2"th day of May and 19th dav of
September next, from 2 o'clock F. M. until 4
o clock f. M., each of said tiavs, and that six
months from the 2IM day of March, A. D. liiOS,
is tne time limited ty said court tor said credi
tors to present their claims to us for examina
tion and allowance.
Dated at Harre this 3d day of May, A. V, 10O5
FOR BALK OK KENT One ff nr-tecemeDt
house ot Bve rooms each on Hairinpton ave
nue. Kent, S ar d $9 per month. Enquire at
Emslie's swre or telephone llfe-3, (irauitevlile.
. S4tf
TO KENT Two up staira tenements on
Branth rtree. Modern improvements F.ii
quire or W. H. 1'itkm, lllanthard Uuildlnp.
TO RENT Two lape front office room,
size 17 by 20. Also three back rooms, all in
Zanleoni block. Apply to C. Zanleoni. Witt
Three Tenements on Patterson Strew.
One Tenement on Hrancn Btreet.
One Tenement on Granite Street.
ODe Tenement on Hill Street.
117tfM Apply at 1'helps Brothers'.
TO II EN T Two front offices in the Eastman
block. A pply to Eastman Bros. 24itf
TO KENT Furnished room with all modem
improvements. Apply at 31 Franklin St. Half
WANTED A young nian to woik in the
store at once. A little experience preferred.
Kend references. E. N. Aldrich, (iraniteviile,
Vt. Mtf
WANTED Experienced table girl at Uran
ite City Restaurant Uixl
FOR SALE Two sat es, store fixtures, com
peting scales, oil tanks, etc Albert A. Sar
gent Averill Mock. . 25U
FoR SALE Four second-hand delivery
wagons and three harness. F. D. Ladd. 27tf
FOR SALE Owing to poor health 1 shall sell
my two houses, situated on Rlackwell street.
ne two-tnement house containing nine rooms,
and one self-contained cottajre or seven rooms
For further information apply to Alex. Mor
ton. 58 Blackwell street. 46126
FOR SALE Nice, loose hay. both coarse and
fine. Orders may be left at Sowden & Lyon's
store or witn me at 21 Jrugnianu Avenue. j
Carleton. 197tf
May 4. 11. 18.
I i wrH'il v
JOHS TRO W' I Ctiminif,s'orer8-
Freedom Notice.
This is to eive notice that I give rov son. C.
A. Creed, Jr., the remainder of his minority
and that I shall claim none of his time or earn
ings after this date. C. A. CREED.
Barre, Vt., May 17, 1905.
Farm! Farm! Farm!
Must It So!d Within 60 Days.
Oue of the best farms in the state, situated in
Wllliamstown, Vt., one mile from Graniteville,
best market center in the county. This farm
contains 176 acres, one and one-balf story house
painted white, ten rooms, bay nd weighted
windows with blinds. Cemented cellar, large
cistern, well and tanning water. Large barn
and basement, and other small buildings. Su
gar house, iron arch and evaporator, tin tubs.
One-hundred fruit trees, plenty of wood and
timber. Buildings and fences in the best of re
pair. Fifty cords of slab wood. Market teams
pass bouse dally. Please call and see this desir
able property before you lose the chance of
buying. Sold on easy terms. For further par
ticulars inquire of A. E. Batchelder at the farm.
Those of you -who are particular about
the quality of your cigars try our
which we guarantee to be the best 10c
cigar made. Our
is a Sc cigar that can't be beat. Call
in and try them. They are sure to please
you. We also carry a full line of pipes,
tobacco and smokers' supplies.
92 North Main St., - - - Barre, Yt.
- " "H
i 'i, urn ' iiim it i i
i-y .' f-Vj"
- " """"
Mir iv mm i
- 1. 1.1 ,11
ft It Ai--" . eX'H !
ii.'u-vl t?f"!r4
U -rjji
i.oo and your old range down and $1.00
a week buys a QUAKER HOME RANGE
8 1 North Main St., - - - - Barre, Vermont.
FOR SALE Farm in Waterburr. 158 acres
and all the personal property. On electric car
line. Also another farm in Wllliamstown,
within one mile of araniteville. containing 161
acres, xnese I arms win ne sola on easy terms
Inquire of A. E. Batchelder for further par
titulars. . 216tf
Milk Our wagon delivers twice a day. .
Hay Delivered promptly in bulk
i'asture 95 or 100 acres (old Mann farm), well
waterea, divided. Mostly all new fence. A p.
ply George lassie, Eaststreet. 4tf
1 am still here wit h Hulled Corn and Hominy.
Also Butter and Eirgs. "lemis cash. . B.
Fiheld, 1M) Hill street. 155tf
TO KENT 'mall tenement of four rooms.
All modern improvements. Inquire of Thos
hesson, Nr., James &t. 0.r;.f
WANTEU-Atonce, three itianite salesmen,
one for the West, one for the Central Ufaies
and one for the East. Apply at once to Baire
liranlte Purchasing Agency, Averill block.
uarre, t.
WANTED A derrick man.
Cork-e Son.
Apply to J. r.
WANTED A farm hand at once. Anulv ti
John Stewart, Beckley will. , 4713
WANTED Women -for hotiseketper in a
good family. Apply to "W," Times office. 46lU
WAMED-A few first-class waitresses at
the Hagamore, Long Lake, I. V. Address L.
H. Newton, 439 College Btreet, Burlington,
Vt. 4616
WANTED Boy, about 18 years old, to take
orders and deliver. Apply at Chcsser fc
Bird's. 43il
WANTED Housekeeper at fB South Main
street. Call between 4 and e p. m. 4HtS
WANTED A good kitchen girl at the North
em hotel. 16tf
POSITION WANTED Competent house
keeper wants work. Apply at lu Webster Ave
nue. 6313
WANTED Double or single washings at 60
Elm Street, np stairs. (Utd
WANTED Woman wants work by the day.
Apply to li Foster street. bitt
WANTED Position by young lady to work
by the day or hour, or would take steady plact
Apply at 282 North Main street. 4Mt3
WANTED Hardens to plough. Work guar
anteed. Telephone 315-M1 or call at 2(1 l'erry
street, Barre City. . ifciti
WANTED To hire a small cottage at North
Barre. Address A. Broggi, at D.Tomasi block,
Barre, Vt. " . vti
TO BENT A down-stairs tenement at cor
ner of South Mam and Elmore Streets. Va
cant June 1st. luduire of Fred Waters, 86 Fer
ry Street. 52tf
LOST Oold filled watch, open face and stem
wind. Lost between Hooker's and Scaropini's.
Return to t. M. Douglas, Hooker's store. 47tf
TO KENT -Very pleasant furnished front
ro-ini. (l per week. Apply at fsd I'rospcct.
Street. ootfl
TO RENT Fonr rooms, snltabie fnr lifrht
honse-keeping, in our block. Eastman Bros. 61 tf
TO KENT A good tenement for a small
family. Apply to Wm. B. Fradd, 4 Long
street. 49t3
TO KENT A six-room tenement. Hard
wood finish, modern improvements, '-'2 Webster
Street, off Washington. Inquire of Mrs. Chee
ver on premises. 45U
TO BENT A six-room tenement With mod
ern conveniences. City water, bath and good
cellar. $13 per month. Inquire F. I). Beck
ley. 6 Park Street. ' - 46t6
TO RENT A good downstairs tenement.
Inquire of W. G. I'ai ker. 44tf
LOST Fair gold-rimmed spectacles. Finder
please return to g Thurston I'tnee and I re
warded. . 4t)W
LOS r ear-old gray heifer. Sunday even
ing. Finder return or r.otify Fan! Kingston,
near Jones Brothers' sheds, North Barre. 4lt,f
KOI ND An overcoat. Owner can have same
hy calling at 53 Brooklyn street, proving pron
erty and paying for this advertisement. 2atf
I OB SALE I'ure White I'lymouth Rock
eggs. Prize Idrris. Per setting, one dollar. L.
V. Gale, Wllliamstown, Vt. sotf
TO REVf Good tenements.
Apply to A.
TO RENT Five-room tenement. Annl to
Alex Bruce. , - 42tf
TO RENT Two cottanos of six rooms each.
besides bath and pantry. Also two tenements
of five rooms and bath. All within one min
ute's walk of stone sheds on Batchelder's
Meadow. Apply to John Nicholson. 17 Wel
lington Street, City. 2tf
FASTfRAOE For five or six colls nr hnrsm.
One half pasture mowing. W. V, Quinlen. 41tf
TO RENT Tenement for 1 on ti-month
Dr. C. Jl. Kent, Miles' block. sctf
'J'O RENT Kmall teneiviAnfc ITnrtiif.a -.f T
C. Batchelder, 6 K inney street. 33ti
of B. F. WUley, 222 South Main street, Barre,
TO RENT Tenement bouse of five r.Toms
at 15 Cottage street. Keys at 17. Geo. B.
juuue. Will
TO RENT A Hood, clean storeroom on Main
street. Inquire of W. J. McLean, 200 North
afttuu street. 2Otr
Flllt HAr.R S-rill lil.wvrl s - w i i,....
r hers strain, best for laying and fancy stock.
eep Red. 75c per setting. H. L. Averill a
CO. o-i.
FOrl SALE My thoroughbred White Wyan
dottes are prolific winter layers and fine table
fowls just the kind you want. $1.00 per sett
ing. Drop me a postal. I will deliver Uiem to
any part olthsclty. John W. Roberts, South
Barre. 6t..8
FOR SALE Settings of White Wyandotte
eggs from hens that averaged 166 eggs spieco
forthe last year. $1.00 for fifteen. James E.
Mitchell, 4 Cleveland Avenue, Hooker Flat.
Barre. , M6
Pekln Pucks, 75 cents per setting.
White Wyandottes, 60 cents per setting.
Barred Plymouth Rocks, 60 cents per setting.
A. W. ALLEN, Buunyside Farm.
Telephone 114-3, or farmhouse 314-3. S88tf
TJnder Parlor Drug Store. Remember the
Union Lunch Room and Restaurant has a good
many first-class boarders. Both ladles and
gentlemen are respected and given the best or
food, home-made by a flrst-class cook. Oysters
and Meats Berved daily from 6 a. in. to 12 p. iu
and on Sundays from 7.30 a. ra. to 6.30 a. in!,
from 12 a. m. to 1.30 p. in. and from 5.30 p. iu!
to 9 p. m. . r